]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGUD/FirstPhysics/AliAnalysisTaskFPexample.cxx
Flattened rapidity distributions.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGUD / FirstPhysics / AliAnalysisTaskFPexample.cxx
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2#include "AliAnalysisTaskFPexample.h"
4#include "TH1D.h"
5#include "TH2D.h"
6#include "TCanvas.h"
7#include "TList.h"
8#include "TString.h"
10#include "AliAnalysisManager.h"
11#include "AliESDtrackCuts.h"
12#include "AliESDEvent.h"
13#include "AliESDHeader.h"
14#include "AliMCEvent.h"
15#include "AliMultiplicity.h"
16#include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h"
21AliAnalysisTaskFPexample::AliAnalysisTaskFPexample(const char *name) :
22 AliAnalysisTaskFirstPhysics(name),
23 fhTrackPt(0),
24 fh2TrackPhiEta(0),
25 fhMulITSTPC(0),
26 fhMulITSSA(0),
27 fhMulSPD(0),
28 fh2TrackletsPhiEta(0),
29 fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2(0)
31 DefineOutput(1, TList::Class());
37 // Destructor. Clean-up the output list, but not the histograms that are put inside
38 // (the list is owner and will clean-up these histograms). Protect in PROOF case.
39 if (fOutput && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {
40 delete fOutput;
41 }
42 for (Int_t i = 0; i < knTrackCuts; i ++) {
43 delete fTrackCuts[i];
44 fTrackCuts[i] = 0;
45 }
49void AliAnalysisTaskFPexample::UserCreateOutputObjects()
51 PrepareOutputList();
52 // Define cuts
53 PrepareDefaultTrackCuts();
55 // Create histograms
56 const Int_t ptbins = 15;
57 const Double_t ptlow = 0.1, ptup = 3.1;
58 const Int_t etabins = 40;
59 const Double_t etalow = -2.0, etaup = 2.0;
60 const Int_t mulbins = 200;
61 const Int_t phibins = 120;
63 fhTrackPt = UserHisto1d("fhTrackPt", "p_{T} distribution for ESD",
64 "P_{T} (GeV/c)", ptbins, ptlow, ptup);
65 fh2TrackPhiEta = UserHisto2d("fh2TrackPhiEta", "ESD tracks",
66 "#Phi", phibins, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi(),
67 "#eta", etabins, etalow, etaup);
68 fhMulITSTPC = UserHisto1d("fhMulITSTPC", "N_{CH} distribution for ITS+TPC tracks",
69 "N_{CH}", mulbins, 0, mulbins);
70 fhMulITSSA = UserHisto1d("fhMulITSSA", "N_{CH} distribution for ITS SA tracks",
71 "N_{CH}", mulbins, 0, mulbins);
72 fhMulSPD = UserHisto1d("fhMulSPD", "N_{CH} distribution for SPD tracklets",
73 "N_{CH}", mulbins, 0, mulbins);
74 fh2TrackletsPhiEta = UserHisto2d("fh2TrackletsPhiEta", "Tracklets",
75 "#Phi", phibins, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi(),
76 "#eta", etabins, etalow, etaup);
77 fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2 = UserHisto2d("fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2", "ESD tracks #Phi vs. TPC #chi^{2}",
78 "#Phi", phibins, 0, 2 * TMath::Pi(),
79 "#chi^{2}", 500, 0, 500);
81 PostData(1, fOutput); // Post data for ALL output slots >0 here, to get at least an empty histogram
85void AliAnalysisTaskFPexample::UserExec(Option_t *)
87 if (!GetESDEvent()) {
88 AliError("Unable to read the ESD");
89 return;
90 }
91 if (!CheckVertex()) {
92 return;
93 }
95 const Int_t nESDTracks = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks();
97 Int_t iHighestID = 0;
98 for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nESDTracks; iTrack++) {
99 if (fESD->GetTrack(iTrack)->GetLabel() > iHighestID) {
100 iHighestID = fESD->GetTrack(iTrack)->GetLabel();
101 }
102 }
103 const Int_t nMaxID = iHighestID + 1;
104 bool aGlobalBits[nMaxID], aPureITSBits[nMaxID];
105 for (Int_t iFlag = 0; iFlag < nMaxID; iFlag++) {
106 aGlobalBits[iFlag] = false;
107 aPureITSBits[iFlag] = false;
108 }
110 // flags for secondary and rejected tracks
111 const int kRejectBit = BIT(15); // set this bit in ESD tracks if it is rejected by a cut
112 const int kSecondaryBit = BIT(16); // set this bit in ESD tracks if it is secondary according to a cut
114 Int_t nTracksITSTPC = 0; // multiplicity counters
115 Int_t nTracksITSSA = 0;
116 Int_t nTrackletsSPD = 0;
118 for(Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrack < nESDTracks; iTrack++){
119 AliESDtrack* esdTrack = fESD->GetTrack(iTrack);
120 // if track is a secondary from a V0, flag as a secondary
121 if (esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kMultInV0)) {
122 esdTrack->SetBit(kSecondaryBit);
123 continue;
124 }
125 AliESDtrack* tpcTrack = AliESDtrackCuts::GetTPCOnlyTrack(fESD, esdTrack->GetID());
126 // check tracks with ITS part
127 if (esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSin)) {
128 if (!esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSpureSA)) { // track has ITS part but is not an ITS_SA
129 // TPC+ITS
130 if (esdTrack->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) { // Global track, has ITS and TPC contributions
131 if (fTrackCuts[kTrackCutQGlo]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) { // good ITS+TPC track
132 if (fTrackCuts[kTrackCutDCAwSPD]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)
133 || fTrackCuts[kTrackCutDCAwoSPD]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) {
134 nTracksITSTPC++;
135 fhTrackPt->Fill(esdTrack->Pt());
136 fh2TrackPhiEta->Fill(esdTrack->Phi(), esdTrack->Eta());
137 if (tpcTrack) {
138 fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2->Fill(esdTrack->Phi(), tpcTrack->GetTPCchi2());
139 }
140 } else {
141 esdTrack->SetBit(kSecondaryBit); // large DCA -> secondary, don't count either track not associated tracklet
142 }
143 } else {
144 esdTrack->SetBit(kRejectBit); // bad quality, don't count the track, but may count tracklet if associated
145 }
146 } else if (fTrackCuts[kTrackCutQITS]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) { // good ITS complementary track
147 if (fTrackCuts[kTrackCutDCAwSPD]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)
148 || fTrackCuts[kTrackCutDCAwoSPD]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) {
149 nTracksITSTPC++;
150 fhTrackPt->Fill(esdTrack->Pt());
151 fh2TrackPhiEta->Fill(esdTrack->Phi(), esdTrack->Eta());
152 if (tpcTrack) {
153 fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2->Fill(esdTrack->Phi(), tpcTrack->GetTPCchi2());
154 }
155 } else {
156 esdTrack->SetBit(kSecondaryBit); // large DCA -> secondary, don't count either track not associated tracklet
157 }
158 } else {
159 esdTrack->SetBit(kRejectBit); // bad quality, don't count the track, but may count tracklet if associated
160 }
161 } else { // pure ITS SA tracks
162 if (fTrackCuts[kTrackCutQITS]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) { // good ITSSA track
163 if (fTrackCuts[kTrackCutDCAwSPD]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)
164 || fTrackCuts[kTrackCutDCAwoSPD]->AcceptTrack(esdTrack)) {
165 nTracksITSSA++;
166 } else {
167 esdTrack->SetBit(kRejectBit);
168 }
169 } else {
170 esdTrack->SetBit(kRejectBit);
171 }
172 }
173 }
174 if (tpcTrack) {
175 delete tpcTrack;
176 }
177 }
179 // get multiplicity from ITS tracklets to complement TPC+ITS, and ITS pure SA
180 const AliMultiplicity* multiplicitySPD = fESD->GetMultiplicity(); // spd multiplicity object
181 Int_t id1, id2, id3, id4;
182 AliESDtrack *tr1 = 0, *tr3 = 0;
183 for (Int_t iTracklet = 0; iTracklet < multiplicitySPD->GetNumberOfTracklets(); iTracklet++) {
184 if (TMath::Abs(multiplicitySPD->GetEta(iTracklet)) > GetCutEta()) {
185 continue; // eta selection for tracklets
186 }
187 nTrackletsSPD++;
188 fh2TrackletsPhiEta->Fill(multiplicitySPD->GetPhi(iTracklet), multiplicitySPD->GetEta(iTracklet));
189 // if counting tracks+tracklets, check if clusters were already used in tracks
190 // and get the id of the tracks in which they were used
192 // references for eventual Global/ITS_SA tracks
193 multiplicitySPD->GetTrackletTrackIDs(iTracklet, 0, id1, id2);
194 tr1 = id1 >= 0 ? fESD->GetTrack(id1) : 0;
196 // references for eventual ITS_SA_pure tracks
197 multiplicitySPD->GetTrackletTrackIDs(iTracklet, 1, id3, id4);
198 tr3 = id3 >= 0 ? fESD->GetTrack(id3) : 0;
200 // are both clusters from the same tracks? If not, skip the
201 // tracklet (shouldn't change things much)
202 if (id1 != id2 || id3 != id4) {
203 continue;
204 }
206 // has associated global track been associated to a previous tracklet?
207 bool bUsedInGlobal = (id1 != -1) ? aGlobalBits[id1] : false;
208 // has associated pure ITS track been associated to a previous tracklet?
209 bool bUsedInPureITS = (id3 != -1) ? aPureITSBits[id3] : false;
211 // counting tracklet as global+complementary track
212 if ((tr1 && !tr1->TestBit(kSecondaryBit)) // reject as secondary
213 && (tr1 && tr1->TestBit(kRejectBit))) { // already accounted
214 if (!bUsedInGlobal) {
215 nTracksITSTPC++;
216 if (id1 > 0) {
217 // mark global track linked to this tracklet as associated
218 aGlobalBits[id1] = true;
219 }
220 }
221 } else if (id1 < 0) {
222 nTracksITSTPC++;
223 }
225 // counting tracklet as ITS SA pure track
226 if ((tr3 && tr3->TestBit(kSecondaryBit))
227 && (tr3 && !tr3->TestBit(kRejectBit))) {
228 if (!bUsedInPureITS) {
229 nTracksITSSA++;
230 if (id3 > 0) {
231 // mark global track linked to this tracklet as associated
232 aPureITSBits[id3] = true;
233 }
234 }
235 } else if (id3 < 0) {
236 nTracksITSSA++;
237 }
239 }
240 fhMulITSTPC->Fill(nTracksITSTPC);
241 fhMulITSSA->Fill(nTracksITSSA);
242 fhMulSPD->Fill(nTrackletsSPD);
244 PostData(1, fOutput);
248void AliAnalysisTaskFPexample::Terminate(Option_t *)
250 // Draw result to screen, or perform fitting, normalizations
251 // don't get too fancy, keep your histos raw and massage them with macros
253 fOutput = dynamic_cast<TList*> (GetOutputData(1));
254 if(!fOutput) {
255 Printf("ERROR: could not retrieve TList fOutput");
256 return;
257 }
259 if (!(GetHisto1FromOutput("fhTrackPt", fhTrackPt) &&
260 GetHisto2FromOutput("fh2TrackPhiEta", fh2TrackPhiEta) &&
261 GetHisto1FromOutput("fhMulITSTPC", fhMulITSTPC) &&
262 GetHisto1FromOutput("fhMulITSSA", fhMulITSSA) &&
263 GetHisto1FromOutput("fhMulSPD", fhMulSPD) &&
264 GetHisto2FromOutput("fh2TrackletsPhiEta", fh2TrackletsPhiEta) &&
265 GetHisto2FromOutput("fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2", fh2TracksPhiTPCchi2))) {
266 AliError("Couldn't load every histogram from output.");
267 return;
268 }
270 TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("AliAnalysisTaskFPexample", "Data Quality Quick Overview");
271 c->Divide(2, 2);
272 c->cd(1)->SetLogy();
273 fhTrackPt->DrawCopy("E");
274 c->cd(2);
275 fh2TrackPhiEta->DrawCopy("");
276 c->cd(3)->SetLogy();
277 fhMulITSTPC->DrawCopy("E");
278 c->cd(4)->SetLogy();
279 fhMulITSSA->DrawCopy("");