]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGLF/totEt/AliAnalysisEt.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGLF / totEt / AliAnalysisEt.h
4d376d01 1#ifndef ALIANALYSISET_H
a7ae9b24 3//_________________________________________________________________________
cf6522d1 4// Utility Class for transverse energy studies
5// Base class for ESD & MC analysis
6// - reconstruction and MonteCarlo output
8//*-- Authors: Oystein Djuvsland (Bergen), David Silvermyr (ORNL)
2fbf38ac 10
7d2d1773 11#include "AliAnalysisEtCommon.h"
f9a4ed81 12#include "THnSparse.h"
ef647350 13#include "AliESDCaloCluster.h"
14#include "AliAnalysisEtCuts.h"
b2c10007 15#include "AliAnalysisEtTrackMatchCorrections.h"
ef647350 16#include <vector>
17#include "Rtypes.h"
2aab9269 18#include "AliAnalysisEtSelector.h"
19#include "AliAnalysisEtSelectorEmcal.h"
20#include "AliAnalysisEtSelectorPhos.h"
2fbf38ac 21
b2c10007 22class AliAnalysisEtRecEffCorrection;
23class AliAnalysisEtTrackMatchCorrections;
ef647350 24class AliAnalysisEtSelector;
25class AliCentrality;
0f97be4c 26class TString;
ce546038 27class TTree;
2fbf38ac 28class TH2F;
29class TH1F;
ef647350 30class TH1I;
2fbf38ac 31class AliVEvent;
32class TList;
0651f6b4 33class TString;
b5821c13 34class AliESDtrackCuts;
4998becf 35class AliAnalysisEtCuts;
f9a4ed81 36class AliESDCaloCluster;
37//class THnSparseD;
9a365626 38class AliPIDResponse;
2fbf38ac 39
7d2d1773 40class AliAnalysisEt : public AliAnalysisEtCommon
2fbf38ac 41{
ef647350 43
2fbf38ac 44 AliAnalysisEt();
45 virtual ~AliAnalysisEt();
ef647350 46
2fbf38ac 47public:
ef647350 48
2fbf38ac 49 /** Analyse the event! */
f9a4ed81 50
641e1e0c 51 virtual Int_t AnalyseEvent(AliVEvent *event);
2fbf38ac 52
53 /** Fill the objects you want to output, classes which add new histograms should overload this. */
54 virtual void FillOutputList(TList* list);
56 /** Initialise the analysis, must be overloaded. */
641e1e0c 57 virtual void Init();
2fbf38ac 58
ef647350 59 /**
60 * Creates the histograms, must be overloaded if you want to add your own.
2fbf38ac 61 * Uses the fHistogramNameSuffix to create proper histogram names
62 */
63 virtual void CreateHistograms();
8ea99ab0 64 virtual void CreateTrees();
f9a4ed81 65 TH2F* CreateEtaEHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle);
ef647350 66 TH2F* CreateEtaPtHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle);
67 TH2F* CreateEtaEtHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle);
68 TH2F* CreateResEHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle);
69 TH2F* CreateResPtHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle);
01b73fb0 70 THnSparseF* CreateClusterHistoSparse(TString name, TString title);
71 THnSparseF* CreateNeutralPartHistoSparse(TString name, TString title);
72 THnSparseF* CreateChargedPartHistoSparse(TString name, TString title);
ef647350 73
2fbf38ac 74 /** Fills the histograms, must be overloaded if you want to add your own */
75 virtual void FillHistograms();
77 /** Reset event specific values (Et etc.) */
78 virtual void ResetEventValues();
99a6613d 79
2fbf38ac 80 /** Total Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */
ef647350 81 Double_t GetTotEt() const {
82 return fTotEt;
83 }
2fbf38ac 84
ef647350 85 /** Total neutral Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */
86 Double_t GetTotNeutralEt() const {
87 return fTotNeutralEt;
88 }
2fbf38ac 89
2fbf38ac 90 /** Total charged Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */
ef647350 91 Double_t GetTotChargedEt() const {
92 return fTotChargedEt;
93 }
2fbf38ac 94
ef647350 95 void SetTPCOnlyTrackCuts(const AliESDtrackCuts *cuts) {
96 fEsdtrackCutsTPC = (AliESDtrackCuts *) cuts;
97 }
2fbf38ac 98
5501aa9c 99 /** Set the centrality object */
ef647350 100 void SetCentralityObject(AliCentrality *cent) {
101 fCentrality = cent;
102 }
f9a4ed81 104 /** Get contribution from non-removed charged particles */
b2c10007 105 Double_t GetChargedContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) {
106 return fTmCorrections->ChargedContr(clusterMultiplicity);
ef647350 107 }
f9a4ed81 108
109 /** Get contribution from non-removed neutral particles */
b2c10007 110 Double_t GetNeutralContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) {
111 return fTmCorrections->NeutralContr(clusterMultiplicity);
ef647350 112 }
f9a4ed81 114 /** Get contribution from removed gammas */
b2c10007 115 Double_t GetGammaContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) {
116 return fTmCorrections->GammaContr(clusterMultiplicity);
ef647350 117 }
2fbf38ac 118
f61cec2f 119 /** Get contribution from secondaries */
b2c10007 120 Double_t GetSecondaryContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) {
121 return fTmCorrections->SecondaryContr(clusterMultiplicity);
f61cec2f 122 }
ef647350 124 void MakeSparseHistograms() {
125 fMakeSparse=kTRUE;
126 }
128 AliAnalysisEtCuts * GetCuts() const { return fCuts; }
b2c10007 129
131 // Read in corrections
132 Int_t ReadCorrections(TString filename); // Read in corrections
02d47689 134 void SetFsub(Float_t val){fsub=val;};//function for setting fsub for EMCal/PHOS hadronic corrections
01b73fb0 135
2fbf38ac 136protected:
2fbf38ac 137
7d2d1773 138 //AliAnalysisEtCuts *fCuts; // keeper of basic cuts
b2c10007 139
140 // Return corrected cluster E_T
31c813d5 141 Double_t CorrectForReconstructionEfficiency(const AliESDCaloCluster &cluster,Int_t cent = 0);
02d47689 142 Double_t CorrectForReconstructionEfficiency(const AliESDCaloCluster &cluster, Float_t eReco,Int_t cent = 0);
b2c10007 143
144 // Track matching (hadrdonic contamination) corrections
145 AliAnalysisEtTrackMatchCorrections *fTmCorrections;
147 // Reconstruction efficiency corrections
148 AliAnalysisEtRecEffCorrection *fReCorrections;
f61cec2f 149
150 TTree *fEventSummaryTree; // Contains event level information
cf6522d1 151
f61cec2f 152 TTree *fAcceptedTree; // Tree for information about accepted particles
2fbf38ac 153
f61cec2f 154 TTree *fDepositTree; // optional TTree for energy deposit measurements
ef647350 155
156 Double_t fTotEt;/** Total Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */
ef647350 157
d9f145e7 158 Double_t fTotEtAcc;/** Total Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */
ef647350 160 Double_t fTotNeutralEt;/** Total neutral Et in the event */
f61cec2f 161
d9f145e7 162 Double_t fTotNeutralEtAcc;/** Total neutral Et in the event */
ef647350 164 Double_t fTotChargedEt;/** Total charged Et in the event */
cf6522d1 165
d9f145e7 166 Double_t fTotChargedEtAcc;/** Total charged Et in the event */
ef647350 168 Int_t fMultiplicity;/** Multiplicity of particles in the event */
169 Int_t fChargedMultiplicity;/** Multiplicity of charged particles in the event */
cf6522d1 170 Int_t fNeutralMultiplicity; /** Multiplicity of neutral particles in the event */
ef647350 171
ce546038 172 Double_t fProtonEt; /** Et of identified protons */
f61cec2f 173 Double_t fAntiProtonEt; /** Et of identified protons */
43056f1b 175 Double_t fNeutronEt; /** Et of neutrons (MC only for now) */
176 Double_t fAntiNeutronEt; /** Et of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */
f61cec2f 177
178 Double_t fPi0Et; // Et of identified pi0
179 Double_t fPiPlusEt; // Et of identified pi+
180 Double_t fPiMinusEt; // Et of identified pi-
182 Double_t fKPlusEt; // Et of identified K+
183 Double_t fKMinusEt; // Et of identified K-
184 Double_t fK0sEt; // Et of identified K0 short
185 Double_t fK0lEt; // Et of identified K0 long
187 Double_t fMuMinusEt; // Et of identified mu-
188 Double_t fMuPlusEt; // Et of identified mu+
190 Double_t fEMinusEt; // Et of identified e-
191 Double_t fEPlusEt; // Et of identified e+
43056f1b 193 Double_t fGammaEt; /** Et of identified electrons (MC only for now) */
ef647350 194
f61cec2f 195 Double_t fProtonRemovedEt; /** Et of identified protons */
196 Double_t fAntiProtonRemovedEt; /** Et of identified protons */
198 Double_t fNeutronRemovedEt; /** Et of neutrons (MC only for now) */
199 Double_t fAntiNeutronRemovedEt; /** Et of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */
201 Double_t fPi0RemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified pi0
202 Double_t fPiPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified pi+
203 Double_t fPiMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified pi-
205 Double_t fKPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K+
206 Double_t fKMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K-
207 Double_t fK0sRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K0 short
208 Double_t fK0lRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K0 long
210 Double_t fMuMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified mu-
211 Double_t fMuPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified mu+
213 Double_t fEMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified e-
214 Double_t fEPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified e+
216 Double_t fGammaRemovedEt; /** Removed Et of identified electrons (MC only for now) */
218 Double_t fProtonMult; /** Mult of identified protons */
219 Double_t fAntiProtonMult; /** Mult of identified protons */
221 Double_t fNeutronMult; /** Mult of neutrons (MC only for now) */
222 Double_t fAntiNeutronMult; /** Mult of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */
224 Double_t fPi0Mult; // Mult of identified pi0
225 Double_t fPiPlusMult; // Mult of identified pi+
226 Double_t fPiMinusMult; // Mult of identified pi-
228 Double_t fKPlusMult; // Mult of identified K+
229 Double_t fKMinusMult; // Mult of identified K-
230 Double_t fK0sMult; // Mult of identified K0 short
231 Double_t fK0lMult; // Mult of identified K0 long
233 Double_t fMuMinusMult; // Mult of identified mu-
234 Double_t fMuPlusMult; // Mult of identified mu+
236 Double_t fEMinusMult; // Mult of identified e-
237 Double_t fEPlusMult; // Mult of identified e+
239 Double_t fGammaMult; /** Mult of identified electrons (MC only for now) */
241 Double_t fProtonRemovedMult; /** Mult of identified protons */
242 Double_t fAntiProtonRemovedMult; /** Mult of identified protons */
244 Double_t fNeutronRemovedMult; /** Mult of neutrons (MC only for now) */
245 Double_t fAntiNeutronRemovedMult; /** Mult of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */
247 Double_t fPi0RemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified pi0
248 Double_t fPiPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified pi+
249 Double_t fPiMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified pi-
251 Double_t fKPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K+
252 Double_t fKMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K-
253 Double_t fK0sRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K0 short
254 Double_t fK0lRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K0 long
256 Double_t fMuMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified mu-
257 Double_t fMuPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified mu+
259 Double_t fEMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified e-
260 Double_t fEPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified e+
262 Double_t fGammaRemovedMult; /** Removed Mult of identified electrons (MC only for now) */
ef647350 263
8ea99ab0 264 Float_t fEnergyDeposited; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter */
f61cec2f 265 Float_t fMomentumTPC; /** Momentum measured in TPC */
8ea99ab0 266 Short_t fCharge; /** Charge of the particle */
267 Short_t fParticlePid; /** Particle PID */
268 Float_t fPidProb; /** Probability of PID */
269 Bool_t fTrackPassedCut; /** The track is accepted by ESDTrackCuts */
f9a4ed81 270
3825c7d6 271 Int_t fCentClass; // centrality class
ef647350 272
43056f1b 273 /** Detector radius */
ef647350 274 Double_t fDetectorRadius; // Detector radius
43056f1b 276 /** Minimum energy to cut on single cell cluster */
277 Double_t fSingleCellEnergyCut; // Minimum energy to cut on single cell cluster
ef647350 278
4d376d01 279 Double_t fChargedEnergyRemoved; // Charged energy removed
280 Double_t fNeutralEnergyRemoved; // Neutral energy removed
281 Double_t fGammaEnergyAdded; // gamma energy added
4998becf 282
2fbf38ac 283 // Declare the histograms
f61cec2f 285 /** The EM Et spectrum measured */
2fbf38ac 286 TH1F *fHistEt; //Et spectrum
f61cec2f 288 /** Multiplicity of neutral particles in the events */
289 TH1F *fHistNeutralMult; //Multiplicity
2fbf38ac 290
f61cec2f 291 // Acceptance plots
2fbf38ac 292 TH2F *fHistPhivsPtPos; //phi vs pT plot for positive tracks
293 TH2F *fHistPhivsPtNeg; //phi vs pT plot for negative tracks
f9a4ed81 295 /* Auxiliary Histogram variables */
296 static Float_t fgEtaAxis[17];//bins for eta axis of histograms
0651f6b4 297 static Int_t fgnumOfEtaBins;//number of eta bins
1423b942 298 static Float_t fgPtAxis[117];//bins for pt axis of histograms
299 static Int_t fgNumOfPtBins;//number of pt bins
0651f6b4 300 static Float_t fgEAxis[79];//bins for pt axis of histograms
301 static Int_t fgNumOfEBins;//number of pt bins
1423b942 302 static Float_t fgRAxis[48];//bins for R axis
303 static Int_t fgNumOfRBins;//number of R bins
ef647350 304
ef647350 305 /** Centrality object */
b6dd6ad2 306 AliCentrality *fCentrality; //Centrality object
ef647350 307
01b73fb0 308 Bool_t fMakeSparse;//Boolean for whether or not to make sparse histograms
ef647350 309
ef647350 310 TH1I *fCutFlow; // Cut flow
f9a4ed81 311
f61cec2f 312 AliAnalysisEtSelector *fSelector; // Selector class
b5821c13 313
9a365626 314 AliPIDResponse *fPIDResponse;
02d47689 316 Float_t fsub;
9a365626 319
4998becf 320private:
b2c10007 321
4998becf 324 //Declare private to avoid compilation warning
325 AliAnalysisEt & operator = (const AliAnalysisEt & g) ;//cpy assignment
326 AliAnalysisEt(const AliAnalysisEt & g) ; // cpy ctor
f61cec2f 328 ClassDef(AliAnalysisEt, 3);
2fbf38ac 329};
331#endif // ALIANALYSISET_H