]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/STRANGENESS/Cascades/AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb.h
Merge branch 'feature-movesplit'
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / STRANGENESS / Cascades / AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb.h
4/* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6// //-----------------------------------------------------------------
7// // AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb class
8// // This task is for a performance study of cascade identification.
39b18694 9// // It works with MC info and ESD and AOD tree
f9a6cab5 10// // Origin : A.Maire Jan2010, antonin.maire@ires.in2p3.fr
11// // Modified : M.Nicassio Feb2011, maria.nicassio@ba.infn.it
12// //-----------------------------------------------------------------
14class TList;
15class TH1F;
16class TH2F;
11bcd1e4 17class TH3F;
f9a6cab5 18class AliESDEvent;
f9a6cab5 19class AliESDtrackCuts;
20class AliCFContainer;
11bcd1e4 21class AliPIDResponse;
f9a6cab5 22
23#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
25class AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb : public AliAnalysisTaskSE {
26 public:
28 AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb();
29 AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb(const char *name );
30 virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb();
f9a6cab5 32 virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects();
33 virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option);
f9a6cab5 34 virtual void Terminate(Option_t *);
f9a6cab5 36 void SetAnalysisType (const char* analysisType = "ESD") { fAnalysisType = analysisType;}
f27a407b 38 void SetRelaunchV0CascVertexers (Bool_t rerunV0CascVertexers = 0 ) { fkRerunV0CascVertexers = rerunV0CascVertexers; }
39 void SetQualityCutZprimVtxPos (Bool_t qualityCutZprimVtxPos = kTRUE) { fkQualityCutZprimVtxPos = qualityCutZprimVtxPos; }
40 void SetRejectEventPileUp (Bool_t rejectPileUp = kTRUE) { fkRejectEventPileUp = rejectPileUp; }
41 void SetQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx (Bool_t qualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx = kTRUE) { fkQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx = qualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx;}
42 void SetQualityCutTPCrefit (Bool_t qualityCutTPCrefit = kTRUE) { fkQualityCutTPCrefit = qualityCutTPCrefit; }
43 void SetQualityCutnTPCcls (Bool_t qualityCutnTPCcls = kTRUE) { fkQualityCutnTPCcls = qualityCutnTPCcls; }
44 void SetQualityCutMinnTPCcls (Int_t minnTPCcls = 70 ) { fMinnTPCcls = minnTPCcls; }
45 void SetExtraSelections (Bool_t extraSelections = 0 ) { fkExtraSelections = extraSelections; }
46 void SetCentralityLowLim (Float_t centrlowlim = 0. ) { fCentrLowLim = centrlowlim; }
47 void SetCentralityUpLim (Float_t centruplim = 100. ) { fCentrUpLim = centruplim; }
48 void SetCentralityEst (TString centrest = "V0M") { fCentrEstimator = centrest; }
49 void SetUseCleaning (Bool_t usecleaning = kTRUE) { fkUseCleaning = usecleaning; }
50 void SetVertexRange (Float_t vtxrange = 0. ) { fVtxRange = vtxrange; }
51 void SetApplyAccCut (Bool_t acccut = kFALSE){ fApplyAccCut = acccut; }
52 void SetMinptCutOnDaughterTracks (Float_t minptdaughtrks = 0. ) { fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks = minptdaughtrks; }
433d53fd 53 void SetEtaCutOnDaughterTracks (Float_t etadaughtrks = 0. ) { fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks = etadaughtrks; }
54 //Setters for the V0 and cascade Vertexer Parameters
55 void SetV0VertexerMaxChisquare (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[0] = lParameter; }
56 void SetV0VertexerDCAFirstToPV (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[1] = lParameter; }
57 void SetV0VertexerDCASecondtoPV (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[2] = lParameter; }
58 void SetV0VertexerDCAV0Daughters (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[3] = lParameter; }
59 void SetV0VertexerCosinePA (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[4] = lParameter; }
60 void SetV0VertexerMinRadius (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[5] = lParameter; }
61 void SetV0VertexerMaxRadius (Double_t lParameter){ fV0VertexerSels[6] = lParameter; }
62 void SetCascVertexerMaxChisquare (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[0] = lParameter; }
63 void SetCascVertexerMinV0ImpactParameter (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[1] = lParameter; }
64 void SetCascVertexerV0MassWindow (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[2] = lParameter; }
65 void SetCascVertexerDCABachToPV (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[3] = lParameter; }
66 void SetCascVertexerDCACascadeDaughters (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[4] = lParameter; }
67 void SetCascVertexerCascadeCosinePA (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[5] = lParameter; }
68 void SetCascVertexerCascadeMinRadius (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[6] = lParameter; }
69 void SetCascVertexerCascadeMaxRadius (Double_t lParameter){ fCascadeVertexerSels[7] = lParameter; }
f9a6cab5 72
73 private:
74 // Note : In ROOT, "//!" means "do not stream the data from Master node to Worker node" ...
75 // your data member object is created on the worker nodes and streaming is not needed.
76 // http://root.cern.ch/download/doc/11InputOutput.pdf, page 14
f9a6cab5 78 TString fAnalysisType; // "ESD" or "AOD" analysis type
f9a6cab5 79 AliESDtrackCuts *fESDtrackCuts; // ESD track cuts used for primary track definition
80 //TPaveText *fPaveTextBookKeeping; // TString to store all the relevant info necessary for book keeping (v0 cuts, cascade cuts, quality cuts, ...)
11bcd1e4 81 AliPIDResponse *fPIDResponse; //! PID response object
f9a6cab5 82
83 Bool_t fkRerunV0CascVertexers; // Boolean : kTRUE = relaunch both V0 + Cascade vertexers
84 Bool_t fkQualityCutZprimVtxPos; // Boolean : kTRUE = cut on the prim.vtx z-position
85 Bool_t fkRejectEventPileUp; // Boolean : kTRUE = enable the rejection of events tagged as pile-up by SPD (AliESDEvent::IsPileupFromSPD)
86 Bool_t fkQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx; // Boolean : kTRUE = prim vtx should be SPD or Tracking vertex
87 Bool_t fkQualityCutTPCrefit; // Boolean : kTRUE = ask for TPCrefit for the 3 daughter tracks
79313da9 88 Bool_t fkQualityCutnTPCcls; // Boolean : kTRUE = ask forat least n TPC clusters for each daughter track
89 Int_t fMinnTPCcls; // Minimum number of TPC clusters for each daughter track
f9a6cab5 90 Bool_t fkExtraSelections; // Boolean : kTRUE = apply tighter selections, before starting the analysis
f9a6cab5 91 Float_t fCentrLowLim; // Lower limit for centrality percentile selection
92 Float_t fCentrUpLim; // Upper limit for centrality percentile selection
93 TString fCentrEstimator; // String for the centrality estimator
314cd92c 94 Bool_t fkUseCleaning; // Boolean : kTRUE = uses all the cleaning criteria of centrality selections (vertex cut + outliers) otherwise only outliers
f9a6cab5 95 Float_t fVtxRange; // to select events with |zvtx|<fVtxRange cm
96 Bool_t fApplyAccCut; // flag to apply acceptance cuts to MC cascades
6fd25d0b 97 Float_t fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks; // minimum pt to cut daughter tracks
98 Float_t fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks; // pseudorapidity cut on daughter tracks
f27a407b 100
433d53fd 101 Double_t fV0VertexerSels[7]; // Array to store the 7 values for the different selections V0 related (if fkRerunV0CascVertexers)
102 Double_t fCascadeVertexerSels[8]; // Array to store the 8 values for the different selections Casc. related (if fkRerunV0CascVertexers)
f9a6cab5 103
104 TList *fListHistCascade; //! List of Cascade histograms
106 // - Histos
39b18694 107 TH2F *fHistEvtsInCentralityBinsvsNtracks; //! Events in centrality bins vs N ESDtracks
108 TH1F *fHistBestVtxX; //! Vertex distribution
109 TH1F *fHistBestVtxY; //! Vertex distribution
110 TH1F *fHistBestVtxZ; //! Vertex distribution
11bcd1e4 111 TH1F *fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot; //! Cascade multiplicity histogram
112 TH1F *fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot; //! Cascade multiplicity histogram
113 TH1F *fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot; //! Cascade multiplicity histogram
114 TH1F *fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot; //! Cascade multiplicity histogram
f9a6cab5 116 TH1F *fHistnXiPlusPerEv; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
117 TH1F *fHistnXiMinusPerEv; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
118 TH1F *fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
119 TH1F *fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
121 TH1F *fHistnAssoXiMinus; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
122 TH1F *fHistnAssoXiPlus; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
123 TH1F *fHistnAssoOmegaMinus; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
124 TH1F *fHistnAssoOmegaPlus; //! Cascade multiplicity histograms
126 TH1F *fHistMCTrackMultiplicity; //! MC Track multiplicity (gen. primaries)
127 // - Resolution of the multiplicity estimator
128 TH2F *f2dHistRecoMultVsMCMult; //! resolution of the multiplicity estimator (based on primary tracks)
131 // proton
132 TH1F *fHistEtaGenProton; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated p+ (no cuts in acceptance)
133 TH1F *fHistEtaGenAntiProton; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated p+ (no cuts in acceptance)
135// Part 1 - Generated cascades
137 //--------------
138 // Xi-
139 TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Xi- (no cuts in acceptance)
39b18694 140 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentXiMinusNat;
141 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusNat;
142 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentXiMinusInj;
143 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusInj;
a4bd5672 144 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentXiMinusNat;
145 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentXiMinusInj;
39b18694 146
147 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascXiMinusNat; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Xi-
148 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascXiMinusInj; //! MC Theta angle of the injected Xi-
f9a6cab5 149 // - Histos planned for Xi- emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters)
150 // = findable cascades
f9a6cab5 151 TH2D *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Xi-
153 TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Lambda daughter of the generated Xi-
154 TH1F *fHistThetaBachXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (pi-)
156 TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi-
157 TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p+
159 TH1F *fHistPtBachXiMinus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (pi-) (Control Plot)
160 TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi- (Control Plot)
161 TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p+ (Control Plot)
f27a407b 163 TH1F *fHistPtRecBachXiMinus; //! Rec Pt of the Bachelor (for Xi-) (Control Plot)
164 TH1F *fHistPtRecMesDghterXiMinus; //! Rec Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi- (Control Plot)
165 TH1F *fHistPtRecBarDghterXiMinus; //! Rec Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p+ (Control Plot)
f9a6cab5 166
168 //--------------
169 // Xi+
170 TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Xi+ (no cuts in acceptance)
39b18694 171 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentXiPlusNat;
172 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusNat;
173 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentXiPlusInj;
174 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusInj;
a4bd5672 175 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentXiPlusNat;
176 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentXiPlusInj;
39b18694 177
178 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascXiPlusNat; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Xi+
179 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascXiPlusInj; //! MC Theta angle of the injected Xi+
f9a6cab5 180 // - Histos planned for Xi+ emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters)
f9a6cab5 181 TH2D *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Xi+
183 TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the anti-Lambda daughter of the generated Xi+
184 TH1F *fHistThetaBachXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (pi+)
186 TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi+
187 TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p-
189 TH1F *fHistPtBachXiPlus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (pi+) (Control Plot)
190 TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi+ (Control Plot)
191 TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p- (Control Plot)
195 //--------------
196 // Omega-
197 TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Omega- (no cuts in acceptance)
39b18694 198 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentOmegaMinusNat;
199 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusNat;
200 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentOmegaMinusInj;
201 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusInj;
a4bd5672 202 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentOmegaMinusNat;
203 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentOmegaMinusInj;
11bcd1e4 204
39b18694 205 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinusNat; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Omega-
206 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinusInj; //! MC Theta angle of the injected Omega-
f9a6cab5 207 // - Histos planned for Omega- emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters)
f9a6cab5 208 TH2D *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Omega-
210 TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Lambda daughter of the generated Omega-
211 TH1F *fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (K-)
213 TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi-
214 TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p+
216 TH1F *fHistPtBachOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (K-) (Control Plot)
217 TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi- (Control Plot)
218 TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p+ (Control Plot)
222 //--------------
223 // Omega+
224 TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Omega+ (no cuts in acceptance)
39b18694 225 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentOmegaPlusNat;
226 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusNat;
227 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsCentOmegaPlusInj;
228 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusInj;
a4bd5672 229 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentOmegaPlusNat;
230 TH3D *f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsCentOmegaPlusInj;
39b18694 231
232 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlusNat; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Omega+
233 TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlusInj; //! MC Theta angle of the injected Omega+
f9a6cab5 234 // - Histos planned for Omega+ emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters)
f9a6cab5 235 TH2D *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Omega+
237 TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the anti-Lambda daughter of the generated Omega+
238 TH1F *fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (K+)
240 TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi+
241 TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p-
243 TH1F *fHistPtBachOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (K+) (Control Plot)
244 TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi+ (Control Plot)
245 TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p- (Control Plot)
249// Part 2 - Any reconstructed cascades + reconstructed cascades associated with MC
250 // 2.1 - Effective mass and PID
251 // - Effective mass histos for all the cascade candidates
252 TH1F *fHistMassXiMinus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Xi- hyp.
253 TH1F *fHistMassXiPlus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Xi+ hyp.
254 TH1F *fHistMassOmegaMinus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Omega- hyp.
255 TH1F *fHistMassOmegaPlus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Omega+ hyp.
257 // - Effective mass histos with reconstruction combined PID
258 TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus; //! reconstructed Xi- effective mass, with bach. comb PID
259 TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus; //! reconstructed Xi+ effective mass, with bach. comb PID
260 TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus; //! reconstructed Omega- effective mass, with bach. comb PID
261 TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus; //! reconstructed Omega+ effective mass, with bach. comb PID
263 // - PID Probability versus MC Pt(bachelor track)
264 TH2F *f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach; //! Comb. PID probability for the bach. to be a Kaon Vs MC pt(bach)
265 TH2F *f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach; //! Comb. PID probability for the bach. to be a Pion Vs MC pt(bach)
267 // - Effective mass histos with perfect MC PID
268 TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus; //! reconstructed Xi- effective mass, with MC bach. PID
269 TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus; //! reconstructed Xi+ effective mass, with MC bach. PID
270 TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus; //! reconstructed Omega- effective mass, with MC bach. PID
271 TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus; //! reconstructed Omega+ effective mass, with MC bach. PID
274 // 2.2 - Associated candidates
275 // - Effective mass histos for the cascade candidates associated with MC, without PID info
276 TH1F *fHistAsMCMassXiMinus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Xi- hyp. for Associated cand.
277 TH1F *fHistAsMCMassXiPlus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Xi+ hyp. for Associated cand.
278 TH1F *fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Omega- hyp. for Associated cand.
279 TH1F *fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Omega+ hyp. for Associated cand.
281 // - Generated Pt Vs generated Y of the cascade candidates associated with MC
282 // + having the proper maximum proba of combined PID for the bachelor
283 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Xi- associated with Reco cand + with PID info
284 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Xi+ associated with Reco cand + with PID info
285 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Omega- associated with Reco cand + with PID info
286 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Omega+ associated with Reco cand + with PID info
288 // - Generated Pt Vs generated Y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC, without PID info
289 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Xi- associated with a reconstr. cascade
290 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Xi+ associated with a reconstr. cascade
291 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Omega- associated with a reconstr. cascade
292 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Omega+ associated with a reconstr. cascade
294 // - Generated Eta of the the cascade candidates associated with MC, without PID info
295 TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus; //! generated Eta from the MC Xi- associated with a reconstr. cascade
296 TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus; //! generated Eta from the MC Xi+ associated with a reconstr. cascade
297 TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus; //! generated Eta from the MC Omega- associated with a reconstr. cascade
298 TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus; //! generated Eta from the MC Omega+ associated with a reconstr. cascade
300 // - Resolution in Pt as function of generated Pt
301 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Xi-
302 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Xi-
303 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Omega-
304 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Omega+
306 // - Resolution in R(2D) as function of generated R
307 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Xi-
308 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Xi+
309 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Omega-
310 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Omega+
312 // - Resolution in phi as function of generated Pt
313 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus; //! resolution in azimuth Phi = f(gen. Pt), for Xi-
314 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus; //! resolution in azimuth Phi = f(gen. Pt), for Xi+
315 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus; //! resolution in azimuth Phi = f(gen. Pt), for Omega-
316 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus; //! resolution in azimuth Phi = f(gen. Pt), for Omega+
39b18694 317
318 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus; //! MC pt proton vs Mc pt Xi-
319 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus; //! MC pt antiproton vs Mc pt Xi+
320 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus; //! MC pt proton vs Mc pt Omega-
321 TH2F *f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus; //! MC pt antiproton vs Mc pt Omega+
323 TH1F *fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle; //! To check new V0 CosPA cut
324 TH2F *fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi; //! To check new V0 CosPA cut
325 TH2F *fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega; //! To check new V0 CosPA cut
f9a6cab5 326
327 // - Compilation of all PID plots (3D = casc. transv. momemtum Vs Casc Eff mass Vs Y), stored into an AliCFContainer
328 AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus; //! for Xi- : Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours
329 AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus; //! for Xi+ : Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours
330 AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus; //! for Omega-: Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours
331 AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus; //! for Omega+: Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours
333 // - Towards the optimisation of topological selections/ systematics (on associated candidates)
334 AliCFContainer *fCFContAsCascadeCuts; //! Container meant to store all the relevant distributions corresponding to the cut variables
336 TH1F *fV0Ampl; //! Histo to check the V0 amplitude distribution (centrality estimator)
39b18694 337
6fd25d0b 338 // Control plots for reco pseudorapidity of daughter tracks (Xi- asso only)
340 TH1F *fHistEtaBachXiM; //! bachelor pseudorapidity
341 TH1F *fHistEtaPosXiM; //! positive daughter pseudorapidity
342 TH1F *fHistEtaNegXiM; //! negative daughter pseudorapidity
f9a6cab5 345 AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb(const AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb&); // not implemented
346 AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb&); // not implemented
6fd25d0b 348 ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb, 8);
f9a6cab5 349};