]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RALICE/AliObjMatrix.cxx
- Added Method for the consistency of the chip numbering in both reading
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RALICE / AliObjMatrix.cxx
84bb7c66 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16// $Id$
19// Class AliObjMatrix
20// Handling of a matrix structure of objects.
21// All objects which are derived from TObject may be entered into the matrix
22// structure. This means that also TObjArray objects can be entered,
23// which implies an increase of the dimension of the resulting structure.
25// Example :
26// =========
28// AliObjMatrix* matrix=new AliObjMatrix();
29// matrix->SetOwner();
30// matrix->SetSwapMode();
32// Float_t pos[3];
34// AliSignal* s=0;
36// s=new AliSignal();
37// s->SetSignal(135);
38// pos[0]=-120.4
39// pos[1]=78.25
40// pos[3]=12.93
41// s->SetPosition(pos,"car");
c72198f1 42// matrix->EnterObject(6,21,s);
84bb7c66 43//
44// s=new AliSignal();
45// s->SetSignal(25.84);
46// pos[0]=68.7
47// pos[1]=-53.88
48// pos[3]=22.69
49// s->SetPosition(pos,"car");
c72198f1 50// matrix->EnterObject(8,13,s);
84bb7c66 51//
52// s=new AliSignal();
53// s->SetSignal(87.25);
54// pos[0]=154.8
55// pos[1]=932.576
56// pos[3]=-1382.754
57// s->SetPosition(pos,"car");
c72198f1 58// matrix->EnterObject(64,3,s);
84bb7c66 59//
60// Int_t nrows=matrix->GetMaxRow();
61// Int_t ncols=matrix->GetMaxColumn();
63// cout << " Maxrow : " << nrows << " Maxcol : " << ncols
64// << " Nobjects : " << matrix->GetNobjects() << endl;
66// for (Int_t i=1; i<=nrows; i++)
67// {
68// for (Int_t j=1; j<=ncols; j++)
69// {
70// s=(AliSignal*)matrix->GetObject(i,j);
71// if (s) cout << " At (" << i << "," << j << ") Signal : " << s->GetSignal() << endl;
72// }
73// }
75//--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 23-jan-2003 Utrecht University
76//- Modified: NvE $Date$ Utrecht University
79#include "AliObjMatrix.h"
c72198f1 80#include "Riostream.h"
84bb7c66 81
82ClassImp(AliObjMatrix) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O
ea0b5b7f 84AliObjMatrix::AliObjMatrix() : TNamed()
84bb7c66 85{
86// Default constructor.
87// Note : The owner and swap mode flags will be initialised to 0.
88// See the memberfunctions SetOwner() and SetSwapMode() for further
89// details.
90 fRows=0;
91 fOwn=0;
92 fSwap=0;
93 fMaxrow=0;
94 fMaxcol=0;
c72198f1 95 fObjects=0;
84bb7c66 96}
100// Default destructor.
101 if (fRows)
102 {
103 delete fRows;
104 fRows=0;
105 }
c72198f1 106 if (fObjects)
107 {
108 delete fObjects;
109 fObjects=0;
110 }
84bb7c66 111}
34c199de 113AliObjMatrix::AliObjMatrix(const AliObjMatrix& m) : TNamed(m)
115// Copy constructor
117 fRows=0;
118 fMaxrow=0;
119 fMaxcol=0;
120 fObjects=0;
122 fOwn=m.fOwn;
123 fSwap=m.fSwap;
125 Int_t maxrow=m.GetMaxRow();
126 Int_t maxcol=m.GetMaxColumn();
127 for (Int_t irow=1; irow<=maxrow; irow++)
128 {
129 for (Int_t icol=1; icol<=maxcol; icol++)
130 {
131 TObject* obj=m.GetObject(irow,icol);
132 if (obj)
133 {
134 if (!fOwn)
135 {
136 EnterObject(irow,icol,obj);
137 }
138 else
139 {
140 EnterObject(irow,icol,obj->Clone());
141 }
142 }
143 }
144 }
84bb7c66 147void AliObjMatrix::Reset()
149// Reset the whole matrix structure.
150// Note : The values of the owner and swap mode flags will not be modified.
151// To modify the ownership, use the memberfunction SetOwner().
152// To modify the swap mode, use the memberfunction SetSwapMode().
153 if (fRows)
154 {
155 delete fRows;
156 fRows=0;
157 }
c72198f1 158 if (fObjects)
159 {
160 delete fObjects;
161 fObjects=0;
162 }
84bb7c66 163
164 fMaxrow=0;
165 fMaxcol=0;
84bb7c66 166}
168void AliObjMatrix::SetOwner(Int_t own)
170// Set the owner flag (0/1) for the stored objects.
171// When the owner flag is set to 1, all entered objects are owned by the
172// matrix structure.
173// At invokation of this memberfunction the default argument is own=1.
175 fOwn=own;
177 if (!fRows) return;
179 for (Int_t irow=0; irow<fRows->GetSize(); irow++)
180 {
181 TObjArray* mrow=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(irow);
182 if (mrow)
183 {
184 if (own)
185 {
186 mrow->SetOwner(kTRUE);
187 }
188 else
189 {
190 mrow->SetOwner(kFALSE);
191 }
192 }
193 }
261c0caf 196Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetOwner() const
84bb7c66 197{
198// Provide the owner flag for the stored objects.
199 return fOwn;
202void AliObjMatrix::SetSwapMode(Int_t swap)
204// Set the swap mode flag (0/1) for the internal matrix storage.
205// In case the number of rows differs considerably from the number of columns,
206// it might be more efficient (w.r.t. memory usage and/or output file size)
207// to internally store the matrix with the rows and colums swapped.
208// This swapping is only related with the internal storage and as such
209// is completely hidden for the user.
210// At invokation of this memberfunction the default argument is swap=1.
212// Note : The swap mode can only be set as long as no objects have
213// been stored in the matrix structure (i.e. a new instance
214// of AliObjMatrix or after invokation of the Reset() function).
216 if (!fRows)
217 {
218 fSwap=swap;
219 }
220 else
221 {
222 cout << " *AliObjMatrix::SetSwapMode* Matrix not empty ==> No action." << endl;
223 }
261c0caf 226Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetSwapMode() const
84bb7c66 227{
228// Provide the swap mode flag for this matrix.
229 return fSwap;
232void AliObjMatrix::EnterObject(Int_t row,Int_t col,TObject* obj)
234// Enter an object to the matrix structure at location (row,col).
235// In case the location already contained an object, the existing object
236// will first be removed before the new object is stored.
c72198f1 237// According to the status of the owner flag (see the SetOwner() function)
84bb7c66 238// the existing object will also be deleted.
239// Note : The first location in the matrix is indicated as (1,1).
240 if (row<1 || col<1)
241 {
242 cout << " *AliObjMatrix::AddObject* Invalid argument(s) (row,col) : ("
243 << row << "," << col << ")" << endl;
244 return;
245 }
247 if (row>fMaxrow) fMaxrow=row;
248 if (col>fMaxcol) fMaxcol=col;
250 Int_t rowx=row;
251 if (fSwap) rowx=col;
252 Int_t colx=col;
253 if (fSwap) colx=row;
255 if (!fRows)
256 {
257 fRows=new TObjArray(rowx);
258 fRows->SetOwner();
259 }
260 else
261 {
262 if (rowx > fRows->GetSize()) fRows->Expand(rowx);
263 }
265 TObjArray* mrow=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(rowx-1);
267 if (!mrow)
268 {
269 TObjArray* columns=new TObjArray(colx);
270 if (fOwn) columns->SetOwner();
271 fRows->AddAt(columns,rowx-1);
272 mrow=columns;
273 }
274 else
275 {
276 if (colx > mrow->GetSize()) mrow->Expand(colx);
277 }
279 TObject* old=(TObject*)mrow->At(colx-1);
c72198f1 280 if (old)
281 {
282 fObjects->Remove(old);
283 fObjects->Compress();
284 if (fOwn) delete old;
285 }
84bb7c66 286
287 mrow->AddAt(obj,colx-1);
c72198f1 288
289 if (!fObjects) fObjects=new TObjArray();
290 fObjects->Add(obj);
293void AliObjMatrix::RemoveObject(Int_t row,Int_t col)
295// Remove the object stored at the matrix location (row,col).
296// In case the object was owned by the matrix, it will be deleted.
298// Note : The first location in the matrix is indicated as (1,1).
300 TObject* obj=0;
302 if (!fRows || row<1 || col<1) return;
305 Int_t rowx=row;
306 if (fSwap) rowx=col;
307 Int_t colx=col;
308 if (fSwap) colx=row;
310 TObjArray* mrow=0;
311 if (rowx <= fRows->GetSize()) mrow=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(rowx-1);
313 if (!mrow) return;
315 if (colx <= mrow->GetSize()) obj=(TObject*)mrow->At(colx-1);
317 if (obj)
318 {
319 fObjects->Remove(obj);
320 fObjects->Compress();
321 mrow->Remove(obj);
322 if (fOwn) delete obj;
323 }
84bb7c66 324}
d0a8ef71 326void AliObjMatrix::RemoveObjects(TObject* obj,Int_t row,Int_t col)
e604d3a8 327{
d0a8ef71 328// Remove object(s) from the matrix according to user specified selections.
e604d3a8 329// In case the object was owned by the matrix, it will be deleted.
331// An object is only removed from the matrix if the stored reference matches
332// the argument "obj".
333// In case obj=0 no check on the matching of the stored reference is performed
334// and the stored object is always removed in accordance with the other
335// selection criteria.
337// In case the argument "row" is specified, only the object references from
338// that matrix row will be deleted.
339// In case row=0 (default) no checking on the row index is performed.
341// In case the argument "col" is specified, only the object references from
342// that matrix column will be deleted.
343// In case col=0 (default) no checking on the column index is performed.
d0a8ef71 345// So, invokation of RemoveObjects(obj) will remove all references to the
346// object "obj" from the total matrix, whereas RemoveObjects(obj,0,col)
e604d3a8 347// will remove all references to the object "obj" only from column "col".
349// Notes :
350// -------
351// The first location in the matrix is indicated as (1,1).
d0a8ef71 353// Invokation of RemoveObjects(0,row,col) is equivalent to invoking the
e604d3a8 354// memberfunction RemoveObject(row,col).
355// Invoking the latter directly is slightly faster.
d0a8ef71 357// Invokation of RemoveObjects(0) is equivalent to invoking Reset().
e604d3a8 358// Invoking the latter directly is slightly faster.
360 TArrayI rows;
361 TArrayI cols;
362 Int_t nrefs=0;
364 if (row && col)
365 {
366 if (!obj)
367 {
368 RemoveObject(row,col);
369 }
370 else
371 {
372 TObject* objx=GetObject(row,col);
373 if (objx==obj) RemoveObject(row,col);
374 }
375 return;
376 }
378 if (!row && !col)
379 {
380 if (!obj)
381 {
382 Reset();
383 return;
384 }
385 else
386 {
387 nrefs=GetIndices(obj,rows,cols);
388 }
389 }
391 if (row && !col) nrefs=GetIndices(obj,row,cols);
392 if (!row && col) nrefs=GetIndices(obj,rows,col);
394 // Remove the selected objects based on the obtained row and column indices
395 Int_t irow,icol;
396 for (Int_t i=0; i<nrefs; i++)
397 {
398 irow=row;
399 if (!irow) irow=rows.At(i);
400 icol=col;
401 if (!icol) icol=cols.At(i);
402 RemoveObject(irow,icol);
403 }
261c0caf 406TObject* AliObjMatrix::GetObject(Int_t row,Int_t col) const
84bb7c66 407{
408// Provide a pointer to the object stored at the matrix location (row,col).
409// In case no object was stored at the indicated location or the location
410// would reside outside the matrix boundaries, a value 0 will be returned.
411// Note : The first location in the matrix is indicated as (1,1).
413 TObject* obj=0;
415 if (!fRows || row<1 || col<1) return obj;
418 Int_t rowx=row;
419 if (fSwap) rowx=col;
420 Int_t colx=col;
421 if (fSwap) colx=row;
423 TObjArray* mrow=0;
424 if (rowx <= fRows->GetSize()) mrow=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(rowx-1);
426 if (!mrow) return obj;
428 if (colx <= mrow->GetSize()) obj=(TObject*)mrow->At(colx-1);
430 return obj;
261c0caf 433TObject* AliObjMatrix::GetObject(Int_t j) const
c72198f1 434{
435// Provide a pointer to the j-th stored object.
436// In case the index j is invalid, a value 0 will be returned.
437// The first stored object is indicated as j=1.
439// Note : Do NOT delete the object.
d0a8ef71 440// To remove an object, the memberfunction RemoveObject() or
441// RemoveObjects() should be used.
c72198f1 442
443 TObject* obj=0;
444 Int_t nobj=0;
445 if (fObjects) nobj=fObjects->GetSize();
447 if (j>0 && j<=nobj) obj=(TObject*)fObjects->At(j-1);
449 return obj;
452TObjArray* AliObjMatrix::GetObjects()
454// Provide references to all the stored objects.
455// In case no objects are present, a value 0 will be returned.
457// Note : Do NOT make any changes to the reference array apart from
458// changing the order of the pointers of the various objects.
459// For addition or removal of objects, the memberfunctions
d0a8ef71 460// EnterObject(), RemoveObject() or RemoveObjects() should be used.
c72198f1 461
462 return fObjects;
261c0caf 465Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetMaxRow() const
84bb7c66 466{
467// Provide the maximum row number index.
468 return fMaxrow;
261c0caf 471Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetMaxColumn() const
84bb7c66 472{
473// Provide the maximum column number index.
474 return fMaxcol;
261c0caf 477Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetNobjects() const
84bb7c66 478{
479// Provide the number of stored objects.
c72198f1 480 Int_t nobj=0;
481 if (fObjects) nobj=fObjects->GetEntries();
483 return nobj;
84bb7c66 484}
261c0caf 486Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetNrefs(TObject* obj) const
e604d3a8 487{
488// Provide the number of stored references to the specified object.
489// If obj=0 the total number of stored references for all objects is returned.
490 Int_t nobjs=GetNobjects();
492 if (!obj) return nobjs;
494 Int_t nrefs=0;
495 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nobjs; i++)
496 {
497 TObject* objx=GetObject(i);
498 if (objx==obj) nrefs++;
499 }
500 return nrefs;
261c0caf 503Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetIndices(TObject* obj,TArrayI& rows,TArrayI& cols) const
e604d3a8 504{
505// Provide the (row,col) indices of all the storage locations of the
506// specified object.
507// The row and column indices are returned in the two separate TArrayI arrays
508// from which the (row,col) pairs can be obtained from the corresponding
509// array indices like (row,col)=(rows.At(j),cols.At(j)).
510// The integer return argument represents the number of (row,col) pairs which
511// were encountered for the specified object.
513// If obj=0 no object selection is performed and all (row,col) indices
514// of the stored references for all objects are returned.
516// Notes :
517// -------
518// As usual the convention is that row and column numbering starts at 1.
520// This memberfunction always resets the two TArrayI arrays at the start.
522// This memberfunction can only be used to obtain the (row,col) indices
523// of the object as stored via the EnterObject() memberfunction.
524// This means that in case the user has entered a TObjArray as object
525// (to increase the dimension of the resulting structure), the (row,col)
526// indices of that TObjArray are obtained and NOT the indices of the
527// actual objects contained in that TObjArray structure.
529 Int_t nrefs=GetNrefs(obj);
530 rows.Reset();
531 cols.Reset();
532 rows.Set(nrefs);
533 cols.Set(nrefs);
534 if (!nrefs) return 0;
536 Int_t irow,icol;
537 Int_t jref=0;
538 for (Int_t i=0; i<fRows->GetSize(); i++)
539 {
540 TObjArray* columns=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(i);
541 if (!columns) continue;
543 for (Int_t j=0; j<columns->GetSize(); j++)
544 {
545 TObject* objx=(TObject*)columns->At(j);
546 if (objx && (objx==obj || !obj))
547 {
548 irow=i+1;
549 if (fSwap) irow=j+1;
550 icol=j+1;
551 if (fSwap) icol=i+1;
552 rows.AddAt(irow,jref);
553 cols.AddAt(icol,jref);
554 jref++;
555 }
556 // All references found ==> Done
557 if (jref==nrefs) break;
558 }
559 // All references found ==> Done
560 if (jref==nrefs) break;
561 }
562 return nrefs;
261c0caf 565Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetIndices(TObject* obj,Int_t row,TArrayI& cols) const
e604d3a8 566{
567// Provide the column indices of all the storage locations of the
568// specified object in the specified row of the matrix.
569// The column indices are returned in the TArrayI array.
570// The integer return argument represents the number of storage locations which
571// were encountered for the specified object in the specified matrix row.
573// If obj=0 no object selection is performed and all column indices
d0a8ef71 574// of the stored references for all objects in this specified matrix row
575// are returned.
577// If row=0 all rows will be scanned and all column indices matching the
578// object selection are returned.
579// Note that in this case multiple appearances of the same column index
580// will only be recorded once in the returned TArrayI array.
e604d3a8 581//
582// Notes :
583// -------
584// As usual the convention is that row and column numbering starts at 1.
586// This memberfunction always resets the TArrayI array at the start.
588// This memberfunction can only be used to obtain the column indices
589// of the object as stored via the EnterObject() memberfunction.
590// This means that in case the user has entered a TObjArray as object
591// (to increase the dimension of the resulting structure), the column
592// indices of that TObjArray are obtained and NOT the indices of the
593// actual objects contained in that TObjArray structure.
d0a8ef71 595 cols.Reset();
597 if (row<0 || row>GetMaxRow()) return 0;
e604d3a8 598
599 Int_t nrefs=GetNrefs(obj);
e604d3a8 600 cols.Set(nrefs);
601 if (!nrefs) return 0;
603 Int_t irow,icol;
604 Int_t jref=0;
d0a8ef71 605
606 // No specific row selection
607 if (!row)
608 {
609 TArrayI ar;
610 TArrayI ac;
611 Int_t n=GetIndices(obj,ar,ac);
612 Int_t found=0;
613 for (Int_t idx=0; idx<n; idx++)
614 {
615 icol=ac.At(idx);
616 found=0;
617 for (Int_t k=0; k<jref; k++)
618 {
619 if (icol==cols.At(k)) found=1;
620 }
621 if (!found)
622 {
623 cols.AddAt(icol,jref);
624 jref++;
625 }
626 }
627 // Set the array size to the actual number of different column indices
628 cols.Set(jref);
630 return jref;
631 }
633 // Specific row selection
e604d3a8 634 for (Int_t i=0; i<fRows->GetSize(); i++)
635 {
636 TObjArray* columns=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(i);
637 if (!columns) continue;
639 for (Int_t j=0; j<columns->GetSize(); j++)
640 {
641 TObject* objx=(TObject*)columns->At(j);
642 if (objx && (objx==obj || !obj))
643 {
644 irow=i+1;
645 if (fSwap) irow=j+1;
646 icol=j+1;
647 if (fSwap) icol=i+1;
648 if (irow==row)
649 {
650 cols.AddAt(icol,jref);
651 jref++;
652 }
653 }
654 // All references found ==> Done
655 if (jref==nrefs) break;
656 }
657 // All references found ==> Done
658 if (jref==nrefs) break;
659 }
660 // Set the array size to the actual number of found occurrences
661 cols.Set(jref);
663 return jref;
261c0caf 666Int_t AliObjMatrix::GetIndices(TObject* obj,TArrayI& rows,Int_t col) const
e604d3a8 667{
668// Provide the row indices of all the storage locations of the
669// specified object in the specified column of the matrix.
670// The row indices are returned in the TArrayI array.
671// The integer return argument represents the number of storage locations which
672// were encountered for the specified object in the specified matrix column.
674// If obj=0 no object selection is performed and all row indices
d0a8ef71 675// of the stored references for all objects in this specified matrix column
676// are returned.
678// If col=0 all columns will be scanned and all row indices matching the
679// object selection are returned.
680// Note that in this case multiple appearances of the same row index
681// will only be recorded once in the returned TArrayI array.
e604d3a8 682//
683// Notes :
684// -------
685// As usual the convention is that row and column numbering starts at 1.
687// This memberfunction always resets the TArrayI array at the start.
689// This memberfunction can only be used to obtain the row indices
690// of the object as stored via the EnterObject() memberfunction.
691// This means that in case the user has entered a TObjArray as object
692// (to increase the dimension of the resulting structure), the row
693// indices of that TObjArray are obtained and NOT the indices of the
694// actual objects contained in that TObjArray structure.
d0a8ef71 696 rows.Reset();
698 if (col<0 || col>GetMaxColumn()) return 0;
e604d3a8 699
700 Int_t nrefs=GetNrefs(obj);
e604d3a8 701 rows.Set(nrefs);
702 if (!nrefs) return 0;
704 Int_t irow,icol;
705 Int_t jref=0;
d0a8ef71 706
707 // No specific column selection
708 if (!col)
709 {
710 TArrayI ar;
711 TArrayI ac;
712 Int_t n=GetIndices(obj,ar,ac);
713 Int_t found=0;
714 for (Int_t idx=0; idx<n; idx++)
715 {
716 irow=ar.At(idx);
717 found=0;
718 for (Int_t k=0; k<jref; k++)
719 {
720 if (irow==rows.At(k)) found=1;
721 }
722 if (!found)
723 {
724 rows.AddAt(irow,jref);
725 jref++;
726 }
727 }
728 // Set the array size to the actual number of different row indices
729 rows.Set(jref);
731 return jref;
732 }
734 // Specific column selection
e604d3a8 735 for (Int_t i=0; i<fRows->GetSize(); i++)
736 {
737 TObjArray* columns=(TObjArray*)fRows->At(i);
738 if (!columns) continue;
740 for (Int_t j=0; j<columns->GetSize(); j++)
741 {
742 TObject* objx=(TObject*)columns->At(j);
743 if (objx && (objx==obj || !obj))
744 {
745 irow=i+1;
746 if (fSwap) irow=j+1;
747 icol=j+1;
748 if (fSwap) icol=i+1;
749 if (icol==col)
750 {
751 rows.AddAt(irow,jref);
752 jref++;
753 }
754 }
755 // All references found ==> Done
756 if (jref==nrefs) break;
757 }
758 // All references found ==> Done
759 if (jref==nrefs) break;
760 }
761 // Set the array size to the actual number of found occurrences
762 rows.Set(jref);
764 return jref;
34c199de 767TObject* AliObjMatrix::Clone(const char* name) const
769// Make a deep copy of the current object and provide the pointer to the copy.
770// This memberfunction enables automatic creation of new objects of the
771// correct type depending on the object type, a feature which may be very useful
772// for containers when adding objects in case the container owns the objects.
774 AliObjMatrix* m=new AliObjMatrix(*this);
775 if (name)
776 {
777 if (strlen(name)) m->SetName(name);
778 }
779 return m;