]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliQAChecker.cxx
Additional information about the clusters assigned to MUON tracks, which is needed...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliQAChecker.cxx
421ab0fb 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16/* $Id: */
19// //
20// class for running the Quality Assurance Checker
21// //
4edbc5bc 24#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
25#include "AliCDBManager.h"
421ab0fb 26#include "AliLog.h"
27#include "AliModule.h"
2e42b4d4 28#include "AliQA.h"
29#include "AliQAChecker.h"
30#include "AliQACheckerBase.h"
421ab0fb 31
a5fa6165 32#include <TKey.h>
421ab0fb 33#include <TObjArray.h>
a5fa6165 34#include <TPluginManager.h>
35#include <TROOT.h>
421ab0fb 36#include <TStopwatch.h>
37#include <TString.h>
a5fa6165 38#include <TSystem.h>
a4976ef3 39#include <TList.h>
421ab0fb 40
2e42b4d4 41ClassImp(AliQAChecker)
42 AliQAChecker * AliQAChecker::fgQAChecker = 0x0 ;
421ab0fb 43
2e42b4d4 45AliQAChecker::AliQAChecker(const char* name, const char* title) :
421ab0fb 46 TNamed(name, title),
a5fa6165 47 fDataFile(0x0),
4edbc5bc 48 fRefFile(0x0),
a5fa6165 49 fFoundDetectors(".")
421ab0fb 50{
a5fa6165 51 // ctor: initialise checkers and open the data file
2e42b4d4 52 for (Int_t det = 0 ; det < AliQA::kNDET ; det++)
a5fa6165 53 fCheckers[det] = NULL ;
421ab0fb 54}
2e42b4d4 57AliQAChecker::AliQAChecker(const AliQAChecker& qac) :
421ab0fb 58 TNamed(qac),
a5fa6165 59 fDataFile(qac.fDataFile),
4edbc5bc 60 fRefFile(qac.fRefFile),
a5fa6165 61 fFoundDetectors(qac.fFoundDetectors)
421ab0fb 62{
a5fa6165 63 // copy constructor
2e42b4d4 65 for (Int_t det = 0 ; det < AliQA::kNDET ; det++)
a5fa6165 66 fCheckers[det] = NULL ;
421ab0fb 67}
2e42b4d4 70AliQAChecker& AliQAChecker::operator = (const AliQAChecker& qac)
421ab0fb 71{
72// assignment operator
2e42b4d4 74 this->~AliQAChecker();
75 new(this) AliQAChecker(qac);
421ab0fb 76 return *this;
2e42b4d4 80AliQAChecker::~AliQAChecker()
421ab0fb 81{
82// clean up
a4976ef3 83 delete [] fCheckers ;
8bea2de0 84 AliQA::Close() ;
421ab0fb 85}
2e42b4d4 88 AliQACheckerBase * AliQAChecker::GetDetQAChecker(Int_t det)
421ab0fb 89{
a5fa6165 90 // Gets the Quality Assurance checker for the detector specified by its name
92 if (fCheckers[det])
93 return fCheckers[det];
2e42b4d4 95 TString detName(AliQA::GetDetName(det)) ;
a5fa6165 96
97 AliInfo(Form("Retrieving QA checker for %s", detName.Data())) ;
98 TPluginManager* pluginManager = gROOT->GetPluginManager() ;
2e42b4d4 99 TString qacName = "Ali" + detName + "QAChecker" ;
a5fa6165 100
2e42b4d4 101 AliQACheckerBase * qac = NULL ;
a5fa6165 102 // first check if a plugin is defined for the quality assurance checker
2e42b4d4 103 TPluginHandler* pluginHandler = pluginManager->FindHandler("AliQAChecker", detName.Data());
a5fa6165 104 // if not, add a plugin for it
105 if (!pluginHandler) {
106 //AliInfo(Form("defining plugin for %s", qacName.Data()));
107 TString libs = gSystem->GetLibraries();
109 if (libs.Contains("lib" + detName + "base.so") || (gSystem->Load("lib" + detName + "base.so") >= 0))
2e42b4d4 110 pluginManager->AddHandler("AliQAChecker", detName, qacName, detName + "qac", qacName + "()");
a5fa6165 111 else
2e42b4d4 112 pluginManager->AddHandler("AliQAChecker", detName, qacName, detName, qacName + "()");
a5fa6165 113
2e42b4d4 114 pluginHandler = pluginManager->FindHandler("AliQAChecker", detName);
a5fa6165 115
116 if (pluginHandler && (pluginHandler->LoadPlugin() == 0))
2e42b4d4 117 qac = (AliQACheckerBase *) pluginHandler->ExecPlugin(0);
a5fa6165 118
119 if (qac)
120 fCheckers[det] = qac ;
421ab0fb 121 }
a5fa6165 122
123 return qac ;
f73f556a 128void AliQAChecker::GetRefSubDir(const char * det, const char * task, TDirectory *& dirFile, TObjArray *& dirOCDB)
a5fa6165 129{
130 // Opens and returns the file with the reference data
4edbc5bc 131
132 dirFile = NULL ;
133 dirOCDB = NULL ;
134 TString refStorage(AliQA::GetQARefStorage()) ;
135 refStorage += AliQA::GetQARefFileName() ;
136 if (refStorage.Contains(AliQA::GetLabLocalFile())) {
137 refStorage.ReplaceAll(AliQA::GetLabLocalFile(), "") ;
138 if ( fRefFile )
139 if ( fRefFile->IsOpen() )
140 fRefFile->Close() ;
141 fRefFile = TFile::Open(refStorage.Data()) ;
142 if (!fRefFile) {
143 AliError(Form("Cannot find reference file %s", refStorage.Data())) ;
144 dirFile = NULL ;
145 }
146 dirFile = fRefFile->GetDirectory(det) ;
147 if (!dirFile) {
148 AliWarning(Form("Directory %s not found in %d", det, refStorage.Data())) ;
149 } else {
150 dirFile = dirFile->GetDirectory(task) ;
151 if (!dirFile)
152 AliWarning(Form("Directory %s/%s not found in %s", det, task, refStorage.Data())) ;
153 }
154 } else if (refStorage.Contains(AliQA::GetLabLocalOCDB()) || refStorage.Contains(AliQA::GetLabAliEnOCDB())) {
155 AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance() ;
f73f556a 156 if ( ! man->IsDefaultStorageSet() ) {
157 man->SetDefaultStorage(AliQA::GetQARefDefaultStorage()) ;
158 man->SetSpecificStorage(Form("%s/*", AliQA::GetQAOCDBDirName()), AliQA::GetQARefStorage()) ;
159 }
4edbc5bc 160 char detOCDBDir[20] ;
f73f556a 161 sprintf(detOCDBDir, "%s/%s/%s", AliQA::GetQAOCDBDirName(), det, AliQA::GetRefOCDBDirName()) ;
162 AliCDBEntry * entry = man->Get(detOCDBDir, 0) ; //FIXME 0 --> RUN NUMBER
163 if (entry) {
164 TList * listDetQAD = dynamic_cast<TList *>(entry->GetObject()) ;
165 if ( listDetQAD )
166 dirOCDB = dynamic_cast<TObjArray *>(listDetQAD->FindObject(task)) ;
167 }
4edbc5bc 168 }
421ab0fb 169}
a4976ef3 171//_____________________________________________________________________________
2e42b4d4 172AliQAChecker * AliQAChecker::Instance()
a4976ef3 173{
174 // returns unique instance of the checker
175 if ( ! fgQAChecker )
2e42b4d4 176 fgQAChecker = new AliQAChecker() ;
a4976ef3 177 return fgQAChecker ;
421ab0fb 180//_____________________________________________________________________________
808b7099 181Bool_t AliQAChecker::Run(const char * fileName)
421ab0fb 182{
a5fa6165 183 // run the Quality Assurance Checker for all tasks Hits, SDigits, Digits, recpoints, tracksegments, recparticles and ESDs
a4976ef3 184 // starting from data in file
421ab0fb 185
186 Bool_t rv = kFALSE ;
a5fa6165 187
421ab0fb 188 TStopwatch stopwatch;
189 stopwatch.Start();
a5fa6165 191 //search for all detectors QA directories
8bea2de0 192 TList * detKeyList = AliQA::GetQADataFile(fileName)->GetListOfKeys() ;
a5fa6165 193 TIter nextd(detKeyList) ;
194 TKey * detKey ;
195 while ( (detKey = dynamic_cast<TKey *>(nextd()) ) ) {
196 AliInfo(Form("Found %s", detKey->GetName())) ;
197 //Check which detector
198 TString detName ;
199 TString detNameQA(detKey->GetName()) ;
200 Int_t det ;
2e42b4d4 201 for ( det = 0; det < AliQA::kNDET ; det++) {
202 detName = AliQA::GetDetName(det) ;
a5fa6165 203 if (detNameQA.Contains(detName)) {
204 fFoundDetectors+=detName ;
205 fFoundDetectors+="." ;
206 break ;
207 }
208 }
8bea2de0 209 TDirectory * detDir = AliQA::GetQADataFile(fileName)->GetDirectory(detKey->GetName()) ;
a5fa6165 210 TList * taskKeyList = detDir->GetListOfKeys() ;
211 TIter nextt(taskKeyList) ;
212 TKey * taskKey ;
213 // now search for the tasks dir
214 while ( (taskKey = static_cast<TKey *>(nextt()) ) ) {
215 TString taskName( taskKey->GetName() ) ;
216 AliInfo(Form("Found %s", taskName.Data())) ;
217 TDirectory * taskDir = detDir->GetDirectory(taskName.Data()) ;
218 taskDir->cd() ;
2e42b4d4 219 AliQACheckerBase * qac = GetDetQAChecker(det) ;
a5fa6165 220 if (qac)
a4976ef3 221 AliInfo(Form("QA checker found for %s", detName.Data())) ;
a5fa6165 222 if (!qac)
a4976ef3 223 AliFatal(Form("QA checker not found for %s", detName.Data())) ;
2e42b4d4 224 AliQA::ALITASK index = AliQA::kNULLTASK ;
225 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kHITS) )
226 index = AliQA::kSIM ;
227 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kSDIGITS) )
228 index = AliQA::kSIM ;
229 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kDIGITS) )
230 index = AliQA::kSIM ;
231 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kRECPOINTS) )
232 index = AliQA::kREC ;
233 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kTRACKSEGMENTS) )
234 index = AliQA::kREC ;
235 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kRECPARTICLES) )
236 index = AliQA::kREC ;
237 if ( taskName == AliQA::GetTaskName(AliQA::kESDS) )
238 index = AliQA::kESD ;
239 qac->Init(AliQA::DETECTORINDEX(det)) ;
10a28129 240
f73f556a 241 TDirectory * refDir = NULL ;
242 TObjArray * refOCDBDir = NULL ;
4edbc5bc 243 GetRefSubDir(detNameQA.Data(), taskName.Data(), refDir, refOCDBDir) ;
244 if ( refDir || refOCDBDir) {
245 qac->SetRefandData(refDir, refOCDBDir, taskDir) ;
246 qac->Run(index) ;
ac2bb64a 247 }
4edbc5bc 248 }
249 }
a5fa6165 250 AliInfo("QA performed for following detectors:") ;
2e42b4d4 251 for ( Int_t det = 0; det < AliQA::kNDET; det++) {
252 if (fFoundDetectors.Contains(AliQA::GetDetName(det))) {
253 printf("%s, ",AliQA::GetDetName(det)) ;
254 fFoundDetectors.ReplaceAll(AliQA::GetDetName(det), "") ;
a5fa6165 255 }
421ab0fb 256 }
a5fa6165 257 printf("\n") ;
258 rv = kTRUE ;
421ab0fb 259
a5fa6165 260 return rv ;
421ab0fb 262}
a4976ef3 264//_____________________________________________________________________________
4edbc5bc 265Bool_t AliQAChecker::Run(AliQA::DETECTORINDEX det, AliQA::TASKINDEX task, TObjArray * list)
a4976ef3 266{
267 // run the Quality Assurance Checker for detector det, for task task starting from data in list
2e42b4d4 269 AliQACheckerBase * qac = GetDetQAChecker(det) ;
a4976ef3 270 if (qac)
2e42b4d4 271 AliInfo(Form("QA checker found for %s", AliQA::GetDetName(det).Data())) ;
a4976ef3 272 if (!qac)
2e42b4d4 273 AliFatal(Form("QA checker not found for %s", AliQA::GetDetName(det).Data())) ;
a4976ef3 274
2e42b4d4 275 AliQA::ALITASK index = AliQA::kNULLTASK ;
276 if ( task == AliQA::kRAWS )
277 index = AliQA::kRAW ;
278 else if ( task == AliQA::kHITS )
279 index = AliQA::kSIM ;
280 else if ( task == AliQA::kSDIGITS )
281 index = AliQA::kSIM ;
282 else if ( task == AliQA::kDIGITS )
283 index = AliQA::kSIM ;
284 else if ( task == AliQA::kRECPOINTS )
285 index = AliQA::kREC ;
286 else if ( task == AliQA::kTRACKSEGMENTS )
287 index = AliQA::kREC ;
288 else if ( task == AliQA::kRECPARTICLES )
289 index = AliQA::kREC ;
290 else if ( task == AliQA::kESDS )
291 index = AliQA::kESD ;
4edbc5bc 292
f73f556a 293 TDirectory * refDir = NULL ;
294 TObjArray * refOCDBDir = NULL ;
4edbc5bc 295 GetRefSubDir(AliQA::GetDetName(det), AliQA::GetTaskName(task), refDir, refOCDBDir) ;
296 if ( refDir || refOCDBDir) {
297 qac->Init(det) ;
298 qac->SetRefandData(refDir, refOCDBDir) ;
299 qac->Run(index, list) ;
10a28129 300 }
a4976ef3 301 return kTRUE ;
421ab0fb 305