]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliSplineFit.h
Patch to avoid the static initialization order fiasco (Laurent)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliSplineFit.h
0dd3a2ac 1#ifndef ALISPLINEFIT_H
3/* Copyright(c) 2006-07, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6#include "TGraph.h"
7#include "TGraphSmooth.h"
8#include "TRandom.h"
9#include "TSpline.h"
10#include "TLinearFitter.h"
11#include "TDecompSVD.h"
12#include "TDecompSparse.h"
13#include "TMatrixDSparse.h"
14#include "TF1.h"
15#include "TH1F.h"
16#include "TObject.h"
17#include "TClonesArray.h"
19#include "TTreeStream.h"
21class AliSplineFit : public TObject {
22 public:
23 AliSplineFit();
24 AliSplineFit(const AliSplineFit&);
25 ~AliSplineFit();
26 AliSplineFit& operator=(const AliSplineFit&);
27 Double_t Eval(Double_t x, Int_t deriv=0) const;
28 void InitKnots(TGraph * graph, Int_t min, Int_t iter, Double_t maxDelta);
29 void MakeKnots0(TGraph * graph, Double_t maxdelta, Int_t minpoints);
30 void SplineFit(Int_t nder);
31 void MakeSmooth(TGraph * graph, Float_t ratio, char * type);
32 void Update(TSpline3 *spline, Int_t nknots);
33 Int_t GetKnots() const {return fN;}
34 Double_t* GetX() const {return fX;}
35 Double_t* GetY0() const {return fY0;}
36 Double_t* GetY1() const {return fY1;}
37 //
38 // Test functions
39 //
40 TGraph * MakeGraph(Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Int_t npoints, Int_t deriv=0) const ;
41 TGraph * MakeDiff(TGraph * graph) const ;
42 TH1F * MakeDiffHisto(TGraph * graph) const;
43 //
44 static void Test(Int_t npoints=2000, Int_t ntracks=100, Float_t snoise=0.05);
45 //
46 static TGraph * GenerGraph(Int_t npoints, Double_t fraction, Double_t s1, Double_t s2, Double_t s3, Int_t der=0);
47 static TGraph * GenerNoise(TGraph * graph0, Double_t s0);
49 protected:
51 //
52 // working parameters for spline fit
53 //
54 Int_t OptimizeKnots(Int_t nIter);
55 Float_t CheckKnot(Int_t iKnot);
56 Bool_t RefitKnot(Int_t iKnot);
57 //
58 Bool_t fBDump; // dump debug information flag
59 TGraph *fGraph; //! initial graph
60 Int_t fNmin; // number of points per one knot in iteration 0
61 Double_t fSigma; // locally estimated sigma
62 Double_t fMaxDelta;// maximal deviation of the spline fit
63 Int_t fN0; // number of knots in iteration 0
64 TClonesArray *fParams; // object array of parameters in knots
65 TClonesArray *fCovars; // object array of covariance in knots
66 Int_t *fIndex; // [fN0] index of point corresponding to knot
86780bf9 67 static TLinearFitter* fitterStatic(); // static fitter to save processing time
0dd3a2ac 68 //
69 //
70 //
71 Int_t fN; // number of knots after compression
72 Double_t fChi2; // chi2 per degree of freedom
73 Double_t *fX; // [fN] - xknot value
74 Double_t *fY0; // [fN] - y value at X
75 Double_t *fY1; // [fN] - y derivative value at X
76 Double_t *fChi2I; // [fN] - chi2 on interval
77 ClassDef(AliSplineFit, 0);