]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGJE/EMCALJetTasks/Tracks/AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger.cxx
Refactoring of the EMCAL jet package:
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / EMCALJetTasks / Tracks / AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger.cxx
46f589c2 1/**************************************************************************
08f5b3a3 2 * Copyright(c) 1998-2014, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
46f589c2 3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17 * Analysis task of the pt analysis on EMCal-triggered events
18 *
19 * Author: Markus Fasel
20 */
22#include <map>
23#include <cstring>
24#include <iostream>
25#include <memory>
26#include <vector>
27#include <string>
28#include <sstream>
bf1cb6ad 30#include <TClonesArray.h>
46f589c2 31#include <TDirectory.h>
32#include <TH1.h>
33#include <THashList.h>
eed93770 34#include <TList.h>
46f589c2 35#include <TKey.h>
36#include <TMath.h>
37#include <TObjArray.h>
555bdd7f 38#include <TObjString.h>
46f589c2 39#include <TString.h>
555bdd7f 40#include <TVector2.h>
46f589c2 41
cdc26d91 42#include "AliAODEvent.h"
46f589c2 43#include "AliESDEvent.h"
cdc26d91 44#include "AliInputEventHandler.h"
45#include "AliMCEvent.h"
46#include "AliParticleContainer.h"
47#include "AliVCluster.h"
48#include "AliVParticle.h"
49#include "AliVTrack.h"
50#include "AliVVertex.h"
46f589c2 51
555bdd7f 52#include "AliClusterContainer.h"
53#include "AliEmcalJet.h"
3fdf176c 54#include "AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo.h"
08f5b3a3 55#include "AliEmcalPhysicsSelection.h"
56#include "AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger.h"
46f589c2 57#include "AliEMCalHistoContainer.h"
cdc26d91 58#include "AliEMCalPtTaskVTrackSelection.h"
59#include "AliEMCalPtTaskTrackSelectionESD.h"
08f5b3a3 60#include "AliEMCalPtTaskTrackSelectionAOD.h"
555bdd7f 61#include "AliJetContainer.h"
62#include "AliParticleContainer.h"
7d1a1e9a 63#include "AliPicoTrack.h"
46f589c2 64
67namespace EMCalTriggerPtAnalysis {
555bdd7f 69 /*
70 * constants
71 */
72 const Int_t AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::kNJetRadii = 4;
73 const Double_t jetRadVals[AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::kNJetRadii] = {0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5};
74 const Double_t *AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::kJetRadii = jetRadVals;
9f248f6f 76 //______________________________________________________________________________
77 AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger():
555bdd7f 78 AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet(),
9f248f6f 79 fHistos(NULL),
80 fListTrackCuts(NULL),
81 fEtaRange(),
82 fPtRange(),
306d380b 83 fEnergyRange(),
84 fVertexRange(),
555bdd7f 85 fJetContainersMC(),
86 fJetContainersData(),
1e2fa4e9 87 fSelectAllTracks(kFALSE),
9f248f6f 88 fSwapEta(kFALSE),
89 fUseTriggersFromTriggerMaker(kFALSE)
90 {
91 /*
92 * Dummy constructor, initialising the values with default (NULL) values
93 */
94 }
96 //______________________________________________________________________________
97 AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger(const char *name):
555bdd7f 98 AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJet(name, kTRUE),
9f248f6f 99 fHistos(NULL),
100 fListTrackCuts(NULL),
101 fEtaRange(),
102 fPtRange(),
306d380b 103 fEnergyRange(),
104 fVertexRange(),
555bdd7f 105 fJetContainersMC(),
106 fJetContainersData(),
1e2fa4e9 107 fSelectAllTracks(kFALSE),
9f248f6f 108 fSwapEta(kFALSE),
109 fUseTriggersFromTriggerMaker(kFALSE)
110 {
111 /*
112 * Main constructor, setting default values for eta and zvertex cut
113 */
115 fListTrackCuts = new TList;
116 fListTrackCuts->SetOwner(false);
118 // Set default cuts
119 fEtaRange.SetLimits(-0.8, 0.8);
120 fPtRange.SetLimits(0.15, 100.);
caff8cd1 121 fEnergyRange.SetLimits(0., 1000.);
2ae55f0a 122 fVertexRange.SetLimits(-10., 10.);
9f248f6f 123 SetMakeGeneralHistograms(kTRUE);
124 }
126 //______________________________________________________________________________
127 AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::~AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger(){
128 /*
129 * Destructor, deleting output
130 */
131 //if(fTrackSelection) delete fTrackSelection;
132 if(fHistos) delete fHistos;
133 if(fListTrackCuts) delete fListTrackCuts;
134 }
136 //______________________________________________________________________________
137 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::UserCreateOutputObjects(){
138 /*
139 * Create the list of output objects and define the histograms.
140 * Also adding the track cuts to the list of histograms.
141 */
142 AliAnalysisTaskEmcal::UserCreateOutputObjects();
e99ef86a 143 SetCaloTriggerPatchInfoName("EmcalTriggers");
9f248f6f 144 fHistos = new AliEMCalHistoContainer("PtEMCalTriggerHistograms");
145 fHistos->ReleaseOwner();
e99ef86a 147 if(fJetContainersMC.GetEntries()){
148 AliDebug(1,"Jet containers for MC truth:");
149 TObjString *contname(NULL);
150 TIter contMCIter(&fJetContainersMC);
151 while((contname = dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(contMCIter.Next())))
152 AliDebug(1, Form("Next container: %s", contname->String().Data()));
153 }
154 if(fJetContainersData.GetEntries()){
155 AliDebug(1, "Jet containers for Data:");
156 TObjString *contname(NULL);
157 TIter contDataIter(&fJetContainersData);
158 while((contname = dynamic_cast<TObjString *>(contDataIter.Next())))
159 AliDebug(1, Form("Next container: %s", contname->String().Data()));
160 }
161 if(fJetCollArray.GetEntries()){
162 AliDebug(1, "Jet containers attached to this task:");
163 AliJetContainer *cont(NULL);
164 TIter contIter(&fJetCollArray);
165 while((cont = dynamic_cast<AliJetContainer *>(contIter.Next())))
166 AliDebug(1, Form("Container: %s", cont->GetName()));
167 }
9f248f6f 169 std::map<std::string, std::string> triggerCombinations;
170 const char *triggernames[12] = {"MinBias", "EMCJHigh", "EMCJLow", "EMCGHigh", "EMCGLow", "NoEMCal", "EMCHighBoth", "EMCHighGammaOnly", "EMCHighJetOnly", "EMCLowBoth", "EMCLowGammaOnly", "EMCLowJetOnly"},
171 *bitnames[4] = {"CINT7", "EMC7", "kEMCEGA", "kEMCEJE"};
172 // Define axes for the trigger correlation histogram
173 const TAxis *triggeraxis[5]; memset(triggeraxis, 0, sizeof(const TAxis *) * 5);
174 const TAxis *bitaxes[4]; memset(bitaxes, 0, sizeof(TAxis *) * 4);
175 const char *binlabels[2] = {"OFF", "ON"};
176 TAxis mytrgaxis[5], mybitaxis[4];
177 for(int itrg = 0; itrg < 5; ++itrg){
178 DefineAxis(mytrgaxis[itrg], triggernames[itrg], triggernames[itrg], 2, -0.5, 1.5, binlabels);
179 triggeraxis[itrg] = mytrgaxis+itrg;
180 if(itrg < 4){
181 DefineAxis(mybitaxis[itrg], bitnames[itrg], bitnames[itrg], 2, -0.5, 1.5, binlabels);
182 bitaxes[itrg] = mybitaxis+itrg;
183 }
184 }
185 // Define names and titles for different triggers in the histogram container
186 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[0], "min. bias events"));
187 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[1], "jet-triggered events (high threshold)"));
188 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[2], "jet-triggered events (low threshold)"));
189 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[3], "gamma-triggered events (high threshold)"));
190 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[4], "gamma-triggered events (low threshold)"));
191 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[5], "non-EMCal-triggered events"));
192 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[6], "jet and gamma triggered events (high threshold)"));
193 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[7], "exclusively gamma-triggered events (high threshold)"));
194 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[8], "exclusively jet-triggered events (high threshold)"));
195 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[9], "jet and gamma triggered events (low threshold)"));
196 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[10], "exclusively gamma-triggered events (low threshold)"));
197 triggerCombinations.insert(std::pair<std::string,std::string>(triggernames[11], "exclusively-triggered events (low threshold)"));
198 // Define axes for the pt histogram
199 // Dimensions:
200 // 1. pt
201 // 2. eta
202 // 3. phi
203 // 4. vertex
204 // 5. pileup (0 = all events, 1 = after pileup rejection)
205 // 6. track cuts (0 = no cuts; 1 = after std cuts)
206 TArrayD ptbinning, zvertexBinning, etabinning, pileupaxis(3);
207 pileupaxis[0] = -0.5; pileupaxis[1] = 0.5; pileupaxis[2] = 1.5;
208 CreateDefaultPtBinning(ptbinning);
209 CreateDefaultZVertexBinning(zvertexBinning);
210 CreateDefaultEtaBinning(etabinning);
211 TAxis htrackaxes[7];
212 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[0], "pt", "p_{t} (GeV/c)", ptbinning);
213 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[1], "eta", "#eta", etabinning);
214 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[2], "phi", "#phi", 20, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi());
215 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[3], "zvertex", "z_{V} (cm)", zvertexBinning);
216 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[4], "pileup", "Pileup rejection", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
217 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[5], "trackcuts", "Track Cuts", (fListTrackCuts ? fListTrackCuts->GetEntries() : 0) + 1, -0.5, (fListTrackCuts ? fListTrackCuts->GetEntries() : 0) + 0.5);
218 DefineAxis(htrackaxes[6], "mbtrigger", "Has MB trigger", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
219 const TAxis *trackaxes[7];
220 for(int iaxis = 0; iaxis < 7; ++iaxis) trackaxes[iaxis] = htrackaxes + iaxis;
221 TAxis hclusteraxes[4];
222 DefineAxis(hclusteraxes[0], "energy", "E (GeV)", ptbinning);
223 DefineAxis(hclusteraxes[1], "zvertex", "z_{V} (cm)", zvertexBinning);
224 DefineAxis(hclusteraxes[2], "pileup", "Pileup rejection", 2,1 -0.5, 1.5);
225 DefineAxis(hclusteraxes[3], "mbtrigger", "Has MB trigger", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
226 const TAxis *clusteraxes[4];
227 for(int iaxis = 0; iaxis < 4; ++iaxis) clusteraxes[iaxis] = hclusteraxes + iaxis;
64321abd 228 TAxis hpatchenergyaxes[5];
99dfdc8c 229 DefineAxis(hpatchenergyaxes[0], "energy", "Patch energy (GeV)", 100, 0., 100);
9f248f6f 230 DefineAxis(hpatchenergyaxes[1], "eta", "#eta", etabinning);
231 DefineAxis(hpatchenergyaxes[2], "phi", "#phi", 20, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi());
232 DefineAxis(hpatchenergyaxes[3], "isMain", "Main trigger", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
64321abd 233 DefineAxis(hpatchenergyaxes[4], "emcalgood", "EMCAL good event", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
234 const TAxis *patchenergyaxes[5];
235 for(int iaxis = 0; iaxis < 5; ++iaxis) patchenergyaxes[iaxis] = hpatchenergyaxes + iaxis;
236 TAxis hpatchampaxes[5];
fe20314d 237 DefineAxis(hpatchampaxes[0], "amplitude", "Patch energy (GeV)", 10000, 0., 10000.);
8ce5fc44 238 DefineAxis(hpatchampaxes[1], "eta", "#eta", etabinning);
239 DefineAxis(hpatchampaxes[2], "phi", "#phi", 20, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi());
240 DefineAxis(hpatchampaxes[3], "isMain", "Main trigger", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
64321abd 241 DefineAxis(hpatchampaxes[4], "emcalgood", "EMCAL good event", 2, -0.5, 1.5);
242 const TAxis *patchampaxes[5];
243 for(int iaxis = 0; iaxis < 5; ++iaxis) patchampaxes[iaxis] = hpatchampaxes + iaxis;
9f248f6f 244 try{
245 std::string patchnames[] = {"Level0", "JetHigh", "JetLow", "GammaHigh", "GammaLow"};
246 for(std::string * triggerpatch = patchnames; triggerpatch < patchnames + sizeof(patchnames)/sizeof(std::string); ++triggerpatch){
64321abd 247 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("Energy%s", triggerpatch->c_str()), Form("Patch energy for %s trigger patches", triggerpatch->c_str()), 5, patchenergyaxes, "s");
248 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("EnergyRough%s", triggerpatch->c_str()), Form("Rough patch energy for %s trigger patches", triggerpatch->c_str()), 5, patchenergyaxes, "s");
249 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("Amplitude%s", triggerpatch->c_str()), Form("Patch amplitude for %s trigger patches", triggerpatch->c_str()), 5, patchampaxes, "s");
9f248f6f 250 }
252 // Create histogram for MC-truth
fc0447f1 253 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hMCtrueParticles", "Particle-based histogram for MC-true particles", 5, trackaxes, "s");
555bdd7f 254 if(fJetCollArray.GetEntries()){
255 for(int irad = 0; irad < kNJetRadii; irad++){
7d1a1e9a 256 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCtrueParticlesRad%02d", int(kJetRadii[irad]*10)),
555bdd7f 257 Form("Particle-based histogram for MC-true particles in Jets with radius %.1f", kJetRadii[irad]*10), 5, trackaxes, "s");
258 }
259 // histogram for isolated particles
260 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hMCtrueParticlesIsolated", "Particle-based histogram for isolated MC-true particles", 5, trackaxes, "s");
261 }
9f248f6f 262 for(std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator it = triggerCombinations.begin(); it != triggerCombinations.end(); ++it){
263 const std::string name = it->first, &title = it->second;
264 // Create event-based histogram
265 fHistos->CreateTH2(Form("hEventHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Event-based data for %s events; pileup rejection; z_{V} (cm)", title.c_str()), pileupaxis, zvertexBinning);
266 // Create track-based histogram
fc0447f1 267 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
555bdd7f 268 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackInAcceptanceHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events for tracks matched to EMCal clusters", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
fc0447f1 269 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCTrackHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events with MC kinematics", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
555bdd7f 270 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCTrackInAcceptanceHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events with MC kinematics for tracks matched to EMCal clusters", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
9f248f6f 271 // Create cluster-based histogram (Uncalibrated and calibrated clusters)
fc0447f1 272 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hClusterCalibHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Calib. cluster-based histogram for %s events", title.c_str()), 4, clusteraxes, "s");
273 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hClusterUncalibHist%s", name.c_str()), Form("Uncalib. cluster-based histogram for %s events", title.c_str()), 4, clusteraxes, "s");
555bdd7f 274 if(fJetCollArray.GetEntries()){
275 // Create histograms for particles in different jetfinder radii, only track-based
276 for(int irad = 0; irad < kNJetRadii; irad++){
277 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackHist%sRad%02d", name.c_str(), int(kJetRadii[irad]*10)),
278 Form("Track-based data for %s events for tracks in jets with Radius %.1f", title.c_str(), kJetRadii[irad]), 7, trackaxes, "s");
279 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackInAcceptanceHist%sRad%02d", name.c_str(), int(kJetRadii[irad]*10)),
280 Form("Track-based data for %s events for tracks matched to EMCal clusters in jets with Radius %.1f", title.c_str(), kJetRadii[irad]),
281 7, trackaxes, "s");
282 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCTrackHist%sRad%02d", name.c_str(), int(kJetRadii[irad]*10)),
283 Form("Track-based data for %s events with MC kinematics for tracks in jets with Radius %.1f", title.c_str(), kJetRadii[irad]),
284 7, trackaxes, "s");
285 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCTrackInAcceptanceHist%sRad%02d", name.c_str(), int(kJetRadii[irad]*10)),
286 Form("Track-based data for %s events with MC kinematics for tracks matched to EMCal clusters in jets with Radius %.1f", title.c_str(), kJetRadii[irad]),
287 7, trackaxes, "s");
288 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hClusterCalibHist%sRad%02d", name.c_str(), int(kJetRadii[irad]*10)),
289 Form("Calib. cluster-based histogram for %s events for clusters in Jets with radius %.1f", title.c_str(), kJetRadii[irad]), 4, clusteraxes, "s");
290 }
291 }
292 // Create also histograms for isolated particles
293 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackHist%sIsolated", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events for isolated tracks", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
294 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hTrackInAcceptanceHist%sIsolated", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events for isolated tracks matched to EMCal clusters", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
295 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCTrackHist%sIsolated", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events with MC kinematics for isolated tracks", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
296 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse(Form("hMCTrackInAcceptanceHist%sIsolated", name.c_str()), Form("Track-based data for %s events with MC kinematics for isolated tracks matched to EMCal clusters", title.c_str()), 7, trackaxes, "s");
9f248f6f 297 }
298 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hEventTriggers", "Trigger type per event", 5, triggeraxis);
299 fHistos->CreateTHnSparse("hEventsTriggerbit", "Trigger bits for the different events", 4, bitaxes);
300 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
301 std::stringstream errormessage;
302 errormessage << "Creation of histogram failed: " << e.what();
303 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
304 }
305 fOutput->Add(fHistos->GetListOfHistograms());
306 if(fListTrackCuts && fListTrackCuts->GetEntries()){
307 TIter cutIter(fListTrackCuts);
308 AliEMCalPtTaskVTrackSelection *cutObject(NULL);
309 while((cutObject = dynamic_cast<AliEMCalPtTaskVTrackSelection *>(cutIter()))){
310 AliESDtrackCuts *cuts = dynamic_cast<AliESDtrackCuts *>(cutObject->GetTrackCuts());
311 if(cuts){
312 cuts->DefineHistograms();
313 fOutput->Add(cuts);
314 }
315 }
316 }
317 PostData(1, fOutput);
318 }
320 //______________________________________________________________________________
321 Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::Run(){
322 /*
323 * Runs the event loop
324 *
325 * @param option: Additional options
326 */
327 // Common checks: Have SPD vertex and primary vertex from tracks, and both need to have at least one contributor
328 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of calibrated clusters: %d", fCaloClusters->GetEntries()));
329 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of matched tracks: %d", fTracks->GetEntries()));
330 if(fMCEvent){
331 // Build always trigger strig from the trigger maker in case of MC
332 fUseTriggersFromTriggerMaker = kTRUE;
333 }
64321abd 335 Bool_t emcalGood = fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliEmcalPhysicsSelection::kEmcalOk;
9f248f6f 337 // Loop over trigger patches, fill patch energy
338 AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo *triggerpatch(NULL);
339 TIter patchIter(this->fTriggerPatchInfo);
340 while((triggerpatch = dynamic_cast<AliEmcalTriggerPatchInfo *>(patchIter()))){
64321abd 341 double triggerpatchinfo[5] = {triggerpatch->GetPatchE(), triggerpatch->GetEtaGeo(), triggerpatch->GetPhiGeo(), triggerpatch->IsMainTrigger() ? 1. : 0., emcalGood ? 1. : 0.};
342 double triggerpatchinfoamp[5] = {static_cast<double>(triggerpatch->GetADCAmp()), triggerpatch->GetEtaGeo(), triggerpatch->GetPhiGeo(), triggerpatch->IsMainTrigger() ? 1. : 0., emcalGood ? 1. : 0.};
343 double triggerpatchinfoer[5] = {triggerpatch->GetADCAmpGeVRough(), triggerpatch->GetEtaGeo(), triggerpatch->GetPhiGeo(), triggerpatch->IsMainTrigger() ? 1. : 0., emcalGood ? 1. : 0.};
9f248f6f 344 if(triggerpatch->IsJetHigh()){
345 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyJetHigh", triggerpatchinfo);
346 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("AmplitudeJetHigh", triggerpatchinfoamp);
347 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyRoughJetHigh", triggerpatchinfoer);
348 }
349 if(triggerpatch->IsJetLow()){
350 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyJetLow", triggerpatchinfo);
8ce5fc44 351 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("AmplitudeJetLow", triggerpatchinfoamp);
352 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyRoughJetLow", triggerpatchinfoer);
9f248f6f 353 }
354 if(triggerpatch->IsGammaHigh()){
355 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyGammaHigh", triggerpatchinfo);
8ce5fc44 356 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("AmplitudeGammaHigh", triggerpatchinfoamp);
357 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyRoughGammaHigh", triggerpatchinfoer);
9f248f6f 358 }
359 if(triggerpatch->IsGammaLow()){
360 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyGammaLow", triggerpatchinfo);
8ce5fc44 361 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("AmplitudeGammaLow", triggerpatchinfoamp);
362 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyRoughGammaLow", triggerpatchinfoer);
9f248f6f 363 }
364 if(triggerpatch->IsLevel0()){
365 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyLevel0", triggerpatchinfo);
8ce5fc44 366 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("AmplitudeLevel0", triggerpatchinfoamp);
367 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("EnergyRoughLevel0", triggerpatchinfoer);
9f248f6f 368 }
369 }
371 const AliVVertex *vtxTracks = fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex(),
372 *vtxSPD = GetSPDVertex();
373 if(!(vtxTracks && vtxSPD)) return false;
2ae55f0a 374 if(!fVertexRange.IsInRange(vtxTracks->GetZ())) return false;
9f248f6f 375 if(vtxTracks->GetNContributors() < 1 || vtxSPD->GetNContributors() < 1) return false;
377 double triggers[5]; memset(triggers, 0, sizeof(double) * 5);
378 double triggerbits[4]; memset(triggerbits, 0, sizeof(double) * 4);
379 if(fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kINT7){
380 triggers[0] = 1.;
381 triggerbits[0] = 1.;
382 }
384 // check triggerbits
385 if(fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kEMC7){
386 triggerbits[1] = 1.;
387 }
388 if(fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kEMCEGA){
389 triggerbits[2] = 1.;
390 }
391 if(fInputHandler->IsEventSelected() & AliVEvent::kEMCEJE){
392 triggerbits[3] = 1.;
393 }
394 try{
395 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("hEventsTriggerbit", triggerbits);
396 } catch(HistoContainerContentException &e) {
397 std::stringstream errormessage;
398 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
399 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
400 }
402 std::vector<std::string> triggerstrings;
403 // EMCal-triggered event, distinguish types
404 TString trgstr(fUseTriggersFromTriggerMaker ? BuildTriggerString() : fInputEvent->GetFiredTriggerClasses());
405 AliDebug(1, Form("Triggerstring: %s\n", trgstr.Data()));
406 if(trgstr.Contains("EJ1")){
407 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCJHigh");
408 triggers[1] = 1;
409 if(trgstr.Contains("EG1"))
410 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCHighBoth");
411 else
412 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCHighJetOnly");
413 }
414 if(trgstr.Contains("EJ2")){
415 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCJLow");
416 triggers[2] = 1;
417 if(trgstr.Contains("EG2"))
418 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCLowBoth");
419 else
420 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCLowJetOnly");
421 }
422 if(trgstr.Contains("EG1")){
423 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCGHigh");
424 triggers[3] = 1;
425 if(!trgstr.Contains("EJ1"))
426 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCHighGammaOnly");
427 }
428 if(trgstr.Contains("EG2")){
429 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCGLow");
430 triggers[4] = 1;
431 if(!trgstr.Contains("EJ2"))
432 triggerstrings.push_back("EMCLowGammaOnly");
433 }
435 try{
436 fHistos->FillTHnSparse("hEventTriggers", triggers);
437 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
438 std::stringstream errormessage;
439 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
440 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
441 }
443 // apply event selection: Combine the Pileup cut from SPD with the other pA Vertex selection cuts.
444 bool isPileupEvent = fInputEvent->IsPileupFromSPD(3, 0.8, 3., 2., 5.);
445 isPileupEvent = isPileupEvent || (TMath::Abs(vtxTracks->GetZ() - vtxSPD->GetZ()) > 0.5);
446 double covSPD[6]; vtxSPD->GetCovarianceMatrix(covSPD);
447 isPileupEvent = isPileupEvent || (TString(vtxSPD->GetTitle()).Contains("vertexer:Z") && TMath::Sqrt(covSPD[5]) > 0.25);
449 // Fill event-based histogram
450 const double &zv = vtxTracks->GetZ();
451 if(triggers[0]) FillEventHist("MinBias", zv, isPileupEvent);
452 if(!triggerstrings.size()) // Non-EMCal-triggered
453 FillEventHist("NoEMCal", zv, isPileupEvent);
454 else{
455 // EMCal-triggered events
456 for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it)
457 FillEventHist(it->c_str(), zv, isPileupEvent);
458 }
555bdd7f 460 const AliEmcalJet *foundJet(NULL);
461 char histname[1024];
462 std::vector<double> coneradii;
463 AliJetContainer *jetContMC(NULL), *jetContData(NULL);
9f248f6f 465 // Fill MC truth
7d1a1e9a 466 AliVParticle *part(NULL);
9f248f6f 467 if(fMCEvent){
7d1a1e9a 468 if(fJetCollArray.GetEntries() &&
469 (jetContMC = dynamic_cast<AliJetContainer *>(fJetCollArray.FindObject((static_cast<TObjString *>(fJetContainersMC.At(0)))->String().Data())))){
470 // In case we have a jet array we loop over all MC selected particles in the particle container of the jet array
471 TIter particles(jetContMC->GetParticleContainer()->GetArray());
472 while((part = dynamic_cast<AliVParticle *>(particles()))){
473 if(part->Charge() == 0) continue;
474 if(!fEtaRange.IsInRange(part->Eta())) continue;
475 if(!fPtRange.IsInRange(part->Pt())) continue;
476 FillMCParticleHist("hMCtrueParticles", part, zv, isPileupEvent);
555bdd7f 477
555bdd7f 478 /*
479 * Jet part: Find track in jet container,
480 * check according to number of particles in jet, and
481 * check for different cone radii
482 */
483 foundJet = FoundTrackInJet(part, jetContMC);
484 if(foundJet && foundJet->GetNumberOfConstituents() > 1){
485 for(int irad = 0; irad < kNJetRadii; irad++){
486 if(IsInRadius(part, foundJet, kJetRadii[irad])){
487 sprintf(histname, "hMCtrueParticlesRad%02d", int(kJetRadii[irad]*10));
488 FillMCParticleHist(histname, part, zv, isPileupEvent);
489 }
490 }
491 } else {
492 // isolated track
493 FillMCParticleHist("hMCtrueParticlesIsolated", part, zv, isPileupEvent);
494 }
495 }
7d1a1e9a 496 } else {
497 // Use MC Event
498 for(int ipart = 0; ipart < fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); ipart++){
499 // Select only physical primary particles
500 part = fMCEvent->GetTrack(ipart);
501 if(part->Charge() == 0) continue;
502 if(!fEtaRange.IsInRange(part->Eta())) continue;
503 if(!fPtRange.IsInRange(part->Pt())) continue;
504 if(!fMCEvent->IsPhysicalPrimary(ipart)) continue;
505 FillMCParticleHist("hMCtrueParticles", part, zv, isPileupEvent);
506 }
9f248f6f 507 }
508 }
510 AliVTrack *track(NULL);
7d1a1e9a 511 AliPicoTrack *picoTrack(NULL);
512 TObject *containerObject(NULL);
9f248f6f 513 // Loop over all tracks (No cuts applied)
1e2fa4e9 514 if(fSelectAllTracks){
515 // loop over all tracks only if requested
516 TIter allTrackIter(fTracks);
517 while((containerObject = dynamic_cast<TObject *>(allTrackIter()))){
518 if((picoTrack = dynamic_cast<AliPicoTrack *>(containerObject))){
519 track = picoTrack->GetTrack();
520 } else
521 track = dynamic_cast<AliVTrack *>(containerObject);
522 if(!IsTrueTrack(track)) continue;
523 if(!fEtaRange.IsInRange(track->Eta())) continue;
524 if(!fPtRange.IsInRange(track->Pt())) continue;
525 if(triggers[0]) FillTrackHist("MinBias", track, zv, isPileupEvent, 0, triggers[0]);
526 if(!triggerstrings.size()) // Non-EMCal-triggered
527 FillTrackHist("NoEMCal", track, zv, isPileupEvent, 0, triggers[0]);
528 else {
529 // EMCal-triggered events
530 for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it)
531 FillTrackHist(it->c_str(), track, zv, isPileupEvent, 0, triggers[0]);
532 }
9f248f6f 533 }
534 }
536 // Now apply track selection cuts
537 // allow for several track selections to be tested at the same time
538 // each track selection gets a different cut ID starting from 1
539 // cut ID 0 is reserved for the case of no cuts
555bdd7f 540 // In case we have a jet container attached we check whether the track is
541 // found in a jet, and check for different cone radii around a jet
9f248f6f 542 if(fListTrackCuts && fListTrackCuts->GetEntries()){
543 for(int icut = 0; icut < fListTrackCuts->GetEntries(); icut++){
544 AliEMCalPtTaskVTrackSelection *trackSelection = static_cast<AliEMCalPtTaskVTrackSelection *>(fListTrackCuts->At(icut));
545 TIter trackIter(trackSelection->GetAcceptedTracks(fTracks));
546 while((track = dynamic_cast<AliVTrack *>(trackIter()))){
1e2fa4e9 547 if(fMCEvent && !IsTrueTrack(track)) continue; // Reject fake tracks in case of MC
9f248f6f 548 if(!fEtaRange.IsInRange(track->Eta())) continue;
549 if(!fPtRange.IsInRange(track->Pt())) continue;
555bdd7f 550 coneradii.clear();
551 if(this->fJetCollArray.GetEntries() &&
552 (jetContData = dynamic_cast<AliJetContainer *>(this->fJetCollArray.FindObject((static_cast<TObjString *>(this->fJetContainersData.At(0)))->String().Data())))){
553 foundJet = FoundTrackInJet(track, jetContData);
554 if(foundJet){
555 for(int irad = 0; irad < kNJetRadii; irad++){
556 if(IsInRadius(track, foundJet, kJetRadii[irad])) coneradii.push_back(kJetRadii[irad]);
557 }
558 }
559 }
560 if(triggers[0]){
561 FillTrackHist("MinBias", track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1, triggers[0]);
562 if(coneradii.size()){
563 for(std::vector<double>::iterator radIter = coneradii.begin(); radIter != coneradii.end(); radIter++)
564 FillTrackHist("MinBias", track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1, triggers[0], *radIter);
565 }
566 }
567 if(!triggerstrings.size()){ // Non-EMCal-triggered
9f248f6f 568 FillTrackHist("NoEMCal", track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1, triggers[0]);
555bdd7f 569 for(std::vector<double>::iterator radIter = coneradii.begin(); radIter != coneradii.end(); radIter++)
570 FillTrackHist("NoEMCal", track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1, triggers[0], *radIter);
571 } else {
9f248f6f 572 // EMCal-triggered events
555bdd7f 573 for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it){
9f248f6f 574 FillTrackHist(it->c_str(), track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1, triggers[0]);
555bdd7f 575 for(std::vector<double>::iterator radIter = coneradii.begin(); radIter != coneradii.end(); radIter++)
576 FillTrackHist(it->c_str(), track, zv, isPileupEvent, icut + 1, triggers[0], *radIter);
577 }
9f248f6f 578 }
579 }
580 }
581 }
583 // Next step we loop over the (uncalibrated) emcal clusters and fill histograms with the cluster energy
584 const AliVCluster *clust(NULL);
585 for(int icl = 0; icl < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); icl++){
586 clust = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(icl);
587 if(!clust->IsEMCAL()) continue;
caff8cd1 588 if(!fEnergyRange.IsInRange(clust->E())) continue;
555bdd7f 589 if(triggers[0]) FillClusterHist("hClusterUncalibHistMinBias", clust, zv, isPileupEvent, triggers[0]);
590 if(!triggerstrings.size()){ // Non-EMCal-triggered
591 FillClusterHist("hClusterUncalibHistNoEMCal", clust, zv, isPileupEvent, triggers[0]);
592 } else{
9f248f6f 593 for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it){
555bdd7f 594 sprintf(histname, "hClusterUncalibHist%s", it->c_str());
595 FillClusterHist(histname, clust, zv, isPileupEvent, triggers[0]);
9f248f6f 596 }
597 }
598 }
600 if(fCaloClusters){
601 TIter clustIter(fCaloClusters);
602 while((clust = dynamic_cast<const AliVCluster *>(clustIter()))){
603 if(!clust->IsEMCAL()) continue;
caff8cd1 604 if(!fEnergyRange.IsInRange(clust->E())) continue;
555bdd7f 605 if(triggers[0]) FillClusterHist("hClusterCalibHistMinBias", clust, zv, isPileupEvent, triggers[0]);
9f248f6f 606 if(!triggerstrings.size()) // Non-EMCal-triggered
555bdd7f 607 FillClusterHist("hClusterCalibHistNoEMCal", clust, zv, isPileupEvent, triggers[0]);
9f248f6f 608 else{
609 for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = triggerstrings.begin(); it != triggerstrings.end(); ++it){
555bdd7f 610 sprintf(histname, "hClusterCalibHist%s", it->c_str());
611 FillClusterHist(histname, clust, zv, isPileupEvent, triggers[0]);
9f248f6f 612 }
613 }
614 }
615 }
617 PostData(1, fOutput);
618 return true;
619 }
621 //______________________________________________________________________________
622 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::CreateDefaultPtBinning(TArrayD &binning) const{
623 /*
624 * Creating the default pt binning.
625 *
626 * @param binning: Array where to store the results.
627 */
628 std::vector<double> mybinning;
629 std::map<double,double> definitions;
630 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(2.5, 0.1));
631 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(7., 0.25));
632 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(15., 0.5));
633 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(25., 1.));
634 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(40., 2.5));
2ae55f0a 635 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(50., 5.));
636 definitions.insert(std::pair<double,double>(100., 10.));
9f248f6f 637 double currentval = 0;
638 for(std::map<double,double>::iterator id = definitions.begin(); id != definitions.end(); ++id){
639 double limit = id->first, binwidth = id->second;
2ae55f0a 640 while(currentval < limit){
9f248f6f 641 currentval += binwidth;
642 mybinning.push_back(currentval);
643 }
644 }
645 binning.Set(mybinning.size());
646 int ib = 0;
647 for(std::vector<double>::iterator it = mybinning.begin(); it != mybinning.end(); ++it)
648 binning[ib++] = *it;
649 }
651 //______________________________________________________________________________
652 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::CreateDefaultZVertexBinning(TArrayD &binning) const {
653 /*
654 * Creating default z-Vertex binning.
655 *
656 * @param binning: Array where to store the results.
657 */
658 std::vector<double> mybinning;
2ae55f0a 659 double currentval = -10;
9f248f6f 660 mybinning.push_back(currentval);
2ae55f0a 661 while(currentval <= 10.){
662 currentval += 5.;
9f248f6f 663 mybinning.push_back(currentval);
664 }
665 binning.Set(mybinning.size());
666 int ib = 0;
667 for(std::vector<double>::iterator it = mybinning.begin(); it != mybinning.end(); ++it)
668 binning[ib++] = *it;
669 }
671 //______________________________________________________________________________
672 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::CreateDefaultEtaBinning(TArrayD& binning) const {
673 /*
674 * Creating default z-Vertex binning.
675 *
676 * @param binning: Array where to store the results.
677 */
678 std::vector<double> mybinning;
679 double currentval = -0.8;
680 mybinning.push_back(currentval);
681 while(currentval <= 0.8){
682 currentval += 0.1;
683 mybinning.push_back(currentval);
684 }
685 binning.Set(mybinning.size());
686 int ib = 0;
687 for(std::vector<double>::iterator it = mybinning.begin(); it != mybinning.end(); ++it)
688 binning[ib++] = *it;
689 }
691 //______________________________________________________________________________
692 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::DefineAxis(TAxis& axis, const char* name,
693 const char* title, const TArrayD& binning, const char** labels) {
694 /*
695 * Define an axis with a given binning
696 *
697 * @param axis: Axis to be defined
698 * @param name: Name of the axis
699 * @param title: Title of the axis
700 * @param binning: axis binning
701 * @param labels (@optional): array of bin labels
702 */
703 axis.Set(binning.GetSize()-1, binning.GetArray());
704 axis.SetName(name);
705 axis.SetTitle(title);
706 if(labels){
707 for(int ib = 1; ib <= axis.GetNbins(); ++ib)
708 axis.SetBinLabel(ib, labels[ib-1]);
709 }
710 }
712 //______________________________________________________________________________
713 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::DefineAxis(TAxis& axis, const char* name,
714 const char* title, int nbins, double min, double max,
715 const char** labels) {
716 /*
717 * Define an axis with number of bins from min to max
718 *
719 * @param axis: Axis to be defined
720 * @param name: Name of the axis
721 * @param title: Title of the axis
722 * @param nbins: Number of bins
723 * @param min: lower limit of the axis
724 * @param max: upper limit of the axis
725 * @param labels (@optional): array of bin labels
726 */
727 axis.Set(nbins, min, max);
728 axis.SetName(name);
729 axis.SetTitle(title);
730 if(labels){
731 for(int ib = 1; ib <= axis.GetNbins(); ++ib)
732 axis.SetBinLabel(ib, labels[ib-1]);
733 }
734 }
737 //______________________________________________________________________________
738 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FillEventHist(const char* trigger,
739 double vz, bool isPileup) {
740 /*
741 * Fill event-based histogram
742 *
743 * @param trigger: name of the trigger configuration to be processed
744 * @param vz: z-position of the vertex
745 * @param isPileup: signalises if the event is flagged as pileup event
746 */
747 char histname[1024];
748 sprintf(histname, "hEventHist%s", trigger);
749 try{
750 fHistos->FillTH2(histname, 0., vz);
751 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
752 std::stringstream errormessage;
753 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
754 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
755 }
756 if(!isPileup){
757 try{
758 fHistos->FillTH2(histname, 1., vz);
759 } catch(HistoContainerContentException &e){
760 std::stringstream errormessage;
761 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
762 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
763 }
764 }
765 }
767 //______________________________________________________________________________
768 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FillTrackHist(const char* trigger,
555bdd7f 769 const AliVTrack* track, double vz, bool isPileup, int cut, bool isMinBias, double jetradius) {
9f248f6f 770 /*
771 * Fill track-based histogram with corresponding information
772 *
773 * @param trigger: name of the trigger
774 * @param track: ESD track selected
775 * @param vz: z-position of the vertex
776 * @param isPileup: flag event as pileup event
777 * @param cut: id of the cut (0 = no cut)
778 */
779 double etasign = fSwapEta ? -1. : 1.;
780 double data[7] = {TMath::Abs(track->Pt()), etasign * track->Eta(), track->Phi(), vz, 0, static_cast<double>(cut), isMinBias ? 1. : 0.};
781 double dataMC[7] = {0., 0., 0., vz, 0, static_cast<double>(cut), isMinBias ? 1. : 0.};
782 AliVParticle *assocMC(NULL);
783 if(fMCEvent && (assocMC = fMCEvent->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel())))){
1e2fa4e9 784 // Select track onl
9f248f6f 785 dataMC[0] = TMath::Abs(assocMC->Pt());
786 dataMC[1] = etasign * assocMC->Eta();
787 dataMC[2] = assocMC->Phi();
788 }
789 char histname[1024], histnameAcc[1024], histnameMC[1024], histnameMCAcc[1024];
790 sprintf(histname, "hTrackHist%s", trigger);
791 sprintf(histnameAcc, "hTrackInAcceptanceHist%s", trigger);
792 sprintf(histnameMC, "hMCTrackHist%s", trigger);
793 sprintf(histnameMCAcc, "hMCTrackInAcceptanceHist%s", trigger);
555bdd7f 794 if(jetradius > 0.){
795 char *hnames[] = {histname, histnameAcc, histnameMC, histnameMCAcc};
a745bb5b 796 for(unsigned int iname = 0; iname < sizeof(hnames)/sizeof(char *); iname++){
555bdd7f 797 char *myhname = hnames[iname];
798 sprintf(myhname, "%sRad%02d", myhname, int(jetradius * 10.));
799 }
800 }
9f248f6f 801 Bool_t isEMCAL = kFALSE;
802 if(track->IsEMCAL()){
803 // Check if the cluster is matched to only one track
804 AliVCluster *emcclust(NULL);
805 AliDebug(2, Form("cluster id: %d\n", track->GetEMCALcluster()));
806 if(fCaloClusters) {
807 AliDebug(2, "Using calibrated clusters");
808 emcclust = dynamic_cast<AliVCluster *>(fCaloClusters->At(track->GetEMCALcluster()));
809 } else {
810 AliDebug(2, "Using uncalibrated clusters");
811 emcclust = fInputEvent->GetCaloCluster(track->GetEMCALcluster());
812 }
813 if(!emcclust) AliError("Null pointer to EMCal cluster");
814 if(emcclust && emcclust->GetNTracksMatched() <= 1){
815 isEMCAL = kTRUE;
816 }
817 }
818 try{
819 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data);
820 if(fMCEvent) fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histnameMC, dataMC);
821 if(isEMCAL){
822 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histnameAcc, data);
823 if(fMCEvent) fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histnameMCAcc, dataMC);
824 }
825 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
826 std::stringstream errormessage;
827 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
828 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
829 }
830 if(!isPileup){
831 data[4] = 1;
832 dataMC[4] = 1;
833 try{
834 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data);
835 if(fMCEvent) fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histnameMC, dataMC);
836 if(isEMCAL){
837 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histnameAcc, data);
838 if(fMCEvent) fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histnameMCAcc, dataMC);
8738a2f4 839 }
9f248f6f 840 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
841 std::stringstream errormessage;
842 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
843 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
844 }
845 }
846 }
848 //______________________________________________________________________________
555bdd7f 849 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FillClusterHist(const char* histname,
850 const AliVCluster* clust, double vz, bool isPileup, bool isMinBias) {
9f248f6f 851 /*
852 * Fill cluster-based histogram with corresponding information
853 *
854 * @param trigger: name of the trigger
855 * @param cluster: the EMCal cluster information
856 * @param vz: z-position of the vertex
857 * @param isPileup: flag event as pileup event
858 */
859 double data[4] = {clust->E(), vz, 0, isMinBias ? 1. : 0.};
9f248f6f 860 try{
861 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data);
862 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
863 std::stringstream errormessage;
864 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
865 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
866 }
867 if(!isPileup){
868 data[2] = 1.;
869 try{
870 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data);
871 } catch (HistoContainerContentException &e){
872 std::stringstream errormessage;
873 errormessage << "Filling of histogram failed: " << e.what();
874 AliError(errormessage.str().c_str());
875 }
876 }
877 }
879 //______________________________________________________________________________
555bdd7f 880 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FillMCParticleHist(const char *histname, const AliVParticle * const track, double vz, bool isPileup){
9f248f6f 881 /*
882 * Fill histogram for MC-true particles with the information pt, eta and phi
883 *
884 * @param track: the Monte-Carlo track
885 */
886 double data[5] = {TMath::Abs(track->Pt()), track->Eta(), track->Phi(), vz, 0.};
555bdd7f 887 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data);
9f248f6f 888 if(!isPileup){
889 data[4] = 1.;
555bdd7f 890 fHistos->FillTHnSparse(histname, data);
9f248f6f 891 }
892 }
894 //______________________________________________________________________________
895 bool AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::IsTrueTrack(const AliVTrack *const track) const{
896 /*
897 * Check if the track has an associated MC particle, and that the particle is a physical primary
898 * In case of data we do not do the selection at that step (always return true)
899 *
900 * @param track: Track to check
901 * @result: true primary track (true or false)
902 */
903 if(!fMCEvent) return true;
904 AliVParticle *mcassociate = fMCEvent->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()));
905 if(!mcassociate) return false;
906 return fMCEvent->IsPhysicalPrimary(TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()));
907 }
909 //______________________________________________________________________________
910 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AddESDTrackCuts(AliESDtrackCuts* trackCuts) {
911 /*
912 * Add new track cuts to the task
913 *
914 * @param trackCuts: Object of type AliESDtrackCuts
915 */
916 fListTrackCuts->AddLast(new AliEMCalPtTaskTrackSelectionESD(trackCuts));
917 }
919 //______________________________________________________________________________
920 void AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AddCutsForAOD(AliESDtrackCuts* trackCuts, UInt_t filterbits) {
921 /*
922 * Add new track cuts to the task
923 *
924 * @param trackCuts: Object of type AliESDtrackCuts
925 */
926 fListTrackCuts->AddLast(new AliEMCalPtTaskTrackSelectionAOD(trackCuts, filterbits));
927 }
930 //______________________________________________________________________________
931 TString AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::BuildTriggerString() {
932 /*
933 * Build trigger string from the trigger maker
934 *
935 * @return: blank-separated string of fired trigger classes
936 */
937 AliDebug(1, "trigger checking");
938 TString result = "";
939 if(HasTriggerType(kJ1)) result += "EJ1 ";
940 if(HasTriggerType(kJ2)) result += "EJ2 ";
941 if(HasTriggerType(kG1)) result += "EG1 ";
942 if(HasTriggerType(kG2)) result += "EG2 ";
943 return result;
944 }
946 //______________________________________________________________________________
947 const AliVVertex* AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::GetSPDVertex() const {
948 /*
949 * Accessor for the SPD vertex, creating transparency for ESDs and AODs
950 *
951 * @return: the spd vertex
952 */
953 AliESDEvent *esd = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent *>(fInputEvent);
954 if(esd){
955 return esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD();
956 } else {
957 AliAODEvent *aod = dynamic_cast<AliAODEvent *>(fInputEvent);
958 if(aod){
959 return aod->GetPrimaryVertexSPD();
960 }
961 }
962 return NULL;
963 }
cdc26d91 964
555bdd7f 965 //______________________________________________________________________________
966 const AliEmcalJet * AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FoundTrackInJet(
a745bb5b 967 const AliVParticle * const track, AliJetContainer *const jets) const
555bdd7f 968 {
969 /*
970 * Correlate track to reconstructed jet
971 *
972 * @param track: particle to be checked
973 * @param jets: container of recontructed jets
974 * @return: The matched jet (NULL if not found)
975 */
976 const AliEmcalJet *result = NULL;
a745bb5b 977 const AliEmcalJet *tmp = jets->GetNextAcceptJet(0);
978 while(tmp){
555bdd7f 979 if(TrackInJet(track, tmp, jets->GetParticleContainer())){
980 result = tmp;
981 break;
982 }
a745bb5b 983 tmp = jets->GetNextAcceptJet();
555bdd7f 984 }
985 return result;
986 }
988 //______________________________________________________________________________
989 bool AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::IsInRadius(const AliVParticle *const track, const AliEmcalJet *reconstructedJet, Double_t radius) const {
990 /*
991 * Check if track is in radius around a given jet
992 *
993 * @param track: Track to check
994 * @param reconstructed jet: jet to probe
995 * @param radius: cone radius
996 * @return: result of the test (true if track is inside the cone radius, false otherwise)
997 */
998 return reconstructedJet->DeltaR(track) < radius;
999 }
1001 //______________________________________________________________________________
1002 bool AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::IsInRadius(const AliVCluster *const clust, const AliEmcalJet *reconstructedJet, Double_t radius) const {
1003 /*
1004 * Check if track is in radius around a given jet
1005 *
1006 * @param track: Track to check
1007 * @param reconstructed jet: jet to probe
1008 * @param radius: cone radius
1009 * @return: result of the test (true if track is inside the cone radius, false otherwise)
1010 */
1011 double vertexPos[3];
1012 fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetXYZ(vertexPos);
1013 TLorentzVector clustVect;
1014 clust->GetMomentum(clustVect, vertexPos);
1016 Double_t dPhi = reconstructedJet->Phi() - clustVect.Phi();
1017 Double_t dEta = reconstructedJet->Eta() - clustVect.Eta();
1018 dPhi = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi ( dPhi );
1020 double deltaR = TMath::Sqrt ( dPhi * dPhi + dEta * dEta );
1021 return deltaR < radius;
1022 }
1024 //______________________________________________________________________________
1025 bool AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::TrackInJet(const AliVParticle* const track,
1026 const AliEmcalJet* reconstructedJet, const AliParticleContainer * const particles) const {
1027 /*
1028 * Check whether track is among the jet constituents
1029 *
1030 * @param track: track to check
1031 * @param reconstructedJet: reconstructed jet to check
1032 * @param tracks: container with tracks used for jetfinding
1033 * @return: true if found, false otherwise
1034 */
1035 bool found = false;
7d1a1e9a 1036 const AliPicoTrack *picotmp(NULL);
555bdd7f 1037 const AliVParticle *tmp(NULL);
1038 for(int ipart = 0; ipart < reconstructedJet->GetNumberOfTracks(); ipart++){
1039 tmp = dynamic_cast<const AliVParticle *>(reconstructedJet->TrackAt(ipart, particles->GetArray()));
7d1a1e9a 1040 if((picotmp = dynamic_cast<const AliPicoTrack *>(tmp))) // handle pico tracks
1041 tmp = picotmp->GetTrack();
555bdd7f 1042 if(!tmp->Compare(track)){
1043 found = true;
1044 break;
1045 }
1046 }
1047 return found;
1048 }
1050 //______________________________________________________________________________
a745bb5b 1051 const AliEmcalJet* AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::FoundClusterInJet(const AliVCluster* const clust, AliJetContainer* const jets) const {
555bdd7f 1052 /*
1053 * Check whether a cluster is in a radius around a given jet
1054 *
1055 * @param clust: The cluster to check
1056 * @param reconstructedJet: reconstructed jet to check
1057 * @return: the jet containing the cluster (null otherwise)
1058 */
1059 const AliEmcalJet *result = NULL;
a745bb5b 1060 const AliEmcalJet *tmp = jets->GetNextAcceptJet(0);
1061 while(tmp){
555bdd7f 1062 if(ClusterInJet(clust, tmp, jets->GetClusterContainer())){
1063 result = tmp;
1064 break;
1065 }
a745bb5b 1066 tmp =jets->GetNextAcceptJet();
555bdd7f 1067 }
1068 return result;
1069 }
1071 //______________________________________________________________________________
1072 bool AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::ClusterInJet(const AliVCluster* const clust,
1073 const AliEmcalJet* reconstructedJet, const AliClusterContainer* const clusters) const {
1074 /*
1075 * Check whether cluster is among the jet constituents
1076 *
1077 * @param track: track to check
1078 * @param reconstructedJet: reconstructed jet to check
1079 * @param clusters: the cluster container
1080 * @return: true if found, false otherwise
1081 */
1082 bool found = false;
1083 const AliVCluster *tmp(NULL);
1084 for(int ipart = 0; ipart < reconstructedJet->GetNumberOfTracks(); ipart++){
1085 tmp = dynamic_cast<const AliVCluster *>(reconstructedJet->ClusterAt(ipart, clusters->GetArray()));
1086 if(!tmp->Compare(clust)){
1087 found = true;
1088 break;
1089 }
1090 }
1091 return found;
1092 }
555bdd7f 1094 //______________________________________________________________________________
86c0a4aa 1095 void EMCalTriggerPtAnalysis::AliAnalysisTaskPtEMCalTrigger::AddJetContainerName(const Char_t* contname, Bool_t isMC) {
555bdd7f 1096 /*
1097 * Add new Jet input container to the analysis task
1098 *
1099 * @param contname: Name of the container
1100 * @param isMC: Defines whether the container is for MC truth or not
1101 */
1102 TList &mycontainer = isMC ? fJetContainersMC : fJetContainersData;
1103 mycontainer.Add(new TObjString(contname));
1104 }
bf1cb6ad 1105}