]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliMCEvent.h
modification(by Levente) to solve the problem in the QA mentioned in the bug report...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliMCEvent.h
415d9f5c 1// -*- mode: C++ -*-
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
8/* $Id$ */
11// Class AliMCEvent
13// Origin: Andreas.Morsch, CERN, andreas.morsch@cern.ch
17#include <TTree.h>
93df0e9b 18#include <TRefArray.h>
7aad0c47 19#include <TClonesArray.h>
415d9f5c 20
21#include <AliVEvent.h>
22#include "AliVHeader.h"
7aad0c47 23#include "AliVParticle.h"
5df3496b 24#include "AliVVertex.h"
415d9f5c 25#include "AliMCParticle.h"
27class AliStack;
28class AliHeader;
29class AliGenEventHeader;
31class TClonesArray;
93836e1b 32class TList;
415d9f5c 33
34class AliMCEvent : public AliVEvent {
38 AliMCEvent();
39 virtual ~AliMCEvent() {;}
40 AliMCEvent(const AliMCEvent& mcEvnt);
41 AliMCEvent& operator=(const AliMCEvent& mcEvnt);
42 //
43 // Methods implementing the interface
44 //
45 // Services
46 virtual void AddObject(TObject* /*obj*/) {;}
2811495d 47 virtual TObject* FindListObject(const char */*name*/) const {return 0;}
415d9f5c 48 virtual TList* GetList() const {return 0;}
49 virtual void CreateStdContent() {;}
50 virtual void GetStdContent() {;}
1d0dd492 51 virtual void ReadFromTree(TTree * /*tree*/, Option_t* /*opt*/) {;}
ec8aded8 52 virtual void WriteToTree(TTree* /*tree*/) const {;}
415d9f5c 53
54 virtual void SetStdNames() {;}
55 virtual void Print(Option_t */*option=""*/) const {;}
35152e4b 56 virtual void PreReadAll();
ec8aded8 57 virtual void Reset() {;}
415d9f5c 58
59 // Header
60 virtual AliVHeader* GetHeader() const {return 0;}
62 // Delegated methods for fESDRun or AODHeader
64 virtual void SetRunNumber(Int_t /*n*/) {;}
65 virtual void SetPeriodNumber(UInt_t /*n*/) {;}
66 virtual void SetMagneticField(Double_t /*mf*/) {;}
69 virtual Int_t GetRunNumber() const {return 0;}
7aad0c47 70 virtual UInt_t GetPeriodNumber() const {return 0;}
415d9f5c 71 virtual Double_t GetMagneticField() const {return 0.;}
73 // Setters not needed
74 virtual void SetOrbitNumber(UInt_t /*n*/) {;}
75 virtual void SetBunchCrossNumber(UShort_t /*n*/) {;}
76 virtual void SetEventType(UInt_t /*eventType*/) {;}
77 virtual void SetTriggerMask(ULong64_t /*n*/) {;}
78 virtual void SetTriggerCluster(UChar_t /*n*/) {;}
7aad0c47 80 virtual UInt_t GetOrbitNumber() const {return 0;}
81 virtual UShort_t GetBunchCrossNumber() const {return 0;}
415d9f5c 82
7aad0c47 83 virtual UInt_t GetEventType() const {return 0;}
415d9f5c 84
a85132e7 85 virtual ULong64_t GetTriggerMask() const {return 0;}
86 virtual UChar_t GetTriggerCluster() const {return 0;}
87 virtual Double_t GetZDCN1Energy() const {return 0.;}
88 virtual Double_t GetZDCP1Energy() const {return 0.;}
89 virtual Double_t GetZDCN2Energy() const {return 0.;}
90 virtual Double_t GetZDCP2Energy() const {return 0.;}
eee13e8d 91 virtual Double_t GetZDCEMEnergy(Int_t /*i*/)
92 const {return 0.;}
415d9f5c 93 // Tracks
7aad0c47 94 virtual AliVParticle *GetTrack(Int_t i) const;
415d9f5c 95 virtual Int_t GetNumberOfTracks() const {return fNparticles;}
c1b93f02 96 virtual Int_t GetNumberOfV0s() const {return -1;}
bc0379e5 97 virtual Int_t GetNumberOfCascades() const {return -1;}
5df3496b 98 // Vertex
99 virtual const AliVVertex *GetPrimaryVertex() const;
415d9f5c 101 //
102 // MC Specific methods
103 //
104 // Getters
105 AliStack* Stack() {return fStack;}
106 AliHeader* Header() {return fHeader;}
5df3496b 107 AliGenEventHeader* GenEventHeader() const;
415d9f5c 108 // Services
109 virtual void ConnectTreeE (TTree* tree);
110 virtual void ConnectTreeK (TTree* tree);
111 virtual void ConnectTreeTR(TTree* tree);
112 virtual void Clean();
93836e1b 113 virtual void InitEvent();
415d9f5c 114 virtual void FinishEvent();
115 virtual Int_t GetParticleAndTR(Int_t i, TParticle*& particle, TClonesArray*& trefs);
116 virtual void DrawCheck(Int_t i, Int_t search);
93836e1b 117 virtual void AddSubsidiaryEvent(AliMCEvent* event);
118 virtual Int_t GetNumberOfPrimaries() {return fNprimaries;}
119 virtual Int_t GetPrimaryOffset() const {return fPrimaryOffset;}
120 virtual Int_t GetSecondaryOffset() const {return fSecondaryOffset;}
121 virtual void SetPrimaryOffset(Int_t ioff) {fPrimaryOffset = ioff;}
122 virtual void SetSecondaryOffset(Int_t ioff) {fSecondaryOffset = ioff;}
123 virtual Bool_t IsPhysicalPrimary(Int_t i);
124 virtual Int_t BgLabelToIndex(Int_t label);
125 static Int_t BgLabelOffset() {return fgkBgLabelOffset;}
7aad0c47 126 // External particle array
127 virtual void SetParticleArray(TClonesArray* mcParticles)
128 {fMCParticles = mcParticles; fNparticles = fMCParticles->GetEntries(); fExternal = kTRUE;}
415d9f5c 131private:
132 virtual void ReorderAndExpandTreeTR();
93836e1b 133 virtual Int_t FindIndexAndEvent(Int_t oldidx, AliMCEvent*& event) const;
7aad0c47 135 // Stanndard implementation for ESD production
93836e1b 136 AliStack *fStack; // Current pointer to stack
137 TClonesArray *fMCParticles; // Pointer to list of particles
138 TRefArray *fMCParticleMap; // Map of MC Particles
139 AliHeader *fHeader; // Current pointer to header
140 TClonesArray *fTRBuffer; // Track reference buffer
141 TClonesArray *fTrackReferences; // Array of track references
142 TTree *fTreeTR; // Pointer to Track Reference Tree
143 TTree *fTmpTreeTR; // Temporary tree TR to read old format
144 TFile *fTmpFileTR; // Temporary file with TreeTR to read old format
145 Int_t fNprimaries; // Number of primaries
146 Int_t fNparticles; // Number of particles
147 TList *fSubsidiaryEvents; // List of possible subsidiary events (for example merged underlying event)
148 Int_t fPrimaryOffset; // Offset for primaries
149 Int_t fSecondaryOffset; // Offset for secondaries
7aad0c47 150 Bool_t fExternal; // True if external particle array
5df3496b 151 static Int_t fgkBgLabelOffset; // Standard branch name
152 mutable AliVVertex* fVertex; // MC Vertex
e337635e 153 ClassDef(AliMCEvent, 1) // AliVEvent realisation for MC data
415d9f5c 154};