]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliESDv0.h
Better values for the constants defining the numerical precision.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliESDv0.h
e23730c7 1#ifndef ALIESDV0_H
2#define ALIESDV0_H
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
4f679a16 7/* $Id$ */
e23730c7 9//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
10// ESD V0 Vertex Class
4f679a16 11// This class is part of the Event Summary Data set of classes
d6a49f20 12// Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
13// Modified by: Marian Ivanov, CERN, Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch
14// and Boris Hippolyte,IPHC, hippolyt@in2p3.fr
e23730c7 15//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
e23730c7 17#include <TPDGCode.h>
97135b34 18
d6a49f20 19#include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
646c9704 20#include "AliVParticle.h"
e23730c7 21
97135b34 22class AliESDV0Params;
646c9704 24class AliESDv0 : public AliVParticle {
e23730c7 25public:
26 AliESDv0();
c7bafca9 27 AliESDv0(const AliExternalTrackParam &t1, Int_t i1,
28 const AliExternalTrackParam &t2, Int_t i2);
e23730c7 29
97135b34 30 AliESDv0(const AliESDv0& v0);
c028b974 31 virtual ~AliESDv0();
97135b34 32 AliESDv0& operator=(const AliESDv0& v0);
732a24fe 33 virtual void Copy(TObject &obj) const;
c028b974 34
646c9704 35// Start with AliVParticle functions
36 virtual Double_t Px() const { return fNmom[0]+fPmom[0]; }
37 virtual Double_t Py() const { return fNmom[1]+fPmom[1]; }
38 virtual Double_t Pz() const { return fNmom[2]+fPmom[2]; }
39 virtual Double_t Pt() const { return TMath::Sqrt(Px()*Px()+Py()*Py()); }
40 virtual Double_t P() const {
41 return TMath::Sqrt(Px()*Px()+Py()*Py()+Pz()*Pz());
42 }
43 virtual Bool_t PxPyPz(Double_t p[3]) const { p[0] = Px(); p[1] = Py(); p[2] = Pz(); return kTRUE; }
44 virtual Double_t Xv() const { return fPos[0]; }
45 virtual Double_t Yv() const { return fPos[1]; }
46 virtual Double_t Zv() const { return fPos[2]; }
47 virtual Bool_t XvYvZv(Double_t x[3]) const { x[0] = Xv(); x[1] = Yv(); x[2] = Zv(); return kTRUE; }
48 virtual Double_t OneOverPt() const { return (Pt() != 0.) ? 1./Pt() : -999.; }
49 virtual Double_t Phi() const {return TMath::Pi()+TMath::ATan2(-Py(),-Px()); }
50 virtual Double_t Theta() const {return 0.5*TMath::Pi()-TMath::ATan(Pz()/(Pt()+1.e-13)); }
51 virtual Double_t E() const; // default is KOs but can be changed via ChangeMassHypothesis (defined in the .cxx)
52 virtual Double_t M() const { return GetEffMass(); }
53 virtual Double_t Eta() const { return 0.5*TMath::Log((P()+Pz())/(P()-Pz()+1.e-13)); }
3e27a419 54 virtual Double_t Y() const;
646c9704 55 virtual Short_t Charge() const { return 0; }
56 virtual Int_t GetLabel() const { return -1; } // temporary
57 virtual const Double_t *PID() const { return 0; } // return PID object ? (to be discussed!)
3e27a419 59 // Then extend the AliVParticle functions
60 Double_t E(Int_t pdg) const;
61 Double_t Y(Int_t pdg) const;
63 // Now the functions for analysis consistency
64 Double_t RapK0Short() const;
65 Double_t RapLambda() const;
66 Double_t AlphaV0() const;
67 Double_t PtArmV0() const;
69 // Eventually the older functions
e23730c7 70 Double_t ChangeMassHypothesis(Int_t code=kK0Short);
c028b974 72 Int_t GetPdgCode() const {return fPdgCode;}
97135b34 73 Double_t GetEffMass(UInt_t p1, UInt_t p2) const;
562dd0b4 74 Double_t GetEffMass() const {return fEffMass;}
75 Double_t GetChi2V0() const {return fChi2V0;}
c028b974 76 void GetPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const;
77 void GetNPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const;
78 void GetPPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const;
79 void GetXYZ(Double_t &x, Double_t &y, Double_t &z) const;
3e27a419 80 Float_t GetD(Double_t x0,Double_t y0,Double_t z0) const;
c028b974 81 Int_t GetNindex() const {return fNidx;}
82 Int_t GetPindex() const {return fPidx;}
c028b974 83 void SetDcaV0Daughters(Double_t rDcaV0Daughters=0.);
97135b34 84 Double_t GetDcaV0Daughters() const {return fDcaV0Daughters;}
85 Float_t GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle(Double_t refPointX, Double_t refPointY, Double_t refPointZ) const;
86 Double_t GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle() const {return fPointAngle;}
b75d63a7 87 void SetV0CosineOfPointingAngle(Double_t cpa) {fPointAngle=cpa;}
88 void SetOnFlyStatus(Bool_t status){fOnFlyStatus=status;}
89 Bool_t GetOnFlyStatus() const {return fOnFlyStatus;}
90 const AliExternalTrackParam *GetParamP() const {return &fParamP;}
91 const AliExternalTrackParam *GetParamN() const {return &fParamN;}
d6a49f20 94
95 // **** The following member functions need to be revised ***
074f017b 97 void GetPosCov(Double_t cov[6])const ; // getter for the covariance matrix of the V0 position
d6a49f20 98 Double_t GetSigmaY(); // sigma of y coordinate at vertex posistion
99 Double_t GetSigmaZ(); // sigma of z coordinate at vertex posistion
100 Double_t GetSigmaAP0(); // calculate sigma of Point angle resolution at vertex pos.
101 Double_t GetSigmaD0(); // calculate sigma of position resolution at vertex pos.
102 Double_t GetEffectiveSigmaAP0(); // calculate sigma of point angle resolution at vertex pos. effecive parameterization
103 Double_t GetEffectiveSigmaD0(); // calculate sigma of position resolution at vertex pos.
104 Double_t GetMinimaxSigmaAP0(); // calculate mini-max sigma of point angle resolution
105 Double_t GetMinimaxSigmaD0(); // calculate mini-max sigma of dca resolution
106 Double_t GetLikelihoodAP(Int_t mode0, Int_t mode1); // get likelihood for point angle
107 Double_t GetLikelihoodD(Int_t mode0, Int_t mode1); // get likelihood for DCA
97135b34 108 Double_t GetLikelihoodC(Int_t mode0, Int_t mode1) const; // get likelihood for Causality
d6a49f20 109 //
110 //
d6a49f20 111 static const AliESDV0Params & GetParameterization(){return fgkParams;}
b75d63a7 112 void SetParamP(const AliExternalTrackParam & paramP) {fParamP = paramP;}
113 void SetParamN(const AliExternalTrackParam & paramN) {fParamN = paramN;}
d6a49f20 114 void SetStatus(Int_t status){fStatus=status;}
115 Int_t GetStatus() const {return fStatus;}
b75d63a7 116 Int_t GetIndex(Int_t i) const {return (i==0) ? fNidx : fPidx;}
97135b34 117 void SetIndex(Int_t i, Int_t ind);
118 const Double_t *GetAnglep() const {return fAngle;}
d6a49f20 119 Double_t GetRr() const {return fRr;}
d6a49f20 120 Double_t GetDistSigma() const {return fDistSigma;}
121 void SetDistSigma(Double_t ds) {fDistSigma=ds;}
d6a49f20 122 Float_t GetChi2Before() const {return fChi2Before;}
123 void SetChi2Before(Float_t cb) {fChi2Before=cb;}
124 Float_t GetChi2After() const {return fChi2After;}
125 void SetChi2After(Float_t ca) {fChi2After=ca;}
d6a49f20 126 Float_t GetNAfter() const {return fNAfter;}
562dd0b4 127 void SetNAfter(Short_t na) {fNAfter=na;}
128 Short_t GetNBefore() const {return fNBefore;}
129 void SetNBefore(Short_t nb) {fNBefore=nb;}
d6a49f20 130 void SetCausality(Float_t pb0, Float_t pb1, Float_t pa0, Float_t pa1);
562dd0b4 131 const Double_t * GetCausalityP() const {return fCausality;}
97135b34 132 void SetClusters(const Int_t *clp, const Int_t *clm);
d6a49f20 133 const Int_t * GetClusters(Int_t i) const {return fClusters[i];}
134 void SetNormDCAPrim(Float_t nd0, Float_t nd1){fNormDCAPrim[0] = nd0; fNormDCAPrim[1]=nd1;}
562dd0b4 135 const Double_t *GetNormDCAPrimP() const {return fNormDCAPrim;}
d6a49f20 136
562dd0b4 138 AliExternalTrackParam fParamN; // external parameters of negative particle
139 AliExternalTrackParam fParamP; // external parameters of positive particle
141 // CKBrev: tkink about revision
c028b974 142
562dd0b4 143 Double32_t fEffMass; // reconstructed V0's effective mass
144 Double32_t fDcaV0Daughters; // dca between V0's daughters
145 Double32_t fChi2V0; // V0's chi2 value
146 Double32_t fPos[3]; // V0's position (global)
147 Double32_t fPosCov[6]; // covariance matrix of the vertex position
148 Double32_t fNmom[3]; // momentum of the negative daughter (global)
149 Double32_t fPmom[3]; // momentum of the positive daughter (global)
646c9704 150 Double32_t fNormDCAPrim[2]; // normalize distance to the primary vertex CKBrev
562dd0b4 151 Double32_t fRr; //rec position of the vertex CKBrev
152 Double32_t fDistSigma; //sigma of distance CKBrev
153 Double32_t fChi2Before; //chi2 of the tracks before V0 CKBrev
154 Double32_t fChi2After; // chi2 of the tracks after V0 CKBrev
b75d63a7 155
e23730c7 156
562dd0b4 157 Double32_t fCausality[4]; //[0,1,8] causality information - see comments in SetCausality CKBrev
158 Double32_t fAngle[3]; //[-2*pi,2*pi,16]three angles CKBrev
159 Double32_t fPointAngleFi; //[-1,1,16]point angle fi CKBrev
160 Double32_t fPointAngleTh; //[-1,1,16]point angle theta CKBrev
161 Double32_t fPointAngle; //[-1,1,16] cosine of the pointing angle
164 Int_t fPdgCode; // reconstructed V0's type (PDG code)
165 Int_t fClusters[2][6]; //! its clusters CKBrev
b75d63a7 166 Int_t fNidx; // index of the negative daughter
b75d63a7 167 Int_t fPidx; // index of the positive daughter
e23730c7 168
e23730c7 169
d6a49f20 170
562dd0b4 171 Short_t fStatus; //status CKBrev
172 Short_t fNBefore; // number of possible points before V0 CKBrev
173 Short_t fNAfter; // number of possible points after V0 CKBrev
175 Bool_t fOnFlyStatus; // if kTRUE, then this V0 is recontructed
176 // "on fly" during the tracking
d6a49f20 178 //
179 // parameterization coefficients
562dd0b4 180 static const AliESDV0Params fgkParams; //! resolution and likelihood parameterization
d6a49f20 181
d6a49f20 183
056fe8e5 184 ClassDef(AliESDv0,5) // ESD V0 vertex
e23730c7 185};
188void AliESDv0::GetNPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const {
189px=fNmom[0]; py=fNmom[1]; pz=fNmom[2];
193void AliESDv0::GetPPxPyPz(Double_t &px, Double_t &py, Double_t &pz) const {
194px=fPmom[0]; py=fPmom[1]; pz=fPmom[2];
dfbf942c 197inline
c028b974 198void AliESDv0::SetDcaV0Daughters(Double_t rDcaV0Daughters){
199 fDcaV0Daughters=rDcaV0Daughters;
dfbf942c 200}
97135b34 202inline
203void AliESDv0::SetIndex(Int_t i, Int_t ind) {
204 if(i==0)
205 fNidx=ind;
206 else
207 fPidx=ind;
e23730c7 210#endif