]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/MakeEvaluateTriggers.C
changed name of add task macro. git test.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / MakeEvaluateTriggers.C
5bb5d1f6 1#ifdef BUILD
2#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
3#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
4#include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h"
5#include "AliMCEvent.h"
6#include "AliESDEvent.h"
7#include "AliStack.h"
8#include "AliMultiplicity.h"
9#include "AliFMDMCEventInspector.h"
10#include "AliAODForwardMult.h"
11#include "AliLog.h"
12#include <TH1I.h>
13#include <TH2D.h>
14#include <TAxis.h>
15#include <TList.h>
16#include <TObjArray.h>
17#include <TParameter.h>
18#include <TStopwatch.h>
19#include <TROOT.h>
20#include <THStack.h>
21#include <TStyle.h>
25 * Task to evaluate trigger bias in pp
26 *
27 */
28class EvaluateTrigger : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
31 enum {
32 kNone = 0x0,
33 kESD = 0x1,
34 kMC = 0x2
35 };
f709afcf 36 enum {
37 kMaxN = 9
38 };
5bb5d1f6 39 /**
40 * Constructor
41 */
42 EvaluateTrigger()
43 : AliAnalysisTaskSE(),
44 fInel(),
45 fInelGt0(),
46 fNSD(),
f709afcf 47 fNClusterGt0(),
5bb5d1f6 48 fInspector(),
49 fFirstEvent(true),
50 fData(0),
51 fTriggers(0),
52 fTrackletRequirement(kESD),
53 fVertexRequirement(kESD),
54 fVertexAxis(0, 0, 0),
55 fVertexESD(0),
56 fVertexMC(0),
57 fM(0)
58 {}
59 /**
60 * Constructor
61 */
62 EvaluateTrigger(const char* /*name*/)
63 : AliAnalysisTaskSE("evaluateTrigger"),
64 fInel(AliAODForwardMult::kInel),
65 fInelGt0(AliAODForwardMult::kInelGt0),
66 fNSD(AliAODForwardMult::kNSD),
f709afcf 67 fNClusterGt0(AliAODForwardMult::kNClusterGt0),
5bb5d1f6 68 fInspector("eventInspector"),
69 fFirstEvent(true),
70 fData(0),
71 fTriggers(0),
72 fTrackletRequirement(kESD),
73 fVertexRequirement(kESD),
74 fVertexAxis(10, -10, 10),
75 fVertexESD(0),
76 fVertexMC(0),
77 fM(0)
78 {
79 DefineOutput(1, TList::Class());
80 DefineOutput(2, TList::Class());
81 }
82 void SetVertexRequirement(UShort_t m) { fVertexRequirement = m; }
83 void SetTrackletRequirement(UShort_t m) { fTrackletRequirement = m; }
84 void SetVertexAxis(Int_t nBins, Double_t low, Double_t high)
85 {
86 fVertexAxis.Set(nBins, low, high);
87 }
88 /**
89 * Intialize
90 */
91 void Init() {}
92 /**
93 * Create output objects
94 */
95 void UserCreateOutputObjects()
96 {
97 fList = new TList;
98 fList->SetOwner();
f709afcf 99 fList->SetName("triggerSums");
5bb5d1f6 100
f709afcf 101 // Double_t mb[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 };
102 // Int_t nM = 10;
5bb5d1f6 103 TAxis eAxis(200, -4, 6);
104 TAxis pAxis(40, 0, 2*TMath::Pi());
106 fData = new TH2D("data", "Cache",
107 eAxis.GetNbins(), eAxis.GetXmin(), eAxis.GetXmax(),
108 pAxis.GetNbins(), pAxis.GetXmin(), pAxis.GetXmax());
109 fData->SetDirectory(0);
110 fData->SetXTitle("#eta");
111 fData->SetYTitle("#varphi [radians]");
112 fData->SetZTitle("N_{ch}(#eta,#varphi)");
113 fData->Sumw2();
f709afcf 115 fM = new TH1D("m", "Distribution of N_{ch}|_{|#eta|<1}", kMaxN+1,0,kMaxN+1);
5bb5d1f6 116 fM->SetXTitle("N_{ch}|_{|#eta|<1}");
117 fM->SetYTitle("Events");
118 fM->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
119 fM->SetFillStyle(3001);
120 fM->SetDirectory(0);
121 fList->Add(fM);
f709afcf 123 for (Int_t i = 0; i <= kMaxN; i++) {
5bb5d1f6 124 TString lbl;
f709afcf 125 if (i == 0) lbl = "all";
126 else if (i == kMaxN) lbl = Form("%d+",i-1);
127 else lbl = Form("<%d",i);
5bb5d1f6 128 fM->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, lbl);
129 }
f709afcf 131 fTriggers = new TH1I("triggers", "Triggers", 8, -.5, 7.5);
5bb5d1f6 132 fTriggers->SetDirectory(0);
133 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "INEL (MC)");
134 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "INEL (ESD)");
f709afcf 135 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "INEL & N_{cluster}>0 (MC)");
136 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "INEL & N_{cluster}>0 (ESD)");
137 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "INEL>0 (MC)");
138 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "INEL>0 (ESD)");
139 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "NSD (MC)");
140 fTriggers->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "NSD (ESD)");
5bb5d1f6 141 fTriggers->SetFillColor(kYellow+1);
142 fTriggers->SetFillStyle(3001);
143 fList->Add(fTriggers);
145 fVertexESD = new TH1D("vertexESD", "ESD vertex distribution",
146 fVertexAxis.GetNbins(),
147 fVertexAxis.GetXmin(),
148 fVertexAxis.GetXmax());
149 fVertexESD->SetDirectory(0);
150 fVertexESD->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
151 fVertexESD->SetFillStyle(3001);
152 fVertexESD->SetXTitle("v_{z} [cm]");
153 fVertexESD->SetYTitle("P(v_{z})");
154 fList->Add(fVertexESD);
156 fVertexMC = new TH1D("vertexMC", "MC vertex distribution",
157 fVertexAxis.GetNbins(),
158 fVertexAxis.GetXmin(),
159 fVertexAxis.GetXmax());
160 fVertexMC->SetDirectory(0);
161 fVertexMC->SetFillColor(kBlue+1);
162 fVertexMC->SetFillStyle(3001);
163 fVertexMC->SetXTitle("v_{z} [cm]");
164 fVertexMC->SetYTitle("P(v_{z})");
165 fList->Add(fVertexMC);
167 fInel.CreateObjects(fList, fM, fData);
168 fInelGt0.CreateObjects(fList, fM, fData);
169 fNSD.CreateObjects(fList, fM, fData);
f709afcf 170 fNClusterGt0.CreateObjects(fList, fM, fData);
5bb5d1f6 171
173 fInspector.DefineOutput(fList);
174 fInspector.Init(fVertexAxis);
176 PostData(1, fList);
177 }
178 /**
179 * Event processing
180 */
181 void UserExec(Option_t*)
182 {
183 // Get the input data - MC event
184 AliMCEvent* mcEvent = MCEvent();
185 if (!mcEvent) {
186 AliWarning("No MC event found");
187 return;
188 }
190 // Get the input data - ESD event
191 AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*>(InputEvent());
192 if (!esd) {
193 AliWarning("No ESD event found for input event");
194 return;
195 }
197 if (fFirstEvent && esd->GetESDRun()) {
198 fInspector.ReadRunDetails(esd);
200 AliInfo(Form("Initializing with parameters from the ESD:\n"
201 " AliESDEvent::GetBeamEnergy() ->%f\n"
202 " AliESDEvent::GetBeamType() ->%s\n"
203 " AliESDEvent::GetCurrentL3() ->%f\n"
204 " AliESDEvent::GetMagneticField()->%f\n"
205 " AliESDEvent::GetRunNumber() ->%d\n",
206 esd->GetBeamEnergy(),
207 esd->GetBeamType(),
208 esd->GetCurrentL3(),
209 esd->GetMagneticField(),
210 esd->GetRunNumber()));
212 fFirstEvent = false;
213 }
215 // Get the particle stack
216 AliStack* stack = mcEvent->Stack();
218 // Some variables
219 UInt_t triggers; // Trigger bits
220 Bool_t lowFlux; // Low flux flag
221 UShort_t iVz; // Vertex bin from ESD
222 Double_t vZ; // Z coordinate from ESD
223 Double_t cent; // Centrality
224 UShort_t iVzMc; // Vertex bin from MC
225 Double_t vZMc; // Z coordinate of IP vertex from MC
226 Double_t b; // Impact parameter
227 Int_t nPart; // Number of participants
228 Int_t nBin; // Number of binary collisions
229 Double_t phiR; // Reaction plane from MC
f709afcf 230 UShort_t nClusters;// Number of clisters
5bb5d1f6 231 // Process the data
f709afcf 232 Int_t retESD = fInspector.Process(esd, triggers, lowFlux, iVz, vZ, cent,
233 nClusters);
5bb5d1f6 234 Int_t retMC = fInspector.ProcessMC(mcEvent, triggers, iVzMc,
235 vZMc, b, nPart, nBin, phiR);
237 Bool_t hasESDVtx = retESD == AliFMDEventInspector::kOk;
238 Bool_t hasMCVtx = retMC == AliFMDEventInspector::kOk;
239 if (hasESDVtx) fVertexESD->Fill(vZ);
240 if (hasMCVtx) fVertexMC->Fill(vZMc);
242 Bool_t isMcInel = true; // (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kB);
243 Bool_t isMcNSD = (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kMCNSD);
245 Int_t mESD = 0;
246 const AliMultiplicity* spdmult = esd->GetMultiplicity();
247 if (!spdmult) {
248 AliWarning("No SPD multiplicity");
249 }
250 else {
251 // Check if we have one or more tracklets
252 // in the range -1 < eta < 1 to set the INEL>0
253 // trigger flag.
254 Int_t n = spdmult->GetNumberOfTracklets();
255 for (Int_t j = 0; j < n; j++)
256 if(TMath::Abs(spdmult->GetEta(j)) < 1) mESD++;
257 }
259 // Reset cache
260 fData->Reset();
261 Int_t mMC = 0; // Number of particles in |eta|<1
263 // Loop over all tracks
264 Int_t nTracks = mcEvent->GetNumberOfTracks();
265 for (Int_t iTr = 0; iTr < nTracks; iTr++) {
266 AliMCParticle* particle =
267 static_cast<AliMCParticle*>(mcEvent->GetTrack(iTr));
269 // Check the returned particle
270 if (!particle) continue;
272 // Check if this charged and a primary
273 Bool_t isCharged = particle->Charge() != 0;
274 Bool_t isPrimary = stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iTr);
276 if (!isCharged || !isPrimary) continue;
279 // Fill (eta,phi) of the particle into histograsm for b
280 Double_t eta = particle->Eta();
281 Double_t phi = particle->Phi();
283 fData->Fill(eta, phi);
284 if (TMath::Abs(eta) <= 1) mMC++;
285 }
286 Int_t m = mESD;
287 if (fTrackletRequirement == kMC) m = mMC;
288 fM->Fill(m);
290 bool isMcInelGt0 = isMcInel && (mMC > 0);
292 bool hasVertex = true;
293 if (fVertexRequirement & kMC) hasVertex = hasVertex && hasMCVtx;
294 if (fVertexRequirement & kESD) hasVertex = hasVertex && hasESDVtx;
296 if (isMcInel) {
297 fTriggers->Fill(0);
298 bool triggered = (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kInel);
299 if (triggered) fTriggers->Fill(1);
300 fInel.AddEvent(triggered, hasVertex, m, fData);
301 }
f709afcf 302 if (isMcInel) { // && nClusters > 0) {
5bb5d1f6 303 fTriggers->Fill(2);
f709afcf 304 bool triggered = (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kNClusterGt0);
5bb5d1f6 305 if (triggered) fTriggers->Fill(3);
f709afcf 306 fNClusterGt0.AddEvent(triggered, hasVertex, m, fData);
307 }
308 if (isMcInelGt0) {
309 fTriggers->Fill(4);
310 bool triggered = (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kInelGt0);
311 if (triggered) fTriggers->Fill(5);
5bb5d1f6 312 fInelGt0.AddEvent(triggered, hasVertex, m, fData);
313 }
314 if (isMcNSD) {
f709afcf 315 fTriggers->Fill(6);
5bb5d1f6 316 bool triggered = (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kNSD);
f709afcf 317 if (triggered) fTriggers->Fill(7);
5bb5d1f6 318 fNSD.AddEvent(triggered, hasVertex, m, fData);
319 }
320 PostData(1, fList);
321 }
322 /**
323 * End of job processing
324 */
325 void Terminate(Option_t*)
326 {
327 fList = dynamic_cast<TList*>(GetOutputData(1));
328 if (!fList) {
329 AliError(Form("No output list defined (%p)", GetOutputData(1)));
330 if (GetOutputData(1)) GetOutputData(1)->Print();
331 return;
332 }
335 TList* output = new TList;
f709afcf 336 output->SetName("triggerResults");
5bb5d1f6 337 output->SetOwner();
339 fVertexMC = static_cast<TH1D*>(fList->FindObject("vertexMC"));
340 fVertexESD = static_cast<TH1D*>(fList->FindObject("vertexESD"));
341 fM = static_cast<TH1D*>(fList->FindObject("m"));
342 if (fVertexMC) {
343 TH1D* vtxMC = static_cast<TH1D*>(fVertexMC->Clone("vertexMC"));
344 vtxMC->SetDirectory(0);
f709afcf 345 if (vtxMC->GetEntries() > 0)
346 vtxMC->Scale(1. / vtxMC->GetEntries());
347 else
348 vtxMC->Scale(0);
5bb5d1f6 349 output->Add(vtxMC);
350 }
351 if (fVertexESD) {
352 TH1D* vtxESD = static_cast<TH1D*>(fVertexESD->Clone("vertexESD"));
353 vtxESD->SetDirectory(0);
f709afcf 354 if (vtxESD->GetEntries() > 0)
355 vtxESD->Scale(1. / vtxESD->GetEntries());
356 else
357 vtxESD->Scale(0);
5bb5d1f6 358 output->Add(vtxESD);
359 }
360 if (fM) {
361 TH1D* m = static_cast<TH1D*>(fM->Clone("m"));
362 m->SetDirectory(0);
363 m->SetYTitle("P(N_{ch}|_{|#eta|<1} < X)");
f709afcf 364 if (m->GetBinContent(1) > 0)
365 m->Scale(1. / m->GetBinContent(1));
366 else
367 m->Scale(0);
5bb5d1f6 368 output->Add(m);
369 }
f709afcf 371 TString vtxReq;
372 if (fVertexRequirement & kMC) vtxReq.Append("MC ");
373 if (fVertexRequirement & kESD) vtxReq.Append("ESD ");
374 output->Add(new TNamed("vtxReq", vtxReq.Data()));
375 output->Add(new TNamed("trkReq",
376 fTrackletRequirement == kMC ? "MC" : "ESD"));
5bb5d1f6 378 fInel.Finish(fList, output);
379 fInelGt0.Finish(fList, output);
380 fNSD.Finish(fList, output);
f709afcf 381 fNClusterGt0.Finish(fList, output);
5bb5d1f6 382
383 PostData(2, output);
384 }
387 //__________________________________________________________________
388 /**
389 * Structure to hold per trigger type information
390 */
391 struct TriggerType : public TNamed
392 {
393 //________________________________________________________________
394 /**
395 * Structure to hold per multiplicity bin information
396 */
397 struct MBin : public TNamed
398 {
399 TH2D* fTruth;
400 TH2D* fTriggered;
401 TH2D* fAccepted;
402 TH1I* fCounts;
403 UShort_t fLow;
404 UShort_t fHigh;
f709afcf 405 Bool_t IsAll() const { return fLow > fHigh; }
406 Bool_t IsLast() const { return fHigh >= kMaxN; }
5bb5d1f6 407 /**
408 * Constructor
409 */
410 MBin()
411 : fTruth(0), fTriggered(0), fAccepted(0),
412 fCounts(0), fLow(0), fHigh(1000) {}
413 /**
414 * Constructor
415 *
416 * @param p Parent list
417 * @param low Low cut
418 * @param high High cut
419 * @param eAxis Eta axis
420 * @param pAxis Phi axis
421 */
422 MBin(TList* p, UShort_t low, UShort_t high, const TH2D* dHist)
423 : fTruth(0),
424 fTriggered(0),
425 fAccepted(0),
426 fCounts(0),
427 fLow(low),
428 fHigh(high)
429 {
f709afcf 430 if (IsAll()) {
431 SetName("all");
432 SetTitle("All");
433 }
434 else if (IsLast()) {
435 SetName(Form("m%03dplus", fLow));
436 SetTitle(Form("%d #leq N_{tracklets}|_{|#eta|<1}", fLow));
437 }
438 else {
439 SetName(Form("m%03d_%03d", fLow, fHigh));
440 SetTitle(Form("%d #leq N_{tracklets}|_{|#eta|<1} < %d", fLow,fHigh));
441 }
5bb5d1f6 443 TList* l = new TList;
444 l->SetOwner();
445 l->SetName(GetName());
446 p->Add(l);
448 fTruth = static_cast<TH2D*>(dHist->Clone(("truth")));
449 fTruth->SetTitle("MC truth");
450 fTruth->SetDirectory(0);
451 fTruth->SetZTitle("#sum_i^{N_X} N_{ch}(#eta,#varphi)");
f709afcf 452 // fTruth->Sumw2();
5bb5d1f6 453 fTruth->Reset();
454 l->Add(fTruth);
456 fTriggered = static_cast<TH2D*>(fTruth->Clone(("triggered")));
457 fTriggered->SetTitle("Triggered");
458 fTriggered->SetDirectory(0);
459 fTriggered->SetZTitle("#sum_i^{N_T} N_{ch}(#eta,#varphi)");
f709afcf 460 // fTriggered->Sumw2();
5bb5d1f6 461 fTriggered->Reset();
462 l->Add(fTriggered);
464 fAccepted = static_cast<TH2D*>(fTruth->Clone(("accepted")));
465 fAccepted->SetTitle("Accepted");
466 fAccepted->SetDirectory(0);
467 fAccepted->SetZTitle("#sum_i^{N_T} N_{ch}(#eta,#varphi)");
f709afcf 468 // fAccepted->Sumw2();
5bb5d1f6 469 fAccepted->Reset();
470 l->Add(fAccepted);
472 fCounts = new TH1I("counts", "Event counts", 3, -.5, 2.5);
473 fCounts->SetDirectory(0);
474 fCounts->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "Truth");
475 fCounts->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "Triggered");
476 fCounts->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "Accepted");
477 fCounts->SetYTitle("# events");
478 l->Add(fCounts);
479 }
480 /**
481 * Add event observation
482 *
483 * @param triggered Whether the event was triggered
484 * @param event Data for this event
485 */
486 void AddEvent(Bool_t triggered, Bool_t hasVtx, const TH2D* event)
487 {
488 fCounts->Fill(0);
489 fTruth->Add(event);
490 if (triggered) {
491 fCounts->Fill(1);
492 fTriggered->Add(event);
493 if (hasVtx) {
494 fCounts->Fill(2);
495 fAccepted->Add(event);
496 }
497 }
498 }
499 /**
500 * End of job processing
501 *
502 * @param p Parent list
503 * @param o Output parent list
504 * @param stack Stack of histograms
505 *
506 * @return Trigger efficiency
507 */
508 Double_t Finish(const TList* p, TList* o, THStack* stack)
509 {
510 TList* l = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p->FindObject(GetName()));
511 if (!l) {
512 Warning("Finish", "Cannot find %s in %s", GetName(), p->GetName());
513 return 0;
514 }
515 fTruth = static_cast<TH2D*>(l->FindObject("truth"));
516 fTriggered = static_cast<TH2D*>(l->FindObject("triggered"));
517 fAccepted = static_cast<TH2D*>(l->FindObject("accepted"));
518 fCounts = static_cast<TH1I*>(l->FindObject("counts"));
520 Int_t nTruth = fCounts->GetBinContent(1);
521 Int_t nTriggered = fCounts->GetBinContent(2);
522 Int_t nAccepted = fCounts->GetBinContent(3);
523 Double_t eff = 0;
524 if (nTruth > 0) eff = double(nTriggered) / nTruth;
525 else if (nTriggered == nTruth) eff = 1;
527 if (nTruth > 0) fTruth->Scale(1. / nTruth);
528 if (nTriggered > 0) fTriggered->Scale(1. / nTriggered);
529 if (nAccepted > 0) fAccepted->Scale(1. / nAccepted);
f709afcf 531 if (IsAll())
532 Info("Finish", "%-12s [all] E_X=N_T/N_X=%9d/%-9d=%f "
5bb5d1f6 533 "E_V=N_A/N_T=%9d/%-9d=%f",
534 p->GetName(), nTriggered, nTruth, eff, nAccepted, nTriggered,
535 (nTriggered > 0 ? double(nAccepted) / nTriggered: 0));
f709afcf 536 else if (IsLast())
537 Info("Finish", "%-12s [%2d+] E_X=N_T/N_X=%9d/%-9d=%f "
538 "E_V=N_A/N_T=%9d/%-9d=%f",
539 p->GetName(), fLow, nTriggered, nTruth, eff,
540 nAccepted, nTriggered,
541 (nTriggered > 0 ? double(nAccepted) / nTriggered: 0));
5bb5d1f6 542 else
f709afcf 543 Info("Finish", "%-12s [%2d-%2d] E_X=N_T/N_X=%9d/%-9d=%f "
5bb5d1f6 544 "E_V=N_A/N_T=%9d/%-9d=%f",
545 p->GetName(), fLow, fHigh, nTriggered, nTruth, eff,
546 nAccepted, nTriggered,
547 (nTriggered > 0 ? double(nAccepted) / nTriggered: 0));
549 TList* out = new TList;
550 out->SetName(GetName());
551 out->SetOwner();
552 o->Add(out);
554 out->Add(fTruth);
555 out->Add(fTriggered);
556 out->Add(new TParameter<double>("eff", eff));
558 TH2D* bias = static_cast<TH2D*>(fAccepted->Clone("bias"));
559 bias->Divide(fTruth);
560 bias->SetDirectory(0);
561 bias->SetZTitle("Trigger bias (accepted/truth)");
562 out->Add(bias);
f709afcf 564 TString title = GetTitle();
5bb5d1f6 565 TH1D* truth_px = static_cast<TH1D*>(fTruth->ProjectionX("truth_eta"));
f709afcf 566 truth_px->SetTitle(title);
5bb5d1f6 567 truth_px->Scale(1. / fTruth->GetNbinsY());
568 truth_px->SetDirectory(0);
569 truth_px->SetLineColor(kRed+1);
570 truth_px->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1);
571 truth_px->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
572 truth_px->SetFillStyle(0);
573 out->Add(truth_px);
575 TH1D* triggered_px =
576 static_cast<TH1D*>(fTriggered->ProjectionX("triggered_eta"));
f709afcf 577 triggered_px->SetTitle(title);
5bb5d1f6 578 triggered_px->Scale(1. / fTriggered->GetNbinsY());
579 triggered_px->SetDirectory(0);
580 triggered_px->SetLineColor(kGreen+1);
581 triggered_px->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+1);
582 triggered_px->SetFillColor(kGreen+1);
583 triggered_px->SetFillStyle(0);
584 out->Add(triggered_px);
586 TH1D* accepted_px =
587 static_cast<TH1D*>(fAccepted->ProjectionX("accepted_eta"));
f709afcf 588 accepted_px->SetTitle(title);
5bb5d1f6 589 accepted_px->Scale(1. / fAccepted->GetNbinsY());
590 accepted_px->SetLineColor(kBlue+1);
591 accepted_px->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+1);
592 accepted_px->SetFillColor(kBlue+1);
593 accepted_px->SetDirectory(0);
594 out->Add(accepted_px);
596 THStack* data = new THStack("data", "Data distributions");
597 data->Add(truth_px);
598 data->Add(triggered_px);
599 data->Add(accepted_px);
600 out->Add(data);
602#if 0
603 TH1D* bias_px = static_cast<TH1D*>(bias->ProjectionX("bias_eta"));
f709afcf 604 bias_px->SetTitle(title);
5bb5d1f6 605 bias_px->Scale(1. / bias->GetNbinsY());
607 TH1D* bias_px = static_cast<TH1D*>(accepted_px->Clone("bias_px"));
608 bias_px->Divide(truth_px);
609 bias_px->SetYTitle("Trigger bias (triggered/truth)");
611 bias_px->SetDirectory(0);
612 bias_px->SetMarkerStyle(20);
613 bias_px->SetFillStyle(0);
614 bias_px->SetMinimum(0);
615 out->Add(bias_px);
617 stack->Add(bias_px);
619 return eff;
620 }
621 ClassDef(MBin,1);
622 };
624 /**
625 * Constructor
626 */
627 TriggerType()
628 : TNamed(),
629 fMask(0),
630 fM(0),
631 fBins(0)
632 {}
633 //--- Constructor ------------------------------------------------
634 /**
635 * Constructor
636 *
637 * @param mask Trigger mask
638 */
639 TriggerType(UShort_t mask)
640 : TNamed(AliAODForwardMult::GetTriggerString(mask), ""),
641 fMask(mask),
642 fM(0),
643 fBins(0)
644 {
f709afcf 645 TString n(GetName());
646 n = n.Strip(TString::kBoth);
647 SetName(n);
5bb5d1f6 648 }
649 /**
650 * Create objects
651 *
652 * @param list PArent list
653 * @param mAxis Multiplicity axis
654 * @param eAxis Eta axis
655 * @param pAxis Phi axis
656 */
657 void CreateObjects(TList* list,
658 const TH1D* mHist,
659 const TH2D* dHist)
660 {
661 TList* ours = new TList;
662 ours->SetName(GetName());
663 ours->SetOwner();
664 list->Add(ours);
666 fM = static_cast<TH1D*>(mHist->Clone("m"));
667 fM->SetDirectory(0);
668 ours->Add(fM);
670 fBins = new TObjArray;
f709afcf 671 fBins->AddAt(new MBin(ours, 1000, 0, dHist), 0);
672 for (Int_t i = 1; i < fM->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
5bb5d1f6 673 Double_t low = fM->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(i);
674 Double_t high = fM->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(i);
f709afcf 675 Info("CreatePbjects", "Adding bin [%3d,%3d] @ %d",
676 int(low), int(high), i);
677 fBins->AddAt(new MBin(ours, UShort_t(low), UShort_t(high), dHist), i);
5bb5d1f6 678 }
679 }
680 /**
681 * Find bin corresponding to m
682 *
683 * @param m Multiplicity
684 *
685 * @return Bin.
686 */
687 MBin* FindBin(UShort_t m)
688 {
f709afcf 689#if 0
690 for (Int_t i = 1; i < fBins->GetEntries(); i++) {
691 MBin* b = static_cast<MBin*>(fBins->At(i));
692 if (m >= b->fLow && m < b->fHigh) return b;
693 }
694 Warning("FindBin", "Found no bin for m=%d", m);
695 return 0;
5bb5d1f6 697 Int_t b = fM->GetXaxis()->FindBin(m);
698 if (b <= 0) return 0;
699 if (b >= fM->GetNbinsX()+1) b = fM->GetNbinsX();
f709afcf 700 MBin* bin = static_cast<MBin*>(fBins->At(b));
701 return bin;
5bb5d1f6 703 }
704 /**
705 * Add event observation
706 *
707 * @param triggered IF this is triggered
708 * @param m Multiplicity
709 * @param data Observation
710 */
711 void AddEvent(Bool_t triggered, Bool_t hasVtx, UShort_t m, const TH2D* data)
712 {
713 fM->AddBinContent(1);
714 fM->AddBinContent(TMath::Min(fM->GetNbinsX(), m+2));
716 MBin* all = static_cast<MBin*>(fBins->At(0));
717 all->AddEvent(triggered, hasVtx, data);
719 MBin* bin = FindBin(m);
f709afcf 720 if (!bin) return;
5bb5d1f6 721 bin->AddEvent(triggered, hasVtx, data);
722 }
723 /**
724 * End of job processing
725 *
726 * @param p Parent list
727 * @param o Parent output list
728 */
729 void Finish(const TList* p, TList* o)
730 {
731 TList* l = dynamic_cast<TList*>(p->FindObject(GetName()));
732 if (!l) {
733 Warning("Finish", "Cannot find %s in %s", GetName(), p->GetName());
734 return;
735 }
737 TList* ours = new TList;
738 ours->SetName(GetName());
739 ours->SetOwner();
740 o->Add(ours);
742 fM = static_cast<TH1D*>(l->FindObject("m"));
743 if (!fM) {
744 Warning("Finish", "Didn't find object 'm' in %s", l->GetName());
745 return;
746 }
747 TH1D* m = static_cast<TH1D*>(fM->Clone("m"));
748 m->SetDirectory(0);
749 m->SetYTitle("P(N_{ch}|_{|#eta|<1} < X)");
750 if (m->GetBinContent(1) > 0)
751 m->Scale(1. / m->GetBinContent(1));
752 ours->Add(m);
754 Int_t nBin = fM->GetNbinsX();
755 TH1D* effs = static_cast<TH1D*>(fM->Clone("effs"));
756 effs->SetYTitle("#epsilon_{X}");
757 effs->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
758 effs->SetDirectory(0);
759 effs->SetMinimum(0);
761 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
762 Int_t nCol = gStyle->GetNumberOfColors();
763 THStack* stack = new THStack("biases", "Trigger biases");
f709afcf 764 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nBin; i++) {
5bb5d1f6 765 MBin* bin = static_cast<MBin*>(fBins->At(i));
766 effs->SetBinContent(i+1, bin->Finish(l, ours, stack));
767 TH1* h = static_cast<TH1*>(stack->GetHists()->At(i));
768 Int_t col = kBlack;
769 if (i != 0) {
770 Int_t icol = TMath::Min(nCol-1,int(double(i)/nBin * nCol + .5));
771 col = gStyle->GetColorPalette(icol);
772 }
773 h->SetMarkerColor(col);
774 h->SetFillColor(col);
775 h->SetLineColor(col);
776 }
778 ours->Add(stack);
779 ours->Add(effs);
780 }
781 UShort_t fMask;
782 TH1D* fM;
783 TObjArray* fBins;
784 ClassDef(TriggerType,1);
785 };
786 TriggerType fInel;
787 TriggerType fInelGt0;
788 TriggerType fNSD;
f709afcf 789 TriggerType fNClusterGt0;
5bb5d1f6 790 AliFMDMCEventInspector fInspector;
791 TList* fList;
792 Bool_t fFirstEvent;
793 TH2D* fData;
794 TH1I* fTriggers;
795 UInt_t fTrackletRequirement;
796 UInt_t fVertexRequirement;
797 TAxis fVertexAxis;
798 TH1D* fVertexESD;
799 TH1D* fVertexMC;
800 TH1D* fM;
801 ClassDef(EvaluateTrigger,1);
805void MakeEvaluateTriggers(const char* esddir,
806 Int_t nEvents = -1,
f709afcf 807 UInt_t vtx = 0x2,
5bb5d1f6 808 UInt_t trk = 0x1,
f709afcf 809 Int_t vz = 10,
5bb5d1f6 810 Int_t proof = 0)
812 // --- Libraries to load -------------------------------------------
bd6f5206 813 gROOT->Macro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/LoadLibs.C");
5bb5d1f6 814
815 // --- Check for proof mode, and possibly upload pars --------------
816 if (proof> 0) {
bd6f5206 817 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/LoadPars.C");
5bb5d1f6 818 if (!LoadPars(proof)) {
819 Error("MakeAOD", "Failed to load PARs");
820 return;
821 }
822 }
824 // --- Our data chain ----------------------------------------------
bd6f5206 825 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/MakeChain.C");
5bb5d1f6 826 TChain* chain = MakeChain("ESD", esddir,true);
827 // If 0 or less events is select, choose all
828 if (nEvents <= 0) nEvents = chain->GetEntries();
830 // --- Set the macro path ------------------------------------------
bd6f5206 831 gROOT->SetMacroPath(Form("%s:$(ALICE_ROOT)/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2:"
5bb5d1f6 832 "$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros",
833 gROOT->GetMacroPath()));
835 // --- Creating the manager and handlers ---------------------------
836 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("Triggers",
837 "Forward multiplicity");
838 AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("triggers.root");
840 // --- ESD input handler -------------------------------------------
841 AliESDInputHandler *esdHandler = new AliESDInputHandler();
842 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdHandler);
844 // --- Monte Carlo handler -----------------------------------------
845 AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler();
846 mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler);
847 mcHandler->SetReadTR(true);
849 // --- Add tasks ---------------------------------------------------
850 // Physics selection
851 gROOT->Macro(Form("AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C(1,1,0)"));
853#if 0
854 // --- Fix up physics selection to give proper A,C, and E triggers -
855 AliInputEventHandler* ih =
856 static_cast<AliInputEventHandler*>(mgr->GetInputEventHandler());
857 AliPhysicsSelection* ps =
858 static_cast<AliPhysicsSelection*>(ih->GetEventSelection());
859 // Ignore trigger class when selecting events. This mean that we
860 // get offline+(A,C,E) events too
861 ps->SetSkipTriggerClassSelection(true);
864 // --- compile our code --------------------------------------------
bd6f5206 865 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I${ALICE_ROOT}/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2 "
5bb5d1f6 866 "-I${ALICE_ROOT}/ANALYSIS "
867 "-I${ALICE_ROOT}/include -DBUILD=1");
bd6f5206 868 gROOT->LoadMacro("${ALICE_ROOT}/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/MakeEvaluateTriggers.C++g");
5bb5d1f6 869
870 // --- Make our object ---------------------------------------------
871 EvaluateTrigger* task = new EvaluateTrigger("triggers");
872 mgr->AddTask(task);
873 task->SetVertexRequirement(vtx);
874 task->SetTrackletRequirement(trk);
875 task->SetVertexAxis(10, -vz, vz);
877 // --- create containers for input/output --------------------------
878 AliAnalysisDataContainer *sums =
879 mgr->CreateContainer("triggerSums", TList::Class(),
880 AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,
881 AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName());
882 AliAnalysisDataContainer *output =
883 mgr->CreateContainer("triggerResults", TList::Class(),
884 AliAnalysisManager::kParamContainer,
885 AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName());
887 // --- connect input/output ----------------------------------------
888 mgr->ConnectInput(task, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer());
889 mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 1, sums);
890 mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 2, output);
892 // --- Run the analysis --------------------------------------------
893 TStopwatch t;
894 if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) {
895 Error("MakeAOD", "Failed to initialize analysis train!");
896 return;
897 }
898 // Skip terminate if we're so requested and not in Proof or full mode
899 mgr->SetSkipTerminate(false);
900 // Some informative output
901 mgr->PrintStatus();
902 if (proof) mgr->SetDebugLevel(3);
903 if (mgr->GetDebugLevel() < 1 && !proof)
904 mgr->SetUseProgressBar(kTRUE,100);
906 // Run the train
907 t.Start();
908 Printf("=== RUNNING ANALYSIS on %9d events ==========================",
909 nEvents);
910 mgr->StartAnalysis(proof ? "proof" : "local", chain, nEvents);
911 t.Stop();
912 t.Print();
f709afcf 914//====================================================================
915void DrawEvaluateTriggers(const char* filename="triggers.root")
917 TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename, "READ");
918 if (!file) {
919 Error("DrawEvaluteTriggers", "Failed to open %s", filename);
920 return;
921 }
923 TList* list = static_cast<TList*>(file->Get("triggerResults"));
924 if (!list) {
925 Error("DrawEvaluateTriggers", "Faield to get triggerResults from %s",
926 list->GetName());
927 return;
928 }
930 TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 900);
931 c->SetFillColor(0);
932 c->SetBorderSize(0);
933 c->SetBorderMode(0);
935 TPad* p = new TPad("top", "Top", 0, .9, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
936 p->SetFillColor(0);
937 p->SetFillStyle(0);
938 p->SetBorderSize(0);
939 p->SetBorderMode(0);
940 c->cd();
941 p->Draw();
942 p->cd();
943 TObject* vtxReq = list->FindObject("vtxReq");
944 TObject* trkReq = list->FindObject("trkReq");
945 if (!vtxReq) vtxReq = new TNamed("vtxReq", "Unknown");
946 if (!trkReq) trkReq = new TNamed("trkReq", "Unknown");
947 TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(0.5, 0.5,
948 Form("Trigger bias and efficiency. "
949 "Vertex requirement: %s, "
950 "Tracklet requirement %s",
951 vtxReq->GetTitle(), trkReq->GetTitle()));
952 ltx->Draw();
953 ltx->SetTextAlign(22);
954 ltx->SetTextSize(0.4);
956 const char* trigs[] = { "INEL", "NCluster>0", "INEL>0", "NSD", 0 };
957 const char** trig = trigs;
958 Int_t n = 4;
959 Int_t i = 0;
960 while (*trig) {
961 TList* lt = static_cast<TList*>(list->FindObject(*trig));
962 if (!lt) {
963 Warning("DrawEvaluteTriggers", "No list for '%s' in '%s'",
964 *trig, list->GetName());
965 // list->ls();
966 TIter next(triggerResults);
967 TObject* o ;
968 while ((o = next())) Printf("'%s'", o->GetName());
969 trig++;
970 i++;
971 continue;
972 }
974 Double_t y1 = 1-double(i+1)/n;
975 Double_t y2 = 1-double(i)/n;
976 Double_t x1 = double(i)/n;
977 Double_t x2 = double(i+1)/n;
978 p = new TPad(Form("p%d", 2*i), Form("%s biases", *trig),
979 x1, .3, x2, .9, 0, 0);
980 p->SetFillColor(0);
981 p->SetFillStyle(0);
982 p->SetBorderSize(0);
983 p->SetBorderMode(0);
984 p->SetTopMargin(0.01);
985 p->SetBottomMargin(0.05);
986 p->SetRightMargin(0.01);
987 c->cd();
988 p->Draw();
989 p->cd();
991 THStack* biases = static_cast<THStack*>(lt->FindObject("biases"));
992 biases->SetTitle(*trig);
993 TLegend* l = new TLegend(.1, .15, .95, .35,
994 Form("1/N_{T}#sum N_{ch}}/"
995 "1/N_{X}#sum N_{ch} - %s", *trig));
996 l->SetFillColor(0);
997 l->SetFillStyle(0);
998 l->SetBorderSize(0);
999 l->SetNColumns(2);
1001 gStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
1002 TIter next(biases->GetHists());
1003 TH1* frame = 0;
1004 TH1* hist = 0;
1005 Int_t j = 1;
1006 while ((hist = static_cast<TH1*>(next()))) {
1007 if (!frame) {
1009 frame = new TH2D("frame", "",
1010 hist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(),
1011 hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(),
1012 hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(),
1013 100, 0, 4);
1014 frame->SetDirectory(0);
1015 frame->SetXTitle(hist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle());
1016 frame->SetYTitle(hist->GetYaxis()->GetTitle());
1017 frame->SetStats(0);
1018 frame->Draw();
1019 }
1020 // hist->Scale(j);
1021 // hist->Draw("same p hist");
1022 // if (j == 1) hist->SetTitle("all");
1023 l->AddEntry(hist, hist->GetTitle(), "p");
1024 j++;
1025 }
1026 // biases->SetMaximum(3.5);
1027 biases->Draw("p hist nostack");
1028 l->Draw();
1030 p = new TPad(Form("p%d", 2*i+1), Form("%s efficiencies", *trig),
1031 x1, 0, x2, .3, 0, 0, 0);
1032 p->SetFillColor(0);
1033 p->SetFillStyle(0);
1034 p->SetBorderSize(0);
1035 p->SetBorderMode(0);
1036 p->SetTopMargin(0.01);
1037 p->SetRightMargin(0.01);
1038 c->cd();
1039 p->Draw();
1040 p->cd();
1042 TH1* effs = static_cast<TH1*>(lt->FindObject("effs"));
1043 effs->SetTitle(*trig);
1044 effs->SetStats(0);
1045 effs->SetMinimum(0);
1046 effs->SetMaximum(1.4);
1047 effs->SetMarkerSize(2.5);
1048 effs->Draw("hist text");
1051 i++;
1052 trig++;
1053 }
1054 c->cd();
1056 c->SaveAs("triggers.png");
5bb5d1f6 1059#endif