]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/AliFMDESDFixer.h
Merge branch 'master' of https://git.cern.ch/reps/AliRoot
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / AliFMDESDFixer.h
0ccdab7b 1#ifndef ALIFMDESDFIXER_H
3#include <TObject.h>
4#include <TBits.h>
5class TH1;
6class TList;
7class AliESDFMD;
10 * Class to fix up an ESD object for various small issues.
11 *
12 * @par Input:
13 * - AliESDFMD object - from reconstruction
14 * - Ip z coordinate - from reconstruction
15 * - Reco noise factor - Assumed noise factor used in reconstruction
16 *
17 * @par Output:
18 * - The same AliESDFMD object but modified
19 *
20 * @par Corrections used
21 * - AliFMDCorrNoiseGain if the noise correction is enabled
22 *
23 * @par Histograms
24 * - Change in @f$\Delta@f$ due to noise correction
25 * - Number of channels declared dead
26 * - Change in @f$\eta@f$
27 *
28 * @ingroup pwglf_forward_algo
29 * @ingroup pwglf_forward_aod
30 */
31class AliFMDESDFixer : public TObject
34 /**
35 * Default CTOR - for ROOT I/O - do not use
36 */
37 AliFMDESDFixer();
39 /**
40 * User CTOR
41 *
42 * @param name Dummy argument
43 */
44 AliFMDESDFixer(const char* name);
45 /**
46 * Get name of object
47 *
48 * @return Always the same
49 */
50 const char* GetName() const { return "fmdESDFixer"; }
51 /**
52 * Create output objects
53 */
54 void CreateOutputObjects(TList* l);
55 /**
56 * Fix the ESD object
57 *
58 * @param esd ESD object
59 * @param ipZ IP Z--coordinate
60 */
61 void Fix(AliESDFMD& esd, Double_t ipZ);
63 /**
64 * @{
65 * @name Noise suppression fix
66 */
67 /**
68 * Set the factor assumed to be used in the reconstruction. If this
69 * is set way high (>=4) then this corrector will effectively be
70 * disabled.
71 *
72 * @param f
73 */
74 void SetRecoNoiseFactor(Int_t f) { fRecoFactor = f; }
75 void SetMaxNoiseCorrection(Double_t x) { fMaxNoiseCorr = x; }
76 /**
77 * Get the factor assumed in reconstruction pass
78 *
79 * @return factor assumed in reconstruction pass
80 */
81 Int_t GetRecoNoiseFactor() const { return fRecoFactor; }
82 /**
83 * Check if we're using the noise correction.
84 *
85 * @return true if fRecoFactor < 4
86 */
87 Bool_t IsUseNoiseCorrection() const { return fRecoFactor < 4; }
88 /**
89 * Find the target noise factor
90 *
91 * @param esd ESD object.
92 * @param check If true, also check for correction object
93 *
94 * @return Needed noise factor, or 0 or less if no correction is needed
95 */
96 Int_t FindTargetNoiseFactor(const AliESDFMD& esd, Bool_t check=true) const;
97 /* @} */
99 /**
100 * @{
101 * @name Recalculations
102 */
103 /**
104 * In case of a displaced vertices recalculate @f$\eta@f$ and angle
105 * correction
106 *
107 * @param use recalculate or not
108 *
109 */
110 void SetRecalculateEta(Bool_t use) { fRecalculateEta = use; }
111 /* @} */
113 /**
114 * @{
115 * @name Special treatmeant of invalid signals
116 */
117 /**
118 * Set whether to consider invalid multiplicities as null (or empty)
119 * signal.
120 *
121 * @param flag If true, count invalids as empty
122 */
123 void SetInvalidIsEmpty(Bool_t flag) { fInvalidIsEmpty = flag; }
124 /** @} */
126 /**
127 * @{
128 * @name Dead strip handling
129 */
130 /**
131 * Add a dead strip
132 *
133 * @param d Detector
134 * @param r Ring
135 * @param s Sector
136 * @param t Strip
137 */
138 void AddDead(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t);
139 /**
140 * Add a dead region in a detector ring
141 *
142 * @param d Detector
143 * @param r Ring
144 * @param s1 First sector (inclusive)
145 * @param s2 Last sector (inclusive)
146 * @param t1 First strip (inclusive)
147 * @param t2 Last strip (inclusive)
148 */
149 void AddDeadRegion(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s1, UShort_t s2,
150 UShort_t t1, UShort_t t2);
151 /**
152 * Add dead strips from a script. The script is supposed to accept
153 * a pointer to this object (AliFMDSharingFilter) and then call
154 * AddDead or AddDeadRegion as needed.
155 *
156 * @code
157 * void deadstrips(AliFMDSharingFilter* filter)
158 * {
159 * filter->AddDead(...);
160 * // ... and so on
161 * }
162 * @endcode
163 *
164 * @param script The script to read dead strips from.
165 */
166 void AddDead(const Char_t* script);
167 /* @} */
169 void Print(Option_t* option="") const;
171 AliFMDESDFixer(const AliFMDESDFixer&);
172 AliFMDESDFixer& operator=(const AliFMDESDFixer&);
174 /**
175 * @{
176 * @name Worker functions
177 */
178 /**
179 * Check if a strip is marked as dead
180 *
181 * @param d Detector
182 * @param r Ring
183 * @param s Sector
184 * @param t Strip
185 *
186 * @return true if dead
187 */
188 virtual Bool_t IsDead(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t) const;
189 /**
190 * Possibly raise a strip from the dead or kill it
191 *
192 * @param d Detector
193 * @param r Ring
194 * @param s Sector
195 * @param t Strip
196 * @param m Multiplicity
197 *
198 * @return true if this was killed
199 */
200 Bool_t CheckDead(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t, Double_t& m);
201 /**
202 * Re-calculate eta and correct the multiplicity accordingly
203 *
204 * @param d Detector
205 * @param r Ring
206 * @param s Sector
207 * @param t Strip
208 * @param vz Ip Z-coordinate
209 * @param mult In/out multiplicity
210 * @param eta In/out eta
211 * @param cosTheta On return, the cosine of theta or null
212 */
213 void RecalculateEta(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t,
214 Double_t vz, Double_t& mult, Double_t& eta,
215 Double_t& cosTheta);
216 /**
217 * Correct for noise suppression
218 *
219 * @param f Factor to apply
220 * @param c Correction
221 * @param cosTheta Cosine to theta
222 * @param mult In/Out multiplity
223 *
224 * @return true if signal is good, otherwise false
225 */
226 Bool_t NoiseCorrect(Int_t f, Double_t c, Double_t cosTheta, Double_t& mult);
228 Int_t fRecoFactor; // Noise factor used in Reco
229 Double_t fMaxNoiseCorr; // If noise corr above this, flag as dead
230 Bool_t fRecalculateEta; // Whether to recalc eta and angle cor (disp vtx)
231 TBits fXtraDead; // List of extra dead channels
232 Bool_t fHasXtraDead; // Whether we have xtra dead channels
233 Bool_t fInvalidIsEmpty; // Consider kInvalidMult as zero
234 TH1* fNoiseChange; // Diagnostics
235 TH1* fEtaChange; // Diagnostics
236 TH1* fDeadChange; // Diagnostics
238 ClassDef(AliFMDESDFixer,1); // Fix FMD ESD object for issues
243// EOF