]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RALICE/AliSignal.h
Scaling parameter as in AliMUONConstants.cxx
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RALICE / AliSignal.h
d88f97cc 1#ifndef ALISIGNAL_H
2#define ALISIGNAL_H
3da30618 3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
f531a546 6// $Id$
3da30618 7
959fbac5 8#include "TObject.h"
9#include "TArrayF.h"
c72198f1 10#include "TH1.h"
1fbffa23 11#include "TObjArray.h"
d0a8ef71 12#include "TArrayI.h"
d88f97cc 13
14#include "AliPosition.h"
1fbffa23 15#include "AliAttrib.h"
d0a8ef71 16#include "AliObjMatrix.h"
d88f97cc 17
965bd237 18class AliDevice;
1c01b4f8 20class AliSignal : public TNamed,public AliPosition,public AliAttrib
d88f97cc 21{
22 public:
261c0caf 23 AliSignal(); // Default constructor
24 virtual ~AliSignal(); // Destructor
25 AliSignal(const AliSignal& s); // Copy constructor
26 virtual TObject* Clone(const char* name="") const; // Make a deep copy and provide its pointer
2cb7369d 27 virtual void SetSignal(Double_t sig,Int_t j=1); // Store signal value for the j-th slot
28 virtual void SetSignal(Double_t sig,TString name); // Store signal value for the name-specified slot
29 virtual void AddSignal(Double_t sig,Int_t j=1); // Add value to the signal of the j-th slot
30 virtual void AddSignal(Double_t sig,TString name); // Add value to the signal of the name-specified slot
261c0caf 31 virtual Float_t GetSignal(Int_t j=1,Int_t mode=0) const; // Provide j-th (corrected) signal value
2cb7369d 32 virtual Float_t GetSignal(TString name,Int_t mode=0) const; // Provide name-specified (corrected) signal value
33 virtual void SetSignalError(Double_t dsig,Int_t j=1); // Store error on the signal of the j-th slot
34 virtual void SetSignalError(Double_t dsig,TString name); // Store error on the signal of the name-specified slot
35 virtual Float_t GetSignalError(Int_t j=1) const; // Provide error on the signal of the j-th slot
36 virtual Float_t GetSignalError(TString name) const; // Provide err. on the sig. of the name-specified slot
261c0caf 37 virtual void ResetSignals(Int_t mode=0); // Selective reset of signal values and/or errors
38 virtual void DeleteSignals(Int_t mode=0); // Selectie delete of signal values and/or errors
39 virtual void Reset(Int_t mode=0); // Reset signal and position values and errors
1f241680 40 virtual void Data(TString f="car",TString u="rad") const; // Print all signal info for frame f and ang units u
261c0caf 41 virtual void List(Int_t j=0) const; // Print signal info for the j-th (all) slot(s)
2cb7369d 42 virtual void List(TString name) const; // Print signal info for the name-specified slot
6a8254a0 43 void ListWaveform(Int_t j=0) const; // Print info for the j-th (all) waveform(s)
261c0caf 44 Int_t GetNvalues() const; // Provide the number of signal values
45 Int_t GetNerrors() const; // Provide the number of specified errors
46 Int_t GetNwaveforms() const; // Provide the number of specified waveforms
6a8254a0 47 void SetWaveform(TH1F* waveform,Int_t j=1); // Set the histogram for the j-th waveform
48 TH1F* GetWaveform(Int_t j=1) const; // Pointer to the histo of the j-th waveform
49 TH1F* GetWaveform(TString name) const; // Pointer to the waveform with the specified name
50 Int_t GetWaveformIndex(TString name) const; // Index of the waveform with the specified name
51 void ResetWaveform(Int_t j=1); // Reset the histo of the j-th waveform
52 void ResetWaveform(TString name); // Reset the waveform histo with the specified name
53 void DeleteWaveform(Int_t j=1); // Delete histo of the j-th waveform
54 void DeleteWaveform(TString name); // Delete waveform histo with the specified name
261c0caf 55 Int_t GetNlinks(TObject* obj=0,Int_t j=0) const; // Number of links for the specified object
2cb7369d 56 Int_t GetNlinks(TObject* obj,TString name) const; // Number of links for the specified object
261c0caf 57 void SetLink(TObject* obj,Int_t j=1,Int_t k=1); // Link object to the j-th slot at position k
2cb7369d 58 void SetLink(TObject* obj,TString name,Int_t k=1); // Link object to the name-specified slot at pos. k
261c0caf 59 void AddLink(TObject* obj,Int_t j=1); // Link obj to the j-th slot at 1st free position
2cb7369d 60 void AddLink(TObject* obj,TString name); // Link obj to the name-specified slot at 1st free pos.
261c0caf 61 TObject* GetLink(Int_t j=1,Int_t k=1) const; // Pointer of the object linked to the j-th slot
2cb7369d 62 TObject* GetLink(TString name,Int_t k=1) const; // Pointer of object linked to the name-specified slot
261c0caf 63 Int_t GetIndices(TObject* obj,TArrayI& js,TArrayI& ks) const; // Slot and pos. indices for linked objects
64 Int_t GetIndices(TObject* obj,Int_t j,TArrayI& ks) const; // Pos. indices for linked objects of j-th slot
2cb7369d 65 Int_t GetIndices(TObject* obj,TString name,TArrayI& ks) const;// Pos. indices for linked objects of name-spec. slot
261c0caf 66 Int_t GetIndices(TObject* obj,TArrayI& js,Int_t k) const; // Slot indices for linked objects at pos. k
67 void ResetLink(Int_t j=1,Int_t k=1); // Reset the link(s) of the j-th slot
2cb7369d 68 void ResetLink(TString name,Int_t k=1); // Reset the link(s) of the name-specified slot
261c0caf 69 void ResetLinks(TObject* obj,Int_t j=0,Int_t k=0); // Reset link(s) to object obj for j-th slot
2cb7369d 70 void ResetLinks(TObject* obj,TString name,Int_t k=0); // Reset link(s) to object obj for name-specified slot
261c0caf 71 void SetSwapMode(Int_t swap=1); // Set swapmode flag for the link storage
72 Int_t GetSwapMode() const; // Provide swapmode flag for the link storage
965bd237 73 void SetDevice(TObject* dev); // Store pointer to the device that owns this signal
74 AliDevice* GetDevice() const; // Provide pointer to the owning device
c72198f1 75
d88f97cc 76 protected:
1fbffa23 77 TArrayF* fSignals; // Signal values
78 TArrayF* fDsignals; // Errors on signal values
1fbffa23 79 TObjArray* fWaveforms; // The 1D histograms containing the signal waveforms
d0a8ef71 80 AliObjMatrix* fLinks; // Pointers of objects related to the various slots
965bd237 81 TObject* fDevice; // Pointer to the device that owns this signal
d88f97cc 82
6a8254a0 83 ClassDef(AliSignal,14) // Generic handling of (extrapolated) detector signals.
d88f97cc 84};