]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TAmpt/AMPT/amptsetdef.f
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TAmpt / AMPT / amptsetdef.f
3cgsfs added following line to match C++ call
4 double precision xmp, xmu, alpha, rscut2, cutof2
5 double precision smearp,smearh,dpcoal,drcoal,ecritl
6 character*25 amptvn
8 COMMON /HPARNT/HIPR1(100), IHPR2(50), HINT1(100), IHNT2(50)
9 COMMON/LUDAT1A/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200)
10 COMMON /ARPRNT/ ARPAR1(100), IAPAR2(50), ARINT1(100), IAINT2(50)
13 COMMON /smearz/smearp,smearh
15 common/anim/nevent,isoft,isflag,izpc
16c parton coalescence radii in case of string melting:
17 common /coal/dpcoal,drcoal,ecritl
18 common/snn/efrm,npart1,npart2
19c initialization value for parton cascade:
20 common /para2/ xmp, xmu, alpha, rscut2, cutof2
21 common /para7/ ioscar,nsmbbbar,nsmmeson
22 common /para8/ idpert,npertd,idxsec
23 common /rndm3/ iseedp
24c initialization value for hadron cascade:
29 common/oscar1/iap,izp,iat,izt
30 common/oscar2/FRAME,amptvn
05cdcf94 31 common/resdcy/NSAV,iksdcy,ikstardcy
0119ef9a 32clin-6/2009:
33c common/phidcy/iphidcy
34 common/phidcy/iphidcy,pttrig,ntrig,maxmiss
35 common/embed/iembed,pxqembd,pyqembd,xembd,yembd
36 common/popcorn/ipop
42c flag to select default AMPT or string melting:
63929975 43 isoft = 4 ! ISOFT (D=1): select Default AMPT or String Melting(see below)
0119ef9a 44c read initialization value for hadron cascade:
45 NTMAX = 150 ! NTMAX: number of timesteps (D=150), see below
46 DT = 0.2 ! DT: timestep in fm (hadron cascade time= DT*NTMAX) (D=0.2)
47c parj(41) and (42) are a and b parameters in Lund string fragmentation:
a004b331 48 PARJ(41) = 0.5 ! PARJ(41): parameter a in Lund symmetric splitting function
49 PARJ(42) = 0.9 ! PARJ(42): parameter b in Lund symmetric splitting function
0119ef9a 50c IHPR2(11)=3 (or 2) allows the popcorn mechanism in PYTHIA and
51c increase the net-baryon stopping in rapidity (value HIJING is 1):
52 ipop = 1 ! (D=1,yes;0,no) flag for popcorn mechanism(netbaryon stopping)
53c PARJ(5) controls the fraction of BMBbar vs BBbar in popcorn:
54 PARJ(5) = 1.0 ! PARJ(5) to control BMBbar vs BBbar in popcorn (D=1.0)
55c shadowing flag in HIJING:
56 IHPR2(6) = 1 ! shadowing flag (Default=1,yes; 0,no)
57c quenching flag in HIJING:
58 IHPR2(4) = 0 ! quenching flag (D=0,no; 1,yes)
59c quenching rate when quenching flag is on (=1.0 GeV/fm):
60 HIPR1(14) = 2.0 ! quenching parameter -dE/dx (GeV/fm) in case quenching flag=1
61c Minimum pt of hard or semihard scatterings in HIJING: D=2.0 GeV.
62 HIPR1(8) = 2.0 ! p0 cutoff in HIJING for minijet productions (D=2.0)
63c read initialization value for parton cascade:
64 xmu = 3.2264d0 ! parton screening mass in fm^(-1) (D=3.2264d0), see below
65 izpc = 0 ! IZPC: (D=0 forward-angle parton scatterings; 100,isotropic)
a004b331 66 alpha = 0.3333d0 ! alpha in parton cascade
0119ef9a 67c quark coalescence radii in momentum and space for string melting:
68 dpcoal = 1d6 ! dpcoal in GeV
69 drcoal = 1d6 ! drcoal in fm
70c flag: read in HIJING random # seed at runtime(1) or from input.ampt(D=0):
48beeea0 71 ihjsed = 11 ! ihjsed: take HIJING seed from below (D=0)or at runtime(11)
0119ef9a 72c 2 seeds for random number generators in HIJING/hadron cascade and ZPC:
73 nseed = 53153511 ! random seed for HIJING
74 iseedp = 8 ! random seed for parton cascade
75 iksdcy = 0 ! flag for Ks0 weak decays (D=0,no; 1,yes)
05cdcf94 76 ikstardcy = 0 ! flag for K* weak decays (D=0,no; 1,yes)
63929975 77 iphidcy = 0 ! flag for phi decays at end of hadron cascade (D=1,yes; 0,no)
0119ef9a 78c flag for OSCAR output for final partons and hadrons:
79 ioscar = 0 ! optional OSCAR output (D=0,no; 1,yes; 2&3,more parton info)
80clin-5/2008 flag for perturbative treatment of deuterons:
81 idpert = 0 ! flag for perturbative deuteron calculation (D=0,no; 1or2,yes)
82 npertd = 1 ! integer factor for perturbative deuterons(>=1 & <=10000)
83 idxsec = 1 ! choice of cross section assumptions for deuteron reactions
84clin-6/2009 To select events that have at least 1 high-Pt minijet parton:
85 pttrig = -7. ! Pt in GeV: generate events with >=1 minijet above this value
86 maxmiss = 1000 ! maxmiss (D=1000): maximum # of tries to repeat a HIJING event
87 IHPR2(2) = 3 ! flag to turn off initial and final state radiation (D=3)
88 IHPR2(5) = 1 ! flag to turn off Kt kick (D=1)
89clin-6/2009 To embed a back-to-back q/qbar pair into each event:
90 iembed = 0 ! flag to turn on quark pair embedding (D=0,no; 1to4:yes)
91 pxqembd = 7. ! Initial Px and Py values (GeV) of the embedded quark (u or d)
92 pyqembd = 0.
93 xembd = 0. ! Initial x & y values (fm) of the embedded back-to-back q/qbar
94 yembd = 0.
95 nsembd = 1 ! nsembd(D=0), psembd (in GeV),tmaxembd (in radian).
96 psembd = 5.
97 tmaxembd = 0.
98clin-7/2009 Allow modification of nuclear shadowing:
99 ishadow = 0 ! Flag to enable users to modify shadowing (D=0,no; 1,yes)
100 dshadow = 1.d0 ! Factor used to modify nuclear shadowing
103 END
105c$$$%%%%%%%%%% Further explanations:
106c$$$ISOFT: 1 Default,
107c$$$ 4 String Melting.
108c$$$PARJ(41) & (42): 2.2 & 0.5/GeV^2 used for heavy ion (Au+Au, Pb+Pb) collisions,
109c$$$ while the HIJING values (0.5 & 0.9/GeV^2) describe well
110c$$$ Nch in pp collisions and are used for d-Au collisions.
111c$$$NTMAX: number of time-steps for hadron cascade.
112c$$$ Use a large value (e.g. 1000) for HBT studies in heavy ion collisions.
113c$$$ Using NTMAX=3 effectively turns off hadronic cascade.
114c$$$parton screening mass (in 1/fm): its square is inversely proportional to
115c$$$ the parton cross section. Use D=3.2264d0 for 3mb cross section,
116c$$$ and 2.2814d0 for 6mb. Using 1d4 effectively turns off parton cascade.
117c$$$ihjsed: if =11, take HIJING random seed at runtime so that
118c$$$ every run may be automatically different (see file 'exec').
119c$$$iksdcy: flag for Ks0 weak decays for comparison with data.
05cdcf94 120c$$$ikstardcy: flag for K* weak decays for comparison with data.
0119ef9a 121c$$$iphidcy: flag for phi meson decays at the end of hadron cascade for comparison
122c$$$ with data; default is yes; use 0 to turn off these decays.
123c$$$ Note: phi meson decay during hadron cascade is always enabled.
124c$$$ioscar: 0 Dafault,
125c$$$ 1 Write output in the OSCAR format,
126c$$$ 2 Write out the complete parton information
127c$$$ (ana/parton-initial-afterPropagation.dat)
128c$$$ right after string melting (before parton cascade),
129c$$$ 3 Write out several more files on parton information (see readme).
130c$$$idpert: flag for perturbative deuteron and antideuteron calculations
131c$$$ with results in ana/ampt_pert.dat:
132c$$$ 0 No perturbative calculations,
133c$$$ 1 Trigger a production of NPERTD perturbative deuterons
134c$$$ in each NN collision,
135c$$$ 2 Trigger a production of NPERTD perturbative deuterons only in
136c$$$ an NN collision where a conventional deuteron is produced.
137c$$$ Note: conventional deuteron calculations are always performed
138c$$$ with results in ana/ampt.dat.
139c$$$NPERTD: number of perturbative deuterons produced in each triggered collision;
140c$$$ setting it to 0 turns off perturbative deuteron productions.
141c$$$idxsec: choose a cross section model for deuteron inelastic/elastic collisions:
142c$$$ 1: same |matrix element|**2/s (after averaging over initial spins
143c$$$ and isospins) for B+B -> deuteron+meson at the same sqrt(s);
144c$$$ 2: same |matrix element|**2/s for B+B -> deuteron+meson
145c$$$ at the same sqrt(s)-threshold;
146c$$$ 3: same |matrix element|**2/s for deuteron+meson -> B+B
147c$$$ at the same sqrt(s);
148c$$$ 4: same |matrix element|**2/s for deuteron+meson -> B+B
149c$$$ at the same sqrt(s)-threshold;
150c$$$ 1 or 3 also chooses the same cross section for deuteron+meson or baryon
151c$$$ elastic collision at the same sqrt(s);
152c$$$ 2 or 4 also chooses the same cross section for deuteron+meson or baryon
153c$$$ elastic collision at the same sqrt(s)-threshold.
154c$$$%%%%%%%%%% For jet studies:
155c$$$pttrig: generate events with at least 1 initial minijet parton above this Pt
156c$$$ value, otherwise repeat HIJING event until reaching maxmiss tries;
157c$$$ use a negative value to disable this requirement and get normal events.
158c$$$maxmiss: maximum number of tries for the repetition of a HIJING event to obtain
159c$$$ a minijet above the Pt value of pttrig; increase maxmiss if some events
160c$$$ fail to generate at least 1 initial minijet parton above pttrig.
161c$$$ it is safer to set a large value for high pttrig and/or large b value
162c$$$ and/or smaller colliding nuclei.
163c$$$IHPR2(2): flag to turn off initial and final state radiation:
164c$$$ 0 both radiation off, 1 only final off, 2 only initial off, 3 both on.
165c$$$IHPR2(5): flag to turn off Pt kick due to soft interactions: 0 off, 1 on.
166c$$$ Setting both IHPR2(2) and IHPR2(5) to zero makes it more likely to
167c$$$ have two high-Pt minijet partons that are close to back-to-back.
168c$$$%%%%%%%%%% To embed a back-to-back light q/qbar jet pair
169c$$$%%%%%%%%%% and a given number of soft pions along each jet into each event:
170c$$$iembed: flag to turn on quark pair embedding:
171c$$$ 1: on with fixed position(xembd,pembd) and Pt(pxqembd,pyqembd);
172c$$$ 2: on with fixed position(xembd,pembd) and random azimuthal angle
173c$$$ with Pt-magnitude given by sqrt(pxqembd^2+pyqembd^2);
174c$$$ 3: on with random position and fixed Pt(pxqembd,pyqembd);
175c$$$ 4: on with random position and random random azimuthal angle
176c$$$ with Pt-magnitude given by sqrt(pxqembd^2+pyqembd^2);
177c$$$ for iembed=3 or 4: need a position file "embed-jet-xy.txt";
178c$$$ Other integers: off.
179c$$$pxqembd, pyqembd: sqrt(pxqembd^2+pyqembd^2) > 70MeV/c is required;
180c$$$ the embedded quark and antiquark have pz=0.
181c$$$xembd, yembd: the embedded quark and antiquark jets have z=0 initially. Note:
182c$$$ the x-axis is defined as the direction along the impact parameter.
183c$$$nsembd: number of soft pions to be embedded with each high-Pt parton
184c$$$ in the embedded jet pair.
185c$$$psembd: Momentum of each embedded soft pion in GeV.
186c$$$tmaxembd: maximum angle(rad) of embedded soft pions relative to high-Pt parton.
187c$$$%%%%%%%%%% User modification of nuclear shadowing:
188c$$$ishadow: set to 1 to enable users to adjust nuclear shadowing
189c$$$ provided the shadowing flag IHPR2(6) is turned on; default value is 0.
190c$$$dshadow: valid when ishadow=1; this parameter modifies the HIJING shadowing
191c$$$ parameterization Ra(x,r)==1+fa(x,r) via Ra(x,r)==1+fa(x,r)*dshadow,
192c$$$ so the value of 0.d0 turns off shadowing
193c$$$ and the value of 1.d0 uses the default HIJING shadowing;
194c$$$ currently limited to 0.d0<=dshadow<=1.d0 to make sure Ra(x,r)>0.