]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RICH/AliRICHChamber.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RICH / AliRICHChamber.cxx
2e5f0f7b 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
2e5f0f7b 16#include "AliRICHChamber.h"
a277aaca 17#include "AliRICHConst.h" //for kR2d
853634d3 18#include "AliRICHParam.h"
2e5f0f7b 19#include <TRandom.h>
488e98ba 20#include <TRotMatrix.h>
853634d3 21#include "AliRICHTresholdMap.h"
22#include "AliSegmentation.h"
23#include "AliRICHSegmentationV0.h"
24#include "AliRICHGeometry.h"
25#include "AliRICHResponse.h"
2e5f0f7b 26
853634d3 28//______________________________________________________________________________
2e5f0f7b 29AliRICHChamber::AliRICHChamber()
853634d3 30{//default ctor
31 fpParam=0;
32 fpRotMatrix=0;
2e5f0f7b 34 fSegmentation = 0;
4faf338d 35 fResponse = 0;
36 fGeometry = 0;
37 fTresh = 0;
ef42d733 38 for(Int_t i=0; i<50; ++i) fIndexMap[i] = 0;
2e5f0f7b 39}
853634d3 40//______________________________________________________________________________
41AliRICHChamber::AliRICHChamber(Int_t iModuleN,AliRICHParam *pParam)
c64f7552 42{//main ctor. Defines all geometry parameters for the given module.
43 SetToZenith();//put to up position
853634d3 44 switch(iModuleN){
853634d3 45 case 1:
0ffe413c 46 RotateX(-pParam->AngleYZ());
3ea9cb08 47 RotateZ(-pParam->AngleXY());
853634d3 48 fName="RICHc1";fTitle="RICH chamber 1";
49 break;
50 case 2:
3ea9cb08 51 RotateZ(-pParam->AngleXY());
853634d3 52 fName="RICHc2";fTitle="RICH chamber 2";
53 break;
54 case 3:
3ea9cb08 55 RotateX(-pParam->AngleYZ());
853634d3 56 fName="RICHc3";fTitle="RICH chamber 3";
57 break;
3ea9cb08 58 case 4:
59 fName="RICHc4";fTitle="RICH chamber 4"; //no turns
853634d3 60 break;
61 case 5:
3ea9cb08 62 RotateX(pParam->AngleYZ());
853634d3 63 fName="RICHc5";fTitle="RICH chamber 5";
64 break;
65 case 6:
3ea9cb08 66 RotateZ(pParam->AngleXY());
853634d3 67 fName="RICHc6";fTitle="RICH chamber 6";
68 break;
3ea9cb08 69 case 7:
70 RotateX(pParam->AngleYZ());
71 RotateZ(pParam->AngleXY());
72 fName="RICHc7";fTitle="RICH chamber 7";
73 break;
853634d3 74 default:
c64f7552 75 Fatal("named ctor","Wrong chamber number %i, check CreateChamber ctor",iModuleN);
853634d3 76 }//switch(iModuleN)
77 RotateZ(pParam->AngleRot());//apply common rotation
a277aaca 78 fpRotMatrix=new TRotMatrix("rot"+fName,"rot"+fName, Rot().ThetaX()*kR2d, Rot().PhiX()*kR2d,
79 Rot().ThetaY()*kR2d, Rot().PhiY()*kR2d,
80 Rot().ThetaZ()*kR2d, Rot().PhiZ()*kR2d);
853634d3 81 fpParam=pParam;
c60862bf 82 fX=fCenterV3.X();fY=fCenterV3.Y();fZ=fCenterV3.Z();
1f63a0be 83
84 fSegmentation = 0; fResponse = 0; fGeometry = 0;
85 fTresh = 0; for(Int_t i=0; i<50; ++i) fIndexMap[i] = 0;
853634d3 86}
2e5f0f7b 88
0ffe413c 89void AliRICHChamber::LocaltoGlobal(Float_t local[3],Float_t global[3])
853634d3 90{//Local coordinates to global coordinates transformation
237c933d 91
2d857021 92 Double_t *pMatrix;
93 pMatrix = fpRotMatrix->GetMatrix();
0ffe413c 94 global[0]=local[0]*pMatrix[0]+local[1]*pMatrix[3]+local[2]*pMatrix[6];
95 global[1]=local[0]*pMatrix[1]+local[1]*pMatrix[4]+local[2]*pMatrix[7];
96 global[2]=local[0]*pMatrix[2]+local[1]*pMatrix[5]+local[2]*pMatrix[8];
97 global[0]+=fX;
98 global[1]+=fY;
99 global[2]+=fZ;
2e5f0f7b 100}
0ffe413c 102void AliRICHChamber::GlobaltoLocal(Float_t global[3],Float_t local[3])
853634d3 103{// Global coordinates to local coordinates transformation
2d857021 104 TMatrix matrixCopy(3,3);
105 Double_t *pMatrixOrig = fpRotMatrix->GetMatrix();
2e5f0f7b 106 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++)
107 {
108 for(Int_t j=0;j<3;j++)
2d857021 109 matrixCopy(j,i)=pMatrixOrig[j+3*i];
2e5f0f7b 110 }
2d857021 111 matrixCopy.Invert();
0ffe413c 112 local[0] = global[0] - fX;
113 local[1] = global[1] - fY;
114 local[2] = global[2] - fZ;
115 local[0]=local[0]*matrixCopy(0,0)+local[1]*matrixCopy(0,1)+local[2]*matrixCopy(0,2);
116 local[1]=local[0]*matrixCopy(1,0)+local[1]*matrixCopy(1,1)+local[2]*matrixCopy(1,2);
117 local[2]=local[0]*matrixCopy(2,0)+local[1]*matrixCopy(2,1)+local[2]*matrixCopy(2,2);
2e5f0f7b 118}
2e5f0f7b 120void AliRICHChamber::DisIntegration(Float_t eloss, Float_t xhit, Float_t yhit,
3ea9cb08 121 Int_t& iNpads,Float_t cluster[5][500],ResponseType res)
122{//Generates pad hits (simulated cluster) using the segmentation and the response model
0ffe413c 123
124 Float_t local[3],global[3];
3ea9cb08 125// Width of the integration area
126 Float_t dx=(fResponse->SigmaIntegration())*(fResponse->ChargeSpreadX());
127 Float_t dy=(fResponse->SigmaIntegration())*(fResponse->ChargeSpreadY());
128// Get pulse height from energy loss and generate feedback photons
129 Float_t qtot=0;
130 local[0]=xhit;
131//z-position of the wires relative to the RICH mother volume (2 mm before CsI) old value: 6.076 ???????
132 local[1]=1.276 + fGeometry->GetGapThickness()/2 - .2;
133 local[2]=yhit;
2e5f0f7b 134
3ea9cb08 135 LocaltoGlobal(local,global);
2e5f0f7b 136
0ffe413c 137
3ea9cb08 139//To calculate wire sag, the origin of y-position must be the middle of the photcathode
140 AliRICHSegmentationV0* segmentation = (AliRICHSegmentationV0*) GetSegmentationModel();
141 Float_t newy;
142 if (yhit>0)
143 newy = yhit - segmentation->GetPadPlaneLength()/2;
144 else
145 newy = yhit + segmentation->GetPadPlaneLength()/2;
0ffe413c 146
3ea9cb08 147 if(res==kMip){
148 qtot = fResponse->IntPH(eloss, newy);
0ffe413c 149 fResponse->FeedBackPhotons(global,qtot);
150 }else if(res==kPhoton){
3ea9cb08 151 qtot = fResponse->IntPH(newy);
0ffe413c 152 fResponse->FeedBackPhotons(global,qtot);
3ea9cb08 153 }
2e5f0f7b 154
2e5f0f7b 155 // Loop Over Pads
0ffe413c 156
3ea9cb08 157 Float_t qcheck=0, qp=0;
0ffe413c 158
3ea9cb08 159 iNpads=0;
c712cb2f 160 for(fSegmentation->FirstPad(xhit, yhit, 0, dx, dy); fSegmentation->MorePads(); fSegmentation->NextPad()) {
3ea9cb08 161 qp= fResponse->IntXY(fSegmentation);
162 qp= TMath::Abs(qp);
163 if(qp >1.e-4){
164 qcheck+=qp;
165 cluster[0][iNpads]=qp*qtot;// --- store signal information
166 cluster[1][iNpads]=fSegmentation->Ix();
167 cluster[2][iNpads]=fSegmentation->Iy();
168 cluster[3][iNpads]=fSegmentation->ISector();
0ffe413c 169 iNpads++;
3ea9cb08 170 }
171 }//pad loop
853634d3 172}//void AliRICHChamber::DisIntegration(...
0ffe413c 173//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
4faf338d 174void AliRICHChamber::GenerateTresholds()
0ffe413c 175{//Generates random treshold charges for all pads
4faf338d 176 Int_t nx = fSegmentation->Npx();
177 Int_t ny = fSegmentation->Npy();
4faf338d 179 fTresh = new AliRICHTresholdMap(fSegmentation);
853634d3 180 for(Int_t i=-nx/2;i<nx/2;i++){
181 for(Int_t j=-ny/2;j<ny/2;j++){
182 Int_t pedestal = (Int_t)(gRandom->Gaus(50, 10));
183 fTresh->SetHit(i,j,pedestal);
4faf338d 184 }
853634d3 185 }
186}//void AliRICHChamber::GenerateTresholds()
0ffe413c 187//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
cc23c5c6 188void AliRICHChamber::Print(Option_t *) const
853634d3 189{
0ffe413c 190 printf("%s r=%8.3f theta=%5.1f phi=%5.1f x=%8.3f y=%8.3f z=%8.3f %6.2f,%6.2f %6.2f,%6.2f %6.2f,%6.2f\n",fName.Data(),
191 Rho(), ThetaD(),PhiD(), X(), Y(), Z(),
3ea9cb08 192 ThetaXd(),PhiXd(),ThetaYd(),PhiYd(),ThetaZd(),PhiZd());
853634d3 193}//void AliRICHChamber::Print(Option_t *option)const
0ffe413c 194//__________________________________________________________________________________________________