]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliMillePede2.cxx
modification(by Levente) to solve the problem in the QA mentioned in the bug report...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliMillePede2.cxx
de34b538 1/**********************************************************************************************/
2/* General class for alignment with large number of degrees of freedom */
3/* Based on the original milliped2 by Volker Blobel */
4/* http://www.desy.de/~blobel/mptalks.html */
5/* */
6/* Author: ruben.shahoyan@cern.ch */
7/* */
8a9ab0eb 10#include "AliMillePede2.h"
11#include "AliLog.h"
12#include <TStopwatch.h>
de34b538 13#include <TFile.h>
14#include <TMath.h>
7c3070ec 15#include <TVectorD.h>
de34b538 16#include "AliMatrixSq.h"
17#include "AliSymMatrix.h"
18#include "AliRectMatrix.h"
19#include "AliMatrixSparse.h"
8a9ab0eb 20
8a9ab0eb 21
de34b538 22using namespace std;
8a9ab0eb 23
8a9ab0eb 24
8a9ab0eb 25ClassImp(AliMillePede2)
de34b538 27Bool_t AliMillePede2::fgInvChol = kTRUE; // Invert global matrix with Cholesky solver
28Bool_t AliMillePede2::fgWeightSigma = kTRUE; // weight local constraint by module statistics
29Bool_t AliMillePede2::fgIsMatGloSparse = kFALSE; // use faster dense matrix by default
30Int_t AliMillePede2::fgMinResCondType = 1; // Jacoby preconditioner by default
31Double_t AliMillePede2::fgMinResTol = 1.e-11; // default tolerance
32Int_t AliMillePede2::fgMinResMaxIter = 10000; // default max number of iterations
8a9ab0eb 33Int_t AliMillePede2::fgIterSol = AliMinResSolve::kSolMinRes; // default iterative solver
de34b538 34Int_t AliMillePede2::fgNKrylovV = 240; // default number of Krylov vectors to keep
8a9ab0eb 35
38: fNLocPar(0),
39 fNGloPar(0),
40 fNGloSize(0),
42 fNLocEquations(0),
43 fIter(0),
44 fMaxIter(10),
45 fNStdDev(3),
46 fNGloConstraints(0),
de34b538 47 fNLagrangeConstraints(0),
8a9ab0eb 48 fNLocFits(0),
49 fNLocFitsRejected(0),
50 fNGloFix(0),
51 fGloSolveStatus(gkFailed),
53 fChi2CutFactor(1.),
54 fChi2CutRef(1.),
55 fResCutInit(100.),
56 fResCut(100.),
de34b538 57 fMinPntValid(1),
8a9ab0eb 58//
de34b538 59 fNGroupsSet(0),
60 fParamGrID(0),
8a9ab0eb 61 fProcPnt(0),
62 fVecBLoc(0),
63 fDiagCGlo(0),
64 fVecBGlo(0),
65 fInitPar(0),
66 fDeltaPar(0),
67 fSigmaPar(0),
68 fIsLinear(0),
69 fConstrUsed(0),
71 fGlo2CGlo(0),
72 fCGlo2Glo(0),
74 fMatCLoc(0),
75 fMatCGlo(0),
76 fMatCGloLoc(0),
de34b538 77 //
78 fFillIndex(0),
79 fFillValue(0),
80 //
8a9ab0eb 81 fDataRecFName("/tmp/mp2_data_records.root"),
82 fRecord(0),
83 fDataRecFile(0),
84 fTreeData(0),
a8c5b94c 85 fRecFileStatus(0),
8a9ab0eb 86 //
87 fConstrRecFName("/tmp/mp2_constraints_records.root"),
88 fTreeConstr(0),
89 fConsRecFile(0),
90 fCurrRecDataID(0),
de34b538 91 fCurrRecConstrID(0),
92 fLocFitAdd(kTRUE)
8a9ab0eb 93{}
96AliMillePede2::AliMillePede2(const AliMillePede2& src) :
97 TObject(src),fNLocPar(0),fNGloPar(0),fNGloSize(0),fNLocEquations(0),fIter(0),
de34b538 98 fMaxIter(10),fNStdDev(3),fNGloConstraints(0),fNLagrangeConstraints(0),
99 fNLocFits(0),fNLocFitsRejected(0),
8a9ab0eb 100 fNGloFix(0),fGloSolveStatus(0),fChi2CutFactor(0),fChi2CutRef(0),fResCutInit(0),
de34b538 101 fResCut(0),fMinPntValid(1),fNGroupsSet(0),fParamGrID(0),fProcPnt(0),fVecBLoc(0),fDiagCGlo(0),fVecBGlo(0),
8a9ab0eb 102 fInitPar(0),fDeltaPar(0),fSigmaPar(0),fIsLinear(0),fConstrUsed(0),fGlo2CGlo(0),fCGlo2Glo(0),
de34b538 103 fMatCLoc(0),fMatCGlo(0),fMatCGloLoc(0),fFillIndex(0),fFillValue(0),
104 fDataRecFName(0),fRecord(0),fDataRecFile(0),
a8c5b94c 105 fTreeData(0),fRecFileStatus(0),fConstrRecFName(0),fTreeConstr(0),fConsRecFile(0),fCurrRecDataID(0),
de34b538 106 fCurrRecConstrID(0),fLocFitAdd(kTRUE)
8a9ab0eb 107{printf("Dummy\n");}
112 CloseDataRecStorage();
113 CloseConsRecStorage();
114 //
de34b538 115 delete[] fParamGrID;
8a9ab0eb 116 delete[] fProcPnt;
117 delete[] fVecBLoc;
118 delete[] fDiagCGlo;
119 delete[] fVecBGlo;
120 delete[] fInitPar;
121 delete[] fDeltaPar;
122 delete[] fSigmaPar;
123 delete[] fGlo2CGlo;
124 delete[] fCGlo2Glo;
125 delete[] fIsLinear;
126 delete[] fConstrUsed;
de34b538 127 delete[] fFillIndex;
128 delete[] fFillValue;
8a9ab0eb 129 //
130 delete fRecord;
131 delete fMatCLoc;
132 delete fMatCGlo;
133 delete fMatCGloLoc;
137Int_t AliMillePede2::InitMille(int nGlo, int nLoc, int lNStdDev,double lResCut, double lResCutInit)
139 //
140 if (nLoc>0) fNLocPar = nLoc;
141 if (nGlo>0) fNGloPar = nGlo;
142 if (lResCutInit>0) fResCutInit = lResCutInit;
143 if (lResCut>0) fResCut = lResCut;
144 if (lNStdDev>0) fNStdDev = lNStdDev;
145 //
146 fNGloSize = fNGloPar;
147 //
148 try {
149 //
150 if (fgIsMatGloSparse) {fMatCGlo = new AliMatrixSparse(fNGloPar); fMatCGlo->SetSymmetric(kTRUE);}
151 else fMatCGlo = new AliSymMatrix(fNGloPar);
152 //
de34b538 153 fFillIndex = new Int_t[fNGloPar];
154 fFillValue = new Double_t[fNGloPar];
155 //
8a9ab0eb 156 fMatCLoc = new AliSymMatrix(fNLocPar);
de34b538 157 fMatCGloLoc = new AliRectMatrix(fNGloPar,fNLocPar);
8a9ab0eb 158 //
de34b538 159 fParamGrID = new Int_t[fNGloPar];
8a9ab0eb 160 fProcPnt = new Int_t[fNGloPar];
161 fVecBLoc = new Double_t[fNLocPar];
162 fDiagCGlo = new Double_t[fNGloPar];
163 //
164 fInitPar = new Double_t[fNGloPar];
165 fDeltaPar = new Double_t[fNGloPar];
166 fSigmaPar = new Double_t[fNGloPar];
167 fIsLinear = new Bool_t[fNGloPar];
168 //
169 fGlo2CGlo = new Int_t[fNGloPar];
170 fCGlo2Glo = new Int_t[fNGloPar];
171 }
172 catch(bad_alloc&) {
173 AliInfo(Form("Failed to allocate the memory for %d global and %d local parameters",fNGloPar,fNLocPar));
174 return 0;
175 }
176 //
177 memset(fVecBLoc ,0,fNLocPar*sizeof(Double_t));
178 memset(fDiagCGlo ,0,fNGloPar*sizeof(Double_t));
179 memset(fInitPar ,0,fNGloPar*sizeof(Double_t));
180 memset(fDeltaPar ,0,fNGloPar*sizeof(Double_t));
181 memset(fSigmaPar ,0,fNGloPar*sizeof(Double_t));
182 memset(fProcPnt ,0,fNGloPar*sizeof(Int_t));
183 //
184 for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) {
de34b538 185 fGlo2CGlo[i] = fCGlo2Glo[i] = -1;
8a9ab0eb 186 fIsLinear[i] = kTRUE;
de34b538 187 fParamGrID[i] = -1;
8a9ab0eb 188 }
189 //
190 return 1;
8a9ab0eb 193//_____________________________________________________________________________________________
194Bool_t AliMillePede2::ImposeDataRecFile(const char* fname)
196 CloseDataRecStorage();
197 SetDataRecFName(fname);
198 return InitDataRecStorage(kTRUE); // open in read mode
202Bool_t AliMillePede2::ImposeConsRecFile(const char* fname)
204 CloseConsRecStorage();
205 SetConsRecFName(fname);
206 return InitConsRecStorage(kTRUE); // open in read mode
210Bool_t AliMillePede2::InitDataRecStorage(Bool_t read)
212 // initialize the buffer for processed measurements records
213 //
214 if (fDataRecFile) {AliInfo("Data Records File is already initialized"); return kFALSE;}
215 //
216 if (!fRecord) fRecord = new AliMillePedeRecord();
217 //
218 fDataRecFile = TFile::Open(GetDataRecFName(),read ? "":"recreate");
a8c5b94c 219 if (!fDataRecFile) {AliFatal(Form("Failed to initialize data records file %s",GetDataRecFName())); return kFALSE;}
8a9ab0eb 220 //
221 AliInfo(Form("File %s used for derivatives records",GetDataRecFName()));
222 if (read) {
223 fTreeData = (TTree*)fDataRecFile->Get("AliMillePedeRecords_Data");
a8c5b94c 224 if (!fTreeData) {AliFatal(Form("Did not find data records tree in %s",GetDataRecFName())); return kFALSE;}
8a9ab0eb 225 fTreeData->SetBranchAddress("Record_Data",&fRecord);
226 AliInfo(Form("Found %d derivatives records",fTreeData->GetEntries()));
227 }
228 else {
229 fTreeData = new TTree("AliMillePedeRecords_Data","Data Records for AliMillePede2");
230 fTreeData->Branch("Record_Data","AliMillePedeRecord",&fRecord,32000,99);
231 }
232 fCurrRecDataID = -1;
a8c5b94c 233 fRecFileStatus = read ? 1:2;
8a9ab0eb 234 //
235 return kTRUE;
239Bool_t AliMillePede2::InitConsRecStorage(Bool_t read)
241 // initialize the buffer for processed measurements records
242 //
243 if (fConsRecFile) {AliInfo("Constraints Records File is already initialized"); return kFALSE;}
244 //
245 if (!fRecord) fRecord = new AliMillePedeRecord();
246 //
247 fConsRecFile = TFile::Open(GetConsRecFName(),read ? "":"recreate");
248 if (!fConsRecFile) {AliInfo(Form("Failed to initialize constraints records file %s",GetConsRecFName())); return kFALSE;}
249 //
250 AliInfo(Form("File %s used for constraints records",GetConsRecFName()));
251 if (read) {
252 fTreeConstr = (TTree*)fConsRecFile->Get("AliMillePedeRecords_Constraints");
253 if (!fTreeConstr) {AliInfo(Form("Did not find constraints records tree in %s",GetConsRecFName())); return kFALSE;}
254 fTreeConstr->SetBranchAddress("Record_Constraints",&fRecord);
255 AliInfo(Form("Found %d constraints records",fTreeConstr->GetEntries()));
256 //
257 }
258 else {
259 //
260 fTreeConstr = new TTree("AliMillePedeRecords_Constraints","Constraints Records for AliMillePede2");
261 fTreeConstr->Branch("Record_Constraints","AliMillePedeRecord",&fRecord,32000,99);
262 }
263 fCurrRecConstrID = -1;
264 //
265 return kTRUE;
269void AliMillePede2::CloseDataRecStorage()
271 if (fTreeData) {
272 if (fDataRecFile->IsWritable()) {
273 fDataRecFile->cd();
274 fTreeData->Write();
275 }
276 delete fTreeData;
277 fTreeData = 0;
278 fDataRecFile->Close();
279 delete fDataRecFile;
280 fDataRecFile = 0;
281 }
a8c5b94c 282 fRecFileStatus = 0;
8a9ab0eb 283 //
287void AliMillePede2::CloseConsRecStorage()
289 if (fTreeConstr) {
290 if (fConsRecFile->IsWritable()) {
291 fConsRecFile->cd();
292 fTreeConstr->Write();
293 }
294 delete fTreeConstr;
295 fTreeConstr = 0;
296 fConsRecFile->Close();
297 delete fConsRecFile;
298 fConsRecFile = 0;
299 }
300 //
304Bool_t AliMillePede2::ReadNextRecordData()
306 // read next data record (if any)
307 if (!fTreeData || ++fCurrRecDataID >= fTreeData->GetEntries()) { fCurrRecDataID--; return kFALSE;}
308 fTreeData->GetEntry(fCurrRecDataID);
309 return kTRUE;
313Bool_t AliMillePede2::ReadNextRecordConstraint()
315 // read next constraint record (if any)
316 if (!fTreeConstr || ++fCurrRecConstrID >= fTreeConstr->GetEntries()) { fCurrRecConstrID--; return kFALSE;}
317 fTreeConstr->GetEntry(fCurrRecConstrID);
318 return kTRUE;
a8c5b94c 321//_____________________________________________________________________________________________
322void AliMillePede2::SetRecordWeight(double wgh)
324 if (fRecFileStatus<2) InitDataRecStorage(); // create a buffer to store the data
325 fRecord->SetWeight(wgh);
8a9ab0eb 328//_____________________________________________________________________________________________
329void AliMillePede2::SetLocalEquation(double *dergb, double *derlc, double lMeas, double lSigma)
a8c5b94c 331 if (fRecFileStatus<2) InitDataRecStorage(); // create a buffer to store the data
8a9ab0eb 332 //
333 // write data of single measurement
334 if (lSigma<=0.0) { // If parameter is fixed, then no equation
335 for (int i=fNLocPar; i--;) derlc[i] = 0.0;
336 for (int i=fNGloPar; i--;) dergb[i] = 0.0;
337 return;
338 }
339 //
340 fRecord->AddResidual(lMeas);
341 //
342 // Retrieve local param interesting indices
cc9bec47 343 for (int i=0;i<fNLocPar;i++) if (!IsZero(derlc[i])) {fRecord->AddIndexValue(i,derlc[i]); derlc[i] = 0.0;}
8a9ab0eb 344 //
345 fRecord->AddWeight( 1.0/lSigma/lSigma );
346 //
347 // Idem for global parameters
cc9bec47 348 for (int i=0;i<fNGloPar;i++) if (!IsZero(dergb[i])) {
de34b538 349 fRecord->AddIndexValue(i,dergb[i]); dergb[i] = 0.0;
350 fRecord->MarkGroup(fParamGrID[i]);
351 }
8a9ab0eb 352 //
356void AliMillePede2::SetLocalEquation(int *indgb, double *dergb, int ngb, int *indlc,
357 double *derlc,int nlc,double lMeas,double lSigma)
359 // write data of single measurement
360 if (lSigma<=0.0) { // If parameter is fixed, then no equation
361 for (int i=nlc;i--;) derlc[i] = 0.0;
362 for (int i=ngb;i--;) dergb[i] = 0.0;
363 return;
364 }
365 //
a8c5b94c 366 if (fRecFileStatus<2) InitDataRecStorage(); // create a buffer to store the data
8a9ab0eb 367 //
368 fRecord->AddResidual(lMeas);
369 //
370 // Retrieve local param interesting indices
cc9bec47 371 for (int i=0;i<nlc;i++) if (!IsZero(derlc[i])) {fRecord->AddIndexValue(indlc[i],derlc[i]); derlc[i]=0.; indlc[i]=0;}
8a9ab0eb 372 //
373 fRecord->AddWeight( 1./lSigma/lSigma );
374 //
375 // Idem for global parameters
cc9bec47 376 for (int i=0;i<ngb;i++) if (!IsZero(dergb[i])) {fRecord->AddIndexValue(indgb[i],dergb[i]); dergb[i]=0.; indgb[i]=0;}
8a9ab0eb 377 //
de34b538 380
8a9ab0eb 381//_____________________________________________________________________________________________
de34b538 382void AliMillePede2::SetGlobalConstraint(double *dergb, double val, double sigma)
8a9ab0eb 383{
384 // Define a constraint equation.
385 if (!fConsRecFile || !fConsRecFile->IsWritable()) InitConsRecStorage(); // create a buffer to store the data
386 //
387 fRecord->Reset();
388 fRecord->AddResidual(val);
de34b538 389 fRecord->AddWeight(sigma);
cc9bec47 390 for (int i=0; i<fNGloPar; i++) if (!IsZero(dergb[i])) fRecord->AddIndexValue(i,dergb[i]);
8a9ab0eb 391 fNGloConstraints++;
cc9bec47 392 if (IsZero(sigma)) fNLagrangeConstraints++;
de34b538 393 // printf("NewConstraint:\n"); fRecord->Print(); //RRR
8a9ab0eb 394 SaveRecordConstraint();
395 //
de34b538 399void AliMillePede2::SetGlobalConstraint(const int *indgb, double *dergb, int ngb, double val,double sigma)
8a9ab0eb 400{
401 // Define a constraint equation.
402 if (!fConsRecFile || !fConsRecFile->IsWritable()) InitConsRecStorage(); // create a buffer to store the data
403 fRecord->Reset();
404 fRecord->AddResidual(val);
de34b538 405 fRecord->AddWeight(sigma); // dummy
cc9bec47 406 for (int i=0; i<ngb; i++) if (!IsZero(dergb[i])) fRecord->AddIndexValue(indgb[i],dergb[i]);
8a9ab0eb 407 fNGloConstraints++;
cc9bec47 408 if (IsZero(sigma)) fNLagrangeConstraints++;
8a9ab0eb 409 SaveRecordConstraint();
410 //
414Int_t AliMillePede2::LocalFit(double *localParams)
416 /*
417 Perform local parameters fit once all the local equations have been set
418 -----------------------------------------------------------
419 localParams = (if !=0) will contain the fitted track parameters and
420 related errors
421 */
de34b538 422 static int nrefSize = 0;
423 // static TArrayI refLoc,refGlo,nrefLoc,nrefGlo;
424 static Int_t *refLoc=0,*refGlo=0,*nrefLoc=0,*nrefGlo=0;
8a9ab0eb 425 int nPoints = 0;
426 //
de34b538 427 AliSymMatrix &matCLoc = *fMatCLoc;
428 AliMatrixSq &matCGlo = *fMatCGlo;
429 AliRectMatrix &matCGloLoc = *fMatCGloLoc;
8a9ab0eb 430 //
431 memset(fVecBLoc,0,fNLocPar*sizeof(double));
de34b538 432 matCLoc.Reset();
8a9ab0eb 433 //
434 int cnt=0;
435 int recSz = fRecord->GetSize();
436 //
437 while(cnt<recSz) { // Transfer the measurement records to matrices
438 //
439 // extract addresses of residual, weight and pointers on local and global derivatives for each point
de34b538 440 if (nrefSize<=nPoints) {
441 int *tmpA = 0;
442 nrefSize = 2*(nPoints+1);
443 tmpA = refLoc; refLoc = new Int_t[nrefSize]; if (tmpA) memcpy(refLoc,tmpA,nPoints*sizeof(int));
444 tmpA = refGlo; refGlo = new Int_t[nrefSize]; if (tmpA) memcpy(refGlo,tmpA,nPoints*sizeof(int));
445 tmpA = nrefLoc; nrefLoc = new Int_t[nrefSize]; if (tmpA) memcpy(nrefLoc,tmpA,nPoints*sizeof(int));
446 tmpA = nrefGlo; nrefGlo = new Int_t[nrefSize]; if (tmpA) memcpy(nrefGlo,tmpA,nPoints*sizeof(int));
8a9ab0eb 447 }
448 //
de34b538 449 refLoc[nPoints] = ++cnt;
8a9ab0eb 450 int nLoc = 0;
451 while(!fRecord->IsWeight(cnt)) {nLoc++; cnt++;}
de34b538 452 nrefLoc[nPoints] = nLoc;
8a9ab0eb 453 //
de34b538 454 refGlo[nPoints] = ++cnt;
8a9ab0eb 455 int nGlo = 0;
456 while(!fRecord->IsResidual(cnt) && cnt<recSz) {nGlo++; cnt++;}
de34b538 457 nrefGlo[nPoints] = nGlo;
8a9ab0eb 458 //
459 nPoints++;
460 }
461 double vl;
462 //
a8c5b94c 463 double gloWgh = fRecord->GetWeight(); // global weight for this set
7c3070ec 464 Int_t maxLocUsed = 0;
465 //
8a9ab0eb 466 for (int ip=nPoints;ip--;) { // Transfer the measurement records to matrices
de34b538 467 double resid = fRecord->GetValue( refLoc[ip]-1 );
a8c5b94c 468 double weight = fRecord->GetValue( refGlo[ip]-1 )*gloWgh;
de34b538 469 double *derLoc = fRecord->GetValue()+refLoc[ip];
470 double *derGlo = fRecord->GetValue()+refGlo[ip];
471 int *indLoc = fRecord->GetIndex()+refLoc[ip];
472 int *indGlo = fRecord->GetIndex()+refGlo[ip];
473 //
a8c5b94c 474 for (int i=nrefGlo[ip];i--;) { // suppress the global part (only relevant with iterations)
8a9ab0eb 475 int iID = indGlo[i]; // Global param indice
de34b538 476 if (fSigmaPar[iID]<=0.) continue; // fixed parameter RRRCheck
8a9ab0eb 477 if (fIsLinear[iID]) resid -= derGlo[i]*(fInitPar[iID]+fDeltaPar[iID]); // linear parameter
478 else resid -= derGlo[i]*fDeltaPar[iID]; // nonlinear parameter
479 }
480 //
de34b538 481 // Symmetric matrix, don't bother j>i coeffs
482 for (int i=nrefLoc[ip];i--;) { // Fill local matrix and vector
483 fVecBLoc[ indLoc[i] ] += weight*resid*derLoc[i];
7c3070ec 484 if (indLoc[i]>maxLocUsed) maxLocUsed = indLoc[i];
de34b538 485 for (int j=i+1;j--;) matCLoc(indLoc[i] ,indLoc[j]) += weight*derLoc[i]*derLoc[j];
7c3070ec 486 }
8a9ab0eb 487 //
488 } // end of the transfer of the measurement record to matrices
489 //
7c3070ec 490 matCLoc.SetSizeUsed(++maxLocUsed); // data with B=0 may use less than declared nLocals
491 //
8a9ab0eb 492 // first try to solve by faster Cholesky decomposition, then by Gaussian elimination
de34b538 493 if (!matCLoc.SolveChol(fVecBLoc,kTRUE)) {
a8c5b94c 494 AliInfo("Failed to solve locals by Cholesky, trying Gaussian Elimination");
de34b538 495 if (!matCLoc.SolveSpmInv(fVecBLoc,kTRUE)) {
8a9ab0eb 496 AliInfo("Failed to solve locals by Gaussian Elimination, skip...");
de34b538 497 matCLoc.Print("d");
8a9ab0eb 498 return 0; // failed to solve
499 }
500 }
501 //
502 // If requested, store the track params and errors
de34b538 503 // printf("locfit: "); for (int i=0;i<fNLocPar;i++) printf("%+e |",fVecBLoc[i]); printf("\n");
7c3070ec 504 if (localParams) for (int i=maxLocUsed; i--;) {
8a9ab0eb 505 localParams[2*i] = fVecBLoc[i];
de34b538 506 localParams[2*i+1] = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(matCLoc.QueryDiag(i)));
8a9ab0eb 507 }
508 //
509 float lChi2 = 0;
510 int nEq = 0;
511 //
512 for (int ip=nPoints;ip--;) { // Calculate residuals
de34b538 513 double resid = fRecord->GetValue( refLoc[ip]-1 );
a8c5b94c 514 double weight = fRecord->GetValue( refGlo[ip]-1 )*gloWgh;
de34b538 515 double *derLoc = fRecord->GetValue()+refLoc[ip];
516 double *derGlo = fRecord->GetValue()+refGlo[ip];
517 int *indLoc = fRecord->GetIndex()+refLoc[ip];
518 int *indGlo = fRecord->GetIndex()+refGlo[ip];
8a9ab0eb 519 //
520 // Suppress local and global contribution in residuals;
de34b538 521 for (int i=nrefLoc[ip];i--;) resid -= derLoc[i]*fVecBLoc[ indLoc[i] ]; // local part
8a9ab0eb 522 //
de34b538 523 for (int i=nrefGlo[ip];i--;) { // global part
8a9ab0eb 524 int iID = indGlo[i];
525 if ( fSigmaPar[iID] <= 0.) continue; // fixed parameter RRRCheck
526 if (fIsLinear[iID]) resid -= derGlo[i]*(fInitPar[iID]+fDeltaPar[iID]); // linear parameter
527 else resid -= derGlo[i]*fDeltaPar[iID]; // nonlinear parameter
528 }
529 //
530 // reject the track if the residual is too large (outlier)
de34b538 531 double absres = TMath::Abs(resid);
532 if ( (absres >= fResCutInit && fIter ==1 ) ||
533 (absres >= fResCut && fIter > 1)) {
534 if (fLocFitAdd) fNLocFitsRejected++;
cc9bec47 535 // printf("reject res %5ld %+e\n",fCurrRecDataID,resid);
8a9ab0eb 536 return 0;
537 }
538 //
539 lChi2 += weight*resid*resid ; // total chi^2
540 nEq++; // number of equations
541 } // end of Calculate residuals
542 //
a8c5b94c 543 lChi2 /= gloWgh;
7c3070ec 544 int nDoF = nEq-maxLocUsed;
8a9ab0eb 545 lChi2 = (nDoF>0) ? lChi2/nDoF : 0; // Chi^2/dof
546 //
547 if (fNStdDev != 0 && nDoF>0 && lChi2 > Chi2DoFLim(fNStdDev,nDoF)*fChi2CutFactor) { // check final chi2
de34b538 548 if (fLocFitAdd) fNLocFitsRejected++;
cc9bec47 549 // printf("reject chi2 %5ld: %+e\n",fCurrRecDataID, lChi2);
8a9ab0eb 550 return 0;
551 }
552 //
de34b538 553 if (fLocFitAdd) {
554 fNLocFits++;
555 fNLocEquations += nEq;
556 }
557 else {
558 fNLocFits--;
559 fNLocEquations -= nEq;
560 }
8a9ab0eb 561 //
562 // local operations are finished, track is accepted
563 // We now update the global parameters (other matrices)
564 //
565 int nGloInFit = 0;
566 //
567 for (int ip=nPoints;ip--;) { // Update matrices
de34b538 568 double resid = fRecord->GetValue( refLoc[ip]-1 );
a8c5b94c 569 double weight = fRecord->GetValue( refGlo[ip]-1 )*gloWgh;
de34b538 570 double *derLoc = fRecord->GetValue()+refLoc[ip];
571 double *derGlo = fRecord->GetValue()+refGlo[ip];
572 int *indLoc = fRecord->GetIndex()+refLoc[ip];
573 int *indGlo = fRecord->GetIndex()+refGlo[ip];
574 //
575 for (int i=nrefGlo[ip];i--;) { // suppress the global part
8a9ab0eb 576 int iID = indGlo[i]; // Global param indice
577 if ( fSigmaPar[iID] <= 0.) continue; // fixed parameter RRRCheck
de34b538 578 if (fIsLinear[iID]) resid -= derGlo[i]*(fInitPar[iID]+fDeltaPar[iID]); // linear parameter
579 else resid -= derGlo[i]*fDeltaPar[iID]; // nonlinear parameter
8a9ab0eb 580 }
581 //
de34b538 582 for (int ig=nrefGlo[ip];ig--;) {
8a9ab0eb 583 int iIDg = indGlo[ig]; // Global param indice (the matrix line)
584 if ( fSigmaPar[iIDg] <= 0.) continue; // fixed parameter RRRCheck
de34b538 585 if (fLocFitAdd) fVecBGlo[ iIDg ] += weight*resid*derGlo[ig]; //!!!
586 else fVecBGlo[ iIDg ] -= weight*resid*derGlo[ig]; //!!!
8a9ab0eb 587 //
588 // First of all, the global/global terms (exactly like local matrix)
de34b538 589 int nfill = 0;
590 for (int jg=ig+1;jg--;) { // matCGlo is symmetric by construction
8a9ab0eb 591 int jIDg = indGlo[jg];
592 if ( fSigmaPar[jIDg] <= 0.) continue; // fixed parameter RRRCheck
cc9bec47 593 if ( !IsZero(vl = weight*derGlo[ig]*derGlo[jg]) ) {
de34b538 594 fFillIndex[nfill] = jIDg;
595 fFillValue[nfill++] = fLocFitAdd ? vl:-vl;
596 }
597 }
598 if (nfill) matCGlo.AddToRow(iIDg,fFillValue,fFillIndex,nfill);
8a9ab0eb 599 //
600 // Now we have also rectangular matrices containing global/local terms.
601 int iCIDg = fGlo2CGlo[iIDg]; // compressed Index of index
602 if (iCIDg == -1) {
de34b538 603 Double_t *rowGL = matCGloLoc(nGloInFit);
7c3070ec 604 for (int k=maxLocUsed;k--;) rowGL[k] = 0.0; // reset the row
8a9ab0eb 605 iCIDg = fGlo2CGlo[iIDg] = nGloInFit;
606 fCGlo2Glo[nGloInFit++] = iIDg;
607 }
608 //
de34b538 609 Double_t *rowGLIDg = matCGloLoc(iCIDg);
610 for (int il=nrefLoc[ip];il--;) rowGLIDg[ indLoc[il] ] += weight*derGlo[ig]*derLoc[il];
611 fProcPnt[iIDg] += fLocFitAdd ? 1:-1; // update counter
8a9ab0eb 612 //
613 }
614 } // end of Update matrices
615 //
616 // calculate fMatCGlo -= fMatCGloLoc * fMatCLoc * fMatCGloLoc^T
617 // and fVecBGlo -= fMatCGloLoc * fVecBLoc
618 //
de34b538 619 //-------------------------------------------------------------- >>>
8a9ab0eb 620 double vll;
621 for (int iCIDg=0; iCIDg<nGloInFit; iCIDg++) {
622 int iIDg = fCGlo2Glo[iCIDg];
623 //
624 vl = 0;
de34b538 625 Double_t *rowGLIDg = matCGloLoc(iCIDg);
7c3070ec 626 for (int kl=0;kl<maxLocUsed;kl++) if (rowGLIDg[kl]) vl += rowGLIDg[kl]*fVecBLoc[kl];
cc9bec47 627 if (!IsZero(vl)) fVecBGlo[iIDg] -= fLocFitAdd ? vl : -vl;
8a9ab0eb 628 //
de34b538 629 int nfill = 0;
8a9ab0eb 630 for (int jCIDg=0;jCIDg<=iCIDg; jCIDg++) {
631 int jIDg = fCGlo2Glo[jCIDg];
632 //
633 vl = 0;
de34b538 634 Double_t *rowGLJDg = matCGloLoc(jCIDg);
7c3070ec 635 for (int kl=0;kl<maxLocUsed;kl++) {
8a9ab0eb 636 // diag terms
cc9bec47 637 if ( (!IsZero(vll=rowGLIDg[kl]*rowGLJDg[kl])) ) vl += matCLoc.QueryDiag(kl)*vll;
8a9ab0eb 638 //
639 // off-diag terms
640 for (int ll=0;ll<kl;ll++) {
cc9bec47 641 if ( !IsZero(vll=rowGLIDg[kl]*rowGLJDg[ll]) ) vl += matCLoc(kl,ll)*vll;
642 if ( !IsZero(vll=rowGLIDg[ll]*rowGLJDg[kl]) ) vl += matCLoc(kl,ll)*vll;
8a9ab0eb 643 }
644 }
cc9bec47 645 if (!IsZero(vl)) {
de34b538 646 fFillIndex[nfill] = jIDg;
647 fFillValue[nfill++] = fLocFitAdd ? -vl : vl;
648 }
8a9ab0eb 649 }
de34b538 650 if (nfill) matCGlo.AddToRow(iIDg,fFillValue,fFillIndex,nfill);
8a9ab0eb 651 }
652 //
653 // reset compressed index array
654 //
de34b538 655 for (int i=nGloInFit;i--;) {
656 fGlo2CGlo[ fCGlo2Glo[i] ] = -1;
657 fCGlo2Glo[i] = -1;
658 }
8a9ab0eb 659 //
de34b538 660 //---------------------------------------------------- <<<
8a9ab0eb 661 return 1;
665Int_t AliMillePede2::GlobalFit(Double_t *par, Double_t *error, Double_t *pull)
667 // performs a requested number of global iterations
668 fIter = 1;
669 //
670 TStopwatch sw; sw.Start();
671 //
672 int res = 0;
673 AliInfo("Starting Global fit.");
674 while (fIter<=fMaxIter) {
675 //
676 res = GlobalFitIteration();
677 if (!res) break;
678 //
cc9bec47 679 if (!IsZero(fChi2CutFactor-fChi2CutRef)) {
8a9ab0eb 680 fChi2CutFactor = TMath::Sqrt(fChi2CutFactor);
681 if (fChi2CutFactor < 1.2*fChi2CutRef) {
682 fChi2CutFactor = fChi2CutRef;
683 fIter = fMaxIter - 1; // Last iteration
684 }
685 }
686 fIter++;
687 }
688 //
689 sw.Stop();
690 AliInfo(Form("Global fit %s, CPU time: %.1f",res ? "Converged":"Failed",sw.CpuTime()));
691 if (!res) return 0;
692 //
693 if (par) for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) par[i] = fInitPar[i]+fDeltaPar[i];
694 //
695 if (fGloSolveStatus==gkInvert) { // errors on params are available
de34b538 696 if (error) for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) error[i] = fProcPnt[i]>0 ? TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(fMatCGlo->QueryDiag(i))) : 0.;
697 if (pull) for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) pull[i] = fProcPnt[i]>0 && (fSigmaPar[i]*fSigmaPar[i]-fMatCGlo->QueryDiag(i))>0. && fSigmaPar[i]>0
698 ? fDeltaPar[i]/TMath::Sqrt(fSigmaPar[i]*fSigmaPar[i]-fMatCGlo->QueryDiag(i)) : 0;
8a9ab0eb 699 }
700 //
701 return 1;
705Int_t AliMillePede2::GlobalFitIteration()
707 // perform global parameters fit once all the local equations have been fitted
708 //
709 AliInfo(Form("Global Fit Iteration#%2d (Local Fit Chi^2 cut factor: %.2f)",fIter,fChi2CutFactor));
710 //
711 if (!fNGloPar || !fTreeData) {
712 AliInfo("No data was stored, aborting iteration");
713 return 0;
714 }
de34b538 715 TStopwatch sw,sws;
716 sw.Start();
717 sws.Stop();
8a9ab0eb 718 //
719 if (!fConstrUsed) {
720 fConstrUsed = new Bool_t[fNGloConstraints];
721 memset(fConstrUsed,0,fNGloConstraints*sizeof(Bool_t));
722 }
723 // Reset all info specific for this step
de34b538 724 AliMatrixSq& matCGlo = *fMatCGlo;
725 matCGlo.Reset();
8a9ab0eb 726 memset(fProcPnt,0,fNGloPar*sizeof(Int_t));
727 //
728 fNGloConstraints = fTreeConstr ? fTreeConstr->GetEntries() : 0;
729 //
de34b538 730 // count number of Lagrange constraints: they need new row/cols to be added
731 fNLagrangeConstraints = 0;
732 for (int i=0; i<fNGloConstraints; i++) {
733 ReadRecordConstraint(i);
cc9bec47 734 if ( IsZero(fRecord->GetValue(1)) ) fNLagrangeConstraints++; // exact constraint (no error) -> Lagrange multiplier
de34b538 735 }
736 //
8a9ab0eb 737 // if needed, readjust the size of the global vector (for matrices this is done automatically)
de34b538 738 if (!fVecBGlo || fNGloSize!=fNGloPar+fNLagrangeConstraints) {
8a9ab0eb 739 delete[] fVecBGlo; // in case some constraint was added between the two manual iterations
de34b538 740 fNGloSize = fNGloPar+fNLagrangeConstraints;
8a9ab0eb 741 fVecBGlo = new Double_t[fNGloSize];
742 }
743 memset(fVecBGlo,0,fNGloSize*sizeof(double));
744 //
745 fNLocFits = 0;
746 fNLocFitsRejected = 0;
de34b538 747 fNLocEquations = 0;
8a9ab0eb 748 //
749 // Process data records and build the matrices
750 Long_t ndr = fTreeData->GetEntries();
751 AliInfo(Form("Building the Global matrix from %d data records",ndr));
de34b538 752 if (!ndr) return 0;
753 //
754 TStopwatch swt; swt.Start();
755 fLocFitAdd = kTRUE; // add contributions of matching tracks
8a9ab0eb 756 for (Long_t i=0;i<ndr;i++) {
757 ReadRecordData(i);
758 LocalFit();
7c3070ec 759 if ( (i%int(0.2*ndr)) == 0) printf("%.1f%% of local fits done\n", double(100.*i)/ndr);
8a9ab0eb 760 }
de34b538 761 swt.Stop();
762 printf("%ld local fits done: ", ndr);
763 swt.Print();
764 sw.Start(kFALSE);
765 //
8a9ab0eb 766 //
de34b538 767 // ---------------------- Reject parameters with low statistics ------------>>
8a9ab0eb 768 fNGloFix = 0;
de34b538 769 if (fMinPntValid>1 && fNGroupsSet) {
770 //
771 printf("Checking parameters with statistics < %d\n",fMinPntValid);
772 TStopwatch swsup;
773 swsup.Start();
774 // 1) build the list of parameters to fix
775 Int_t fixArrSize = 10;
776 Int_t nFixedGroups = 0;
777 TArrayI fixGroups(fixArrSize);
778 //
91e1aa2c 779 int grIDold = -2;
780 int oldStart = -1;
781 double oldMin = 1.e20;
782 double oldMax =-1.e20;
783 //
de34b538 784 for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) { // // Reset row and column of fixed params and add 1/sig^2 to free ones
785 int grID = fParamGrID[i];
786 if (grID<0) continue; // not in the group
91e1aa2c 787 //
788 if (grID!=grIDold) { // starting new group
789 if (grIDold>=0) { // decide if the group has enough statistics
790 if (oldMin<fMinPntValid && oldMax<2*fMinPntValid) { // suppress group
791 for (int iold=oldStart;iold>i;iold--) fProcPnt[iold] = 0;
792 Bool_t fnd = kFALSE; // check if the group is already accounted
793 for (int j=nFixedGroups;j--;) if (fixGroups[j]==grIDold) {fnd=kTRUE; break;}
794 if (!fnd) {
795 if (nFixedGroups>=fixArrSize) {fixArrSize*=2; fixGroups.Set(fixArrSize);}
796 fixGroups[nFixedGroups++] = grIDold; // add group to fix
797 }
798 }
799 }
800 grIDold = grID; // mark the start of the new group
801 oldStart = i;
802 oldMin = 1.e20;
803 oldMax = -1.e20;
804 }
805 if (oldMin>fProcPnt[i]) oldMin = fProcPnt[i];
806 if (oldMax<fProcPnt[i]) oldMax = fProcPnt[i];
de34b538 807 //
808 }
91e1aa2c 809 // extra check for the last group
810 if (grIDold>=0 && oldMin<fMinPntValid && oldMax<2*fMinPntValid) { // suppress group
811 for (int iold=oldStart;iold--;) fProcPnt[iold] = 0;
812 Bool_t fnd = kFALSE; // check if the group is already accounted
813 for (int j=nFixedGroups;j--;) if (fixGroups[j]==grIDold) {fnd=kTRUE; break;}
814 if (!fnd) {
815 if (nFixedGroups>=fixArrSize) {fixArrSize*=2; fixGroups.Set(fixArrSize);}
816 fixGroups[nFixedGroups++] = grIDold; // add group to fix
817 }
818 }
819 //
de34b538 820 // 2) loop over records and add contributions of fixed groups with negative sign
821 fLocFitAdd = kFALSE;
822 //
823 for (Long_t i=0;i<ndr;i++) {
824 ReadRecordData(i);
825 Bool_t suppr = kFALSE;
826 for (int ifx=nFixedGroups;ifx--;)if (fRecord->IsGroupPresent(fixGroups[ifx])) suppr = kTRUE;
827 if (suppr) LocalFit();
828 }
829 fLocFitAdd = kTRUE;
830 //
831 if (nFixedGroups) {
832 printf("Suppressed contributions of groups with NPoints<%d :\n",fMinPntValid);
833 for (int i=0;i<nFixedGroups;i++) printf("%d ",fixGroups[i]); printf("\n");
834 }
835 swsup.Stop();
836 swsup.Print();
837 }
838 // ---------------------- Reject parameters with low statistics ------------<<
839 //
840 // add large number to diagonal of fixed params
8a9ab0eb 841 //
8a9ab0eb 842 for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) { // // Reset row and column of fixed params and add 1/sig^2 to free ones
7c3070ec 843 // printf("#%3d : Nproc : %5d grp: %d\n",i,fProcPnt[i],fParamGrID[i]);
de34b538 844 if (fProcPnt[i]<1) {
8a9ab0eb 845 fNGloFix++;
8a9ab0eb 846 fVecBGlo[i] = 0.;
a8c5b94c 847 matCGlo.DiagElem(i) = 1.;//float(fNLocEquations*fNLocEquations);
8a9ab0eb 848 }
de34b538 849 else matCGlo.DiagElem(i) += (fgWeightSigma ? fProcPnt[i] : 1.)/(fSigmaPar[i]*fSigmaPar[i]);
8a9ab0eb 850 }
851 //
de34b538 852 for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) fDiagCGlo[i] = matCGlo.QueryDiag(i); // save the diagonal elements
853 //
8a9ab0eb 854 // add constraint equations
855 int nVar = fNGloPar; // Current size of global matrix
856 for (int i=0; i<fNGloConstraints; i++) {
857 ReadRecordConstraint(i);
858 double val = fRecord->GetValue(0);
de34b538 859 double sig = fRecord->GetValue(1);
8a9ab0eb 860 int *indV = fRecord->GetIndex()+2;
861 double *der = fRecord->GetValue()+2;
862 int csize = fRecord->GetSize()-2;
863 //
de34b538 864 // check if after suppression of fixed variables there are non-0 derivatives
865 // and determine the max statistics of involved params
866 int nSuppressed = 0;
867 int maxStat = 1;
868 for (int j=csize;j--;) {
869 if (fProcPnt[indV[j]]<1) nSuppressed++;
870 else {
871 maxStat = TMath::Max(maxStat,fProcPnt[indV[j]]);
872 }
873 }
8a9ab0eb 874 //
de34b538 875 if (nSuppressed==csize) {
876 // AliInfo(Form("Neglecting constraint %d of %d derivatives since no free parameters left",i,csize));
8a9ab0eb 877 //
878 // was this constraint ever created ?
de34b538 879 if ( sig==0 && fConstrUsed[i] ) { // this is needed only for constraints with Lagrange multiplier
8a9ab0eb 880 // to avoid empty row impose dummy constraint on "Lagrange multiplier"
de34b538 881 matCGlo.DiagElem(nVar) = 1.;
8a9ab0eb 882 fVecBGlo[nVar++] = 0;
883 }
884 continue;
885 }
886 //
de34b538 887 // account for already accumulated corrections
888 for (int j=csize; j--;) val -= der[j]*(fInitPar[ indV[j] ]+fDeltaPar[ indV[j] ]);
8a9ab0eb 889 //
de34b538 890 if (sig > 0) { // this is a gaussian constriant: no Lagrange multipliers are added
891 //
892 double sig2i = (fgWeightSigma ? TMath::Sqrt(maxStat) : 1.)/sig/sig;
893 for (int ir=0;ir<csize;ir++) {
894 int iID = indV[ir];
895 for (int ic=0;ic<=ir;ic++) { // matrix is symmetric
896 int jID = indV[ic];
897 double vl = der[ir]*der[ic]*sig2i;
cc9bec47 898 if (!IsZero(vl)) matCGlo(iID,jID) += vl;
de34b538 899 }
900 fVecBGlo[iID] += val*der[ir]*sig2i;
901 }
902 }
903 else { // this is exact constriant: Lagrange multipliers must be added
904 for (int j=csize; j--;) {
905 int jID = indV[j];
906 if (fProcPnt[jID]<1) continue; // this parameter was fixed, don't put it into constraint
907 matCGlo(nVar,jID) = float(fNLocEquations)*der[j]; // fMatCGlo is symmetric, only lower triangle is filled
908 }
909 //
910 if (matCGlo.QueryDiag(nVar)) matCGlo.DiagElem(nVar) = 0.0;
911 fVecBGlo[nVar++] = float(fNLocEquations)*val; //RS ? should we use here fNLocFits ?
912 fConstrUsed[i] = kTRUE;
913 }
8a9ab0eb 914 }
915 //
916 AliInfo(Form("Obtained %-7ld equations from %-7ld records (%-7ld rejected). Fixed %-4d globals",
917 fNLocEquations,fNLocFits,fNLocFitsRejected,fNGloFix));
919 //
de34b538 920 sws.Start();
8a9ab0eb 921 fGloSolveStatus = SolveGlobalMatEq(); // obtain solution for this step
de34b538 922 sws.Stop();
923 printf("Solve %d |",fIter); sws.Print();
8a9ab0eb 924 //
925 sw.Stop();
926 AliInfo(Form("Iteration#%2d %s. CPU time: %.1f",fIter,fGloSolveStatus==gkFailed ? "Failed":"Converged",sw.CpuTime()));
927 if (fGloSolveStatus==gkFailed) return 0;
928 //
929 for (int i=fNGloPar;i--;) fDeltaPar[i] += fVecBGlo[i]; // Update global parameters values (for iterations)
930 //
de34b538 931 // PrintGlobalParameters();
8a9ab0eb 932 return 1;
936Int_t AliMillePede2::SolveGlobalMatEq()
938 //
939 // solve global matrix equation MatCGlob*X=VecBGlo and store the result in the VecBGlo
940 //
de34b538 941 /*
942 printf("GlobalMatrix\n");
943 fMatCGlo->Print();
944 printf("RHS\n");
945 for (int i=0;i<fNGloPar;i++) printf("%d %+e\n",i,fVecBGlo[i]);
946 */
947 //
8a9ab0eb 948 if (!fgIsMatGloSparse) {
949 //
de34b538 950 if (fNLagrangeConstraints==0) { // pos-def systems are faster to solve by Cholesky
951 if ( ((AliSymMatrix*)fMatCGlo)->SolveChol(fVecBGlo, fgInvChol) ) return fgInvChol ? gkInvert:gkNoInversion;
8a9ab0eb 952 else AliInfo("Solution of Global Dense System by Cholesky failed, trying Gaussian Elimiation");
953 }
954 //
955 if (((AliSymMatrix*)fMatCGlo)->SolveSpmInv(fVecBGlo, kTRUE)) return gkInvert;
956 else AliInfo("Solution of Global Dense System by Gaussian Elimiation failed, trying iterative methods");
957 }
958 // try to solve by minres
de34b538 959 TVectorD sol(fNGloSize);
8a9ab0eb 960 //
961 AliMinResSolve *slv = new AliMinResSolve(fMatCGlo,fVecBGlo);
962 if (!slv) return gkFailed;
963 //
964 Bool_t res = kFALSE;
965 if (fgIterSol == AliMinResSolve::kSolMinRes)
de34b538 966 res = slv->SolveMinRes(sol,fgMinResCondType,fgMinResMaxIter,fgMinResTol);
8a9ab0eb 967 else if (fgIterSol == AliMinResSolve::kSolFGMRes)
de34b538 968 res = slv->SolveFGMRES(sol,fgMinResCondType,fgMinResMaxIter,fgMinResTol,fgNKrylovV);
8a9ab0eb 969 else
970 AliInfo(Form("Undefined Iteritive Solver ID=%d, only %d are defined",fgIterSol,AliMinResSolve::kNSolvers));
971 //
972 if (!res) return gkFailed;
de34b538 973 for (int i=fNGloSize;i--;) fVecBGlo[i] = sol[i];
974 return gkNoInversion;
8a9ab0eb 975 //
979Float_t AliMillePede2::Chi2DoFLim(int nSig, int nDoF) const
981 /// return the limit in chi^2/nd for n sigmas stdev authorized
982 // Only n=1, 2, and 3 are expected in input
983 int lNSig;
984 float sn[3] = {0.47523, 1.690140, 2.782170};
985 float table[3][30] = {{1.0000, 1.1479, 1.1753, 1.1798, 1.1775, 1.1730, 1.1680, 1.1630,
986 1.1581, 1.1536, 1.1493, 1.1454, 1.1417, 1.1383, 1.1351, 1.1321,
987 1.1293, 1.1266, 1.1242, 1.1218, 1.1196, 1.1175, 1.1155, 1.1136,
988 1.1119, 1.1101, 1.1085, 1.1070, 1.1055, 1.1040},
989 {4.0000, 3.0900, 2.6750, 2.4290, 2.2628, 2.1415, 2.0481, 1.9736,
990 1.9124, 1.8610, 1.8171, 1.7791, 1.7457, 1.7161, 1.6897, 1.6658,
991 1.6442, 1.6246, 1.6065, 1.5899, 1.5745, 1.5603, 1.5470, 1.5346,
992 1.5230, 1.5120, 1.5017, 1.4920, 1.4829, 1.4742},
993 {9.0000, 5.9146, 4.7184, 4.0628, 3.6410, 3.3436, 3.1209, 2.9468,
994 2.8063, 2.6902, 2.5922, 2.5082, 2.4352, 2.3711, 2.3143, 2.2635,
995 2.2178, 2.1764, 2.1386, 2.1040, 2.0722, 2.0428, 2.0155, 1.9901,
996 1.9665, 1.9443, 1.9235, 1.9040, 1.8855, 1.8681}};
998 if (nDoF < 1) {
999 return 0.0;
1000 }
1001 else {
1002 lNSig = TMath::Max(1,TMath::Min(nSig,3));
1004 if (nDoF <= 30) {
1005 return table[lNSig-1][nDoF-1];
1006 }
1007 else { // approximation
1008 return ((sn[lNSig-1]+TMath::Sqrt(float(2*nDoF-3)))*
1009 (sn[lNSig-1]+TMath::Sqrt(float(2*nDoF-3))))/float(2*nDoF-2);
1010 }
1011 }
1015Int_t AliMillePede2::SetIterations(double lChi2CutFac)
1017 // Number of iterations is calculated from lChi2CutFac
1018 fChi2CutFactor = TMath::Max(1.0, lChi2CutFac);
1019 //
1020 AliInfo(Form("Initial cut factor is %f",fChi2CutFactor));
1021 fIter = 1; // Initializes the iteration process
1022 return 1;
1026Double_t AliMillePede2::GetParError(int iPar) const
1028 // return error for parameter iPar
1029 if (fGloSolveStatus==gkInvert) {
de34b538 1030 double res = fMatCGlo->QueryDiag(iPar);
8a9ab0eb 1031 if (res>=0) return TMath::Sqrt(res);
1032 }
1033 return -1.;
1038Int_t AliMillePede2::PrintGlobalParameters() const
1040 /// Print the final results into the logfile
1041 double lError = 0.;
1042 double lGlobalCor =0.;
1044 AliInfo("");
1045 AliInfo(" Result of fit for global parameters");
1046 AliInfo(" ===================================");
1047 AliInfo(" I initial final differ lastcor error gcor Npnt");
1048 AliInfo("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
1049 //
1050 for (int i=0; i<fNGloPar; i++) {
1051 lError = GetParError(i);
1052 lGlobalCor = 0.0;
1053 //
1054 double dg;
de34b538 1055 if (fGloSolveStatus==gkInvert && TMath::Abs( (dg=fMatCGlo->QueryDiag(i)) *fDiagCGlo[i]) > 0) {
8a9ab0eb 1056 lGlobalCor = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(1.0-1.0/(dg*fDiagCGlo[i])));
1057 AliInfo(Form("%d\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %6d",
1058 i,fInitPar[i],fInitPar[i]+fDeltaPar[i],fDeltaPar[i],fVecBGlo[i],lError,lGlobalCor,fProcPnt[i]));
1059 }
1060 else {
1061 AliInfo(Form("%d\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %.6f\t %.6f\t OFF\t OFF\t %6d",i,fInitPar[i],fInitPar[i]+fDeltaPar[i],
1062 fDeltaPar[i],fVecBGlo[i],fProcPnt[i]));
1063 }
1064 }
1065 return 1;