]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PYTHIA6/AliGenPythia.h
Fix for report #67958: Fortrans open call should open explicitly for read-only
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PYTHIA6 / AliGenPythia.h
8d2cd130 1#ifndef ALIGENPYTHIA_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
cf57b268 6
8d2cd130 7/* $Id$ */
10// Generator using the TPythia interface (via AliPythia)
11// to generate pp collisions.
12// Using SetNuclei() also nuclear modifications to the structure functions
13// can be taken into account. This makes, of course, only sense for the
14// generation of the products of hard processes (heavy flavor, jets ...)
16// andreas.morsch@cern.ch
19#include "AliGenMC.h"
20#include "AliPythia.h"
22class AliPythia;
23class TParticle;
e5c87a3d 24class AliGenPythiaEventHeader;
cf57b268 25class AliGenEventHeader;
32d6ef7d 26class AliStack;
5fa4b20b 27class AliRunLoader;
1058d9df 28class TObjArray;
5fa4b20b 29
8d2cd130 30class AliGenPythia : public AliGenMC
32 public:
34 typedef enum {kFlavorSelection, kParentSelection} StackFillOpt_t;
35 typedef enum {kCountAll, kCountParents, kCountTrackables} CountMode_t;
36 typedef enum {kCluster, kCell} JetRecMode_t;
38 AliGenPythia();
39 AliGenPythia(Int_t npart);
8d2cd130 40 virtual ~AliGenPythia();
41 virtual void Generate();
42 virtual void Init();
90a236ce 43 // Range of events to be printed
8d2cd130 44 virtual void SetEventListRange(Int_t eventFirst=-1, Int_t eventLast=-1);
90a236ce 45 // Select process type
8d2cd130 46 virtual void SetProcess(Process_t proc = kPyCharm) {fProcess = proc;}
f6a15f5c 47 virtual void SetTune(Int_t itune) {fItune = itune;}
20e47f08 48
90a236ce 49 // Select structure function
fa49ba58 50 virtual void SetStrucFunc(StrucFunc_t func = kCTEQ5L) {fStrucFunc = func;}
90a236ce 51 // Select pt of hard scattering
8d2cd130 52 virtual void SetPtHard(Float_t ptmin = 0, Float_t ptmax = 1.e10)
53 {fPtHardMin = ptmin; fPtHardMax = ptmax; }
90a236ce 54 // y of hard scattering
8d2cd130 55 virtual void SetYHard(Float_t ymin = -1.e10, Float_t ymax = 1.e10)
56 {fYHardMin = ymin; fYHardMax = ymax; }
57 // Set initial and final state gluon radiation
58 virtual void SetGluonRadiation(Int_t iIn, Int_t iFin)
59 {fGinit = iIn; fGfinal = iFin;}
90a236ce 60 // Intrinsic kT
8d2cd130 61 virtual void SetPtKick(Float_t kt = 1.)
62 {fPtKick = kt;}
beac474c 63 // Use the Pythia 6.3 new multiple interations scenario
64 virtual void UseNewMultipleInteractionsScenario() {fNewMIS = kTRUE;}
65 // Switch off heavy flavors
66 virtual void SwitchHFOff() {fHFoff = kTRUE;}
90a236ce 67 // Set centre of mass energy
8d2cd130 68 virtual void SetEnergyCMS(Float_t energy = 5500) {fEnergyCMS = energy;}
90a236ce 69 // Treat protons as inside nuclei with mass numbers a1 and a2
20e47f08 70 virtual void SetNuclei(Int_t a1, Int_t a2, Int_t pdfset = 0);
90a236ce 71 //
72 // Trigger options
73 //
74 // Energy range for jet trigger
8d2cd130 75 virtual void SetJetEtRange(Float_t etmin = 0., Float_t etmax = 1.e4)
76 {fEtMinJet = etmin; fEtMaxJet = etmax;}
90a236ce 77 // Eta range for jet trigger
8d2cd130 78 virtual void SetJetEtaRange(Float_t etamin = -20., Float_t etamax = 20.)
79 {fEtaMinJet = etamin; fEtaMaxJet = etamax;}
90a236ce 80 // Phi range for jet trigger
8d2cd130 81 virtual void SetJetPhiRange(Float_t phimin = 0., Float_t phimax = 360.)
82 {fPhiMinJet = TMath::Pi()*phimin/180.; fPhiMaxJet = TMath::Pi()*phimax/180.;}
90a236ce 83 // Jet reconstruction mode; default is cone algorithm
84 virtual void SetJetReconstructionMode(Int_t mode = kCell) {fJetReconstruction = mode;}
85 // Eta range for gamma trigger
8d2cd130 86 virtual void SetGammaEtaRange(Float_t etamin = -20., Float_t etamax = 20.)
87 {fEtaMinGamma = etamin; fEtaMaxGamma = etamax;}
90a236ce 88 // Phi range for gamma trigger
8d2cd130 89 virtual void SetGammaPhiRange(Float_t phimin = 0., Float_t phimax = 360.)
90 {fPhiMinGamma = TMath::Pi()*phimin/180.; fPhiMaxGamma = TMath::Pi()*phimax/180.;}
9fd8e520 91 // Select jets with fragmentation photon or pi0 going to PHOS or EMCAL
90a236ce 92 virtual void SetFragPhotonInCalo(Bool_t b) {fFragPhotonInCalo = b;}
93 virtual void SetPi0InCalo (Bool_t b) {fPi0InCalo = b;}
94 virtual void SetPhotonInCalo(Bool_t b) {fPhotonInCalo = b;}
95 virtual void SetCheckPHOS (Bool_t b) {fCheckPHOS = b;}
96 virtual void SetCheckEMCAL(Bool_t b) {fCheckEMCAL = b;}
97 virtual void SetFragPhotonInEMCAL(Bool_t b) {fCheckEMCAL = b; fFragPhotonInCalo = b;}
98 virtual void SetFragPhotonInPHOS(Bool_t b) {fCheckPHOS = b; fFragPhotonInCalo = b;}
99 virtual void SetPi0InEMCAL(Bool_t b) {fCheckEMCAL = b; fPi0InCalo = b;}
100 virtual void SetPi0InPHOS(Bool_t b) {fCheckPHOS = b; fPi0InCalo = b;}
101 virtual void SetPhotonInEMCAL(Bool_t b) {fCheckEMCAL = b; fPhotonInCalo = b;}
9dfe63b3 102 virtual void SetElectronInEMCAL(Bool_t b) {fEleInEMCAL = b;}
90a236ce 103 virtual void SetPhotonInPHOS(Bool_t b) {fCheckPHOS = b; fPhotonInCalo = b;}
700b9416 104
105 // Trigger on a minimum multiplicity
38112f3f 106 virtual void SetTriggerChargedMultiplicity(Int_t multiplicity, Float_t etamax = 0, Float_t ptmin = -1.)
107 {fTriggerMultiplicity = multiplicity; fTriggerMultiplicityEta = etamax;
108 fTriggerMultiplicityPtMin = ptmin;}
700b9416 109
90a236ce 110 virtual void SetPhotonInPHOSeta(Bool_t b) {fCheckPHOSeta = b; fPhotonInCalo = b;}
111 virtual void SetFragPhotonOrPi0MinPt(Float_t pt) {fFragPhotonOrPi0MinPt = pt;}
112 virtual void SetPhotonMinPt(Float_t pt) {fPhotonMinPt = pt;}
9dfe63b3 113 virtual void SetElectronMinPt(Float_t pt) {fElectronMinPt = pt;}
90a236ce 114 // Trigger and rotate event
115 void RotatePhi(Int_t iphcand, Bool_t& okdd);
116 // Trigger on a single particle
7ce1321b 117 virtual void SetTriggerParticle(Int_t particle = 0, Float_t etamax = 0.9)
118 {fTriggerParticle = particle; fTriggerEta = etamax;}
90a236ce 119 //
120 // Heavy flavor options
121 //
8d2cd130 122 // Set option for feed down from higher family
123 virtual void SetFeedDownHigherFamily(Bool_t opt) {
90a236ce 124 fFeedDownOpt = opt;
8d2cd130 125 }
126 // Set option for selecting particles kept in stack according to flavor
127 // or to parent selection
128 virtual void SetStackFillOpt(StackFillOpt_t opt) {
90a236ce 129 fStackFillOpt = opt;
8d2cd130 130 }
131 // Set fragmentation option
c125238c 132 virtual void SetFragmentation(Bool_t opt) {
90a236ce 133 fFragmentation = opt;
8d2cd130 134 }
135 // Set counting mode
c125238c 136 virtual void SetCountMode(CountMode_t mode) {
90a236ce 137 fCountMode = mode;
8d2cd130 138 }
90a236ce 139 //
140 // Quenching
141 //
cd07c39b 142 // Set quenching mode 0 = no, 1 = AM, 2 = IL, 3 = NA, 4 = ACS
7ea3ea5b 143 virtual void SetQuench(Int_t flag = 0) {fQuench = flag;}
cd07c39b 144 // Set transport coefficient.
145 void SetQhat(Float_t qhat) {fQhat = qhat;}
146 //Set initial medium length.
147 void SetLength(Float_t length) {fLength = length;}
5fa4b20b 149 virtual void SetHadronisation(Int_t flag = 1) {fHadronisation = flag;}
03358a32 150 virtual void SetPatchOmegaDalitz(Int_t flag = 1) {fPatchOmegaDalitz = flag;}
777e69b0 151 virtual void SetReadFromFile(const Text_t *filname) {fkFileName = filname; fReadFromFile = 1;}
90a236ce 152
153 //
154 // Pile-up
155 //
156 // Get interaction rate for pileup studies
9d7108a7 157 virtual void SetInteractionRate(Float_t rate,Float_t timewindow = 90.e-6);
158 virtual Float_t GetInteractionRate() const {return fInteractionRate;}
8d2cd130 159 // get cross section of process
160 virtual Float_t GetXsection() const {return fXsection;}
161 // get triggered jets
7184e472 162 void GetJets(Int_t& njets, Int_t& ntrig, Float_t jets[4][10]);
014a9521 163 void RecJetsUA1(Int_t& njets, Float_t jets[4][50]);
592f8307 164 void SetPycellParameters(Float_t etamax = 2., Int_t neta = 274, Int_t nphi = 432,
165 Float_t thresh = 0., Float_t etseed = 4.,
166 Float_t minet = 10., Float_t r = 1.);
1058d9df 168 void LoadEvent(AliStack* stack, Int_t flag = 0, Int_t reHadr = 0);
169 void LoadEvent(TObjArray* stack, Int_t flag = 0, Int_t reHadr = 0);
8d2cd130 170 // Getters
7184e472 171 virtual Process_t GetProcess() const {return fProcess;}
172 virtual StrucFunc_t GetStrucFunc() const {return fStrucFunc;}
173 virtual void GetPtHard(Float_t& ptmin, Float_t& ptmax) const
35346e8d 174 {ptmin = fPtHardMin; ptmax = fPtHardMax;}
7184e472 175 virtual void GetNuclei(Int_t& a1, Int_t& a2) const
1a626d4e 176 {a1 = fAProjectile; a2 = fATarget;}
7184e472 177 virtual void GetJetEtRange(Float_t& etamin, Float_t& etamax) const
8d2cd130 178 {etamin = fEtaMinJet; etamax = fEtaMaxJet;}
7184e472 179 virtual void GetJetPhiRange(Float_t& phimin, Float_t& phimax) const
8d2cd130 180 {phimin = fPhiMinJet*180./TMath::Pi(); phimax = fPhiMaxJet*180/TMath::Pi();}
7184e472 181 virtual void GetGammaEtaRange(Float_t& etamin, Float_t& etamax) const
8d2cd130 182 {etamin = fEtaMinGamma; etamax = fEtaMaxGamma;}
7184e472 183 virtual void GetGammaPhiRange(Float_t& phimin, Float_t& phimax) const
8d2cd130 184 {phimin = fPhiMinGamma*180./TMath::Pi(); phimax = fPhiMaxGamma*180./TMath::Pi();}
185 //
ec2c406e 186 Bool_t IsInEMCAL(Float_t phi, Float_t eta);
187 Bool_t IsInPHOS(Float_t phi, Float_t eta);
188 //
8d2cd130 189 virtual void FinishRun();
190 Bool_t CheckTrigger(TParticle* jet1, TParticle* jet2);
0f6ee828 191 //Used in some processes to selected child properties
aea21c57 192 Bool_t CheckKinematicsOnChild();
9d7108a7 193 void GetSubEventTime();
dbd64db6 194
8d2cd130 195 protected:
196 // adjust the weight from kinematic cuts
7184e472 197 void AdjustWeights() const;
f913ec4f 198 Int_t GenerateMB();
199 void MakeHeader();
9d7108a7 200 void GeneratePileup();
8d2cd130 201 Process_t fProcess; //Process type
efe3b1cd 202 Int_t fItune; // Pythia tune > 6.4
8d2cd130 203 StrucFunc_t fStrucFunc; //Structure Function
8d2cd130 204 Float_t fKineBias; //!Bias from kinematic selection
205 Int_t fTrials; //!Number of trials for current event
206 Int_t fTrialsRun; //!Number of trials for run
207 Float_t fQ; //Mean Q
208 Float_t fX1; //Mean x1
209 Float_t fX2; //Mean x2
f913ec4f 210 Float_t fEventTime; //Time of the subevent
211 Float_t fInteractionRate; //Interaction rate (set by user)
9d7108a7 212 Float_t fTimeWindow; //Time window for pileup events (set by user)
213 Int_t fCurSubEvent; //Index of the current sub-event
214 TArrayF *fEventsTime; //Subevents time for pileup
8d2cd130 215 Int_t fNev; //Number of events
216 Int_t fFlavorSelect; //Heavy Flavor Selection
217 Float_t fXsection; //Cross-section
218 AliPythia *fPythia; //!Pythia
219 Float_t fPtHardMin; //lower pT-hard cut
220 Float_t fPtHardMax; //higher pT-hard cut
221 Float_t fYHardMin; //lower y-hard cut
222 Float_t fYHardMax; //higher y-hard cut
8d2cd130 223 Int_t fGinit; //initial state gluon radiation
224 Int_t fGfinal; //final state gluon radiation
5fa4b20b 225 Int_t fHadronisation; //hadronisation
03358a32 226 Bool_t fPatchOmegaDalitz; //flag for omega dalitz decay patch
5fa4b20b 227 Int_t fNpartons; //Number of partons before hadronisation
228 Int_t fReadFromFile; //read partons from file
7ea3ea5b 229 Int_t fQuench; //Flag for quenching
cd07c39b 230 Float_t fQhat; //Transport coefficient (GeV^2/fm)
231 Float_t fLength; //Medium length (fm)
e6fe9b82 232 Float_t fImpact; //Impact parameter for quenching simulation (q-pythia)
8d2cd130 233 Float_t fPtKick; //Transverse momentum kick
234 Bool_t fFullEvent; //!Write Full event if true
235 AliDecayer *fDecayer; //!Pointer to the decayer instance
236 Int_t fDebugEventFirst; //!First event to debug
237 Int_t fDebugEventLast; //!Last event to debug
238 Float_t fEtMinJet; //Minimum et of triggered Jet
239 Float_t fEtMaxJet; //Maximum et of triggered Jet
240 Float_t fEtaMinJet; //Minimum eta of triggered Jet
241 Float_t fEtaMaxJet; //Maximum eta of triggered Jet
242 Float_t fPhiMinJet; //Minimum phi of triggered Jet
243 Float_t fPhiMaxJet; //Maximum phi of triggered Jet
244 Int_t fJetReconstruction; //Jet Reconstruction mode
245 Float_t fEtaMinGamma; // Minimum eta of triggered gamma
246 Float_t fEtaMaxGamma; // Maximum eta of triggered gamma
247 Float_t fPhiMinGamma; // Minimum phi of triggered gamma
248 Float_t fPhiMaxGamma; // Maximum phi of triggered gamma
592f8307 249 Float_t fPycellEtaMax; // Max. eta for Pycell
250 Int_t fPycellNEta; // Number of eta bins for Pycell
251 Int_t fPycellNPhi; // Number of phi bins for Pycell
252 Float_t fPycellThreshold; // Pycell threshold
253 Float_t fPycellEtSeed; // Pycell seed
254 Float_t fPycellMinEtJet; // Pycell min. jet et
255 Float_t fPycellMaxRadius; // Pycell cone radius
8d2cd130 256 StackFillOpt_t fStackFillOpt; // Stack filling with all particles with
257 // that flavour or only with selected
258 // parents and their decays
259 Bool_t fFeedDownOpt; // Option to set feed down from higher
260 // quark families (e.g. b->c)
90a236ce 261 Bool_t fFragmentation; // Option to activate fragmentation by Pythia
262 Bool_t fSetNuclei; // Flag indicating that SetNuclei has been called
263 Bool_t fNewMIS; // Flag for the new multipple interactions scenario
264 Bool_t fHFoff; // Flag for switching heafy flavor production off
20e47f08 265 Int_t fNucPdf; // Nuclear pdf 0: EKS98 1: EPS08
90a236ce 266 Int_t fTriggerParticle; // Trigger on this particle ...
267 Float_t fTriggerEta; // .. within |eta| < fTriggerEta
38112f3f 268 Int_t fTriggerMultiplicity; // Trigger on events with a minimum charged multiplicity
269 Float_t fTriggerMultiplicityEta; // in a given eta range
270 Float_t fTriggerMultiplicityPtMin; // above this pT
90a236ce 271 CountMode_t fCountMode; // Options for counting when the event will be finished.
8d2cd130 272 // fCountMode = kCountAll --> All particles that end up in the
273 // stack are counted
274 // fCountMode = kCountParents --> Only selected parents are counted
275 // fCountMode = kCountTrackabless --> Only particles flagged for tracking
276 // are counted
277 //
90a236ce 278 //
280 AliGenPythiaEventHeader* fHeader; //! Event header
281 AliRunLoader* fRL; //! Run Loader
777e69b0 282 const Text_t* fkFileName; //! Name of file to read from
90a236ce 283
ec2c406e 284
90a236ce 285 Bool_t fFragPhotonInCalo; // Option to ask for Fragmentation Photon in calorimeters acceptance
286 Bool_t fPi0InCalo; // Option to ask for Pi0 in calorimeters acceptance
287 Bool_t fPhotonInCalo; // Option to ask for Decay Photon in calorimeter acceptance
9dfe63b3 288 Bool_t fEleInEMCAL; // Option to ask for Electron in EMCAL acceptance
90a236ce 289 Bool_t fCheckEMCAL; // Option to ask for FragPhoton or Pi0 in calorimeters EMCAL acceptance
290 Bool_t fCheckPHOS; // Option to ask for FragPhoton or Pi0 in calorimeters PHOS acceptance
291 Bool_t fCheckPHOSeta; // Option to ask for PHOS eta acceptance
292 Float_t fFragPhotonOrPi0MinPt; // Minimum momentum of Fragmentation Photon or Pi0
293 Float_t fPhotonMinPt; // Minimum momentum of Photon
9dfe63b3 294 Float_t fElectronMinPt; // Minimum momentum of Electron
ec2c406e 295 //Calorimeters eta-phi acceptance
90a236ce 296 Float_t fPHOSMinPhi; // Minimum phi PHOS
297 Float_t fPHOSMaxPhi; // Maximum phi PHOS
298 Float_t fPHOSEta; // Minimum eta PHOS
299 Float_t fEMCALMinPhi; // Minimum phi EMCAL
300 Float_t fEMCALMaxPhi; // Maximum phi EMCAL
301 Float_t fEMCALEta; // Maximum eta EMCAL
93a2041b 302 private:
303 AliGenPythia(const AliGenPythia &Pythia);
304 AliGenPythia & operator=(const AliGenPythia & rhs);
65248927 306 ClassDef(AliGenPythia, 10) // AliGenerator interface to Pythia
8d2cd130 307};