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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RALICE / AliHelix.cxx
c5555bc0 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16// $Id$
19// Class AliHelix
20// Representation and extrapolation of AliTracks in a magnetic field.
22// This class is meant to provide a means to display and extrapolate
23// AliTrack objects in the presence of a constant homogeneous magnetic field.
b847fc3d 25// For track/event displays the line width, colour etc... can be set using the
26// standard facilities (see TAttLine).
27// By default the linewith is set to 2 and the colour set to -1 in the constructor.
28// The latter results in an automatic colour coding according to the track charge
29// with the convention positive=red neutral=green negative=blue.
62e01f4c 31// To indicate the track starting point, the memberfunction SetMarker()
32// may be used.
33// By default no marker will be displayed.
c5555bc0 35// Examples :
36// ==========
38// Display and extrapolation of individual tracks
39// ----------------------------------------------
40// Float_t vec[3];
41// AliPosition r1;
42// Ali3Vector p;
43// AliTrack t;
45// vec[0]=0;
46// vec[1]=0;
47// vec[2]=0;
48// r1.SetVector(vec,"car");
50// vec[0]=1;
51// vec[1]=0;
52// vec[2]=0.3;
53// p.SetVector(vec,"car");
55// t.Set3Momentum(p);
56// t.SetBeginPoint(r1);
57// t.SetCharge(-1);
58// t.SetMass(0.139);
60// // The magnetic field vector in Tesla
61// Ali3Vector b;
62// vec[0]=0;
63// vec[1]=0;
64// vec[2]=1;
65// b.SetVector(vec,"car");
67// AliHelix* helix=new AliHelix();
68// helix->SetB(b);
69// helix->SetTofmax(1e-7);
71// TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1");
72// TView* view=new TView(1);
73// view->SetRange(-1000,-1000,-1000,1000,1000,1000);
74// view->ShowAxis();
76// // Track displays
77// Double_t range[2]={0,600};
78// helix->Display(&t,range,3);
79// t.SetCharge(-t.GetCharge());
80// helix->Display(&t);
82// // Track extrapolation
83// Double_t pars[3]={550,0.001,3};
84// AliPosition* rext=helix->Extrapolate(&t,pars);
85// if (rext) rext->Data();
86// ======================================================================
88// Online display of events generated via AliCollider
89// --------------------------------------------------
90// Int_t nevents=5; // Number of events to be generated
91// Int_t jrun=1; // The run number of this batch of generated events
93// cout << " ***" << endl;
94// cout << " *** AliCollider run for " << nevents << " events." << endl;
95// cout << " ***" << endl;
97// AliCollider* gen=new AliCollider();
99// gen->OpenFortranFile(6,"dump.log");
101// gen->SetVertexMode(2);
102// gen->SetResolution(1e-4);
104// gen->SetRunNumber(jrun);
105// gen->SetPrintFreq(1);
107// gen->SetSpectatorPmin(0.01);
109// Int_t zp=1;
110// Int_t ap=1;
111// Int_t zt=2;
112// Int_t at=4;
114// gen->Init("fixt",zp,ap,zt,at,158);
116// AliHelix* helix=new AliHelix();
117// Float_t vec[3]={0,2,0};
118// Ali3Vector b;
119// b.SetVector(vec,"car");
120// helix->SetB(b);
122// helix->Refresh(-1); // Refresh display after each event
124// TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1");
125// TView* view=new TView(1);
126// view->SetRange(-200,-200,-200,200,200,200);
127// view->ShowAxis();
129// // Prepare random number sequence for this run
130// // to obtain the number of participants for each event
131// AliRandom rndm(abs(jrun));
132// Float_t* rans=new Float_t[nevents];
133// rndm.Uniform(rans,nevents,2,ap+at);
134// Int_t npart=0;
135// Int_t ntk=0;
136// for (Int_t i=0; i<nevents; i++)
137// {
138// npart=rans[i];
139// gen->MakeEvent(npart);
140// AliEvent* evt=gen->GetEvent();
141// if (evt)
142// {
143// helix->Display(evt);
144// c1->Update();
145// gSystem->Sleep(5000); // Some delay to keep the display on screen
146// }
147// }
148// ======================================================================
150//--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 17-jun-2004 Utrecht University
151//- Modified: NvE $Date$ Utrecht University
154#include "AliHelix.h"
155#include "Riostream.h"
157ClassImp(AliHelix) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O
159AliHelix::AliHelix() : THelix()
161// Default constructor
162 fRefresh=0;
163 fCurves=0;
164 fExt=0;
165 fTofmax=1e-8;
62e01f4c 166 fMstyle=-1;
167 fMsize=0;
168 fMcol=0;
169 fEnduse=1;
b847fc3d 170
171 fLineWidth=2;
172 fLineColor=-1;
c5555bc0 173}
177// Destructor to delete dynamically allocated memory.
178 if (fCurves)
179 {
180 delete fCurves;
181 fCurves=0;
182 }
183 if (fExt)
184 {
185 delete fExt;
186 fExt=0;
187 }
190AliHelix::AliHelix(const AliHelix& h) : THelix(h)
192// Copy constructor
193 fB=h.fB;
194 fRefresh=h.fRefresh;
aa8231b0 195 fTofmax=h.fTofmax;
196 fMstyle=h.fMstyle;
197 fMsize=h.fMsize;
198 fMcol=h.fMcol;
199 fEnduse=h.fEnduse;
c5555bc0 200}
202void AliHelix::SetB(Ali3Vector& b)
204// Set the magnetic field vector in Tesla.
205 fB=b;
207 if (fB.GetNorm()>0)
208 {
209 Double_t axis[3];
210 fB.GetVector(axis,"car");
211 SetAxis(axis);
212 }
215Ali3Vector& AliHelix::GetB()
217// Provide the magnetic field vector in Tesla.
218 return fB;
221void AliHelix::SetTofmax(Float_t tof)
223// Set the maximum time of flight for straight tracks in seconds.
224// This maximum tof will be used for drawing etc... in case no begin
225// and endpoints can be determined from the track info.
226// Notes :
227// -------
228// 1) In case the user specifies an explicit range, it will override
229// the maximum tof limit.
230// 2) By default the tofmax is set to 10 ns in the AliHelix constructor.
231 fTofmax=tof;
234Float_t AliHelix::GetTofmax() const
236// Provide the maximum time of flight for straight tracks in seconds.
237 return fTofmax;
62e01f4c 240void AliHelix::SetMarker(Int_t style,Float_t size,Int_t col)
242// Specify the marker (style, size and colour) to indicate the starting point
243// of a track in a display.
244// In case col<0 the marker will have the same color as the track itself.
246// Defaults are style=8, size=0.2 and col=-1.
248 fMstyle=style;
249 fMsize=size;
250 fMcol=col;
253void AliHelix::UseEndPoint(Int_t mode)
255// Select usage of track endpoint in drawing and extrapolation.
256// This allows correct event displays even for very long tracks.
258// mode = 0 : Do not use the track endpoint
259// 1 : Use the track endpoint
261// The default value is mode=1 (which is also set in the constructor).
263 if (mode==0 || mode==1) fEnduse=mode;
c5555bc0 266void AliHelix::MakeCurve(AliTrack* t,Double_t* range,Int_t iaxis,Double_t scale)
268// Make the helix curve for the specified AliTrack.
269// Detailed information of all the helix points can be obtained via the
270// GetN() and GetP() memberfunctions of TPolyLine3D.
271// In case one wants to display or extrapolate an AliTrack it is preferable
272// to use the Display() or Extrapolate() memberfunctions.
273// It is assumed that the track charge is stored in elementary units
25eefd00 274// (i.e. charge=1 for a proton).
c5555bc0 275// The input argument "scale" specifies the unit scale for the various
276// locations where scale=0.01 indicates unit scales in cm etc...
277// In case scale<=0, the unit scale for locations is determined from the
278// begin, reference or endpoint of the track. If neither of these
25eefd00 279// positions is present, all locations are assumed to be given in meter.
c5555bc0 280// The lower and upper bounds for the range are specified by range[0] and
281// range[1] and the argument "iaxis" indicates along which axis this range
282// is specified.
283// The range can be specified either in the LAB frame or in the Helix frame.
284// The latter is the frame in which the Z axis points in the B direction.
286// The conventions for the "iaxis" argument are the following :
287// iaxis = 1 ==> X axis in the LAB frame
288// 2 ==> Y axis in the LAB frame
289// 3 ==> Z axis in the LAB frame
290// -1 ==> X axis in the Helix frame
291// -2 ==> Y axis in the Helix frame
292// -3 ==> Z axis in the Helix frame
294// In case range=0 the begin/end/reference points of the AliTrack and the
295// maximum time of flight (see the SetTofmax() memberfunction) will be used
296// and an appropriate choice for the iaxis parameter will be made automatically
297// based on the track kinematics.
298// In case the reference point is not present, the begin or endpoint will be used
299// as reference point for the 3-momentum specification. If neither of these positions
300// is present, (0,0,0) will be taken as the reference point.
302// The default values are range=0, iaxis=3 and scale=-1.
304 SetPolyLine(0); // Reset the polyline data points
306 if (!t || (range && !iaxis)) return;
25eefd00 308 Double_t energy=t->GetEnergy(1); // Track energy in GeV
c5555bc0 309 Double_t betanorm=t->GetBeta();
311 if (energy<=0 || betanorm<=0) return;
313 AliPosition* rbeg=t->GetBeginPoint();
62e01f4c 314 AliPosition* rend=0;
315 if (fEnduse) rend=t->GetEndPoint();
c5555bc0 316 AliPosition* rref=t->GetReferencePoint();
318 // Magnetic field vector or default Z-direction
319 Double_t bvec[3]={0,0,1};
320 if (fB.GetNorm()>0) fB.GetVector(bvec,"car");
322 // The unit scale for locations if not specified by the user
323 if (scale<=0)
324 {
25eefd00 325 scale=1; // Set default to meter
c5555bc0 326 if (rbeg)
327 {
328 scale=rbeg->GetUnitScale();
329 }
330 else if (rend)
331 {
332 scale=rend->GetUnitScale();
333 }
334 else if (rref)
335 {
336 scale=rref->GetUnitScale();
337 }
338 }
340 Double_t c=2.99792458e8/scale; // Lightspeed in the selected unit scale
342 // The helix angular frequency
343 Double_t w=9e7*(t->GetCharge()*fB.GetNorm())/energy;
345 // The particle velocity in the LAB frame
346 Ali3Vector beta=t->GetBetaVector();
347 Ali3Vector v=beta*c;
348 Double_t vel[3];
349 v.GetVector(vel,"car");
351 // The particle velocity in the Helix frame
352 Ali3Vector betaprim=beta.GetPrimed(fRotMat);
353 v=v.GetPrimed(fRotMat);
354 Double_t velprim[3];
355 v.GetVector(velprim,"car");
357 // Check compatibility of velocity and range specification.
358 if (range)
359 {
360 Double_t betavec[3];
361 if (iaxis>0) beta.GetVector(betavec,"car");
362 if (iaxis<0) betaprim.GetVector(betavec,"car");
7a086578 363 if (fabs(betavec[abs(iaxis)-1])/betanorm<1e-10) return;
c5555bc0 364 }
366 // The LAB location in which the velocity of the particle is defined
367 Double_t loc[3]={0,0,0};
25eefd00 368 Ali3Vector rx;
369 Double_t scalex=-1;
c5555bc0 370 if (rref)
371 {
25eefd00 372 rx=(Ali3Vector)(*rref);
c5555bc0 373 scalex=rref->GetUnitScale();
374 }
375 else if (rbeg)
376 {
25eefd00 377 rx=(Ali3Vector)(*rbeg);
c5555bc0 378 scalex=rbeg->GetUnitScale();
379 }
380 else if (rend)
381 {
25eefd00 382 rx=(Ali3Vector)(*rend);
c5555bc0 383 scalex=rend->GetUnitScale();
384 }
25eefd00 386 if (scalex>0 && (scalex/scale>1.1 || scale/scalex>1.1)) rx*=scalex/scale;
387 rx.GetVector(loc,"car");
c5555bc0 388
389 // Initialisation of Helix kinematics
390 SetHelix(loc,vel,w,0,kUnchanged,bvec);
392 Int_t bend=0;
7a086578 393 if (fabs(w)>0 && fabs(fVt)>0) bend=1;
c5555bc0 394
395 // Flight time boundaries.
396 // The time origin t=0 is chosen to indicate the position in which
397 // the particle velocity was defined.
398 // The total flight time is initialised to the (user specified) tofmax.
399 Double_t tmin=0,tmax=0;
400 Double_t tof=fTofmax;
401 Double_t dum=0;
403 // The trajectory begin and end points
404 Double_t vec1[3]={0,0,0};
405 Double_t vec2[3]={0,0,0};
406 Ali3Vector r1;
407 Ali3Vector r2;
25eefd00 408 Double_t scale1=1;
409 Double_t scale2=1;
c5555bc0 410
411 if (!bend)
412 {
413 ////////////////////////////////////////
414 // Treatment of straight trajectories //
415 ////////////////////////////////////////
416 Ali3Vector r;
417 if (range) // Specified range allows for exact flight time boundaries
418 {
419 if (iaxis>0)
420 {
421 tmin=(range[0]-loc[iaxis-1])/vel[iaxis-1];
422 tmax=(range[1]-loc[iaxis-1])/vel[iaxis-1];
423 }
424 else
425 {
426 loc[0]=fX0;
427 loc[1]=fY0;
428 loc[2]=fZ0;
7a086578 429 tmin=(range[0]-loc[abs(iaxis)-1])/velprim[abs(iaxis)-1];
430 tmax=(range[1]-loc[abs(iaxis)-1])/velprim[abs(iaxis)-1];
c5555bc0 431 }
432 if (tmax<tmin)
433 {
434 dum=tmin;
435 tmin=tmax;
436 tmax=dum;
437 }
438 // Make the 'curve' in the LAB frame and exit.
439 // Use the parametrisation : r(t)=r0+t*v
440 // using the range based flight time boundaries.
441 // An additional point in the middle of the trajectory is
442 // generated in view of accuracy in the case of extrapolations.
443 tof=tmax-tmin;
444 v=beta*c;
25eefd00 445 r1=rx;
c5555bc0 446 r=v*tmin;
447 r1=r1+r;
448 r1.GetVector(vec1,"car");
449 SetNextPoint(float(vec1[0]),float(vec1[1]),float(vec1[2]));
450 r=v*(tof/2.);
451 r2=r1+r;
452 r2.GetVector(vec2,"car");
453 SetNextPoint(float(vec2[0]),float(vec2[1]),float(vec2[2]));
454 r=v*tof;
455 r2=r1+r;
456 r2.GetVector(vec2,"car");
457 SetNextPoint(float(vec2[0]),float(vec2[1]),float(vec2[2]));
458 }
459 else // Automatic range determination
460 {
461 // Initially the point with Z=0 in the Helix frame is taken as a starting point.
462 // In case this point can't be reached, the point in which the particle velocity
463 // was defined is taken as the starting point.
464 // The endpoint is initially obtained by applying the tofmax from the start point.
465 tmin=0;
7a086578 466 if (fabs(fVz)>0) tmin=-fZ0/fVz;
c5555bc0 467 v=beta*c;
25eefd00 468 r1=rx;
c5555bc0 469 r=v*tmin;
470 r1=r1+r;
472 // Override the initial begin and endpoint settings by the track data
473 if (rbeg)
474 {
475 r1=(Ali3Vector)(*rbeg);
476 scale1=rbeg->GetUnitScale();
477 // All coordinates in the selected unit scale
478 if (scale1/scale>1.1 || scale/scale1>1.1) r1*=scale1/scale;
479 }
481 r=v*fTofmax;
482 r2=r1+r;
483 if (rend)
484 {
485 r2=(Ali3Vector)(*rend);
486 scale2=rend->GetUnitScale();
487 // All coordinates in the selected unit scale
488 if (scale2/scale>1.1 || scale/scale2>1.1) r2*=scale2/scale;
489 }
491 r1.GetVector(vec1,"car");
492 r2.GetVector(vec2,"car");
494 // Make the 'curve' in the LAB frame and exit.
495 SetNextPoint(float(vec1[0]),float(vec1[1]),float(vec1[2]));
496 SetNextPoint(float(vec2[0]),float(vec2[1]),float(vec2[2]));
497 }
498 }
499 else
500 {
501 //////////////////////////////////////
502 // Treatment of curved trajectories //
503 //////////////////////////////////////
505 // Initialisation of the flight time boundaries.
506 // Based on the constant motion of the particle along the Helix Z-axis,
507 // the parametrisation z(t)=z0+fVz*t in the Helix frame is used.
508 // If possible the point with Z=0 in the Helix frame is taken as a starting point.
509 // In case this point can't be reached, the point in which the particle velocity
510 // was defined is taken as the starting point.
511 tmin=0;
7a086578 512 if (fabs(fVz)>0) tmin=-fZ0/fVz;
c5555bc0 513 tmax=tmin+fTofmax;
515 if (tmax<tmin)
516 {
517 dum=tmin;
518 tmin=tmax;
519 tmax=dum;
520 }
522 // Determination of the range in the helix frame
524 if (!range) // Automatic range determination
525 {
25eefd00 526 scale1=1;
527 scale2=1;
c5555bc0 528 if (rbeg)
529 {
530 r1=rbeg->GetPrimed(fRotMat);
531 scale1=rbeg->GetUnitScale();
532 // All coordinates in the selected unit scale
533 if (scale1/scale>1.1 || scale/scale1>1.1) r1*=scale1/scale;
534 // Re-calculate the tmin for this new starting point
535 r1.GetVector(vec1,"car");
7a086578 536 if (fabs(fVz)>0) tmin=(vec1[2]-fZ0)/fVz;
c5555bc0 537 tmax=tmin+fTofmax;
538 }
539 if (rend)
540 {
541 r2=rend->GetPrimed(fRotMat);
542 scale2=rend->GetUnitScale();
543 // All coordinates in the selected unit scale
544 if (scale2/scale>1.1 || scale/scale2>1.1) r2*=scale2/scale;
545 r2.GetVector(vec2,"car");
7a086578 546 if (fabs(fVz)>0) tmax=(vec2[2]-fZ0)/fVz;
c5555bc0 547 }
548 // Make the curve on basis of the flight time boundaries and exit
549 if (tmax<tmin)
550 {
551 dum=tmin;
552 tmin=tmax;
553 tmax=dum;
554 }
555 SetRange(tmin,tmax,kHelixT);
556 }
557 else // User explicitly specified range
558 {
7a086578 559 vec1[abs(iaxis)-1]=range[0];
560 vec2[abs(iaxis)-1]=range[1];
c5555bc0 561 r1.SetVector(vec1,"car");
562 r2.SetVector(vec2,"car");
563 if (iaxis>0) // Range specified in LAB frame
564 {
565 r1=r1.GetPrimed(fRotMat);
566 r1.GetVector(vec1,"car");
567 r2=r2.GetPrimed(fRotMat);
568 r2.GetVector(vec2,"car");
569 }
570 // Determination of the axis component with the
571 // largest range difference
572 Double_t dmax=0;
573 Int_t imax=0;
574 Double_t test=0;
575 for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++)
576 {
7a086578 577 test=fabs(vec1[i]-vec2[i]);
c5555bc0 578 if (test>dmax)
579 {
580 dmax=test;
581 imax=i;
582 }
583 }
585 Double_t rmin=vec1[imax];
586 Double_t rmax=vec2[imax];
587 if (rmax<rmin)
588 {
589 dum=rmin;
590 rmin=rmax;
591 rmax=dum;
592 }
594 // The kinematic range boundaries in the helix frame
595 Double_t xmin=fX0-fVt/fW;
596 Double_t xmax=fX0+fVt/fW;
597 Double_t ymin=fY0-fVt/fW;
598 Double_t ymax=fY0+fVt/fW;
600 if (xmax<xmin)
601 {
602 dum=xmin;
603 xmin=xmax;
604 xmax=dum;
605 }
606 if (ymax<ymin)
607 {
608 dum=ymin;
609 ymin=ymax;
610 ymax=dum;
611 }
613 // Set the range for the helix
614 if (imax==2 && dmax>0) SetRange(rmin,rmax,kHelixZ);
615 if (imax==1)
616 {
617 // Limit range to kinematic boundaries if needed
618 if (rmin<=ymin) rmin=ymin+1e-6*dmax;
619 if (rmax>=ymax) rmax=ymax-1e-6*dmax;
620 if (rmin<rmax) SetRange(rmin,rmax,kHelixY);
621 }
622 if (imax==0)
623 {
624 // Limit range to kinematic boundaries if needed
625 if (rmin<=xmin) rmin=xmin+1e-6*dmax;
626 if (rmax>=xmax) rmax=xmax-1e-6*dmax;
627 if (rmin<rmax) SetRange(rmin,rmax,kHelixX);
628 }
629 }
630 }
631 return;
634void AliHelix::Display(AliTrack* t,Double_t* range,Int_t iaxis,Double_t scale)
636// Display the helix curve of an AliTrack.
637// Various curves can be displayed together or individually; please refer to
638// the memberfunction Refresh() for further details.
639// It is assumed that the track charge is stored in elementary units
25eefd00 640// (i.e. charge=1 for a proton).
c5555bc0 641// The input argument "scale" specifies the unit scale for the various
642// locations where scale=0.01 indicates unit scales in cm etc...
643// In case scale<=0, the unit scale for locations is determined from the
644// begin, reference or endpoint of the track. If neither of these
25eefd00 645// positions is present, all locations are assumed to be given in meter.
c5555bc0 646// The lower and upper bounds for the range are specified by range[0] and
647// range[1] and the argument "iaxis" indicates along which axis this range
648// is specified.
649// The range can be specified either in the LAB frame or in the Helix frame.
650// The latter is the frame in which the Z axis points in the B direction.
652// The conventions for the "iaxis" argument are the following :
653// iaxis = 1 ==> X axis in the LAB frame
654// 2 ==> Y axis in the LAB frame
655// 3 ==> Z axis in the LAB frame
656// -1 ==> X axis in the Helix frame
657// -2 ==> Y axis in the Helix frame
658// -3 ==> Z axis in the Helix frame
660// In case range=0 the begin/end/reference points of the AliTrack and the
661// maximum time of flight (see the SetTofmax() memberfunction) will be used
662// and an appropriate choice for the iaxis parameter will be made automatically
663// based on the track kinematics.
664// In case the reference point is not present, the begin or endpoint will be used
665// as reference point for the 3-momentum specification. If neither of these positions
666// is present, (0,0,0) will be taken as the reference point.
668// The default values are range=0, iaxis=3 and scale=-1.
670// Note :
671// ------
672// Before any display activity, a TCanvas and a TView have to be initiated
673// first by the user like for instance
675// TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1");
676// TView* view=new TView(1);
677// view->SetRange(-1000,-1000,-1000,1000,1000,1000);
678// view->ShowAxis();
25eefd00 679//
680// The user can also use the 3D viewing facilities from the TCanvas menu
681// to open an appropriate view.
c5555bc0 682
683 if (!t || (range && !iaxis)) return;
685 MakeCurve(t,range,iaxis,scale);
687 if (fRefresh>0) Refresh(fRefresh);
25eefd00 689 Int_t np=GetLastPoint()+1;
c5555bc0 690 if (!np) return;
692 Float_t* points=GetP();
693 TPolyLine3D* curve=new TPolyLine3D(np,points);
b847fc3d 695 curve->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth);
696 if (fLineColor<0)
697 {
698 Float_t q=t->GetCharge();
699 curve->SetLineColor(kGreen);
700 if (q>0) curve->SetLineColor(kRed);
701 if (q<0) curve->SetLineColor(kBlue);
702 }
703 else
704 {
705 curve->SetLineColor(fLineColor);
706 }
c5555bc0 707 curve->Draw();
709 if (!fCurves)
710 {
711 fCurves=new TObjArray();
712 fCurves->SetOwner();
713 }
714 fCurves->Add(curve);
62e01f4c 715
716 // Display the marker for the track starting point
717 if (fMstyle>0)
718 {
719 TPolyMarker3D* m=new TPolyMarker3D();
720 m->SetPoint(0,points[0],points[1],points[2]);
721 m->SetMarkerStyle(fMstyle);
722 m->SetMarkerSize(fMsize);
723 Int_t col=curve->GetLineColor();
724 if (fMcol>0) col=fMcol;
725 m->SetMarkerColor(col);
726 m->Draw();
727 fCurves->Add(m);
728 }
c5555bc0 729}
731void AliHelix::Refresh(Int_t mode)
733// Refresh the display screen before showing the next curve.
735// mode = 0 : refreshing fully under user control.
736// 1 : the display screen will be refreshed automatically
737// at each individual track display.
738// -1 : the display screen will be refreshed automatically
739// at each event display.
741// The default is mode=0.
7a086578 743 if (abs(mode)<2) fRefresh=mode;
c5555bc0 744 if (fCurves) fCurves->Delete();
747void AliHelix::Display(AliEvent* evt,Double_t* range,Int_t iaxis,Double_t scale)
749// Display the helix curves of all tracks of the specified event.
750// Various events can be displayed together or individually; please refer to
751// the memberfunction Refresh() for further details.
752// Please refer to the track display memberfunction for further details
753// on the input arguments.
755// The default values are range=0, iaxis=3 and scale=-1.
757// Note :
758// ------
759// Before any display activity, a TCanvas and a TView have to be initiated
760// first by the user like for instance
762// TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1");
763// TView* view=new TView(1);
764// view->SetRange(-1000,-1000,-1000,1000,1000,1000);
765// view->ShowAxis();
25eefd00 766//
767// The user can also use the 3D viewing facilities from the TCanvas menu
768// to open an appropriate view.
c5555bc0 769
770 if (!evt) return;
772 if (fRefresh<0) Refresh(fRefresh);
774 Int_t ntk=evt->GetNtracks();
775 for (Int_t jtk=1; jtk<=ntk; jtk++)
776 {
777 AliTrack* tx=evt->GetTrack(jtk);
778 if (tx) Display(tx,range,iaxis,scale);
779 }
aa8231b0 782void AliHelix::Display(TObjArray* arr,Double_t* range,Int_t iaxis,Double_t scale)
784// Display the helix curves of all tracks in the specified array.
785// A convenient way to obtain an array with selected tracks from e.g. an AliEvent
786// is to make use of its GetTracks() selection facility.
787// Various arrays can be displayed together or individually; please refer to
788// the memberfunction Refresh() for further details.
789// Please refer to the track display memberfunction for further details
790// on the input arguments.
792// The default values are range=0, iaxis=3 and scale=-1.
794// Note :
795// ------
796// Before any display activity, a TCanvas and a TView have to be initiated
797// first by the user like for instance
799// TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas("c1","c1");
800// TView* view=new TView(1);
801// view->SetRange(-1000,-1000,-1000,1000,1000,1000);
802// view->ShowAxis();
25eefd00 803//
804// The user can also use the 3D viewing facilities from the TCanvas menu
805// to open an appropriate view.
aa8231b0 806
807 if (!arr) return;
809 Int_t ntk=arr->GetEntries();
810 for (Int_t jtk=0; jtk<ntk; jtk++)
811 {
812 TObject* obj=arr->At(jtk);
813 if (!obj) continue;
814 if (!(obj->InheritsFrom("AliTrack"))) continue;
815 AliTrack* tx=(AliTrack*)obj;
816 Display(tx,range,iaxis,scale);
817 }
c5555bc0 820AliPosition* AliHelix::Extrapolate(AliTrack* t,Double_t* pars,Double_t scale)
822// Extrapolate an AliTrack according to the corresponding helix curve
823// and provide a pointer to the impact position w.r.t. a specified plane.
824// In case the track can never reach the specified plane, the returned
825// position pointer is zero.
826// Detailed information of all the helix points used in the extrapolation
827// can be obtained via the GetN() and GetP() memberfunctions of TPolyLine3D.
828// It is assumed that the track charge is stored in elementary units
25eefd00 829// (i.e. charge=1 for a proton).
c5555bc0 830// The input argument "scale" specifies the unit scale for the various
831// locations where scale=0.01 indicates unit scales in cm etc...
832// In case scale<=0, the unit scale for locations is determined from the
833// begin, reference or endpoint of the track. If neither of these
25eefd00 834// positions is present, all locations are assumed to be given in meter.
c5555bc0 835// The extrapolation parameters for the impact plane and required accuracy
836// are specified by pars[0], pars[1] and pars[2], respectively.
837// pars[0] = coordinate value of the plane for the impact point
838// pars[1] = required accuracy on the specified impact plane coordinate
839// pars[2] = the axis along which the value of par[0] is specified
841// The parameters can be specified either w.r.t. the LAB frame or the Helix frame.
842// The latter is the frame in which the Z axis points in the B direction.
844// The conventions for the par[2] argument are the following :
845// par[2] = 1 ==> X axis in the LAB frame
846// 2 ==> Y axis in the LAB frame
847// 3 ==> Z axis in the LAB frame
848// -1 ==> X axis in the Helix frame
849// -2 ==> Y axis in the Helix frame
850// -3 ==> Z axis in the Helix frame
852// Example :
853// ---------
854// To obtain an extrapolation to the plane Z=0 in the LAB frame
855// with an accuracy of 0.001 cm the input arguments would be
856// pars[0]=0 pars[1]=0.001 pars[2]=3 scale=0.01
858// Note : The default value for the scale is -1.
860 if (fExt)
861 {
862 delete fExt;
863 fExt=0;
864 }
866 if (!t || !pars) return fExt;
868 AliPosition* rbeg=t->GetBeginPoint();
869 AliPosition* rend=t->GetEndPoint();
870 AliPosition* rref=t->GetReferencePoint();
872 // The unit scale for locations if not specified by the user
873 if (scale<=0)
874 {
25eefd00 875 scale=1; // Set default to meter
c5555bc0 876 if (rbeg)
877 {
878 scale=rbeg->GetUnitScale();
879 }
880 else if (rend)
881 {
882 scale=rend->GetUnitScale();
883 }
884 else if (rref)
885 {
886 scale=rref->GetUnitScale();
887 }
888 }
890 Double_t range[2];
7a086578 891 range[0]=pars[0]-fabs(pars[1])/2.;
892 range[1]=pars[0]+fabs(pars[1])/2.;
c5555bc0 893
894 Int_t iaxis=int(pars[2]);
896 MakeCurve(t,range,iaxis,scale);
25eefd00 898 Int_t np=GetLastPoint()+1;
c5555bc0 899 if (!np) return fExt;
901 Float_t* points=GetP();
903 // First point of the curve around the impact
904 Int_t ip=0;
905 Float_t first[3]={points[3*ip],points[3*ip+1],points[3*ip+2]};
907 // Last point of the curve around the impact
25eefd00 908 ip=GetLastPoint();
c5555bc0 909 Float_t last[3]={points[3*ip],points[3*ip+1],points[3*ip+2]};
911 // The accuracy on the impact point
912 Float_t err[3];
7a086578 913 err[0]=fabs(first[0]-last[0]);
914 err[1]=fabs(first[1]-last[1]);
915 err[2]=fabs(first[2]-last[2]);
c5555bc0 916
917 // Take the middle point as impact location
918 ip=np/2;
919 Float_t imp[3]={points[3*ip],points[3*ip+1],points[3*ip+2]};
921 fExt=new AliPosition();
922 fExt->SetUnitScale(scale);
923 fExt->SetPosition(imp,"car");
924 fExt->SetPositionErrors(err,"car");
926 return fExt;