]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliEventTag.h
Update from Mikolaj: big patch, mostly dead code removal + IO bug fix (removed /...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliEventTag.h
f3a97c86 1#ifndef ALIEVENTTAG_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7/* $Id$ */
10// Class AliEventTag
11// This is the class to deal with the tags for the event level
13// Origin: Panos Christakoglou, UOA-CERN, Panos.Christakoglou@cern.ch
16#include "TObject.h"
bec9a2e7 17#include "TString.h"
f3a97c86 18
bec9a2e7 19//___________________________________________________________________________
20class AliEventTag : public TObject {
f3a97c86 21 public:
22 AliEventTag();
cb1645b7 23 AliEventTag(const AliEventTag & t);
f3a97c86 24 virtual ~AliEventTag();
cb1645b7 25
26 AliEventTag &operator=(const AliEventTag &rhs);
bec9a2e7 28 //____________________________________________________//
7e3c2e04 29 void SetPeriodNumber(UInt_t n) {fPeriodNumber = n;}
30 void SetOrbitNumber(UInt_t n) {fOrbitNumber = n;}
31 void SetBunchCrossNumber(UShort_t n) {fBunchCrossNumber = n;}
33 void SetFiredTriggerClasses(TString names) {fFiredTriggerClasses = names;}
34 void SetEventType(UInt_t ntype) {fEventType = ntype;}
bec9a2e7 36 void SetGUID(TString Pid) {fGUID = Pid;}
37 void SetPath(TString Pid) {fPath = Pid;}
38 void SetMD5(TString Pid) {fmd5 = Pid;}
39 void SetTURL(TString Pid) {fturl = Pid;}
40 void SetSize(Long64_t i) {fsize = i;}
41 void SetNumOfParticipants(Int_t P) {fNumberOfParticipants = P;}
2b6cdc43 42 void SetNumOfParticipants2(Int_t P2) {fNumberOfParticipants = P2;}
bec9a2e7 43 void SetImpactParameter(Float_t Pimpact) {fImpactParameter = Pimpact;}
44 void SetVertexX(Float_t Pvx) {fPrimaryVertexX = Pvx;}
45 void SetVertexY(Float_t Pvy) {fPrimaryVertexY = Pvy;}
46 void SetVertexZ(Float_t Pvz) {fPrimaryVertexZ = Pvz;}
47 void SetVertexFlag(Int_t i) {fPrimaryVertexFlag = i;}
48 void SetVertexZError(Float_t f) { fPrimaryVertexZError = f;}
49 void SetTriggerMask(ULong64_t Ptr) {fTriggerMask = Ptr;}
50 void SetTriggerCluster(UChar_t n) {fTriggerCluster = n;}
51 void SetZDCNeutron1Energy(Float_t Pen) {fZDCNeutron1Energy = Pen;}
52 void SetZDCProton1Energy(Float_t Pen) {fZDCProton1Energy = Pen;}
53 void SetZDCNeutron2Energy(Float_t Pen) {fZDCNeutron2Energy = Pen;}
54 void SetZDCProton2Energy(Float_t Pen) {fZDCProton2Energy = Pen;}
a85132e7 55 void SetZDCEMEnergy(Float_t Pen1, Float_t Pen2)
56 {fZDCEMEnergy[0]=Pen1; fZDCEMEnergy[1]=Pen2;}
bec9a2e7 57 void SetT0VertexZ(Float_t Pvz) {fT0VertexZ = Pvz;}
58 void SetNumOfTracks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfTracks = Ptr;}
59 void SetNumOfPosTracks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfPositiveTracks = Ptr;}
60 void SetNumOfNegTracks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfNegativeTracks = Ptr;}
61 void SetNumOfNeutrTracks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfNeutralTracks = Ptr;}
62 void SetNumOfV0s(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfV0s = Ptr;}
63 void SetNumOfCascades(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfCascades = Ptr;}
64 void SetNumOfKinks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfKinks = Ptr;}
65 void SetNumOfPMDTracks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfPMDTracks = Ptr;}
66 void SetNumOfFMDTracks(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfFMDTracks = Ptr;}
67 void SetNumOfPHOSClusters(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfPHOSClusters = Ptr;}
68 void SetNumOfEMCALClusters(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfEMCALClusters = Ptr;}
69 void SetNumOfJetCandidates(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfJetCandidates = Ptr;}
70 void SetNumOfHardPhotonsCandidates(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfHardPhotonsCandidates = Ptr;}
71 void SetMaxJetEnergy(Float_t f) {fMaxJetEnergy = f;}
72 void SetMaxNeutralEnergy(Float_t f) {fMaxNeutralEnergy = f;}
73 void SetNumOfChargedAbove1GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfChargedAbove1GeV = i;}
74 void SetNumOfChargedAbove3GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfChargedAbove3GeV = i;}
75 void SetNumOfChargedAbove10GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfChargedAbove10GeV = i;}
76 void SetNumOfMuonsAbove1GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfMuonsAbove1GeV = i;}
77 void SetNumOfMuonsAbove3GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfMuonsAbove3GeV = i;}
78 void SetNumOfMuonsAbove10GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfMuonsAbove10GeV = i;}
79 void SetNumOfElectronsAbove1GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfElectronsAbove1GeV = i;}
80 void SetNumOfElectronsAbove3GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfElectronsAbove3GeV = i;}
81 void SetNumOfElectronsAbove10GeV(Int_t i) {fNumberOfElectronsAbove10GeV = i;}
82 void SetNumOfElectrons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfElectrons = Ptr;}
d3893274 83 void SetNumOfFWMuons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfFWMuons = Ptr;}
e21df713 84 void SetNumOfFWMatchedMuons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfFWMatchedMuons = Ptr;}
bec9a2e7 85 void SetNumOfMuons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfMuons = Ptr;}
86 void SetNumOfPions(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfPions = Ptr;}
87 void SetNumOfKaons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfKaons = Ptr;}
88 void SetNumOfProtons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfProtons = Ptr;}
89 void SetNumOfLambdas(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfLambdas = Ptr;}
90 void SetNumOfPhotons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfPhotons = Ptr;}
91 void SetNumOfPi0s(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfPi0s = Ptr;}
92 void SetNumOfNeutrons(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfNeutrons = Ptr;}
93 void SetNumOfKaon0s(Int_t Ptr) {fNumberOfKaon0s = Ptr;}
94 void SetTotalMomentum(Float_t P) {fTotalP = P;}
95 void SetMeanPt(Float_t Pt) {fMeanPt = Pt;}
96 void SetMaxPt(Float_t Pt) {fMaxPt = Pt;}
73e1181d 97 void SetEtaMaxPt(Float_t eta) {fEtaMaxPt = eta;}
98 void SetPhiMaxPt(Float_t phi) {fPhiMaxPt = phi;}
bec9a2e7 99 void SetNeutralTotalMomentum(Float_t f) {fTotalNeutralP = f;}
100 void SetNeutralMeanPt(Float_t f) {fMeanNeutralPt = f;}
101 void SetNeutralMaxPt(Float_t f) {fMaxNeutralPt = f;}
102 void SetEventPlaneAngle(Float_t f) {fEventPlaneAngle = f;}
103 void SetHBTRadii(Float_t f) {fHBTRadii = f;}
7e3c2e04 105 //First physics
106 void SetNumberOfFiredChipsLayer1(Int_t n) {fNumberOfFiredChipsLayer1 = n;}
107 void SetNumberOfFiredChipsLayer2(Int_t n) {fNumberOfFiredChipsLayer2 = n;}
108 void SetNumberOfSPDTracklets(Int_t n) {fNumberOfSPDTracklets = n;}
381a4a01 110 void SetMTotV0A(Float_t mult) {fMTotV0A = mult;}
111 void SetMTotV0C(Float_t mult) {fMTotV0C = mult;}
4c454ade 112 void SetNbPMV0A(Short_t npmt) {fNbPMV0A = npmt;}
113 void SetNbPMV0C(Short_t npmt) {fNbPMV0C = npmt;}
73e1181d 114 void SetEventId(Int_t /*id*/) {;}
bec9a2e7 115 //____________________________________________________//
7e3c2e04 116 UInt_t GetPeriodNumber() const {return fPeriodNumber;}
117 UInt_t GetOrbitNumber() const {return fOrbitNumber;}
118 UShort_t GetBunchCrossNumber() const {return fBunchCrossNumber;}
120 TString GetFiredTriggerClasses() const {return fFiredTriggerClasses;}
121 UInt_t GetEventType() const {return fEventType;}
bec9a2e7 123 const char *GetGUID() const {return fGUID.Data();}
124 const char *GetPath() const {return fPath.Data();}
125 const char *GetMD5() const {return fmd5.Data();}
126 const char *GetTURL() const {return fturl.Data();}
127 Long64_t GetSize() const {return fsize;}
128 Int_t GetNumOfParticipants() const {return fNumberOfParticipants;}
2b6cdc43 129 Int_t GetNumOfParticipants2() const {return fNumberOfParticipants2;}
bec9a2e7 130 Float_t GetImpactParameter() const {return fImpactParameter;}
131 Float_t GetVertexX() const {return fPrimaryVertexX;}
132 Float_t GetVertexY() const {return fPrimaryVertexY;}
133 Float_t GetVertexZ() const {return fPrimaryVertexZ;}
134 Int_t GetVertexFlag() const {return fPrimaryVertexFlag;}
135 Float_t GetVertexZError() const {return fPrimaryVertexZError;}
8bd8ac26 136 ULong64_t GetTriggerMask() const {return fTriggerMask;}
bec9a2e7 137 UChar_t GetTriggerCluster() const {return fTriggerCluster;}
138 Float_t GetZDCNeutron1Energy() const {return fZDCNeutron1Energy;}
139 Float_t GetZDCProton1Energy() const {return fZDCProton1Energy;}
140 Float_t GetZDCNeutron2Energy() const {return fZDCNeutron2Energy;}
141 Float_t GetZDCProton2Energy() const {return fZDCProton2Energy;}
a85132e7 142 Float_t GetZDCEMEnergy(Int_t i) const {return fZDCEMEnergy[i];}
bec9a2e7 143 Float_t GetT0VertexZ() const {return fT0VertexZ;}
144 Int_t GetNumOfTracks() const {return fNumberOfTracks;}
145 Int_t GetNumOfPosTracks() const {return fNumberOfPositiveTracks;}
146 Int_t GetNumOfNegTracks() const {return fNumberOfNegativeTracks;}
147 Int_t GetNumOfNeutrTracks() const {return fNumberOfNeutralTracks;}
148 Int_t GetNumOfV0s() const {return fNumberOfV0s;}
149 Int_t GetNumOfCascades() const {return fNumberOfCascades;}
150 Int_t GetNumOfKinks() const {return fNumberOfKinks;}
151 Int_t GetNumOfPMDTracks() const {return fNumberOfPMDTracks;}
152 Int_t GetNumOfFMDTracks() const {return fNumberOfFMDTracks;}
153 Int_t GetNumOfPHOSClusters() const {return fNumberOfPHOSClusters;}
154 Int_t GetNumOfEMCALClusters() const {return fNumberOfEMCALClusters;}
155 Int_t GetNumOfJetCandidates() const {return fNumberOfJetCandidates;}
156 Int_t GetNumOfHardPhotonsCandidates() const {return fNumberOfHardPhotonsCandidates;}
157 Float_t GetMaxJetEnergy() const {return fMaxJetEnergy;}
158 Float_t GetMaxNeutralEnergy() const {return fMaxNeutralEnergy;}
159 Int_t GetNumOfChargedAbove1GeV() const {return fNumberOfChargedAbove1GeV;}
160 Int_t GetNumOfChargedAbove3GeV() const {return fNumberOfChargedAbove3GeV;}
161 Int_t GetNumOfChargedAbove10GeV() const {return fNumberOfChargedAbove10GeV;}
162 Int_t GetNumOfMuonsAbove1GeV() const {return fNumberOfMuonsAbove1GeV;}
163 Int_t GetNumOfMuonsAbove3GeV() const {return fNumberOfMuonsAbove3GeV;}
164 Int_t GetNumOfMuonsAbove10GeV() const {return fNumberOfMuonsAbove10GeV;}
165 Int_t GetNumOfElectronsAbove1GeV() const {return fNumberOfElectronsAbove1GeV;}
166 Int_t GetNumOfElectronsAbove3GeV() const {return fNumberOfElectronsAbove3GeV;}
167 Int_t GetNumOfElectronsAbove10GeV() const {return fNumberOfElectronsAbove10GeV;}
168 Int_t GetNumOfElectrons() const {return fNumberOfElectrons;}
d3893274 169 Int_t GetNumOfFWMuons() const {return fNumberOfFWMuons;}
e21df713 170 Int_t GetNumOfFWMatchedMuons() const {return fNumberOfFWMatchedMuons;}
bec9a2e7 171 Int_t GetNumOfMuons() const {return fNumberOfMuons;}
172 Int_t GetNumOfPions() const {return fNumberOfPions;}
173 Int_t GetNumOfKaons() const {return fNumberOfKaons;}
174 Int_t GetNumOfProtons() const {return fNumberOfProtons;}
175 Int_t GetNumOfLambdas() const {return fNumberOfLambdas;}
176 Int_t GetNumOfPhotons() const {return fNumberOfPhotons;}
177 Int_t GetNumOfPi0s() const {return fNumberOfPi0s;}
178 Int_t GetNumOfNeutrons() const {return fNumberOfNeutrons;}
179 Int_t GetNumOfKaon0s() const {return fNumberOfKaon0s;}
180 Float_t GetTotalMomentum() const {return fTotalP;}
181 Float_t GetMeanPt() const {return fMeanPt;}
182 Float_t GetMaxPt() const {return fMaxPt;}
73e1181d 183 Float_t GetEtaMaxPt() const {return fEtaMaxPt;}
184 Float_t GetPhiMaxPt() const {return fPhiMaxPt;}
bec9a2e7 185 Float_t GetNeutralTotalMomentum() const {return fTotalNeutralP;}
186 Float_t GetNeutralMeanPt() const {return fMeanNeutralPt;}
187 Float_t GetNeutralMaxPt() const {return fMaxNeutralPt;}
188 Float_t GetEventPlaneAngle() const {return fEventPlaneAngle;}
189 Float_t GetHBTRadii() const {return fHBTRadii;}
7e3c2e04 191 //First physics
192 Int_t GetNumberOfFiredChipsLayer1() const {return fNumberOfFiredChipsLayer1;}
193 Int_t GetNumberOfFiredChipsLayer2() const {return fNumberOfFiredChipsLayer2;}
194 Int_t GetNumberOfSPDTracklets() const {return fNumberOfSPDTracklets;}
381a4a01 196 Float_t GetMTotV0A() const {return fMTotV0A;}
197 Float_t GetMTotV0C() const {return fMTotV0C;}
4c454ade 198 Short_t GetNbPMV0A() const {return fNbPMV0A;}
199 Short_t GetNbPMV0C() const {return fNbPMV0C;}
7e3c2e04 200
bec9a2e7 201 //____________________________________________________//
cb1645b7 202 private:
7e3c2e04 203 UInt_t fPeriodNumber; //The period number
204 UInt_t fOrbitNumber; //The orbit number
205 UShort_t fBunchCrossNumber; //The BC number
206 TString fFiredTriggerClasses; //List of the fired trigger class names
207 UInt_t fEventType; //event type == 7 ==> PHYSICS_EVENT
bec9a2e7 209 TString fGUID; //The unique identifier of the file
210 TString fPath; //The file's path (local storage)
211 Long64_t fsize; //the size of the file
212 TString fmd5; //another file identifier
213 TString fturl; //the file's url
2b6cdc43 214 Int_t fNumberOfParticipants; //Number of participants - side C
215 Int_t fNumberOfParticipants2; //Number of participants - side A
bec9a2e7 216 Float_t fImpactParameter; //The impact parameter
217 Int_t fPrimaryVertexFlag; //Primary vertex flag: 0->not found, 1->found
218 Float_t fPrimaryVertexX; //Primary vertex - X coordinate
219 Float_t fPrimaryVertexY; //Primary vertex - Y coordinate
220 Float_t fPrimaryVertexZ; //Primary vertex - Z coordinate
221 Float_t fPrimaryVertexZError; //Primary vertex - Z coordinate - error
222 ULong64_t fTriggerMask; //Information from trigger (trigger mask)
223 UChar_t fTriggerCluster; // Trigger cluster (mask)
224 Float_t fZDCNeutron1Energy; //ZDC info - neutron
225 Float_t fZDCProton1Energy; //ZDC info - proton
226 Float_t fZDCNeutron2Energy; //ZDC info - neutron
227 Float_t fZDCProton2Energy; //ZDC info - proton
a85132e7 228 Float_t fZDCEMEnergy[2]; //ZDC info - em
bec9a2e7 229 Float_t fT0VertexZ; //T0 info
230 Int_t fNumberOfTracks; //Multiplicity
231 Int_t fNumberOfPositiveTracks; //Multiplicity of positive tracks
232 Int_t fNumberOfNegativeTracks; //Multiplicity of negative tracks
233 Int_t fNumberOfNeutralTracks; //Multiplicity of neutral tracks
234 Int_t fNumberOfV0s; //Number of V0s
235 Int_t fNumberOfCascades; //Number of cascades
236 Int_t fNumberOfKinks; //Number of kinks
237 Int_t fNumberOfPMDTracks; //PMD tracks
238 Int_t fNumberOfFMDTracks; //FMD tracks
239 Int_t fNumberOfPHOSClusters; //PHOS clusters
240 Int_t fNumberOfEMCALClusters; //EMCAL clusters
241 Int_t fNumberOfJetCandidates; //Jet candidates
242 Float_t fMaxJetEnergy; //jet energy info
243 Int_t fNumberOfHardPhotonsCandidates; //Hard photons candidates
244 Float_t fMaxNeutralEnergy; //neutral energy info
245 Int_t fNumberOfChargedAbove1GeV; //Number of charged above 1 GeV/c
246 Int_t fNumberOfChargedAbove3GeV; //Number of charged above 3 GeV/c
247 Int_t fNumberOfChargedAbove10GeV; //Number of charged above 10 GeV/c
248 Int_t fNumberOfMuonsAbove1GeV; //Number of muons above 1 GeV/c
249 Int_t fNumberOfMuonsAbove3GeV; //Number of muons above 3 GeV/c
250 Int_t fNumberOfMuonsAbove10GeV; //Number of muons above 10 GeV/c
251 Int_t fNumberOfElectronsAbove1GeV; //Number of electrons above 1 GeV/c
252 Int_t fNumberOfElectronsAbove3GeV; //Number of electrons above 3 GeV/c
253 Int_t fNumberOfElectronsAbove10GeV; //Number of electrons above 10 GeV/c
254 Int_t fNumberOfElectrons; //Number of electrons
d3893274 255 Int_t fNumberOfFWMuons; //Number of forward muons
e21df713 256 Int_t fNumberOfFWMatchedMuons; //Number of forward matched muons
bec9a2e7 257 Int_t fNumberOfMuons; //Number of muons
258 Int_t fNumberOfPions; //Number of pions
259 Int_t fNumberOfKaons; //Number of kaons
260 Int_t fNumberOfProtons; //Number of protons
261 Int_t fNumberOfLambdas; //Number of lambdas
262 Int_t fNumberOfPhotons; //Number of photons
263 Int_t fNumberOfPi0s; //Number of pi0
264 Int_t fNumberOfNeutrons; //Number of neutrons
265 Int_t fNumberOfKaon0s; //Number of Ks
266 Float_t fTotalP; //Sum of the momentum per event
267 Float_t fMeanPt; //Mean Pt per event
268 Float_t fMaxPt; //Max Pt for each event
73e1181d 269 Float_t fEtaMaxPt; //Eta of the particle with max pt (leading particle)
270 Float_t fPhiMaxPt; //Phi of the particle with max pt (leading particle)
bec9a2e7 271 Float_t fTotalNeutralP; //Sum of the momentum per event for neutral
272 Float_t fMeanNeutralPt; //Mean Pt per event for neutral
273 Float_t fMaxNeutralPt; //Max Pt for each event for neutral
274 Float_t fEventPlaneAngle; //event plane info
275 Float_t fHBTRadii; //HBT info
e16601cf 276
7e3c2e04 277 //First physics
278 Int_t fNumberOfFiredChipsLayer1; //number of fired chips - layer 1
279 Int_t fNumberOfFiredChipsLayer2; //number of fired chips - layer 2
280 Int_t fNumberOfSPDTracklets; //number of SPD tracklets
381a4a01 282 Float_t fMTotV0A; //Total multiplicity in V0 A side
283 Float_t fMTotV0C; //Total multiplicity in V0 C side
4c454ade 284 Short_t fNbPMV0A; //Total number of fired channels in V0 A side
285 Short_t fNbPMV0C; //Total number of fired channels in V0 C side
7e3c2e04 286
6c61d6bd 287 ClassDef(AliEventTag,15) //(ClassName, ClassVersion)
73e1181d 288 };
bec9a2e7 289//___________________________________________________________________________
f3a97c86 290