]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - README_CMake
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / README_CMake
45526b5e 1
2Note: The CMake build of AliRoot builds out-of-source
529dfa42 4Steps to Build AliRoot with CMake :
dfa85384 5
8b0f7d96 61. Check out Aliroot source into a folder (usually specified by the environment variable ALICE)
45526b5e 7
8b0f7d96 8 cd $ALICE
11f822d1 9 svn co https://alisoft.cern.ch/AliRoot/trunk AliRoot
11Note: Please use https:// if you want to be able to commit changes to the SVN repository.
529dfa42 12
8b0f7d96 132. Set the environment variable ALICE_ROOT to point to the source you have checked out
15 cd AliRoot
16 export ALICE_ROOT=`pwd`
193. Create a new folder where the build will take place. It must be different from the source directory!
45526b5e 20
8b0f7d96 21 cd ..
22 mkdir objdir
23 cd objdir
254. Optionally specify the place for installation using the environment variable ALICE_INSTALL.
26It you do not specify it, "make install" will put lib, bin and include in ALICE_ROOT
285. Optionally specify the location of Geant3 using the environment variable GEANT3DIR
306. Execute the following commands to configure the build
32 cmake $ALICE_ROOT
34Note: Some files CMakeLists.txt will be created in the source tree, so you need write access there. This
35is a temporary situation that will change soon.
377. Build and install AliRoot. Note that the parralel build is fully operational with CMake.
39 make -j4
40 make install
529dfa42 41
8b0f7d96 42If you make changes in the source tree, it is enough to do
45526b5e 43
8b0f7d96 44 make
45 make install
529f129e 46
8b0f7d96 47to get them in use.
529dfa42 48
8b0f7d96 499. In order to build addtional targets like THydjet and SHUTTLE add the following options to the cmake command
45526b5e 50
51 cmake -DTHydjet=ON -DSHUTTLE=ON <path_to_source>
8b0f7d96 5310. Static libraries can be built using
529f129e 54
55 make alilibs-static
8b0f7d96 5711. Individual Modules can be built using
529f129e 58
59 make <Module>-all
60 make <Module>-all-static
62eg. make STEER-all STEER-all-static
8b0f7d96 6412. Individual Packages can be built using
529f129e 65
66 make <Package>
67 make <Package>-static
69eg. make STEERbase STEERbase-static
529dfa42 70
8b0f7d96 7113. The code can be checked for the ALICE coding conventions on a package, module or class level using the following targets.
c2a2c0b8 72
73 make check-all
74 make <Module>-check-all
75 make <Package>-check
8948a174 76 make <Module>-<ClassName>-check // To use this run cmake with -DCLASSCHECK="YES" option. It is turned off by default since it bloats the Makefile and slows down the internal makefile rule checking
c2a2c0b8 77
811ffdcc 78 The resulting violations will be written to the folder <Build_Directory>/<Module>/check/viols
c2a2c0b8 79
8b0f7d96 8014. To Build PARs the following targets can be used. The resulting packages will be created in the cmake build directory
6a9e2760 81
82 make par-all
83 make <Package>.par
8948a174 84 make <Module>-par-all //build all par packages in the module
3a8dbb31 85
8b0f7d96 8615. To test PARs after building run
3a8dbb31 87
88 make test-par-all
89 make test-<Package>
90 make test-<Module>-par-all
6a9e2760 91
45526b5e 92!IMPORTANT! - Make sure your source folder is clean. If you used the old make system to build aliroot run make clean in the source directory before you run cmake
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