]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - START/AliSTARTReconstructor.cxx
small fix
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / START / AliSTARTReconstructor.cxx
6740ab97 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
4c475d27 15
88cb7938 16/* $Id$ */
ef0750c2 17
88cb7938 18#include <Riostream.h>
94de3818 19
88cb7938 20#include <TDirectory.h>
ef51244a 21
a8859328 22#include "AliRunLoader.h"
23#include "AliRun.h"
affef71b 24#include <AliESD.h>
460b4363 25#include "AliLog.h"
db173afc 26#include <TClonesArray.h>
27#include "AliSTARTRecPoint.h"
28#include "AliRawReader.h"
29#include "AliSTARTRawReader.h"
460b4363 30#include "AliSTARTLoader.h"
31#include "AliSTARTdigit.h"
32#include "AliSTARTReconstructor.h"
33#include "AliSTARTParameters.h"
460b4363 34#include "AliCDBLocal.h"
35#include "AliCDBStorage.h"
36#include "AliCDBManager.h"
37#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
39#include <TArrayI.h>
4c7da157 40#include <TGraph.h>
460b4363 41
121a60bd 42ClassImp(AliSTARTReconstructor)
6740ab97 43
db173afc 44 void AliSTARTReconstructor::ConvertDigits(AliRawReader* rawReader, TTree* digitsTree) const
121a60bd 45{
db173afc 46 //START raw data-> digits conversion
47 // reconstruct time information from raw data
48 AliSTARTRawReader myrawreader(rawReader,digitsTree);
4c7da157 49 // myrawreader.NextThing();
50 myrawreader.Next();
51 cout<<" AliSTARTReconstructor::ConvertDigits "<< myrawreader.Next()<<endl;
121a60bd 52}
db173afc 53 void AliSTARTReconstructor::Reconstruct(TTree*digitsTree, TTree*clustersTree) const
55// START digits reconstruction
56// STARTRecPoint writing
460b4363 58 //Q->T-> coefficients !!!! should be asked!!!
59 // Float_t ph2MIP=500;
60 Float_t gain[24], timeDelayCFD[24], timeDelayLED[24];
460b4363 61 Float_t zdetA,zdetC;
62 TObjArray slewingLED;
64 TArrayI * fADC = new TArrayI(24);
65 TArrayI * fTimeCFD = new TArrayI(24);
66 TArrayI * fADCLED = new TArrayI(24);
67 TArrayI * fTimeLED = new TArrayI(24);
69 AliSTARTParameters* param = AliSTARTParameters::Instance();
b2214376 70 param->Init();
4c7da157 71
72 Int_t mV2Mip = param->GetmV2Mip();
a4cbbaa7 73 //mV2Mip = param->GetmV2Mip();
460b4363 74 Int_t channelWidth = param->GetChannelWidth() ;
4c7da157 76 for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){
77 timeDelayCFD[i] = param->GetTimeDelayCFD(i);
78 timeDelayLED[i] = param->GetTimeDelayLED(i);
79 gain[i] = param->GetGain(i);
80 slewingLED.AddAtAndExpand(param->GetSlew(i),i);
81 }
82 zdetC = param->GetZposition(0);
83 zdetA = param->GetZposition(1);
db173afc 85 AliDebug(1,Form("Start DIGITS reconstruction "));
b2214376 86
db173afc 87 TBranch *brDigits=digitsTree->GetBranch("START");
88 AliSTARTdigit *fDigits = new AliSTARTdigit();
89 if (brDigits) {
90 brDigits->SetAddress(&fDigits);
91 }else{
92 cerr<<"EXEC Branch START digits not found"<<endl;
93 return;
94 }
95 brDigits->GetEntry(0);
460b4363 96 fDigits->GetTime(*fTimeCFD);
460b4363 97 fDigits->GetADC(*fADC);
98 fDigits->GetTimeAmp(*fTimeLED);
99 fDigits->GetADCAmp(*fADCLED);
4c7da157 101 Float_t besttimeright=999999;
102 Float_t besttimeleft=999999;
103 Int_t pmtBestRight=99999;
104 Int_t pmtBestLeft=99999;
105 Float_t timeDiff=999999, meanTime=0;
107 AliSTARTRecPoint* frecpoints= new AliSTARTRecPoint ();
108 clustersTree->Branch( "START", "AliSTARTRecPoint" ,&frecpoints, 405,1);
460b4363 110 Float_t time[24], adc[24];
b743452c 111 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<24; ipmt++) {
460b4363 112
b743452c 113 if(fTimeCFD->At(ipmt)>0 ){
114 time[ipmt] = channelWidth *( fTimeCFD->At(ipmt)) - 1000*timeDelayCFD[ipmt];
115 Float_t adc_digPs = channelWidth * Float_t (fADC->At(ipmt)) ;
116 adc[ipmt] = TMath::Exp(adc_digPs/1000) /gain[ipmt];
117 AliDebug(1,Form(" time %f ps, adc %f mv in MIP %i\n ",
118 time[ipmt], adc[ipmt], Int_t (adc[ipmt]/mV2Mip +0.5)));
119 frecpoints->SetTime(ipmt,time[ipmt]);
120 frecpoints->SetAmp(ipmt,adc[ipmt]);
460b4363 121 }
b743452c 122 else {
123 time[ipmt] = 0;
124 adc[ipmt] = 0;
125 }
126 }
127 for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<12; ipmt++){
128 if(time[ipmt] > 1 ) {
129 if(time[ipmt]<besttimeleft){
130 besttimeleft=time[ipmt]; //timeleft
131 pmtBestLeft=ipmt;
4c7da157 132 }
db173afc 133 }
b743452c 134 }
135 for ( Int_t ipmt=12; ipmt<24; ipmt++){
136 if(time[ipmt] > 1) {
137 if(time[ipmt]<besttimeright) {
138 besttimeright=time[ipmt]; //timeright
4c7da157 139 pmtBestRight=ipmt;}
4c7da157 140 }
b743452c 141 }
142 if(besttimeright !=999999) frecpoints->SetTimeBestRight(Int_t(besttimeright));
143 if( besttimeleft != 999999 ) frecpoints->SetTimeBestLeft(Int_t(besttimeleft));
144 AliDebug(1,Form(" besttimeright %f ps, besttimeleft %f ps",besttimeright, besttimeleft));
145 Float_t c = 0.0299792; // cm/ps
146 Float_t vertex = 0;
147 if(besttimeright !=999999 && besttimeleft != 999999 ){
148 timeDiff = besttimeright - besttimeleft;
149 meanTime = (besttimeright + besttimeleft)/2.;
150 vertex = c*(timeDiff); //-(lenr-lenl))/2;
151 AliDebug(1,Form(" timeDiff %f ps, meanTime %f ps, vertex %f cm",timeDiff, meanTime,vertex ));
152 frecpoints->SetVertex(vertex);
153 frecpoints->SetMeanTime(Int_t(meanTime));
4c7da157 155 }
db173afc 156 clustersTree->Fill();
160void AliSTARTReconstructor::FillESD(AliRunLoader* runLoader, AliESD *pESD) const
6740ab97 161{
db173afc 162
f3ed336b 163 /***************************************************
164 Resonstruct digits to vertex position
165 ****************************************************/
db173afc 166
db173afc 167
168 if (!runLoader) {
169 AliError("Reconstruct >> No run loader");
6fc133d2 170 return;
171 }
db173afc 172
173 AliDebug(1,Form("Start FillESD START"));
affef71b 174
db173afc 175 AliSTARTLoader* pStartLoader = (AliSTARTLoader*) runLoader->GetLoader("STARTLoader");
6fc133d2 176
db173afc 177 pStartLoader->LoadRecPoints("READ");
4c7da157 178
179 TTree *treeR = pStartLoader->TreeR();
db173afc 180
181 AliSTARTRecPoint* frecpoints= new AliSTARTRecPoint ();
182 if (!frecpoints) {
183 AliError("Reconstruct Fill ESD >> no recpoints found");
6fc133d2 184 return;
185 }
a8859328 186
db173afc 187 AliDebug(1,Form("Start FillESD START"));
4c7da157 188 TBranch *brRec = treeR->GetBranch("START");
189 if (brRec) {
190 brRec->SetAddress(&frecpoints);
191 }else{
192 cerr<<"EXEC Branch START rec not found"<<endl;
193 // exit(111);
194 return;
195 }
db173afc 197 brRec->GetEntry(0);
a4cbbaa7 198 Float_t timeStart, Zposition, amp[24], time[24];
199 Int_t i;
200 Zposition = frecpoints -> GetVertex();
201 timeStart = frecpoints -> GetMeanTime();
202 for ( i=0; i<24; i++) {
203 time[i] = Float_t (frecpoints -> GetTime(i)) / 1000.; // ps to ns
204 amp[i] = frecpoints -> GetAmp(i);
205 }
206 pESD->SetT0zVertex(Zposition); //vertex Z position
a4cbbaa7 207 pESD->SetT0(timeStart); // interaction time
6d45eaef 208 pESD->SetT0time(time); // best TOF on each PMT
209 pESD->SetT0amplitude(amp); // number of particles(MIPs) on each PMT
db173afc 211 pStartLoader->UnloadRecPoints();
4c7da157 212
db173afc 213} // vertex in 3 sigma
6740ab97 214
7115262b 218