]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/TupleSelector.C
Merge branch 'feature-movesplit'
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / FORWARD / analysis2 / scripts / TupleSelector.C
2c50d167 1/**
2 * @file TupleSelector.C
3 * @author Christian Holm Christensen <cholm@nbi.dk>
4 * @date Thu Nov 13 14:12:11 2014
5 *
6 * @brief A selector to draw stuff from the a track tuple as made by
7 * AliFMDMCTrackELoss.
8 *
9 * This class assumes that the files with the TTree's created by
10 * AliFMDMCTrackELoss lives in tuple/forward_tuple_N.root.
11 *
12 * The trees are made by AliFMDMCTrackELoss, which in turn is embedded
13 * in a AliFMDMCTrackInspector object. This code, which also does
14 * fits of the MC 'true' energy loss spectra is contained in the task
15 * AliFMDMCTrackInspectorTask. This task can be executed via the
16 * train MakeFMDMCTrackTrain.C
17 *
18 * To run this selector do
19 *
20 * @code
21 void
22 Run(Bool_t proof=true, Long64_t maxEvents=-1)
23 {
24 const char* fwd = "${ALICE_ROOT}/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2";
25 gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I${ALICE_ROOT}/include");
26 gROOT->Macro(Form("%s/scripts/LoadLibs.C"));
27 gROOT->LoadMacro(Form("%s/TupleSelector.C++g",fwd));
29 if (proof) TupleSelector::Proof(maxEvents);
30 else TupleSelector::Run(maxEvents);
31 }
32 * @endcode
33 *
34 * Here, $ANA_SRC is assumed to point to the source directory of
35 * PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2
36 */
38#ifndef SELECTOR_C
39#define SELECTOR_C
41#include <TSelector.h>
c7f26baa 42#include <TQObject.h>
2c50d167 43#ifndef __CINT__
44# include <TH1.h>
45# include <TString.h>
46# include <TCanvas.h>
47# include <TLegend.h>
48# include <TLegendEntry.h>
49# include <TError.h>
50# include <TMath.h>
51# include <THStack.h>
52# include <TTree.h>
53# include <TClonesArray.h>
54# include <TChain.h>
55# include <TSystem.h>
56# include <TOutputListSelectorDataMap.h>
57# include <TLatex.h>
58# include <TROOT.h>
59# include <TFile.h>
60# include <TDirectory.h>
c7f26baa 61# include <TSystemDirectory.h>
62# include <TRegexp.h>
63# include <TKey.h>
64# include <TFileCollection.h>
65# include <THashList.h>
66# include <TDSet.h>
67# include <TQConnection.h>
2c50d167 68# include <iostream>
c7f26baa 69# include <TProof.h>
70# include <TStopwatch.h>
2c50d167 71# include "AliFMDMCTrackELoss.h"
c7f26baa 73// Forward declarations of types in the interface, and to trigger
74// autoloading of some libraries
2c50d167 75class TTree;
76class TChain;
77class TCanvas;
78class TH1;
79class THStack;
80class TLegend;
81class TCanvas;
82class TString;
83class TDirectory;
c7f26baa 84class TSystemDirectory;
85class TRegexp;
86class TDSet;
87class TProof;
2c50d167 88class AliFMDMCTrackELoss;
89class AliFMDMCTrackELoss::Hit;
94 * Container of primary/secondary histograms
95 */
96struct Spectra : public TObject
98 /** The name */
99 TString fName;
100 /** Primaries */
101 TH1* fPrimary;
102 /** Secondaries */
103 TH1* fSecondary;
104 /**
105 * I/O CTOR
106 */
107 Spectra()
108 : TObject(), fName(""), fPrimary(0), fSecondary(0)
109 {}
110 /**
111 * User CTOR
112 *
113 * @param name Name
114 * @param title Title
115 * @param color Color
116 * @param bins Bin definition
117 */
118 Spectra(const char* name,
119 const char* title,
120 Color_t color,
121 const TArrayD& bins)
122 : TObject(),
123 fName(name),
124 fPrimary(0),
125 fSecondary(0)
126 {
127 fPrimary = new TH1D(Form("primary%s", name),
128 title, bins.GetSize()-1,
129 bins.GetArray());
130 fPrimary->SetXTitle("#beta#gamma");
131 fPrimary->SetMarkerColor(color);
132 fPrimary->SetLineColor(color);
133 fPrimary->SetMarkerStyle(20);
134 fPrimary->SetFillStyle(0);
135 fPrimary->SetDirectory(0);
136 fPrimary->Sumw2();
138 fSecondary = static_cast<TH1*>(fPrimary->Clone(Form("secondary%s",name)));
139 fSecondary->SetMarkerStyle(24);
140 fSecondary->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
141 fSecondary->SetDirectory(0);
142 }
143 /**
144 * Copy CTOR
145 *
146 * @param o Object to copy from
147 */
148 Spectra(const Spectra& o)
149 : TObject(o),
150 fName(o.fName),
151 fPrimary(0),
152 fSecondary(0)
153 {
154 if (o.fPrimary)
155 fPrimary = static_cast<TH1*>(o.fPrimary->Clone());
156 if (o.fSecondary)
157 fSecondary = static_cast<TH1*>(o.fSecondary->Clone());
158 }
159 /**
160 * DTOR
161 */
162 virtual ~Spectra()
163 {
164 if (fPrimary) delete fPrimary;
165 if (fSecondary) delete fSecondary;
166 }
167 /**
168 * Assigment operator
169 *
170 * @param o Object to assign from
171 *
172 * @return Reference to this
173 */
174 Spectra& operator=(const Spectra& o)
175 {
176 if (&o == this) return *this;
178 TObject::operator=(o);
179 fName = o.fName;
180 if (fPrimary) { delete fPrimary; fPrimary = 0; }
181 if (fSecondary) { delete fSecondary; fSecondary = 0; }
182 if (o.fPrimary)
183 fPrimary = static_cast<TH1*>(o.fPrimary->Clone());
184 if (o.fSecondary)
185 fSecondary = static_cast<TH1*>(o.fSecondary->Clone());
187 return *this;
188 }
189 /**
190 * Get the name
191 *
192 * @return name
193 */
194 const char* GetName() const { return fName.Data(); }
195 /**
196 * Fill into histogram
197 *
198 * @param primary true if for primary
199 * @param x What to fill
200 */
201 void Fill(Bool_t primary, Double_t x)
202 {
203 if (primary) fPrimary->Fill(x);
204 else fSecondary->Fill(x);
205 }
206 /**
207 * Get a histogram
208 *
209 * @param primary If true, get histogram for primaries, otherwise
210 * for secondaries.
211 *
212 * @return Pointer to histogram (possibly null)
213 */
214 TH1* Hist(Bool_t primary) const
215 {
216 return (primary ? fPrimary : fSecondary);
217 }
218 /**
219 * Add the histograms to a stack and legend
220 *
221 * @param stack Stack to add to
222 * @param leg Legend
223 */
224 virtual void Stack(THStack* stack, TLegend* leg)
225 {
226 TH1* hists[] = { fPrimary, fSecondary, 0 };
227 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
228 if (!hists[i]) continue;
230 Int_t n = hists[i]->GetEntries();
231 if (n <= 0) continue;
233 if (stack) {
234 hists[i]->Scale(1. / n, "width");
235 stack->Add(hists[i]);
237 if (i != 0) continue;
238 if (!leg) continue;
240 leg->AddEntry(hists[i], hists[i]->GetTitle(), "p");
241 }
242 else if (leg) {
243 TLegendEntry* e = leg->AddEntry("",
244 (i == 0 ? "Primary" : "Secondary"),
245 "p");
246 e->SetMarkerStyle(hists[i]->GetMarkerStyle());
247 e->SetFillStyle(hists[i]->GetFillStyle());
248 e->SetFillColor(kBlack);
249 }
250 }
251 }
252 /**
253 * Merge this object with similar objects in the list.
254 *
255 * @param list list of objects
256 *
257 * @return Number of merged objects
258 */
259 Long64_t Merge(TCollection *list)
260 {
261 TIter nxt(list);
262 TObject* obj = 0;
263 Long64_t cnt = 0;
264 while ((obj = nxt())) {
265 if (!obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(this->IsA())) {
266 Warning("Merge", "Will not merge a Spectra with a %s",
267 obj->IsA()->GetName());
268 continue;
269 }
270 Spectra* oth = static_cast<Spectra*>(obj);
ea2764d6 271 if (Add(oth)) cnt++;
2c50d167 272 }
c7f26baa 273 // Info("Merge", "%s merged %lld entries", fName.Data(), cnt);
2c50d167 274 return cnt;
275 }
ea2764d6 276 Bool_t Add(const Spectra* oth)
277 {
278 if (!oth->fName.EqualTo(fName)) {
279 Warning("Merge", "Will not merge %s with %s",
280 oth->fName.Data(), fName.Data());
281 return false;
282 }
c7f26baa 283 // Int_t nPrmOld = fPrimary->GetEntries();
284 // Int_t nSecOld = fPrimary->GetEntries();
ea2764d6 286 fPrimary ->Add(oth->fPrimary);
287 fSecondary->Add(oth->fSecondary);
c7f26baa 288
289 // Int_t nPrmNow = fPrimary->GetEntries();
290 // Int_t nSecNow = fPrimary->GetEntries();
292 // Info("Add", "%s: %d/%d merged to %d/%d",
293 // fName.Data(), nPrmOld, nSecOld, nPrmNow, nSecNow);
ea2764d6 294 return true;
295 }
2c50d167 296 /**
297 * List this object
298 *
299 * @param option Not used
300 */
301 void ls(Option_t* option="") const
302 {
303 TObject::ls(option);
304 gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel();
305 TH1* hists[] = { fPrimary,
306 fSecondary,
307 0 };
308 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) if (hists[i]) hists[i]->ls();
309 gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel();
310 }
311 /**
312 * Store this on file
313 *
314 * @param dir Parent directory
315 */
316 void Store(TDirectory* dir)
317 {
318 TDirectory* out = dir->mkdir(fName);
319 out->cd();
320 fPrimary->Clone("primary")->Write();
321 fSecondary->Clone("secondary")->Write();
322 dir->cd();
323 }
324 ClassDef(Spectra,1);
328 * Container to type histograms
329 */
330struct Type : public Spectra
332 /**
333 * I/O CTOR
334 */
335 Type() : Spectra() {}
336 /**
337 * User CTOR
338 *
339 * @param name Name
340 * @param title Title
341 * @param color Color
342 */
343 Type(const char* name,
344 const char* title,
345 Color_t color)
346 : Spectra() // Do not use the base class ctor
347 {
348 fName = name;
349 fPrimary = new TH1D(Form("primary%s", name),
350 title, 6, .5, 6.5);
351 fPrimary->SetXTitle("particle type");
352 fPrimary->SetMarkerColor(color);
353 fPrimary->SetMarkerStyle(20);
354 fPrimary->SetFillColor(color);
355 fPrimary->SetFillStyle(3001);
356 fPrimary->SetLineColor(color);
357 fPrimary->SetDirectory(0);
358 fPrimary->Sumw2();
359 fPrimary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "e^{#pm}");
360 fPrimary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "#pi^{#pm}");
361 fPrimary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "K^{#pm}");
362 fPrimary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "p/#bar{p}");
363 fPrimary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "strange");
364 fPrimary->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "other");
366 fSecondary =
367 static_cast<TH1*>(fPrimary->Clone(Form("secondary%s",name)));
368 fSecondary->SetMarkerStyle(24);
369 fSecondary->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
370 fSecondary->SetFillStyle(3002);
371 fSecondary->SetDirectory(0);
372 }
373 ClassDef(Type,1);
377struct Ring : public TObject
380 /** Detector number */
381 UShort_t fD;
382 /** Ring identifier */
383 Char_t fR;
384 /** Cached name */
385 TString fName;
386 /** Collection of spectra */
387 TObjArray* fSpectra;
389 /** Enumeration of our spectra */
390 enum {
391 kBetaGamma = 0,
392 kBetaGammaPi,
393 kBetaGammaElectron,
394 kTypes,
395 kNSpectra
396 };
398 /**
399 * I/O constructor
400 */
401 Ring()
402 : TObject(),
403 fD(0),
404 fR('\0'),
405 fName(),
406 fSpectra(0)
407 {}
408 /**
409 * Constructor
410 *
411 * @param d Detector
412 * @param r Ring
413 */
414 Ring(UShort_t d, Char_t r)
415 : fD(d),
416 fR(r),
417 fName(Form("FMD%d%c", d, r)),
418 fSpectra(0)
419 {
420 Color_t color = AliForwardUtil::RingColor(fD, fR);
421 TArrayD bgArray(601);
c7f26baa 422 AliForwardUtil::MakeLogScale(300, -2, 5, bgArray);
2c50d167 423
424 fSpectra = new TObjArray(kNSpectra);
425 fSpectra->SetOwner(true);
426 fSpectra->AddAt(new Spectra("BetaGamma", fName, color, bgArray),
427 kBetaGamma);
428 fSpectra->AddAt(new Spectra("BetaGammaPi", fName, color, bgArray),
429 kBetaGammaPi);
430 fSpectra->AddAt(new Spectra("BetaGammaElectron", fName, color, bgArray),
431 kBetaGammaElectron);
432 fSpectra->AddAt(new Type("Type", fName, color), kTypes);
c7f26baa 433 // fSpectra->ls();
2c50d167 434 }
435 /**
436 * Copy constructor
437 *
438 * @param r Other to copy from
439 */
440 Ring(const Ring& r)
441 : TObject(r),
442 fD(r.fD),
443 fR(r.fR),
444 fName(r.fName),
445 fSpectra(0)
446 {
447 if (r.fSpectra) fSpectra = new TObjArray(*r.fSpectra);
448 }
449 /**
450 * Assignment operator
451 *
452 * @param r Other to assign from
453 *
454 * @return Reference to this obect
455 */
456 Ring& operator=(const Ring& r)
457 {
458 if (&r == this) return *this;
460 fD = r.fD;
461 fR = r.fR;
462 fName = r.fName;
463 if (fSpectra) { delete fSpectra; fSpectra = 0; }
464 if (r.fSpectra) fSpectra = new TObjArray(*r.fSpectra);
466 return *this;
467 }
468 const char* GetName() const { return fName.Data(); }
469 /**
470 * Get a spectra
471 *
472 * @param which Identifier
473 *
474 * @return Pointer to Spectra object or null
475 */
476 Spectra* Get(UInt_t which)
477 {
478 if (!fSpectra) return 0;
479 Int_t i = which;
480 if (i > fSpectra->GetEntriesFast()) return 0;
481 return static_cast<Spectra*>(fSpectra->At(i));
482 }
483 /**
484 * Get a spectra
485 *
486 * @param which Identifier
487 *
488 * @return Pointer to Spectra object or null
489 */
490 const Spectra* Get(UInt_t which) const
491 {
492 if (!fSpectra) return 0;
493 Int_t i = which;
494 if (i > fSpectra->GetEntriesFast()) return 0;
495 return static_cast<Spectra*>(fSpectra->At(i));
496 }
497 /**
498 * Fill histograms
499 *
500 * @param hit Hit structure
501 */
502 void Fill(AliFMDMCTrackELoss::Hit* hit)
503 {
504 Bool_t prim = hit->IsPrimary();
505 Int_t apdg = hit->AbsPdg();
506 Int_t mfl = Int_t(apdg/TMath::Power(10,Int_t(TMath::Log10(apdg))));
507 Int_t type = (hit->IsElectron() ? 1 :
508 hit->IsPion() ? 2 :
509 hit->IsKaon() ? 3 :
510 hit->IsProton() ? 4 :
511 mfl == 3 ? 5 : 6);
513 Get(kBetaGamma) ->Fill(prim, hit->BetaGamma());
514 Get(kTypes) ->Fill(prim, type);
515 if (hit->IsPion() || hit->IsProton() || hit->IsKaon() || apdg > 100)
516 Get(kBetaGammaPi) ->Fill(prim, hit->BetaGamma());
517 if (hit->IsElectron())
518 Get(kBetaGammaElectron)->Fill(prim, hit->BetaGamma());
520 }
521 /**
522 * Get histograms
523 *
524 * @param primary If true, for primaries
525 * @param which Which histogram to get
526 *
527 * @return Histogram or null
528 */
529 TH1* Hist(Bool_t primary, UShort_t which) const
530 {
531 const Spectra* spe = Get(which);
532 if (!spe) return 0;
533 return spe->Hist(primary);
534 }
535 /**
536 * Merge this object with similar objects in the list.
537 *
538 * @param list list of objects
539 *
540 * @return Number of merged objects
541 */
542 Long64_t Merge(TCollection *list)
543 {
544 TIter nxt(list);
545 TObject* obj = 0;
546 Long64_t cnt = 0;
547 while ((obj = nxt())) {
548 if (!obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom(this->IsA())) {
549 Warning("Merge", "Will not merge a Ring with a %s",
550 obj->IsA()->GetName());
551 continue;
552 }
553 Ring* oth = static_cast<Ring*>(obj);
554 if (oth->fD != fD || oth->fR != fR) {
555 Warning("Merge", "Will not merge FMD%d%c with FMD%d%c",
556 fD, fR, oth->fD, oth->fR);
557 continue;
558 }
ea2764d6 560 if (fSpectra) {
561 // fSpectra->Merge(oth->fSpectra);
562 TIter thsNext(fSpectra);
563 TIter othNext(oth->fSpectra);
564 Spectra* thsSpec = 0;
565 Spectra* othSpec = 0;
567 while ((thsSpec = static_cast<Spectra*>(thsNext())) &&
568 (othSpec = static_cast<Spectra*>(othNext())))
569 thsSpec->Add(othSpec);
571 }
2c50d167 572 cnt++;
573 }
c7f26baa 574 // Info("Merge", "FMD%d%c merged %lld entries", fD, fR, cnt);
2c50d167 575 return cnt;
576 }
c7f26baa 577 void Draw(Option_t* opt="")
578 {
579 Info("Draw", "Should draw rings here");
580 ls(opt);
581 }
2c50d167 582 /**
583 * List this object
584 *
585 * @param option Not used
586 */
587 void ls(Option_t* option="") const
588 {
589 TObject::ls(option);
590 gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel();
591 if (fSpectra) fSpectra->ls(option);
592 gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel();
593 }
594 /**
595 * Store this on file
596 *
597 * @param dir Parent directory
598 */
599 void Store(TDirectory* dir)
600 {
601 TDirectory* out = dir->mkdir(fName);
602 out->cd();
603 TIter next(fSpectra);
604 Spectra* spec = 0;
605 while ((spec = static_cast<Spectra*>(next())))
606 spec->Store(out);
607 dir->cd();
608 }
610 ClassDef(Ring,2);
c7f26baa 613//====================================================================
614struct Monitor : public TObject, public TQObject
616 Monitor()
617 {
618 if (!gProof) return;
620 fName = gProof->GetSessionTag();
621 gDirectory->Add(this);
622 // _must_ specify signal _exactly_ like below, or we won't be called
623 Bool_t ret = gProof->Connect("Feedback(TList *objs)", "Monitor", this,
624 "Feedback(TList *objs)");
625 if (!ret)
626 Warning("Monitor", "Failed to connect to Proof");
627 }
628 virtual ~Monitor()
629 {
630 if (!gProof) return;
631 gProof->Disconnect("Feedback(TList *objs)",this,
632 "Feedback(TList* objs)");
633 }
634 void SetName(const char* name) { fName = name; }
635 const char* GetName() const { return fName.Data(); }
636 void Feedback(TList* objs)
637 {
638 Info("Feedback", "Got a list of objects (%p)", objs);
639 if (!objs) return;
640 objs->ls();
641 }
642 TString fName;
643 ClassDef(Monitor,1);
2c50d167 647//====================================================================
648struct TupleSelector : public TSelector
650 TString fTitle; //! Must not be persistent
651 TTree* fTree; //! Must not be persistent
652 TClonesArray* fHits; //! Must not be persistent
653 Int_t fI; //! Not persistent
654 TObjArray* fRings; //! Not persistent
656 /**
657 * Constructor
658 *
659 * @param name Optional title
660 */
661 TupleSelector(const char* name="") :
662 fTitle(name), fTree(0), fHits(0), fI(0), fRings(0)
663 {
664 if (fTitle.IsNull())
665 fTitle = gSystem->BaseName(gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
c7f26baa 666 // SetOption("fb=rings");
2c50d167 668 }
669 const char* GetName() const { return fTitle.Data(); }
670 /**
671 * @{
672 * @name Setup
673 */
674 /**
675 * Get index for a particular ring
676 *
677 * @param d Detector
678 * @param r Ring
679 *
680 * @return Index, or 0xFFFF
681 */
682 UShort_t Index(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const
683 {
684 Bool_t inner = (r == 'i' || r == 'I');
685 switch (d) {
686 case 1: return 0;
687 case 2: return (inner ? 1 : 2);
688 case 3: return (inner ? 4 : 3);
689 }
690 ::Warning("", "Unknown ring FMD%d%c", d, r);
691 return 0xFFFF;
692 }
693 void Init(TTree* tree)
694 {
695 Info("Init", "Got a tree: %p", tree);
697 if (!tree) {
698 Warning("Init", "No tree passed");
699 return;
700 }
702 fTree = tree;
703 fHits = new TClonesArray("AliFMDMCTrackELoss::Hit");
704 fTree->SetBranchAddress("hits", &fHits);
705 }
c7f26baa 706 void Begin(TTree* tree)
707 {
708 Info("Begin", "Called w/tree @ %p", tree);
709 // if (tree) SlaveBegin(tree);
710 new Monitor;
711 }
2c50d167 712 /**
713 * Begin on slave
714 *
715 * @param tree Tree to process
716 */
717 void SlaveBegin(TTree* tree)
718 {
719 Info("SlaveBegin", "Got a tree: %p", tree);
720 fRings = new TObjArray(5);
721 fRings->SetName("rings");
722 fRings->SetOwner(true);
723 fRings->AddAt(new Ring(1,'I'), Index(1,'I'));
724 fRings->AddAt(new Ring(2,'I'), Index(2,'I'));
725 fRings->AddAt(new Ring(2,'O'), Index(2,'O'));
726 fRings->AddAt(new Ring(3,'O'), Index(3,'O'));
727 fRings->AddAt(new Ring(3,'I'), Index(3,'I'));
729 fOutput->Add(fRings);
2c50d167 730 if (tree) {
731 // In case of local mode, we get the tree here,
732 // and init isn't called
733 Init(tree);
734 }
735 }
736 /* @} */
738 /**
739 * @{
740 * @name Event processing
741 */
742 Bool_t Notify()
743 {
744 TFile* file = (fTree ? fTree->GetCurrentFile() : 0);
745 Info("Notify","processing file: %p (%s)",
746 file, (file ? file->GetName() : "nil"));
747 return true;
748 }
749 /**
750 * Process an entry
751 *
752 * @param entry Entry
753 *
754 * @return true on success
755 */
756 Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry)
757 {
758 if (!fTree) {
759 Warning("Process", "No tree");
760 return false;
761 }
762 if (!fTree->GetTree()) {
763 Warning("Process", "No real tree");
764 return false;
765 }
766 fHits->Clear();
767 fTree->GetTree()->GetEntry(entry);
768 fI++;
769 // if (fI % 100 == 0) {
770 // printf("Event # %6d (%6d hits)\r", fI, fHits->GetEntries());
771 // fflush(stdout);
772 // }
773 // Printf("Event # %7d, %6d hits", fI, fHits->GetEntries());
775 TIter next(fHits);
776 AliFMDMCTrackELoss::Hit* hit = 0;
777 while ((hit = static_cast<AliFMDMCTrackELoss::Hit*>(next())))
778 Fill(hit);
779 return true;
780 }
781 /**
782 * Get a Ring
783 *
784 * @param d Detector
785 * @param r Ring
786 *
787 * @return Pointer to ring object or null
788 */
789 Ring* Get(UShort_t d, Char_t r)
790 {
791 return static_cast<Ring*>(fRings->At(Index(d,r)));
792 }
793 /**
794 * Get a Ring
795 *
796 * @param d Detector
797 * @param r Ring
798 *
799 * @return Pointer to constant ring object or null
800 */
801 const Ring* Get(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const
802 {
803 return static_cast<Ring*>(fRings->At(Index(d,r)));
804 }
805 /**
806 * Fill in to a ring object
807 *
808 * @param hit Hit information
809 */
810 void Fill(AliFMDMCTrackELoss::Hit* hit)
811 {
812 Ring* r = Get(hit->D(), hit->R());
813 r->Fill(hit);
814 }
815 /* @} */
817 /**
818 * @{
819 * @name Final processing
820 */
821 void SlaveTerminate()
822 {
823 }
824 /**
825 * Terminate the job
826 *
827 */
828 void Terminate()
829 {
830 Printf("\nDone (rings=%p)", fRings);
832 if (!fRings)
833 fRings = static_cast<TObjArray*>(fOutput->FindObject("rings"));
834 if (!fRings) {
835 Error("Terminate", "No rings in output array");
836 return;
837 }
c7f26baa 838 // fRings->ls();
2c50d167 839
840 TFile* out = TFile::Open("tuple_summary.root", "RECREATE");
841 Store(out);
843 PlotOne(Ring::kBetaGamma, "#beta#gamma - all", out);
844 PlotOne(Ring::kBetaGammaPi, "#beta#gamma - Hadrons", out);
845 PlotOne(Ring::kBetaGammaElectron,"#beta#gamma - e^{#pm}", out);
846 PlotOne(Ring::kTypes, "Relative abundance", out);
847 }
848 /**
849 * Plot one quantity
850 *
851 * @param which
852 * @param what
853 */
854 void PlotOne(UShort_t which, const char* title,
855 TDirectory* dir=0, Option_t* opt="")
856 {
857 static Int_t cnt = 1;
858 const char* name = Form("c%02d", cnt++);
860 TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(name, title, 1000, 1000);
861 c->SetFillColor(0);
862 c->SetFillStyle(0);
863 c->SetTopMargin(0.01);
864 c->SetRightMargin(0.03);
866 TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.65, 0.65, 0.975, 0.975);
867 leg->SetFillStyle(0);
868 leg->SetBorderSize(0);
870 TString xTitle = "";
871 THStack* stack = new THStack(name, title);
872 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
873 Ring* ring = static_cast<Ring*>(fRings->At(i));
874 Spectra* spec = ring->Get(which);
875 if (!spec) {
876 Warning("PlotOne", "No spectra for %d", which);
877 continue;
878 }
880 // Add to our stack
881 spec->Stack(stack, leg);
883 // Get X title
884 if (xTitle.IsNull() && spec->Hist(true))
885 xTitle = spec->Hist(true)->GetXaxis()->GetTitle();
887 // If we're not at the last one continue
888 if (i < 4) continue;
890 // Add primary/secondary entry to legend
891 spec->Stack(0, leg);
893 }
894 c->cd();
895 if (!stack->GetHists() ||
896 stack->GetHists()->GetEntries() < 0) {
897 Warning("PlotOne", "No histograms added");
898 return;
899 }
900 stack->Draw(Form("nostack %s", opt));
901 stack->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle(xTitle);
902 stack->GetHistogram()->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(leg);
904 leg->Draw();
906 if (which != Ring::kTypes) {
907 c->SetLogx();
908 c->SetLogy();
909 }
911 TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(0.02, 0.02, fTitle);
912 ltx->SetNDC();
913 ltx->SetTextColor(kRed+2);
914 ltx->SetTextAlign(11);
915 ltx->SetTextSize(0.02);
916 ltx->Draw();
917 stack->GetHistogram()->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(ltx);
919 if (dir) {
920 dir->cd();
921 stack->Clone()->Write();
922 }
925 c->Modified();
926 c->Update();
927 c->cd();
929 c->Print(Form("%s.pdf", name));
930 }
931 /**
932 * Store this on file
933 *
934 * @param dir Parent directory
935 */
936 void Store(TDirectory* dir)
937 {
938 TDirectory* out = dir->mkdir(fTitle);
939 out->cd();
940 TIter next(fRings);
941 Ring* ring = 0;
942 while ((ring = static_cast<Ring*>(next())))
943 ring->Store(out);
944 dir->cd();
945 }
946 /* @} */
948 /**
949 * @{
950 * @name Other interface
951 */
952 /**
953 * Get the version of the selector
954 *
955 * @return 1
956 */
957 Int_t Version() const { return 1; }
958 /**
959 * Get the status
960 *
961 * @return Number of processedd events
962 */
963 Long64_t GetStatus() const { return fI; }
965 /* @} */
c7f26baa 966
967 //------------------------------------------------------------------
2c50d167 968 /**
969 * @{
970 * @name Service functions
971 */
c7f26baa 972 //------------------------------------------------------------------
973 /**
974 * Get a chain or data set from the given file
975 *
976 * @param file File to look in
977 *
978 * @return Pointer to object or null
979 */
980 static TObject* GetChainOrDataSet(const char* file)
981 {
982 if (gSystem->AccessPathName(file)) return 0;
984 TFile* in = TFile::Open(file, "READ");
985 if (!in) return 0;
987 TObject* ret = in->Get("tree");
988 if (!ret) {
989 in->Close();
990 return 0;
991 }
993 if (ret->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TChain::Class()))
994 static_cast<TChain*>(ret)->SetDirectory(0);
995 else if (ret->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TDSet::Class()))
996 static_cast<TDSet*>(ret)->SetDirectory(0);
997 else {
998 ::Warning("GetChainOrDataSet", "Found object is a %s",
999 ret->IsA()->GetName());
1000 ret = 0;
1001 }
1002 in->Close();
1003 return ret;
1004 }
1005 //------------------------------------------------------------------
1006 /**
1007 * make our data set
1008 *
1009 * @param src Source directory
1010 * @param recursive Whether to scan recursively
1011 * @param verbose Be verbose
1012 *
1013 * @return Data set or null
1014 */
1015 static TDSet* MakeDataSet(const TString& src=".",
1016 Bool_t recursive=false,
1017 Bool_t verbose=false)
1018 {
1019 TString dsFile(Form("%s/dataset.root", src.Data()));
1020 TDSet* dataset = static_cast<TDSet*>(GetChainOrDataSet(dsFile));
1021 if (dataset) {
1022 /// dataset->Print("a");
1023 return dataset;
1024 }
1026 TChain* c = DoMakeChain(src, recursive, verbose);
1027 if (!c) return 0;
1029 dataset = new TDSet(*c, false);
1030 dataset->SetName("tree");
1031 dataset->SetLookedUp();
1032 dataset->Validate();
1034 delete c;
1035 if (dataset) {
1036 TFile* out = TFile::Open(dsFile, "RECREATE");
1037 dataset->Write();
1038 dataset->SetDirectory(0);
1039 out->Close();
1040 }
1042 return dataset;
1044 }
1045 //------------------------------------------------------------------
2c50d167 1046 /**
1047 * Create our chain
1048 *
c7f26baa 1049 * @param src Source directory
1050 * @param recursive Whether to scan recursively
1051 * @param verbose Be verbose
2c50d167 1052 *
1053 * @return Chain or null
1054 */
c7f26baa 1055 static TChain* MakeChain(const TString& src=".",
1056 Bool_t recursive=false,
1057 Bool_t verbose=false)
2c50d167 1058 {
c7f26baa 1059 TString chFile(Form("%s/chain.root", src.Data()));
1060 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(chFile)) {
1061 TFile* in = TFile::Open(chFile, "READ");
1062 if (in) {
1063 TChain* ret = static_cast<TChain*>(in->Get("tree"));
1064 if (ret) {
1065 ret->SetDirectory(0);
1066 // ret->GetListOfFiles()->ls();
1067 }
1068 in->Close();
1069 if (ret) return ret;
2c50d167 1070 }
2c50d167 1071 }
c7f26baa 1072
1073 TChain* chain = DoMakeChain(src, recursive, verbose);
1074 if (chain) {
1075 TFile* out = TFile::Open(chFile, "RECREATE");
1076 chain->Write();
1077 chain->SetDirectory(0);
1078 out->Close();
1079 }
2c50d167 1081 return chain;
1082 }
c7f26baa 1083 //------------------------------------------------------------------
1084 /**
1085 * Create our chain
1086 *
1087 * @param src Source directory
1088 * @param recursive Whether to scan recursively
1089 * @param verbose Be verbose
1090 *
1091 * @return Chain or null
1092 */
1093 static TChain* DoMakeChain(const TString& src=".",
1094 Bool_t recursive=false,
1095 Bool_t verbose=false)
1096 {
1097 TChain* chain = new TChain("tree");
1098 TString savdir(gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
1099 TSystemDirectory d(gSystem->BaseName(src.Data()), src.Data());
1100 if (!ScanDirectory(&d, chain, "forward_tree_*", recursive, verbose)) {
1101 delete chain;
1102 chain = 0;
1103 }
1104 else if (!chain->GetListOfFiles() ||
1105 chain->GetListOfFiles()->GetEntries() <= 0) {
1106 delete chain;
1107 chain = 0;
1108 }
1109 return chain;
1110 }
1112 //------------------------------------------------------------------
1113 /**
1114 * Scan directory @a dir (possibly recursive) for tree files to add
1115 * to the chain. This does not follow sym-links
1116 *
1117 * @param dir Directory to scan
1118 * @param chain Chain to add to
1119 * @param pattern File name pattern
1120 * @param anchor Anchor (tree name)
1121 * @param flags Flags
1122 *
1123 * @return true if any files where added
1124 */
1125 static Bool_t ScanDirectory(TSystemDirectory* dir,
1126 TChain* chain,
1127 const TString& pattern,
1128 Bool_t recursive,
1129 Bool_t verbose)
1130 {
1131 if (!dir) {
1132 ::Error("ScanDirectory", "No diretory passed");
1133 return false;
1134 }
1135 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "Scanning %s", dir->GetName());
1137 Bool_t ret = false;
1138 TRegexp wild(pattern, true);
1139 TString oldDir(gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
1140 TList* files = dir->GetListOfFiles();
1142 if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(oldDir)) {
1143 ::Error("ScanDirectory", "Failed to go back to %s",
1144 oldDir.Data());
1145 return false;
1146 }
1147 if (!files) {
1148 ::Warning("ScanDirectory", "No files");
1149 return false;
1150 }
1152 TList toAdd;
1153 toAdd.SetOwner();
1155 // Sort list of files and check if we should add it
1156 files->Sort();
1157 TIter next(files);
1158 TSystemFile* file = 0;
1159 while ((file = static_cast<TSystemFile*>(next()))) {
1160 TString name(file->GetName());
1161 TString title(file->GetTitle());
1162 TString full(gSystem->ConcatFileName(file->GetTitle(), name.Data()));
1163 if (file->IsA()->InheritsFrom(TSystemDirectory::Class())) full = title;
1166 if (name.EqualTo(".")||name.EqualTo("..")) {
1167 // Ignore special links
1168 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "Ignoring special %s",
1169 name.Data());
1170 continue;
1171 }
1173 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "Looking at %s", full.Data());
1175 FileStat_t fs;
1176 if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(full.Data(), fs)) {
1177 ::Warning("ScanDirectory", "Cannot stat %s (%s)",
1178 full.Data(), gSystem->WorkingDirectory());
1179 continue;
1180 }
1181 // Check if this is a directory
1182 if (file->IsDirectory(full)) {
1183 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "Got a directory: %s",
1184 full.Data());
1185 if (recursive) {
1186 // if (title[0] == '/')
1187 TSystemDirectory* d = new TSystemDirectory(file->GetName(),
1188 full.Data());
1189 if (ScanDirectory(d, chain, pattern, recursive, verbose))
1190 ret = true;
1191 delete d;
1192 }
1193 continue;
1194 }
1196 // If this is not a root file, ignore
1197 if (!name.EndsWith(".root") &&
1198 !name.EndsWith(".zip",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
1199 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "Ignoring non-ROOT or ZIP %s",
1200 name.Data());
1201 continue;
1202 }
1204 // If this file does not contain AliESDs, ignore
1205 if (!name.Contains(wild)) {
1206 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "%s does not match %s",
1207 name.Data(), pattern.Data());
1208 continue;
1209 }
1210 // Add
1211 if (verbose)
1212 ::Info("::ScanDirectory", "Candidate %s", full.Data());
1213 toAdd.Add(new TObjString(full));
1214 }
1215 TIter nextAdd(&toAdd);
1216 TObjString* s = 0;
1217 Int_t added = 0;
1218 while ((s = static_cast<TObjString*>(nextAdd()))) {
1219 // Info("ChainBuilder::ScanDirectory",
1220 // "Adding %s", s->GetString().Data());
1221 TString fn = s->GetString();
1222 if (!CheckFile(fn, chain, true/*verbose*/)) continue;
1224 added++;
1225 }
1226 if (added > 0) ret = true;
1227 if (verbose) ::Info("ScanDirectory", "Added %d files", added);
1229 gSystem->ChangeDirectory(oldDir);
1230 return ret;
1231 }
1232 //------------------------------------------------------------------
1233 /**
1234 * Check if we can add a file to the chain
1235 *
1236 * @param path Full path to file
1237 * @param chain Chain
1238 *
1239 * @return true on success, false otherwise
1240 */
1241 static Bool_t CheckFile(const TString& path,
1242 TChain* chain,
1243 Bool_t verbose)
1244 {
1245 // Info("", "Checking %s", path.Data());
1246 TString fn = path;
1248 gSystem->RedirectOutput("/dev/null", "w");
1249 TFile* test = TFile::Open(fn, "READ");
1250 gSystem->RedirectOutput(0);
1251 if (!test) {
1252 ::Warning("CheckFile", "Failed to open %s", fn.Data());
1253 return false;
1254 }
1256 Bool_t ok = false;
1257 TObject* o = test->Get(chain->GetName());
1258 TTree* t = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(o);
1259 TFileCollection* c = dynamic_cast<TFileCollection*>(o);
1260 if (t) {
1261 Int_t n = t->GetEntries();
1262 test->Close();
1263 chain->Add(fn, n);
1264 ok = true;
1265 if (verbose) ::Info("CheckFile", "Added file %s (%d)", fn.Data(), n);
1266 } else if (c) {
1267 chain->AddFileInfoList(c->GetList());
1268 ok = true;
1269 if (verbose) ::Info("CheckFile", "Added file collection %s", fn.Data());
1270 } else {
1271 // Let's try to find a TFileCollection
1272 TList* l = test->GetListOfKeys();
1273 TIter next(l);
1274 TKey* k = 0;
1275 while ((k = static_cast<TKey*>(next()))) {
1276 TString cl(k->GetClassName());
1277 if (!cl.EqualTo("TFileCollection")) continue;
1278 c = dynamic_cast<TFileCollection*>(k->ReadObj());
1279 if (!c) {
1280 ::Warning("CheckFile", "Returned collection invalid");
1281 continue;
1282 }
1283 // Info("", "Adding file collection");
1284 chain->AddFileInfoList(c->GetList());
1285 ok = true;
1286 if (verbose) ::Info("CheckFile", "Added file collection %s", fn.Data());
1287 }
1288 test->Close();
1289 }
1291 if (!ok)
1292 ::Warning("CheckFile",
1293 "The file %s does not contain the tree %s "
1294 "or a file collection",
1295 path.Data(), chain->GetName());
1296 return ok;
1297 }
2c50d167 1299 /**
1300 * Run this selector on a chain locally
1301 *
1302 * @param maxEvents Maximum number of events
1303 * @param title Optional title
1304 * @param maxFiles Maximum number of files to put in chain
1305 *
1306 * @return true on sucess
1307 */
c7f26baa 1308 static Bool_t Run(Long64_t maxEvents=-1,
1309 const char* title="")
2c50d167 1310 {
c7f26baa 1311 TStopwatch timer;
1312 timer.Start();
1313 TChain* chain = MakeChain("tuple");
1314 if (!chain) {
1315 ::Error("Run", "No chain!");
1316 return false;
1317 }
2c50d167 1318
1319 TupleSelector* s = new TupleSelector(title);
c7f26baa 1320 Int_t status= chain->Process(s, "", maxEvents);
1321 timer.Print();
2c50d167 1322 return status >= 0;
1323 }
1324 /**
1325 * Run this selector on a chain in Proof
1326 *
1327 * @param maxEvents Maximum number of events
1328 * @param title Optional title
1329 * @param maxFiles Maximum number of files to put in chain
1330 *
1331 * @return true on sucess
1332 */
1333 static Bool_t Proof(Long64_t maxEvents,
1334 const char* opt="",
c7f26baa 1335 const char* title="")
2c50d167 1336 {
c7f26baa 1337 TStopwatch timer;
1338 timer.Start();
1339 TProof::Reset("lite:///?workers=8");
1340 TProof::Open("lite:///?workers=8");
1341 gProof->ClearCache();
2c50d167 1342 TString ali = gSystem->ExpandPathName("$(ALICE_ROOT)");
1343 TString fwd = ali + "/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2";
c7f26baa 1344 gProof->AddIncludePath(Form("%s/include", ali.Data()));
1345 gProof->Load(Form("%s/scripts/LoadLibs.C",fwd.Data()), true);
1346 gProof->Exec("LoadLibs()");
1347 // gROOT->ProcessLine("gProof->SetLogLevel(5);");
1348 gProof->Load(Form("%s/scripts/TupleSelector.C+%s", fwd.Data(), opt),true);
2c50d167 1349
c7f26baa 1350 TDSet* dataset = MakeDataSet("tuple");
1351 if (!dataset) {
1352 ::Error("Proof", "No dataset");
1353 return false;
1354 }
2c50d167 1356 TupleSelector* s = new TupleSelector(title);
c7f26baa 1357 gProof->AddFeedback("rings");
1358 gProof->Process(dataset, s, "", maxEvents);
1359 timer.Print();
1360 return true; // status >= 0;
2c50d167 1361 }
1363 /* @} */
1364 ClassDef(TupleSelector,2);
1367 /**
1368 * Copy constructor
1369 */
1370 TupleSelector(const TupleSelector&); // {}
1371 /**
1372 * Assignment operator
1373 *
1374 * @return Reference to this object
1375 */
1376 TupleSelector& operator=(const TupleSelector&); // { return *this; }
1383// Local Variables:
1384// mode: C++
1385// End:
1387// EOF