]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliESDv0Analysis.C
added jet shape studies as done by ATLAS (Sidharth)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliESDv0Analysis.C
e23730c7 1//********************************************************************
2// Example (very naive for the moment) of the data analysis
3// using the ESD classes.
4// It demonstrates the idea of the "combined PID"
5// applied to the Lambda0 reconstruction.
6// Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
9#if !defined( __CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
10 #include <Riostream.h>
3088e2dd 11 #include <TROOT.h>
8b462fd8 12 #include <TTree.h>
9d0d65be 13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TH1F.h>
15 #include <TCanvas.h>
e23730c7 16
86ad5fcb 17 #include "AliESDEvent.h"
b4eb042a 18 #include "AliESDv0.h"
e23730c7 19#endif
3088e2dd 21extern TROOT *gROOT;
9d0d65be 23Int_t AliESDv0Analysis(const Char_t *dir=".") {
24 TH1F *hm=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hm");
25 if (!hm) {
26 hm=new TH1F("hm","Lambda+LambdaBar Effective Mass",60,1.065,1.165);
27 hm->SetXTitle("Mass (GeV/c**2)");
28 }
29 Char_t fname[100];
30 sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDs.root",dir);
31 TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname);
32 if (!ef||!ef->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't AliESDs.root !\n"; return 1;}
33 cerr<<"\n****** "<<fname<<" ******\n";
e23730c7 34
4514157e 35 AliESDEvent* event = new AliESDEvent();
9d0d65be 36
8b462fd8 38 TTree* tree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree");
39 if (!tree) {cerr<<"no ESD tree found\n"; return 1;};
86ad5fcb 40 event->ReadFromTree(tree);
e23730c7 41
e23730c7 42 Int_t rc=0,n=0;
e23730c7 43
44 //****** Tentative particle type "concentrations"
9d0d65be 45 Double_t c[5]={0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, 1};
3088e2dd 46 AliPID pid;
47 pid.SetPriors(c);
e23730c7 48
49 //******* The loop over events
4ca848eb 50 while (tree->GetEvent(n)) {
e23730c7 51
52 cerr<<"Processing event number : "<<n++<<endl;
e23730c7 54 Int_t nv0=event->GetNumberOfV0s();
55 cerr<<"Number of ESD v0s : "<<nv0<<endl;
57 while (nv0--) {
58 AliESDv0 *v0=event->GetV0(nv0);
273ce00c 59 if (v0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue;
9d0d65be 60
61 Int_t protonIdx=v0->GetPindex();
62 Int_t pionIdx =v0->GetNindex();
64 v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(3122);
65 Double_t mass=v0->GetEffMass();
4ca848eb 66 if (mass>1.17) { //check also the LambdaBar hypothesis
9d0d65be 67 v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(-3122);
68 mass=v0->GetEffMass();
69 if (mass>1.17) continue;
70 Int_t tmp=protonIdx; protonIdx=pionIdx; pionIdx=tmp;
71 }
73 AliESDtrack *protonTrk=event->GetTrack(protonIdx);
74 AliESDtrack *pionTrk =event->GetTrack(pionIdx);
76 if (protonTrk->GetP()<0.5) continue;
78 // Check if the "proton track" is a proton
79 if ((protonTrk->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kESDpid)!=0) {
80 Double_t r[10]; protonTrk->GetESDpid(r);
3088e2dd 81 pid.SetProbabilities(r);
4ca848eb 82 Double_t pp=pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton);
83 if (pp < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron)) continue;
84 if (pp < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon)) continue;
85 if (pp < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion)) continue;
86 if (pp < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon)) continue;
e23730c7 87 }
9d0d65be 88
89 //Check if the "pion track" is a pion
90 if ((pionTrk->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kESDpid)!=0) {
91 Double_t r[10]; pionTrk->GetESDpid(r);
3088e2dd 92 pid.SetProbabilities(r);
4ca848eb 93 Double_t ppi=pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion);
94 if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron)) continue;
95 if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon)) continue;
96 if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon)) continue;
97 if (ppi < pid.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton)) continue;
98 }
9d0d65be 99
e23730c7 100 hm->Fill(mass);
101 }
9d0d65be 102
e23730c7 103 }
8b462fd8 105 delete event;
4514157e 106 delete tree;
8b462fd8 107 ef->Close();
9d0d65be 109 TCanvas *c1=(TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("c1");
110 if (!c1) {
111 c1=new TCanvas();
112 }
e23730c7 113
9d0d65be 114 if (hm->GetEntries()>100) hm->Fit("gaus","","",1.11,1.12);
115 else hm->Draw();
e23730c7 116
9d0d65be 117 c1->Update();
e23730c7 118
119 return rc;