]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/corrs/CompareSecMaps.C
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/master' into TPCdev
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / corrs / CompareSecMaps.C
970b1a8a 1//____________________________________________________________________
cc83fca2 2/**
cc83fca2 3 *
cc83fca2 4 *
970b1a8a 5 * @param fn1
6 * @param fn2
7 * @param n1
8 * @param n2
9 * @param load
10 *
bd6f5206 11 * @ingroup pwglf_forward_scripts_corr
cc83fca2 12 */
cc83fca2 13void
14CompareSecMaps(const char* fn1, const char* fn2,
0f84fefb 15 const char* n1=0, const char* n2=0,
16 bool load=true)
cc83fca2 17{
0f84fefb 19 // --- Load Utilities ----------------------------------------------
20 if (load) {
bd6f5206 21 gROOT->Macro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/LoadLibs.C");
a7f31ad8 22 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/corrs/CompareCorrs.C");
cc83fca2 23 }
0f84fefb 25 // --- Get Objects -------------------------------------------------
26 TObject* o1 = 0;
27 TObject* o2 = 0;
28 GetObjects(AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap, fn1, fn2, o1, o2);
29 if (!o1 || !o2) return;
30 AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap* obj1 = static_cast<AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap*>(o1);
31 AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap* obj2 = static_cast<AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap*>(o2);
cc83fca2 32 UShort_t nVtx = obj1->GetVertexAxis().GetNbins();
34 // --- Make canvas -------------------------------------------------
0f84fefb 35 Canvas* c = new Canvas("secMapComparison", "Ratio of secondary maps", n1, n2);
36 c->Open();
cc83fca2 37
0f84fefb 38 // --- Loop over the data ------------------------------------------
cc83fca2 39 for (UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) {
40 UShort_t nR = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2);
41 for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nR; q++) {
42 Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O');
43 UShort_t nS = (q == 0 ? 20 : 40);
0f84fefb 45 // --- Make 2D ratios ------------------------------------------
46 c->Clear(nVtx, d, r);
cc83fca2 47 TList hists;
48 for (UShort_t v=1; v <= nVtx; v++) {
0f84fefb 49 TVirtualPad* p = c->cd(v);
cc83fca2 50
0f84fefb 51 TH2* h1 = obj1->GetCorrection(d, r, v);
e28f5fc5 52 TH2* h2 = obj2->GetCorrection(d, r, v);
0f84fefb 53
54 if (!h1) {
55 Error("CompareSecMaps",
56 "Map for FMD%d%c, vtxbin %3d not found in first",
57 d, r, v);
58 continue;
59 }
60 if (!h2) {
61 Error("CompareSecMaps",
62 "Map for FMD%d%c, vtxbin %3d not found in second",
63 d, r, v);
64 continue;
65 }
67 Double_t vl = obj1->GetVertexAxis().GetBinLowEdge(v);
68 Double_t vh = obj1->GetVertexAxis().GetBinUpEdge(v);
69 TH2* ratio =
70 static_cast<TH2*>(h1->Clone(Form("tmpFMD%d%c_%3d",d,r,v)));
71 ratio->SetName(Form("FMD%d%c_vtx%03d_ratio", d, r, v));
72 ratio->SetTitle(Form("%+5.1f<v_{z}<%-+5.1f", vl, vh));
73 ratio->Divide(h2);
74 ratio->SetStats(0);
75 ratio->SetDirectory(0);
76 ratio->SetZTitle("ratio");
cc83fca2 78 if (ratio->GetMaximum()-ratio->GetMinimum() > 10)
79 p->SetLogz();
81 ratio->Draw("colz");
82 hists.AddAt(ratio, v-1);
83 }
0f84fefb 84 c->Print(d, r);
cc83fca2 85
0f84fefb 86 // --- Make 1D profiles ----------------------------------------
87 c->Clear(nVtx, d, r);
cc83fca2 88 for (UShort_t v=1; v <= nVtx; v++) {
0f84fefb 89 c->cd(v);
90 TH2* hist = static_cast<TH2*>(hists.At(v-1));
91 TH1* prof = hist->ProjectionX();
cc83fca2 92 prof->Scale(1. / nS);
93 prof->SetStats(0);
94 prof->SetMinimum(0.8);
95 prof->SetMaximum(1.2);
cc83fca2 97 prof->Draw();
98 prof->Fit("pol0","Q");
100 TF1* f = prof->GetFunction("pol0");
102 TLatex* l = new TLatex(0.5, 0.4, Form("A = %f #pm %f",
103 f->GetParameter(0),
104 f->GetParError(0)));
105 l->SetTextAlign(22);
106 l->SetNDC();
107 l->Draw();
108 l->DrawLatex(0.5, 0.3, Form("#chi^2/NDF = %f / %d = %f",
109 f->GetChisquare(),
110 f->GetNDF(),
111 f->GetChisquare() / f->GetNDF()));
112 Double_t dist = TMath::Abs(1 - f->GetParameter(0));
113 l->DrawLatex(0.5, 0.35, Form("|1 - A| = %f %s #deltaA",
114 dist, dist <= f->GetParError(0) ?
115 "#leq" : ">"));
117 TLine* l1 = new TLine(-4, 1, 6, 1);
118 l1->SetLineColor(kRed);
119 l1->SetLineStyle(2);
120 l1->Draw();
121 }
0f84fefb 123 c->Print(d, r, "profiles");
cc83fca2 124 }
125 }
0f84fefb 127 // --- Close stuff -------------------------------------------------
128 c->Close();
129 // file1->Close();
130 // file2->Close();
cc83fca2 131}
0f84fefb 134//____________________________________________________________________
136// EOF