]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RICH/AliRICH.h
Updated Config.C.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RICH / AliRICH.h
237c933d 1#ifndef ALIRICH_H
2#define ALIRICH_H
2e5f0f7b 3
3da30618 4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7/* $Id$ */
2e5f0f7b 9
fe4da5cc 10////////////////////////////////////////////////
11// Manager and hits classes for set:RICH //
fe4da5cc 13#include "AliDetector.h"
ddae0931 14#include "AliRICHConst.h"
2e5f0f7b 15#include "AliRICHChamber.h"
237c933d 16static const int kNCH=7;
fe4da5cc 17
2ab0c725 18class TFile;
fe4da5cc 19
237c933d 20class AliRICHHit;
b251a2b5 21class AliRICHSDigit;
2e5f0f7b 22class AliRICHRawCluster;
a4622d0f 23class AliRICHRecHit1D;
24class AliRICHRecHit3D;
2e5f0f7b 25class AliRICHClusterFinder;
26class AliRICHDetect;
27class AliRICHChamber;
28class AliRICHCerenkov;
a2f7eaf6 29class AliSegmentation;
2e5f0f7b 30class AliRICHResponse;
31class AliRICHEllipse;
237c933d 32class AliRICHGeometry;
d8a72780 33class AliRICHMerger;
ddae0931 34
35class AliRICH : public AliDetector {
36 public:
37 AliRICH();
38 AliRICH(const char *name, const char *title);
237c933d 39 AliRICH(const AliRICH& RICH);
ddae0931 40 virtual ~AliRICH();
237c933d 41 virtual void AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits);
42 virtual void AddCerenkov(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *cerenkovs);
b251a2b5 43 virtual void AddSDigit(Int_t *clhits);
237c933d 44 virtual void AddDigits(Int_t id, Int_t *tracks, Int_t *charges, Int_t *digits);
45 virtual void AddRawCluster(Int_t id, const AliRICHRawCluster& cluster);
a4622d0f 46 virtual void AddRecHit1D(Int_t id, Float_t* rechit, Float_t* photons, Int_t* padsx, Int_t* padsy);
47 virtual void AddRecHit3D(Int_t id, Float_t* rechit);
2e5f0f7b 48
ddae0931 50 virtual void BuildGeometry();
452a64c6 51 virtual void CreateGeometry();
52 virtual void CreateMaterials();
53 virtual Float_t AbsoCH4(Float_t x);
54 virtual Float_t Fresnel(Float_t ene,Float_t pdoti, Bool_t pola);
ddae0931 55 virtual void StepManager();
56 Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py);
57 virtual Int_t IsVersion() const =0;
b251a2b5 59 TClonesArray *SDigits() {return fSDigits;}
2e5f0f7b 60 TClonesArray *Cerenkovs() {return fCerenkovs;}
2ab0c725 61 virtual void MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" ", char *file=0);
ddae0931 62 void SetTreeAddress();
63 virtual void ResetHits();
64 virtual void ResetDigits();
2e5f0f7b 65 virtual void ResetRawClusters();
a4622d0f 66 virtual void ResetRecHits1D();
67 virtual void ResetRecHits3D();
237c933d 68 virtual void FindClusters(Int_t nev,Int_t lastEntry);
34ead2dd 69 virtual void Hits2SDigits();
2ab0c725 70 virtual void SDigits2Digits();
34ead2dd 71 virtual void SDigits2Digits(Int_t nev, Int_t flag);
72 virtual void Digits2Reco();
ddae0931 73//
74// Configuration Methods (per station id)
76// Set Chamber Segmentation Parameters
77// id refers to the station and isec to the cathode plane
ddae0931 78// Set Segmentation and Response Model
2e5f0f7b 79 virtual void SetGeometryModel(Int_t id, AliRICHGeometry *geometry);
a2f7eaf6 80 virtual void SetSegmentationModel(Int_t id, AliSegmentation *segmentation);
2e5f0f7b 81 virtual void SetResponseModel(Int_t id, AliRICHResponse *response);
2e5f0f7b 82// Set Reconstruction Model
83 virtual void SetReconstructionModel(Int_t id, AliRICHClusterFinder *reconstruction);
6fb24c3c 84// Set source debugging level
34ead2dd 85 void SetDebugLevel(Int_t level) {fDebugLevel=level;}
d8a72780 86// Set Merger
87 virtual void SetMerger(AliRICHMerger* thisMerger) {fMerger=thisMerger;}
6fb24c3c 88// Get source debugging level
34ead2dd 89 Int_t GetDebugLevel() {return fDebugLevel;}
ddae0931 90// Response Simulation
34ead2dd 91 virtual Int_t Hits2SDigits(Float_t xhit,Float_t yhit,Float_t eloss,Int_t id, ResponseType res);
ddae0931 92// Return reference to Chamber #id
34ead2dd 93 virtual AliRICHChamber& Chamber(Int_t id) {return *((AliRICHChamber *) (*fChambers)[id]);}
ddae0931 94// Retrieve pad hits for a given Hit
34ead2dd 95 virtual AliRICHSDigit* FirstPad(AliRICHHit *hit, TClonesArray *clusters);
96 virtual AliRICHSDigit* NextPad(TClonesArray *clusters);
ddae0931 97// Return pointers to digits
34ead2dd 98 TObjArray *Dchambers() {return fDchambers;}
99 Int_t *Ndch() {return fNdch;}
ddae0931 100 virtual TClonesArray *DigitsAddress(Int_t id) {return ((TClonesArray *) (*fDchambers)[id]);}
2e5f0f7b 101// Return pointers to rec. hits
34ead2dd 102 TObjArray *RecHits1D() {return fRecHits1D;}
103 Int_t *Nrechits1D() {return fNrechits1D;}
a4622d0f 104 virtual TClonesArray *RecHitsAddress1D(Int_t id) {return ((TClonesArray *) (*fRecHits1D)[id]);}
34ead2dd 105 TObjArray *RecHits3D() {return fRecHits3D;}
106 Int_t *Nrechits3D() {return fNrechits3D;}
a4622d0f 107 virtual TClonesArray *RecHitsAddress3D(Int_t id) {return ((TClonesArray *) (*fRecHits3D)[id]);}
ddae0931 109// Return pointers to reconstructed clusters
2e5f0f7b 110 virtual TClonesArray *RawClustAddress(Int_t id) {return ((TClonesArray *) (*fRawClusters)[id]);}
237c933d 111// Assignment operator
112 AliRICH& operator=(const AliRICH& rhs);
52042918 113
114// Analysis routines
115 // Full events
116 virtual void DiagnosticsFE(Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=0);
117 // Single events
118 virtual void DiagnosticsSE(Int_t diaglevel,Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=0);
ddae0931 119
120 protected:
121 TObjArray *fChambers; // List of Tracking Chambers
b251a2b5 122 Int_t fNSDigits; // Number of clusters
2e5f0f7b 123 Int_t fNcerenkovs; // Number of cerenkovs
b251a2b5 124 TClonesArray *fSDigits; // List of clusters
ddae0931 125 TObjArray *fDchambers; // List of digits
ddae0931 126 TClonesArray *fCerenkovs; // List of cerenkovs
a4622d0f 127 Int_t fNdch[kNCH]; // Number of digits
2e5f0f7b 128 TObjArray *fRawClusters; // List of raw clusters
a4622d0f 129 TObjArray *fRecHits1D; // List of rec. hits
130 TObjArray *fRecHits3D; // List of rec. hits
131 Int_t fNrawch[kNCH]; // Number of raw clusters
132 Int_t fNrechits1D[kNCH]; // Number of rec hits
133 Int_t fNrechits3D[kNCH]; // Number of rec hits
134 Int_t fDebugLevel; // Source debugging level
378f6387 135
34ead2dd 136 Int_t fCkovNumber; // Number of Cerenkov photons
137 Int_t fCkovQuarz; // Cerenkovs crossing quartz
138 Int_t fCkovGap; // Cerenkovs crossing gap
139 Int_t fCkovCsi; // Cerenkovs crossing csi
140 Int_t fLostRfreo; // Cerenkovs reflected in freon
141 Int_t fLostRquar; // Cerenkovs reflected in quartz
142 Int_t fLostAfreo; // Cerenkovs absorbed in freon
143 Int_t fLostAquarz; // Cerenkovs absorbed in quartz
144 Int_t fLostAmeta; // Cerenkovs absorbed in methane
145 Int_t fLostCsi; // Cerenkovs below csi quantum efficiency
146 Int_t fLostWires; // Cerenkovs lost in wires
147 Int_t fFreonProd; // Cerenkovs produced in freon
148 Float_t fMipx; // x coord. of MIP
149 Float_t fMipy; // y coord. of MIP
150 Int_t fFeedbacks; // Number of feedback photons
151 Int_t fLostFresnel; // Cerenkovs lost by Fresnel reflection
d8a72780 152
154// Background eent for event mixing
34ead2dd 155 Text_t *fFileName; // ! File with background hits
156 AliRICHMerger *fMerger; // ! pointer to merger
ddae0931 157
34ead2dd 158 ClassDef(AliRICH,1) //Hits manager for set:RICH
2e5f0f7b 159};
fe4da5cc 160#endif
ddae0931 164