]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliRelAlignerKalman.h
Updated version (Mikolaj)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliRelAlignerKalman.h
4/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
9// Relative alignment of two tracking volumes (default ITS and TPC)
10// (see AliRelAlignerKalman.cxx for details)
12// Origin: Mikolaj Krzewicki, Nikhef, Mikolaj.Krzewicki@cern.ch
16#include <iostream>
044eb03e 17#include <TObject.h>
782e5230 18#include <TMath.h>
19#include <TMatrix.h>
20#include <TVector.h>
21#include <TVector3.h>
22#include <TDecompLU.h>
23#include <TArrayI.h>
24#include <TH1D.h>
25#include <TF1.h>
043badeb 26
27#include "AliESDtrack.h"
28#include "AliTrackPointArray.h"
29#include "AliGeomManager.h"
30#include "AliTrackFitterKalman.h"
31#include "AliTrackFitterRieman.h"
32#include "AliESDfriendTrack.h"
33#include "AliESDEvent.h"
34#include "AliESDVertex.h"
044eb03e 35#include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
043badeb 36
044eb03e 37class AliRelAlignerKalman : public TObject {
043badeb 38
40 AliRelAlignerKalman();
044eb03e 41 virtual ~AliRelAlignerKalman();
42 AliRelAlignerKalman& operator= (const AliRelAlignerKalman& a );
43 AliRelAlignerKalman(const AliRelAlignerKalman& a);
043badeb 44
45 //User methods:
46 Bool_t AddESDTrack( AliESDtrack* pTrack );
043badeb 47 Bool_t AddCosmicEventSeparateTracking( AliESDEvent* pEvent );
044eb03e 49 void Print(Option_t* option="") const;
043badeb 50
c3b5bfc1 51 Double_t GetPsi() {return (*fPX)(0);}
52 Double_t GetTheta() {return (*fPX)(1);}
53 Double_t GetPhi() {return (*fPX)(2);}
54 Double_t GetX() {return (*fPX)(3);}
55 Double_t GetY() {return (*fPX)(4);}
56 Double_t GetZ() {return (*fPX)(5);}
57 Double_t GetTPCdriftCorr() {return (*fPX)(6);}
58 Double_t GetTPCoffset() {return (*fPX)(7);}
59 Double_t GetPsiErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(0,0));}
60 Double_t GetThetaErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(1,1));}
61 Double_t GetPhiErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(2,2));}
62 Double_t GetXErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(3,3));}
63 Double_t GetYErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(4,4));}
64 Double_t GetZErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(5,5));}
65 Double_t GetTPCdriftCorrErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(6,6));}
66 Double_t GetTPCoffsetErr() {return TMath::Sqrt((*fPXcov)(7,7));}
043badeb 67 void GetMeasurement( TVectorD& mes ) { mes = *fPMeasurement; }
044eb03e 68 void GetMeasurementCov( TMatrixDSym& cov ) { cov = *fPMeasurementCov; }
043badeb 69 void GetState( TVectorD& state ) { state = *fPX; }
70 void GetStateCov ( TMatrixDSym& cov ) { cov = *fPXcov; }
71 void GetSeed( TVectorD& seed, TMatrixDSym& seedCov ) { seed = *fPX; seedCov = *fPXcov; }
043badeb 72 void SetMeasurement( const TVectorD& mes ) {*fPMeasurement = mes;}
044eb03e 73 void SetMeasurementCov( const TMatrixDSym& cov ) {*fPMeasurementCov = cov;}
043badeb 74 void SetState( const TVectorD& param ) {*fPX = param;}
75 void SetStateCov (const TMatrixDSym& cov ) {*fPXcov = cov;}
76 void SetSeed( const TVectorD& seed, const TMatrixDSym& seedCov ) {*fPX = seed; *fPXcov = seedCov; }
044eb03e 77
78 //Expert methods:
c3b5bfc1 79 Bool_t FindCosmicTrackletNumbersInEvent( TArrayI& outITStracksTArr, TArrayI& outTPCtracksTArr, const AliESDEvent* pEvent );
043badeb 80 Bool_t PrepareUpdate();
81 Bool_t Update();
044eb03e 82 void SetRefSurface( const Double_t x, const Double_t alpha );
043badeb 83 void PrintDebugInfo();
044eb03e 84 void PrintCorrelationMatrix();
85 void PrintCovarianceCorrection();
86 void PrintSystemMatrix();
c3b5bfc1 87 void ResetCovariance( const Double_t number=0. );
044eb03e 88 Double_t* GetStateArr() { return fPX->GetMatrixArray(); }
89 Double_t* GetStateCovArr() { return fPXcov->GetMatrixArray(); }
90 Double_t* GetMeasurementArr() { return fPMeasurement->GetMatrixArray(); }
91 Double_t* GetMeasurementCovArr() { return fPMeasurementCov->GetMatrixArray(); }
92 Double_t* GetDeltaArr() {return fDelta;}
93 TH1D* GetMes0Hist() {return fPMes0Hist;}
94 TH1D* GetMes1Hist() {return fPMes1Hist;}
95 TH1D* GetMes2Hist() {return fPMes2Hist;}
96 TH1D* GetMes3Hist() {return fPMes3Hist;}
97 TH1D* GetMesErr0Hist() {return fPMesErr0Hist;}
98 TH1D* GetMesErr1Hist() {return fPMesErr1Hist;}
99 TH1D* GetMesErr2Hist() {return fPMesErr2Hist;}
100 TH1D* GetMesErr3Hist() {return fPMesErr3Hist;}
101 Bool_t SetCalibrationMode( Bool_t cp=kTRUE );
102 void SetApplyCovarianceCorrection( const Bool_t s=kTRUE ) {fApplyCovarianceCorrection = s;}
103 void SetOutRejSigma( const Double_t a=2. ) { fOutRejSigmas = a; }
104 void SetRejectOutliers( const Bool_t r=kTRUE ) {fRejectOutliers = r;}
105 void SetCovarianceCorrection( const TMatrixDSym& c ) {*fPMeasurementCovCorr = c;}
106 void GetCovarianceCorrection( TMatrixDSym& c ) {c=*fPMeasurementCovCorr;}
107 void SetTrackParams1( const AliExternalTrackParam* exparam );
108 void SetTrackParams2( const AliExternalTrackParam* exparam );
c3b5bfc1 109 void SetMinPointsVol1( const Int_t min ) {fMinPointsVol1=min;}
110 void SetMinPointsVol2( const Int_t min ) {fMinPointsVol2=min;}
111 void SetRequireMatchInTPC( const Bool_t s=kTRUE ) {fRequireMatchInTPC = s;}
112 void SetNHistogramBins( const Int_t n ) {fNHistogramBins = n;}
044eb03e 113 void SetQ( const Double_t Q = 1e-10 ) { fQ = Q; }
c3b5bfc1 114 void SetMaxMatchingDistance( const Double_t m ) {fMaxMatchingDistance=m;}
115 void SetMaxMatchingAngle( const Double_t m ) {fMaxMatchingAngle=m;}
044eb03e 116 static Bool_t MisalignTrack( AliExternalTrackParam* tr, const TVectorD& misalignment );
117 static void Angles( TVectorD &angles, const TMatrixD &rotmat );
118 static void RotMat( TMatrixD& R, const TVectorD& angles );
119 static void TMatrixDSym_from_TMatrixD( TMatrixDSym& matsym, const TMatrixD& mat );
043badeb 120
044eb03e 122 Bool_t UpdateCalibration();
043badeb 123 Bool_t UpdateEstimateKalman();
044eb03e 124 Bool_t PrepareMeasurement();
125 Bool_t PrepareSystemMatrix();
043badeb 126 Bool_t PredictMeasurement( TVectorD& z, const TVectorD& x );
044eb03e 127 Bool_t IsOutlier( const TVectorD& update, const TMatrixDSym& covmatrix );
128 Bool_t CalculateCovarianceCorrection();
043badeb 129
044eb03e 131 static const Int_t fgkNMeasurementParams = 4; //how many measurables
132 static const Int_t fgkNSystemParams = 8; //how many fit parameters
043badeb 133
044eb03e 134 //Track parameters
135 Double_t fAlpha; //rotation angle between the local and global coordinate system like in AliExternalTrackParam
136 Double_t fLocalX; //local x coordinate of reference plane = r(global)
137 const AliExternalTrackParam* fPTrackParam1; //local track parameters (theta,phi,y,z)
138 const AliExternalTrackParam* fPTrackParam2; //local track parameters
043badeb 140 //Kalman filter related stuff
043badeb 141 TVectorD* fPX; //System (fit) parameters (phi, theta, psi, x, y, z, driftcorr, driftoffset )
142 TMatrixDSym* fPXcov; //covariance matrix of system parameters
043badeb 143 TMatrixD* fPH; //System measurement matrix
144 Double_t fQ; //measure for system noise
043badeb 145 TVectorD* fPMeasurement; //the measurement vec for Kalman filter (theta,phi,x,z)
146 TMatrixDSym* fPMeasurementCov; //measurement vec cvariance
043badeb 147 Double_t fOutRejSigmas; //number of sigmas for outlier rejection
044eb03e 148 Double_t fDelta[fgkNSystemParams]; //array with differentials for calculating derivatives for every parameter(see PrepareSystemMatrix())
150 //Control
151 Bool_t fRejectOutliers; //whether to do outlier rejection in the Kalman filter
152 Bool_t fCalibrationMode; //are we running in calibration mode?
153 Bool_t fFillHistograms; //whether to fill the histograms with residuals
c3b5bfc1 154 Bool_t fRequireMatchInTPC; //when looking for a cosmic in event, require that TPC has 2 matching segments
044eb03e 155 Bool_t fApplyCovarianceCorrection; //add the correction to the covariance of measurement
043badeb 156 Bool_t fCuts; //track cuts?
043badeb 157 Int_t fMinPointsVol1; //mininum number of points in volume 1
158 Int_t fMinPointsVol2; //mininum number of points in volume 2
159 Double_t fMinMom; //min momentum of track for track cuts
160 Double_t fMaxMom; //max momentum of track for track cuts
043badeb 161 Double_t fMaxMatchingAngle; //cuts
162 Double_t fMaxMatchingDistance; //cuts
782e5230 163
044eb03e 164 //Counters
165 Int_t fNTracks; //number of processed tracks
166 Int_t fNUpdates; //number of successful Kalman updates
167 Int_t fNOutliers; //number of outliers
168 Int_t fNMatchedCosmics; //number of cosmic events with matching tracklets
c3b5bfc1 169 Int_t fNMatchedTPCtracklets;
044eb03e 170 Int_t fNProcessedEvents; //number of processed events
172 //Calibration histograms
c3b5bfc1 173 Int_t fNHistogramBins; //how many bins in control histograms
044eb03e 174 TH1D* fPMes0Hist; //histo of x measurement
175 TH1D* fPMes1Hist; //histo of y measurement
176 TH1D* fPMes2Hist; //histo of phi measurement
177 TH1D* fPMes3Hist; //histo of theta measurement
178 TH1D* fPMesErr0Hist; //histogram of the covariance of a fit parameter, used in calibration
179 TH1D* fPMesErr1Hist; //histogram of the covariance of a fit parameter, used in calibration
180 TH1D* fPMesErr2Hist; //histogram of the covariance of a fit parameter, used in calibration
181 TH1D* fPMesErr3Hist; //histogram of the covariance of a fit parameter, used in calibration
182 TMatrixDSym* fPMeasurementCovCorr; //correction to be added to the measurement covariance
043badeb 183
184 ClassDef(AliRelAlignerKalman,1) //AliRelAlignerKalman class
044eb03e 188