]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/ReadESDfriend.C
Pass run related information (beam energy, type, mag. field)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / ReadESDfriend.C
6bc5f287 1//********************************************************************
2// Example of accessing the information stored in ESD friends
3// Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
6#if !defined( __CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
7 #include <Riostream.h>
8 #include <TFile.h>
500d54ab 9 #include <TChain.h>
6bc5f287 10
bd23a74c 11 #include "AliESDEvent.h"
6bc5f287 12 #include "AliESDfriend.h"
500d54ab 13 #include "AliTrackPointArray.h"
6bc5f287 14#endif
16void ReadESDfriend(Bool_t readFriend=kTRUE) {
500d54ab 17 Char_t *name[]={
18 //Put here the names of the ESD files to be chained
19 "AliESDs.root"
20 };
21 Int_t n=sizeof(name)/sizeof(Char_t *);
22 TChain *esdTree=new TChain("esdTree");
23 for (Int_t i=0; i<n; i++) esdTree->AddFile(name[i]);
bd23a74c 25 AliESDEvent *ev= new AliESDEvent();
1ada4d26 26 if(readFriend)esdTree->SetBranchStatus("ESDfriend*",1);
bd23a74c 27 ev->ReadFromTree(esdTree);
6bc5f287 28
500d54ab 29 // Attach the branch with ESD friends
6bc5f287 30 AliESDfriend *evf=0;
31 if (readFriend) {
1ada4d26 32 evf = (AliESDfriend*)ev->FindListObject("AliESDfriend");
33 if(!evf){
34 // works for both, we just want to avoid setting the branch adress twice
35 // in case of the new ESD
36 esdTree->SetBranchAddress("ESDfriend.",&evf);
37 }
6bc5f287 38 }
40 Int_t nev=esdTree->GetEntries();
41 for (Int_t i=0; i<nev; i++) {
6bc5f287 42 esdTree->GetEntry(i);
1ada4d26 43 if(ev->GetAliESDOld())ev->CopyFromOldESD();
bd23a74c 44
45 cout<<endl<<"Event number: "<<i<<endl;
46 Int_t ntr=ev->GetNumberOfTracks();
47 cout<<"Number of tracks: "<<ntr<<endl;
48 // Now the attached information can be accessed via pointer to ESD.
49 // Example: indices of the TPC clusters associated with the track number 0.
50 if (ntr > 0) {
51 ev->SetESDfriend(evf); //Attach the friend to the ESD
1ada4d26 52 const AliESDtrack *t=ev->GetTrack(0);
53 Int_t idx[AliESDfriendTrack::kMaxTPCcluster];
54 n=t->GetTPCclusters(idx);
55 cout<<"Number of friend tracks: "<<evf->GetNumberOfTracks() <<endl;
56 cout<<"Track number 0"<<endl;
57 cout<<" Number of TPC clusters: "<<n<<endl;
58 cout<<" Index of the 1st TPC cluster: " <<idx[1]<<endl;
59 UChar_t map=t->GetITSClusterMap();
60 cout<<" ITS cluster map (from SPDs to SSDs):\n";
8af90484 61 for (Int_t k=0; k<6; k++) printf(" Bit %d: %d\n",k,(map&(1<<k))==(1<<k)) <<' ';
1ada4d26 62
63 // Example: track points associated with the track number 0.
64 const AliTrackPointArray *pa=t->GetTrackPointArray();
65 if (pa != 0) {
66 n=pa->GetNPoints();
67 const Float_t *x=pa->GetX();
68 cout<<" Number of track points: "<<n<<endl;
69 if (n>7)
9fd6b54e 70 cout<<" X coordinate of the 7th track point: "<<x[7]<<endl;
1ada4d26 71 }
9fd6b54e 73 }
bd23a74c 74
6bc5f287 75 }
bd23a74c 76 delete ev;
6bc5f287 77 delete esdTree;