]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RALICE/AliEventSelector.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RALICE / AliEventSelector.cxx
caa58e1a 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16// $Id$
19// Class AliEventSelector
20// TTask based processor to perform generic event selection.
21// This class is derived from AliAstrolab in order to also provide event
22// selection based on space and time matching with external (astrophysical)
23// objects and phenomena.
25// After having applied the various selection criteria, this processor
26// introduces an AliDevice with the name "AliEventSelector" into the event.
27// This device contains named signal slots to indicate the settings
28// of the various selection parameters.
29// One of the slots has the name "Select" and the signal value of this
30// slot indicates the final selection result.
32// value : -1 ==> Event rejected
33// 0 ==> Decision unknown (incomplete selection parameters)
34// 1 ==> Event selected
36// Event selection may be performed based on various selection types,
37// e.g. individual track observables, total event observables or
38// space and time matching with external objects.
39// These types can be (de)activated via the SetSelector member function.
41// The specific selection criteria for each selection type may be
42// specified via the SetRange memberfunction.
44// The logic to be used in the selection process with the various criteria
45// is set via the memberfunction SetLogic.
46// Obviously, matching of tracks with various external objects is always
47// performed in logical "or".
49// For investigation of individual track observables and/or matching with
50// external objects, the user may define a restricted set of tracks to
51// be used in the evaluation procedures. The definition of such a restricted
52// track set is performed via the memberfunction UseTracks.
54// Example :
55// ---------
56// gSystem->Load("ralice");
58// AliEventSelector sel;
59// sel.SetLabPosition(0.5,-90,"deg"); // The South Pole Neutrino Observatory
60// sel.SetLocalFrame(90,180,90,270,0,0); // Local frame has X-axis to the North
62// sel.SetSelector("astro");
63// sel.SetSelector("track");
64// sel.SetSelector("event");
65// sel.SetLogic("and");
66// sel.UseTracks("*");
68// sel.SetRange("track","p",0.5,1e20); // Require at least 500 MeV/c track momentum
69// sel.SetRange("event","ntrk","*",1,3); // Only low multiplicity events
71// // Match with Astrophysical objects within 5 degrees and 10 seconds
72// Float_t da=5;
73// Float_t dt=10;
74// sel.SetAstroMatch(da,dt,"from");
76// // Some observed event to be investigated
77// AliEvent evt;
78// evt.SetUT(1989,7,30,8,14,23,738504,0);
80// Float_t vec[3]={1,23.8,118.65};
81// Ali3Vector r;
82// r.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg");
84// AliTrack t;
85// t.SetNameTitle("SomeTrack","Just a dummy test track");
86// r*=-1; // Let track originate from specified location
87// t.Set3Momentum(r);
89// evt.AddTrack(t);
91// // Enter some external (astrophysical) reference signals
92// Float_t alpha=194818.0;
93// Float_t delta=84400.;
94// sel.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"B",1950,"M",-1,"Altair");
95// alpha=124900.0;
96// delta=272400.;
97// sel.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"B",1950,"M",-1,"NGP");
98// alpha=64508.917;
99// delta=-164258.02;
100// sel.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"J",2000,"M",-1,"Sirius");
101// alpha=23149.08;
102// delta=891550.8;
103// sel.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"J",2000,"M",-1,"Polaris");
104// alpha=43600.;
105// delta=163100.;
106// sel.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"J",2000,"M",-1,"Aldebaran");
107// Float_t l=327.531;
108// Float_t b=-35.8903;
109// Float_t pos[3]={1,90.-b,l};
110// r.SetVector(pos,"sph","deg");
111// sel.SetUT(1989,7,30,8,14,16,0,0);
112// sel.SetSignal(&r,"gal","M",0,-1,"GRB890730"); // This matches our track
114// // List all stored reference objects
115// sel.ListSignals("equ","T",5);
117// // Let's see what the event selection makes of it
118// AliJob q;
119// q.Add(&sel);
120// q.ListEnvironment();
121// q.ProcessObject(&evt);
123// AliDevice* evtsel=(AliDevice*)evt.GetDevice("AliEventSelector");
124// if (evtsel) evtsel->Data();
126//--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 17-sep-2007 Utrecht University
127//- Modified: NvE $Date$ Utrecht University
130#include "AliEventSelector.h"
131#include "Riostream.h"
133ClassImp(AliEventSelector) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O
135AliEventSelector::AliEventSelector(const char* name,const char* title) : AliAstrolab(name,title)
137// Default constructor.
139 fFirst=1;
140 fEvt=0;
141 fParams=0;
142 fSelect=0;
143 fTrackflag=0;
144 fEventflag=0;
145 fAstroflag=0;
146 fLogic=0;
147 fUseNames=0;
148 fUseNtk=0;
149 fAstroDa=-1;
150 fAstroDt=-1;
151 fAstroDir=0;
153 for (Int_t i=0; i<=8; i=i+2)
154 {
155 fEventTracks[i]=0;
156 fEventTracks[i+1]=-1;
157 if (i<=4)
158 {
159 fTrackMomenta[i]=0;
160 fTrackMomenta[i+1]=-1;
161 fTrackEnergies[i]=0;
162 fTrackEnergies[i+1]=-1;
163 fEventMomenta[i]=0;
164 fEventMomenta[i+1]=-1;
165 fEventEnergies[i]=0;
166 fEventEnergies[i+1]=-1;
167 }
168 if (i<=2)
169 {
170 fTrackRapidities[i]=0;
171 fTrackRapidities[i+1]=-1;
172 }
173 if (i==0)
174 {
175 fTrackMasses[i]=0;
176 fTrackMasses[i+1]=-1;
177 fEventMasses[i]=0;
178 fEventMasses[i+1]=-1;
179 fTrackCharges[i]=0;
180 fTrackCharges[i+1]=-1;
181 fEventCharges[i]=0;
182 fEventCharges[i+1]=-1;
183 fTrackDevices[i]=0;
184 fTrackDevices[i+1]=-1;
185 fEventDevices[i]=0;
186 fEventDevices[i+1]=-1;
187 }
188 }
189 fTrackDevClass="";
190 fEventDevClass="";
191 fEventTrkName="";
196// Default destructor.
198 if (fParams)
199 {
200 delete fParams;
201 fParams=0;
202 }
204 if (fUseNames)
205 {
206 delete fUseNames;
207 fUseNames=0;
208 }
209 if (fUseNtk)
210 {
211 delete fUseNtk;
212 fUseNtk=0;
213 }
216AliEventSelector::AliEventSelector(const AliEventSelector& q) : AliAstrolab(q)
218// Copy constructor
220 fFirst=1;
221 fEvt=0;
222 fParams=new AliDevice(*(q.fParams));
223 fSelect=q.fSelect;
224 fTrackflag=q.fTrackflag;
225 fEventflag=q.fEventflag;
226 fAstroflag=q.fAstroflag;
227 fLogic=q.fLogic;
228 fAstroDa=q.fAstroDa;
229 fAstroDt=q.fAstroDt;
230 fAstroDir=q.fAstroDir;
232 for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++)
233 {
234 fEventTracks[i]=q.fEventTracks[i];
236 if (i<6)
237 {
238 fTrackMomenta[i]=q.fTrackMomenta[i];
239 fTrackEnergies[i]=q.fTrackEnergies[i];
240 fEventMomenta[i]=q.fEventMomenta[i];
241 fEventEnergies[i]=q.fEventEnergies[i];
242 }
244 if (i<4) fTrackRapidities[i]=q.fTrackRapidities[i];
246 if (i<2)
247 {
248 fTrackMasses[i]=q.fTrackMasses[i];
249 fEventMasses[i]=q.fEventMasses[i];
250 fTrackCharges[i]=q.fTrackCharges[i];
251 fEventCharges[i]=q.fEventCharges[i];
252 fTrackDevices[i]=q.fTrackDevices[i];
253 fEventDevices[i]=q.fEventDevices[i];
254 }
255 }
256 fTrackDevClass=q.fTrackDevClass;
257 fEventDevClass=q.fEventDevClass;
258 fEventTrkName=q.fEventTrkName;
261void AliEventSelector::SetSelector(TString type,Int_t flag)
263// Specify the selection types to be used.
264// The various types my be selected in a cumulative way by specification
265// of the input argument "type".
266// The various possibilities are :
268// type = "track" ==> Selection based on individual track observables (e.g. Pt)
269// "event" ==> Selection based on total event observables (e.g. Invmass)
270// "astro" ==> Selection based on correlation with external objects
272// The specified selection types can be (de)activated via the input
273// argument "flag".
275// flag = 0 ==> Don't use the specified selection type
276// 1 ==> Use the specified selection type
278// For type="astro" the flag>0 value specifies further selections as follows :
280// flag = 1 ==> Match individual track momentum directions with external (astrophysical) objects
281// 2 ==> Match event total momentum direction with external (astrophysical) objects
282// 3 ==> Match event position with external (astrophysical) objects
284// For further details see memberfunction SetAstroMatch.
286// The default value is flag=1.
288// Note : In the default constructor all selection types are de-activated.
290 if (type=="track") fTrackflag=flag;
291 if (type=="event") fEventflag=flag;
292 if (type=="astro") fAstroflag=flag;
295void AliEventSelector::SetLogic(TString type)
297// Set type of the decision logic.
299// type = "and" ==> Event selection based on logical "and"
300// "or" ==> Event selection based on logical "or"
301// "nand" ==> Event selection based on logical "nand"
302// "nor" ==> Event selection based on logical "nor"
304// Note : In the default constructor the decision logic is set to "unknown".
306 if (type=="and") fLogic=1;
307 if (type=="or") fLogic=2;
308 if (type=="nand") fLogic=-1;
309 if (type=="nor") fLogic=-2;
312void AliEventSelector::UseTracks(TString name,Int_t n)
314// Specification of the track names to be used for the investigation
315// of individual track observables and matching with external objects.
317// name : Specifies the track name (e.g. "IceDwalk")
318// In case name="*" all track names will be accepted.
320// n : Specifies the max. number of these tracks to be used
322// Note : n<0 will use all the existing tracks of the specified name
324// The default is n=-1.
326// Consecutive invokations of this memberfunction with different names
327// will result in an incremental effect.
329// Example :
330// ---------
331// UseTracks("IceDwalk",5);
332// UseTracks("IceLinefit",2);
333// UseTracks("Pythia");
335// This will use the first 5 IceDwalk, the first 2 IceLinefit and all the
336// Pythia tracks which are encountered in the event structure.
338 if (!fUseNames)
339 {
340 fUseNames=new TObjArray();
341 fUseNames->SetOwner();
342 }
344 if (!fUseNtk) fUseNtk=new TArrayI();
346 // Check if this classname has already been specified before
347 TString s;
348 Int_t nen=fUseNames->GetEntries();
349 for (Int_t i=0; i<nen; i++)
350 {
351 TObjString* sx=(TObjString*)fUseNames->At(i);
352 if (!sx) continue;
353 s=sx->GetString();
354 if (s==name) return;
355 }
357 // New name to be added into the storage
358 if (nen >= fUseNames->GetSize()) fUseNames->Expand(nen+1);
359 if (nen >= fUseNtk->GetSize()) fUseNtk->Set(nen+1);
361 TObjString* namex=new TObjString();
362 namex->SetString(name);
363 fUseNames->Add(namex);
364 fUseNtk->AddAt(n,nen);
367void AliEventSelector::SetAstroMatch(Double_t da,Double_t dt,TString dir)
369// Set the parameters for the matching of reference objects.
371// da : Maximum angular difference in degrees
372// dt : Maximum absolute time difference in seconds
373// dir : "to" ==> Check the location the track (or event) points to
374// "from" ==> Check the location the track (or event) originates from
376 fAstroDa=fabs(da);
377 fAstroDt=fabs(dt);
378 fAstroDir=0;
379 if (dir=="to") fAstroDir=1;
380 if (dir=="from") fAstroDir=-1;
382 if (!fParams) fParams=new AliDevice();
384 fParams->AddNamedSlot("AstroDa");
385 fParams->AddNamedSlot("AstroDt");
386 fParams->AddNamedSlot("AstroDir");
387 fParams->SetSignal(fAstroDa,"AstroDa");
388 fParams->SetSignal(fAstroDt,"AstroDt");
389 fParams->SetSignal(fAstroDir,"AstroDir");
392void AliEventSelector::SetRange(TString type,TString obs,Double_t low,Double_t up)
394// Set range for the specified observable.
396// type : Selection type specifier (e.g. "track" or "event").
397// obs : Observable specification.
398// low : Lower bound of acceptance range
399// up : Upper bound of acceptance range
401// The various observables that are available for selection criteria are :
403// obs : "p" ==> Momentum value in GeV/c
404// "pt" ==> Transverse momentum value in GeV/c
405// "pl" ==> Longitudinal momentum value in GeV/c
406// "e" ==> Energy value in GeV
407// "et" ==> Transverse momentum value in GeV
408// "el" ==> Longitudinal momentum value in GeV
409// "m" ==> (Invariant) mass in GeV/c^2
410// "q" ==> Charge (electron charge is defined as -1)
411// "y" ==> Rapidity (only for "track")
412// "eta" ==> Pseudo-rapidity (only for "track")
414// Note : When up<low the specified observable will not be used for selection.
416// In the default constructor all observables are de-activated for selection.
418 if (!fParams) fParams=new AliDevice();
420 if (type=="track") // Individual track observables
421 {
422 if (obs=="p")
423 {
424 fTrackMomenta[0]=low;
425 fTrackMomenta[1]=up;
426 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinP");
427 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxP");
428 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinP");
429 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxP");
430 }
431 if (obs=="pt")
432 {
433 fTrackMomenta[2]=low;
434 fTrackMomenta[3]=up;
435 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinPt");
436 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxPt");
437 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinPt");
438 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxPt");
439 }
440 if (obs=="pl")
441 {
442 fTrackMomenta[4]=low;
443 fTrackMomenta[5]=up;
444 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinPl");
445 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxPl");
446 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinPl");
447 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxPl");
448 }
449 if (obs=="e")
450 {
451 fTrackEnergies[0]=low;
452 fTrackEnergies[1]=up;
453 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinE");
454 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxE");
455 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinE");
456 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxE");
457 }
458 if (obs=="et")
459 {
460 fTrackEnergies[2]=low;
461 fTrackEnergies[3]=up;
462 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinEt");
463 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxEt");
464 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinEt");
465 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxEt");
466 }
467 if (obs=="el")
468 {
469 fTrackEnergies[4]=low;
470 fTrackEnergies[5]=up;
471 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinEl");
472 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxEl");
473 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinEl");
474 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxEl");
475 }
476 if (obs=="m")
477 {
478 fTrackMasses[0]=low;
479 fTrackMasses[1]=up;
480 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinM");
481 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxM");
482 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinM");
483 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxM");
484 }
485 if (obs=="q")
486 {
487 fTrackCharges[0]=low;
488 fTrackCharges[1]=up;
489 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinQ");
490 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxQ");
491 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinQ");
492 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxQ");
493 }
494 if (obs=="y")
495 {
496 fTrackRapidities[0]=low;
497 fTrackRapidities[1]=up;
498 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinY");
499 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxY");
500 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinY");
501 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxY");
502 }
503 if (obs=="eta")
504 {
505 fTrackRapidities[2]=low;
506 fTrackRapidities[3]=up;
507 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinEta");
508 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxEta");
509 fParams->SetSignal(low,"TrackMinEta");
510 fParams->SetSignal(up,"TrackMaxEta");
511 }
512 }
514 if (type=="event") // Total event observables
515 {
516 if (obs=="p")
517 {
518 fEventMomenta[0]=low;
519 fEventMomenta[1]=up;
520 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinP");
521 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxP");
522 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinP");
523 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxP");
524 }
525 if (obs=="pt")
526 {
527 fEventMomenta[2]=low;
528 fEventMomenta[3]=up;
529 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinPt");
530 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxPt");
531 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinPt");
532 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxPt");
533 }
534 if (obs=="pl")
535 {
536 fEventMomenta[4]=low;
537 fEventMomenta[5]=up;
538 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinPl");
539 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxPl");
540 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinPl");
541 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxPl");
542 }
543 if (obs=="e")
544 {
545 fEventEnergies[0]=low;
546 fEventEnergies[1]=up;
547 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinE");
548 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxE");
549 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinE");
550 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxE");
551 }
552 if (obs=="et")
553 {
554 fEventEnergies[2]=low;
555 fEventEnergies[3]=up;
556 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinEt");
557 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxEt");
558 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinEt");
559 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxEt");
560 }
561 if (obs=="el")
562 {
563 fEventEnergies[4]=low;
564 fEventEnergies[5]=up;
565 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinEl");
566 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxEl");
567 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinEl");
568 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxEl");
569 }
570 if (obs=="m")
571 {
572 fEventMasses[0]=low;
573 fEventMasses[1]=up;
574 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinM");
575 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxM");
576 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinM");
577 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxM");
578 }
579 if (obs=="q")
580 {
581 fEventCharges[0]=low;
582 fEventCharges[1]=up;
583 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinQ");
584 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxQ");
585 fParams->SetSignal(low,"EventMinQ");
586 fParams->SetSignal(up,"EventMaxQ");
587 }
588 }
591void AliEventSelector::SetRange(TString type,TString obs,TString name,Int_t nlow,Int_t nup)
593// Set range for the specified observable.
595// type : Selection type specifier (e.g. "track" or "event").
596// obs : Observable specification.
597// name : (Class) name of the objects to be searched for
598// nlow : Lower bound of acceptance range
599// nup : Upper bound of acceptance range
601// The various observables that are available for selection criteria are :
603// obs : "ndev" ==> Number of associated devices of the specified (derived) class name
604// "ntrk" ==> Number of tracks with the specified name (name="*" ==> all tracks)
605// "ntkc" ==> Total number of charged tracks (no name selection)
606// "ntk0" ==> Total number of neutral tracks (no name selection)
607// "ntk+" ==> Total number of positive tracks (no name selection)
608// "ntk-" ==> Total number of negative tracks (no name selection)
610// Note : For a certain (type,obs) combination only one (class) name can be specified.
612 if (!fParams) fParams=new AliDevice();
614 if (type=="track") // Individual track observables
615 {
616 if (obs=="ndev")
617 {
618 fTrackDevices[0]=nlow;
619 fTrackDevices[1]=nup;
620 fTrackDevClass=name;
621 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMinNdev");
622 fParams->AddNamedSlot("TrackMaxNdev");
623 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"TrackMinNdev");
624 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"TrackMaxNdev");
625 }
626 }
628 if (type=="event") // Total event observables
629 {
630 if (obs=="ndev")
631 {
632 fEventDevices[0]=nlow;
633 fEventDevices[1]=nup;
634 fEventDevClass=name;
635 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinNdev");
636 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxNdev");
637 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"EventMinNdev");
638 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"EventMaxNdev");
639 }
640 if (obs=="ntrk")
641 {
642 fEventTracks[0]=nlow;
643 fEventTracks[1]=nup;
644 fEventTrkName=name;
645 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinNtrk");
646 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxNtrk");
647 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"EventMinNtrk");
648 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"EventMaxNtrk");
649 }
650 if (obs=="ntkc")
651 {
652 fEventTracks[2]=nlow;
653 fEventTracks[3]=nup;
654 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinNtkc");
655 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxNtkc");
656 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"EventMinNtkc");
657 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"EventMaxNtkc");
658 }
659 if (obs=="ntk0")
660 {
661 fEventTracks[4]=nlow;
662 fEventTracks[5]=nup;
663 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinNtk0");
664 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxNtk0");
665 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"EventMinNtk0");
666 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"EventMaxNtk0");
667 }
668 if (obs=="ntk+")
669 {
670 fEventTracks[6]=nlow;
671 fEventTracks[7]=nup;
672 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinNtk+");
673 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxNtk+");
674 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"EventMinNtk+");
675 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"EventMaxNtk+");
676 }
677 if (obs=="ntk-")
678 {
679 fEventTracks[8]=nlow;
680 fEventTracks[9]=nup;
681 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMinNtk-");
682 fParams->AddNamedSlot("EventMaxNtk-");
683 fParams->SetSignal(float(nlow),"EventMinNtk-");
684 fParams->SetSignal(float(nup),"EventMaxNtk-");
685 }
686 }
689void AliEventSelector::Exec(Option_t* opt)
691// Implementation of the event selection procedures.
693 TString name=opt;
694 AliJob* parent=(AliJob*)(gROOT->GetListOfTasks()->FindObject(name.Data()));
696 if (!parent) return;
698 fEvt=(AliEvent*)parent->GetObject("AliEvent");
699 if (!fEvt) return;
701 Int_t ntkmax=0; // Max. number of tracks for a certain name
702 Int_t nnames=0; // Number of track names to be processed
703 if (fUseNames) nnames=fUseNames->GetEntries();
704 TObjString* strx=0;
705 TString str;
707 if (fFirst)
708 {
709 cout << " *AliEventSelector* Selection parameters." << endl;
710 cout << " Selection types in use :";
711 if (fTrackflag) cout << " track";
712 if (fEventflag) cout << " event";
713 if (fAstroflag) cout << " astro";
714 if (!fTrackflag && !fEventflag && !fAstroflag) cout << " none";
715 cout << endl;
716 cout << " Selection logic in use :";
717 if (fLogic==1) cout << " and";
718 if (fLogic==2) cout << " or";
719 if (fLogic==-1) cout << " nand";
720 if (fLogic==-2) cout << " nor";
721 if (!fLogic) cout << " unknown";
722 cout << endl;
723 if (nnames) cout << " Track name selections to be processed (-1=all)." << endl;
724 for (Int_t i=0; i<nnames; i++)
725 {
726 strx=(TObjString*)fUseNames->At(i);
727 if (!strx) continue;
728 str=strx->GetString();
729 ntkmax=fUseNtk->At(i);
730 cout << " Maximally " << ntkmax << " track(s) per event of name : " << str.Data() << endl;
731 }
732 cout << endl;
734 fFirst=0;
735 }
737 // Storage of the used parameters in the AliEventSelector device
738 if (!fParams) fParams=new AliDevice();
739 fParams->SetNameTitle("AliEventSelector","AliEventSelector processor parameters");
741 fSelect=0;
742 if (fLogic)
743 {
744 if (fEventflag) Event(); // Check criteria for total event observables
745 if (fTrackflag) Track(0); // Check criteria for total track observables
746 if (fAstroflag) Astro(); // Check for matches with external objects
747 }
749 if (fLogic<0) fSelect*=-1; // In case of "nand"/"nor" logic
751 fParams->AddNamedSlot("Logic");
752 fParams->SetSignal(float(fLogic),"Logic");
753 fParams->AddNamedSlot("Eventflag");
754 fParams->SetSignal(float(fEventflag),"Eventflag");
755 fParams->AddNamedSlot("Trackflag");
756 fParams->SetSignal(float(fTrackflag),"Trackflag");
757 fParams->AddNamedSlot("Astroflag");
758 fParams->SetSignal(float(fAstroflag),"Astroflag");
759 fParams->AddNamedSlot("Select");
760 fParams->SetSignal(float(fSelect),"Select");
762 AliDevice* dx=(AliDevice*)fEvt->GetDevice("AliEventSelector");
763 if (dx) fEvt->RemoveDevice(dx);
764 fEvt->AddDevice(fParams);
767void AliEventSelector::Track(Int_t mode)
769// Check criteria for individual track observables.
770// This memberfunction serves also the track direction checking
771// for external (astrophysical) objects.
772// mode = 0 : Track observables (e.g. P, Pt etc...) are checked
773// 1 : Track direction is checked w.r.t. external (astrophysical) objects
775 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
777 if (fSelect>0) return; // Event is already flagged as select
779 if (!fUseNames) return;
781 if (mode==1 && !fAstroDir) return;
783 Int_t nnames=fUseNames->GetEntries(); // Number of track names to be processed
784 Int_t ntkmax=0; // Max. number of tracks for a certain name
785 TObjString* strx=0;
786 TString str;
787 Int_t ntk;
789 AliTrack* track=0;
790 AliTimestamp* ts=0;
791 Ali3Vector p;
792 TObjArray* tracks=0;
793 Double_t val;
794 Int_t ival;
795 for (Int_t i=0; i<nnames; i++) // Loop over selected track names
796 {
797 strx=(TObjString*)fUseNames->At(i);
798 if (!strx) continue;
799 str=strx->GetString();
800 ntkmax=fUseNtk->At(i);
801 if (str=="*")
802 {
803 tracks=fEvt->GetTracks();
804 }
805 else
806 {
807 tracks=fEvt->GetTracks(str);
808 }
809 ntk=0;
810 if (tracks) ntk=tracks->GetEntries();
811 if (ntkmax>0 && ntk>ntkmax) ntk=ntkmax;
813 for (Int_t jtk=0; jtk<ntk; jtk++) // Loop over tracks of a certain name
814 {
815 track=(AliTrack*)tracks->At(jtk);
816 if (!track) continue;
818 if (!mode) // Check track observables
819 {
820 if (fTrackMomenta[1]>fTrackMomenta[0]) // Selection on P
821 {
822 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
823 val=track->GetMomentum(1);
824 if (val>=fTrackMomenta[0] && val<=fTrackMomenta[1])
825 {
826 fSelect=1;
827 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
828 }
829 }
830 if (fTrackMomenta[3]>fTrackMomenta[2]) // Selection on Pt
831 {
832 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
833 val=track->GetPt(1);
834 if (val>=fTrackMomenta[2] && val<=fTrackMomenta[3])
835 {
836 fSelect=1;
837 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
838 }
839 }
840 if (fTrackMomenta[5]>fTrackMomenta[4]) // Selection on Pl
841 {
842 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
843 val=track->GetPl(1);
844 if (val>=fTrackMomenta[4] && val<=fTrackMomenta[5])
845 {
846 fSelect=1;
847 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
848 }
849 }
850 if (fTrackEnergies[1]>fTrackEnergies[0]) // Selection on E
851 {
852 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
853 val=track->GetEnergy(1);
854 if (val>=fTrackEnergies[0] && val<=fTrackEnergies[1])
855 {
856 fSelect=1;
857 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
858 }
859 }
860 if (fTrackEnergies[3]>fTrackEnergies[2]) // Selection on Et
861 {
862 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
863 val=track->GetEt(1);
864 if (val>=fTrackEnergies[2] && val<=fTrackEnergies[3])
865 {
866 fSelect=1;
867 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
868 }
869 }
870 if (fTrackEnergies[5]>fTrackEnergies[4]) // Selection on El
871 {
872 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
873 val=track->GetEl(1);
874 if (val>=fTrackEnergies[4] && val<=fTrackEnergies[5])
875 {
876 fSelect=1;
877 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
878 }
879 }
880 if (fTrackMasses[1]>fTrackMasses[0]) // Selection on M
881 {
882 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
883 val=track->GetMass(1);
884 if (val>=fTrackMasses[0] && val<=fTrackMasses[1])
885 {
886 fSelect=1;
887 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
888 }
889 }
890 if (fTrackCharges[1]>fTrackCharges[0]) // Selection on Q
891 {
892 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
893 val=track->GetCharge();
894 if (val>=fTrackCharges[0] && val<=fTrackCharges[1])
895 {
896 fSelect=1;
897 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
898 }
899 }
900 if (fTrackRapidities[1]>fTrackRapidities[0]) // Selection on Y
901 {
902 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
903 val=track->GetRapidity();
904 if (val>=fTrackRapidities[0] && val<=fTrackRapidities[1])
905 {
906 fSelect=1;
907 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
908 }
909 }
910 if (fTrackRapidities[3]>fTrackRapidities[2]) // Selection on Eta
911 {
912 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
913 val=track->GetPseudoRapidity();
914 if (val>=fTrackRapidities[2] && val<=fTrackRapidities[3])
915 {
916 fSelect=1;
917 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
918 }
919 }
920 if (fTrackDevices[1]>fTrackDevices[0]) // Selection on Ndev
921 {
922 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
923 ival=track->GetNsignals(fTrackDevClass.Data());
924 if (ival>=fTrackDevices[0] && ival<=fTrackDevices[1])
925 {
926 fSelect=1;
927 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
928 }
929 }
930 }
931 if (mode==1) // Check track direction w.r.t. external (astrophysical) objects
932 {
933 p=track->Get3Momentum();
934 if (fAstroDir<0) p*=-1;
935 ts=track->GetTimestamp();
936 if (!ts) ts=(AliTimestamp*)fEvt;
938 SetSignal(&p,"loc","T",ts,0,"Track");
939 TArrayI* arr=MatchRefSignal(fAstroDa,"deg",fAstroDt,"s");
940 if (arr)
941 {
942 fSelect=1;
943 return;
944 }
945 }
946 } // End of loop over tracks of a certain name
947 } // End of loop over selected track names
950void AliEventSelector::Event()
952// Check criteria for total event observables.
954 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
956 if (fSelect>0) return; // Event is already flagged as select
958 Double_t val=0;
959 Int_t ival=0;
960 if (fEventMomenta[1]>fEventMomenta[0]) // Selection on P
961 {
962 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
963 val=fEvt->GetMomentum(1);
964 if (val>=fEventMomenta[0] && val<=fEventMomenta[1])
965 {
966 fSelect=1;
967 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
968 }
969 }
970 if (fEventMomenta[3]>fEventMomenta[2]) // Selection on Pt
971 {
972 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
973 val=fEvt->GetPt(1);
974 if (val>=fEventMomenta[2] && val<=fEventMomenta[3])
975 {
976 fSelect=1;
977 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
978 }
979 }
980 if (fEventMomenta[5]>fEventMomenta[4]) // Selection on Pl
981 {
982 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
983 val=fEvt->GetPl(1);
984 if (val>=fEventMomenta[4] && val<=fEventMomenta[5])
985 {
986 fSelect=1;
987 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
988 }
989 }
990 if (fEventEnergies[1]>fEventEnergies[0]) // Selection on E
991 {
992 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
993 val=fEvt->GetEnergy(1);
994 if (val>=fEventEnergies[0] && val<=fEventEnergies[1])
995 {
996 fSelect=1;
997 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
998 }
999 }
1000 if (fEventEnergies[3]>fEventEnergies[2]) // Selection on Et
1001 {
1002 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1003 val=fEvt->GetEt(1);
1004 if (val>=fEventEnergies[2] && val<=fEventEnergies[3])
1005 {
1006 fSelect=1;
1007 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1008 }
1009 }
1010 if (fEventEnergies[5]>fEventEnergies[4]) // Selection on El
1011 {
1012 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1013 val=fEvt->GetEl(1);
1014 if (val>=fEventEnergies[4] && val<=fEventEnergies[5])
1015 {
1016 fSelect=1;
1017 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1018 }
1019 }
1020 if (fEventMasses[1]>fEventMasses[0]) // Selection on Minv
1021 {
1022 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1023 val=fEvt->GetInvmass(1);
1024 if (val>=fEventMasses[0] && val<=fEventMasses[1])
1025 {
1026 fSelect=1;
1027 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1028 }
1029 }
1030 if (fEventCharges[1]>fEventCharges[0]) // Selection on Q
1031 {
1032 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1033 val=fEvt->GetCharge();
1034 if (val>=fEventCharges[0] && val<=fEventCharges[1])
1035 {
1036 fSelect=1;
1037 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1038 }
1039 }
1040 if (fEventDevices[1]>fEventDevices[0]) // Selection on Ndev
1041 {
1042 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1043 ival=fEvt->GetNdevices(fEventDevClass.Data());
1044 if (ival>=fEventDevices[0] && ival<=fEventDevices[1])
1045 {
1046 fSelect=1;
1047 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1048 }
1049 }
1050 if (fEventTracks[1]>fEventTracks[0]) // Selection on Ntrk
1051 {
1052 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1053 if (fEventTrkName=="*")
1054 {
1055 ival=fEvt->GetNtracks();
1056 }
1057 else
1058 {
1059 ival=fEvt->GetNtracks(fEventTrkName);
1060 }
1061 if (ival>=fEventTracks[0] && ival<=fEventTracks[1])
1062 {
1063 fSelect=1;
1064 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1065 }
1066 }
1067 if (fEventTracks[3]>fEventTracks[2]) // Selection on Ntkc
1068 {
1069 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1070 ival=fEvt->GetNtracks(0,3,0);
1071 if (ival>=fEventTracks[2] && ival<=fEventTracks[3])
1072 {
1073 fSelect=1;
1074 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1075 }
1076 }
1077 if (fEventTracks[5]>fEventTracks[4]) // Selection on Ntk0
1078 {
1079 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1080 ival=fEvt->GetNtracks(0,0,0);
1081 if (ival>=fEventTracks[4] && ival<=fEventTracks[5])
1082 {
1083 fSelect=1;
1084 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1085 }
1086 }
1087 if (fEventTracks[7]>fEventTracks[6]) // Selection on Ntk+
1088 {
1089 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1090 ival=fEvt->GetNtracks(0,1,0);
1091 if (ival>=fEventTracks[6] && ival<=fEventTracks[7])
1092 {
1093 fSelect=1;
1094 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1095 }
1096 }
1097 if (fEventTracks[9]>fEventTracks[8]) // Selection on Ntk-
1098 {
1099 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1100 ival=fEvt->GetNtracks(0,-1,0);
1101 if (ival>=fEventTracks[8] && ival<=fEventTracks[9])
1102 {
1103 fSelect=1;
1104 if (abs(fLogic)==2) return; // Selections are made in logical "(n)or"
1105 }
1106 }
1109void AliEventSelector::Astro()
1111// Check for matches with external objects.
1113 if (abs(fLogic)==1) fSelect=-1; // Selections are made in logical "(n)and"
1115 if (fSelect>0) return; // Event is already flagged as select
1117 // Check track directions w.r.t. external (astrophysical) objects
1118 if (fAstroflag==1)
1119 {
1120 Track(1);
1121 return;
1122 }
1124 // Check total event momentum direction w.r.t. external (astrophysical) objects
1125 if (fAstroflag==2)
1126 {
1127 Ali3Vector p;
1128 p=fEvt->Get3Momentum();
1129 if (fAstroDir<0) p*=-1;
1130 SetSignal(&p,"loc","T",(AliTimestamp*)fEvt,0,"Event");
1131 TArrayI* arr=MatchRefSignal(fAstroDa,"deg",fAstroDt,"s");
1132 if (arr && fLogic) fSelect=1;
1133 return;
1134 }
1136 // Check event position w.r.t. external (astrophysical) objects
1137 if (fAstroflag==3)
1138 {
1139 SetSignal((Ali3Vector*)fEvt,"loc","T",(AliTimestamp*)fEvt,0,"Event");
1140 TArrayI* arr=MatchRefSignal(fAstroDa,"deg",fAstroDt,"s");
1141 if (arr && fLogic) fSelect=1;
1142 return;
1143 }
1146TObject* AliEventSelector::Clone(const char* name) const
1148// Make a deep copy of the current object and provide the pointer to the copy.
1149// This memberfunction enables automatic creation of new objects of the
1150// correct type depending on the object type, a feature which may be very useful
1151// for containers when adding objects in case the container owns the objects.
1153 AliEventSelector* sel=new AliEventSelector(*this);
1154 if (name)
1155 {
1156 if (strlen(name)) sel->SetName(name);
1157 }
1158 return sel;