]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliCDBGrid.cxx
TPCNoiseMapComponent included into build (Kelly)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliCDBGrid.cxx
9e1ceb13 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17// //
18// AliCDBGrid //
19// access class to a DataBase in an AliEn storage //
20// //
24#include <TGrid.h>
25#include <TGridResult.h>
26#include <TFile.h>
6dc56e97 27#include <TKey.h>
9e1ceb13 28#include <TROOT.h>
4667c116 29#include <TList.h>
9e1ceb13 30#include <TObjArray.h>
31#include <TObjString.h>
32#include <TRegexp.h>
34#include "AliLog.h"
fdf65bb5 35#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
9e1ceb13 36#include "AliCDBGrid.h"
4667c116 37#include "AliCDBManager.h"
9e1ceb13 38
c75fabed 43AliCDBGrid::AliCDBGrid(const char *gridUrl, const char *user, const char *dbFolder,
44 const char *se, const char* cacheFolder, Bool_t operateDisconnected,
45 Long64_t cacheSize, Long_t cleanupInterval) :
9e1ceb13 46AliCDBStorage(),
b05400be 47fGridUrl(gridUrl),
9e1ceb13 48fUser(user),
b05400be 49fDBFolder(dbFolder),
c75fabed 50fSE(se),
9e1ceb13 55{
56// constructor //
9e1ceb13 58 // if the same Grid is alreay active, skip connection
4667c116 59 if (!gGrid || fGridUrl != gGrid->GridUrl()
024cf675 60 || (( fUser != "" ) && ( fUser != gGrid->GetUser() )) ) {
9e1ceb13 61 // connection to the Grid
62032124 62 AliInfo("Connection to the Grid...");
024cf675 63 if(gGrid){
64 AliInfo(Form("gGrid = %x; fGridUrl = %s; gGrid->GridUrl() = %s",gGrid,fGridUrl.Data(), gGrid->GridUrl()));
65 AliInfo(Form("fUser = %s; gGrid->GetUser() = %s",fUser.Data(), gGrid->GetUser()));
66 }
b05400be 67 TGrid::Connect(fGridUrl.Data(),fUser.Data());
9e1ceb13 68 }
70 if(!gGrid) {
71 AliError("Connection failed!");
72 return;
73 }
75 TString initDir(gGrid->Pwd(0));
b05400be 76 if (fDBFolder[0] != '/') {
77 fDBFolder.Prepend(initDir);
9e1ceb13 78 }
80 // check DBFolder: trying to cd to DBFolder; if it does not exist, create it
b05400be 81 if(!gGrid->Cd(fDBFolder.Data(),0)){
82 AliDebug(2,Form("Creating new folder <%s> ...",fDBFolder.Data()));
d7744171 83 TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(Form("mkdir -p %s",fDBFolder.Data()));
84 TString result = res->GetKey(0,"__result__");
85 if(result == "0"){
86 AliFatal(Form("Cannot create folder <%s> !",fDBFolder.Data()));
87 return;
9e1ceb13 88 }
89 } else {
b05400be 90 AliDebug(2,Form("Folder <%s> found",fDBFolder.Data()));
9e1ceb13 91 }
93 // removes any '/' at the end of path, then append one '/'
b05400be 94 while(fDBFolder.EndsWith("/")) fDBFolder.Remove(fDBFolder.Last('/'));
95 fDBFolder+="/";
9e1ceb13 96
62032124 97 fType="alien";
98 fBaseFolder = fDBFolder;
c75fabed 100 // Setting the cache
102 // Check if local cache folder is already defined
103 TString origCache(TFile::GetCacheFileDir());
104 if(fCacheFolder.Length() > 0) {
105 if(origCache.Length() == 0) {
106 AliInfo(Form("Setting local cache to: %s", fCacheFolder.Data()));
107 } else if(fCacheFolder != origCache) {
108 AliWarning(Form("Local cache folder was already defined, changing it to: %s",
109 fCacheFolder.Data()));
110 }
112 // default settings are: operateDisconnected=kTRUE, forceCacheread = kFALSE
113 if(!TFile::SetCacheFileDir(fCacheFolder.Data(), fOperateDisconnected)) {
114 AliError(Form("Could not set cache folder %s !", fCacheFolder.Data()));
115 fCacheFolder = "";
116 } else {
117 // reset fCacheFolder because the function may have
118 // slightly changed the folder name (e.g. '/' added)
119 fCacheFolder = TFile::GetCacheFileDir();
120 }
122 // default settings are: cacheSize=1GB, cleanupInterval = 0
123 if(!TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir(fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval)) {
124 AliError(Form("Could not set following values "
125 "to ShrinkCacheFileDir: cacheSize = %d, cleanupInterval = %d !",
126 fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval));
127 }
128 }
9e1ceb13 130 // return to the initial directory
131 gGrid->Cd(initDir.Data(),0);
137// destructor
62032124 138 delete gGrid; gGrid=0;
9e1ceb13 139
62032124 143Bool_t AliCDBGrid::FilenameToId(TString& filename, AliCDBId& id) {
4005d0b5 144// build AliCDBId from full path filename (fDBFolder/path/Run#x_#y_v#z_s0.root)
62032124 145
146 if(filename.Contains(fDBFolder)){
147 filename = filename(fDBFolder.Length(),filename.Length()-fDBFolder.Length());
148 }
150 TString idPath = filename(0,filename.Last('/'));
151 id.SetPath(idPath);
152 if(!id.IsValid()) return kFALSE;
154 filename=filename(idPath.Length()+1,filename.Length()-idPath.Length());
9e1ceb13 155
156 Ssiz_t mSize;
4005d0b5 157 // valid filename: Run#firstRun_#lastRun_v#version_s0.root
158 TRegexp keyPattern("^Run[0-9]+_[0-9]+_v[0-9]+_s0.root$");
9e1ceb13 159 keyPattern.Index(filename, &mSize);
160 if (!mSize) {
4005d0b5 161
162 // TODO backward compatibility ... maybe remove later!
163 Ssiz_t oldmSize;
164 TRegexp oldKeyPattern("^Run[0-9]+_[0-9]+_v[0-9]+.root$");
165 oldKeyPattern.Index(filename, &oldmSize);
166 if(!oldmSize) {
167 AliDebug(2,Form("Bad filename <%s>.", filename.Data()));
168 return kFALSE;
169 } else {
170 AliDebug(2,Form("Old filename format <%s>.", filename.Data()));
171 id.SetSubVersion(-11); // TODO trick to ensure backward compatibility
172 }
174 } else {
175 id.SetSubVersion(-1); // TODO trick to ensure backward compatibility
176 }
9e1ceb13 177
62032124 178 filename.Resize(filename.Length() - sizeof(".root") + 1);
9e1ceb13 179
62032124 180 TObjArray* strArray = (TObjArray*) filename.Tokenize("_");
9e1ceb13 181
182 TString firstRunString(((TObjString*) strArray->At(0))->GetString());
62032124 183 id.SetFirstRun(atoi(firstRunString.Data() + 3));
184 id.SetLastRun(atoi(((TObjString*) strArray->At(1))->GetString()));
9e1ceb13 186 TString verString(((TObjString*) strArray->At(2))->GetString());
62032124 187 id.SetVersion(atoi(verString.Data() + 1));
9e1ceb13 188
189 delete strArray;
191 return kTRUE;
c3a7b59a 195Bool_t AliCDBGrid::IdToFilename(const AliCDBId& id, TString& filename) const {
62032124 196// build file name from AliCDBId (path, run range, version) and fDBFolder
9e1ceb13 197
62032124 198 if (!id.GetAliCDBRunRange().IsValid()) {
199 AliDebug(2,Form("Invalid run range <%d, %d>.",
200 id.GetFirstRun(), id.GetLastRun()));
9e1ceb13 201 return kFALSE;
202 }
62032124 204 if (id.GetVersion() < 0) {
205 AliDebug(2,Form("Invalid version <%d>.", id.GetVersion()));
9e1ceb13 206 return kFALSE;
207 }
62032124 208
4005d0b5 209 filename = Form("Run%d_%d_v%d",
62032124 210 id.GetFirstRun(),
211 id.GetLastRun(),
212 id.GetVersion());
4005d0b5 214 if (id.GetSubVersion() != -11) filename += "_s0"; // TODO to ensure backward compatibility
215 filename += ".root";
62032124 217 filename.Prepend(fDBFolder + id.GetPath() + '/');
9e1ceb13 218
219 return kTRUE;
223Bool_t AliCDBGrid::PrepareId(AliCDBId& id) {
224// prepare id (version) of the object that will be stored (called by PutEntry)
226 TString initDir(gGrid->Pwd(0));
9e1ceb13 227
b05400be 228 TString dirName(fDBFolder);
9e1ceb13 229
230 Bool_t dirExist=kFALSE;
4005d0b5 231
4667c116 232
9e1ceb13 234 // go to the path; if directory does not exist, create it
4667c116 235 for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
236 dirName+=Form("%s/",id.GetPathLevel(i).Data());
9e1ceb13 237 dirExist=gGrid->Cd(dirName,0);
238 if (!dirExist) {
b05400be 239 AliDebug(2,Form("Creating new folder <%s> ...",dirName.Data()));
9e1ceb13 240 if(!gGrid->Mkdir(dirName,"",0)){
241 AliError(Form("Cannot create directory <%s> !",dirName.Data()));
242 gGrid->Cd(initDir.Data());
243 return kFALSE;
244 }
4667c116 245
246 // if folders are new add tags to them
247 if(i == 1) {
248 // TODO Currently disabled
c75fabed 249 // add short lived tag!
4667c116 250 // AliInfo("Tagging level 1 folder with \"ShortLived\" tag");
251 // if(!AddTag(dirName,"ShortLived_try")){
252 // AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data()));
253 // if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){
254 // AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data()));
255 // }
256 // return 0;
257 //}
259 } else if(i == 2) {
c75fabed 260 AliDebug(2,"Tagging level 2 folder with \"CDB\" and \"CDB_MD\" tag");
4667c116 261 if(!AddTag(dirName,"CDB")){
262 AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data()));
263 if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){
264 AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data()));
265 }
266 return 0;
267 }
268 if(!AddTag(dirName,"CDB_MD")){
269 AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data()));
270 if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){
271 AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data()));
272 }
273 return 0;
274 }
4667c116 276 // TODO Currently disabled
c75fabed 277 // add short lived tag!
4667c116 278 // TString path=id.GetPath();
279 // if(AliCDBManager::Instance()->IsShortLived(path.Data())) {
280 // AliInfo(Form("Tagging %s as short lived", dirName.Data()));
281 // if(!TagShortLived(dirName, kTRUE)){
282 // AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data()));
283 // if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){
284 // AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data()));
285 // }
286 // return 0;
287 // }
288 // } else {
289 // AliInfo(Form("Tagging %s as long lived", dirName.Data()));
290 // if(!TagShortLived(dirName, kFALSE)){
291 // AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data()));
292 // if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){
293 // AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data()));
294 // }
295 // return 0;
296 // }
297 // }
298 }
9e1ceb13 299 }
300 }
9e1ceb13 301 gGrid->Cd(initDir,0);
62032124 303 TString filename;
304 AliCDBId anId; // the id got from filename
9e1ceb13 305 AliCDBRunRange lastRunRange(-1,-1); // highest runRange found
9e1ceb13 306 Int_t lastVersion=0; // highest version found
308 TGridResult *res = gGrid->Ls(dirName);
310 //loop on the files in the directory, look for highest version
311 for(int i=0; i < res->GetEntries(); i++){
62032124 312 filename=res->GetFileNamePath(i);
313 if (!FilenameToId(filename, anId)) continue;
314 if (anId.GetAliCDBRunRange().Overlaps(id.GetAliCDBRunRange()) && anId.GetVersion() > lastVersion) {
315 lastVersion = anId.GetVersion();
316 lastRunRange = anId.GetAliCDBRunRange();
9e1ceb13 317 }
319 }
4005d0b5 320 delete res;
9e1ceb13 322 id.SetVersion(lastVersion + 1);
4005d0b5 323 id.SetSubVersion(0);
9e1ceb13 324
325 TString lastStorage = id.GetLastStorage();
326 if(lastStorage.Contains(TString("new"), TString::kIgnoreCase) && id.GetVersion() > 1 ){
84090f85 327 AliDebug(2, Form("A NEW object is being stored with version %d",
9e1ceb13 328 id.GetVersion()));
84090f85 329 AliDebug(2, Form("and it will hide previously stored object with version %d!",
9e1ceb13 330 id.GetVersion()-1));
331 }
4005d0b5 333 if(!lastRunRange.IsAnyRange() && !(lastRunRange.IsEqual(&id.GetAliCDBRunRange())))
9e1ceb13 334 AliWarning(Form("Run range modified w.r.t. previous version (Run%d_%d_v%d)",
335 lastRunRange.GetFirstRun(), lastRunRange.GetLastRun(), id.GetVersion()));
4005d0b5 336
9e1ceb13 337 return kTRUE;
6dc56e97 341AliCDBId* AliCDBGrid::GetId(const TObjArray& validFileIds, const AliCDBId& query) {
62032124 342// look for the Id that matches query's requests (highest or exact version)
9e1ceb13 343
6dc56e97 344 if(validFileIds.GetEntriesFast() < 1) {
62032124 345 return NULL;
6dc56e97 346 } else if (validFileIds.GetEntriesFast() == 1) {
4667c116 347 return dynamic_cast<AliCDBId*> (validFileIds.At(0)->Clone());
62032124 348 }
9e1ceb13 349
62032124 350 TIter iter(&validFileIds);
9e1ceb13 351
62032124 352 AliCDBId *anIdPtr=0;
353 AliCDBId* result=0;
9e1ceb13 354
62032124 355 while((anIdPtr = dynamic_cast<AliCDBId*> (iter.Next()))){
62032124 356 if(anIdPtr->GetPath() != query.GetPath()) continue;
358 //if(!CheckVersion(query, anIdPtr, result)) return NULL;
9e1ceb13 359
360 if (!query.HasVersion()){ // look for highest version
62032124 361 if(result && result->GetVersion() > anIdPtr->GetVersion()) continue;
362 if(result && result->GetVersion() == anIdPtr->GetVersion()) {
4667c116 363 AliError(Form("More than one object valid for run %d, version %d!",
62032124 364 query.GetFirstRun(), anIdPtr->GetVersion()));
365 return NULL;
9e1ceb13 366 }
62032124 367 result = anIdPtr;
9e1ceb13 368 } else { // look for specified version
62032124 369 if(query.GetVersion() != anIdPtr->GetVersion()) continue;
370 if(result && result->GetVersion() == anIdPtr->GetVersion()){
4667c116 371 AliError(Form("More than one object valid for run %d, version %d!",
62032124 372 query.GetFirstRun(), anIdPtr->GetVersion()));
373 return NULL;
9e1ceb13 374 }
62032124 375 result = anIdPtr;
9e1ceb13 376 }
62032124 377
378 }
c75fabed 379
380 if (!result) return NULL;
62032124 381
4667c116 382 return dynamic_cast<AliCDBId*> (result->Clone());
62032124 383}
9e1ceb13 385//_____________________________________________________________________________
4667c116 386AliCDBId* AliCDBGrid::GetEntryId(const AliCDBId& queryId) {
387// get AliCDBId from the database
388// User must delete returned object
9e1ceb13 389
62032124 390 AliCDBId* dataId=0;
392 AliCDBId selectedId(queryId);
393 if (!selectedId.HasVersion()) {
9e1ceb13 394 // if version is not specified, first check the selection criteria list
4b5e0dce 395 GetSelection(&selectedId);
62032124 396 }
6dc56e97 398 TObjArray validFileIds;
62032124 399 validFileIds.SetOwner(1);
401 // look for file matching query requests (path, runRange, version)
402 if(selectedId.GetFirstRun() == fRun &&
c3a7b59a 403 fPathFilter.Comprises(selectedId.GetAliCDBPath()) && fVersion < 0 && !fMetaDataFilter){
62032124 404 // look into list of valid files previously loaded with AliCDBStorage::FillValidFileIds()
405 AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was loaded. Looking there!",
406 selectedId.GetFirstRun(), selectedId.GetPath().Data()));
407 dataId = GetId(fValidFileIds, selectedId);
9e1ceb13 409 } else {
62032124 410 // List of files valid for reqested run was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB
411 AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB!",
412 selectedId.GetFirstRun(), selectedId.GetPath().Data()));
414 TString filter;
6dc56e97 415 MakeQueryFilter(selectedId.GetFirstRun(), selectedId.GetLastRun(), 0, filter);
62032124 416
6dc56e97 417 TString pattern = Form("%s/Run*", selectedId.GetPath().Data());
4005d0b5 418 if(selectedId.GetVersion() >= 0) pattern += Form("_v%d*",selectedId.GetVersion());
6dc56e97 419 pattern += ".root";
420 AliDebug(2,Form("pattern: %s", pattern.Data()));
422 TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(fDBFolder, pattern, filter, "");
ecae96f8 423 if (res) {
424 AliCDBId validFileId;
425 for(int i=0; i<res->GetEntries(); i++){
426 TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn");
427 if(filename == "") continue;
428 if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId))
429 validFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone());
430 }
431 delete res;
432 }
62032124 433 dataId = GetId(validFileIds, selectedId);
9e1ceb13 434 }
4667c116 436 return dataId;
440AliCDBEntry* AliCDBGrid::GetEntry(const AliCDBId& queryId) {
441// get AliCDBEntry from the database
443 AliCDBId* dataId = GetEntryId(queryId);
62032124 445 if (!dataId) return NULL;
9e1ceb13 446
447 TString filename;
62032124 448 if (!IdToFilename(*dataId, filename)) {
024cf675 449 AliDebug(2,Form("Bad data ID encountered! Subnormal error!"));
4667c116 450 delete dataId;
9e1ceb13 451 return NULL;
452 }
62032124 454 AliCDBEntry* anEntry = GetEntryFromFile(filename, dataId);
4667c116 456 delete dataId;
62032124 457 return anEntry;
8e245d15 461AliCDBEntry* AliCDBGrid::GetEntryFromFile(TString& filename, AliCDBId* dataId){
62032124 462// Get AliCBEntry object from file "filename"
9e1ceb13 463
024cf675 464 AliDebug(2,Form("Opening file: %s",filename.Data()));
62032124 465
466 filename.Prepend("/alien");
c75fabed 467
468 // if option="CACHEREAD" TFile will use the local caching facility!
469 TString option="READ";
470 if(fCacheFolder != ""){
472 // Check if local cache folder was changed in the meanwhile
473 TString origCache(TFile::GetCacheFileDir());
474 if(fCacheFolder != origCache) {
475 AliWarning(Form("Local cache folder has been overwritten!! fCacheFolder = %s origCache = %s",
476 fCacheFolder.Data(), origCache.Data()));
477 TFile::SetCacheFileDir(fCacheFolder.Data(), fOperateDisconnected);
478 TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir(fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval);
479 }
481 option.Prepend("CACHE");
482 }
484 AliDebug(2, Form("Option: %s", option.Data()));
486 TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename, option);
9e1ceb13 487 if (!file) {
024cf675 488 AliDebug(2,Form("Can't open file <%s>!", filename.Data()));
9e1ceb13 489 return NULL;
490 }
492 // get the only AliCDBEntry object from the file
493 // the object in the file is an AliCDBEntry entry named "AliCDBEntry"
62032124 495 AliCDBEntry* anEntry = dynamic_cast<AliCDBEntry*> (file->Get("AliCDBEntry"));
9e1ceb13 496
62032124 497 if (!anEntry) {
498 AliDebug(2,Form("Bad storage data: file does not contain an AliCDBEntry object!"));
499 file->Close();
9e1ceb13 500 return NULL;
501 }
9e1ceb13 503 // The object's Id is not reset during storage
504 // If object's Id runRange or version do not match with filename,
505 // it means that someone renamed file by hand. In this case a warning msg is issued.
62032124 506
507 if(anEntry){
508 AliCDBId entryId = anEntry->GetId();
4005d0b5 509 Int_t tmpSubVersion = dataId->GetSubVersion();
510 dataId->SetSubVersion(entryId.GetSubVersion()); // otherwise filename and id may mismatch
8e245d15 511 if(!entryId.IsEqual(dataId)){
b8ec52f6 512 AliWarning(Form("Mismatch between file name and object's Id!"));
513 AliWarning(Form("File name: %s", dataId->ToString().Data()));
514 AliWarning(Form("Object's Id: %s", entryId.ToString().Data()));
62032124 515 }
4005d0b5 516 dataId->SetSubVersion(tmpSubVersion);
9e1ceb13 517 }
62032124 519 anEntry->SetLastStorage("grid");
145f45a2 521 // Check whether entry contains a TTree. In case load the tree in memory!
522 LoadTreeFromFile(anEntry);
9e1ceb13 524 // close file, return retieved entry
525 file->Close(); delete file; file=0;
62032124 526
527 return anEntry;
9e1ceb13 528}
62032124 531TList* AliCDBGrid::GetEntries(const AliCDBId& queryId) {
9e1ceb13 532// multiple request (AliCDBStorage::GetAll)
62032124 534 TList* result = new TList();
535 result->SetOwner();
9e1ceb13 536
6dc56e97 537 TObjArray validFileIds;
62032124 538 validFileIds.SetOwner(1);
9e1ceb13 539
62032124 540 Bool_t alreadyLoaded = kFALSE;
9e1ceb13 541
62032124 542 // look for file matching query requests (path, runRange)
543 if(queryId.GetFirstRun() == fRun &&
c3a7b59a 544 fPathFilter.Comprises(queryId.GetAliCDBPath()) && fVersion < 0 && !fMetaDataFilter){
62032124 545 // look into list of valid files previously loaded with AliCDBStorage::FillValidFileIds()
546 AliDebug(2,Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was loaded. Looking there!",
547 queryId.GetFirstRun(), queryId.GetPath().Data()));
9e1ceb13 548
62032124 549 alreadyLoaded = kTRUE;
9e1ceb13 550
62032124 551 } else {
552 // List of files valid for reqested run was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB
553 AliDebug(2,Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB!",
554 queryId.GetFirstRun(), queryId.GetPath().Data()));
556 TString filter;
6dc56e97 557 MakeQueryFilter(queryId.GetFirstRun(), queryId.GetLastRun(), 0, filter);
559 TString pattern = Form("%s/Run*.root", queryId.GetPath().Data());
560 AliDebug(2,Form("pattern: %s", pattern.Data()));
562 TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(fDBFolder, pattern, filter, "");
62032124 563
62032124 564 AliCDBId validFileId;
565 for(int i=0; i<res->GetEntries(); i++){
566 TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn");
c3a7b59a 567 if(filename == "") continue;
62032124 568 if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId))
569 validFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone());
570 }
571 delete res;
9e1ceb13 572 }
62032124 574 TIter *iter=0;
575 if(alreadyLoaded){
576 iter = new TIter(&fValidFileIds);
577 } else {
578 iter = new TIter(&validFileIds);
579 }
9e1ceb13 580
6dc56e97 581 TObjArray selectedIds;
62032124 582 selectedIds.SetOwner(1);
584 // loop on list of valid Ids to select the right version to get.
585 // According to query and to the selection criteria list, version can be the highest or exact
586 AliCDBPath pathCopy;
587 AliCDBId* anIdPtr=0;
588 AliCDBId* dataId=0;
589 AliCDBPath queryPath = queryId.GetAliCDBPath();
590 while((anIdPtr = dynamic_cast<AliCDBId*> (iter->Next()))){
591 AliCDBPath thisCDBPath = anIdPtr->GetAliCDBPath();
592 if(!(queryPath.Comprises(thisCDBPath)) || pathCopy.GetPath() == thisCDBPath.GetPath()) continue;
593 pathCopy = thisCDBPath;
595 // check the selection criteria list for this query
596 AliCDBId thisId(*anIdPtr);
597 thisId.SetVersion(queryId.GetVersion());
598 if(!thisId.HasVersion()) GetSelection(&thisId);
600 if(alreadyLoaded){
601 dataId = GetId(fValidFileIds, thisId);
602 } else {
603 dataId = GetId(validFileIds, thisId);
9e1ceb13 604 }
4667c116 605 if(dataId) selectedIds.Add(dataId);
9e1ceb13 606 }
9e1ceb13 607
62032124 608 delete iter; iter=0;
9e1ceb13 609
62032124 610 // selectedIds contains the Ids of the files matching all requests of query!
611 // All the objects are now ready to be retrieved
612 iter = new TIter(&selectedIds);
613 while((anIdPtr = dynamic_cast<AliCDBId*> (iter->Next()))){
614 TString filename;
615 if (!IdToFilename(*anIdPtr, filename)) {
616 AliDebug(2,Form("Bad data ID encountered! Subnormal error!"));
617 continue;
618 }
9e1ceb13 619
62032124 620 AliCDBEntry* anEntry = GetEntryFromFile(filename, anIdPtr);
9e1ceb13 621
62032124 622 if(anEntry) result->Add(anEntry);
9e1ceb13 623
62032124 624 }
625 delete iter; iter=0;
627 return result;
9e1ceb13 628}
631Bool_t AliCDBGrid::PutEntry(AliCDBEntry* entry) {
632// put an AliCDBEntry object into the database
62032124 633
9e1ceb13 634 AliCDBId& id = entry->GetId();
636 // set version for the entry to be stored
62032124 637 if (!PrepareId(id)) return kFALSE;
9e1ceb13 638
639 // build filename from entry's id
640 TString filename;
62032124 641 if (!IdToFilename(id, filename)) {
9e1ceb13 642 AliError("Bad ID encountered! Subnormal error!");
643 return kFALSE;
62032124 644 }
646 TString folderToTag = Form("%s%s",
647 fDBFolder.Data(),
648 id.GetPath().Data());
9e1ceb13 650 TDirectory* saveDir = gDirectory;
fb33abde 652 TString fullFilename = Form("/alien%s", filename.Data());
62032124 653 // specify SE to filename
fb33abde 654 if (fSE != "default") fullFilename += Form("?se=%s",fSE.Data());
62032124 655
9e1ceb13 656 // open file
145f45a2 657 TFile *file = TFile::Open(fullFilename,"CREATE");
658 if(!file || !file->IsWritable()){
659 AliError(Form("Can't open file <%s>!", filename.Data()));
660 if(file && !file->IsWritable()) file->Close(); delete file; file=0;
661 return kFALSE;
662 }
62032124 663
664 file->cd();
9e1ceb13 665
ed343d5e 666 //SetTreeToFile(entry, file);
145f45a2 667
9e1ceb13 668 entry->SetVersion(id.GetVersion());
670 // write object (key name: "AliCDBEntry")
145f45a2 671 Bool_t result = (file->WriteTObject(entry, "AliCDBEntry") != 0);
62032124 672 if (!result) AliError(Form("Can't write entry to file <%s>!", filename.Data()));
9e1ceb13 673
675 if (saveDir) saveDir->cd(); else gROOT->cd();
676 file->Close(); delete file; file=0;
c3a7b59a 677
9e1ceb13 678 if(result) {
c75fabed 679
c3a7b59a 680 if(!TagFileId(filename, &id)){
681 AliInfo(Form("CDB tagging failed. Deleting file %s!",filename.Data()));
682 if(!gGrid->Rm(filename.Data()))
683 AliError("Can't delete file!");
684 return kFALSE;
685 }
687 TagFileMetaData(filename, entry->GetMetaData());
9e1ceb13 688 }
62032124 689
c75fabed 690 AliInfo(Form("CDB object stored into file %s", filename.Data()));
691 AliInfo(Form("Storage Element: %s", fSE.Data()));
62032124 692 return result;
695Bool_t AliCDBGrid::AddTag(TString& folderToTag, const char* tagname){
696// add "tagname" tag (CDB or CDB_MD) to folder where object will be stored
698 Bool_t result = kTRUE;
699 AliDebug(2, Form("adding %s tag to folder %s", tagname, folderToTag.Data()));
700 TString addTag = Form("addTag %s %s", folderToTag.Data(), tagname);
701 TGridResult *gridres = gGrid->Command(addTag.Data());
702 const char* resCode = gridres->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success
703 if(resCode[0] != '1') {
704 AliError(Form("Couldn't add %s tags to folder %s !",
705 tagname, folderToTag.Data()));
706 result = kFALSE;
707 }
708 delete gridres;
9e1ceb13 709 return result;
62032124 712//_____________________________________________________________________________
c3a7b59a 713Bool_t AliCDBGrid::TagFileId(TString& filename, const AliCDBId* id){
62032124 714// tag stored object in CDB table using object Id's parameters
f430a9ce 716 TString addTagValue1 = Form("addTagValue %s CDB ", filename.Data());
717 TString addTagValue2 = Form("first_run=%d last_run=%d version=%d ",
62032124 718 id->GetFirstRun(),
719 id->GetLastRun(),
720 id->GetVersion());
f430a9ce 721 TString addTagValue3 = Form("path_level_0=\"%s\" path_level_1=\"%s\" path_level_2=\"%s\"",
4667c116 722 id->GetPathLevel(0).Data(),
723 id->GetPathLevel(1).Data(),
724 id->GetPathLevel(2).Data());
62032124 725 TString addTagValue = Form("%s%s%s",
f430a9ce 726 addTagValue1.Data(),
727 addTagValue2.Data(),
728 addTagValue3.Data());
62032124 729
c3a7b59a 730 Bool_t result = kFALSE;
62032124 731 AliDebug(2, Form("Tagging file. Tag command: %s", addTagValue.Data()));
732 TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(addTagValue.Data());
733 const char* resCode = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success
734 if(resCode[0] != '1') {
c3a7b59a 735 AliError(Form("Couldn't add CDB tag value to file %s !",
62032124 736 filename.Data()));
c3a7b59a 737 result = kFALSE;
62032124 738 } else {
c75fabed 739 AliDebug(2, "Object successfully tagged.");
c3a7b59a 740 result = kTRUE;
62032124 741 }
742 delete res;
c3a7b59a 743 return result;
62032124 744
4667c116 747//_____________________________________________________________________________
748Bool_t AliCDBGrid::TagShortLived(TString& filename, Bool_t value){
749// tag folder with ShortLived tag
751 TString addTagValue = Form("addTagValue %s ShortLived_try value=%d", filename.Data(), value);
753 Bool_t result = kFALSE;
754 AliDebug(2, Form("Tagging file. Tag command: %s", addTagValue.Data()));
755 TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(addTagValue.Data());
756 const char* resCode = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success
757 if(resCode[0] != '1') {
758 AliError(Form("Couldn't add ShortLived tag value to file %s !", filename.Data()));
759 result = kFALSE;
760 } else {
c75fabed 761 AliDebug(2,"Object successfully tagged.");
4667c116 762 result = kTRUE;
763 }
764 delete res;
765 return result;
62032124 769//_____________________________________________________________________________
c3a7b59a 770Bool_t AliCDBGrid::TagFileMetaData(TString& filename, const AliCDBMetaData* md){
62032124 771// tag stored object in CDB table using object Id's parameters
f430a9ce 773 TString addTagValue1 = Form("addTagValue %s CDB_MD ", filename.Data());
774 TString addTagValue2 = Form("object_classname=\"%s\" responsible=\"%s\" beam_period=%d ",
62032124 775 md->GetObjectClassName(),
776 md->GetResponsible(),
777 md->GetBeamPeriod());
f430a9ce 778 TString addTagValue3 = Form("aliroot_version=\"%s\" comment=\"%s\"",
62032124 779 md->GetAliRootVersion(),
780 md->GetComment());
781 TString addTagValue = Form("%s%s%s",
f430a9ce 782 addTagValue1.Data(),
783 addTagValue2.Data(),
784 addTagValue3.Data());
62032124 785
c3a7b59a 786 Bool_t result = kFALSE;
62032124 787 AliDebug(2, Form("Tagging file. Tag command: %s", addTagValue.Data()));
788 TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(addTagValue.Data());
789 const char* resCode = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success
790 if(resCode[0] != '1') {
791 AliWarning(Form("Couldn't add CDB_MD tag value to file %s !",
792 filename.Data()));
c3a7b59a 793 result = kFALSE;
62032124 794 } else {
c75fabed 795 AliDebug(2,"Object successfully tagged.");
c3a7b59a 796 result = kTRUE;
62032124 797 }
c3a7b59a 798 return result;
62032124 799}
b05400be 801//_____________________________________________________________________________
802TList* AliCDBGrid::GetIdListFromFile(const char* fileName){
6dc56e97 803
b05400be 804 TString turl(fileName);
805 turl.Prepend("/alien" + fDBFolder);
62032124 806 turl += "?se="; turl += fSE.Data();
b05400be 807 TFile *file = TFile::Open(turl);
808 if (!file) {
809 AliError(Form("Can't open selection file <%s>!", turl.Data()));
810 return NULL;
811 }
813 TList *list = new TList();
814 list->SetOwner();
815 int i=0;
816 TString keycycle;
62032124 817
b05400be 818 AliCDBId *id;
819 while(1){
820 i++;
821 keycycle = "AliCDBId;";
822 keycycle+=i;
824 id = (AliCDBId*) file->Get(keycycle);
825 if(!id) break;
826 list->AddFirst(id);
827 }
828 file->Close(); delete file; file=0;
830 return list;
836Bool_t AliCDBGrid::Contains(const char* path) const{
837// check for path in storage's DBFolder
839 TString initDir(gGrid->Pwd(0));
840 TString dirName(fDBFolder);
841 dirName += path; // dirName = fDBFolder/path
842 Bool_t result=kFALSE;
843 if (gGrid->Cd(dirName,0)) result=kTRUE;
844 gGrid->Cd(initDir.Data(),0);
845 return result;
62032124 848//_____________________________________________________________________________
849void AliCDBGrid::QueryValidFiles()
851// Query the CDB for files valid for AliCDBStorage::fRun
852// fills list fValidFileIds with AliCDBId objects created from file name
854 TString filter;
6dc56e97 855 MakeQueryFilter(fRun, fRun, fMetaDataFilter, filter);
857 TString pattern = Form("%s/Run*", fPathFilter.GetPath().Data());
4005d0b5 858 if(fVersion >= 0) pattern += Form("_v%d*", fVersion);
6dc56e97 859 pattern += ".root";
860 AliDebug(2,Form("pattern: %s", pattern.Data()));
862 TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(fDBFolder, pattern, filter, "");
62032124 863
b7e6419d 864 if (!res) {
865 AliError("Grid query failed");
866 return;
867 }
62032124 869 AliCDBId validFileId;
870 for(int i=0; i<res->GetEntries(); i++){
871 TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn");
c3a7b59a 872 if(filename == "") continue;
62032124 873 AliDebug(2,Form("Found valid file: %s", filename.Data()));
874 Bool_t result = FilenameToId(filename, validFileId);
875 if(result) {
876 fValidFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone());
877 }
878 }
879 delete res;
c3a7b59a 884void AliCDBGrid::MakeQueryFilter(Int_t firstRun, Int_t lastRun,
62032124 885 const AliCDBMetaData* md, TString& result) const
887// create filter for file query
c3a7b59a 889 result = Form("CDB:first_run<=%d and CDB:last_run>=%d", firstRun, lastRun);
62032124 890
6dc56e97 891// if(version >= 0) {
892// result += Form(" and CDB:version=%d", version);
893// }
894// if(pathFilter.GetLevel0() != "*") {
895// result += Form(" and CDB:path_level_0=\"%s\"", pathFilter.GetLevel0().Data());
896// }
897// if(pathFilter.GetLevel1() != "*") {
898// result += Form(" and CDB:path_level_1=\"%s\"", pathFilter.GetLevel1().Data());
899// }
900// if(pathFilter.GetLevel2() != "*") {
901// result += Form(" and CDB:path_level_2=\"%s\"", pathFilter.GetLevel2().Data());
902// }
62032124 903
904 if(md){
905 if(md->GetObjectClassName()[0] != '\0') {
906 result += Form(" and CDB_MD:object_classname=\"%s\"", md->GetObjectClassName());
907 }
908 if(md->GetResponsible()[0] != '\0') {
909 result += Form(" and CDB_MD:responsible=\"%s\"", md->GetResponsible());
910 }
911 if(md->GetBeamPeriod() != 0) {
912 result += Form(" and CDB_MD:beam_period=%d", md->GetBeamPeriod());
913 }
914 if(md->GetAliRootVersion()[0] != '\0') {
915 result += Form(" and CDB_MD:aliroot_version=\"%s\"", md->GetAliRootVersion());
916 }
917 if(md->GetComment()[0] != '\0') {
918 result += Form(" and CDB_MD:comment=\"%s\"", md->GetComment());
919 }
920 }
921 AliDebug(2, Form("filter: %s",result.Data()));
c3a7b59a 925//_____________________________________________________________________________
926Int_t AliCDBGrid::GetLatestVersion(const char* path, Int_t run){
927// get last version found in the database valid for run and path
c3a7b59a 929 AliCDBPath aCDBPath(path);
930 if(!aCDBPath.IsValid() || aCDBPath.IsWildcard()) {
931 AliError(Form("Invalid path in request: %s", path));
932 return -1;
933 }
934 AliCDBId query(path, run, run, -1, -1);
935 AliCDBId* dataId = 0;
937 // look for file matching query requests (path, runRange, version)
6dc56e97 938 if(run == fRun && fPathFilter.Comprises(aCDBPath) && fVersion < 0){
c3a7b59a 939 // look into list of valid files previously loaded with AliCDBStorage::FillValidFileIds()
940 AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was loaded. Looking there!",
941 run, path));
942 dataId = GetId(fValidFileIds, query);
943 if (!dataId) return -1;
4667c116 944 Int_t version = dataId->GetVersion();
945 delete dataId;
946 return version;
c3a7b59a 947
948 }
949 // List of files valid for reqested run was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB
950 AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB!",
951 run, path));
4667c116 953 TObjArray validFileIds;
954 validFileIds.SetOwner(1);
c3a7b59a 956 TString filter;
6dc56e97 957 MakeQueryFilter(run, run, 0, filter);
959 TString pattern = Form("%s/Run*.root", path);
960 AliDebug(2,Form("pattern: %s", pattern.Data()));
c3a7b59a 961
6dc56e97 962 TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(fDBFolder, pattern, filter, "");
c3a7b59a 963 AliCDBId validFileId;
964 for(int i=0; i<res->GetEntries(); i++){
965 TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn");
966 if(filename == "") continue;
967 if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId))
968 validFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone());
969 }
970 delete res;
972 dataId = GetId(validFileIds, query);
973 if (!dataId) return -1;
4667c116 975 Int_t version = dataId->GetVersion();
976 delete dataId;
977 return version;
c3a7b59a 978
982Int_t AliCDBGrid::GetLatestSubVersion(const char* /*path*/, Int_t /*run*/, Int_t /*version*/){
983// get last subversion found in the database valid for run and path
984 AliError("Objects in GRID storage have no sub version!");
985 return -1;
9e1ceb13 989/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
990// //
991// AliCDBGrid factory //
992// //
998Bool_t AliCDBGridFactory::Validate(const char* gridString) {
999// check if the string is valid Grid URI
b05400be 1001 TRegexp gridPattern("^alien://.+$");
9e1ceb13 1002
1003 return TString(gridString).Contains(gridPattern);
1007AliCDBParam* AliCDBGridFactory::CreateParameter(const char* gridString) {
1008// create AliCDBGridParam class from the URI string
1010 if (!Validate(gridString)) {
1011 return NULL;
1012 }
c75fabed 1013
b05400be 1014 TString buffer(gridString);
c3a7b59a 1015
1016 TString gridUrl = "alien://";
b05400be 1017 TString user = "";
4667c116 1018 TString dbFolder = "";
fb33abde 1019 TString se = "default";
c75fabed 1020 TString cacheFolder = "";
1021 Bool_t operateDisconnected = kTRUE;
1022 Long64_t cacheSize = (UInt_t) 1024*1024*1024; // 1GB
1023 Long_t cleanupInterval = 0;
b05400be 1024
1025 TObjArray *arr = buffer.Tokenize('?');
1026 TIter iter(arr);
62032124 1027 TObjString *str = 0;
4667c116 1028
b05400be 1029 while((str = (TObjString*) iter.Next())){
1030 TString entry(str->String());
1031 Int_t indeq = entry.Index('=');
1032 if(indeq == -1) {
1033 if(entry.BeginsWith("alien://")) { // maybe it's a gridUrl!
1034 gridUrl = entry;
1035 continue;
1036 } else {
1037 AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data()));
1038 continue;
1039 }
1040 }
1042 TString key = entry(0,indeq);
1043 TString value = entry(indeq+1,entry.Length()-indeq);
1045 if(key.Contains("grid",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
1046 gridUrl += value;
c75fabed 1047 }
b05400be 1048 else if (key.Contains("user",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
1049 user = value;
1050 }
b05400be 1051 else if (key.Contains("se",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
1052 se = value;
1053 }
d7744171 1054 else if (key.Contains("cacheF",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
c75fabed 1055 cacheFolder = value;
1056 if (!cacheFolder.EndsWith("/"))
1057 cacheFolder += "/";
1058 }
d7744171 1059 else if (key.Contains("folder",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
1060 dbFolder = value;
1061 }
c75fabed 1062 else if (key.Contains("operateDisc",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
1063 if(value == "kTRUE") {
1064 operateDisconnected = kTRUE;
1065 } else if (value == "kFALSE") {
1066 operateDisconnected = kFALSE;
1067 } else if (value == "0" || value == "1") {
1068 operateDisconnected = (Bool_t) value.Atoi();
1069 } else {
1070 AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data()));
1071 return NULL;
1072 }
1073 }
d7744171 1074 else if (key.Contains("cacheS",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
c75fabed 1075 if(value.IsDigit()) {
1076 cacheSize = value.Atoi();
1077 } else {
1078 AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data()));
1079 return NULL;
1080 }
1081 }
1082 else if (key.Contains("cleanupInt",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
1083 if(value.IsDigit()) {
1084 cleanupInterval = value.Atoi();
1085 } else {
1086 AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data()));
1087 return NULL;
1088 }
1089 }
b05400be 1090 else{
1091 AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data()));
c75fabed 1092 return NULL;
b05400be 1093 }
1094 }
1095 delete arr; arr=0;
c75fabed 1096
1097 AliDebug(2, Form("gridUrl: %s", gridUrl.Data()));
1098 AliDebug(2, Form("user: %s", user.Data()));
1099 AliDebug(2, Form("dbFolder: %s", dbFolder.Data()));
1100 AliDebug(2, Form("s.e.: %s", se.Data()));
1101 AliDebug(2, Form("local cache folder: %s", cacheFolder.Data()));
1102 AliDebug(2, Form("local cache operate disconnected: %d", operateDisconnected));
1103 AliDebug(2, Form("local cache size: %d", cacheSize));
1104 AliDebug(2, Form("local cache cleanup interval: %d", cleanupInterval));
9e1ceb13 1105
4667c116 1106 if(dbFolder == ""){
c75fabed 1107 AliError("Base folder must be specified!");
4667c116 1108 return NULL;
1109 }
c75fabed 1111 return new AliCDBGridParam(gridUrl.Data(), user.Data(),
1112 dbFolder.Data(), se.Data(), cacheFolder.Data(),
1113 operateDisconnected, cacheSize, cleanupInterval);
9e1ceb13 1114}
1117AliCDBStorage* AliCDBGridFactory::Create(const AliCDBParam* param) {
1118// create AliCDBGrid storage instance from parameters
62032124 1120 AliCDBGrid *grid = 0;
9e1ceb13 1121 if (AliCDBGridParam::Class() == param->IsA()) {
62032124 1122
9e1ceb13 1123 const AliCDBGridParam* gridParam = (const AliCDBGridParam*) param;
62032124 1124 grid = new AliCDBGrid(gridParam->GridUrl().Data(),
1125 gridParam->GetUser().Data(),
1126 gridParam->GetDBFolder().Data(),
c75fabed 1127 gridParam->GetSE().Data(),
1128 gridParam->GetCacheFolder().Data(),
1129 gridParam->GetOperateDisconnected(),
1130 gridParam->GetCacheSize(),
1131 gridParam->GetCleanupInterval());
9e1ceb13 1132
9e1ceb13 1133 }
c3a7b59a 1135 if(!gGrid && grid) {
1136 delete grid; grid=0;
1137 }
62032124 1139 return grid;
9e1ceb13 1140}
1143// //
c75fabed 1144// AliCDBGrid Parameter class // //
9e1ceb13 1145// //
62032124 1151AliCDBGridParam::AliCDBGridParam():
1152 AliCDBParam(),
1153 fGridUrl(),
1154 fUser(),
1155 fDBFolder(),
c75fabed 1156 fSE(),
1157 fCacheFolder(),
1158 fOperateDisconnected(),
1159 fCacheSize(),
1160 fCleanupInterval()
62032124 1162 {
9e1ceb13 1163// default constructor
c75fabed 1168AliCDBGridParam::AliCDBGridParam(const char* gridUrl, const char* user, const char* dbFolder,
1169 const char* se, const char* cacheFolder, Bool_t operateDisconnected,
1170 Long64_t cacheSize, Long_t cleanupInterval):
62032124 1171 AliCDBParam(),
b05400be 1172 fGridUrl(gridUrl),
9e1ceb13 1173 fUser(user),
b05400be 1174 fDBFolder(dbFolder),
c75fabed 1175 fSE(se),
1176 fCacheFolder(cacheFolder),
1177 fOperateDisconnected(operateDisconnected),
1178 fCacheSize(cacheSize),
1179 fCleanupInterval(cleanupInterval)
9e1ceb13 1180{
1181// constructor
c75fabed 1182
9e1ceb13 1183 SetType("alien");
c75fabed 1185 TString uri = Form("%s?User=%s?DBFolder=%s?SE=%s?CacheFolder=%s"
1186 "?OperateDisconnected=%d?CacheSize=%d?CleanupInterval=%d",
62032124 1187 fGridUrl.Data(), fUser.Data(),
c75fabed 1188 fDBFolder.Data(), fSE.Data(), fCacheFolder.Data(),
1189 fOperateDisconnected, fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval);
62032124 1190
1191 SetURI(uri.Data());
9e1ceb13 1192}
1195AliCDBGridParam::~AliCDBGridParam() {
1196// destructor
1201AliCDBParam* AliCDBGridParam::CloneParam() const {
1202// clone parameter
62032124 1204 return new AliCDBGridParam(fGridUrl.Data(), fUser.Data(),
c75fabed 1205 fDBFolder.Data(), fSE.Data(), fCacheFolder.Data(),
1206 fOperateDisconnected, fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval);
9e1ceb13 1207}
1210ULong_t AliCDBGridParam::Hash() const {
1211// return Hash function
c75fabed 1213 return fGridUrl.Hash()+fUser.Hash()+fDBFolder.Hash()+fSE.Hash()+fCacheFolder.Hash();
9e1ceb13 1214}
1217Bool_t AliCDBGridParam::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const {
1218// check if this object is equal to AliCDBParam obj
1220 if (this == obj) {
1221 return kTRUE;
1222 }
1224 if (AliCDBGridParam::Class() != obj->IsA()) {
1225 return kFALSE;
1226 }
1228 AliCDBGridParam* other = (AliCDBGridParam*) obj;
b05400be 1230 if(fGridUrl != other->fGridUrl) return kFALSE;
9e1ceb13 1231 if(fUser != other->fUser) return kFALSE;
b05400be 1232 if(fDBFolder != other->fDBFolder) return kFALSE;
9e1ceb13 1233 if(fSE != other->fSE) return kFALSE;
c75fabed 1234 if(fCacheFolder != other->fCacheFolder) return kFALSE;
1235 if(fOperateDisconnected != other->fOperateDisconnected) return kFALSE;
1236 if(fCacheSize != other->fCacheSize) return kFALSE;
1237 if(fCleanupInterval != other->fCleanupInterval) return kFALSE;
9e1ceb13 1238 return kTRUE;