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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / doc / Trains.C
7541582f 1#error This file is not for compilation
3 * @page train_setup_doc Using the TrainSetup facility
4 *
5 * @tableofcontents
6 *
7 * @section train_setup_overview Overview
8 *
9 * Users should define a class that derives from TrainSetup. The class
10 * should implement the member function TrainSetup::CreateTasks to add
11 * needed tasks to the train
12 *
13 * @code
14 * // MyTrain.C
15 * class MyTrain : public TrainSetup
16 * {
17 * public:
18 * MyTrain(const char* name="MyTrain")
19 * : TrainSetup(name),
20 * fParameter(0)
21 * {
22 * // SetType(kAOD); // AOD input
23 * // SetType(kESD); // ESD input
24 * // Input unspecified - can be set later
25 * }
26 * protected:
27 * void CreateTasks(EMode mode, Bool_t par, AliAnalysisManager* mgr)
28 * {
29 * AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("my_analysis.root");
30 * LoadLibrary("MyAnalysis", par, true);
31 * Bool_t mc = mgr->GetMCtruthEventHandler() != 0;
32 * gROOT->Macro(Form("AddTaskMyAnalysis.C(%f)",fParameter));
33 * }
34 * const char* ClassName() const { return "MyTrain"; }
35 * void MakeOptions(Runner& r)
36 * {
37 * TrainSetup::MakeOptions(r);
38 * r.Add(new Option("parameter", "My parameter", "VALUE"));
39 * }
40 * void SetOptions(Runner& r)
41 * {
42 * TrainSetup::SetOptions(r);
43 * Option* param = r.FindOption("parameter");
44 * if (param) fParameter = param->AsDouble();
45 * }
46 * Double_t fParameter;
47 * };
48 * @endcode
49 *
50 * @section train_setup_exec Execution of the train
51 *
52 * A user defined TrainSetup class can then be run like
53 *
54 * @code
55 * Root> .x RunTrain.C("<class>", "<name>", "<options>", "<runs>", nEvents)
56 * @endcode
57 *
58 * or using the program @b runTrain
59 *
60 * @verbatim
61 > runTrain --class=&lt;class&gt; --name=&lt;name&gt; [&lt;options&gt;]
62 @endverbatim
63 *
64 * Here,
65 *
66 * - &lt;class&gt; is the name of the user defined class deriving from
67 * TrainSetup.
68 *
69 * - &lt;name&gt; is an arbitary name to give to the train. Note, an
70 * @e escaped @e name will be generated from this, which replaces
71 * all spaces and the like with '_' and (optionally) with the date
72 * and time appended.
73 *
74 * - &lt;options&gt; is a list of options. For RunTrain this is a
75 * comma separated list of options in the form
76 * &lt;option&gt;=&lt;value&gt; for value options and &lt;option&gt;
77 * for flags (booleans). For @c runTrain, the options are of the
78 * traditional Unix long type: @c --&lt;option&gt;=&lt;value&gt; and
79 * @c --&lt;option&gt;. The exact list of options for a given train
80 * can be listed by passing the option @b help.
81 *
82 * See also ::RunTrain and ::main
83 *
84 * In both cases, a new sub-directory called @e escaped @e name of the
85 * train is created, and various files are copied there - depending on
86 * the mode of execution.
87 *
88 * For local analysis, no aditional files are copied there, but the
89 * output will be put there.
90 *
91 * For PROOF analysis, the needed PAR files are copied there and
92 * expanded. The output of the job may end up in this directory if so
93 * instructed.
94 *
95 * For Grid analysis, various JDL and steering scripts are copied to
96 * this directory.
97 *
98 * In all cases, a file named @c rerun.C (and for @b runTrain:
99 * rerun.sh) is generated in this sub-directory. It contains the
100 * setting used for the train and can easily be used to run merging
101 * and terminate as needed.
102 *
103 * @section train_setup_input Specifying the input
104 * @subsection train_setup_local Local data input
105 *
106 * For both ESD and AOD input for local jobs, one must specify the
107 * root of the sub-tree that holds the data. That is, if - for
108 * example - the data resides in a directory structure like
109 *
110 * <pre>
111 * /some/directory/&lt;run&gt;/&lt;seq&gt;/AliESDs.root
112 * </pre>
113 *
114 * then one should specify the input location like
115 *
116 * @code
117 * train->SetDataDir("/some/directory");
118 * @endcode
119 *
120 * <tt>/some/directory</tt> is then search recursively for input files
121 * that match the pattern given by the analysis type (ESD:
122 * <tt>AliESDs.root</tt>, AOD: <tt>AliAOD.root</tt>). The found files
123 * are then chained together. If MC input is specified, then the
124 * companion files <tt>galice.root</tt>, <tt>Kinematics.root</tt>, and
125 * <tt>TrackRefs.root</tt> must be found in the same directories as
126 * the <tt>AliESDs.root</tt> files
127 *
128 * @subsection train_setup_proof PROOF input.
129 *
130 * The input data for a PROOF based analysis can be specified as per a
131 * Local job, in which case the data must be available to the slaves
132 * at the specified locations, or one can specify a data-set name via
133 *
134 * @code
135 * train->SetDataSet("<data-set-name>");
136 * @endcode
137 *
138 * @subsection train_setup_grid_esd Grid ESD input.
139 *
140 * Suppose the ESD files are stored on the Grid as
141 *
142 * <pre>
143 * /alice/data/&lt;year&gt;/&lt;period&gt;/&lt;run&gt;/ESDs/pass&lt;no&gt;/&lt;year&gt;&lt;run&gt;&lt;chunk&gt;.&lt;part&gt;/AliESDs.root
144 * </pre>
145 *
146 * where &lt;run&gt; is zero-padded by typically 3 '0's. One should
147 * specify the input location like
148 *
149 * @code
150 * train->SetDataDir("/alice/data/<year>/<period>");
151 * train->SetDataPattern("ESDs/pass<no>/&ast;/");
152 * train->AddRun(<run>);
153 * @endcode
154 *
155 * If a particular kind of pass is needed, say
156 * <tt>pass&lt;no&gt;_MUON</tt>, one should do
157 *
158 * @code
159 * train->SetDataPattern("ESDs/pass<no>_MUON/&ast;/");
160 * @endcode
161 *
162 * The AliEn analysis plug-in is then instructed to look for data files under
163 *
164 * <pre>
165 * /alice/data/&lt;year&gt;/&lt;period&gt;/&lt;run&gt;/ESDs/pass&lt;no&gt;/&nbsp;*&nbsp;/AliESDs.root
166 * </pre>
167 *
168 * for each added run.
169 *
170 * For simulation output, the files are generally stored like
171 *
172 * <pre>
173 * /alice/sim/&lt;year&gt;/&lt;prod&gt;/&lt;run&gt;/&lt;seq&gt;/AliESDs.root
174 * </pre>
175 *
176 * where &lt;run&gt; is generally @e not zero-padded. One should
177 * specify the input location like
178 *
179 * @code
180 * train->SetDataDir("/alice/data/<year>/<period>");
181 * train->SetDataPattern("*");
182 * train->AddRun(<run>);
183 * @endcode
184 *
185 *
186 * @subsection train_setup_grid_aod Grid AOD input
187 *
188 * Suppose your AOD files are placed in directories like
189 *
190 * <pre>
191 * /some/directory/&lt;run&gt;/&lt;seq&gt;/AliAOD.root
192 * </pre>
193 *
194 * where &lt;run&gt; is zero-padded by typically 3 '0's. One should
195 * then specify the input as
196 *
197 * @code
198 * train->SetDataDir("/some/directory");
199 * train->SetDataPattern("*");
200 * train->AddRun(<run>);
201 * @endcode
202 *
203 * The AliEn analysis plug-in is then instructed to look for data files under
204 *
205 * <pre>
206 * /some/directory/&lt;run&gt;/&nbsp;*&nbsp;/AliAOD.root
207 * </pre>
208 *
209 * for each added run.
210 *
211 * Suppose the AODs are in
212 *
213 * <pre>
214 * /alice/data/&lt;year&gt;/&lt;period&gt;/&lt;run&gt;/ESDs/pass&lt;no&gt;/AOD&vers&gt;/&lt;seq&gt;/AliAOD.root
215 * </pre>
216 *
217 * @code
218 * train->SetDataDir("/alice/data/<year>/<period>");
219 * train->SetDataPattern("ESDs/pass<no>/AOD<vers>/&ast;/");
220 * train->AddRun(<run>);
221 * @endcode
222 *
223 * For simulation output, the files are generally stored like
224 *
225 * <pre>
226 * /alice/sim/&lt;year&gt;/&lt;prod&gt;/&lt;run&gt;/&lt;seq&gt;/AliAOD.root
227 * </pre>
228 *
229 * where &lt;run&gt; is generally @e not zero-padded. One should
230 * should specify the input location like
231 *
232 * @code
233 * train->SetDataDir("/alice/data/<year>/<period>");
234 * train->SetDataPattern("*");
235 * train->AddRun(<run>);
236 * @endcode
237 *
238 * @section train_setup_other Other features
239 * @subsection train_setup_options Options interface
240 *
241 * If the train does not depend on additional options or parameters,
242 * the member functions TrainSetup::MakeOptions and
243 * TrainSetup::SetOptions can be left un-overloaded in the derived
244 * class. However, options defined in this way can be set through the
245 * command line of the program @b runTrain, and provides a great deal
246 * of flexiblity. The Option class provides means of translating the
247 * passed string values to integers, doubles, booleans, and of course
248 * strings.
249 *
250 * @subsection train_setup_aux Auxillary libraries, sources, and files
251 *
252 * Auxillary libraries should be loaded using
253 *
254 * - TrainSetup::LoadLibrary(const char*,Bool_t,Bool_t)
255 *
256 * where first argument is the name of the library, the econd should
257 * be true if the library should be loaded as a PAR file (PROOF and
258 * Grid only), and the argument should be true if the library should
259 * be loaded on the PROOF slaves/Grid workers too.
260 *
261 * If the train needs additional files, say a script for setting up
262 * the tasks, or some data file, it can be passed on the the
263 * PROOF/Grid workers using the member functions
264 *
265 * - TrainSetup::AddExtraFile(const char*)
266 * - TrainSetup::AddSource(const char*,bool)
267 *
268 * @subsection train_setup_overload Overloading the behaviour
269 *
270 * The base class TrainSetup tries to implement a sensible setup for a
271 * given type of analysis, but some times a particular train needs a
272 * bit of tweaking. One can therefore overload the following functions
273 *
274 * - TrainSetup::CreateGridHandler()
275 * - TrainSetup::CreateInputHandler(EType)
276 * - TrainSetup::CreateMCHandler(EType,bool)
277 * - TrainSetup::CreateOutputHandler(EType)
278 * - TrainSetup::CreatePhysicsSelection(Bool_t,AliAnalysisManager*)
279 * - TrainSetup::CreateCentralitySelection(Bool_t,AliAnalysisManager*)
280 *
281 * @section train_setup_scripts Tasks defined in scripts
282 *
283 * A task can even be defined in a script, like for example a task like
284 *
285 * @include MyAnalysis.C
286 *
287 * Our train set-up can then use the member function
288 * TrainSetup::MakeScriptPAR to make a PAR file of the script and use
289 * that to make a library loaded on the workers and then generate an
290 * object of our task defined in the script.
291 *
292 * @include MyTrain.C
293 *
294 * This can allow for fast development and testing of analysis tasks
295 * without having to wait for official tasks and builds of all of
296 * AliROOT
297 */
299// EOF