]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/SummaryMCCorrDrawer.C
Fixed up scripts to use same flags for Pause and Landscape.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / scripts / SummaryMCCorrDrawer.C
bfab35d9 1#include "SummaryDrawer.C"
4 * Class to draw a summary of the AOD production
5 *
6 * @par Input:
7 * - The merged <tt>forward.root</tt> file.
8 * If the file isn't merged, it should still work.
9 *
10 * @par Output:
11 * - A PDF file named after the input, but with <tt>.root</tt>
12 * replaced with <tt>pdf</tt>
13 *
14 */
15class SummaryMCCorrDrawer : public SummaryDrawer
18 enum EFlags {
19 kEventInspector = 0x001,
20 kTrackDensity = 0x002,
21 kVertexBins = 0x004,
22 kResults = 0x008,
fba5d22d 23 kCentral = 0x010,
24 kNormal = 0x01F
bfab35d9 25 };
26 SummaryMCCorrDrawer()
27 : SummaryDrawer(),
28 fSums(0),
29 fResults(0)
30 {}
31 virtual ~SummaryMCCorrDrawer() {}
33 //__________________________________________________________________
34 /**
35 *
36 *
37 * @param fname
38 * @param what
39 */
40 void Run(const char* fname, UShort_t what=kNormal)
41 {
42 // --- Open the file ---------------------------------------------
43 TString filename(fname);
44 TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename, "READ");
45 if (!file) {
46 Error("Run", "Failed to open \"%s\"", filename.Data());
47 return;
48 }
51 // --- Get top-level collection ----------------------------------
52 fSums = GetCollection(file, "ForwardCorrSums");
53 if (!fSums) return;
55 // --- Make our canvas -------------------------------------------
56 TString pdfName(filename);
57 pdfName.ReplaceAll(".root", ".pdf");
e65b8b56 58 CreateCanvas(pdfName, what & kLandscape);
bfab35d9 59
e65b8b56 60 // --- Make a Title page -------------------------------------------
61 DrawTitlePage(file);
bfab35d9 63 // --- Possibly make a chapter here ------------------------------
64 if (what & kCentral && GetCollection(file, "CentralCorrSums"))
65 MakeChapter("Forward");
67 // --- Set pause flag --------------------------------------------
fba5d22d 68 fPause = what & kPause;
bfab35d9 69
70 // --- Do each sub-algorithm -------------------------------------
71 if (what & kEventInspector) DrawEventInspector(fSums);
72 if (what & kTrackDensity) DrawTrackDensity(fSums);
73 if (what & kVertexBins) DrawVertexBins(true);
75 // --- Do the results ----------------------------------------------
76 fResults = GetCollection(file, "ForwardCorrResults");
77 if (!fResults) fResults = fSums; // Old-style
79 if (what & kResults) DrawResults(true);
81 // --- SPD clusters ----------------------------------------------
82 if (what & kCentral) {
83 // --- Get top-level collection --------------------------------
84 fSums = GetCollection(file, "CentralCorrSums");
85 if (fSums) {
86 MakeChapter("Central");
87 if (what & kEventInspector) DrawEventInspector(fSums);
88 if (what & kTrackDensity) DrawTrackDensity(fSums);
89 if (what & kVertexBins) DrawVertexBins(false);
90 }
91 else
92 Warning("", "No CentralCorrSums found");
94 fResults = GetCollection(file, "CentralCorrResults");
95 if (!fResults) fResults = fSums; // Old-style
96 if (!fResults)
97 Warning("", "No CentralCorrResults found");
99 if (what & kResults) DrawResults(false);
100 }
102 CloseCanvas();
103 }
105 //____________________________________________________________________
e65b8b56 106 void DrawTitlePage(TFile* file)
107 {
fba5d22d 108 TCollection* c = GetCollection(file, "ForwardCorrSums");
e65b8b56 109
110 fBody->cd();
112 Double_t y = .9;
113 TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(.5, y, "ESD+MC #rightarrow Corrections");
114 ltx->SetTextSize(0.07);
fba5d22d 115 ltx->SetTextFont(62);
e65b8b56 116 ltx->SetTextAlign(22);
117 ltx->SetNDC();
118 ltx->Draw();
119 y -= .075;
121 TCollection* ei = GetCollection(c, "fmdEventInspector");
122 if (ei) {
fba5d22d 123 UShort_t sys=0;
124 UShort_t sNN=0;
125 Int_t field=0;
126 ULong_t runNo=0;
127 GetParameter(ei, "sys", sys);
128 GetParameter(ei, "sNN", sNN);
129 GetParameter(ei, "field", field);
130 GetParameter(ei, "runNo", runNo);
132 TString tS; SysString(sys, tS); DrawParameter(y, "System", tS);
133 TString tE; SNNString(sNN, tE); DrawParameter(y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}", tE);
134 DrawParameter(y, "L3 B field", Form("%+2dkG", field));
135 DrawParameter(y, "Run #", Form("%6lu", runNo));
e65b8b56 136 }
138 PrintCanvas("MC Corrections");
139 }
140 //____________________________________________________________________
bfab35d9 141 TCollection* GetVertexList(TCollection* parent, const TAxis& axis, Int_t bin)
142 {
143 TString folder = TString::Format("vtx%+05.1f_%+05.1f",
144 axis.GetBinLowEdge(bin),
145 axis.GetBinUpEdge(bin));
146 folder.ReplaceAll(".", "d");
147 folder.ReplaceAll("+", "p");
148 folder.ReplaceAll("-", "m");
150 TCollection* c = GetCollection(parent, folder);
151 if (!c)
152 Warning("DrawVertexBins", "List %s not found", folder.Data());
154 return c;
155 }
156 //____________________________________________________________________
157 void DrawVertexBins(Bool_t forward)
158 {
81775aba 159 // Info("DrawVertexBins", "Drawing %s vertex bins",
160 // forward ? "Forward" : "Central");
bfab35d9 161 TH1* vtxHist = GetH1(fSums, "vtxAxis");
162 if (!vtxHist) return;
164 TAxis* vtxAxis = vtxHist->GetXaxis();
165 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= vtxAxis->GetNbins(); i++) {
81775aba 166 // Info("", "Bin %d", i);
bfab35d9 167 TCollection* c = GetVertexList(fSums, *vtxAxis, i);
168 if (!c) continue;
170 if (forward) {
171 DivideForRings(true, true);
172 for (UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) {
173 for (UShort_t q = 0; q < (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); q++) {
174 Char_t r = q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O';
175 DrawInRingPad(d,r, GetH2(c, Form("FMD%d%c_cache",d,r)), "colz");
176 }
177 }
178 DrawInPad(fBody, 2, GetH2(c, "primary"), "colz");
179 }
180 else {
181 fBody->Divide(1,3, 0, 0);
183 DrawInPad(fBody, 1, GetH2(c, "hits"), "colz");
184 DrawInPad(fBody, 2, GetH2(c, "clusters"), "colz");
185 DrawInPad(fBody, 3, GetH2(c, "primary"), "colz");
186 }
187 PrintCanvas(Form("%s sums - Vertex bin %+5.1f - %+5.1f",
188 (forward ? "Forward" : "Central"),
189 vtxAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i),
190 vtxAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)));
191 }
192 }
193 //____________________________________________________________________
194 void DrawResults(Bool_t forward)
195 {
81775aba 196 // Info("DrawVertexBins", "Drawing resulting %s vertex bins",
197 // forward ? "Forward" : "Central");
bfab35d9 198 TH1* vtxHist = GetH1(fSums, "vtxAxis");
199 if (!vtxHist) return;
201 TAxis* vtxAxis = vtxHist->GetXaxis();
202 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= vtxAxis->GetNbins(); i++) {
203 TCollection* c = GetVertexList(fResults, *vtxAxis, i);
204 if (!c) continue;
206 if (forward) {
81775aba 207 THStack* all = new THStack("all",
208 "2^{nd} correction averaged over #phi");
bfab35d9 209 DivideForRings(true, true);
210 for (UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) {
211 for (UShort_t q = 0; q < (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); q++) {
212 Char_t r = q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O';
81775aba 213 // TVirtualPad* p = RingPad(d, r);
214 // p->cd();
215 // p->Divide(1,2,0,0);
bfab35d9 216 TH2* h = GetH2(c, Form("FMD%d%c_vtxbin%03d",d,r,i));
81775aba 217 DrawInRingPad(d,r, h,"colz");
218 // TVirtualPad* pp = p->cd(1);
219 // TVirtualPad* ppp = p->cd(2);
220 // ppp->SetRightMargin(pp->GetRightMargin());
bfab35d9 221 TH1* hh = h->ProjectionX();
222 hh->Scale(1./ h->GetNbinsY());
223 hh->SetFillColor(RingColor(d,r));
81775aba 224 hh->SetLineColor(RingColor(d,r));
225 hh->SetMarkerColor(RingColor(d,r));
bfab35d9 226 hh->SetFillStyle(3001);
227 hh->SetTitle(Form("#LT%s#GT", hh->GetTitle()));
81775aba 228 // DrawInPad(p,2, hh, "hist e");
229 all->Add(hh, "hist e");
bfab35d9 230 }
81775aba 231 TVirtualPad* p = RingPad(0, '0');
232 p->SetBottomMargin(0.10);
233 p->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
234 p->SetRightMargin(0.05);
235 DrawInRingPad(0, 'O', all, "nostack");
bfab35d9 236 }
237 }
238 else {
239 fBody->Divide(2,4,0,0);
240 TH2* secMap = GetH2(c, "secMap");
241 TH2* secMapAlt = GetH2(c, "secMapEff");
242 if (!secMapAlt) secMapAlt = GetH2(c, "secMapHit");
243 TH1* acc = GetH1(c, "acc");
244 TH1* accAlt = GetH1(c, "accEff");
245 if (!accAlt) accAlt = GetH1(c, "accHit");
247 TH1* secMapProj = secMap->ProjectionX();
248 secMapProj->Scale(1./ secMap->GetNbinsY());
249 secMapProj->Divide(acc);
250 secMapProj->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
251 secMapProj->SetFillStyle(3001);
252 secMapProj->SetTitle(Form("#LT%s#GT/Acceptance", secMap->GetTitle()));
254 TH1* secMapAltProj = secMapAlt->ProjectionX();
255 secMapAltProj->Scale(1./ secMapAlt->GetNbinsY());
256 secMapAltProj->Divide(accAlt);
257 secMapAltProj->SetFillColor(kBlue+1);
258 secMapAltProj->SetFillStyle(3001);
259 secMapAltProj->SetTitle(Form("#LT%s#GT/Acceptance",
260 secMapAlt->GetTitle()));
262 Double_t secMapMax = TMath::Max(secMap->GetMaximum(),
263 secMapAlt->GetMaximum());
264 secMap->SetMaximum(secMapMax);
265 secMapAlt->SetMaximum(secMapMax);
267 Double_t secMapProjMax = TMath::Max(secMapProj->GetMaximum(),
268 secMapAltProj->GetMaximum());
269 secMapProj->SetMaximum(secMapProjMax);
270 secMapAltProj->SetMaximum(secMapProjMax);
272 acc->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
273 acc->SetFillStyle(3001);
274 accAlt->SetFillColor(kBlue+1);
275 accAlt->SetFillStyle(3001);
277 Double_t accMax = TMath::Max(acc->GetMaximum(),accAlt->GetMaximum());
278 acc->SetMaximum(accMax);
279 accAlt->SetMaximum(accMax);
281 DrawInPad(fBody, 1, secMap, "colz", kGridx);
282 DrawInPad(fBody, 2, secMapAlt, "colz", kGridx);
284 TVirtualPad* p = fBody;
285 TVirtualPad* pp = p->cd(1);
286 TVirtualPad* ppp = p->cd(3);
287 ppp->SetRightMargin(pp->GetRightMargin());
288 DrawInPad(p,3, secMapProj, "hist", kGridx|kGridy);
290 ppp = p->cd(5);
291 ppp->SetRightMargin(pp->GetRightMargin());
292 DrawInPad(fBody, 5, acc, "", kGridx|kGridy);
294 pp = p->cd(2);
295 pp->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
296 ppp = p->cd(4);
297 ppp->SetRightMargin(pp->GetRightMargin());
298 ppp->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
299 DrawInPad(p,4, secMapAltProj, "hist", kGridx|kGridy);
301 pp = p->cd(4);
302 pp->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
303 ppp = p->cd(6);
304 ppp->SetRightMargin(pp->GetRightMargin());
305 ppp->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
306 DrawInPad(fBody, 6, accAlt, "", kGridx|kGridy);
308 DrawInPad(fBody, 7, GetH2(c, "diagnostics"), "colz");
310 TH2* ratio = static_cast<TH2*>(secMap->Clone("ratio"));
311 ratio->Add(secMapAlt, -1);
312 ratio->Divide(secMapAlt);
313 ratio->SetTitle("Relative difference between maps");
314 ratio->SetZTitle("#frac{S - S_{alt}}{S_{alt}}");
316 pp = p->cd(8);
317 pp->SetLeftMargin(0.10);
318 DrawInPad(fBody, 8, ratio, "colz");
319 }
320 PrintCanvas(Form("%s results - Vertex bin %+5.1f - %+5.1f",
321 (forward ? "Forward" : "Central"),
322 vtxAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i),
323 vtxAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)));
324 }
325 }
326 TCollection* fSums;
327 TCollection* fResults;
330// #endif