]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/SummarydNdetaDrawer.C
Various small improvements
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / scripts / SummarydNdetaDrawer.C
2955f67c 1#include "SummaryDrawer.C"
2#include <TPaveText.h>
bfab35d9 3#include <TMultiGraph.h>
2955f67c 4
5class SummarydNdetaDrawer : public SummaryDrawer
bfab35d9 8 enum {
9 kForward = 0x01,
10 kCentral = 0x02,
11 kSums = 0x04,
12 kResults = 0x08,
13 kMinBias = 0x10,
bfab35d9 14 kMC = 0x80,
fba5d22d 15 kNormal = 0x0F
bfab35d9 16 };
2955f67c 17 SummarydNdetaDrawer()
18 : SummaryDrawer()
19 {}
c8b1a7db 20 const char* ColName(const char* prefix, bool results=false)
21 {
22 return Form("%sdNdeta%s", prefix, results ? "Results" : "Sums");
23 }
2955f67c 24 //____________________________________________________________________
bfab35d9 25 void Run(const char* fname="forward_dndeta.root", UShort_t flags=kNormal)
2955f67c 26 {
27 // --- Open the file -----------------------------------------------
28 TString filename(fname);
29 TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename.Data(), "READ");
30 if (!file) {
31 Error("Run", "Failed to open \"%s\"", filename.Data());
32 return;
33 }
34 // Options
bfab35d9 35 Bool_t forward = flags & kForward;
36 Bool_t central = flags & kCentral;
37 Bool_t sums = flags & kSums;
38 Bool_t results = flags & kResults;
39 Bool_t onlyMB = flags & kMinBias;
40 Bool_t mc = flags & kMC;
41 fPause = flags & kPause;
2955f67c 42
bfab35d9 43 // --- Force MB for pp ---------------------------------------------
44 UShort_t sys = 0;
c8b1a7db 45 TCollection* c = GetCollection(file, ColName("Forward", false));
bfab35d9 46 GetParameter(c, "sys", sys);
c8b1a7db 47 if (sys == 1) {
48 onlyMB = true;
49 Info("Run", "Found sys==1 -> Forcing MB");
50 }
bfab35d9 51
52 // --- Test of MC --------------------------------------------------
c8b1a7db 53 TCollection* mcC = GetCollection(file, ColName("MCTruth"), false);
bfab35d9 54 if (mcC) {
55 TCollection* mcAll = GetCollection(mcC, "all");
c8b1a7db 56 if (mcAll && GetObject(mcAll, "sum")) {
57 Info("Run", "Found MC truth output");
bfab35d9 58 mc = true;
c8b1a7db 59 }
bfab35d9 60 }
2955f67c 61 // --- Make our canvas ---------------------------------------------
62 TString pdfName(filename);
63 pdfName.ReplaceAll(".root", ".pdf");
bfab35d9 64 CreateCanvas(pdfName, flags & kLandscape);
66 // --- Make a Title page -------------------------------------------
67 DrawTitlePage(file, mc, onlyMB);
2955f67c 68
69 // --- Do each sub-algorithm ---------------------------------------
70 THStack* rF = 0;
71 if (forward && sums) DrawSums(file, "Forward", onlyMB);
72 if (forward && results) rF = DrawRes(file, "Forward", onlyMB);
74 THStack* rC = 0;
75 if (central && sums) DrawSums(file, "Central", onlyMB);
76 if (central && results) rC = DrawRes(file, "Central", onlyMB);
bfab35d9 78 THStack* rM = 0;
79 if (mc && sums) DrawSums(file, "MCTruth", onlyMB);
80 if (mc && results) rM = DrawRes(file, "MCTruth", onlyMB);
82 if (rC && rF && results) DrawBoth(rC, rF, rM, file, onlyMB);
84 CloseCanvas();
85 }
5f2f85f0 88 //____________________________________________________________________
89 TAxis* GetCentAxis(const TCollection* parent, Bool_t verbose=false)
90 {
91 TObject* cO = GetObject(parent, "centAxis", verbose);
92 TAxis* cA = 0;
93 if (!cO) return 0;
95 if (cO->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TAxis::Class()))
96 cA = static_cast<TAxis*>(cO);
97 else if (cO->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) {
98 TH1* cH = static_cast<TH1*>(cO);
99 cA = cH->GetXaxis();
100 }
101 // if (cA) cA->Dump();
102 if (!cA || !cA->GetXbins() || !cA->GetXbins()->GetArray() ||
103 cA->GetXmin() > cA->GetXmax()) return 0;
104 return cA;
105 }
bfab35d9 106 //____________________________________________________________________
107 TCollection* GetCentCollection(const TCollection* sums,
108 const TString& base,
109 Int_t cLow,
110 Int_t cHigh,
111 TString& title)
112 {
113 TString folder;
114 title = TString::Format("%s %s: ", base.Data(), title.Data());
115 if (cLow < 0 || cHigh < 0 || cLow >= cHigh) {
116 folder = "all";
117 title.Append("All selected events");
bfab35d9 118 }
119 else {
120 folder.Form("cent%03d_%03d", cLow, cHigh);
121 title.Append(Form("%3d%% - %3d%%", cLow, cHigh));
122 }
124 return GetCollection(sums, folder);
126 }
127 //____________________________________________________________________
128 void DrawTitlePage(TFile* file, Bool_t mc, Bool_t onlyMB)
129 {
c8b1a7db 130 TCollection* c = GetCollection(file, ColName("Forward", true));
bfab35d9 131
132 fBody->cd();
134 Double_t y = .9;
135 TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(.5, y,
136 "#frac{1}{#it{N}}#kern[.1]"
137 "{#frac{d#it{N_{ch}}}{d#it{#eta}}}");
138 ltx->SetTextSize(0.07);
139 ltx->SetTextFont(42);
140 ltx->SetTextAlign(22);
141 ltx->SetNDC();
142 ltx->Draw();
143 y -= .075;
145 if (mc) {
146 ltx = new TLatex(.5, y, "Simulation input");
147 ltx->SetNDC();
148 ltx->SetTextAlign(23);
149 ltx->SetTextFont(42);
150 ltx->SetTextSize(.03);
151 ltx->Draw();
152 y -= .035;
153 }
154 if (onlyMB) {
155 ltx = new TLatex(.5, y, "No centrality");
156 ltx->SetNDC();
157 ltx->SetTextAlign(23);
158 ltx->SetTextFont(42);
159 ltx->SetTextSize(.03);
160 ltx->Draw();
161 y -= .035;
2955f67c 162 }
bfab35d9 163
164 DrawResTitle(c, y, onlyMB);
2955f67c 165
bfab35d9 166 PrintCanvas("1/N dN/d#eta");
167 }
168 //____________________________________________________________________
169 void DrawBoth(THStack* rC, THStack* rF, THStack* rM,
170 TFile* file, Bool_t onlyMB)
171 {
2955f67c 172 fBody->cd();
173 Double_t y1 = fLandscape ? 0 : .3;
174 Double_t x2 = fLandscape ? .7 : 1;
175 Double_t x1 = fLandscape ? x2 : 0;
176 Double_t y2 = fLandscape ? 1 : y1;
177 TPad* p1 = new TPad("p1", "p1", 0, y1, x2, 1, 0, 0);
178 TPad* p2 = new TPad("p2", "p2", x1, 0, 1, y2, 0, 0);
180 fBody->cd();
181 p1->Draw();
182 p1->cd();
2955f67c 184 TH1* h = 0;
bfab35d9 185 if (rM) {
186 TIter nextM(rM->GetHists());
187 while ((h = static_cast<TH1*>(nextM()))) rC->Add(h);
188 }
190 TIter next(rF->GetHists());
2955f67c 191 while ((h = static_cast<TH1*>(next()))) rC->Add(h);
bfab35d9 192
2955f67c 194 rC->Draw("nostack");
c8b1a7db 196 TCollection* fS = GetCollection(file, ColName("Forward", false));
197 UShort_t sys, sNN;
198 ULong_t trigger;
bfab35d9 199 GetParameter(fS, "sNN", sNN);
200 GetParameter(fS, "sys", sys);
201 GetParameter(fS, "trigger", trigger);
5f2f85f0 202 TAxis* centAxis = GetCentAxis(fS);
203 UShort_t cLow = centAxis && !onlyMB ? centAxis->GetXmin() : 0;
204 UShort_t cHigh = centAxis && !onlyMB ? centAxis->GetXmax() : 100;
bfab35d9 205
a19faec0 206 CompileScript("OtherData.C", "", "RefData", false);
d43c6cd0 207
bfab35d9 208 // If we have V0AND trigger, get NSD other data
209 TMultiGraph* other = 0;
210 if (!centAxis) {
211 Int_t oT = (trigger == 0x2000) ? 0x4 : trigger;
212 TString oC = Form("RefData::GetData(%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,0xF)",
213 sys, sNN, oT, cLow, cHigh);
214 other = reinterpret_cast<TMultiGraph*>(gROOT->ProcessLine(oC));
215 }
216 else {
217 other = new TMultiGraph("other", "");
218 Int_t nCent = centAxis->GetNbins();
219 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= nCent; i++) {
220 TString oC = Form("RefData::GetData(%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,0xF)",
221 sys, sNN, 0, UShort_t(centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i)),
222 UShort_t(centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)));
223 TMultiGraph* oM =
224 reinterpret_cast<TMultiGraph*>(gROOT->ProcessLine(oC));
225 if (oM) other->Add(oM);
226 }
227 }
bfab35d9 228 if (other) {
229 // p1->Clear();
230 // other->Draw("ap");
231 // Double_t oMax = other->GetHistogram()->GetMaximum();
232 // Double_t rMax = rC->GetMaximum("nostack");
233 // other->SetMaximum(1.2*TMath::Max(oMax, rMax));
234 // rC->Draw("same nostack");
235 TObject* g = 0;
236 TIter nextG(other->GetListOfGraphs());
237 while ((g = nextG())) {
238 // Printf("Drawing %s/%s", g->GetName(), g->GetTitle());
bfab35d9 239 g->DrawClone("same p");
7095962e 240 }
bfab35d9 241 }
7095962e 242
bfab35d9 243
2955f67c 244 fBody->cd();
245 p2->Draw();
246 p2->cd();
bfab35d9 248
249 TLegend* l = new TLegend(0.01, 0.1, 0.99, 0.99,
250 onlyMB || !centAxis ? "" : "Centralities");
2955f67c 251 l->SetNColumns(fLandscape ? 1 : 2);
252 l->SetFillStyle(0);
253 l->SetBorderSize(0);
bfab35d9 254 CleanStack(rC, l, onlyMB ? 0 : centAxis);
7095962e 255 TString seen;
bfab35d9 256 if (other) {
257 TIter nextG(other->GetListOfGraphs());
258 TObject* g = 0;
259 while ((g = nextG())) {
260 if (seen.Index(g->GetTitle()) != kNPOS) continue;
261 seen.Append(Form("|%s", g->GetTitle()));
262 TLegendEntry* e = l->AddEntry("dummy", g->GetTitle(), "p");
263 TGraph* gg = static_cast<TGraph*>(g);
264 e->SetMarkerStyle(gg->GetMarkerStyle());
265 e->SetMarkerSize(gg->GetMarkerSize());
266 e->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
267 }
bfab35d9 268 }
2955f67c 269 l->Draw();
271 PrintCanvas("Both");
2955f67c 272 }
2955f67c 273 //____________________________________________________________________
274 void DrawSums(TDirectory* top, const TString& base, bool onlyMB)
275 {
c8b1a7db 276 TCollection* c = GetCollection(top, ColName(base));
2955f67c 277 if (!c) return;
5f2f85f0 279 TAxis* centAxis = (onlyMB ? 0 : GetCentAxis(c));
280 if (centAxis && centAxis->GetNbins() < 1) centAxis = 0;
bfab35d9 281
5f2f85f0 282 Int_t txtPad = 0;
283 Double_t xSave = fParVal->GetX();
284 Double_t size = 0.05;
bfab35d9 285 fParVal->SetX(.45);
2955f67c 286 Double_t y = .8;
bfab35d9 287
288 if (!onlyMB && centAxis) {
5f2f85f0 289 size = 0.03;
bfab35d9 290 fBody->Divide(1, 2);
291 txtPad = 1;
293 fBody->cd(1);
294 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++) {
295 DrawParameter(y, (i == 1 ? "Centrality classes" : ""),
296 Form("%3d%% - %3d%%",
297 Int_t(centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i)),
5f2f85f0 298 Int_t(centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i))), size);
bfab35d9 299 }
301 TH1* cent = GetH1(c, "cent");
302 cent->SetFillColor(kRed+1);
303 cent->SetFillStyle(3001);
304 cent->SetXTitle("Centrality [%]");
305 cent->SetYTitle("Events");
307 DrawInPad(fBody, 2, cent);
2955f67c 308 }
bfab35d9 309 fBody->cd(txtPad);
c8b1a7db 311 UShort_t sys, sNN, scheme;
312 ULong_t trigger;
2955f67c 313 GetParameter(c, "sNN", sNN);
314 GetParameter(c, "sys", sys);
315 GetParameter(c, "scheme", scheme);
316 GetParameter(c, "trigger", trigger);
bfab35d9 317
318 TString schemeString;
319 if (scheme == 0) schemeString = "1/N_{accepted}";
320 if (scheme & 0x1) schemeString.Append("1/#epsilon_{V}1/#epsilon_{T}");
321 if (scheme & 0x2) schemeString.Append("Shape ");
322 if (scheme & 0x4) schemeString.Append("A+C-E ");
323 if (scheme & 0x8) schemeString.Append("#epsilon_{T,MC} ");
324 if (scheme & 0x10) schemeString.Append("0-bin");
fba5d22d 326 TString trigString; TriggerString(trigger, trigString);
327 TString sysString; SysString(sys, sysString);
328 TString sNNString; SNNString(sNN, sNNString);
5f2f85f0 330 DrawParameter(y, "Collision system", sysString, size);
331 DrawParameter(y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}", sNNString, size);
332 DrawParameter(y, "Normalization scheme", schemeString,size);
333 DrawParameter(y, "Triggers", trigString, size);
bfab35d9 334
2955f67c 335 fParVal->SetX(xSave);
337 PrintCanvas(Form("%s sums", base.Data()));
bfab35d9 339 Int_t cLow = centAxis ? centAxis->GetXmin() : 0;
340 Int_t cHigh = centAxis ? -centAxis->GetXmax() : -100;
341 DrawCentSum(c, base, cLow, cHigh);
342 if (onlyMB || !centAxis) return;
2955f67c 343
344 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++)
345 DrawCentSum(c, base, centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i),
346 centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i));
347 }
348 //____________________________________________________________________
349 void DrawCentSum(const TCollection* sums, const TString& base,
350 Int_t cLow, Int_t cHigh)
351 {
5f2f85f0 352 // Info("DrawCentSum", "Drawing centrality sum [%d,%d] in %s (%s)",
353 // cLow, cHigh, sums->GetName(), base.Data());
bfab35d9 354 TString title("sums");
355 TCollection* c = GetCentCollection(sums, base, cLow, cHigh, title);
2955f67c 356 if (!c) return;
c8b1a7db 358 TH2* bin = GetH2(c, "sum");
359 TH2* bin0 = GetH2(c, "sum0");
360 TH1* type = GetH1(c, "events");
bfab35d9 361 TH1* trig = GetH1(c, "triggers");
bfab35d9 362 if (!bin0 || !bin || !trig || !type) return;
2955f67c 364 type->SetFillStyle(3001);
365 type->SetFillColor(kGreen+1);
bfab35d9 366
367 fBody->Divide(2, 2);
369 DrawInPad(fBody, 1, trig, "HIST TEXT");
370 DrawInPad(fBody, 2, type, "HIST TEXT");
371 DrawInPad(fBody, 3, bin, "colz");
372 DrawInPad(fBody, 4, bin0, "colz");
2955f67c 373
374 if (bin0->GetEntries() <= 0) {
375 fBody->cd(4);
376 TLatex* l = new TLatex(0.5, 0.5, "No 0-bin events");
377 l->SetNDC();
378 l->SetTextAlign(22);
379 l->Draw();
380 }
bfab35d9 381 PrintCanvas(title);
2955f67c 382 }
383 //____________________________________________________________________
bfab35d9 384 void DrawResTitle(TCollection* c, Double_t& y, Bool_t onlyMB)
2955f67c 385 {
2955f67c 386 Double_t xSave = fParVal->GetX();
5f2f85f0 387 Double_t size = 0.05;
bfab35d9 388 fParVal->SetX(.5);
389 // Double_t y = .9;
5f2f85f0 390 TAxis* centAxis = GetCentAxis(c);
bfab35d9 391 if (!onlyMB && centAxis) {
5f2f85f0 392 size = 0.03;
bfab35d9 393 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++) {
394 DrawParameter(y, (i == 1 ? "Centrality classes" : ""),
395 Form("%3d%% - %3d%%",
396 Int_t(centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i)),
5f2f85f0 397 Int_t(centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i))), size);
bfab35d9 398 }
2955f67c 399 }
fba5d22d 400 TObject* oSNN = GetObject(c, "sNN");
401 TString tSNN; SNNString(oSNN->GetUniqueID(), tSNN);
2955f67c 402
5f2f85f0 403 DrawParameter(y, "Collision system", GetObject(c, "sys")->GetTitle(), size);
404 DrawParameter(y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}",tSNN, size);
405 DrawParameter(y, "Trigger",GetObject(c,"trigger")->GetTitle(), size);
bfab35d9 406 TObject* oscheme = GetObject(c,"scheme");
7095962e 407 TString scheme = oscheme ? oscheme->GetTitle() : "";
bfab35d9 408 if (scheme.IsNull()) scheme = "1/N_{accepted}";
5f2f85f0 409 DrawParameter(y, "Normalization scheme", scheme, size);
bfab35d9 410
2955f67c 411 Double_t epsT, epsT0;
412 GetParameter(c, "triggerEff", epsT);
413 GetParameter(c, "triggerEff0", epsT0);
5f2f85f0 414 DrawParameter(y, "#epsilon_{T}", Form("%5.3f", epsT), size);
415 DrawParameter(y, "#epsilon_{T,zero bin}", Form("%5.3f", epsT0), size);
bfab35d9 416
417 TObject* options = GetObject(c, "options");
418 TString opts(options->GetTitle());
419 TObjArray* tokens = opts.Tokenize(",");
420 TObjString* opt = 0;;
421 TIter oNext(tokens);
422 Bool_t first = true;
423 while ((opt = static_cast<TObjString*>(oNext()))) {
424 DrawParameter(y, (first ? "options" : ""),
5f2f85f0 425 opt->String().Strip(TString::kBoth), size);
bfab35d9 426 first = false;
427 }
bfab35d9 428 fParVal->SetX(xSave);
429 }
431 //____________________________________________________________________
432 THStack* DrawRes(TDirectory* top, const TString& base, Bool_t onlyMB)
433 {
5f2f85f0 434 // Info("DrawRes", "Drawing results for %s", base.Data());
c8b1a7db 435 TCollection* c = GetCollection(top, ColName(base, true));
bfab35d9 436 if (!c) return 0;
2955f67c 437
bfab35d9 438 fBody->cd();
439 Double_t y = .9;
440 DrawResTitle(c, y, onlyMB);
2955f67c 441 PrintCanvas(Form("%s results", base.Data()));
2955f67c 442
5f2f85f0 443 TAxis* centAxis = (onlyMB ? 0 : GetCentAxis(c));
444 if (centAxis && centAxis->GetNbins() < 1) centAxis = 0;
c8b1a7db 445
bfab35d9 446 TLegend* l = new TLegend(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9,
447 onlyMB || !centAxis? "" : "Centralities");
7095962e 448 l->SetNColumns(fLandscape ? 1 : 2);
2955f67c 449 l->SetFillStyle(0);
450 l->SetBorderSize(0);
bfab35d9 451
2955f67c 452 THStack* dndeta_ = GetStack(c, "dndeta");
bfab35d9 453 THStack* dndeta = CleanStack(dndeta_, l, centAxis);
2955f67c 454
bfab35d9 455 if (!onlyMB) {
456 Double_t y1 = fLandscape ? 0 : .3;
457 Double_t x2 = fLandscape ? .7 : 1;
458 Double_t x1 = fLandscape ? x2 : 0;
459 Double_t y2 = fLandscape ? 1 : y1;
460 TPad* p1 = new TPad("p1", "p1", 0, y1, x2, 1, 0, 0);
461 TPad* p2 = new TPad("p2", "p2", x1, 0, 1, y2, 0, 0);
462 fBody->cd();
463 p1->Draw();
464 p1->cd();
465 fBody->cd();
466 p2->Draw();
467 p2->cd();
468 p1->Divide(1,2,0,0);
470 // fBody->Divide(1, 3, 0, 0);
bfab35d9 471
472 DrawInPad(p2, 0, l, "");
473 DrawInPad(p1, 1, dndeta, "nostack");
5f2f85f0 474 // DrawInPad(p1, 2, dndeta5, "nostack");
475 p1->GetPad(1)->SetGridx();
476 p1->GetPad(2)->SetGridx();
bfab35d9 477
478 PrintCanvas(Form("%s results - stacks", base.Data()));
479 }
481 Int_t cLow = centAxis ? centAxis->GetXmin() : 0;
482 Int_t cHigh = centAxis ? -centAxis->GetXmax() : -100;
483 DrawCentRes(c, base, cLow, cHigh);
484 if (onlyMB || !centAxis) {
5f2f85f0 485 // Info("", "Returning dndeta for MB");
bfab35d9 486 dndeta = MakeMBStack(c, base);
487 return dndeta;
488 }
2955f67c 489
490 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++)
491 DrawCentRes(c, base, centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i),
492 centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i));
494 return dndeta;
495 }
bfab35d9 496 //____________________________________________________________________
497 THStack* MakeMBStack(const TCollection* sums, const TString& base)
498 {
499 TString title("results");
500 TCollection* c = GetCentCollection(sums, base, 0, -1, title);
501 if (!c) return 0;
503 TH1* dndeta = GetH1(c, Form("dndeta%s",base.Data()));
504 if (!dndeta) return 0;
506 THStack* ret = new THStack("dndetaMB", title);
507 ret->Add(dndeta);
2955f67c 508
bfab35d9 509 if (base.EqualTo("MCTruth")) {
510 dndeta = GetH1(c, "dndetaTruth");
511 if (dndeta) ret->Add(dndeta);
512 }
513 return ret;
514 }
2955f67c 516 //____________________________________________________________________
517 void DrawCentRes(const TCollection* sums, const TString& base,
518 Int_t cLow, Int_t cHigh)
519 {
5f2f85f0 520 // Info("DrawCentRes", "Drawing centrality results [%d,%d] in %s (%s)",
521 // cLow, cHigh, sums->GetName(), base.Data());
bfab35d9 522 TString title("results");
523 TCollection* c = GetCentCollection(sums, base, cLow, cHigh, title);
2955f67c 524 if (!c) return;
bfab35d9 526
527 TH1* trig = GetH1(c, "triggers");
528 TH1* norm = GetH1(c, Form("norm%s",base.Data()));
529 TH1* dndeta = GetH1(c, Form("dndeta%s",base.Data()));
530 TH2* d2ndetadphi = GetH2(c, Form("d2Ndetadphi%s", base.Data()));
531 if (!trig || !norm || !dndeta || !d2ndetadphi) return;
dc1adf8d 532 if (norm->GetEntries() <= 0) return;
bfab35d9 533
534 norm->SetFillColor(kGreen+1);
535 norm->SetFillStyle(3001);
7095962e 537
2955f67c 538 fBody->Divide(2, 3, 0.05, 0);
540 Int_t trP = 1;
541 TVirtualPad* p = fBody->GetPad(trP);
542 p->SetBottomMargin(0.15);
543 p->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
544 if (trP > 2) p->SetTopMargin(0.05);
2955f67c 545
c8b1a7db 546 DrawInPad(fBody, trP, trig, "HIST TEXT");
5f2f85f0 547 DrawInPad(fBody, 2, d2ndetadphi, "colz");
548 DrawInPad(fBody, 4, norm, "", 0, "Normalization");
549 DrawInPad(fBody, 6, dndeta, "", 0, "d#it{N}_{ch}/d#it{#eta}");
2955f67c 550
551 fBody->GetPad(2)->SetGridx(); fBody->GetPad(2)->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
552 fBody->GetPad(4)->SetGridx(); fBody->GetPad(4)->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
553 fBody->GetPad(6)->SetGridx(); fBody->GetPad(6)->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
555 TObject* normCalc = GetObject(c, "normCalc");
bfab35d9 556 TString calc = normCalc ? normCalc->GetTitle() : "?";
558 // Beautify the text
559 calc.ReplaceAll("beta", "#beta");
89e6e714 560 calc.ReplaceAll("eps", "#varepsilon");
bfab35d9 561 const char* sufs[] = { "all", "acc", "trg", "vtx", "B", "A", "C", "E",
562 "V", "T", 0 };
563 const char** suf = sufs;
564 while (*suf) {
565 calc.ReplaceAll(Form("_%s", *suf), Form("_{%s}", *suf));
566 suf++;
567 }
5f2f85f0 569 p = fBody->cd(3);
570 p->SetPad(p->GetXlowNDC(), 0,
571 p->GetXlowNDC()+p->GetWNDC(), p->GetYlowNDC()+p->GetHNDC());
572 fBody->GetPad(5)->Delete();
2955f67c 573 TObjArray* lines = calc.Tokenize("\n");
bfab35d9 574 // TPaveText* disp = new TPaveText(.1,.1,.9,.9, "NDC");
575 TIter next(lines);
576 TObjString* sline = 0;
577 Double_t y = .95;
578 Double_t xSave = fParName->GetX();
579 Int_t aSave = fParName->GetTextAlign();
5f2f85f0 580 Double_t tSave = fParVal->GetTextSize();
bfab35d9 581 fParName->SetTextAlign(33);
582 fParName->SetX(fParVal->GetX()-.05);
583 while ((sline = static_cast<TObjString*>(next()))) {
584 // disp->AddText(line->GetName());
585 TString& line = sline->String();
586 Ssiz_t eq = line.Last('=');
587 if (eq == kNPOS) {
5f2f85f0 588 DrawParameter(y, line, "", .6*tSave);
bfab35d9 589 continue;
590 }
591 TString name = line(0, eq);
592 TString val = line(eq+1,line.Length()-eq-1);
593 DrawParameter(y, name.Strip(TString::kBoth),
5f2f85f0 594 val.Strip(TString::kBoth),
595 .6*tSave);
bfab35d9 596
597 }
598 fParName->SetTextAlign(aSave);
599 fParName->SetX(xSave);
600 // disp->SetBorderSize(0);
601 // disp->SetBorderSize(0);
602 // disp->SetFillStyle(0);
603 // DrawInPad(fBody, 3, disp);
604 // fBody->cd();
606 PrintCanvas(title);
608 DrawCentResDetails(c, title);
2955f67c 609 }
bfab35d9 610 //____________________________________________________________________
611 void DrawCentResDetails(const TCollection* sums, const TString& base)
612 {
613 TString title = TString::Format("%s - details: ", base.Data());
615 TCollection* c = GetCollection(sums, "partial");
616 if (!c) {
617 Warning("", "Collection partical not found in %s", sums->GetName());
618 sums->ls();
619 return;
620 }
622 fBody->Divide(3, 1, 0.05, 0);
624 const char* typs[] = { "", "0", "All" };
625 const char* tits[] = { "Non-zero events", "Zero events", "Weighted sum" };
626 for (Int_t i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
627 const char* suf = typs[i-1];
628 TVirtualPad* p = fBody->cd(i);
629 p->SetTopMargin(0.10);
631 TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(0.5, .99, tits[i-1]);
632 ltx->SetNDC();
633 ltx->SetTextAlign(23);
634 ltx->SetTextSize(0.05);
635 ltx->Draw();
637 TH1* sum = GetH2(c, Form("sum%s", suf));
638 TH1* norm = GetH1(c, Form("norm%s", suf));
639 TH1* phi = GetH1(c, Form("phi%s", suf));
641 norm->SetFillColor(kGreen+1);
642 norm->SetFillStyle(3002);
643 phi->SetFillColor(kBlue+1);
644 phi->SetFillStyle(3001);
646 p->Divide(1, 3, 0, 0);
c8b1a7db 647 DrawInPad(p, 1, sum, sum->Integral()>0 ? "col" : "", 0,
648 "d^{2}#it{N}_{ch}/d#it{#varphi}d#it{#eta}");
649 DrawInPad(p, 2, GetH1(c, Form("average%s", suf)), "", 0,
650 "d#it{N}_{ch}/d#it{#eta}");
651 DrawInPad(p, 3, norm, "", 0, "#eta-coverage/#varphi-acceptance");
fba5d22d 652 DrawInPad(p, 3, phi, "same", kLegend);
bfab35d9 653 }
654 PrintCanvas(title);
655 }
2955f67c 657 //____________________________________________________________________
658 THStack* CleanStack(const THStack* stack, TLegend* l, const TAxis* axis)
659 {
5f2f85f0 660 if (!stack) return 0;
2955f67c 661 THStack* ret = new THStack(stack->GetName(), stack->GetTitle());
662 TList* hists = stack->GetHists();
663 TIter next(hists);
664 TH1* h = 0;
665 Int_t j = 0;
666 Bool_t ok = false;
667 while ((h = static_cast<TH1*>(next()))) {
bfab35d9 668 TString name(h->GetTitle());
669 TString nme(h->GetName());
670 if (nme.Contains("_mirror", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
671 // Printf("Ignore %s/%s in stack", nme.Data(), name.Data());
672 continue;
673 }
2955f67c 674 if (l && !ok) {
675 j++;
5f2f85f0 676 Int_t bin = axis ? TMath::Min(j, axis->GetNbins()) : 1;
bfab35d9 677 if (axis)
678 name.Form("%3d%% - %3d%%",
5f2f85f0 679 Int_t(axis->GetBinLowEdge(bin)),
680 Int_t(axis->GetBinUpEdge(bin)));
c8b1a7db 681 else {
682 name.ReplaceAll("ALICE", "");
683 name.ReplaceAll("dNdeta", " - work in progress");
684 }
5f2f85f0 685 ok = axis && axis->GetBinUpEdge(bin) > 100;
7095962e 686 // Printf("Adding entry %d: %s/%s", j, nme.Data(), name.Data());
2955f67c 687 TLegendEntry* e = l->AddEntry("dummy", name, "f");
688 e->SetFillStyle(1001);
689 e->SetFillColor(h->GetMarkerColor());
690 }
691 ret->Add(h);
692 }
693 return ret;
694 }
697// EOF