]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGPP/EVCHAR/GlauberSNM/makeCentralityFitnozeri.C
Merge branch 'feature-movesplit'
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGPP / EVCHAR / GlauberSNM / makeCentralityFitnozeri.C
59b46d22 1#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
3#include <cstdlib>
4#include <stdio.h>
5#include <stdlib.h>
6#include <TROOT.h>
7#include <Riostream.h>
8#include <TSystem.h>
9#include <TClassTable.h>
10#include <TStyle.h>
11#include <TMath.h>
12#include <TFile.h>
13#include <TCanvas.h>
14#include <TPad.h>
15#include <TH1.h>
16#include <TH2.h>
17#include <TH1F.h>
18#include <TH1D.h>
19#include <TH2F.h>
20#include <TProfile.h>
21#include <TLine.h>
22#include <TNtuple.h>
23#include <TLatex.h>
24#include <TGraphErrors.h>
25#include "AliCentralityGlauberFit.h"
29void makeCentralityFitnozeri(const int nRun=195483, const char *system = "ZNA",
7c159fe3 30 int ntrials=1, int Rebin=1, int Nevt=1.e6)
59b46d22 31{
32 //load libraries
33 gSystem->SetBuildDir(".");
4070f709 34 gSystem->Load("libCore");
35 gSystem->Load("libTree");
36 gSystem->Load("libGeom");
37 gSystem->Load("libVMC");
38 gSystem->Load("libPhysics");
39 gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase");
59b46d22 40 gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/include");
41 gROOT->LoadMacro("AliCentralityGlauberFit.cxx++g");
43 const char *finnameGlau ="GlauberMC_pPb_ntuple_sigma70_mind4_r662_a546_Rpro6.root";
44 char histname[8];
45 double chi2min=0.;
47 if((strncmp(system,"ZNA",3))==0){
48 printf("\n Glauber fit on ZNA spectrum\n\n");
49 sprintf(histname,"hZNA");
50 chi2min = 200.;
51 }
52 else if((strncmp (system,"ZPA",3)) == 0){
53 printf("\n Glauber fit on ZPA spectrum\n\n");
54 sprintf(histname,"hZPA");
55 chi2min=5000.;
56 }
58 TString finname = Form("centrHistos%d-dNdeta.root",nRun);
59 printf(" Opening file %s\n",finname.Data());
60 //
61 TString foutname = Form("%s_fit_%d.root",system,nRun);
62 TString foutnameGlau = Form("%s_ntuple_%d.root",system,nRun);
65 AliCentralityGlauberFit *mPM = new AliCentralityGlauberFit(finnameGlau);
66 mPM->SetInputFile(finname);
67 mPM->SetInputNtuple(finnameGlau);
68 mPM->SetOutputFile(foutname);
69 mPM->SetOutputNtuple(foutnameGlau);
70 mPM->AddHisto(histname);
72 mPM->SetRebin(Rebin);
73 mPM->SetNevents(Nevt);
74 mPM->UseChi2(kTRUE); // If TRUE minimize Chi2
75 mPM->SetNTrials(ntrials);
76 mPM->SetChi2Min(chi2min);
77 //
79 //mPM->SetNParam(51.5, 469.2, 8.762);
80 // COSY-like
81// mPM->SetNParam(51.5, 620., 10.);
82// change 2
7c159fe3 83 mPM->SetNParam(50., 230., 4.4, 0.48);
84 //mPM->SetNParam(40., 230., 4.5, 0.45);
59b46d22 85 //
86 // ALICE ex-novo
87 //mPM->SetNParam(78., 700., 7.);
88 //mPM->SetNParam(61., 470., 7.);
90 if(strncmp(system,"ZNA",3) == 0) {
91 printf(" Setting parameters for ZNA Glauber fit\n\n");
92 mPM->SetIsZN();
7c159fe3 93 mPM->SetRangeToFit(0.8, 90.5);
59b46d22 94 mPM->SetRangeToScale(0);
7c159fe3 95 // original
96 if(nRun==195483) mPM->SetGlauberParam(1,0.0,0.0, 1,0.957,1., 1,0.26,0.30, 1,0.65,0.65, 1,0.585,0.585, 1, 0.25,0.3);
97 //to study systematics
98 //if(nRun==195483) mPM->SetGlauberParam(1,0.0,0.0, 1,0.956,1., 1,0.29,0.30, 1,1.80,0.65, 1,0.585,0.585, 1, 0.25,0.3);
99 else mPM->SetGlauberParam(1,0.0,0.0, 1,0.957,1., 1,0.25,0.30, 1,0.65,0.65, 1,0.585,0.585, 1, 0.25,0.3);
59b46d22 100 }
101 else if (strncmp(system,"ZPA",3) == 0) {
102 mPM->SetIsZP();
103 mPM->SetRangeToFit(1., 30.);
104 mPM->SetRangeToScale(0);
7c159fe3 105 // original
106 //if(nRun==195483) mPM->SetGlauberParam(1,0.0,0.0, 1,0.60,0.8, 1,0.6,0.65, 1,0.65,0.65, 1,0.585,0.585, 1, 0.25,0.4);
107 if(nRun==195483) mPM->SetGlauberParam(1,0.0,0.0, 1,0.40,0.8, 1,0.4,0.65, 1,1.80,0.65, 1,0.585,0.585, 1, 0.25,0.4);
108 else mPM->SetGlauberParam(1,0.0,0.0, 1,0.60,0.8, 1,0.5,0.65, 1,0.65,0.65, 1,0.585,0.585, 1, 0.25,0.4);
59b46d22 109 }
110 mPM->MakeFits();
112 char hnam[10], hnamg[20];
113 double xt=0;
114 if(strncmp(system,"ZNA",3) == 0){
115 sprintf(hnam,"hZNA");
116 sprintf(hnamg,"hZNA_GLAU");
117 xt=20.;
118 }
119 else if(strncmp(system,"ZPA",3) == 0) {
120 sprintf(hnam,"hZPA");
121 sprintf(hnamg,"hZPA_GLAU");
122 xt=5.;
123 }
125 TFile *f = TFile::Open(foutname);
126 TH1 * hd = dynamic_cast<TH1*> (f->Get((hnam)));
127 TH1 * hg = dynamic_cast<TH1*> (f->Get((hnamg)));
128 hg->SetLineColor(kPink-2);
129 hg->SetLineWidth(2);
130 hd->SetMarkerStyle(20);
131 //hd->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
132 hd->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+3);
133 hd->SetLineWidth(2);
134 //hd->SetMinimum(10.);
136 TCanvas *g = new TCanvas("g","g",0,0,700,700);
137 g->cd();
138 gPad->SetLogy(1);
139 hg->Draw("E");
140 hd->Draw("PEsame");
141 hd->SetXTitle("E_{ZNA} (TeV)");
142 hg->Draw("Esame");
144 printf("\n Entries with zero energy %1.0f -> %f of the total (%d)\n\n",
145 hg->GetBinContent(hg->FindBin(0.)), hg->GetBinContent(hg->FindBin(0.))/hg->Integral(),
146 hg->Integral());
148 /*double zncut[7] = {0., 16.3423, 38.2513, 52.7698, 63.7601, 70.2207, 75.0126};
149 TH1F *hist[7];
150 for(int ih=0; ih<7; ih++){
151 char hnam[24];
152 sprintf(hnam,"hZNA%d",ih);
153 hist[ih] = new TH1F(hnam,hnam,hd->GetNbinsX(),0.,142.5);
154 }
155 int index=0;
156 for(int ic=0; ic<7; ic++){
157 for(int ib=1; ib<hd->GetNbinsX(); ib++){
158 if(hd->GetBinLowEdge(ib)>=zncut[ic] && hd->GetBinLowEdge(ib+1)<zncut[ic+1]){
159 index = ic;
160 hist[index]->SetBinContent(ib, hd->GetBinContent(ib));
161 if(hd->GetBinError(ib)>0) hist[index]->SetBinError(ib, 1./(hd->GetBinError(ib)*hd->GetBinError(ib)));
162 }
163 }
164 }
165 for(int ih=0; ih<7; ih++){
166 if(ih%2==0) hist[ih]->SetFillColor(kAzure+6);
167 hist[ih]->Draw("hist SAME");
168 }
169 hg->Draw("Esame");*/
171 TLatex text0;
172 text0.SetTextSize(0.04);
173 text0.SetTextColor(kBlue+3);
174 char ch[60];
175 if(strncmp(system,"ZNA",3) == 0) sprintf(ch,"<E_{ZNA}> DATA = %1.2f TeV ",hd->GetMean());
176 else sprintf(ch,"<E_{ZPA}> DATA = %1.2f TeV ",hd->GetMean());
177 text0.DrawLatex(xt,20.,ch);
178 char chd[60];
179 if(strncmp(system,"ZNA",3) == 0) sprintf(chd,"<E_{ZNA}> Glauber = %1.2f TeV",hg->GetMean());
180 else sprintf(chd,"<E_{ZPA}> Glauber = %1.2f TeV",hg->GetMean());
181 text0.SetTextColor(kPink-2);
182 text0.DrawLatex(xt,10.,chd);
184 char ct[60];
185 sprintf(ct,"RUN %d",nRun);
186 text0.SetTextColor(kTeal+2);
187 text0.DrawLatex(xt+80.,1.e4,ct);
189 char psn[30];
190 if(strncmp(system,"ZNA",3) == 0) sprintf(psn,"ZNA_fit%d.gif",nRun);
191 else sprintf(psn,"ZPA_fit%d.gif",nRun);
192 g->Print(psn);
7c159fe3 193
194 printf("\n Everything is OK: ntuple and fit results saved!!! \n\n");
59b46d22 195}