]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TFluka/Fpaprop.h
First commit.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TFluka / Fpaprop.h
b9d0a01d 1#ifndef FPAPROP_H
2#define FPAPROP_H 1
4#include "Rtypes.h"
5#include "cfortran.h"
7#include "Fdimpar.h"
9extern "C" {
71dd9297 10 //*$ CREATE PAPROP.ADD
12 //*
13 //*=== paprop ===========================================================*
14 //*
15 //*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
16 //* *
17 //* PArticle PROPerties: *
18 //* *
19 //* !!!! N E W V E R S I O N F O R FLUKA9x/FLUKA200x !!!! *
20 //* *
21 //* Created on 07 may 1991 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala *
22 //* Infn - Milan *
23 //* *
24 //* Last change on 03-jul-97 by Alfredo Ferrari *
25 //* *
26 //* Variable description: *
27 //* *
28 //* btype (i) = literal name of the i_th particle *
29 //* am (i) = i_th particle mass (GeV) *
30 //* amdisc(i) = i_th particle mass (GeV) for energy conservation *
31 //* purposes when discarded *
32 //* ichrge(i) = electric charge of the i_th particle *
33 //* ibarch(i) = baryonic charge of the i_th particle *
34 //* iscore(j) = id for the j_th scored distribution *
9ed1543d 35 //* gnname(k) = name of the k_th generalized particle type * 2006.3
71dd9297 36 //* ijdisc(i) = flag for discarding the i_th particle type *
380c2ff0 37 //* tmnlf (i) = mean (not half!) life of the i_th particle (s) *
71dd9297 38 //* biasdc(i) = decay biasing factor for the i_th particle *
39 //* biasin(i) = inelastic interaction biasing factor for the i_th *
40 //* particle *
41 //* lhadro(i) = True if the i_th particle type is a hadron *
42 //* jspinp(i) = i_th particle spin (in units of 1/2) *
43 //* iparty(i) = i_th particle parity (when meaningful) *
44 //* iparid(i) = particle type id flag for the i_th particle *
45 //* lbsdcy(i) = logical flag for biased decay for the i_th parti- *
46 //* cle: if .true. the biasing factor is used as an *
47 //* upper limit to the decay length *
48 //* lprbsd = logical flag for biased decay: if .true. the bia- *
49 //* sing factor is applied only to primaries *
50 //* lprbsi = logical flag for inelastic interaction biasing: *
51 //* if .true. the biasing factor is applied only to *
52 //* primaries *
53 //* lsclwf = logical flag for low energy neutron fission sco- *
54 //* ring *
55 //* lscnbl = logical flag for neutron balance scoring *
56 //* *
57 //*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
b9d0a01d 59
9ed1543d 60// const Int_t mxgnpr = 33; // 2006.3
61 const Int_t mxgnpr = 35;
62 typedef struct {
63 Double_t am[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
64 Double_t amdisc[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
65 Double_t tmnlf[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
66 Double_t biasdc[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
67 Double_t biasin[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
68 Int_t ichrge[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
69 Int_t ibarch[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
70 Int_t ijdisc[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
71 Int_t jspinp[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
72 Int_t iparty[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
73 Int_t iparid[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
74 Int_t lhadro[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
75 Int_t lbsdcy[nallwp+7]; //(-6:NALLWP)
76 Int_t iscore[12];
77 Int_t lprbsd;
78 Int_t lprbsi;
79 Int_t lsclwf;
80 Int_t lscnbl;
81 } papropCommon;
b9d0a01d 82#define PAPROP COMMON_BLOCK(PAPROP,paprop)
9ed1543d 85 typedef struct {
86 Char_t btype[nallwp+7][8]; //(-6:NALLWP)
87// Char_t genpar[mxgnpr][8]; // 2006.3
88 Char_t gnname[mxgnpr][8]; // 2006.3
89 } chpprpCommon;
b9d0a01d 90#define CHPPRP COMMON_BLOCK(CHPPRP,chpprp)
b9d0a01d 93#endif