]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RALICE/AliAstrolab.h
names and protect against zero
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RALICE / AliAstrolab.h
8bde545d 1#ifndef ALIASTROLAB_H
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// $Id$
9#include <math.h>
caa58e1a 11#include "TTask.h"
8bde545d 12#include "TString.h"
13#include "TRotMatrix.h"
14#include "TObjArray.h"
15#include "TArrayI.h"
b867da20 16#include "TCanvas.h"
17#include "TEllipse.h"
18#include "TLine.h"
19#include "TText.h"
20#include "TH2.h"
21#include "TMarker.h"
8bde545d 22
23#include "AliTimestamp.h"
24#include "AliPosition.h"
25#include "AliSignal.h"
caa58e1a 27class AliAstrolab : public TTask,public AliTimestamp
8bde545d 28{
29 public:
caa58e1a 30 AliAstrolab(const char* name="AliAstrolab",const char* title="Generic lab"); // Constructor
8bde545d 31 virtual ~AliAstrolab(); // Destructor
32 AliAstrolab(const AliAstrolab& t); // Copy constructor
33 virtual TObject* Clone(const char* name="") const; // Make a deep copy and provide its pointer
34 void Data(Int_t mode=1,TString u="deg"); // Lab info in angular units u
35 void SetLabPosition(Ali3Vector& r); // Set lab position in terrestrial frame
36 void SetLabPosition(Double_t l,Double_t b,TString u="deg"); // Set lab terrestrial position
37 AliPosition GetLabPosition() const; // Provide the lab terrestrial position
38 void GetLabPosition(Double_t& l,Double_t& b,TString u="deg") const;// Provide the lab terrestrial position
39 using AliTimestamp::GetLT;
40 Double_t GetLT(); // Provide Local Time (LT) in fractional hours
41 using AliTimestamp::GetLMST;
42 Double_t GetLMST(); // Provide Local Mean Sidereal Time (LMST) in fractional hours
43 using AliTimestamp::GetLAST;
44 Double_t GetLAST(); // Provide Local Apparent Sidereal Time (LAST) in fractional hours
45 using AliTimestamp::SetLT;
46 void SetLT(Int_t y,Int_t m,Int_t d,Int_t hh,Int_t mm,Int_t ss,Int_t ns=0,Int_t ps=0); // Set specified LT
47 void SetLT(Int_t y,Int_t d,Int_t s,Int_t ns=0,Int_t ps=0); // Set LT based on elapsed days, secs etc...
48 Double_t ConvertAngle(Double_t a,TString in,TString out) const; // Angular format conversions
49 void PrintAngle(Double_t a,TString in,TString out,Int_t ndig=1) const;// Print angle in various formats
50 void SetSignal(Ali3Vector* r,TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref=0,TString name=""); // Store a generic signal
51 void SetSignal(Double_t a,Double_t d,TString s,Double_t e,TString mode,Int_t jref=0,TString name=""); // Store RA, decl. and time
52 void SetSignal(Double_t a,Double_t d,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref=0,TString name=""); // Store RA, decl. and time
53 AliSignal* GetSignal(Ali3Vector& r,TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref=0);// Provide stored signal data
54 AliSignal* GetSignal(Ali3Vector& r,TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,TString name);// Provide stored signal data
55 AliSignal* GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref=0); // Provide corrected RA and decl.
56 AliSignal* GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,TString name); // Provide corrected RA and decl.
57 AliSignal* GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString s,Double_t e,TString mode,Int_t jref=0);// Provide corrected RA and decl.
58 AliSignal* GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString s,Double_t e,TString mode,TString name);// Provide corrected RA and decl.
59 AliSignal* GetSignal(Int_t jref=0); // Provide pointer to a stored signal object
60 AliSignal* GetSignal(TString name); // Provide pointer to a stored signal object
61 void RemoveRefSignal(Int_t j,Int_t compress); // Remove a stored reference signal object
62 void RemoveRefSignal(TString name,Int_t compress); // Remove a stored reference signal object
63 void PrintSignal(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t ndig,Int_t jref=0); // Print stored signal data
64 void PrintSignal(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t ndig,TString name); // Print stored signal data
65 void ListSignals(TString frame,TString mode,Int_t ndig=1); // List all stored signals
66 Int_t GetSignalIndex(TString name); // Provide storage index of the signal with the specified name
67 Double_t GetHourAngle(TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref=0);// Provide the Local Hour Angle in degrees
68 void SetLocalFrame(Double_t t1,Double_t p1,Double_t t2,Double_t p2,Double_t t3,Double_t p3); // Define local coordinate frame
69 using AliTimestamp::GetDifference;
70 Double_t GetDifference(Int_t jref,TString au,Double_t& dt,TString tu,Int_t mode=1,Int_t* ia=0,Int_t* it=0); // Provide space and time difference
71 Double_t GetDifference(TString name,TString au,Double_t& dt,TString tu,Int_t mode=1);// Provide space and time difference
72 TArrayI* MatchRefSignal(Double_t da,TString au,Double_t dt,TString tu,Int_t mode=1); // Provide space and time matching reference signals
b867da20 73 void DisplaySignal(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref=0,TString proj="ham",Int_t clr=0); // Display stored signal
74 void DisplaySignal(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,TString name,TString proj="ham",Int_t clr=0); // Display stored signal
75 void DisplaySignals(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,TString proj="ham",Int_t clr=0); // Display all stored signals
76 void SetCentralMeridian(Double_t phi,TString u="deg"); // Set central meridian for the sky display
8bde545d 77
78 protected:
79 AliPosition fLabPos; // Position of the lab in the terrestrial longitude-latitude frame
80 Double_t fToffset; // Lab time offset in fractional hours w.r.t. UT
81 AliSignal* fXsig; // Signal entry for object or event studies
82 TObjArray* fRefs; // Array holding the reference signals
83 TRotMatrix fB; //! The frame bias matrix for conversion of ICRS to J2000 coordinates
84 Int_t fBias; //! Initialisation flag for fB values (0=uninitialised 1=initialised)
85 TRotMatrix fP; //! Matrix for precession correction
86 TRotMatrix fN; //! Matrix for nutation correction
87 TRotMatrix fG; //! Matrix for conversion of equatorial to galactic coordinates
88 Int_t fGal; //! Type indicator for fG values (0=uninitialised 1=B1950 2=J2000)
89 TRotMatrix fE; //! Matrix for conversion of equatorial to ecliptic coordinates
90 TRotMatrix fH; //! Matrix for conversion of equatorial to horizontal coordinates
91 TRotMatrix fL; //! Matrix for conversion of horizontal to local-frame coordinates
92 TArrayI* fIndices; //! Storage indices of the matching reference signals
93 void SetBmatrix(); // Set the frame bias matrix
94 void SetPmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts); // Set precession matrix for Julian date jd w.r.t. J2000.
95 void SetNmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts); // Set nutation matrix for Julian date jd w.r.t. J2000.
96 void SetGmatrix(TString mode); // Set the equatorial to galactic conversion matrix
97 void SetEmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts); // Set the equatorial to ecliptic conversion matrix
98 void SetHmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts); // Set the equatorial to horizontal conversion matrix
99 void Precess(Ali3Vector& r,AliTimestamp* ts1,AliTimestamp* ts2); // Correct RA and decl. for earth's precession
100 void Nutate(Ali3Vector& r,AliTimestamp* ts); // Correct RA and decl. for earth's nutation
b867da20 101
102 // The skymap display facilities of Garmt
103 Double_t fMeridian; //! Central meridian (in rad) for the sky display
104 TString fProj; //! Projection which is currently in use
105 TCanvas* fCanvas; //! The canvas for the skymap
106 TH1* fHist; //! Temp. histogram for the sky display
107 TObjArray* fMarkers; //! Temp. array to hold the markers for the signal display
108 void Project(Double_t l,Double_t b,TString proj,Double_t& x,Double_t& y);// Projection of (l,b) pair
109 void ProjectCylindrical(Double_t l,Double_t b,Double_t& x,Double_t& y); // Cylindrical projection of (l,b) pair
110 void ProjectHammer(Double_t l,Double_t b,Double_t& x,Double_t& y); // Hammer-Aitoff projection of (l,b) pair
111 void ProjectAitoff(Double_t l,Double_t b,Double_t& x,Double_t& y); // Aitoff projection of (l,b) pair
112 void ProjectMercator(Double_t l,Double_t b,Double_t& x,Double_t& y); // Mercator projection of (l,b) pair
8bde545d 113
b867da20 114 ClassDef(AliAstrolab,3) // Virtual lab to relate measurements with astrophysical phenomena
8bde545d 115};