]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGJE/macros/PID/AddUpSystematicErrors.C
Initial Tasks and macros for PIDed Fragmentation Function (Benjamin Hess)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGJE / macros / PID / AddUpSystematicErrors.C
e131b05f 1#include "TH1D.h"\r
2#include "TCanvas.h"\r
3#include "TStyle.h"\r
4#include "TString.h"\r
5#include "TLegend.h"\r
6#include "TFile.h"\r
7#include "TGraphErrors.h"\r
8#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"\r
9#include "TGraph.h"\r
10#include "TMath.h"\r
12#include "AliPID.h"\r
14#include "THnSparseDefinitions.h"\r
16#include <iostream>\r
17#include <iomanip>\r
19const Int_t numSpecies = 5;\r
22TCanvas* DrawFractionHistos(TString canvName, TString canvTitle, Double_t pLow, Double_t pHigh, TGraphAsymmErrors** gr, TH1F** histRef)\r
24 TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas(canvName.Data(), canvTitle.Data(),100,10,1200,800);\r
25 canv->SetGridx(1);\r
26 canv->SetGridy(1);\r
27 canv->SetLogx(1);\r
28 \r
29 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSpecies; i++) {\r
30 histRef[i]->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.0);\r
31 histRef[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(canvTitle.Data());\r
32 histRef[i]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(pLow, pHigh);\r
33 //histRef[i]->SetFillStyle(3004 + i);\r
34 //histRef[i]->SetFillColor(kGray);\r
35 histRef[i]->SetFillStyle(0);\r
36 histRef[i]->SetFillColor(histRef[i]->GetMarkerColor());\r
37 histRef[i]->SetLineColor(histRef[i]->GetMarkerColor());\r
38 }\r
39 histRef[2]->SetMarkerStyle(20);\r
40 histRef[2]->Draw("e p");\r
41 histRef[0]->SetMarkerStyle(21);\r
42 histRef[0]->Draw("e p same");\r
43 histRef[1]->SetMarkerStyle(22);\r
44 histRef[1]->Draw("e p same");\r
45 histRef[3]->SetMarkerStyle(29);\r
46 histRef[3]->Draw("e p same");\r
47 histRef[4]->SetMarkerStyle(30);\r
48 histRef[4]->Draw("e p same");\r
49 \r
50 gr[0]->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(pLow, pHigh);\r
51 gr[0]->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 1.0);\r
52 gr[0]->Draw("2 same");\r
53 gr[1]->Draw("2 same");\r
54 gr[2]->Draw("2 same");\r
55 gr[3]->Draw("2 same");\r
56 gr[4]->Draw("2 same");\r
57 \r
58 TLegend* legend = new TLegend(0.622126, 0.605932, 0.862069, 0.855932); \r
59 legend->SetBorderSize(0);\r
60 legend->SetFillColor(0);\r
61 legend->AddEntry(histRef[2], "#pi", "flp");\r
62 legend->AddEntry(histRef[0], "e", "flp");\r
63 legend->AddEntry(histRef[1], "K", "flp");\r
64 legend->AddEntry(histRef[3], "p", "flp");\r
65 legend->AddEntry(histRef[4], "#mu", "flp");\r
66 legend->Draw();\r
67 \r
68 ClearTitleFromHistoInCanvas(canv);\r
69 \r
70 return canv;\r
75TGraphAsymmErrors* loadGraph(const TString graphName, TFile* f)\r
77 if (!f) {\r
78 std::cout << "No file. Cannot load graph \"" << graphName.Data() << "\n!" << std::endl;\r
79 return 0x0;\r
80 }\r
81 \r
82 TGraphAsymmErrors* grTemp = dynamic_cast<TGraphAsymmErrors*>(f->Get(graphName.Data()));\r
83 if (!grTemp) {\r
84 std::cout << "Failed to load histo \"" << graphName.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl;\r
85 return 0x0;\r
86 } \r
87 \r
88 return grTemp;\r
93TH1F* loadHisto(const TString histName, TFile* f)\r
95 if (!f) {\r
96 std::cout << "No file. Cannot load hist \"" << histName.Data() << "\n!" << std::endl;\r
97 return 0x0;\r
98 }\r
99 \r
100 TH1F* hTemp = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(f->Get(histName.Data()));\r
101 if (!hTemp) {\r
102 std::cout << "Failed to load histo \"" << histName.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl;\r
103 return 0x0;\r
104 } \r
105 \r
106 return hTemp;\r
111Int_t AddUpSystematicErrors(const TString path, const TString outFileTitle, const TString* fileNames, const Int_t numFiles,\r
112 const TString fileNameReference) \r
113{ \r
114 if (!fileNames || numFiles < 1)\r
115 return -1;\r
116 \r
117 TFile* f[numFiles];\r
118 TGraphAsymmErrors** grSysError[numSpecies];\r
119 TString grNames[numSpecies] = {"systematicError_electron", "systematicError_kaon", "systematicError_pion", "systematicError_proton",\r
120 "systematicError_muon" };\r
121 \r
122 const TString histNames[numSpecies] = {"hFractionElectrons", "hFractionKaons", "hFractionPions", "hFractionProtons", "hFractionMuons" };\r
123 \r
124 \r
125 TGraphAsymmErrors** grSysErrorYields[numSpecies];\r
126 TString grNamesYields[numSpecies] = {"systematicErrorYields_electron", "systematicErrorYields_kaon", "systematicErrorYields_pion",\r
127 "systematicErrorYields_proton", "systematicErrorYields_muon" };\r
128 \r
129 const TString histNamesYields[numSpecies] = {"hYieldElectrons", "hYieldKaons", "hYieldPions", "hYieldProtons", "hYieldMuons" };\r
130 \r
131 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSpecies; i++) {\r
132 grSysError[i] = new TGraphAsymmErrors*[numFiles];\r
133 grSysErrorYields[i] = new TGraphAsymmErrors*[numFiles];\r
134 }\r
135 \r
136 for (Int_t iFile = 0; iFile < numFiles; iFile++) {\r
137 f[iFile] = TFile::Open(fileNames[iFile].Data());\r
138 if (!f[iFile]) {\r
139 std::cout << "Failed to open file \"" << fileNames[iFile].Data() << "\"!" << std::endl;\r
140 return -1;\r
141 }\r
142 \r
143 // Extract the data graphs\r
144 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSpecies; i++) {\r
145 grSysError[i][iFile] = loadGraph(grNames[i], f[iFile]);\r
146 if (!grSysError[i][iFile])\r
147 return -1;\r
148 \r
149 grSysError[i][iFile]->SetName(Form("%s_fileID%d", grSysError[i][iFile]->GetName(), iFile));\r
150 \r
151 \r
152 grSysErrorYields[i][iFile] = loadGraph(grNamesYields[i], f[iFile]);\r
153 if (!grSysErrorYields[i][iFile])\r
154 return -1;\r
155 \r
156 grSysErrorYields[i][iFile]->SetName(Form("%s_fileID%d", grSysErrorYields[i][iFile]->GetName(), iFile));\r
157 }\r
158 }\r
159 \r
160 // Load data points with statistical errors\r
161 TFile* fReferenceData = TFile::Open(fileNameReference.Data());\r
162 if (!fReferenceData) {\r
163 std::cout << "Failed to open file \"" << fileNameReference.Data() << "\"!" << std::endl;\r
164 return -1;\r
165 }\r
166 \r
167 TH1F* hReferenceFractions[numSpecies];\r
168 TH1F* hReferenceYields[numSpecies];\r
169 \r
170 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSpecies; i++) {\r
171 hReferenceFractions[i] = loadHisto(histNames[i], fReferenceData);\r
172 if (!hReferenceFractions[i])\r
173 return -1;\r
174 \r
175 hReferenceYields[i] = loadHisto(histNamesYields[i], fReferenceData);\r
176 if (!hReferenceYields[i])\r
177 return -1;\r
178 }\r
179 \r
180 const Int_t reference = 0;\r
181 \r
182 // The x,y coordinates should be those of the reference graph. Then, all corresponding sys. errors are added in quadrature.\r
183 TGraphAsymmErrors* grTotSysError[numSpecies];\r
184 TGraphAsymmErrors* grTotSysErrorYields[numSpecies];\r
185 Double_t sysErrorTotalSquared = 0;\r
186 Double_t temp = 0;\r
187 \r
188 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSpecies; i++) {\r
189 grTotSysError[i] = new TGraphAsymmErrors(*grSysError[i][reference]);\r
190 grTotSysError[i]->SetName(grNames[i]);\r
191 \r
192 for (Int_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < grTotSysError[i]->GetN(); iPoint++) {\r
193 sysErrorTotalSquared = 0;\r
194 for (Int_t iFile = 0; iFile < numFiles; iFile++) {\r
195 // Already averages high and low value -> Since they are by now the same, this is ok.\r
196 temp = grSysError[i][iFile]->GetErrorY(iPoint); \r
197 if (temp > 0) {\r
198 sysErrorTotalSquared += temp * temp;\r
199 }\r
200 }\r
201 \r
202 grTotSysError[i]->SetPointEYlow(iPoint, TMath::Sqrt(sysErrorTotalSquared));\r
203 grTotSysError[i]->SetPointEYhigh(iPoint, TMath::Sqrt(sysErrorTotalSquared));\r
204 }\r
205 \r
206 // Same for the yields\r
207 grTotSysErrorYields[i] = new TGraphAsymmErrors(*grSysErrorYields[i][reference]);\r
208 grTotSysErrorYields[i]->SetName(grNamesYields[i]);\r
209 \r
210 for (Int_t iPoint = 0; iPoint < grTotSysErrorYields[i]->GetN(); iPoint++) {\r
211 sysErrorTotalSquared = 0;\r
212 for (Int_t iFile = 0; iFile < numFiles; iFile++) {\r
213 // Already averages high and low value -> Since they are by now the same, this is ok.\r
214 temp = grSysErrorYields[i][iFile]->GetErrorY(iPoint); \r
215 if (temp > 0) {\r
216 sysErrorTotalSquared += temp * temp;\r
217 }\r
218 }\r
219 \r
220 grTotSysErrorYields[i]->SetPointEYlow(iPoint, TMath::Sqrt(sysErrorTotalSquared));\r
221 grTotSysErrorYields[i]->SetPointEYhigh(iPoint, TMath::Sqrt(sysErrorTotalSquared));\r
222 }\r
223 }\r
224 \r
225 const Double_t pLow = 0.15;\r
226 const Double_t pHigh = 50.;\r
227 TCanvas* cFractionsWithTotalSystematicError = DrawFractionHistos("cFractionsWithTotalSystematicError", "Particle fractions", pLow, pHigh,\r
228 grTotSysError, hReferenceFractions);\r
229 \r
230 \r
231 // Output file\r
232 TFile* fSave = 0x0;\r
233 TDatime daTime;\r
234 TString saveFileName;\r
235 \r
236 saveFileName = Form("outputSystematicsTotal_%s__%04d_%02d_%02d.root", outFileTitle.Data(), daTime.GetYear(),\r
237 daTime.GetMonth(), daTime.GetDay());\r
238 \r
239 fSave = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s", path.Data(), saveFileName.Data()), "recreate");\r
240 if (!fSave) {\r
241 std::cout << "Failed to open save file \"" << Form("%s/%s", path.Data(), saveFileName.Data()) << "\"!" << std::endl;\r
242 return -1;\r
243 }\r
244 \r
245 // Save final results\r
246 fSave->cd();\r
247 \r
248 if (cFractionsWithTotalSystematicError)\r
249 cFractionsWithTotalSystematicError->Write();\r
250 \r
251 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numSpecies; i++) {\r
252 if (grTotSysError[i])\r
253 grTotSysError[i]->Write();\r
254 if (hReferenceFractions[i])\r
255 hReferenceFractions[i]->Write();\r
256 \r
257 if (grTotSysErrorYields[i])\r
258 grTotSysErrorYields[i]->Write();\r
259 if (hReferenceYields[i])\r
260 hReferenceYields[i]->Write();\r
261 }\r
262 \r
263 // Save list of file names in output file\r
264 TString listOfFileNames = "";\r
265 for (Int_t i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) {\r
266 listOfFileNames.Append(Form("%s%d: %s", i == 0 ? "" : ", ", i, fileNames[i].Data()));\r
267 }\r
268 \r
269 TNamed* settings = new TNamed(Form("Used files for systematics: %s\n", listOfFileNames.Data()),\r
270 Form("Used files for systematics: %s\n", listOfFileNames.Data()));\r
271 settings->Write();\r
272 \r
273 delete cFractionsWithTotalSystematicError;\r
274 \r
275 fSave->Close();\r
276 \r
277 return 0;\r