]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliTrackMapper.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliTrackMapper.cxx
f0a0d075 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
acd84897 16/* $Id$ */
f0a0d075 17
20// AliTrackMapper.cxx
21// description:
22// create an AliTrackMap - a relation between track label and
23// it's index in TreeH. Check all branches with hits.
24// Output is in the root file.
b16a1b1e 28#include <Riostream.h>
f0a0d075 29
0742d588 30#include "TError.h"
f0a0d075 31#include "TFile.h"
f0a0d075 32#include "TStopwatch.h"
0742d588 33#include "TTree.h"
f0a0d075 34
35#include "AliDetector.h"
0742d588 36#include "AliHit.h"
37#include "AliLoader.h"
f0a0d075 38#include "AliRun.h"
88cb7938 39#include "AliRunLoader.h"
0742d588 40#include "AliTrackMap.h"
41#include "AliTrackMapper.h"
f0a0d075 42
e2afb3b6 45//_______________________________________________________________________
47 fDEBUG(0)
49 //
50 // Default ctor
51 //
f0a0d075 56void AliTrackMapper::CreateMap(Int_t nEvents, Int_t firstEventNr,
e2afb3b6 57 const char* fnMap, const char* fnHits)
f0a0d075 58{
e2afb3b6 59 //
60 // method to create a track map for a given number of events starting
61 // from event firstEventNr. This method just opens and closes files and
62 // loops over events, the creation of map is delegated to
63 // CreateMap(Int_t eventNr, TFile* fileMap) method
64 //
f0a0d075 65 TStopwatch timer;
66 timer.Start();
68 TFile *fileMap=TFile::Open(fnMap,"new");
69 if (!fileMap->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open output file "<<fnMap<<"!\n"; return;}
88cb7938 70
71 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fnHits);
72 if (rl == 0x0) {cerr<<"Can't open input file "<<fnHits<<"!\n"; return;}
73 if (rl->LoadgAlice())
74 {
75 ::Error("AliTrackMapper::CreateMap","Error occured while loading AliRun");
76 return;
77 }
79 if (!(gAlice=rl->GetAliRun())) {
80 cerr<<"gAlice have not been found on session !\n";
f0a0d075 81 return;
82 }
e2afb3b6 83
88cb7938 84 rl->LoadKinematics();
f0a0d075 86 for (Int_t eventNr = firstEventNr; eventNr < firstEventNr+nEvents;
87 eventNr++) {
88cb7938 88 CreateMap(eventNr,fileMap,rl);
f0a0d075 89 } // end loop over events
e2afb3b6 90
88cb7938 91 delete rl;
f0a0d075 92 fileMap->Close();
93 delete fileMap;
94 timer.Stop();
95 if (fDEBUG > 0) timer.Print();
e2afb3b6 98//_______________________________________________________________________
88cb7938 99Int_t AliTrackMapper::CreateMap(Int_t eventNr, TFile* fileMap,AliRunLoader* rl)
e2afb3b6 100{
101 //
102 // create an AliTrackMap for a given event
103 // correct gAlice must be already present in memory
104 //
f0a0d075 105
88cb7938 106 rl->GetEvent(eventNr);
108 TTree *treeK = rl->TreeK();
f0a0d075 109 if (!treeK) {
110 cerr<<"Error: Event "<<eventNr<<", treeK not found."<<endl;
111 return -1;
112 }
113 Int_t nAllParticles = static_cast<Int_t>(treeK->GetEntries());
114 Int_t *trackMap = new Int_t[nAllParticles];
115 for (Int_t i = 0; i<nAllParticles; i++) {trackMap[i] = kNoEntry;}
f0a0d075 117
f0a0d075 118 TObjArray *modules = gAlice->Detectors();
119 if (!modules) {
120 cerr<<"TObjArray with modules not found."<<endl;
121 return -1;
122 }
123 Int_t nModules = static_cast<Int_t>(modules->GetEntries());
5c7406fa 124 AliHit* hit;
88cb7938 125 for (Int_t iModule = 0; iModule < nModules; iModule++)
126 {
127 AliDetector * detector = dynamic_cast<AliDetector*>(modules->At(iModule));
128 if (!detector) continue;
129 AliLoader* loader = detector->GetLoader();
130 if (loader == 0x0)
131 {
132 ::Warning("AliTrackMapper::CreateMap",
133 "Can not get loader from detector %s.",detector->GetName());
134 continue;
135 }
136 Int_t retval = loader->LoadHits();
137 if (retval) {
138 ::Error("AliTrackMapper::CreateMap",
139 "Event %d: error occured while loading hits for %s",
140 eventNr,detector->GetName());
141 return -1;
142 }
144 TTree *treeH = loader->TreeH();
145 if (!treeH) {
146 ::Error("AliTrackMapper::CreateMap","Event %d: Can not get TreeH for %s",
147 eventNr,detector->GetName());
148 return -1;
149 }
150 Int_t treeHEntries = static_cast<Int_t>(treeH->GetEntries());
151 if (fDEBUG > 1) cout<<"treeHEntries "<<treeHEntries<<endl;
153 detector->ResetHits();
155 for (Int_t treeHIndex = 0; treeHIndex < treeHEntries; treeHIndex++)
156 { // process only detectors with shunt = 0
157 treeH->GetEvent(treeHIndex);
5c7406fa 158 if (detector->GetIshunt()) continue;
f0a0d075 159
e2afb3b6 160 hit=dynamic_cast<AliHit*>(detector->FirstHit(-1));
f0a0d075 161 Int_t lastLabel=-1, label;
e2afb3b6 162 for( ; hit; hit=dynamic_cast<AliHit*>(detector->NextHit()) ) {
88cb7938 163 label=hit->Track();
164 if (lastLabel != label) {
165 if (label < 0 || label >= nAllParticles) {
166 cerr<<"Error: label out of range. ";
167 cerr<<"Event "<<eventNr<<" treeHIndex "<<treeHIndex<<" label = "<<label<<endl;
168 return -2;
169 }
170 if (trackMap[label] >=0 && trackMap[label] != treeHIndex) {
171 cerr<<"Error: different treeHIndex for label "<<label
172 <<" indeces: "<<trackMap[label]<<" != "<<treeHIndex;
173 cerr<<" event "<<eventNr<<" detector "<<detector->GetName()<<endl;
174 return -3;
175 }
176 trackMap[label] = treeHIndex;
177 if (fDEBUG > 2) cout<<"treeHIndex, label = "<<treeHIndex<<" "<<label<<endl;
178 lastLabel = label;
179 }
f0a0d075 180 }
88cb7938 181 }//loop over hits in module
182 loader->UnloadHits();
183 }//loop over modules
f0a0d075 184
5c7406fa 185 if (fDEBUG > 2) {
f0a0d075 186 for (Int_t i = 0; i < nAllParticles; i++) {
187 cout<<eventNr<<"\t"<<i<<"\t"<<trackMap[i]<<endl;
188 }
189 }
190 fileMap->cd();
191 AliTrackMap* trackMapObject = new AliTrackMap(nAllParticles, trackMap);
192 trackMapObject->SetEventNr(eventNr);
193 trackMapObject->Write();
194 delete trackMapObject;
196 delete [] trackMap;
197 return 0;
e2afb3b6 200//_______________________________________________________________________
f0a0d075 201AliTrackMap* AliTrackMapper::LoadTrackMap(Int_t eventNr, const char* fnMap, TFile* &fileMap) {
e2afb3b6 202 //
203 // read an AliTrackMap object for the given event eventNr from
204 // the file fileMap
205 //
f0a0d075 206 fileMap=TFile::Open(fnMap);
207 if (!fileMap->IsOpen()) {cerr<<"Can't open file "<<fnMap<<" with map!\n"; return 0;}
208 char mapName[20];
209 sprintf(mapName,"AliTrackMap_%5.5d",eventNr);
e2afb3b6 210 AliTrackMap* trackMapObject = dynamic_cast<AliTrackMap*>(fileMap->Get(mapName));
f0a0d075 211 if (!trackMapObject) {
212 cerr<<"Error: map named "<<mapName<<" not found."<<endl;
213 return 0;
214 }
215 return trackMapObject;
e2afb3b6 217
f0a0d075 219void AliTrackMapper::CheckTrackMap(Int_t eventNr, const char* fnMap) {
e2afb3b6 220 //
221 //
222 //
f0a0d075 223 TFile *fileMap;
224 AliTrackMap* trackMapObject = LoadTrackMap(eventNr, fnMap, fileMap);
225 if (!trackMapObject) return;
e2afb3b6 226
f0a0d075 227 trackMapObject->PrintValues();
e2afb3b6 228
f0a0d075 229 delete trackMapObject;
230 fileMap->Close();
231 delete fileMap;
f0a0d075 233