]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliExternalTrackParam.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliExternalTrackParam.h
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
49d13e89 8/*****************************************************************************
9 * "External" track parametrisation class *
10 * *
11 * external param0: local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) *
12 * external param1: local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) *
13 * external param2: local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle *
14 * external param3: tangent of the track momentum dip angle *
15 * external param4: 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) *
16 * *
17 * The parameters are estimated at an exact position x in a local coord. *
18 * system rotated by angle alpha with respect to the global coord.system. *
19 * Origin: I.Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch *
20 *****************************************************************************/
6c94f330 21#include "TMath.h"
a5e407e9 22
4f6e22bd 23#include "AliVTrack.h"
def9660e 24
49d13e89 25const Double_t kVeryBig=1./kAlmost0;
7b5ef2e6 26const Double_t kMostProbablePt=0.35;
5773defd 27
58e536c5 28class AliVVertex;
0c19adf7 29class TPolyMarker3D;
c683ddc2 30
86be8934 31const Double_t kC0max=100*100, // SigmaY<=100cm
32 kC2max=100*100, // SigmaZ<=100cm
33 kC5max=1*1, // SigmaSin<=1
34 kC9max=1*1, // SigmaTan<=1
35 kC14max=100*100; // Sigma1/Pt<=100 1/GeV
4f6e22bd 37class AliExternalTrackParam: public AliVTrack {
51ad6848 38 public:
39 AliExternalTrackParam();
6c94f330 40 AliExternalTrackParam(const AliExternalTrackParam &);
def9660e 41 AliExternalTrackParam& operator=(const AliExternalTrackParam & trkPar);
51ad6848 42 AliExternalTrackParam(Double_t x, Double_t alpha,
43 const Double_t param[5], const Double_t covar[15]);
4f6e22bd 44 AliExternalTrackParam(const AliVTrack *vTrack);
da4e3deb 45 AliExternalTrackParam(Double_t xyz[3],Double_t pxpypz[3],
46 Double_t cv[21],Short_t sign);
1530f89c 47 virtual ~AliExternalTrackParam(){}
ac3eaff4 48
1443179a 49 template <typename T>
50 void Set(T x, T alpha, const T param[5], const T covar[15]) {
51 // Sets the parameters
52 fX=x; fAlpha=alpha;
53 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) fP[i] = param[i];
54 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 15; i++) fC[i] = covar[i];
86be8934 55
56 CheckCovariance();
1443179a 58 }
4f6e22bd 60 void Set(Double_t xyz[3],Double_t pxpypz[3],Double_t cv[21],Short_t sign);
ed5f2849 61
62 static void SetMostProbablePt(Double_t pt) { fgMostProbablePt=pt; }
63 static Double_t GetMostProbablePt() { return fgMostProbablePt; }
c9ec41e8 65 void Reset();
ed5f2849 66 void ResetCovariance(Double_t s2);
3775b0ca 67 void AddCovariance(const Double_t cov[15]);
c9ec41e8 68
49d13e89 69 const Double_t *GetParameter() const {return fP;}
70 const Double_t *GetCovariance() const {return fC;}
6c94f330 71
72 Double_t GetAlpha() const {return fAlpha;}
c7bafca9 73 Double_t GetX() const {return fX;}
2d57349e 74 Double_t GetY() const {return fP[0];}
75 Double_t GetZ() const {return fP[1];}
6c94f330 76 Double_t GetSnp() const {return fP[2];}
77 Double_t GetTgl() const {return fP[3];}
def9660e 78 Double_t GetSigned1Pt() const {return fP[4];}
6c94f330 79
80 Double_t GetSigmaY2() const {return fC[0];}
81 Double_t GetSigmaZY() const {return fC[1];}
82 Double_t GetSigmaZ2() const {return fC[2];}
83 Double_t GetSigmaSnpY() const {return fC[3];}
84 Double_t GetSigmaSnpZ() const {return fC[4];}
85 Double_t GetSigmaSnp2() const {return fC[5];}
86 Double_t GetSigmaTglY() const {return fC[6];}
87 Double_t GetSigmaTglZ() const {return fC[7];}
88 Double_t GetSigmaTglSnp() const {return fC[8];}
89 Double_t GetSigmaTgl2() const {return fC[9];}
90 Double_t GetSigma1PtY() const {return fC[10];}
91 Double_t GetSigma1PtZ() const {return fC[11];}
92 Double_t GetSigma1PtSnp() const {return fC[12];}
93 Double_t GetSigma1PtTgl() const {return fC[13];}
94 Double_t GetSigma1Pt2() const {return fC[14];}
def9660e 96 // additional functions for AliVParticle
97 Double_t Px() const;
98 Double_t Py() const;
b52b9586 99 Double_t Pz() const { return Pt()*GetTgl(); }
def9660e 100 Double_t Pt() const { return TMath::Abs(GetSignedPt()); }
101 Double_t P() const { return GetP(); }
c683ddc2 102 Bool_t PxPyPz(Double_t p[3]) const { return GetPxPyPz(p); }
104 Double_t Xv() const;
105 Double_t Yv() const;
be15fa9c 106 Double_t Zv() const {return GetZ();}
c683ddc2 107 Bool_t XvYvZv(Double_t x[3]) const { return GetXYZ(x); }
def9660e 109 Double_t OneOverPt() const { return 1./Pt(); }
110 Double_t Phi() const;
111 Double_t Theta() const;
112 virtual Double_t E() const;
113 virtual Double_t M() const;
114 Double_t Eta() const;
115 virtual Double_t Y() const;
2258e165 116 virtual Short_t Charge() const { return (Short_t)GetSign(); }
67be2d29 117 virtual const Double_t *PID() const { return 0x0; }
def9660e 118
4f6e22bd 119 // additional functions from AliVTrack
120 virtual Int_t GetID() const { return -999; }
121 virtual UChar_t GetITSClusterMap() const {return 0; }
122 virtual ULong_t GetStatus() const { return 0; }
c9ec41e8 124 Double_t GetSign() const {return (fP[4]>0) ? 1 : -1;}
125 Double_t GetP() const;
def9660e 126 Double_t GetSignedPt() const {
6c94f330 127 return (TMath::Abs(fP[4])>kAlmost0) ? 1./fP[4]:TMath::Sign(kVeryBig,fP[4]);
128 }
1d99986f 129 Double_t Get1P() const;
2258e165 130 virtual Double_t GetC(Double_t b) const {return fP[4]*b*kB2C;}
1530f89c 131 void GetDZ(Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t z,Double_t b,Float_t dz[2]) const;
c7bafca9 132 Double_t GetD(Double_t xv, Double_t yv, Double_t b) const;
49d13e89 133 Double_t GetLinearD(Double_t xv, Double_t yv) const;
b8e07ed6 134
116b445b 135 Bool_t CorrectForMeanMaterial(Double_t xOverX0, Double_t xTimesRho,
7dded1d5 136 Double_t mass, Bool_t anglecorr=kFALSE,
d46683db 137 Double_t (*f)(Double_t)=AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochSolid);
b8e07ed6 139 Bool_t CorrectForMeanMaterialdEdx(Double_t xOverX0, Double_t xTimesRho,
140 Double_t mass, Double_t dEdx, Bool_t anglecorr=kFALSE);
142 Bool_t CorrectForMeanMaterialZA(Double_t xOverX0, Double_t xTimesRho,
143 Double_t mass,
144 Double_t zOverA=0.49848,
145 Double_t density=2.33,
146 Double_t exEnergy=173e-9,
147 Double_t jp1=0.20,
148 Double_t jp2=3.00,
149 Bool_t anglecorr=kFALSE
150 );
9c56b409 152 //
153 // Bethe-Bloch formula parameterizations
154 //
155 static Double_t BetheBlochAleph(Double_t bg,
156 Double_t kp1=0.76176e-1,
157 Double_t kp2=10.632,
158 Double_t kp3=0.13279e-4,
159 Double_t kp4=1.8631,
160 Double_t kp5=1.9479
161 );
162 static Double_t BetheBlochGeant(Double_t bg,
163 Double_t kp0=2.33,
164 Double_t kp1=0.20,
165 Double_t kp2=3.00,
166 Double_t kp3=173e-9,
167 Double_t kp4=0.49848
168 );
d46683db 170 static Double_t BetheBlochSolid(Double_t bg);
171 static Double_t BetheBlochGas(Double_t bg);
49d13e89 173 Double_t GetPredictedChi2(Double_t p[2],Double_t cov[3]) const;
1e023a36 174
4b189f98 175 Double_t
176 GetPredictedChi2(Double_t p[3],Double_t covyz[3],Double_t covxyz[3]) const;
acdfbc78 177
178 Double_t GetPredictedChi2(const AliExternalTrackParam *t) const;
1e023a36 180 Bool_t
181 PropagateTo(Double_t p[3],Double_t covyz[3],Double_t covxyz[3],Double_t b);
e23a38cb 183 Double_t *GetResiduals(Double_t *p,Double_t *cov,Bool_t updated=kTRUE) const;
49d13e89 184 Bool_t Update(Double_t p[2],Double_t cov[3]);
185 Bool_t Rotate(Double_t alpha);
186 Bool_t PropagateTo(Double_t x, Double_t b);
9f2bec63 187 Bool_t Propagate(Double_t alpha, Double_t x, Double_t b);
266a0f9b 188 Bool_t PropagateBxByBz(Double_t alpha, Double_t x, Double_t b[3]);
052daaff 189 void Propagate(Double_t len,Double_t x[3],Double_t p[3],Double_t bz) const;
190 Bool_t Intersect(Double_t pnt[3], Double_t norm[3], Double_t bz) const;
49d13e89 191
8b6e3369 192 static void g3helx3(Double_t qfield, Double_t step, Double_t vect[7]);
193 Bool_t PropagateToBxByBz(Double_t x, const Double_t b[3]);
c7bafca9 195 void GetHelixParameters(Double_t h[6], Double_t b) const;
196 Double_t GetDCA(const AliExternalTrackParam *p, Double_t b,
197 Double_t &xthis,Double_t &xp) const;
198 Double_t PropagateToDCA(AliExternalTrackParam *p, Double_t b);
58e536c5 199 Bool_t PropagateToDCA(const AliVVertex *vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd,
e99a34df 200 Double_t dz[2]=0, Double_t cov[3]=0);
266a0f9b 201 Bool_t PropagateToDCABxByBz(const AliVVertex *vtx, Double_t b[3],
202 Double_t maxd, Double_t dz[2]=0, Double_t cov[3]=0);
e99a34df 203
b1149664 204 void GetDirection(Double_t d[3]) const;
c9ec41e8 205 Bool_t GetPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const;
206 Bool_t GetXYZ(Double_t *p) const;
207 Bool_t GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz(Double_t cv[21]) const;
208 Bool_t GetPxPyPzAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t p[3]) const;
209 Bool_t GetXYZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t r[3]) const;
7cf7bb6c 210 Bool_t GetYAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t &y) const;
6c94f330 211 Bool_t GetZAt(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t &z) const;
c9ec41e8 212 void Print(Option_t* option = "") const;
c194ba83 213 Double_t GetSnpAt(Double_t x,Double_t b) const;
6c94f330 214
116b445b 215 //Deprecated
216 Bool_t CorrectForMaterial(Double_t d, Double_t x0, Double_t mass,
d46683db 217 Double_t (*f)(Double_t)=AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochSolid);
116b445b 218
bf00ebb8 219 Bool_t GetDistance(AliExternalTrackParam *param2, Double_t x, Double_t dist[3], Double_t b);
0e8460af 220 Int_t GetIndex(Int_t i, Int_t j) const;
3c43fb2b 221 Int_t GetLabel() const {return -1;}
6a8e543a 222 Int_t PdgCode() const {return 0;}
0c19adf7 224 //
225 // visualization (M. Ivanov)
226 //
227 virtual void FillPolymarker(TPolyMarker3D *pol, Float_t magf, Float_t minR, Float_t maxR, Float_t stepR);
228 virtual void DrawTrack(Float_t magF, Float_t minR, Float_t maxR, Float_t stepR);
cfdb62d4 229
230 virtual Bool_t Translate(Double_t *vTrasl,Double_t *covV);
86be8934 232 void CheckCovariance();
234/* protected: */
235 private:
6c94f330 236 Double_t &Par(Int_t i) {return fP[i];}
237 Double_t &Cov(Int_t i) {return fC[i];}
0c19adf7 238
239 private:
bad5ac2c 240 Double32_t fX; // X coordinate for the point of parametrisation
241 Double32_t fAlpha; // Local <-->global coor.system rotation angle
242 Double32_t fP[5]; // The track parameters
243 Double32_t fC[15]; // The track parameter covariance matrix
c9ec41e8 244
ed5f2849 245 static Double32_t fgMostProbablePt; // "Most probable" pt
246 // (to be used if Bz=0)
4f6e22bd 247 ClassDef(AliExternalTrackParam, 8)
51ad6848 248};
ed5f2849 250inline void AliExternalTrackParam::ResetCovariance(Double_t s2) {
251 //
252 // Reset the covarince matrix to "something big"
253 //
86be8934 254
255 s2 = TMath::Abs(s2);
256 Double_t fC0=fC[0]*s2,
257 fC2=fC[2]*s2,
258 fC5=fC[5]*s2,
259 fC9=fC[9]*s2,
260 fC14=fC[14]*s2;
262 if (fC0>kC0max) fC0 = kC0max;
263 if (fC2>kC2max) fC2 = kC2max;
264 if (fC5>kC5max) fC5 = kC5max;
265 if (fC9>kC9max) fC9 = kC9max;
266 if (fC14>kC14max) fC14 = kC14max;
269 fC[0] = fC0;
270 fC[1] = 0.; fC[2] = fC2;
271 fC[3] = 0.; fC[4] = 0.; fC[5] = fC5;
272 fC[6] = 0.; fC[7] = 0.; fC[8] = 0.; fC[9] = fC9;
273 fC[10]= 0.; fC[11]= 0.; fC[12]= 0.; fC[13]= 0.; fC[14] = fC14;
ed5f2849 274}
bf00ebb8 276
51ad6848 279#endif