]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STAT/Macros/TStatToolkitTest.C
Adding analysis task for equalizing the VZERO signals in 2010 p-p data (David)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STAT / Macros / TStatToolkitTest.C
8ecd39c2 1/*
2 .L $ALICE_ROOT/STAT/Macros/TStatToolkitTest.C+
6#include "TH1.h"
7#include "TF1.h"
8#include "TMath.h"
9#include "TRandom.h"
10#include "TVectorD.h"
11#include "TStatToolkit.h"
12#include "TTreeStream.h"
13#include "TLegend.h"
14#include "TGraphErrors.h"
15#include "TCut.h"
16#include "TCanvas.h"
18TObjArray arrayFit(3);
19Int_t kMarkers[10]={25,24,20,21};
20Int_t kColors[10]={1,2,4,3};
21const char * names[10] = {"LTM","LThisto","LTMhisto1"};
22const char * distNames[10] = {"Gauss","Gauss+flat","Gauss(m)+0.2*Gauss(m+5#sigma)","Gauss(m)+0.3*Gauss(m+3#sigma)"};
25void TestLTM(Int_t nevents=10000){
26 //
27 // Goal test and benchamerk numerical stability and precission of the LTM method
28 // Binned data and not binned data:
29 // Here we assume that binwidth<sigma
30 // Distribution types examples used in test:
31 //
32 // 0 - gaussian
33 // 1 - gauss+uniform background
34 // 2 - gauss+second gaus 5 sigma away
35 //
36 Int_t npointsMax=1000;
37 TTreeSRedirector * pcstream = new TTreeSRedirector("TStatToolkit_LTMtest.root","recreate");
38 //
39 TVectorD values(npointsMax);
40 TVectorD vecLTM(6);
41 TVectorD meanLTM(6);
42 TVectorD sigmaLTM(6);
43 TVectorD meanLTMHisto(6);
44 TVectorD sigmaLTMHisto(6);
45 TVectorD meanLTMHisto1(6);
46 TVectorD sigmaLTMHisto1(6);
47 TVectorD paramLTM(10);
48 //
49 for (Int_t iltm=0; iltm<6; iltm++) vecLTM[iltm]=0.99999*(0.5+iltm/10.);
50 TF1 fg("fg","gaus");
51 for (Int_t ievent = 0; ievent<nevents; ievent++){
52 if (ievent%1000==0) printf("%d\n",ievent);
53 Int_t distType=Int_t(gRandom->Rndm()*4);
54 Int_t npoints= 50+(npointsMax-50)*gRandom->Rndm();
55 Double_t mean = 0.5+(gRandom->Rndm()-0.5)*0.2;
56 Double_t sigma = mean*0.2*(1+2*gRandom->Rndm());
57 TH1F histo("histo","histo",100,-0.5,1.5);
58 //
59 for (Int_t ipoint=0; ipoint<npoints; ipoint++){
60 Double_t value=0;
61 if (distType==0) value=gRandom->Gaus(mean,sigma); // gauss
62 if (distType==1) {
63 if (gRandom->Rndm()>0.2) { // gauss + background
64 value=gRandom->Gaus(mean,sigma);
65 }else{
66 value=mean+(gRandom->Rndm()-0.5)*2;
67 }
68 }
69 if (distType==2) {
70 if (gRandom->Rndm()>0.2) { // gauss + second gaus 5 sigma away
71 value=gRandom->Gaus(mean,sigma);
72 }else{
73 value=gRandom->Gaus(mean+5*sigma,sigma);
74 }
75 }
76 if (distType==3) {
77 if (gRandom->Rndm()>0.3) { // gauss + second gaus 4 sigma away
78 value=gRandom->Gaus(mean,sigma);
79 }else{
80 value=gRandom->Gaus(mean+5*sigma,sigma);
81 }
82 }
83 values[ipoint]=value;
84 histo.Fill(value);
85 }
86 //
87 histo.Fit(&fg,"QN","QN");
88 Double_t meanG = fg.GetParameter(1);
89 Double_t rmsG = fg.GetParameter(2);
90 Double_t meanA = TMath::Mean(npoints,values.GetMatrixArray());
91 Double_t rmsA = TMath::Mean(npoints,values.GetMatrixArray());
92 Double_t meanH = histo.GetMean();
93 Double_t rmsH = histo.GetRMS();
94 //
95 for (Int_t iltm=0; iltm<6; iltm++){
96 //
97 Double_t meanV,sigmaV=0;
98 TStatToolkit::EvaluateUni(npoints,values.GetMatrixArray(), meanV,sigmaV, vecLTM[iltm]*npoints);
99 meanLTM[iltm]=meanV;
100 sigmaLTM[iltm]=sigmaV;
101 //
102 TStatToolkit::LTM(&histo, &paramLTM, vecLTM[iltm]);
103 meanLTMHisto1[iltm]=paramLTM[1];
104 sigmaLTMHisto1[iltm]=paramLTM[2];
105 //
106 TStatToolkit::LTMHisto(&histo, paramLTM, vecLTM[iltm]);
107 meanLTMHisto[iltm]=paramLTM[1];
108 sigmaLTMHisto[iltm]=paramLTM[2];
109 }
110 (*pcstream)<<"ltm"<<
111 //Input
112 "npoints="<<npoints<<
113 "distType="<<distType<<
114 "mean="<<mean<<
115 "sigma="<<sigma<<
116 // "Standart" statistic output
117 "meanA="<<meanA<<
118 "rmsA="<<rmsA<<
119 "meanH="<<meanH<<
120 "rmsH="<<rmsH<<
121 "meanG="<<meanG<<
122 "rmsG="<<rmsG<<
123 // "LTM" output
124 "vecLTM.="<<&vecLTM<<
125 "meanLTM.="<<&meanLTM<<
126 "meanLTMHisto.="<<&meanLTMHisto<<
127 "meanLTMHisto1.="<<&meanLTMHisto1<<
128 //
129 "sigmaLTM.="<<&sigmaLTM<<
130 "sigmaLTMHisto.="<<&sigmaLTMHisto<<
131 "sigmaLTMHisto1.="<<&sigmaLTMHisto1<<
132 "\n";
133 }
134 delete pcstream;
135 //
136 //
137 //
138 TFile *fltm = TFile::Open("TStatToolkit_LTMtest.root","update");
139 TTree * tree = (TTree*)fltm->Get("ltm");
140 tree->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
141 tree->SetMarkerStyle(25);
142 //
143 // 1. Get numerical error estimate of the LTM method for gaussian distribution
144 //
145 TH2 * hisLTMTrunc[10]={0};
146 TH1 * hisResol[10]={0};
147 TGraphErrors * grSigma[10]={0};
148 TCanvas *canvasLTM= new TCanvas("canvasLTM","canvasLTM",800,700);
149 canvasLTM->Divide(2,2);
150 for (Int_t itype=0; itype<4; itype++){
151 canvasLTM->cd(itype+1);
152 TCut cutType=TString::Format("distType==0%d",itype).Data();
153 tree->Draw("sqrt(npoints-2)*(meanLTM.fElements-mean)/sigma:vecLTM.fElements>>hisLTM(6,0.45,1.05,100,-10,10)",cutType+"npoints>50&&sigma>0.1","colzgof");
154 hisLTMTrunc[0]= (TH2*)(tree->GetHistogram()->Clone());
155 tree->Draw("sqrt(npoints-2)*(meanLTMHisto.fElements-mean)/sigma:vecLTM.fElements>>hisLTMHisto(6,0.45,1.05,100,-10,10)",cutType+"npoints>50&&sigma>0.1","colzgoff");
156 hisLTMTrunc[1]= (TH2*)tree->GetHistogram()->Clone();
157 tree->Draw("sqrt(npoints-2)*(meanLTMHisto1.fElements-mean)/sigma:vecLTM.fElements>>hisLTMHist1(6,0.45,1.05,100,-10,10)",cutType+"npoints>50&&sigma>0.1","colzgoff");
158 hisLTMTrunc[2]= (TH2*)tree->GetHistogram()->Clone();
159 TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.5,0.7,0.9,0.9,distNames[itype]);
160 legend->SetBorderSize(0);
161 for (Int_t ihis=0; ihis<3; ihis++){
162 // MakeStat1D(TH2 * his, Int_t deltaBin, Double_t fraction, Int_t returnType, Int_t markerStyle, Int_t markerColor);
163 grSigma[ihis]=TStatToolkit::MakeStat1D( hisLTMTrunc[ihis],0,0.99,5,kMarkers[ihis],kColors[ihis]);
164 grSigma[ihis]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("LTM fraction");
165 grSigma[ihis]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{meas}/sigma_{gauss}");
166 if (ihis==0)grSigma[ihis]->Draw("alp");
167 if (ihis>0)grSigma[ihis]->Draw("lp");
168 legend->AddEntry(grSigma[ihis],names[ihis],"p");
169 }
170 legend->Draw();
171 }
172 canvasLTM->SaveAs("robustStatLTM_Performance.pdf");