]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliGenerator.h
added in CheckSymNamesLUT the check on the EMCAL supermodules actually activated...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliGenerator.h
fe4da5cc 1#ifndef ALIGENERATOR_H
3da30618 3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
fe4da5cc 8///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9// //
10// Class to generate the particles for the MC //
11// The base class is empty //
12// //
116cbefd 15#include <TArrayF.h>
16#include <TLorentzVector.h>
17#include <TMCProcess.h>
65fb704d 19#include "AliRndm.h"
eeb8ca4e 20
14248849 21class AliVertexGenerator;
116cbefd 22class AliCollisionGeometry;
d6eec420 23class AliGenEventHeader;
69a313ec 24class AliStack;
116cbefd 25class TGenerator;
69a313ec 27
fe4da5cc 28
0b910a04 29typedef enum { kNoSmear, kPerEvent, kPerTrack } VertexSmear_t;
30typedef enum { kExternal, kInternal, kContainer} VertexSource_t;
fe4da5cc 31
69a313ec 32
65fb704d 33class AliGenerator : public TNamed, public AliRndm
fe4da5cc 34{
fe4da5cc 36 public:
e7c989e4 37
fe4da5cc 38 AliGenerator();
39 AliGenerator(Int_t npart);
40 virtual ~AliGenerator();
41 virtual void Init();
94de3818 42 virtual void SetOrigin(Float_t ox, Float_t oy, Float_t oz);
43 virtual void SetOrigin(const TLorentzVector &o);
44 virtual void SetSigma(Float_t sx, Float_t sy, Float_t sz);
45 virtual void SetMomentumRange(Float_t pmin=0, Float_t pmax=1.e10);
d48c5cd4 46 virtual void SetPtRange(Float_t ptmin=0, Float_t ptmax=1.e10);
05be135b 47 virtual void SetPhiRange(Float_t phimin = 0., Float_t phimax = 360.);
94de3818 48 virtual void SetYRange(Float_t ymin=-100, Float_t ymax=100);
fe4da5cc 49 virtual void SetVRange(Float_t vxmin, Float_t vxmax,
50 Float_t vymin, Float_t vymax,
94de3818 51 Float_t vzmin, Float_t vzmax);
fe4da5cc 52 virtual void SetNumberParticles(Int_t npart=100) {fNpart=npart;}
94de3818 53 virtual Int_t NumberParticles() const {return fNpart;}
54 virtual void SetThetaRange(Float_t thetamin=0, Float_t thetamax=180);
fe4da5cc 55 virtual void Generate()=0;
56 virtual void SetParentWeight(Float_t wgt) {fParentWeight=wgt;}
57 virtual void SetChildWeight(Float_t wgt) {fChildWeight=wgt;}
58 virtual void SetAnalog(Int_t flag=1) {fAnalog=flag;}
59 virtual void SetVertexSmear(VertexSmear_t smear) {fVertexSmear = smear;}
c34578e7 60 virtual void SetCutVertexZ(Float_t cut=999999.) {fCutVertexZ = cut;}
0b910a04 61 virtual void SetVertexSource(VertexSource_t source = kInternal) {fVertexSource = source;}
62 virtual void SetVertex(Float_t vx, Float_t vy, Float_t vz)
63 {fVertex[0] = vx; fVertex[1] = vy; fVertex[2] = vz;}
14248849 64 void SetVertexGenerator(AliVertexGenerator* vertexGenerator)
65 {fVertexGenerator = vertexGenerator; fVertexSource = kExternal; fVertexSmear = kPerEvent;}
f0831961 66 void SetPileUpTimeWindow(Float_t pileUpTimeW) {fPileUpTimeWindow = pileUpTimeW;}
4a3ba9d2 68 virtual void SetTrackingFlag(Int_t flag=1) {fTrackIt=flag;}
f89cabfe 69 void Vertex();
70 void VertexExternal();
71 virtual void VertexInternal();
0b910a04 72 virtual void FinishRun();
a08cd31a 73 virtual void SetMC(TGenerator *theMC) {fMCEvGen =theMC;}
d6eec420 74 virtual void AddHeader(AliGenEventHeader* /*header*/) {;}
75 virtual void SetContainer(AliGenerator* container) {fContainer = container;}
aee8290b 76
c9001868 77 // Getters
94de3818 79 virtual void GetOrigin(Float_t &ox, Float_t &oy, Float_t &oz) const
80 {ox=fOrigin.At(0);oy=fOrigin.At(1);oz=fOrigin.At(2);}
81 virtual void GetOrigin(TLorentzVector &o) const
82 {o[0]=fOrigin.At(0);o[1]=fOrigin.At(1);o[2]=fOrigin.At(2);o[3]=0;}
2c5b3727 83 // Stack
69a313ec 84 void SetStack (AliStack *stack) {fStack = stack;}
85 AliStack* GetStack(){return fStack;}
2c5b3727 86 // Collision Geometry
116cbefd 87 virtual Bool_t ProvidesCollisionGeometry() const {return kFALSE;}
88 virtual Bool_t NeedsCollisionGeometry() const {return kFALSE;}
39192f05 89 virtual AliCollisionGeometry* CollisionGeometry() const {return fCollisionGeometry;}
2c5b3727 90 virtual void SetCollisionGeometry(AliCollisionGeometry* geom) {fCollisionGeometry = geom;}
e7c989e4 91
92 virtual Float_t GetEnergyCMS() const { return fEnergyCMS; }
93 virtual void SetEnergyCMS(Float_t energy = 0) { fEnergyCMS = energy; }
94 virtual void GetProjectile(TString& tar, Int_t& a, Int_t& z) const
95 {tar = fProjectile; a = fAProjectile; z = fZProjectile;}
96 virtual void GetTarget(TString& tar, Int_t& a, Int_t& z) const
97 {tar = fTarget; a = fATarget; z = fZTarget;}
98 virtual void SetProjectile(TString proj="", Int_t a = 0, Int_t z = 0)
99 {fProjectile = proj; fAProjectile = a; fZProjectile = z;}
100 virtual void SetTarget(TString tar="", Int_t a = 0, Int_t z = 0)
101 {fTarget = tar; fATarget = a; fZTarget = z;}
69a313ec 103 protected:
642f15cf 104 virtual void PushTrack(Int_t done, Int_t parent, Int_t pdg,
69a313ec 105 Float_t *pmom, Float_t *vpos, Float_t *polar,
98490ea9 106 Float_t tof, TMCProcess mech, Int_t &ntr,
47c8bcbe 107 Float_t weight = 1, Int_t is = 0);
642f15cf 108 virtual void PushTrack(Int_t done, Int_t parent, Int_t pdg,
69a313ec 109 Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz, Double_t e,
110 Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Double_t tof,
111 Double_t polx, Double_t poly, Double_t polz,
98490ea9 112 TMCProcess mech, Int_t &ntr, Float_t weight = 1, Int_t is = 0);
69a313ec 113 virtual void KeepTrack(Int_t itrack);
114 virtual void SetHighWaterMark(Int_t nt);
e7c989e4 115
69a313ec 116 protected:
a08cd31a 117 TGenerator* fMCEvGen; //!Pointer to the generator
aee8290b 118 Float_t fThetaMin; //Minimum theta of generation in radians
119 Float_t fThetaMax; //Maximum theta of generation in radians
120 Float_t fPhiMin; //Minimum phi of generation in radians
121 Float_t fPhiMax; //Maximum phi of generation in radians
122 Float_t fPMin; //Minimum momentum of generation in GeV/c
123 Float_t fPMax; //Minimum momentum of generation in GeV/c
124 Float_t fPtMin; //Minimum transverse momentum
125 Float_t fPtMax; //Maximum transverse momentum
126 Float_t fYMin; //Minimum rapidity
127 Float_t fYMax; //Maximum rapidity
128 TArrayF fVMin; //Minimum Decaylength
129 TArrayF fVMax; //Minimum Decaylength
130 Int_t fNpart; //Maximum number of particles per event
131 Float_t fParentWeight; //Parent Weight
132 Float_t fChildWeight; //ChildWeight
69a313ec 133 Int_t fAnalog; //Flag for anolog or pt-weighted generation
aee8290b 134 //
f89cabfe 135 VertexSmear_t fVertexSmear; //Vertex Smearing mode
c34578e7 136 VertexSource_t fVertexSource; //Vertex source (internal/external)
f0831961 137 Float_t fCutVertexZ; //Vertex cut in units of sigma_z
138 Float_t fPileUpTimeWindow; //Time window for pile-up events
6df200c3 139 Int_t fTrackIt; // if 1, Track final state particles
14248849 140 AliVertexGenerator* fVertexGenerator; //! Generator for the vertex
f89cabfe 141 TArrayF fOrigin; // Origin of event
6df200c3 142 TArrayF fOsigma; // Sigma of the Origin of event
d6eec420 143 TArrayF fVertex; //! Vertex of current event
c34578e7 144
d6eec420 145 AliStack* fStack; //! Local pointer to stack
146 AliGenerator* fContainer; //! Local pointer to container
2c5b3727 148 AliCollisionGeometry* fCollisionGeometry; //!Collision geometry
69a313ec 149 /*************************************************************************/
5e34a898 150 enum {kThetaRange = BIT(14),
151 kVertexRange = BIT(15),
69a313ec 152 kPhiRange = BIT(16),
5e34a898 153 kPtRange = BIT(17),
69a313ec 154 kYRange = BIT(18),
155 kMomentumRange = BIT(19)
5e34a898 156 };
93a2041b 157
e7c989e4 158 Float_t fEnergyCMS; // Centre of mass energy
159 Int_t fAProjectile; // Projectile A
160 Int_t fZProjectile; // Projectile Z
161 Int_t fATarget; // Target A
162 Int_t fZTarget; // Target Z
163 TString fProjectile; // Projectile
164 TString fTarget; // Target
93a2041b 166 private:
167 AliGenerator(const AliGenerator &gen);
168 AliGenerator & operator=(const AliGenerator &gen);
e7c989e4 170 ClassDef(AliGenerator,4) // Base class for event generators
fe4da5cc 171};
69a313ec 174
c34578e7 177