]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliCluster.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliCluster.h
87594435 1#ifndef ALICLUSTER_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
75fb37cc 7// Class AliCluster
8// This is the future base for managing the clusters in barrel detectors.
9// It is fully interfaced with the ROOT geometrical modeller TGeo.
10// Each cluster contains XYZ coordinates in the local tracking c.s. and
11// the unique ID of the sensitive detector element which continas the
12// cluster. The coordinates in global c.s. are computed using the interface
13// to TGeo and will be not overwritten by the derived sub-detector cluster
14// classes.
16// cvetan.cheshkov@cern.ch & jouri.belikov@cern.ch 5/3/2007
87594435 17//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
19#include <TObject.h>
75fb37cc 21class TGeoHMatrix;
22class TGeoPNEntry;
87594435 24class AliCluster : public TObject {
75fb37cc 25 public:
87594435 26 AliCluster();
75fb37cc 27 AliCluster(UShort_t volId, const Float_t *hit, Float_t x = 0, Float_t sigyz = 0, const Int_t *lab = NULL);
28 AliCluster(UShort_t volId,
29 Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z,
30 Float_t sy2, Float_t sz2, Float_t syz,
31 const Int_t *lab = NULL);
32 AliCluster(const AliCluster& cluster);
33 AliCluster &operator=(const AliCluster& cluster);
be9c5115 34 virtual ~AliCluster() {;}
75fb37cc 35
36 Int_t GetLabel(Int_t i) const {return fTracks[i];}
37 Float_t GetX() const {return fX;}
38 Float_t GetY() const {return fY;}
39 Float_t GetZ() const {return fZ;}
40 Float_t GetSigmaY2() const {return fSigmaY2;}
41 Float_t GetSigmaZ2() const {return fSigmaZ2;}
42 Float_t GetSigmaYZ() const {return fSigmaYZ;}
43 UShort_t GetVolumeId() const {return fVolumeId;}
b8f166bb 45 virtual void Use(Int_t = 0) {;}
be9c5115 46
75fb37cc 47 Bool_t GetGlobalXYZ(Float_t xyz[3]) const;
48 Bool_t GetGlobalCov(Float_t cov[6]) const;
49 Bool_t GetXRefPlane(Float_t &xref) const;
87594435 50
75fb37cc 51 Bool_t Misalign();
53 void SetLabel(Int_t lab,Int_t i)
54 { if (i>=0 && i<3) fTracks[i] = lab;}
55 void SetX(Float_t x) {fX = x;}
56 void SetY(Float_t y) {fY = y;}
57 void SetZ(Float_t z) {fZ = z;}
58 void SetSigmaY2(Float_t sigy2) {fSigmaY2 = sigy2;}
59 void SetSigmaZ2(Float_t sigz2) {fSigmaZ2 = sigz2;}
60 void SetVolumeId(UShort_t id) {fVolumeId = id;}
87594435 61
75fb37cc 62 protected:
87594435 63
75fb37cc 64 const TGeoHMatrix* GetTracking2LocalMatrix() const;
66 private:
68 TGeoHMatrix* GetMatrix(Bool_t original = kFALSE) const;
69 TGeoPNEntry* GetPNEntry() const;
71 Int_t fTracks[3];//MC labels
72 Float_t fX; // X of the cluster in the tracking c.s.
73 Float_t fY; // Y of the cluster in the tracking c.s.
74 Float_t fZ; // Z of the cluster in the tracking c.s.
75 Float_t fSigmaY2; // Sigma Y square of cluster
76 Float_t fSigmaZ2; // Sigma Z square of cluster
77 Float_t fSigmaYZ; // Non-diagonal element of cov.matrix
78 UShort_t fVolumeId; // Volume ID of the detector element
79 Bool_t fIsMisaligned; // Cluster was misagned or not?
81 ClassDef(AliCluster,3) // Barrel detectors cluster