]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices.h
Chiara O. implemented a way to bypass HIJING internal calculation
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices.h
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
8#include "AliBasedNdetaTask.h"
9#include <TList.h>
10#include <iostream>
12class TH2D;
15 * Task to do the multiplicity distibution
16 *
17 */
18class AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices : public AliBasedNdetaTask
21 /**
22 *
23 * Default Constructor
24 *
25 */
26 AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices();
27 /**
28 * Constructor
29 *
30 */
31 AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices(const char* name);
32 /**
33 * Copy Constructor
34 *
35 */
36 AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices(const AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices& o) : AliBasedNdetaTask(o), fTrigger(),fBins(), fOutput() { }
37 /**
38 * Assignment operator
39 *
40 */
41 AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices& operator=(const AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices&){return *this;}
42 /**
43 *
44 * Destructor
45 *
46 */
47 virtual ~AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices(){}
48 /**
49 * Embedded Class begins here
50 */
51 struct Bin : public TNamed
52 {
53 /**
54 * Default Constructor
55 */
56 Bin();
57 /**
58 * Constructor
59 */
60 Bin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaHigh);
61 /**
62 * Copy Constructor
63 */
64 Bin(const Bin&);
65 /**
66 * Assignment Operator
67 */
68 Bin&operator=(const Bin&){return*this;}
69 /**
70 * Destructor
71 */
72 ~Bin(){}
73 /**
74 * Define outputs of a single eta bin
75 */
5934a3e3 76 virtual void CreateOutputObjectss(TList* cont, Int_t max);
ad7be237 77 /**
78 * Process a single eta bin
79 */
80 virtual void Process(TH1D* dndetaForward, TH1D* dndetaCentral, TH1D* normForward, TH1D* normCentral, TH1D* dndetaMC, Double_t VtxZ, Bool_t selectedTrigger, Bool_t isMCNSDm, Bool_t isESDNSD, AliAODEvent* aodevent);
81 Double_t fEtaLow; // low eta limit
82 Double_t fEtaHigh; // high eta limit
83 TH1D* fHist; // multiplicity histogram
84 TH1D* fHistMC; // multiplicity histogram MC truth primaries
85 TH2D* fAcceptance; // histogram showing the 'holes' in acceptance. BinContent of 1 shows a hole, and BinContent of 10 shows data coverage
86 TH2D* fVtxZvsNdataBins; // VtxZ vs. number of data acceptance bins (normalised to the eta range)
87 TH2D* fResponseMatrix; //Response matrix (MC truth vs. analysed multiplicity)
88 TH2D* fResponseMatrixPlus05; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 5%
89 TH2D* fResponseMatrixPlus075; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 7.5%
90 TH2D* fResponseMatrixPlus10; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 10%
91 TH2D* fResponseMatrixMinus05; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 5%
92 TH2D* fResponseMatrixMinus075; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 7.55%
93 TH2D* fResponseMatrixMinus10; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 10%
94 TH2D* fResponseMatrixMinusSys; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by event mult uncertainty
95 TH2D* fResponseMatrixPlusSys; //Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by event mult uncertainty
96 TH1D* fESDNSD; //number of events found as NSD by the analysis vs. multiplicity
97 TH1D* fMCNSD; //number of events found as NSD by the MC truth vs. multiplicity
98 TH1D* fMCESDNSD; //number of events found as NSD by both analysis and MC truth vs. multiplicity
99 TH1D* fTriggerBias; // histogram for trigger vertex bias correction
5934a3e3 100 ClassDef(Bin,2); // Manager of data
ad7be237 101 };
102 /**
103 * Create Output Objects
104 */
105 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
106 /**
107 * User Exec
108 */
109 void UserExec(Option_t *option);
110 /**
111 * Terminate
112 */
113 void Terminate(Option_t *option);
114 /**
115 * implementation of pure virtual function, always returning 0
116 */
117 virtual TH2D* GetHistogram(const AliAODEvent* aod, Bool_t mc);
118 /**
119 * Get single event forward and central @f$d^2N/d\eta d\phi@f$
120 * histograms
121 *
122 */
123 virtual void GetHistograms(const AliAODEvent* aod, TH2D& forward, TH2D& central);
124 /**
125 * Add another eta bin to the task
126 */
127 void AddBin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaHigh){fBins.Add(new Bin(etaLow, etaHigh)); }
128 protected:
129 TH1I* fTrigger; //Trigger histogram
130 TList fBins; // List of eta bins
131 TList* fOutput; // Output list
5934a3e3 132 ClassDef(AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices, 2);
ad7be237 133};
136// Local Variables:
137// mode: C++
138// End: