]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - RICH/AliRICHRecon.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RICH / AliRICHRecon.cxx
5cb4dfc3 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
88dd9ad4 16//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17// //
18// AliRICHRecon //
19// //
20// RICH class to perfom pattern recognition based on Hough transfrom //
db910db9 21// for single chamber //
88dd9ad4 22//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
db910db9 24#include "AliRICHRecon.h" //class header
5cb4dfc3 25#include <TMath.h>
5cb4dfc3 26#include <TRotation.h>
5cb4dfc3 27#include <TVector3.h>
910735ae 28#include <TH1F.h>
024a7e64 29
db910db9 30#include "AliRICHCluster.h" //ThetaCerenkov()
024a7e64 31#include "AliRICHParam.h"
db910db9 32#include "AliRICHHelix.h" //ThetaCerenkov()
998b831f 33#include <AliLog.h>
5cb4dfc3 34
35#define NPointsOfRing 201
b068561d 37//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5c09947e 38AliRICHRecon::AliRICHRecon():
39 TTask ("RichRec","RichPat"),
5c09947e 40 fPhotonsNumber(0),
41 fPhotonIndex(0), // should we use -1?
42 fFittedHoughPhotons(0),
43 fMinNumPhots(3),
44 fTrackTheta(0),
45 fTrackPhi(0),
46 fMinDist(999),
47 fTrackBeta(0),
48 fXtoentr(999),
49 fYtoentr(999),
50 fThetaPhotonInTRS(0),
51 fPhiPhotonInTRS(0),
52 fThetaPhotonInDRS(0),
53 fPhiPhotonInDRS(0),
54 fThetaAtQuartz(0),
55 fXEmiss(-999),
56 fYEmiss(-999),
57 fXInner(-999),
58 fYInner(-999),
59 fXOuter(-999),
60 fYOuter(-999),
61 fInnerRadius(-999),
62 fOuterRadius(-999),
63 fEphot(0),
64 fLengthEmissionPoint(0),
65 fPhotonLimitX(999),
66 fPhotonLimitY(999),
67 fDistanceFromCluster(999),
68 fCerenkovAnglePad(999),
69 fThetaPhotonCerenkov(0),
70 fShiftX(0),
71 fShiftY(0),
72 fXcoord(999),
73 fYcoord(999),
74 fIntersectionX(999),
75 fIntersectionY(999),
76 fMassHypotesis(0.139567),
77 fThetaOfRing(0),
78 fAreaOfRing(0),
79 fPortionOfRing(0),
80 fHoughArea(0),
81 fHoughRMS(999),
5c09947e 82 fFittedTrackTheta(0),
83 fFittedTrackPhi(0),
84 fFittedThetaCerenkov(0),
85 fThetaMin(0.0),
86 fThetaMax(0.75),
89 fDTheta(0.001),
90 fWindowWidth(0.045),
91 fNumEtaPhotons(0),
92 fnPhotBKG(0),
93 fThetaCerenkov(0),
94 fWeightThetaCerenkov(0),
4c3a1f92 95 fThetaPeakPos(0),
96 fRingSigma2(0)
5cb4dfc3 97{
998b831f 98// main ctor
5c09947e 99 for (Int_t i=0; i<3000; i++) {
100 fPhotonFlag[i] = 0;
101 fPhiPoint[i] = -999;
102 fPhotonEta[i] = -999;
103 fPhotonWeight[i] = 0.0;
104 fEtaFlag[i] = 0;
105 fEtaPhotons[i] = 0;
106 fWeightPhotons[i] = 0;
107 }
5cb4dfc3 108}
b068561d 109//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
aad5d262 110Double_t AliRICHRecon::ThetaCerenkov(AliRICHHelix *pHelix,TClonesArray *pClusters,Int_t &nphot)
5cb4dfc3 111{
998b831f 112// Pattern recognition method based on Hough transform
113// Return theta Cerenkov for a given track and list of clusters which are set in ctor
db910db9 114// Remeber that list of clusters must contain more then 1 cluster. This considiration implies that normally we have 1 mip cluster and few photon clusters per track.
115// Argume
aad5d262 116// Returns: Track theta ckov in rad, nphot is the number of photon candidates accepted for reconstruction track theta ckov
db910db9 117 SetTrackTheta(pHelix->Ploc().Theta()); SetTrackPhi(pHelix->Ploc().Phi());
118 SetShiftX(pHelix->PosRad().X()); SetShiftY(pHelix->PosRad().Y());
db910db9 119 if(pClusters->GetEntries()>200) fIsWEIGHT = kTRUE; // offset to take into account bkg in reconstruction
120 else fIsWEIGHT = kFALSE;
5cb4dfc3 121
5cb4dfc3 122
5cb4dfc3 123
db910db9 124 SetThetaCerenkov(-1);
5cb4dfc3 125
84093f6f 126 //
127 // Photon Flag: Flag = 0 initial set; Flag = 1 good candidate (charge compatible with photon); Flag = 2 photon used for the ring;
128 //
4c3a1f92 130 for (Int_t iClu=0; iClu<pClusters->GetEntriesFast();iClu++){//clusters loop
aad5d262 131 if(iClu == nphot) continue; // do not consider MIP cluster as a photon candidate
db910db9 132 SetPhotonIndex(iClu);
998b831f 133 SetPhotonFlag(0);
134 SetPhotonEta(-999.);
135 SetPhotonWeight(0.);
4c3a1f92 136 AliRICHCluster *pClu=(AliRICHCluster*)pClusters->UncheckedAt(iClu); //get pointer to current cluster
84093f6f 137 if(pClu->Q()>AliRICHParam::QthMIP()) continue; //avoid MIP clusters from bkg
db910db9 138 SetEntranceX(pClu->X() - GetShiftX()); SetEntranceY(pClu->Y() - GetShiftY()); //cluster position with respect to track intersection
998b831f 139 FindPhiPoint();
84093f6f 140 SetPhotonFlag(1);
998b831f 141 FindThetaPhotonCerenkov();
142 Float_t thetaPhotonCerenkov = GetThetaPhotonCerenkov();
db910db9 143 AliDebug(1,Form("Track Theta=%5.2f deg, Phi=%5.2f deg Photon clus=%2i ThetaCkov=%5.2f rad",GetTrackTheta()*TMath::RadToDeg(),GetTrackPhi()*TMath::RadToDeg()
144 ,iClu,thetaPhotonCerenkov ));
998b831f 145 SetPhotonEta(thetaPhotonCerenkov);
998b831f 146 }//clusters loop
5cb4dfc3 147
4c3a1f92 148 SetPhotonsNumber(pClusters->GetEntries());
998b831f 149
aad5d262 150 if((nphot=FlagPhotons(HoughResponse()))<1) return -11; //flag photons according to individual theta ckov with respect to most probable track theta ckov
5cb4dfc3 151
5cb4dfc3 152
101624cd 153// Float_t thetaCerenkov = GetThetaCerenkov();
154// SetThetaOfRing(thetaCerenkov);
998b831f 155// FindAreaAndPortionOfRing();
5cb4dfc3 156
998b831f 157// Float_t nPhotonHoughNorm = ((Float_t)nPhotonHough)/GetPortionOfRing();
158// SetHoughPhotonsNorm(nPhotonHoughNorm);
5cb4dfc3 159
160 // Calculate the area where the photon are accepted...
998b831f 161/*
88dd9ad4 162 Float_t thetaInternal = thetaCerenkov - 0.5*fWindowWidth;
163 SetThetaOfRing(thetaInternal);
5cb4dfc3 164 FindAreaAndPortionOfRing();
88dd9ad4 165 Float_t internalArea = GetAreaOfRing();
5cb4dfc3 166
88dd9ad4 167 Float_t thetaExternal = thetaCerenkov + 0.5*fWindowWidth;
168 SetThetaOfRing(thetaExternal);
5cb4dfc3 169 FindAreaAndPortionOfRing();
88dd9ad4 170 Float_t externalArea = GetAreaOfRing();
5cb4dfc3 171
88dd9ad4 172 Float_t houghArea = externalArea - internalArea;
5cb4dfc3 173
88dd9ad4 174 SetHoughArea(houghArea);
998b831f 175*/
4c3a1f92 176 FindThetaCerenkov(pClusters->GetEntries());
998b831f 177 return GetThetaCerenkov();
998b831f 178}//ThetaCerenkov()
5cb4dfc3 180Int_t AliRICHRecon::PhotonInBand()
db910db9 182// Define valid band for photon candidates. For that photons with ThetaMin and ThetaMax are traced up to photcathode
5cb4dfc3 183
5cb4dfc3 184 Float_t nfreon;
186 Float_t thetacer;
88dd9ad4 188 Float_t xtoentr = GetEntranceX();
189 Float_t ytoentr = GetEntranceY();
5cb4dfc3 190
88dd9ad4 191 Float_t innerRadius;
192 Float_t outerRadius;
5cb4dfc3 193
194 Float_t phpad = GetPhiPoint();
5cb4dfc3 196
197 // inner radius //
db910db9 198 SetEmissionPoint(AliRICHParam::RadThick() -0.0001);
5cb4dfc3 199
4c3a1f92 200 nfreon = AliRICHParam::Instance()->IdxC6F14(AliRICHParam::Instance()->EckovMin());
5cb4dfc3 201 thetacer = 0.;
998b831f 203 AliDebug(1,Form("thetacer in photoninband min %f",thetacer));
5cb4dfc3 204
205 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetacer);
db910db9 207 if(thetacer == 999. || GetThetaAtQuartz() == 999.) {
88dd9ad4 208 innerRadius = -999.;
5cb4dfc3 209 SetXInnerRing(-999.);
210 SetYInnerRing(-999.);
211 SetRadiusInnerRing(-999.);
212 }
213 else
214 {
215 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
216 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phpad);
88dd9ad4 218 innerRadius = FromEmissionToCathode();
219 if(innerRadius == 999.) innerRadius = -999.;
5cb4dfc3 220
221 SetXInnerRing(GetXPointOnCathode());
222 SetYInnerRing(GetYPointOnCathode());
88dd9ad4 223 SetRadiusInnerRing(innerRadius);
5cb4dfc3 224 }
226 // outer radius //
5cb4dfc3 227 SetEmissionPoint(0.);
228// SetMassHypotesis(0.139567);
5cb4dfc3 229
4c3a1f92 230 nfreon = AliRICHParam::Instance()->IdxC6F14(AliRICHParam::Instance()->EckovMax());
5cb4dfc3 231
998b831f 232 thetacer = Cerenkovangle(nfreon,1);
5cb4dfc3 233
234 // thetacer = 0.75;
998b831f 236 AliDebug(1,Form("thetacer in photoninband max %f",thetacer));
5cb4dfc3 237
238 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetacer);
240 if(thetacer == 999. || GetThetaAtQuartz() == 999.)
241 {
88dd9ad4 242 outerRadius = 999.;
5cb4dfc3 243 SetXOuterRing(999.);
244 SetYOuterRing(999.);
245 SetRadiusOuterRing(999.);
246 }
247 else
248 {
249 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
250 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phpad);
88dd9ad4 252 outerRadius = FromEmissionToCathode();
253// cout << " outerRadius " << outerRadius << endl;
5cb4dfc3 254 SetXOuterRing(GetXPointOnCathode());
255 SetYOuterRing(GetYPointOnCathode());
88dd9ad4 256 SetRadiusOuterRing(outerRadius);
5cb4dfc3 257 }
88dd9ad4 259 Float_t padradius = sqrt(TMath::Power(xtoentr,2)+TMath::Power(ytoentr,2));
5cb4dfc3 260
998b831f 261 AliDebug(1,Form("rmin %f r %f rmax %f",innerRadius,padradius,outerRadius));
5cb4dfc3 262
88dd9ad4 263 if(padradius>=innerRadius && padradius<=outerRadius) return 1;
5cb4dfc3 264 return 0;
db910db9 265}//PhotonInBand()
101624cd 266//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
88dd9ad4 267void AliRICHRecon::FindThetaAtQuartz(Float_t thetaCerenkov)
5cb4dfc3 268{
db910db9 269// find the theta at the quartz plate
5cb4dfc3 270
db910db9 271 if(thetaCerenkov == 999.) { SetThetaAtQuartz(999.); return; }
5cb4dfc3 272
88dd9ad4 273 Float_t thetaAtQuartz = 999.;
5cb4dfc3 274
88dd9ad4 275 Float_t trackTheta = GetTrackTheta();
5cb4dfc3 276
88dd9ad4 277 if(trackTheta == 0) {
88dd9ad4 278 thetaAtQuartz = thetaCerenkov;
279 SetThetaAtQuartz(thetaAtQuartz);
5cb4dfc3 280 return;
281 }
88dd9ad4 283 Float_t trackPhi = GetTrackPhi();
284 Float_t phiPoint = GetPhiPoint();
5cb4dfc3 285
db910db9 286 Double_t den = TMath::Sin((Double_t)trackTheta)*TMath::Cos((Double_t)trackPhi)*TMath::Cos((Double_t)phiPoint) +
287 TMath::Sin((Double_t)trackTheta)*TMath::Sin((Double_t)trackPhi)*TMath::Sin((Double_t)phiPoint);
88dd9ad4 288 Double_t b = TMath::Cos((Double_t)trackTheta)/den;
289 Double_t c = -TMath::Cos((Double_t)thetaCerenkov)/den;
5cb4dfc3 290
88dd9ad4 291 Double_t underSqrt = 1 + b*b - c*c;
5cb4dfc3 292
88dd9ad4 293 if(underSqrt < 0) {
5cb4dfc3 294 SetThetaAtQuartz(999.);
295 return;
296 }
88dd9ad4 298 Double_t sol1 = (1+TMath::Sqrt(underSqrt))/(b-c);
299 Double_t sol2 = (1-TMath::Sqrt(underSqrt))/(b-c);
5cb4dfc3 300
88dd9ad4 301 Double_t thetaSol1 = 2*TMath::ATan(sol1);
302 Double_t thetaSol2 = 2*TMath::ATan(sol2);
5cb4dfc3 303
88dd9ad4 304 if(thetaSol1>0 && thetaSol1 < TMath::Pi()) thetaAtQuartz = (Float_t)thetaSol1;
305 if(thetaSol2>0 && thetaSol2 < TMath::Pi()) thetaAtQuartz = (Float_t)thetaSol2;
5cb4dfc3 306
998b831f 307// AliDebug(1,Form(" Theta @ quartz window %f ",thetaAtQuartz));
88dd9ad4 309 SetThetaAtQuartz(thetaAtQuartz);
5cb4dfc3 310}
101624cd 311//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 312void AliRICHRecon::FindThetaPhotonCerenkov()
88dd9ad4 314 //find theta cerenkov of ring
5cb4dfc3 315
88dd9ad4 316 Float_t thetaCerMin = 0.;
317 Float_t thetaCerMax = 0.75;
318 Float_t thetaCerMean;
5cb4dfc3 319
88dd9ad4 320 Float_t radiusMin, radiusMax, radiusMean;
5cb4dfc3 321 Int_t nIteration = 0;
88dd9ad4 323 const Float_t kTollerance = 0.05;
5cb4dfc3 324
5cb4dfc3 325
88dd9ad4 326 Float_t phiPoint = GetPhiPoint();
5cb4dfc3 327
db910db9 328 SetEmissionPoint(AliRICHParam::RadThick()/2);
5cb4dfc3 329
88dd9ad4 330 Float_t xPoint = GetEntranceX();
331 Float_t yPoint = GetEntranceY();
998b831f 332 Float_t distPoint = TMath::Sqrt(xPoint*xPoint + yPoint*yPoint);
5cb4dfc3 333
101624cd 334// AliDebug(1,Form(" DistPoint %f ",distPoint));
5cb4dfc3 335
336 // Star minimization...
338 // First value...
88dd9ad4 340 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetaCerMin);
5cb4dfc3 341
342 if(GetThetaAtQuartz() == 999.)
343 {
88dd9ad4 344 radiusMin = -999.;
5cb4dfc3 345 }
346 else
347 {
348 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
88dd9ad4 349 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phiPoint);
5cb4dfc3 350
88dd9ad4 351 radiusMin = FromEmissionToCathode();
5cb4dfc3 352 }
354 // Second value...
88dd9ad4 356 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetaCerMax);
5cb4dfc3 357 if(GetThetaAtQuartz() == 999.)
358 {
88dd9ad4 359 radiusMax = 999.;
5cb4dfc3 360 }
361 else
362 {
363 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
88dd9ad4 364 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phiPoint);
5cb4dfc3 365
88dd9ad4 366 radiusMax = FromEmissionToCathode();
5cb4dfc3 367 }
368 // Mean value...
88dd9ad4 370 thetaCerMean = (thetaCerMax + thetaCerMin)/2;
5cb4dfc3 371
88dd9ad4 372 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetaCerMean);
5cb4dfc3 373 if(GetThetaAtQuartz() == 999.)
374 {
88dd9ad4 375 radiusMean = 999.;
5cb4dfc3 376 }
377 else
378 {
379 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
88dd9ad4 380 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phiPoint);
5cb4dfc3 381
88dd9ad4 382 radiusMean = FromEmissionToCathode();
5cb4dfc3 383 }
101624cd 385// AliDebug(1,Form(" r1 %f rmean %f r2 %f",radiusMin,radiusMean,radiusMax));
5cb4dfc3 386
88dd9ad4 387 while (TMath::Abs(radiusMean-distPoint) > kTollerance)
5cb4dfc3 388 {
88dd9ad4 390 if((radiusMin-distPoint)*(radiusMean-distPoint) < 0) thetaCerMax = thetaCerMean;
391 if((radiusMin-distPoint)*(radiusMean-distPoint) > 0) {
5cb4dfc3 392
88dd9ad4 393 thetaCerMin = thetaCerMean;
5cb4dfc3 394
88dd9ad4 395 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetaCerMin);
5cb4dfc3 396 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
88dd9ad4 397 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phiPoint);
5cb4dfc3 398
88dd9ad4 399 radiusMin =FromEmissionToCathode();
5cb4dfc3 400 }
88dd9ad4 402 thetaCerMean = (thetaCerMax + thetaCerMin)/2;
5cb4dfc3 403
88dd9ad4 404 FindThetaAtQuartz(thetaCerMean);
5cb4dfc3 405 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(GetThetaAtQuartz());
88dd9ad4 406 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phiPoint);
5cb4dfc3 407
88dd9ad4 408 radiusMean = FromEmissionToCathode();
5cb4dfc3 409
410 nIteration++;
411 if(nIteration>=50) {
d0831219 412// AliDebug(1,Form(" max iterations in FindPhotonCerenkov ",nIteration));
5cb4dfc3 413 SetThetaPhotonCerenkov(999.);
414 return;
415 }
416 }
101624cd 418// AliDebug(1,Form(" distpoint %f radius %f ",distPoint,radiusMean));
88dd9ad4 419 SetThetaPhotonCerenkov(thetaCerMean);
5cb4dfc3 420
101624cd 422//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 423void AliRICHRecon::FindAreaAndPortionOfRing()
88dd9ad4 425 //find fraction of the ring accepted by the RICH
5cb4dfc3 426
88dd9ad4 427 Float_t xPoint[NPointsOfRing], yPoint[NPointsOfRing];
5cb4dfc3 428
88dd9ad4 429 // Float_t xtoentr = GetEntranceX();
430 // Float_t ytoentr = GetEntranceY();
431 Float_t shiftX = GetShiftX();
432 Float_t shiftY = GetShiftY();
5cb4dfc3 433
88dd9ad4 434 Float_t xemiss = GetXCoordOfEmission();
435 Float_t yemiss = GetYCoordOfEmission();
5cb4dfc3 436
88dd9ad4 437 Float_t x0 = xemiss + shiftX;
438 Float_t y0 = yemiss + shiftY;
5cb4dfc3 439
5cb4dfc3 440
5cb4dfc3 441
db910db9 442 SetEmissionPoint(AliRICHParam::RadThick()/2.);
5cb4dfc3 443
88dd9ad4 444 Float_t theta = GetThetaOfRing();
5cb4dfc3 445
446 Int_t nPoints = 0;
88dd9ad4 447 Int_t nPsiAccepted = 0;
448 Int_t nPsiTotal = 0;
5cb4dfc3 449
db910db9 450 for(Int_t i=0;i<NPointsOfRing-1;i++){
88dd9ad4 451 Float_t psi = 2*TMath::Pi()*i/NPointsOfRing;
5cb4dfc3 452
88dd9ad4 453 SetThetaPhotonInTRS(theta);
454 SetPhiPhotonInTRS(psi);
5cb4dfc3 455 FindPhotonAnglesInDRS();
88dd9ad4 457 Float_t radius = FromEmissionToCathode();
458 if (radius == 999.) continue;
5cb4dfc3 459
88dd9ad4 460 nPsiTotal++;
5cb4dfc3 461
88dd9ad4 462 Float_t xPointRing = GetXPointOnCathode() + shiftX;
463 Float_t yPointRing = GetYPointOnCathode() + shiftY;
5cb4dfc3 464
88dd9ad4 465 SetDetectorWhereX(xPointRing);
466 SetDetectorWhereY(yPointRing);
5cb4dfc3 467
88dd9ad4 468 Int_t zone = CheckDetectorAcceptance();
5cb4dfc3 469
910735ae 470 AliDebug(1,Form("acceptance to detector zone -> %d",zone));
5cb4dfc3 471
db910db9 472 if (zone != 0){
473 FindIntersectionWithDetector();
474 xPoint[nPoints] = GetIntersectionX(); yPoint[nPoints] = GetIntersectionY();
475 }else{
476 xPoint[nPoints] = xPointRing; yPoint[nPoints] = yPointRing;
477 nPsiAccepted++;
478 }
5cb4dfc3 479 nPoints++;
db910db9 480 }
5cb4dfc3 481
db910db9 482 xPoint[nPoints] = xPoint[0]; yPoint[nPoints] = yPoint[0];
5cb4dfc3 483
484 // find area...
88dd9ad4 486 Float_t area = 0;
5cb4dfc3 487
488 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
489 {
88dd9ad4 490 area += TMath::Abs((xPoint[i]-x0)*(yPoint[i+1]-y0) - (xPoint[i+1]-x0)*(yPoint[i]-y0));
5cb4dfc3 491 }
88dd9ad4 493 area *= 0.5;
5cb4dfc3 494
adcdf4dd 495 Float_t portionOfRing = 0;
496 if (nPsiTotal>0)
497 portionOfRing = ((Float_t)nPsiAccepted)/((Float_t)(nPsiTotal));
5cb4dfc3 498
5cb4dfc3 499
88dd9ad4 500 SetAreaOfRing(area);
501 SetPortionOfRing(portionOfRing);
db910db9 502}//FindAreaAndPortionOfRing()
101624cd 503//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 504void AliRICHRecon::FindIntersectionWithDetector()
88dd9ad4 506 // find ring intersection with CsI edges
5cb4dfc3 507
88dd9ad4 508 Float_t xIntersect, yIntersect;
5cb4dfc3 509 Float_t x1, x2, y1, y2;
88dd9ad4 511 Float_t shiftX = GetShiftX();
512 Float_t shiftY = GetShiftY();
5cb4dfc3 513
88dd9ad4 514 Float_t xPoint = GetXPointOnCathode() + shiftX;
515 Float_t yPoint = GetYPointOnCathode() + shiftY;
5cb4dfc3 516
88dd9ad4 517 Float_t xemiss = GetXCoordOfEmission();
518 Float_t yemiss = GetYCoordOfEmission();
5cb4dfc3 519
88dd9ad4 520 Float_t phi = GetPhiPhotonInDRS();
521 Float_t m = tan(phi);
5cb4dfc3 522
88dd9ad4 523 Float_t x0 = xemiss + shiftX;
524 Float_t y0 = yemiss + shiftY;
5cb4dfc3 525
88dd9ad4 526 if(xPoint > x0)
5cb4dfc3 527 {
528 x1 = x0;
88dd9ad4 529 x2 = xPoint;
5cb4dfc3 530 }
531 else
532 {
533 x2 = x0;
88dd9ad4 534 x1 = xPoint;
5cb4dfc3 535 }
88dd9ad4 536 if(yPoint > y0)
5cb4dfc3 537 {
538 y1 = y0;
88dd9ad4 539 y2 = yPoint;
5cb4dfc3 540 }
541 else
542 {
543 y2 = y0;
88dd9ad4 544 y1 = yPoint;
5cb4dfc3 545 }
546 //
db910db9 547 xIntersect = AliRICHParam::PcSizeX();
88dd9ad4 548 yIntersect = m*(xIntersect - x0) + y0;
db910db9 549 if (yIntersect >= 0 && yIntersect <= AliRICHParam::PcSizeY() && xIntersect >= x1 && xIntersect <= x2)
5cb4dfc3 550 {
88dd9ad4 551 SetIntersectionX(xIntersect);
552 SetIntersectionY(yIntersect);
5cb4dfc3 553 return;
554 }
555 //
db910db9 556 xIntersect = 0;
88dd9ad4 557 yIntersect = m*(xIntersect - x0) + y0;
db910db9 558 if (yIntersect >= 0 && yIntersect <= AliRICHParam::PcSizeY() && xIntersect >= x1 && xIntersect <= x2)
5cb4dfc3 559 {
88dd9ad4 560 SetIntersectionX(xIntersect);
561 SetIntersectionY(yIntersect);
5cb4dfc3 562 return;
563 }
564 //
db910db9 565 yIntersect = AliRICHParam::PcSizeY();
88dd9ad4 566 xIntersect = (yIntersect - y0)/m + x0;
db910db9 567 if (xIntersect >= 0 && xIntersect <= AliRICHParam::PcSizeX() && yIntersect >= y1 && yIntersect <= y2)
5cb4dfc3 568 {
88dd9ad4 569 SetIntersectionX(xIntersect);
570 SetIntersectionY(yIntersect);
5cb4dfc3 571 return;
572 }
573 //
db910db9 574 yIntersect = 0;
88dd9ad4 575 xIntersect = (yIntersect - y0)/m + x0;
db910db9 576 if (xIntersect >= 0 && xIntersect <= AliRICHParam::PcSizeX() && yIntersect >= y1 && yIntersect <= y2)
5cb4dfc3 577 {
88dd9ad4 578 SetIntersectionX(xIntersect);
579 SetIntersectionY(yIntersect);
5cb4dfc3 580 return;
581 }
5cb4dfc3 582}
db910db9 583
b068561d 584//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
88dd9ad4 585Int_t AliRICHRecon::CheckDetectorAcceptance() const
5cb4dfc3 586{
88dd9ad4 587 // check for the acceptance
5cb4dfc3 588
589 // crosses X -2.6 2.6 cm
590 // crosses Y -1 1 cm
88dd9ad4 592 Float_t xcoord = GetDetectorWhereX();
593 Float_t ycoord = GetDetectorWhereY();
5cb4dfc3 594
db910db9 595 if(xcoord > AliRICHParam::PcSizeX())
5cb4dfc3 596 {
db910db9 597 if(ycoord > AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()) return 2;
598 if(ycoord > 0 && ycoord < AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()) return 3;
599 if(ycoord < 0) return 4;
5cb4dfc3 600 }
db910db9 601 if(xcoord < 0)
5cb4dfc3 602 {
db910db9 603 if(ycoord > AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()) return 8;
604 if(ycoord > 0 && ycoord < AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()) return 7;
605 if(ycoord < 0) return 6;
5cb4dfc3 606 }
db910db9 607 if(xcoord > 0 && xcoord < AliRICHParam::PcSizeX())
5cb4dfc3 608 {
db910db9 609 if(ycoord > AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()) return 1;
610 if(ycoord > 0 && ycoord < AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()) return 0;
611 if(ycoord < 0) return 5;
5cb4dfc3 612 }
613 return 999;
b068561d 615//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 616void AliRICHRecon::FindPhotonAnglesInDRS()
618 // Setup the rotation matrix of the track...
88dd9ad4 620 TRotation mtheta;
621 TRotation mphi;
622 TRotation minv;
623 TRotation mrot;
5cb4dfc3 624
88dd9ad4 625 Float_t trackTheta = GetTrackTheta();
626 Float_t trackPhi = GetTrackPhi();
5cb4dfc3 627
88dd9ad4 628 mtheta.RotateY(trackTheta);
629 mphi.RotateZ(trackPhi);
5cb4dfc3 630
88dd9ad4 631 mrot = mphi * mtheta;
632 // minv = mrot.Inverse();
5cb4dfc3 633
88dd9ad4 634 TVector3 photonInRadiator(1,1,1);
5cb4dfc3 635
88dd9ad4 636 Float_t thetaCerenkov = GetThetaPhotonInTRS();
637 Float_t phiCerenkov = GetPhiPhotonInTRS();
5cb4dfc3 638
88dd9ad4 639 photonInRadiator.SetTheta(thetaCerenkov);
640 photonInRadiator.SetPhi(phiCerenkov);
641 photonInRadiator = mrot * photonInRadiator;
642 Float_t theta = photonInRadiator.Theta();
643 Float_t phi = photonInRadiator.Phi();
644 SetThetaPhotonInDRS(theta);
645 SetPhiPhotonInDRS(phi);
5cb4dfc3 646
101624cd 648//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 649Float_t AliRICHRecon::FromEmissionToCathode()
db910db9 651// Trace current photon from emission point somewhere in radiator to photocathode
652// Arguments: none
653// Returns:
5cb4dfc3 654
655 Float_t nfreon, nquartz, ngas;
4c3a1f92 657 nfreon = AliRICHParam::Instance()->IdxC6F14(AliRICHParam::Instance()->EckovMean());
658 nquartz = AliRICHParam::Instance()->IdxSiO2(AliRICHParam::Instance()->EckovMean());
659 ngas = AliRICHParam::Instance()->IdxCH4(AliRICHParam::Instance()->EckovMean());
5cb4dfc3 660
88dd9ad4 661 Float_t trackTheta = GetTrackTheta();
662 Float_t trackPhi = GetTrackPhi();
663 Float_t lengthOfEmissionPoint = GetEmissionPoint();
5cb4dfc3 664
88dd9ad4 665 Float_t theta = GetThetaPhotonInDRS();
666 Float_t phi = GetPhiPhotonInDRS();
5cb4dfc3 667
88dd9ad4 668 Float_t xemiss = lengthOfEmissionPoint*tan(trackTheta)*cos(trackPhi);
669 Float_t yemiss = lengthOfEmissionPoint*tan(trackTheta)*sin(trackPhi);
5cb4dfc3 670
88dd9ad4 671 SetXCoordOfEmission(xemiss);
672 SetYCoordOfEmission(yemiss);
5cb4dfc3 673
88dd9ad4 674 Float_t thetaquar = SnellAngle(nfreon, nquartz, theta);
5cb4dfc3 675
676 if(thetaquar == 999.)
677 {
678 SetXPointOnCathode(999.);
679 SetYPointOnCathode(999.);
680 return thetaquar;
681 }
683 Float_t thetagap = SnellAngle( nquartz, ngas, thetaquar);
685 if(thetagap == 999.)
686 {
687 SetXPointOnCathode(999.);
688 SetYPointOnCathode(999.);
689 return thetagap;
690 }
db910db9 692 Float_t xw = (AliRICHParam::RadThick() - lengthOfEmissionPoint)*cos(phi)*tan(theta);
693 Float_t xq = AliRICHParam::WinThick()*cos(phi)*tan(thetaquar);
694 Float_t xg = AliRICHParam::Pc2Win()*cos(phi)*tan(thetagap);
695 Float_t yw = (AliRICHParam::RadThick() - lengthOfEmissionPoint)*sin(phi)*tan(theta);
696 Float_t yq = AliRICHParam::WinThick()*sin(phi)*tan(thetaquar);
697 Float_t yg = AliRICHParam::Pc2Win()*sin(phi)*tan(thetagap);
5cb4dfc3 698
5cb4dfc3 699
88dd9ad4 700 Float_t xtot = xemiss + xw + xq + xg;
701 Float_t ytot = yemiss + yw + yq + yg;
5cb4dfc3 702
703 SetXPointOnCathode(xtot);
704 SetYPointOnCathode(ytot);
5cb4dfc3 706
db910db9 707 Float_t distanceFromEntrance = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(fPhotonLimitX,2)+TMath::Power(fPhotonLimitY,2));
5cb4dfc3 708
88dd9ad4 709 return distanceFromEntrance;
5cb4dfc3 710
101624cd 712//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 713void AliRICHRecon::FindPhiPoint()
88dd9ad4 715 //find phi of generated point
5cb4dfc3 716
88dd9ad4 717 Float_t xtoentr = GetEntranceX();
718 Float_t ytoentr = GetEntranceY();
5cb4dfc3 719
88dd9ad4 720 Float_t trackTheta = GetTrackTheta();
721 Float_t trackPhi = GetTrackPhi();
5cb4dfc3 722
88dd9ad4 723 Float_t emissionPoint = GetEmissionPoint();
5cb4dfc3 724
88dd9ad4 725 Float_t argY = ytoentr - emissionPoint*tan(trackTheta)*sin(trackPhi);
726 Float_t argX = xtoentr - emissionPoint*tan(trackTheta)*cos(trackPhi);
101624cd 727 Float_t phi = atan2(argY,argX);
5cb4dfc3 728
998b831f 729 SetPhiPoint(phi);
5cb4dfc3 730
101624cd 732//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 733Float_t AliRICHRecon::Cerenkovangle(Float_t n, Float_t beta)
88dd9ad4 735 // cerenkov angle from n and beta
5cb4dfc3 736
737// Compute the cerenkov angle
739 Float_t thetacer;
741 if((n*beta)<1.) {
742 thetacer = 999.;
743 // cout << " warning in Cerenkoangle !!!!!! " << endl;
744 return thetacer;
745 }
747 thetacer = acos (1./(n*beta));
748 return thetacer;
101624cd 750//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
5cb4dfc3 751Float_t AliRICHRecon::SnellAngle(Float_t n1, Float_t n2, Float_t theta1)
88dd9ad4 752{
753 // Snell law
5cb4dfc3 754
755// Compute the Snell angle
757 Float_t sinrefractangle;
758 Float_t refractangle;
760 sinrefractangle = (n1/n2)*sin(theta1);
762 if(sinrefractangle>1.) {
763 // cout << " PROBLEMS IN SNELL ANGLE !!!!! " << endl;
764 refractangle = 999.;
765 return refractangle;
766 }
768 refractangle = asin(sinrefractangle);
769 return refractangle;
101624cd 771//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
db910db9 772Double_t AliRICHRecon::HoughResponse()
88dd9ad4 773{
db910db9 774//
fab9e039 777 Int_t nChannels = (Int_t)(fThetaMax/fDTheta+0.5);
db910db9 778 TH1F *phots = new TH1F("phots" ,"phots" ,nChannels,0,fThetaMax);
779 TH1F *photsw = new TH1F("photsw" ,"photsw" ,nChannels,0,fThetaMax);
780 TH1F *resultw = new TH1F("resultw","resultw",nChannels,0,fThetaMax);
910735ae 781 Int_t nBin = (Int_t)(fThetaMax/fDTheta);
782 Int_t nCorrBand = (Int_t)(fWindowWidth/(2*fDTheta));
783 AliDebug(1,Form("Ring reconstruction for track with theta %f",GetTrackTheta()*TMath::RadToDeg()));
db910db9 784 for (Int_t kPhot=0; kPhot< GetPhotonsNumber(); kPhot++){
910735ae 785 SetPhotonIndex(kPhot);
786 Double_t angle = GetPhotonEta();
fab9e039 787 if(angle<0||angle>fThetaMax) continue;
910735ae 788 phots->Fill(angle);
789 Int_t bin = (Int_t)(0.5+angle/(fDTheta));
790 Double_t weight=1.;
791 if(fIsWEIGHT){
792 Double_t lowerlimit = ((Float_t)bin)*fDTheta - 0.5*fDTheta;
793 SetThetaOfRing(lowerlimit);
794 FindAreaAndPortionOfRing();
795 Float_t area1 = GetAreaOfRing();
796 Double_t upperlimit = ((Float_t)bin)*fDTheta + 0.5*fDTheta;
797 SetThetaOfRing(upperlimit);
798 FindAreaAndPortionOfRing();
799 Float_t area2 = GetAreaOfRing();
800 AliDebug(1,Form("lowerlimit %f area %f ; upperlimit %f area %f",lowerlimit,area1,upperlimit,area2));
801 Float_t diffarea = area2 - area1;
802 if(diffarea>0){weight = 1./(area2-area1);}else{weight = 1.;}
803 }
fab9e039 804 AliDebug(1,Form("Calculated weight %f",weight));
910735ae 805 photsw->Fill(angle,weight);
806 SetPhotonWeight(weight);
807 }
808 for (Int_t i=1; i<=nBin;i++){
809 Int_t bin1= i-nCorrBand;
810 Int_t bin2= i+nCorrBand;
811 if(bin1<1) bin1=1;
812 if(bin2>nBin)bin2=nBin;
813 Double_t sumPhots=phots->Integral(bin1,bin2);
814 if(sumPhots<fMinNumPhots) continue; // cut on minimum n. of photons per ring
815 Double_t sumPhotsw=photsw->Integral(bin1,bin2);
fab9e039 816 resultw->Fill((Float_t)((i+0.5)*fDTheta),sumPhotsw);
db910db9 817 }
818// evaluate the "BEST" theta ckov as the maximum value of histogramm
910735ae 819 Float_t *pVec = resultw->GetArray();
820 Int_t locMax = TMath::LocMax(nBin,pVec);
db910db9 821 phots->Delete();photsw->Delete();resultw->Delete(); // Reset and delete objects
823 return (Double_t)(locMax*fDTheta+0.5*fDTheta); //final most probable track theta ckov
910735ae 824}//HoughResponse
101624cd 825//__________________________________________________________________________________________________
4c3a1f92 826void AliRICHRecon::FindThetaCerenkov(Int_t iNclus)
5cb4dfc3 827{
84093f6f 828// Loops on all Ckov candidates and estimates the best Theta Ckov for a ring formed by those candidates. Also estimates an error for that Theat Ckov
829// collecting errors for all single Ckov candidates thetas. (Assuming they are independent)
4c3a1f92 830// Arguments: iNclus- total number of clusters in chamber for background estimation
84093f6f 831// Return: none
5cb4dfc3 832
833 Float_t wei = 0.;
88dd9ad4 834 Float_t weightThetaCerenkov = 0.;
5cb4dfc3 835
fab9e039 836 Double_t etaMin=9999.,etaMax=0.;
84093f6f 837 Double_t sigma2 = 0; //to collect error squared for this ring
db910db9 839 for(Int_t i=0;i<GetPhotonsNumber();i++){
840 SetPhotonIndex(i);
841 if(GetPhotonFlag() == 2){
84093f6f 842 Float_t photonEta = GetPhotonEta();
db910db9 843 if(photonEta<etaMin) etaMin=photonEta;
844 if(photonEta>etaMax) etaMax=photonEta;
84093f6f 845 Float_t photonWeight = GetPhotonWeight();
846 weightThetaCerenkov += photonEta*photonWeight;
847 wei += photonWeight;
848 //here comes sigma of the reconstructed ring
850 //Double_t phiref=(GetPhiPoint()-GetTrackPhi());
851 if(GetPhotonEta()<=0) continue;//?????????????????Flag photos = 2 may imply CkovEta = 0??????????????
852 //??????????? Look at SetPhoton Flag method
853 Double_t phiref=GetTrackPhi();
4c3a1f92 855 Double_t beta = 1./(TMath::Cos(GetPhotonEta())*AliRICHParam::Instance()->IdxC6F14(AliRICHParam::EckovMean()));
84093f6f 856 sigma2 += 1./AliRICHParam::SigmaSinglePhotonFormula(GetPhotonEta(),GetPhiPoint(),GetTrackTheta(),phiref,beta);
857 }
db910db9 858 }
84093f6f 859
860 if(sigma2>0) SetRingSigma2(1./sigma2);
861 else SetRingSigma2(1e10);
fab9e039 863 if(wei != 0.) weightThetaCerenkov /= wei; else weightThetaCerenkov = 0.;
88dd9ad4 864 SetThetaCerenkov(weightThetaCerenkov);
5cb4dfc3 865
fab9e039 866 // estimate of the n. of bkg photons
867 SetThetaOfRing(etaMin); FindAreaAndPortionOfRing(); Double_t internalArea = GetAreaOfRing();
868 SetThetaOfRing(etaMax); FindAreaAndPortionOfRing(); Double_t externalArea = GetAreaOfRing();
870 Double_t effArea = (AliRICHParam::PcSizeX()-AliRICHParam::DeadZone())*(AliRICHParam::PcSizeY()-2*AliRICHParam::DeadZone());
4c3a1f92 871 Double_t nPhotBKG = (externalArea-internalArea)/effArea*iNclus;//????? is the division right?
fab9e039 872 if(nPhotBKG<0) nPhotBKG=0; //just protection from funny angles...
873 SetPhotBKG(nPhotBKG);
fab9e039 874
101624cd 875 AliDebug(1,Form(" thetac weighted -> %f",weightThetaCerenkov));
4c3a1f92 876}//FindThetaCerenkov()
db910db9 877//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
878Int_t AliRICHRecon::FlagPhotons(Double_t thetaCkovHough)
5cb4dfc3 879{
db910db9 880// flag photon candidates if their individual theta ckov inside the window around theta ckov of Hough transform
881// Arguments: thetaCkovHough- value of most probable theta ckov for track as returned by HoughResponse()
882// Returns: number of photon candidates happened to be inside the window
5cb4dfc3 883
db910db9 884 Int_t steps = (Int_t)((thetaCkovHough - fThetaMin)/ fDTheta); //how many times we need to have fDTheta to fill the distance betwee fThetaMin and thetaCkovHough
5cb4dfc3 885
886 Float_t tmin = fThetaMin + (Float_t)(steps - 1)*fDTheta;
887 Float_t tmax = fThetaMin + (Float_t)(steps)*fDTheta;
888 Float_t tavg = 0.5*(tmin+tmax);
db910db9 890 tmin = tavg - 0.5*fWindowWidth; tmax = tavg + 0.5*fWindowWidth;
5cb4dfc3 891
db910db9 892 Int_t iInsideCnt = 0; //count photons which theta inside prdefined window
893 for(Int_t i=0;i<GetPhotonsNumber();i++){//photon candidates loop
894 SetPhotonIndex(i); Float_t photonEta = GetPhotonEta();
895 if(photonEta == -999.) continue;
84093f6f 896 if(photonEta >= tmin && photonEta <= tmax) {
897 SetPhotonFlag(2);
898 iInsideCnt++;
899 }
db910db9 900 }
901 return iInsideCnt;