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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PYTHIA8 / pythia8145 / src / StringFragmentation.cxx
9419eeef 1// StringFragmentation.cc is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
2// Copyright (C) 2010 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
3// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details.
4// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
6// Function definitions (not found in the header) for the StringEnd and
7// StringFragmentation classes.
9#include "StringFragmentation.h"
11namespace Pythia8 {
15// The StringEnd class.
19// Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not.
21// Avoid unphysical solutions to equation system.
22const double StringEnd::TINY = 1e-6;
24// Assume two (eX, eY) regions are related if pT2 differs by less.
25const double StringEnd::PT2SAME = 0.01;
29// Set up initial endpoint values from input.
31void StringEnd::setUp(bool fromPosIn, int iEndIn, int idOldIn, int iMaxIn,
32 double pxIn, double pyIn, double GammaIn, double xPosIn, double xNegIn) {
34 // Simple transcription from input.
35 fromPos = fromPosIn;
36 iEnd = iEndIn;
37 iMax = iMaxIn;
38 flavOld = FlavContainer(idOldIn);
39 pxOld = pxIn;
40 pyOld = pyIn;
41 GammaOld = GammaIn;
42 iPosOld = (fromPos) ? 0 : iMax;
43 iNegOld = (fromPos) ? iMax : 0;
44 xPosOld = xPosIn;
45 xNegOld = xNegIn;
51// Fragment off one hadron from the string system, in flavour and pT.
53void StringEnd::newHadron() {
55 // Pick new flavour and form a new hadron.
56 do {
57 flavNew = flavSelPtr->pick( flavOld);
58 idHad = flavSelPtr->combine( flavOld, flavNew);
59 } while (idHad == 0);
61 // Pick its transverse momentum.
62 pair<double, double> pxy = pTSelPtr->pxy();
63 pxNew = pxy.first;
64 pyNew = pxy.second;
65 pxHad = pxOld + pxNew;
66 pyHad = pyOld + pyNew;
68 // Pick its mass and thereby define its transverse mass.
69 mHad = particleDataPtr->mass(idHad);
70 mT2Had = pow2(mHad) + pow2(pxHad) + pow2(pyHad);
76// Fragment off one hadron from the string system, in momentum space,
77// by taking steps from positive end.
79Vec4 StringEnd::kinematicsHadron( StringSystem& system) {
81 // Pick fragmentation step z and calculate new Gamma.
82 zHad = zSelPtr->zFrag( flavOld.id, flavNew.id, mT2Had);
83 GammaNew = (1. - zHad) * (GammaOld + mT2Had / zHad);
85 // Set up references that are direction-neutral;
86 // ...Dir for direction of iteration and ...Inv for its inverse.
87 int& iDirOld = (fromPos) ? iPosOld : iNegOld;
88 int& iInvOld = (fromPos) ? iNegOld : iPosOld;
89 int& iDirNew = (fromPos) ? iPosNew : iNegNew;
90 int& iInvNew = (fromPos) ? iNegNew : iPosNew;
91 double& xDirOld = (fromPos) ? xPosOld : xNegOld;
92 double& xInvOld = (fromPos) ? xNegOld : xPosOld;
93 double& xDirNew = (fromPos) ? xPosNew : xNegNew;
94 double& xInvNew = (fromPos) ? xNegNew : xPosNew;
95 double& xDirHad = (fromPos) ? xPosHad : xNegHad;
96 double& xInvHad = (fromPos) ? xNegHad : xPosHad;
98 // Start search for new breakup in the old region.
99 iDirNew = iDirOld;
100 iInvNew = iInvOld;
101 Vec4 pTNew;
103 // Each step corresponds to trying a new string region.
104 for (int iStep = 0; ; ++iStep) {
106 // Referance to current string region.
107 StringRegion& region = system.region( iPosNew, iNegNew);
109 // Now begin special section for rapid processing of low region.
110 if (iStep == 0 && iPosOld + iNegOld == iMax) {
112 // A first step within a low region is easy.
113 if (mT2Had < zHad * xDirOld * (1. - xInvOld) * region.w2) {
115 // Translate into x coordinates.
116 xDirHad = zHad * xDirOld;
117 xInvHad = mT2Had / (xDirHad * region.w2);
118 xDirNew = xDirOld - xDirHad;
119 xInvNew = xInvOld + xInvHad;
121 // Find and return four-momentum of the produced particle.
122 return region.pHad( xPosHad, xNegHad, pxHad, pyHad);
124 // A first step out of a low region also OK, if there are more regions.
125 // Negative energy signals failure, i.e. in last region.
126 } else {
127 --iInvNew;
128 if (iInvNew < 0) return Vec4(0., 0., 0., -1.);
130 // Momentum taken by stepping out of region. Continue to next region.
131 xInvHad = 1. - xInvOld;
132 xDirHad = 0.;
133 pSoFar = region.pHad( xPosHad, xNegHad, pxOld, pyOld);
134 continue;
135 }
137 // Else, for first step, take into account starting pT.
138 } else if (iStep == 0) {
139 pSoFar = region.pHad( 0., 0., pxOld, pyOld);
140 pTNew = region.pHad( 0., 0., pxNew, pyNew);
141 }
143 // Now begin normal treatment of nontrivial regions.
144 // Set up four-vectors in a region not visited before.
145 if (!region.isSetUp) region.setUp(
146 system.regionLowPos(iPosNew).pPos,
147 system.regionLowNeg(iNegNew).pNeg, true);
149 // If new region is vanishingly small, continue immediately to next.
150 // Negative energy signals failure to do this, i.e. moved too low.
151 if (region.isEmpty) {
152 xDirHad = (iDirNew == iDirOld) ? xDirOld : 1.;
153 xInvHad = 0.;
154 pSoFar += region.pHad( xPosHad, xNegHad, 0., 0.);
155 ++iDirNew;
156 if (iDirNew + iInvNew > iMax) return Vec4(0., 0., 0., -1.);
157 continue;
158 }
160 // Reexpress pTNew w.r.t. base vectors in new region, if possible.
161 // Recall minus sign from normalization e_x^2 = e_y^2 = -1.
162 double pxNewTemp = -pTNew * region.eX;
163 double pyNewTemp = -pTNew * region.eY;
164 if (abs( pxNewTemp * pxNewTemp + pyNewTemp * pyNewTemp
165 - pxNew * pxNew - pyNew * pyNew) < PT2SAME) {
166 pxNew = pxNewTemp;
167 pyNew = pyNewTemp;
168 }
170 // Four-momentum taken so far, including new pT.
171 Vec4 pTemp = pSoFar + region.pHad( 0., 0., pxNew, pyNew);
173 // Derive coefficients for m2 expression.
174 // cM2 * x+ + cM3 * x- + cM4 * x+ * x- = m^2 - cM1;
175 double cM1 = pTemp.m2Calc();
176 double cM2 = 2. * (pTemp * region.pPos);
177 double cM3 = 2. * (pTemp * region.pNeg);
178 double cM4 = region.w2;
179 if (!fromPos) swap( cM2, cM3);
181 // Derive coefficients for Gamma expression.
182 // cGam2 * x+ + cGam3 * x- + cGam4 * x+ * x- = Gamma_new - cGam1;
183 double cGam1 = 0.;
184 double cGam2 = 0.;
185 double cGam3 = 0.;
186 double cGam4 = 0.;
187 for (int iInv = iInvNew; iInv <= iMax - iDirNew; ++iInv) {
188 double xInv = 1.;
189 if (iInv == iInvNew) xInv = (iInvNew == iInvOld) ? xInvOld : 0.;
190 for (int iDir = iDirNew; iDir <= iMax - iInv; ++iDir) {
191 double xDir = (iDir == iDirOld) ? xDirOld : 1.;
192 int iPos = (fromPos) ? iDir : iInv;
193 int iNeg = (fromPos) ? iInv : iDir;
194 StringRegion& regionGam = system.region( iPos, iNeg);
195 if (!regionGam.isSetUp) regionGam.setUp(
196 system.regionLowPos(iPos).pPos,
197 system.regionLowNeg(iNeg).pNeg, true);
198 double w2 = regionGam.w2;
199 cGam1 += xDir * xInv * w2;
200 if (iDir == iDirNew) cGam2 -= xInv * w2;
201 if (iInv == iInvNew) cGam3 += xDir * w2;
202 if (iDir == iDirNew && iInv == iInvNew) cGam4 -= w2;
203 }
204 }
206 // Solve (m2, Gamma) equation system => r2 * x-^2 + r1 * x- + r0 = 0.
207 double cM0 = pow2(mHad) - cM1;
208 double cGam0 = GammaNew - cGam1;
209 double r2 = cM3 * cGam4 - cM4 * cGam3;
210 double r1 = cM4 * cGam0 - cM0 * cGam4 + cM3 * cGam2 - cM2 * cGam3;
211 double r0 = cM2 * cGam0 - cM0 * cGam2;
212 double root = sqrtpos( r1*r1 - 4. * r2 * r0 );
213 if (abs(r2) < TINY || root < TINY) return Vec4(0., 0., 0., -1.);
214 xInvHad = 0.5 * (root / abs(r2) - r1 / r2);
215 xDirHad = (cM0 - cM3 * xInvHad) / (cM2 + cM4 * xInvHad);
217 // Define position of new trial vertex.
218 xDirNew = (iDirNew == iDirOld) ? xDirOld - xDirHad : 1. - xDirHad;
219 xInvNew = (iInvNew == iInvOld) ? xInvOld + xInvHad : xInvHad;
221 // Step up to new region if new x- > 1.
222 if (xInvNew > 1.) {
223 xInvHad = (iInvNew == iInvOld) ? 1. - xInvOld : 1.;
224 xDirHad = 0.;
225 pSoFar += region.pHad( xPosHad, xNegHad, 0., 0.);
226 --iInvNew;
227 if (iInvNew < 0) return Vec4(0., 0., 0., -1.);
228 continue;
230 // Step down to new region if new x+ < 0.
231 } else if (xDirNew < 0.) {
232 xDirHad = (iDirNew == iDirOld) ? xDirOld : 1.;
233 xInvHad = 0.;
234 pSoFar += region.pHad( xPosHad, xNegHad, 0., 0.);
235 ++iDirNew;
236 if (iDirNew + iInvNew > iMax) return Vec4(0., 0., 0., -1.);
237 continue;
238 }
240 // Else we have found the correct region, and can return four-momentum.
241 return pSoFar + region.pHad( xPosHad, xNegHad, pxNew, pyNew);
243 // End of "infinite" loop of stepping to new region.
244 }
250// Update string end information after a hadron has been removed.
252void StringEnd::update() {
254 flavOld.anti(flavNew);
255 iPosOld = iPosNew;
256 iNegOld = iNegNew;
257 pxOld = -pxNew;
258 pyOld = -pyNew;
259 GammaOld = GammaNew;
260 xPosOld = xPosNew;
261 xNegOld = xNegNew;
267// The StringFragmentation class.
271// Constants: could be changed here if desired, but normally should not.
272// These are of technical nature, as described for each.
274// Maximum number of tries to (flavour-, energy) join the two string ends.
275const int StringFragmentation::NTRYFLAV = 10;
276const int StringFragmentation::NTRYJOIN = 25;
278// The last few times gradually increase the stop mass to make it easier.
279const int StringFragmentation::NSTOPMASS = 10;
280const double StringFragmentation::FACSTOPMASS = 1.05;
282// For closed string, pick a Gamma by taking a step with fictitious mass.
283const double StringFragmentation::CLOSEDM2MAX = 25.;
284const double StringFragmentation::CLOSEDM2FRAC = 0.1;
286// Do not allow too large argument to exp function.
287const double StringFragmentation::EXPMAX = 50.;
289// Matching criterion that p+ and p- not the same (can happen in gg loop).
290const double StringFragmentation::MATCHPOSNEG = 1e-6;
292// For pull on junction, do not trace too far down each leg.
293const double StringFragmentation::EJNWEIGHTMAX = 10.;
295// Iterate junction rest frame boost until convergence or too many tries.
296const double StringFragmentation::CONVJNREST = 1e-5;
297const int StringFragmentation::NTRYJNREST = 20;
299// Fail and try again when two legs combined to diquark (3 loops).
300const int StringFragmentation::NTRYJNMATCH = 20;
302// Consider junction-leg parton as massless if m2 tiny.
303const double StringFragmentation::M2MAXJRF = 1e-4;
305// Iterate junction rest frame equation until convergence or too many tries.
306const double StringFragmentation::CONVJRFEQ = 1e-12;
307const int StringFragmentation::NTRYJRFEQ = 40;
311// Initialize and save pointers.
313void StringFragmentation::init(Info* infoPtrIn, Settings& settings,
314 ParticleData* particleDataPtrIn, Rndm* rndmPtrIn, StringFlav* flavSelPtrIn,
315 StringPT* pTSelPtrIn, StringZ* zSelPtrIn) {
317 // Save pointers.
318 infoPtr = infoPtrIn;
319 particleDataPtr = particleDataPtrIn;
320 rndmPtr = rndmPtrIn;
321 flavSelPtr = flavSelPtrIn;
322 pTSelPtr = pTSelPtrIn;
323 zSelPtr = zSelPtrIn;
325 // Initialize the StringFragmentation class.
326 stopMass = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:stopMass");
327 stopNewFlav = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:stopNewFlav");
328 stopSmear = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:stopSmear");
329 eNormJunction = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:eNormJunction");
330 eBothLeftJunction
331 = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:eBothLeftJunction");
332 eMaxLeftJunction
333 = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:eMaxLeftJunction");
334 eMinLeftJunction
335 = settings.parm("StringFragmentation:eMinLeftJunction");
337 // Initialize the b parameter of the z spectrum, used when joining jets.
338 bLund = settings.parm("StringZ:bLund");
340 // Initialize the hadrons instance of an event record.
341 hadrons.init( "(string fragmentation)", particleDataPtr);
343 // Send on pointers to the two StringEnd instances.
344 posEnd.init( particleDataPtr, flavSelPtr, pTSelPtr, zSelPtr);
345 negEnd.init( particleDataPtr, flavSelPtr, pTSelPtr, zSelPtr);
351// Perform the fragmentation.
353bool StringFragmentation::fragment( int iSub, ColConfig& colConfig,
354 Event& event) {
356 // Find partons and their total four-momentum.
357 iParton = colConfig[iSub].iParton;
358 iPos = iParton[0];
359 if (iPos < 0) iPos = iParton[1];
360 int idPos = event[iPos].id();
361 iNeg = iParton.back();
362 int idNeg = event[iNeg].id();
363 pSum = colConfig[iSub].pSum;
365 // Reset the local event record.
366 hadrons.clear();
368 // For closed gluon string: pick first breakup region.
369 isClosed = colConfig[iSub].isClosed;
370 if (isClosed) iParton = findFirstRegion(iParton, event);
372 // For junction topology: fragment off two of the string legs.
373 // Then iParton overwritten to remaining leg + leftover diquark.
374 pJunctionHadrons = 0.;
375 hasJunction = colConfig[iSub].hasJunction;
376 if (hasJunction && !fragmentToJunction(event)) return false;
377 int junctionHadrons = hadrons.size();
378 if (hasJunction) {
379 idPos = event[ iParton[0] ].id();
380 idNeg = event.back().id();
381 pSum -= pJunctionHadrons;
382 }
384 // Set up kinematics of string evolution ( = motion).
385 system.setUp(iParton, event);
386 stopMassNow = stopMass;
388 // Fallback loop, when joining in the middle fails. Bailout if stuck.
389 for ( int iTry = 0; ; ++iTry) {
390 if (iTry > NTRYJOIN) {
391 infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in StringFragmentation::fragment: "
392 "stuck in joining");
393 if (hasJunction) event.popBack(1);
394 return false;
395 }
397 // After several failed tries gradually allow larger stop mass.
398 if (iTry > NTRYJOIN - NSTOPMASS) stopMassNow *= FACSTOPMASS;
400 // Set up flavours of two string ends, and reset other info.
401 setStartEnds(idPos, idNeg, system);
402 pRem = pSum;
404 // Begin fragmentation loop, interleaved from the two ends.
405 bool fromPos;
406 for ( ; ; ) {
408 // Take a step either from the positive or the negative end.
409 fromPos = (rndmPtr->flat() < 0.5);
410 StringEnd& nowEnd = (fromPos) ? posEnd : negEnd;
412 // Construct trial hadron and check that energy remains.
413 nowEnd.newHadron();
414 if ( energyUsedUp(fromPos) ) break;
416 // Construct kinematics of the new hadron and store it.
417 Vec4 pHad = nowEnd.kinematicsHadron(system);
418 int statusHad = (fromPos) ? 83 : 84;
419 hadrons.append( nowEnd.idHad, statusHad, iPos, iNeg,
420 0, 0, 0, 0, pHad, nowEnd.mHad);
421 if (pHad.e() < 0.) break;
423 // Update string end and remaining momentum.
424 nowEnd.update();
425 pRem -= pHad;
427 // End of fragmentation loop.
428 }
430 // When done, join in the middle. If this works, then really done.
431 if ( finalTwo(fromPos) ) break;
433 // Else remove produced particles (except from first two junction legs)
434 // and start all over.
435 int newHadrons = hadrons.size() - junctionHadrons;
436 hadrons.popBack(newHadrons);
437 }
439 // Junctions: remove fictitious end, restore original parton list
440 if (hasJunction) {
441 event.popBack(1);
442 iParton = colConfig[iSub].iParton;
443 }
445 // Store the hadrons in the normal event record, ordered from one end.
446 store(event);
448 // Done.
449 return true;
455// Find region where to put first string break for closed gluon loop.
457vector<int> StringFragmentation::findFirstRegion(vector<int>& iPartonIn,
458 Event& event) {
460 // Evaluate mass-squared for all adjacent gluon pairs.
461 vector<double> m2Pair;
462 double m2Sum = 0.;
463 int size = iPartonIn.size();
464 for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
465 double m2Now = 0.5 * event[ iPartonIn[i] ].p()
466 * event[ iPartonIn[(i + 1)%size] ].p();
467 m2Pair.push_back(m2Now);
468 m2Sum += m2Now;
469 }
471 // Pick breakup region with probability proportional to mass-squared.
472 double m2Reg = m2Sum * rndmPtr->flat();
473 int iReg = -1;
474 do m2Reg -= m2Pair[++iReg];
475 while (m2Reg > 0. && iReg < size - 1);
477 // Create reordered parton list, with breakup string region duplicated.
478 vector<int> iPartonOut;
479 for (int i = 0; i < size + 2; ++i)
480 iPartonOut.push_back( iPartonIn[(i + iReg)%size] );
482 // Done.
483 return iPartonOut;
489// Set flavours and momentum position for initial string endpoints.
491void StringFragmentation::setStartEnds( int idPos, int idNeg,
492 StringSystem systemNow) {
494 // Variables characterizing string endpoints: defaults for open string.
495 double px = 0.;
496 double py = 0.;
497 double Gamma = 0.;
498 double xPosFromPos = 1.;
499 double xNegFromPos = 0.;
500 double xPosFromNeg = 0.;
501 double xNegFromNeg = 1.;
503 // For closed gluon loop need to pick an initial flavour.
504 if (isClosed) {
505 do {
506 int idTry = flavSelPtr->pickLightQ();
507 FlavContainer flavTry(idTry, 1);
508 flavTry = flavSelPtr->pick( flavTry);
509 flavTry = flavSelPtr->pick( flavTry);
510 idPos = flavTry.id;
511 idNeg = -idPos;
512 } while (idPos == 0);
514 // Also need pT and breakup vertex position in region.
515 pair<double, double> pxy = pTSelPtr->pxy();
516 px = pxy.first;
517 py = pxy.second;
518 double m2Region = systemNow.regionLowPos(0).w2;
519 double m2Temp = min( CLOSEDM2MAX, CLOSEDM2FRAC * m2Region);
520 do {
521 double zTemp = zSelPtr->zFrag( idPos, idNeg, m2Temp);
522 xPosFromPos = 1. - zTemp;
523 xNegFromPos = m2Temp / (zTemp * m2Region);
524 } while (xNegFromPos > 1.);
525 Gamma = xPosFromPos * xNegFromPos * m2Region;
526 xPosFromNeg = xPosFromPos;
527 xNegFromNeg = xNegFromPos;
528 }
530 // Initialize two string endpoints.
531 posEnd.setUp( true, iPos, idPos, systemNow.iMax, px, py,
532 Gamma, xPosFromPos, xNegFromPos);
533 negEnd.setUp( false, iNeg, idNeg, systemNow.iMax, -px, -py,
534 Gamma, xPosFromNeg, xNegFromNeg);
536 // For closed gluon loop can allow popcorn on one side but not both.
537 if (isClosed) {
538 flavSelPtr->assignPopQ(posEnd.flavOld);
539 flavSelPtr->assignPopQ(negEnd.flavOld);
540 if (rndmPtr->flat() < 0.5) posEnd.flavOld.nPop = 0;
541 else negEnd.flavOld.nPop = 0;
542 posEnd.flavOld.rank = 1;
543 negEnd.flavOld.rank = 1;
544 }
546 // Done.
552// Check remaining energy-momentum whether it is OK to continue.
554bool StringFragmentation::energyUsedUp(bool fromPos) {
556 // If remaining negative energy then abort right away.
557 if (pRem.e() < 0.) return true;
559 // Calculate W2_minimum and done if remaining W2 is below it.
560 double wMin = stopMassNow
561 + particleDataPtr->constituentMass(posEnd.flavOld.id)
562 + particleDataPtr->constituentMass(negEnd.flavOld.id);
563 if (fromPos) wMin += stopNewFlav
564 * particleDataPtr->constituentMass(posEnd.flavNew.id);
565 else wMin += stopNewFlav
566 * particleDataPtr->constituentMass(negEnd.flavNew.id);
567 wMin *= 1. + (2. * rndmPtr->flat() - 1.) * stopSmear;
568 w2Rem = pRem.m2Calc();
569 if (w2Rem < pow2(wMin)) return true;
571 // Else still enough energy left to continue iteration.
572 return false;
578// Produce the final two partons to complete the system.
580bool StringFragmentation::finalTwo(bool fromPos) {
582 // Check whether we went too far in p+-.
583 if (pRem.e() < 0. || w2Rem < 0. || (hadrons.size() > 0
584 && hadrons.back().e() < 0.) ) return false;
585 if ( posEnd.iPosOld > negEnd.iPosOld || negEnd.iNegOld > posEnd.iNegOld)
586 return false;
587 if ( posEnd.iPosOld == negEnd.iPosOld && posEnd.xPosOld < negEnd.xPosOld)
588 return false;
589 if ( posEnd.iNegOld == negEnd.iNegOld && posEnd.xNegOld > negEnd.xNegOld)
590 return false;
592 // Construct the final hadron from the leftover flavours.
593 // Impossible to join two diquarks. Also break if stuck for other reason.
594 FlavContainer flav1 = (fromPos) ? posEnd.flavNew.anti() : posEnd.flavOld;
595 FlavContainer flav2 = (fromPos) ? negEnd.flavOld : negEnd.flavNew.anti();
596 if (abs(flav1.id) > 8 && abs(flav2.id) > 8) return false;
597 int idHad;
598 for (int iTry = 0; iTry < NTRYFLAV; ++iTry) {
599 idHad = flavSelPtr->combine( flav1, flav2);
600 if (idHad != 0) break;
601 }
602 if (idHad == 0) return false;
604 // Store the final particle and its new pT, and construct its mass.
605 if (fromPos) {
606 negEnd.idHad = idHad;
607 negEnd.pxNew = -posEnd.pxNew;
608 negEnd.pyNew = -posEnd.pyNew;
609 negEnd.mHad = particleDataPtr->mass(idHad);
610 } else {
611 posEnd.idHad = idHad;
612 posEnd.pxNew = -negEnd.pxNew;
613 posEnd.pyNew = -negEnd.pyNew;
614 posEnd.mHad = particleDataPtr->mass(idHad);
615 }
617 // String region in which to do the joining.
618 StringRegion region = finalRegion();
619 if (region.isEmpty) return false;
621 // Project remaining momentum along longitudinal and transverse directions.
622 region.project( pRem);
623 double pxRem = region.px() - posEnd.pxOld - negEnd.pxOld;
624 double pyRem = region.py() - posEnd.pyOld - negEnd.pyOld;
625 double xPosRem = region.xPos();
626 double xNegRem = region.xNeg();
628 // Share extra pT kick evenly between final two hadrons.
629 posEnd.pxOld += 0.5 * pxRem;
630 posEnd.pyOld += 0.5 * pyRem;
631 negEnd.pxOld += 0.5 * pxRem;
632 negEnd.pyOld += 0.5 * pyRem;
634 // Construct new pT and mT of the final two particles.
635 posEnd.pxHad = posEnd.pxOld + posEnd.pxNew;
636 posEnd.pyHad = posEnd.pyOld + posEnd.pyNew;
637 posEnd.mT2Had = pow2(posEnd.mHad) + pow2(posEnd.pxHad)
638 + pow2(posEnd.pyHad);
639 negEnd.pxHad = negEnd.pxOld + negEnd.pxNew;
640 negEnd.pyHad = negEnd.pyOld + negEnd.pyNew;
641 negEnd.mT2Had = pow2(negEnd.mHad) + pow2(negEnd.pxHad)
642 + pow2(negEnd.pyHad);
644 // Construct remaining system transverse mass.
645 double wT2Rem = w2Rem + pow2( posEnd.pxHad + negEnd.pxHad)
646 + pow2( posEnd.pyHad + negEnd.pyHad);
648 // Check that kinematics possible.
649 if ( sqrt(wT2Rem) < sqrt(posEnd.mT2Had) + sqrt(negEnd.mT2Had) )
650 return false;
651 double lambda2 = pow2( wT2Rem - posEnd.mT2Had - negEnd.mT2Had)
652 - 4. * posEnd.mT2Had * negEnd.mT2Had;
653 if (lambda2 <= 0.) return false;
655 // Construct kinematics, as viewed in the transverse rest frame.
656 double lambda = sqrt(lambda2);
657 double probReverse = 1. / (1. + exp( min( EXPMAX, bLund * lambda) ) );
658 double xpzPos = 0.5 * lambda/ wT2Rem;
659 if (probReverse > rndmPtr->flat()) xpzPos = -xpzPos;
660 double xmDiff = (posEnd.mT2Had - negEnd.mT2Had) / wT2Rem;
661 double xePos = 0.5 * (1. + xmDiff);
662 double xeNeg = 0.5 * (1. - xmDiff );
664 // Translate this into kinematics in the string frame.
665 Vec4 pHadPos = region.pHad( (xePos + xpzPos) * xPosRem,
666 (xePos - xpzPos) * xNegRem, posEnd.pxHad, posEnd.pyHad);
667 Vec4 pHadNeg = region.pHad( (xeNeg - xpzPos) * xPosRem,
668 (xeNeg + xpzPos) * xNegRem, negEnd.pxHad, negEnd.pyHad);
670 // Add produced particles to the event record.
671 hadrons.append( posEnd.idHad, 83, posEnd.iEnd, negEnd.iEnd,
672 0, 0, 0, 0, pHadPos, posEnd.mHad);
673 hadrons.append( negEnd.idHad, 84, posEnd.iEnd, negEnd.iEnd,
674 0, 0, 0, 0, pHadNeg, negEnd.mHad);
676 // It worked.
677 return true;
683// Construct a special joining region for the final two hadrons.
685StringRegion StringFragmentation::finalRegion() {
687 // Simple case when both string ends are in the same region.
688 if (posEnd.iPosOld == negEnd.iPosOld && posEnd.iNegOld == negEnd.iNegOld)
689 return system.region( posEnd.iPosOld, posEnd.iNegOld);
691 // Start out with empty region. (Empty used for error returns.)
692 StringRegion region;
694 // Add up all remaining p+.
695 Vec4 pPosJoin;
696 if ( posEnd.iPosOld == negEnd.iPosOld) {
697 double xPosJoin = posEnd.xPosOld - negEnd.xPosOld;
698 if (xPosJoin < 0.) return region;
699 pPosJoin = system.regionLowPos(posEnd.iPosOld).pHad( xPosJoin, 0., 0., 0.);
700 } else {
701 for (int iPosNow = posEnd.iPosOld; iPosNow <= negEnd.iPosOld; ++iPosNow) {
702 if (iPosNow == posEnd.iPosOld) pPosJoin
703 += system.regionLowPos(iPosNow).pHad( posEnd.xPosOld, 0., 0., 0.);
704 else if (iPosNow == negEnd.iPosOld) pPosJoin
705 += system.regionLowPos(iPosNow).pHad( 1. - negEnd.xPosOld, 0., 0., 0.);
706 else pPosJoin += system.regionLowPos(iPosNow).pHad( 1., 0., 0., 0.);
707 }
708 }
710 // Add up all remaining p-.
711 Vec4 pNegJoin;
712 if ( negEnd.iNegOld == posEnd.iNegOld) {
713 double xNegJoin = negEnd.xNegOld - posEnd.xNegOld;
714 if (xNegJoin < 0.) return region;
715 pNegJoin = system.regionLowNeg(negEnd.iNegOld).pHad( 0., xNegJoin, 0., 0.);
716 } else {
717 for (int iNegNow = negEnd.iNegOld; iNegNow <= posEnd.iNegOld; ++iNegNow) {
718 if (iNegNow == negEnd.iNegOld) pNegJoin
719 += system.regionLowNeg(iNegNow).pHad( 0., negEnd.xNegOld, 0., 0.);
720 else if (iNegNow == posEnd.iNegOld) pNegJoin
721 += system.regionLowNeg(iNegNow).pHad( 0., 1. - posEnd.xNegOld, 0., 0.);
722 else pNegJoin += system.regionLowNeg(iNegNow).pHad( 0., 1., 0., 0.);
723 }
724 }
726 // For a closed gluon loop pPosJoin == pNegJoin and the above does not work.
727 // So reshuffle; "perfect" for g g systems, OK in general.
728 Vec4 pTest = pPosJoin - pNegJoin;
729 if ( abs(pTest.px()) + abs(pTest.py()) + abs(pTest.pz()) + abs(pTest.e())
730 < MATCHPOSNEG * (pPosJoin.e() + pNegJoin.e()) ) {
731 Vec4 delta
732 = system.regionLowPos(posEnd.iPosOld + 1).pHad( 1., 0., 0., 0.)
733 - system.regionLowNeg(negEnd.iNegOld + 1).pHad( 0., 1., 0., 0.);
734 pPosJoin -= delta;
735 pNegJoin += delta;
736 }
738 // Construct a new region from remaining p+ and p-.
739 region.setUp( pPosJoin, pNegJoin);
740 if (region.isEmpty) return region;
742 // Project the existing pTold vectors onto the new directions.
743 Vec4 pTposOld = system.region( posEnd.iPosOld, posEnd.iNegOld).pHad(
744 0., 0., posEnd.pxOld, posEnd.pyOld);
745 region.project( pTposOld);
746 posEnd.pxOld = region.px();
747 posEnd.pyOld = region.py();
748 Vec4 pTnegOld = system.region( negEnd.iPosOld, negEnd.iNegOld).pHad(
749 0., 0., negEnd.pxOld, negEnd.pyOld);
750 region.project( pTnegOld);
751 negEnd.pxOld = region.px();
752 negEnd.pyOld = region.py();
754 // Done.
755 return region;
761// Store the hadrons in the normal event record, ordered from one end.
763void StringFragmentation::store(Event& event) {
765 // Starting position.
766 int iFirst = event.size();
768 // Copy straight over from first two junction legs.
769 if (hasJunction) {
770 for (int i = 0; i < hadrons.size(); ++i)
771 if (hadrons[i].status() == 85 || hadrons[i].status() == 86)
772 event.append( hadrons[i] );
773 }
775 // Loop downwards, copying all from the positive end.
776 for (int i = 0; i < hadrons.size(); ++i)
777 if (hadrons[i].status() == 83) event.append( hadrons[i] );
779 // Loop upwards, copying all from the negative end.
780 for (int i = hadrons.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i)
781 if (hadrons[i].status() == 84) event.append( hadrons[i] );
782 int iLast = event.size() - 1;
784 // Set decay vertex when this is displaced.
785 if (event[posEnd.iEnd].hasVertex()) {
786 Vec4 vDec = event[posEnd.iEnd].vDec();
787 for (int i = iFirst; i <= iLast; ++i) event[i].vProd( vDec );
788 }
790 // Set lifetime of hadrons.
791 for (int i = iFirst; i <= iLast; ++i)
792 event[i].tau( event[i].tau0() * rndmPtr->exp() );
794 // Mark original partons as hadronized and set their daughter range.
795 for (int i = 0; i < int(iParton.size()); ++i)
796 if (iParton[i] >= 0) {
797 event[ iParton[i] ].statusNeg();
798 event[ iParton[i] ].daughters(iFirst, iLast);
799 }
805// Fragment off two of the string legs in to a junction.
807bool StringFragmentation::fragmentToJunction(Event& event) {
809 // Identify range of partons on the three legs.
810 // (Each leg begins with an iParton[i] = -(10 + 10*junctionNuber + leg),
811 // and partons then appear ordered from the junction outwards.)
812 int legBeg[3], legEnd[3];
813 int leg = -1;
814 for (int i = 0; i < int(iParton.size()); ++i) {
815 if (iParton[i] < 0) legBeg[++leg] = i + 1;
816 else legEnd[leg] = i;
817 }
819 // Iterate from system rest frame towards the junction rest frame (JRF).
820 RotBstMatrix MtoJRF, Mstep;
821 MtoJRF.bstback(pSum);
822 Vec4 pWTinJRF[3];
823 int iter = 0;
824 double errInCM = 0.;
825 do {
826 ++iter;
828 // Find weighted sum of momenta on the three sides of the junction.
829 for (leg = 0; leg < 3; ++ leg) {
830 pWTinJRF[leg] = 0.;
831 double eWeight = 0.;
832 for (int i = legBeg[leg]; i <= legEnd[leg]; ++i) {
833 Vec4 pTemp = event[ iParton[i] ].p();
834 pTemp.rotbst(MtoJRF);
835 pWTinJRF[leg] += pTemp * exp(-eWeight);
836 eWeight += pTemp.e() / eNormJunction;
837 if (eWeight > EJNWEIGHTMAX) break;
838 }
839 }
841 // Store original deviation from 120 degree topology.
842 if (iter == 1) errInCM = pow2(costheta(pWTinJRF[0], pWTinJRF[1]) + 0.5)
843 + pow2(costheta(pWTinJRF[0], pWTinJRF[2]) + 0.5)
844 + pow2(costheta(pWTinJRF[1], pWTinJRF[2]) + 0.5);
846 // Find new JRF from the set of weighted momenta.
847 Mstep = junctionRestFrame( pWTinJRF[0], pWTinJRF[1], pWTinJRF[2]);
848 // Fortran code will not take full step after the first few
849 // iterations. How implement this in terms of an M matrix??
850 MtoJRF.rotbst( Mstep );
851 } while (iter < 3 || (Mstep.deviation() > CONVJNREST && iter < NTRYJNREST) );
853 // If final deviation from 120 degrees is bigger than in CM then revert.
854 double errInJRF = pow2(costheta(pWTinJRF[0], pWTinJRF[1]) + 0.5)
855 + pow2(costheta(pWTinJRF[0], pWTinJRF[2]) + 0.5)
856 + pow2(costheta(pWTinJRF[1], pWTinJRF[2]) + 0.5);
857 if (errInJRF > errInCM) {
858 infoPtr->errorMsg("Warning in StringFragmentation::fragmentTo"
859 "Junction: bad convergence junction rest frame");
860 MtoJRF.reset();
861 MtoJRF.bstback(pSum);
862 }
864 // Opposite operation: boost from JRF to original system.
865 RotBstMatrix MfromJRF = MtoJRF;
866 MfromJRF.invert();
868 // Sum leg four-momenta in original frame and in JRF.
869 Vec4 pInLeg[3], pInJRF[3];
870 for (leg = 0; leg < 3; ++leg) {
871 pInLeg[leg] = 0.;
872 for (int i = legBeg[leg]; i <= legEnd[leg]; ++i)
873 pInLeg[leg] += event[ iParton[i] ].p();
874 pInJRF[leg] = pInLeg[leg];
875 pInJRF[leg].rotbst(MtoJRF);
876 }
878 // Pick the two legs with lowest energy in JRF.
879 int legMin = (pInJRF[0].e() < pInJRF[1].e()) ? 0 : 1;
880 int legMax = 1 - legMin;
881 if (pInJRF[2].e() < min(pInJRF[0].e(), pInJRF[1].e()) ) legMin = 2;
882 else if (pInJRF[2].e() > max(pInJRF[0].e(), pInJRF[1].e()) ) legMax = 2;
883 int legMid = 3 - legMin - legMax;
885 // Save info on which status codes belong with the three legs.
886 int iJunction = (-iParton[0]) / 10 - 1;
887 event.statusJunction( iJunction, legMin, 85);
888 event.statusJunction( iJunction, legMid, 86);
889 event.statusJunction( iJunction, legMax, 83);
891 // Temporarily copy the partons on the low-energy legs, into the JRF,
892 // in reverse order, so (anti)quark leg end first.
893 vector<int> iPartonMin;
894 for (int i = legEnd[legMin]; i >= legBeg[legMin]; --i) {
895 int iNew = event.append( event[ iParton[i] ] );
896 event[iNew].rotbst(MtoJRF);
897 iPartonMin.push_back( iNew );
898 }
899 vector<int> iPartonMid;
900 for (int i = legEnd[legMid]; i >= legBeg[legMid]; --i) {
901 int iNew = event.append( event[ iParton[i] ] );
902 event[iNew].rotbst(MtoJRF);
903 iPartonMid.push_back( iNew );
904 }
906 // Find final weighted sum of momenta on each of the two legs.
907 double eWeight = 0.;
908 pWTinJRF[legMin] = 0.;
909 for (int i = iPartonMin.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
910 pWTinJRF[legMin] += event[ iPartonMin[i] ].p() * exp(-eWeight);
911 eWeight += event[ iPartonMin[i] ].e() / eNormJunction;
912 if (eWeight > EJNWEIGHTMAX) break;
913 }
914 eWeight = 0.;
915 pWTinJRF[legMid] = 0.;
916 for (int i = iPartonMid.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
917 pWTinJRF[legMid] += event[ iPartonMid[i] ].p() * exp(-eWeight);
918 eWeight += event[ iPartonMid[i] ].e() / eNormJunction;
919 if (eWeight > EJNWEIGHTMAX) break;
920 }
922 // Define fictitious opposing partons in JRF and store as string ends.
923 Vec4 pOppose = pWTinJRF[legMin];
924 pOppose.flip3();
925 int idOppose = (rndmPtr->flat() > 0.5) ? 2 : 1;
926 if (event[ iPartonMin[0] ].col() > 0) idOppose = -idOppose;
927 int iOppose = event.append( idOppose, 77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
928 pOppose, 0.);
929 iPartonMin.push_back( iOppose);
930 pOppose = pWTinJRF[legMid];
931 pOppose.flip3();
932 idOppose = (rndmPtr->flat() > 0.5) ? 2 : 1;
933 if (event[ iPartonMid[0] ].col() > 0) idOppose = -idOppose;
934 iOppose = event.append( idOppose, 77, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
935 pOppose, 0.);
936 iPartonMid.push_back( iOppose);
938 // Set up kinematics of string evolution in low-energy temporary systems.
939 systemMin.setUp(iPartonMin, event);
940 systemMid.setUp(iPartonMid, event);
942 // Outer fallback loop, when too little energy left for third leg.
943 int idMin = 0;
944 int idMid = 0;
945 Vec4 pDiquark;
946 for ( int iTryOuter = 0; ; ++iTryOuter) {
948 // Middle fallback loop, when much unused energy in leg remnants.
949 double eLeftMin = 0.;
950 double eLeftMid = 0.;
951 for ( int iTryMiddle = 0; ; ++iTryMiddle) {
953 // Loop over the two lowest-energy legs.
954 for (int legLoop = 0; legLoop < 2; ++ legLoop) {
955 int legNow = (legLoop == 0) ? legMin : legMid;
957 // Read in properties specific to this leg.
958 StringSystem& systemNow = (legLoop == 0) ? systemMin : systemMid;
959 int idPos = (legLoop == 0) ? event[ iPartonMin[0] ].id()
960 : event[ iPartonMid[0] ].id();
961 idOppose = (legLoop == 0) ? event[ iPartonMin.back() ].id()
962 : event[ iPartonMid.back() ].id();
963 double eInJRF = pInJRF[legNow].e();
964 int statusHad = (legLoop == 0) ? 85 : 86;
966 // Inner fallback loop, when a diquark comes in to junction.
967 double eUsed = 0.;
968 for ( int iTryInner = 0; ; ++iTryInner) {
969 if (iTryInner > NTRYJNMATCH) {
970 infoPtr->errorMsg("Error in StringFragmentation::fragment"
971 "ToJunction: caught in junction flavour loop");
972 event.popBack( iPartonMin.size() + iPartonMid.size() );
973 return false;
974 }
976 // Set up two string ends, and begin fragmentation loop.
977 setStartEnds(idPos, idOppose, systemNow);
978 eUsed = 0.;
979 int nHadrons = 0;
980 bool noNegE = true;
981 for ( ; ; ++nHadrons) {
983 // Construct trial hadron from positive end.
984 posEnd.newHadron();
985 Vec4 pHad = posEnd.kinematicsHadron(systemNow);
987 // Negative energy signals failure in construction.
988 if (pHad.e() < 0. ) { noNegE = false; break; }
990 // Break if passed system midpoint ( = junction) in energy.
991 if (eUsed + pHad.e() > eInJRF) break;
993 // Else construct kinematics of the new hadron and store it.
994 hadrons.append( posEnd.idHad, statusHad, iPos, iNeg,
995 0, 0, 0, 0, pHad, posEnd.mHad);
997 // Update string end and remaining momentum.
998 posEnd.update();
999 eUsed += pHad.e();
1000 }
1002 // End of fragmentation loop. Inner loopback if ends on a diquark.
1003 if ( noNegE && abs(posEnd.flavOld.id) < 10 ) break;
1004 hadrons.popBack(nHadrons);
1005 }
1007 // End of one-leg fragmentation. Store end quark and remnant energy.
1008 if (legNow == legMin) {
1009 idMin = posEnd.flavOld.id;
1010 eLeftMin = eInJRF - eUsed;
1011 } else {
1012 idMid = posEnd.flavOld.id;
1013 eLeftMid = eInJRF - eUsed;
1014 }
1015 }
1017 // End of both-leg fragmentation. Middle loopback if too much energy left.
1018 double eTrial = eBothLeftJunction + rndmPtr->flat() * eMaxLeftJunction;
1019 if (iTryMiddle > NTRYJNMATCH
1020 || ( min( eLeftMin, eLeftMid) < eBothLeftJunction
1021 && max( eLeftMin, eLeftMid) < eTrial ) ) break;
1022 hadrons.clear();
1023 }
1025 // Boost hadrons away from the JRF to the original frame.
1026 for (int i = 0; i < hadrons.size(); ++i) {
1027 hadrons[i].rotbst(MfromJRF);
1028 // Recalculate energy to compensate for numerical precision loss
1029 // in iterative calculation of MfromJRF.
1030 hadrons[i].e( hadrons[i].eCalc() );
1031 pJunctionHadrons += hadrons[i].p();
1032 }
1034 // Outer loopback if too little energy left in third leg.
1035 pDiquark = pInLeg[legMin] + pInLeg[legMid] - pJunctionHadrons;
1036 double m2Left = m2( pInLeg[legMax], pDiquark);
1037 if (iTryOuter > NTRYJNMATCH
1038 || m2Left > eMinLeftJunction * pInLeg[legMax].e() ) break;
1039 hadrons.clear();
1040 pJunctionHadrons = 0.;
1041 }
1043 // Now found solution; no more loopback. Remove temporary parton copies.
1044 event.popBack( iPartonMin.size() + iPartonMid.size() );
1046 // Construct and store an effective diquark string end from the
1047 // two remnant quark ends, for temporary usage.
1048 int idDiquark = flavSelPtr->makeDiquark( idMin, idMid);
1049 double mDiquark = pDiquark.mCalc();
1050 int iDiquark = event.append( idDiquark, 78, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1051 pDiquark, mDiquark);
1053 // Find the partons on the last leg, again in reverse order.
1054 vector<int> iPartonMax;
1055 for (int i = legEnd[legMax]; i >= legBeg[legMax]; --i)
1056 iPartonMax.push_back( iParton[i] );
1057 iPartonMax.push_back( iDiquark );
1059 // Modify parton list to remaining leg + remnant of the first two.
1060 iParton = iPartonMax;
1062 // Done.
1063 return true;
1068// Find the boost matrix to the rest frame of a junction,
1069// given the three respective endpoint four-momenta.
1071RotBstMatrix StringFragmentation::junctionRestFrame(Vec4& p0, Vec4& p1,
1072 Vec4& p2) {
1074 // Calculate masses and other invariants.
1075 Vec4 pSumJun = p0 + p1 + p2;
1076 double sHat = pSumJun.m2Calc();
1077 double pp[3][3];
1078 pp[0][0] = p0.m2Calc();
1079 pp[1][1] = p1.m2Calc();
1080 pp[2][2] = p2.m2Calc();
1081 pp[0][1] = pp[1][0] = p0 * p1;
1082 pp[0][2] = pp[2][0] = p0 * p2;
1083 pp[1][2] = pp[2][1] = p1 * p2;
1085 // Requirement (eiMax)_j = pi*pj/mj < (eiMax)_k = pi*pk/mk, used below,
1086 // here rewritten as pi*pj * mk < pi*pk * mj and squared.
1087 double eMax01 = pow2(pp[0][1]) * pp[2][2];
1088 double eMax02 = pow2(pp[0][2]) * pp[1][1];
1089 double eMax12 = pow2(pp[1][2]) * pp[0][0];
1091 // Initially pick i to be the most massive parton. but allow other tries.
1092 int i = (pp[1][1] > pp[0][0]) ? 1 : 0;
1093 if (pp[2][2] > max(pp[0][0], pp[1][1])) i = 2;
1094 int j, k;
1095 double ei = 0.;
1096 double ej = 0.;
1097 double ek = 0.;
1098 for (int iTry = 0; iTry < 3; ++iTry) {
1100 // Pick j to give minimal eiMax, and k the third vector.
1101 if (i == 0) j = (eMax02 < eMax01) ? 2 : 1;
1102 else if (i == 1) j = (eMax12 < eMax01) ? 2 : 0;
1103 else j = (eMax12 < eMax02) ? 1 : 0;
1104 k = 3 - i - j;
1106 // Alternative names according to i, j, k conventions.
1107 double m2i = pp[i][i];
1108 double m2j = pp[j][j];
1109 double m2k = pp[k][k];
1110 double pipj = pp[i][j];
1111 double pipk = pp[i][k];
1112 double pjpk = pp[j][k];
1114 // Trivial to find new parton energies if all three partons are massless.
1115 if (m2i < M2MAXJRF) {
1116 ei = sqrt( 2. * pipk * pipj / (3. * pjpk) );
1117 ej = sqrt( 2. * pjpk * pipj / (3. * pipk) );
1118 ek = sqrt( 2. * pipk * pjpk / (3. * pipj) );
1120 // Else find three-momentum range for parton i and values at extremes.
1121 } else {
1122 // Minimum when i is at rest.
1123 double piMin = 0.;
1124 double eiMin = sqrt(m2i);
1125 double ejMin = pipj / eiMin;
1126 double ekMin = pipk / eiMin;
1127 double pjMin = sqrtpos( ejMin*ejMin - m2j );
1128 double pkMin = sqrtpos( ekMin*ekMin - m2k );
1129 double fMin = ejMin * ekMin + 0.5 * pjMin * pkMin - pjpk;
1130 // Maximum estimated when j + k is at rest, alternatively j at rest.
1131 double eiMax = (pipj + pipk) / sqrt(m2j + m2k + 2. * pjpk);
1132 if (m2j > M2MAXJRF) eiMax = min( eiMax, pipj / sqrt(m2j) );
1133 double piMax = sqrtpos( eiMax*eiMax - m2i );
1134 double temp = eiMax*eiMax - 0.25 *piMax*piMax;
1135 double pjMax = (eiMax * sqrtpos( pipj*pipj - m2j * temp )
1136 - 0.5 * piMax * pipj) / temp;
1137 double pkMax = (eiMax * sqrtpos( pipk*pipk - m2k * temp )
1138 - 0.5 * piMax * pipk) / temp;
1139 double ejMax = sqrt(pjMax*pjMax + m2j);
1140 double ekMax = sqrt(pkMax*pkMax + m2k);
1141 double fMax = ejMax * ekMax + 0.5 * pjMax * pkMax - pjpk;
1143 // If unexpected values at upper endpoint then pick another parton.
1144 if (fMax > 0.) {
1145 int iPrel = (i + 1)%3;
1146 if (pp[iPrel][iPrel] > M2MAXJRF) {i = iPrel; continue;}
1147 ++iTry;
1148 iPrel = (i + 2)%3;
1149 if (iTry < 3 && pp[iPrel][iPrel] > M2MAXJRF) {i = iPrel; continue;}
1150 }
1152 // Start binary + linear search to find solution inside range.
1153 int iterMin = 0;
1154 int iterMax = 0;
1155 double pi = 0.5 * (piMin + piMax);
1156 for (int iter = 0; iter < NTRYJRFEQ; ++iter) {
1158 // Derive momentum of other two partons and distance to root.
1159 ei = sqrt(pi*pi + m2i);
1160 temp = ei*ei - 0.25 * pi*pi;
1161 double pj = (ei * sqrtpos( pipj*pipj - m2j * temp )
1162 - 0.5 * pi * pipj) / temp;
1163 double pk = (ei * sqrtpos( pipk*pipk - m2k * temp )
1164 - 0.5 * pi * pipk) / temp;
1165 ej = sqrt(pj*pj + m2j);
1166 ek = sqrt(pk*pk + m2k);
1167 double fNow = ej * ek + 0.5 * pj * pk - pjpk;
1169 // Replace lower or upper bound by new value.
1170 if (fNow > 0.) { ++iterMin; piMin = pi; fMin = fNow;}
1171 else {++iterMax; piMax = pi; fMax = fNow;}
1173 // Pick next i momentum to explore, hopefully closer to root.
1174 if (2 * iter < NTRYJRFEQ
1175 && (iterMin < 2 || iterMax < 2 || 4 * iter < NTRYJRFEQ))
1176 { pi = 0.5 * (piMin + piMax); continue;}
1177 if (fMin < 0. || fMax > 0. || abs(fNow) < CONVJRFEQ * sHat) break;
1178 pi = piMin + (piMax - piMin) * fMin / (fMin - fMax);
1179 }
1181 // If arrived here then either succeeded or exhausted possibilities.
1182 } break;
1183 }
1185 // Now we know the energies in the junction rest frame.
1186 double eNew[3]; eNew[i] = ei; eNew[j] = ej; eNew[k] = ek;
1188 // Boost (copy of) partons to their rest frame.
1189 RotBstMatrix Mmove;
1190 Vec4 p0cm = p0;
1191 Vec4 p1cm = p1;
1192 Vec4 p2cm = p2;
1193 Mmove.bstback(pSumJun);
1194 p0cm.rotbst(Mmove);
1195 p1cm.rotbst(Mmove);
1196 p2cm.rotbst(Mmove);
1198 // Construct difference vectors and the boost to junction rest frame.
1199 Vec4 pDir01 = p0cm / p0cm.e() - p1cm / p1cm.e();
1200 Vec4 pDir02 = p0cm / p0cm.e() - p2cm / p2cm.e();
1201 double pDiff01 = pDir01.pAbs2();
1202 double pDiff02 = pDir02.pAbs2();
1203 double pDiff0102 = dot3(pDir01, pDir02);
1204 double eDiff01 = eNew[0] / p0cm.e() - eNew[1] / p1cm.e();
1205 double eDiff02 = eNew[0] / p0cm.e() - eNew[2] / p2cm.e();
1206 double denom = pDiff01 * pDiff02 - pDiff0102*pDiff0102;
1207 double coef01 = (eDiff01 * pDiff02 - eDiff02 * pDiff0102) / denom;
1208 double coef02 = (eDiff02 * pDiff01 - eDiff01 * pDiff0102) / denom;
1209 Vec4 vJunction = coef01 * pDir01 + coef02 * pDir02;
1210 vJunction.e( sqrt(1. + vJunction.pAbs2()) );
1212 // Add two boosts, giving final result.
1213 Mmove.bst(vJunction);
1214 return Mmove;
1220} // end namespace Pythia8