]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RALICE/history.txt
09-jun-2001 NvE Script mklibs.bat modified to match its new location in the SCRIPTS
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RALICE / history.txt
d88f97cc 1//*CMZ : 1.00/02 04/07/97 16.48.20 by Nick van Eijndhoven (UU/CERN)
2//*-- Author : Nick van Eijndhoven (UU/CERN) 04/07/97
4// History of updates //
604-jul-1997 NvE First release of the package
711-jul-1997 NvE Class Invmass added to /GENUTILS and directories /PHYSICS
8 and /TRACKING created to hold Jet and Track classes resp.
915-aug-1997 NvE Pilot patch *RALICE removed and automatic installation
10 now completely performed by pure CMZ commands in the
11 INSTALL macro.
1212-sep-1997 NvE Signal of central cluster module and position in user
13 coordinates for all modules introduced in the Calorimetry
14 package.
15 Also all "float vec[]" replaced by "float* vec" in the
16 Lorbo class for stylistic reasons.
1720-sep-1997 NvE Name of member function "getc()" of Calorimeter changed to
18 "get_c()" to avoid clash with native C function.
19 Also protection added in Calorimeter::group() against cases
20 where no modules fired.
2123-sep-1997 NvE Macro "install" modified to also enable automatic installation
22 of a G++ or ROOT loadable shared library 'ralice.sl'.
2324-sep-1997 NvE Class "Calorimeter" optimized by introduction of pointers
24 for the Module matrix instead of an indexed array.
2526-sep-1997 NvE Directory /ROOT added to hold the universal ROOT dictionaries
26 (dict.h and dict.cc) as generated by "rootcint" for all the
27 classes of this RALICE package.
28 This will allow automatic installation of the RALICE library
29 without running "rootcint".
3030-sep-1997 NvE 2-body decay added to class Track and invokation of "delete []"
31 only performed in case the object exists in the destructors
32 of the Calorimeter, Jet and Track classes.
3302-oct-1997 NvE Installation for MSVC++ added into macro "install" and several
34 "return 0.;" statements added in some "Sample" member functions.
35 The latter caused MSVC++ compiler errors.
36 Also 'int ..=fabs(int..)' changed to 'int ..=int(fabs(int..))'
37 in "Cluster::Add()" to prevent G++ warning.
3803-oct-1997 NvE The above code is now ANSI compatible, but MSVC++ 5.0 still
39 gives an error when comp. extensions are switched off (flag /Za).
40 The reason is probably an incorrect implementation of the ANSI
41 type conversion rules in MSVC++. To satisfy MSVC++ for the moment
42 the code in in "Cluster::Add()" has been changed to
43 'int ..=int(fabs(double(int..)))' so that at least a Microsoft
44 compatible RALICE.DLL can be produced. As soon as G++ is able
45 to produce Microsoft compatible dll's the support for MSVC++
46 will be dropped for ralice.cmz.
47 Message to all : USE G++ AS COMPILATION STANDARD !
48 Also CMZ standard adopted to include a "$" in the DECK names
49 which contain KEEP definitions.
5013-oct-1997 NvE Compiler directive for g++ changed in "flogon" and "install"
51 to provide warning for each non-ANSI C++ statement.
52 Also ROOT libs linked with g++ in "install" in case of
53 ROOT loadable shared library creation.
54 Unused variables removed in "Calorimeter::add_ring" and
55 "Track::decay".
5614-oct-1997 NvE Strict ANSI requirements dropped for ROOT loadable lib creation
57 to avoid many harmless warnings from rootcint generated code.
58 Class "Random" added to /GENUTILS and /ROOT updated accordingly.
5914-oct-1997 NvE Class "Random" extended with user definable distribution and
60 /ROOT updated accordingly.
6119-oct-1997 NvE Class "Random" extended with vector facility for user
62 defined dist. and also bug fixed. /ROOT updated accordingly.
6327-oct-1997 NvE Class "Random" optimised for user definable distribution and
64 /ROOT updated accordingly.
6510-dec-1997 NvE Creation of MSVC++ loadable library introduced in "install".
6612-dec-1997 NvE Keep and Deck in /ROOT given unique names to enable loading
67 of this package together with other packages.
6820-jan-1998 NvE New ralicedict produced because of new ROOT 1.03/09 version.
6923-mar-1998 NvE Macro "install" modified to support HP-CC.
70 Multiple usage of for-loop index names removed to satisfy HP-CC
71 compiler (although the original code was ANSI C++).
72 Cluster data just reset to 'empty cluster' in case of cluster
73 'creation' or 'start' for edge module or no-signal module.
7431-mar-1998 NvE Array index bug fixed in class Jet.
7503-apr-1998 NvE Jet and Invmass classes optimised by using pointers and
76 compiler options /GD and /DWIN32 introduced for msvc++
77 in order to optimize for windows DLL's and ensure correct
78 pre-processing in RConfig.h for ROOT library creation.
7913-apr-1998 NvE ROOTCINT processing implemented in $KUMACS/INSTALL and
80 contents of /ROOT updated accordingly.
81 Class Vertex added to /TRACKING and classes Track and Jet
82 protected against modifying of returned addresses.
8314-apr-1998 NvE "rm .def" removed for Unix systems in $KUMACS/INSTALL since
84 on Unix no .def file is created by ROOTCINT.
8517-apr-1998 NvE Return type Track& changed to Track* in the get_trk()
86 member functions of the Jet and Vertex classes.
8721-apr-1998 NvE Classes Track, Vertex, Jet, Lorbo and Invmass derived from
88 TObject to enable ROOT I/O.
89 $KUMACS/FLOGON and $KUMACS/INSTALL updated accordingly.
9026-apr-1998 NvE Classes Module, Cluster and Calorimeter derived from TObject
91 to enable ROOT I/O.
92 Functionality of class Calorimeter has also been extended to
93 enable re-clustering of original Module signals.
9428-apr-1998 NvE Decay produced Tracks in class Track stored also into TObjArray
95 to allow direct I/O.
9603-jun-1998 NvE MSVC++ compiler option /DWIN32 removed in $KUMACS/INSTALL
97 because of bug fix in ROOT version 2.00.
98 Printout of version number introduced in $KUMACS/FLOGON and
99 DOC section updated for new email and www address.
10017-aug-1998 NvE New ALICE coding conventions adopted and automatic marking
101 of 'edge modules' introduced in class AliCalorimeter.
102 The automatic treatment of edge modules required new member-
103 functions EdgeUp() and EdgeDown() in class AliModule.
10419-aug-1998 NvE Call to LoadMatrix() added in AliCalorimeter::Group()
105 to correctly treat different event sizes (i.e. empty events)
106 when reading data from input file(s).
10725-aug-1998 NvE AliCalorimeter::GetModule() introduced to provide quick
108 access to all 'fired' modules.
10927-aug-1998 NvE GetSignal() and GetClusteredSignal() of AliModule now
110 return 0 in case the module was marked as dead.
111 Because of the above, protection against row=col=0
112 introduced in AliCalorimeter::Group().
113 To enable access of modified calorimeter module data via
114 AliCalorimeter::GetModule() after reading in, the "fModules"
115 elements are updated in AliCalorimeter::LoadMatrix().
11616-sep-1998 NvE Correct deletion of the module matrix introduced in the
117 AliCalorimeter destructor and AliCalorimeter::LoadMatrix().
11816-oct-1998 NvE New ALICE coding conventions adopted. This resulted in
119 modifications in /$KUMACS and /ROOT (.cxx extension instead of .cc)
120 and /HEADERS (public class area in front of private).
121 #include <iostream.h> added in AliCluster (thanks to A.Zvyagin).
12219-oct-1998 NvE Protections agains crazy row,col numbers introduced in
123 AliCalorimeter (thanks to E. van der Pijll).
12422-oct-1998 NvE Bug fixed in setting edge values in SetDead() and SetAlive()
125 of AliCalorimeter (thanks to E. van der Pijll).
126 Also row and column dispersion introduced in AliCluster.
12724-oct-1998 NvE Memberfunctions DrawModules() and DrawClusters() introduced
128 in AliCalorimeter.
129 Also AliRandom derived from TObject to enable ROOT I/O.
13026-oct-1998 NvE DrawModules() and DrawClusters() histogram axes defined such
131 that the X and Y axis corresponds to columns and rows resp.
132 in AliCalorimeter. This view matches the 'common sense'.
13306-nov-1998 NvE SetDirectory(0) invoked for the histos created in
134 DrawModules() and DrawClusters() to suppress global character
135 of the histo pointer.
13616-nov-1998 NvE New class AliMath implemented in /GENUTILS and /ROOT
137 updated accordingly.
13823-jan-1999 NvE New class AliSignal implemented and AliCalorimeter extended
139 to contain veto signal information.
14025-jan-1999 NvE Most of the private areas modified into protected areas to enable
141 the use of inheritance.
142 Also support for veto signal information introduced in AliCluster.
14304-feb-1999 NvE Cluster array for internal use removed in AliCalorimeter; now only
144 the "TObjArray* fClusters" is used for performance optimalisation.
14506-feb-1999 NvE New class AliPosition implemented for universal position handling
146 and AliSignal, AliCluster and AliVertex all derived from AliPosition.
147 AliModule inherits from AliSignal and arguments of SetPosition()
148 and GetPosition() in AliCalorimeter updated to match the AliSignal
149 inheritance of AliModule.
15011-mar-1999 NvE All types changed to Int_t, Float_t etc... in order to guarantee
151 portability of all data within the ROOT framework.
15212-mar-1999 NvE Default destructors added in AliInvmass, AliLorbo and AliSample.
15330-mar-1999 NvE New base class Ali3Vector introduced for universal 3D vector handling
154 and AliPosition derived from it.
155 In AliSignal::Reset() memberfunction call introduced instead of setting
156 datamembers; this enhances flexibility for base class development.
15701-apr-1999 NvE "car" introduced as default frame for Ali3Vector::Print().
15803-apr-1999 NvE New base class Ali4Vector introduced for universal handling of
159 Lorentz 4-vectors.
160 Also class AliBoost introduced to perform Lorentz boosts on Ali4Vector
161 objects. This class will replace the old AliLorbo.
162 Memberfunction Print() renamed to Info() for Ali3Vector, Ali4Vector
163 and AliBoost to prevent clash with TObject::Print().
16405-apr-1999 NvE Functionality of Ali3Vector and Ali4Vector extended with += etc...
16506-apr-1999 NvE Class AliTrack derived from Ali4Vector and updated accordingly.
166 Also class AliJet modified by deriving it from AliTrack.
16708-apr-1999 NvE Class AliVertex derived from AliJet and updated accordingly.
168 Also recursive printing facilities List() and ListAll() introduced
169 for AliTrack, AliJet and AliVertex.
17009-apr-1999 NvE Obsolete classes AliLorbo and AliInvmass removed.
171 A new AliInvmass class is planned to provide invariant mass reconstruction
172 functionality to serve e.g. di-lepton and pi0 studies.
17316-apr-1999 NvE New class AliInvmass introduced for invariant mass and comb. bkg. reconstruction.
17421-apr-1999 NvE AliBoost::SetGamma() introduced for enhanced accuracy in boost parameters.
17527-apr-1999 NvE AliModule and AliCluster classes renamed to AliCalmodule and AliCalcluster resp.
176 in view of future general Aliroot base classes AliModule and AliCluster.
17728-jun-1999 NvE Ali4Vector casting changed in AliVertex::Add() and some explicit type conversions
178 added and an unused variable removed in AliInvmass to prevent g++ errors/warnings
179 (thanks to Eugene van der Pijll).
959fbac5 18023-sep-1999 NvE Errors and error propagation introduced in Ali3Vector in view of track
181 reconstruction/extrapolation development.
182 Also AliPosition and AliSignal updated accordingly by introducing the
183 SetPositionErrors(), SetSignalErrors() and Get memberfunctions.
184 Note : Errors (propagation) not yet fully implemented in Ali4Vector and
185 AliBoost.
18624-sep-1999 NvE In Ali4Vector internally the Lorentz invariant (x^mu x_mu) is now stored
187 instead of the scalar part x^0. This will yield better precision and
188 e.g. automatically conserves the particle identity (mass) in elastic
189 collisions.
19008-oct-1999 NvE GetResultError() introduced in Ali3Vector to provide error information
191 on results obtained from operations which yield a scalar.
192 Examples are the error on the norm (GetNorm) and the dotproduct (Dot).
19313-oct-1999 NvE Errors and error propagation fully implemented in Ali4Vector.
19415-oct-1999 NvE Algorithms for error calculations optimised for accuracy in Ali3Vector
195 and Ali4Vector.
196 Also particle mass datamember removed from AliTrack, since this is now
197 automatically handled via the SetInvariant()/GetInvariant() memberfunctions
198 of Ali4Vector.
19916-oct-1999 NvE Storage of multiple signal values (with errors) implemented in AliSignal
200 and AliCalmodule updated accordingly.
201 All documentation moved from the .h files into the .cxx files and also
202 Copyright and cvs logs introduced.
203 Html documentation generated for all classes using the ROOT automatic
204 documentation generator facility.
20518-oct-1999 NvE Classes Ali3VectorObj, Ali4VectorObj and AliPositionObj introduced.
20620-oct-1999 NvE AliTrack::AddSignal() & co. added to enable relating AliSignals to a certain
207 AliTrack object in view of track reconstruction development.
208 Also memberfunction Info() added to AliSignal.
20924-oct-1999 NvE Full error propagation implemented in AliBoost and obsolete memberfunction
210 AliBoost::SetGamma() removed.
21125-oct-1999 NvE Undefined "dtheta2" fixed in Ali3Vector::GetErrors() thanks to Rene Brun.
21229-oct-1999 NvE Compress() invoked for TObjArray fModules after removal of a single module
213 in AliCalorimeter::Reset().
214 Begin- and endpoint introduced for AliTrack.
21530-oct-1999 NvE Pointer handling introduced instead of object copying in AliCalorimeter::Sortm
216 to enhance speed. Also AliCalorimeter::GetModule(row,col) introduced.
217 Array creation moved out of default constructor of AliSignal to comply with
218 ROOT I/O requirements.
21931-oct-1999 NvE AliCalmodule::GetSignal() removed; the AliSignal memberfunction is used
220 instead and AliCalorimeter::GetSignal() takes care of the dead modules.
221 AliCalcluster::Start updated accordingly.
222 New memberfunctions GetVetoLevel() and HasVetoHit() introduced
223 for AliCalcluster.
f40f8fbd 22418-jan-2000 NvE AliCalorimeter updated to remove memory leak and to enable event mixing.
225 Module and position pointers and various attributes (like edge values etc...)
226 are now saved in separate matrices for the complete calorimeter.
227 AliCalmodule and AliCalcluster updated accordingly and also cleaned up
228 a little to remove unneeded datamembers.
22903-mar-2000 NvE AliCalorimeter::SetSignal() updated to provide position for new modules
230 and AliCalorimeter::AddSignal() updated to invoke AliCalorimeter::SetSignal()
231 in case of new modules instead of having duplicate code.
232 (Thanks to Eugene van der Pijll).
5298c7cf 23312-mar-2000 NvE Computation of Integer Order Modified Bessel functions I_n(x) and K_n(x)
234 introduced in class AliMath.
235 Also already existing AliMath facilities converted to Double_t handling
236 to enhance flexibility.
23706-jun-2000 NvE AliMath::K() etc... renamed to AliMath::BesselK() etc... for clarity.
23807-jun-2000 NvE Vertex linking of AliVertex::Add(AliVertex&) made more sophisticated
239 by introduction of automatic generation of connecting track.
f531a546 24026-jan-2001 NvE File RALICELinkDef.h updated to allow the automatic schema evolution
241 as introduced in ROOT 3.00/05.
24227-may-2001 NvE New class AliEvent introduced and RALICELinkDef.h & co. updated accordingly.
243 Also RALICELinkDef.h changed back to old schema evolution (i.e. "+" removed)
244 because of problems with I/O in ROOT 3.00/06 w.r.t. multiple inheritance.
24529-may-2001 NvE Position reset added in AliVertex::Reset().
24601-jun-2001 NvE Memberfunctions Add() renamed explicitly to AddTrack(), AddJet() and
247 AddVertex() in AliJet and AliVertex.
24803-jun-2001 NvE Treatment of masshypotheses introduced in AliTrack.
24904-jun-2001 NvE CVS Log text and keyword replaced by Id in .cxx files and C++ comment
250 indicator /* ... */ replaced by // in the Id record of the .h files
251 to prevent problems.
25206-jun-2001 NvE CVS Date keyword introduced in 'Modified' field in .cxx files so that
253 the modification date is updated automatically in the html docs.
e0a93fae 25409-jun-2001 NvE Script mklibs.bat modified to match its new location in the SCRIPTS
255 subdirectory and file RALICEHeaders.h moved back to the RALICE
256 directory again to enable universal installation scripts.
257 Also name AliEvent.cxx added in Makefile.