]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGPP/TRD/info/AliTRDtrendingManager.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGPP / TRD / info / AliTRDtrendingManager.cxx
61f6b45e 1////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2// //
3// Trend Value Manager //
4// //
5// Mediates interaction with DB (OCDB ?!) // // //
6// Authors: //
7// Alexandru Bercuci <A.Bercuci@gsi.de> //
8// //
847569f2 11#include "TFile.h"
12#include "TKey.h"
3240bb4a 13#include "TObjArray.h"
847569f2 14#include "TH1F.h"
15#include "TAxis.h"
aebcb1ff 16#include "TGraphErrors.h"
dffc3357 17#include "TLine.h"
847569f2 18#include "TCanvas.h"
19#include "TString.h"
3240bb4a 21#include "AliLog.h"
3240bb4a 22#include "AliTRDtrendingManager.h"
26AliTRDtrendingManager* AliTRDtrendingManager::fgInstance=NULL;
95d47440 27//Bool_t AliTRDtrendingManager::fgTerminated = kFALSE;
3240bb4a 28
30AliTRDtrendingManager* AliTRDtrendingManager::Instance()
32 //
33 // Singleton implementation
34 // Returns an instance of this class, it is created if neccessary
35 //
95d47440 36// if (fgTerminated) return NULL;
847569f2 37 if (!fgInstance) fgInstance = new AliTRDtrendingManager();
3240bb4a 38 return fgInstance;
42void AliTRDtrendingManager::Terminate()
44 //
45 // Singleton implementation
46 // Deletes the instance of this class and sets the terminated flag,
47 // instances cannot be requested anymore
48 // This function can be called several times.
49 //
95d47440 51/* fgTerminated = kTRUE;*/
3240bb4a 52 if (fgInstance != NULL) {
847569f2 53 if(TFile::Open("TRD.Trend.root", "RECREATE")){
cc98ff07 54 if(fEntries) fEntries->Write();
847569f2 55 gFile->Close();
56 }
57 delete fgInstance; fgInstance = NULL;
3240bb4a 58 }
63 : TObject()
64 ,fEntries(NULL)
3240bb4a 65{
61f6b45e 66// Constructor
3240bb4a 67}
61f6b45e 72// Destructor
95d47440 73 if(fEntries){
74 fEntries->Delete();
75 delete fEntries;
76 }
3240bb4a 77}
80void AliTRDtrendingManager::AddValue(
847569f2 81 const Char_t *name
82 ,Double_t mean,Double_t sigm
83 ,const Char_t *title
61f6b45e 84 ,const Char_t *responsible
85 ,const Char_t *notifiables
847569f2 86 ,Char_t **messages
3240bb4a 87 )
89// Expert Function !!!
90// Add a trend value to the map already loaded
91// If no map loaded create a new one from scratch
93// class_name : name of the performance task
94// name : name of the value to be trended
95// title : description of the value to be trended
3240bb4a 96// messages : array of alarm messages for each alarm level
97// responsible: name and email of the responsible person. Format "name/email"
98// notifiables: name and email of the notifiable persons. Format "name1/email1, name2/email2, etc"
3240bb4a 100
847569f2 101 if(!fEntries){ // if no trending map defined create one
102 AliDebug(1, "No trending map loaded. Create one from scratch.");
95d47440 103 MakeList(1000);
3240bb4a 104 }
847569f2 105
95d47440 106 if(GetValue(name)){
107 AliInfo(Form("Trend value \"%s\" already in list. Use Modify function", name));
108 return;
109 }
110 // create new trending value`
111 AliTRDtrendValue *fValue = new AliTRDtrendValue(name, title?title:"");
112 fValue->Set(mean, sigm);
113 if(messages) for(Int_t ilevel(AliTRDtrendValue::kNlevels); ilevel--;) if(messages[ilevel]) fValue->SetAlarm(ilevel, messages[ilevel]);
114 TObjArray *r(NULL);
115 if(responsible){
116 TString s(responsible);
117 r=s.Tokenize("/");
118 if(r->GetEntriesFast()!=2){
119 AliWarning("Responsible name/email incorrectly formated.");
120 } else {
121 fValue->SetResponsible(((TObjString*)r->At(0))->String().Data(), ((TObjString*)r->At(1))->String().Data());
122 }
123 r->Delete(); delete r;
124 }
125 if(notifiables){
126 TString s(notifiables);
127 TObjArray *n=s.Tokenize(",");
128 for(Int_t in(0); in<TMath::Min(AliTRDtrendValue::kNnotifiable, n->GetEntriesFast()); in++){
129 TString ss(((TObjString*)n->At(in))->String());
130 r=ss.Tokenize("/");
847569f2 131 if(r->GetEntriesFast()!=2){
95d47440 132 AliWarning(Form("Notifiable person name/email incorrectly formated for [%s].", ss.Data()));
847569f2 133 } else {
95d47440 134 fValue->SetNotifiable(((TObjString*)r->At(0))->String().Data(), ((TObjString*)r->At(1))->String().Data());
847569f2 135 }
dffc3357 136 r->Delete(); delete r;
847569f2 137 }
95d47440 138 n->Delete(); delete n;
3240bb4a 139 }
95d47440 140 fEntries->AddLast(fValue);
3240bb4a 141}
847569f2 144AliTRDtrendValue* AliTRDtrendingManager::GetValue(const Char_t *name)
3240bb4a 145{
847569f2 146// Search trend value list by value "name" formatted according to "class_name"
3240bb4a 147 if(!fEntries){
148 AliError("No trending map defined.");
149 return NULL;
150 }
95d47440 151 return (AliTRDtrendValue*)fEntries->FindObject(name);
847569f2 152}
dffc3357 155TH1* AliTRDtrendingManager::MakeTrends(const char *fileList, TObjArray *dump)
847569f2 156{
157// Make trends with reference to DB for all trend files in "fileList".
158// The DB should be loaded
159 if(!fEntries){
160 AliWarning("Trending map undefined");
dffc3357 161 return NULL;
847569f2 162 }
163 Int_t ntv(fEntries->GetEntries());
165 FILE *fp(NULL);
166 if(!(fp= fopen(fileList, "rt"))){
167 AliWarning(Form("Can not open file list \"%s\"", fileList));
dffc3357 168 return NULL;
3240bb4a 169 }
dffc3357 170 Int_t *na = new Int_t[ntv]; memset(na, 0, ntv*sizeof(Int_t));
171 Float_t *la = new Float_t[ntv]; memset(la, 0, ntv*sizeof(Float_t));
df72fea3 172 Float_t *lm = new Float_t[ntv]; for(Int_t im(0); im<ntv; im++) lm[im] = 1.e5;
173 Float_t *lM = new Float_t[ntv]; for(Int_t im(0); im<ntv; im++) lM[im] = -1.e5;
aebcb1ff 174 TGraphErrors **g = new TGraphErrors*[ntv]; memset(g, 0, ntv*sizeof(TGraphErrors*));
847569f2 175 AliTRDtrendValue *TV(NULL), *tv(NULL);
176 TString sfp; Int_t run[10000], nr(0);
177 while(sfp.Gets(fp)){
178 // guess run no from path. Do we need a more robust approach ?
179 TObjArray *afp=sfp.Tokenize("/");
180 Int_t idx = afp->GetEntries()-2;
181 Int_t rno = ((TObjString*)(*afp)[idx])->GetString().Atoi();
dffc3357 182 afp->Delete(); delete afp;
847569f2 183 if(!TFile::Open(sfp.Data())) continue;
dffc3357 184
0f2c4c4f 185 run[nr] = rno; Int_t nmiss(0);
847569f2 186 for(Int_t it(0); it<ntv; it++){
187 if(!(TV = (AliTRDtrendValue*)fEntries->At(it))) continue;
188 if(!(tv = (AliTRDtrendValue*)gFile->Get(TV->GetName()))) {
0f2c4c4f 189 AliDebug(1, Form("Missing %09d.%s", rno, TV->GetName()));
190 nmiss++;
847569f2 191 continue;
192 }
95d47440 193 if(tv->GetVal()<=-998. ||
0f2c4c4f 194 (strstr(TV->GetName(), "TRDcheckDET")&&TMath::Abs(tv->GetVal())<1.e-5) ||
5047978d 195 (strstr(TV->GetName(), "TRDefficiency")&&tv->GetVal()<1.e-5) ||
0f2c4c4f 196 (!(strcmp(TV->GetName(), "TRDcheckDET_ChargeTracklet"))&&TMath::Abs(tv->GetVal())<1.e1)) continue;
dffc3357 197 if(IsRelativeMeanSigma()){
198 (*tv)/=(*TV);
199 la[it]+=tv->GetVal(); na[it]++;
200 } else {
201 if(tv->GetVal()<lm[it]) lm[it]=tv->GetVal();
202 if(tv->GetVal()>lM[it])lM[it]=tv->GetVal();
203 }
847569f2 204 if(!g[it]){
aebcb1ff 205 g[it] = new TGraphErrors();
847569f2 206 g[it]->SetNameTitle(TV->GetName(), TV->GetTitle());
dffc3357 207 g[it]->SetMarkerStyle(4);g[it]->SetMarkerSize(1.2);
208 g[it]->SetLineStyle(2);g[it]->SetLineWidth(1);
847569f2 209 }
aebcb1ff 210 Int_t ip(g[it]->GetN());
211 g[it]->SetPoint(ip, nr, tv->GetVal());
212 g[it]->SetPointError(ip, 0., tv->GetErr());
847569f2 213 }
0f2c4c4f 214 if(Float_t(nmiss)/ntv>.1) AliWarning(Form("Run[%09d] Missing %6.2f%% values", rno, 1.e2*nmiss/ntv));
847569f2 215 nr++;
216 }
218 // Draw
219 TH1 *hT = new TH1F("hT", ";#bf{RUN};", nr, -0.5, nr-0.5);
220 TAxis *ax = hT->GetXaxis(); ax->SetTitleOffset(2.6);ax->CenterTitle(); ax->SetBit(TAxis::kLabelsVert);
668a0654 221 TAxis *ay = hT->GetYaxis(); ay->SetTitleOffset(IsRelativeMeanSigma()?0.4:0.75);ay->CenterTitle(); ay->SetAxisColor(kRed); ay->SetDecimals();
847569f2 222 for(Int_t ir(0); ir<nr; ir++) ax->SetBinLabel(ir+1, Form("%09d", run[ir]));
dffc3357 224 TLine *line(NULL);
225 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "TRD Trend", 1, 1, 2400, 1000);
668a0654 226 c->SetLeftMargin(IsRelativeMeanSigma()?0.03666361:0.05685619);
847569f2 227 c->SetRightMargin(0.005499542);
228 c->SetTopMargin(0.02542373);
229 c->SetBottomMargin(0.1758475);
230 for(Int_t it(0); it<ntv; it++){
668a0654 231 if(!g[it]) continue;
847569f2 232 c->Clear();
668a0654 233 if(IsRelativeMeanSigma()){
234 ay->SetRangeUser(-5, 5);
235 ay->SetTitle(Form("#bf{%s [#sigmau]}", g[it]->GetTitle()));
dffc3357 236 line = new TLine(-0.5, na[it]?(la[it]/na[it]):0., nr-0.5, na[it]?(la[it]/na[it]):0.);
237 line->SetLineColor(kBlue);
668a0654 238 } else {
df72fea3 239 ay->SetRangeUser(lm[it]-0.1*(lM[it]-lm[it]), lM[it]+0.1*(lM[it]-lm[it]));
668a0654 240 ay->SetTitle(Form("#bf{%s}", g[it]->GetTitle()));
241 }
242 hT->Draw("p");
aebcb1ff 243 g[it]->Draw("ple5");
dffc3357 244 if(line) line->Draw();
847569f2 245 c->Modified(); c->Update(); c->SaveAs(Form("Trend_%s.gif", g[it]->GetName()));
dffc3357 246 if(dump) dump->Add(g[it]);
247 else delete g[it];
248 if(line) delete line;
847569f2 249 }
250 delete [] g;
df72fea3 251 delete [] lm;
252 delete [] lM;
dffc3357 253 delete [] la;
254 delete [] na;
255 return hT;
3240bb4a 256}
259Bool_t AliTRDtrendingManager::ModifyValue(
847569f2 260 const Char_t *name
261 ,const Char_t *title
262 ,Double_t mean, Double_t sgm
3240bb4a 263 ,Char_t **messages
61f6b45e 264 ,const Char_t *responsible
265 ,const Char_t *notifiables
3240bb4a 266 )
268// Expert Function !!!
269// Modify a trend value in the map already loaded
270// see function AddValue() for explanation of input format.
272 if(!fEntries){
273 AliError("No trending map loaded.");
274 return kFALSE;
275 }
276 AliWarning("*** EXPERT FUNCTION *** This function is modifying one trending value to the current DB. Continue if you know what yout do!");
95d47440 278 AliTRDtrendValue *fValue(NULL);
279 if(!(fValue = GetValue(name))) {
847569f2 280 AliError(Form("Missing trending value %s", name));
3240bb4a 281 return kFALSE;
282 }
847569f2 284 fValue->SetTitle(title);
285 fValue->Set(mean, sgm);
3240bb4a 286 if(messages){
847569f2 287 for(Int_t ilevel(AliTRDtrendValue::kNlevels); ilevel--;) fValue->SetAlarm(ilevel, messages[ilevel]);
3240bb4a 288 }
289 TString s;
290 TObjArray *r(NULL);
291 if(responsible){
292 s=responsible;
293 r=s.Tokenize("/");
294 if(r->GetEntriesFast()!=2){
295 AliWarning("Responsible name/email incorrectly formated.");
296 } else {
847569f2 297 fValue->SetResponsible(((TObjString*)r->At(0))->String().Data(), ((TObjString*)r->At(1))->String().Data());
3240bb4a 298 }
dffc3357 299 r->Delete(); delete r;
3240bb4a 300 }
301 if(notifiables){
302 s=notifiables;
303 TObjArray *n=s.Tokenize(",");
304 for(Int_t in(0); in<TMath::Min(AliTRDtrendValue::kNnotifiable, n->GetEntriesFast()); in++){
305 TString ss(((TObjString*)n->At(in))->String());
306 r=ss.Tokenize("/");
307 if(r->GetEntriesFast()!=2){
308 AliWarning(Form("Notifiable person name/email incorrectly formated for [%s].", ss.Data()));
309 } else {
847569f2 310 fValue->SetNotifiable(((TObjString*)r->At(0))->String().Data(), ((TObjString*)r->At(1))->String().Data());
3240bb4a 311 }
dffc3357 312 r->Delete(); delete r;
3240bb4a 313 }
dffc3357 314 n->Delete(); delete n;
3240bb4a 315 }
316 return kTRUE;
320void AliTRDtrendingManager::Print(Option_t *o) const
61f6b45e 322// Dump trend value list
3240bb4a 323 if(!fEntries){
324 AliError("No trending map available.");
325 return;
326 }
328 for(Int_t iv(0); iv<fEntries->GetEntriesFast(); iv++){
329 ((AliTRDtrendValue*)fEntries->At(iv))->Print(o);
330 }
847569f2 334void AliTRDtrendingManager::Load(const char *fn)
3240bb4a 335{
847569f2 336// Load TRD trending DB from $ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/TRD/data.
3240bb4a 337
847569f2 338 AliDebug(1, "Loading TRD trending ...");
339 if(!TFile::Open(fn)) return;
3240bb4a 340
847569f2 341 TList *tvList = gFile->GetListOfKeys(); TIterator *iter(tvList->MakeIterator()); AliTRDtrendValue *tv(NULL);
95d47440 342 MakeList(tvList->GetEntries());
847569f2 343 TKey *ktv(NULL);
344 while((ktv = (TKey*)iter->Next())){
345 tv = (AliTRDtrendValue*)gFile->Get(ktv->GetName());
346 fEntries->AddLast(new AliTRDtrendValue(*tv));
95d47440 347 delete tv;
3240bb4a 348 }
95d47440 349 gFile->Close();
353void AliTRDtrendingManager::MakeList(Int_t entries)
355// allocate trending values array
356 fEntries = new TObjArray(entries);
357 fEntries->SetOwner();
358 fEntries->SetName("TrendValues");
3240bb4a 359}