]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGJE/EMCALJetTasks/UserTasks/AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching.h
K0s code update (Matt Steinpreis)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / EMCALJetTasks / UserTasks / AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching.h
f1354962 1#ifndef AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching_H
2#define AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching_H
e9c2d4f3 4#include <AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetDev.h>
f1354962 5#include <AliEmcalJet.h>
6#include <AliVTrack.h>
7#include <TClonesArray.h>
8#include <TMath.h>
9#include <TRandom3.h>
11class TF1;
12class THF1;
13class THF2;
14class TProfile;
15class AliRhoParameter;
16class AliLocalRhoParameter;
17class TClonesArray;
e9c2d4f3 19class AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching : public AliAnalysisTaskEmcalJetDev
f1354962 20{
21 public:
22 // enumerators
285db795 23 enum matchingSceme {kGeoEtaPhi, kGeoR};
f1354962 24 enum sourceBKG {kNoSourceBKG, kSourceRho, kSourceLocalRho};
25 enum targetBKG {kNoTargetBKG, kTargetRho, kTargetLocalRho};
26 // constructors, destructor
27 AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching();
28 AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching(const char *name);
29 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching();
30 // setting up the task and technical aspects
31 void ExecOnce();
32 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
33 TH1F* BookTH1F(const char* name, const char* x, Int_t bins, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t append = kTRUE);
34 TH2F* BookTH2F(const char* name, const char* x, const char* y, Int_t binsx, Double_t minx, Double_t maxx, Int_t binsy, Double_t miny, Double_t maxy, Bool_t append = kTRUE);
35 virtual Bool_t Run();
36 /* inline */ Double_t PhaseShift(Double_t x) const {
37 while (x>=TMath::TwoPi())x-=TMath::TwoPi();
38 while (x<0.)x+=TMath::TwoPi();
39 return x; }
40 /* inline */ Double_t PhaseShift(Double_t x, Double_t n) const {
41 x = PhaseShift(x);
42 if(TMath::Nint(n)==2) while (x>TMath::Pi()) x-=TMath::Pi();
43 if(TMath::Nint(n)==3) {
44 if(x>2.*TMath::TwoPi()/n) x = TMath::TwoPi() - x;
45 if(x>TMath::TwoPi()/n) x = TMath::TwoPi()-(x+TMath::TwoPi()/n);
46 }
47 return x; }
48 /* inline */ Bool_t CompareTracks(AliVParticle* a, AliVParticle* b) const {
f1354962 49 return (TMath::AreEqualAbs(a->Pt(), b->Pt(), 1e-2) && TMath::AreEqualAbs(a->Eta(), b->Eta(), 1e-2) && TMath::AreEqualAbs(a->Phi(), b->Phi(), 1e-2)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }
f6d1b1a7 50 /* inline */ Double_t GetR(AliVParticle* a, AliVParticle* b) const {
51 if(!(a&&b)) return 999;
52 Double_t phiA(a->Phi()), phiB(b->Phi()), etaA(a->Eta()), etaB(b->Eta());
53 if(TMath::Abs(phiA-phiB) > TMath::Abs(phiA-phiB + TMath::TwoPi())) phiA+=TMath::TwoPi();
54 if(TMath::Abs(phiA-phiB) > TMath::Abs(phiA-phiB - TMath::TwoPi())) phiA-=TMath::TwoPi();
55 return TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs((etaA-etaB)*(etaA-etaB)+(phiA-phiB)*(phiA-phiB))); }
f1354962 56
57 // setters - setup how to run
58 void SetDebugMode(Int_t d) {fDebug = d;}
59 void SetMatchingScheme(matchingSceme m) {fMatchingScheme = m;}
f6d1b1a7 60 void SetMatchConstituents(Bool_t m) {fMatchConstituents = m;}
61 void SetMinFracRecoveredConstituents(Float_t f) {fMinFracRecoveredConstituents = f;}
285db795 62 void SetMinFracRecoveredConstituentPt(Float_t f) {fMinFracRecoveredConstituentPt = f;}
0aaf31ab 63 void SetUseEmcalBaseJetCuts(Bool_t b) {fUseEmcalBaseJetCuts = b;}
285db795 64 void SetGetBijection(Bool_t b) {fGetBijection = b;}
f1354962 65 void SetSourceBKG(sourceBKG b) {fSourceBKG = b;}
66 void SetTargetBKG(targetBKG b) {fTargetBKG = b;}
67 void SetSourceJetsName(const char* n) {fSourceJetsName = n;}
68 void SetTargetJetsName(const char* n) {fTargetJetsName = n; }
69 void SetMatchedJetsName(const char* n) {fMatchedJetsName = n;}
f6d1b1a7 70 void SetSourceLocalRhoName(const char* n) {fSourceRhoName = n;}
71 void SetTargetLocalRhoName(const char* n) {fTargetRhoName = n;}
72 void SetSourceRadius(Float_t r) {fSourceRadius = r;}
73 void SetTargetRadius(Float_t r) {fTargetRadius = r;}
f1354962 74 void SetMatchEta(Float_t f) {fMatchEta = f;}
75 void SetMatchPhi(Float_t f) {fMatchPhi = f;}
76 void SetMatchR(Float_t f) {fMatchR = f;}
f1354962 77 // methods
285db795 78 void DoGeometricMatchingEtaPhi();
79 void DoGeometricMatchingR();
80 void DoConstituentMatching();
81 void GetBijection();
f1354962 82 void PostMatchedJets();
83 // fill histogrmas
84 void FillAnalysisSummaryHistogram() const;
85 void FillMatchedJetHistograms() const;
86 // setters - analysis details
87 /* inline */ Bool_t PassesCuts(const AliVTrack* track) const {
e9c2d4f3 88 return (!track || TMath::Abs(track->Eta()) > 0.9 || track->Phi() < 0 || track->Phi() > TMath::TwoPi()) ? kFALSE : kTRUE; }
89 /* inline */ Bool_t PassesCuts(AliEmcalJet* jet) const { return (jet) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }
f1354962 90 /* inline */ void ClearMatchedJetsCache() {
91 for (Int_t i(0); i < fNoMatchedJets; i++) {
92 fMatchedJetContainer[i][0] = 0x0; fMatchedJetContainer[i][1] = 0x0; }
93 fNoMatchedJets = 0;
94 }
95 void PrintInfo() const;
96 virtual void Terminate(Option_t* option);
98 private:
99 Int_t fDebug; // debug level (0 none, 1 fcn calls, 2 verbose)
100 TClonesArray* fSourceJets; //! array with source jets
101 TString fSourceJetsName; // name of array with source jets
102 TClonesArray* fTargetJets; //! array with target jets
103 TString fTargetJetsName; // name of array with target jets
104 TClonesArray* fMatchedJets; //! final list of matched jets which is added to event
105 TString fMatchedJetsName; // name of list of matched jets
f6d1b1a7 106 AliLocalRhoParameter* fSourceRho; //! source rho
107 TString fSourceRhoName; // source rho name
108 AliLocalRhoParameter* fTargetRho; //! target rho
109 TString fTargetRhoName; // target rho name
f1354962 110 Bool_t fUseScaledRho; // use scaled rho
f6d1b1a7 111 Float_t fSourceRadius; // source radius
112 Float_t fTargetRadius; // target radius
f1354962 113 matchingSceme fMatchingScheme; // select your favorite matching algorithm
0aaf31ab 114 Bool_t fUseEmcalBaseJetCuts; // use the emcal jet base class for jet cuts
f1354962 115 sourceBKG fSourceBKG; // subtracted background of source jets
116 targetBKG fTargetBKG; // subtracted background of target jets
f1354962 117 // transient object pointers
118 TList* fOutputList; //! output list
119 TH1F* fHistUnsortedCorrelation; //! dphi correlation of unsorted jets
120 TH1F* fHistMatchedCorrelation; //! dphi correlation of matched jets
121 TH1F* fHistSourceJetPt; //! pt of source jets
122 TH1F* fHistTargetJetPt; //! pt of target jets
123 TH1F* fHistMatchedJetPt; //! pt of matched jets
124 TH1F* fHistNoConstSourceJet; //! number of constituents of source jet
125 TH1F* fHistNoConstTargetJet; //! number of constituents of target jet
126 TH1F* fHistNoConstMatchJet; //! number of constituents of matched jets
0aaf31ab 127 TProfile* fProfFracPtMatched; //! sum pt fraction for matched tracks / jet
128 TProfile* fProfFracPtJets; //! sum pt fraction for matched jets
129 TProfile* fProfFracNoMatched; //! no of constituents fraction found / jet
130 TProfile* fProfFracNoJets; //! no of consstituents fraction jet / jet
f1354962 131 TH1F* fHistAnalysisSummary; //! flags
132 TProfile* fProfQAMatched; //! QA spreads of matched jets
133 TProfile* fProfQA; //! QA spreads of source and target jets
134 Int_t fNoMatchedJets; //! number of matched jets
135 AliEmcalJet* fMatchedJetContainer[100][2]; //! pointers to matched jets
136 // geometric matching parameters
137 Float_t fMatchEta; // max eta distance between centers of matched jets
138 Float_t fMatchPhi; // max phi distance between centers of matched jets
139 Float_t fMatchR; // max distance between matched jets
f6d1b1a7 140 Bool_t fMatchConstituents; // match constituents
141 Float_t fMinFracRecoveredConstituents; // minimium fraction of constituents that needs to be found
285db795 142 Float_t fMinFracRecoveredConstituentPt; // minimium fraction of constituent pt that needs to be recovered
143 Bool_t fGetBijection; // get bijection of source and matched jets
f1354962 144
145 AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching(const AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching&); // not implemented
146 AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching&); // not implemented
f6d1b1a7 148 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskJetMatching, 4);
f1354962 149};