]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - TFluka/stupre.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TFluka / stupre.cxx
f827183d 1#include <Riostream.h>
f827183d 2#ifndef WIN32
3# define stupre stupre_
5# define stupre STUPRE
8// Fluka include
9#include "Fdimpar.h" //(DIMPAR) fluka include
e3926667 10
f827183d 11// Fluka commons
12#include "Fdblprc.h" //(DBLPRC) fluka common
13#include "Femfstk.h" //(EMFSTK) fluka common
14#include "Fevtflg.h" //(EVTFLG) fluka common
15#include "Fpaprop.h" //(PAPROP) fluka common
16#include "Ftrackr.h" //(TRACKR) fluka common
e3926667 17#include "Femfrgn.h" //(EFMRGN) fluka common
f827183d 18
19//Virtual MC
20#include "TFluka.h"
d566901f 21#include "TFlukaCodes.h"
f827183d 22#include "TVirtualMCStack.h"
23#include "TVirtualMCApplication.h"
24#include "TParticle.h"
25#include "TVector3.h"
27extern "C" {
28void stupre()
31//* *
32//* SeT User PRoperties for Emf particles *
33//* *
d566901f 35// Get the pointer to the VMC
36 TFluka* fluka = (TFluka*) gMC;
37 static Double_t emassmev = PAPROP.am[kFLUKAelectron + 6] * 1000.;
e3926667 38
f827183d 39 Int_t lbhabh = 0;
40 if (EVTFLG.ldltry == 1) {
7dac99f1 41 if (EMFSTK.ichemf[EMFSTK.npemf-1] * EMFSTK.ichemf[EMFSTK.npemf-2] < 0) lbhabh = 1;
f827183d 42 }
d566901f 43
e3926667 44// mkbmx1 = dimension for kwb real spare array in fluka stack in DIMPAR
45// mkbmx2 = dimension for kwb int. spare array in fluka stack in DIMPAR
f827183d 46// EMFSTK.espark = spare real variables available for
47// EMFSTK.iespak = spare integer variables available for
e3926667 48// TRACKR.spausr = user defined spare variables for the current particle
49// TRACKR.ispusr = user defined spare flags for the current particle
50// EMFSTK.louemf = user flag
51// TRACKR.llouse = user defined flag for the current particle
f827183d 52
53 Int_t npnw, ispr;
e3926667 54 for (npnw = EMFSTK.npstrt-1; npnw <= EMFSTK.npemf-1; npnw++) {
4aba9d66 55
d566901f 56 for (ispr = 0; ispr <= mkbmx1-1; ispr++)
4aba9d66 57 EMFSTK.espark[npnw][ispr] = TRACKR.spausr[ispr];
d566901f 59 for (ispr = 0; ispr <= mkbmx2-1; ispr++)
4aba9d66 60 EMFSTK.iespak[npnw][ispr] = TRACKR.ispusr[ispr];
d566901f 62 EMFSTK.louemf[npnw] = TRACKR.llouse;
f827183d 63 }
d566901f 65
2bc4c610 66 Int_t verbosityLevel = fluka->GetVerbosityLevel();
67 Bool_t debug = (verbosityLevel>=3)?kTRUE:kFALSE;
fbf08100 68 fluka->SetTrackIsNew(kTRUE);
e3926667 69
f827183d 70// Get the stack produced from the generator
71 TVirtualMCStack* cppstack = fluka->GetStack();
73// EVTFLG.ntrcks = track number
74// Increment the track number and put it into the last flag
76 Int_t kp;
e3926667 77
7dac99f1 78 for (kp = EMFSTK.npstrt - 1; kp <= EMFSTK.npemf - 1; kp++) {
e3926667 79
4aba9d66 80// Check transport cut first
d566901f 81 Int_t ireg = EMFSTK.iremf[kp];
82 Double_t cut = (TMath::Abs(EMFSTK.ichemf[kp]) == 1) ? EMFRGN.elethr[ireg-1] : EMFRGN.phothr[ireg-1];
e3926667 83 Double_t e = EMFSTK.etemf[kp];
b7940702 84
e3926667 85 if ((e < cut)
4aba9d66 86 && (
87 (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == 0) ||
88 (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == -1) ||
89 (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == 1 && EMFRGN.phothr[ireg-1] > emassmev)
90 )
91 )
e3926667 92 {
4aba9d66 93 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-1] = TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2-1];
94 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-2] = 0;
95 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-3] = TRACKR.jtrack;
96 EMFSTK.irlatt[kp] = TRACKR.lt1trk;
97 continue;
e3926667 98 }
f827183d 99
d566901f 100// Save the parent track number and reset it at each loop
610cd189 101 Int_t done = 0;
81ee7392 102 Int_t parent = TRACKR.ispusr[mkbmx2-1];
f827183d 103 Int_t flukaid = 0;
4aba9d66 104
e3926667 105// Identify particle type
d566901f 106 if (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == -1) flukaid = kFLUKAelectron;
107 else if (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == 0) flukaid = kFLUKAphoton;
108 else if (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == 1) flukaid = kFLUKApositron;
4aba9d66 109
e3926667 110
d566901f 111 e *= emvgev;
e3926667 112 Int_t pdg = fluka->PDGFromId(flukaid);
d15554e0 113 Double_t p = sqrt(e * e - PAPROP.am[flukaid+6] * PAPROP.am[flukaid+6]);
81f1d030 114 Double_t px = p * EMFSTK.uemf[kp];
b7940702 115 Double_t py = p * EMFSTK.vemf[kp];
116 Double_t pz = p * EMFSTK.wemf[kp];
d15554e0 117 Double_t tof = EMFSTK.agemf[kp];
118 Double_t polx = EMFSTK.upol[kp];
119 Double_t poly = EMFSTK.vpol[kp];
120 Double_t polz = EMFSTK.wpol[kp];
81f1d030 121 Double_t vx = EMFSTK.xemf[kp];
122 Double_t vy = EMFSTK.yemf[kp];
123 Double_t vz = EMFSTK.zemf[kp];
7dac99f1 124 Double_t weight = EMFSTK.wtemf[kp];
f827183d 126 Int_t ntr;
127 TMCProcess mech;
128 Int_t is = 0;
130//* case of no parent left (pair, photoelectric, annihilation):
131//* all secondaries are true
132 if ((EVTFLG.lpairp == 1) || (EVTFLG.lphoel == 1) ||
133 (EVTFLG.lannfl == 1) || (EVTFLG.lannrs == 1)) {
4aba9d66 134
135 if (EVTFLG.lpairp == 1) mech = kPPair;
136 else if (EVTFLG.lphoel == 1) mech = kPPhotoelectric;
137 else mech = kPAnnihilation;
642f15cf 138 cppstack->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg,
4aba9d66 139 px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof,
140 polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is);
141 if (debug) cout << endl << " !!! stupre (PAIR, ..) : ntr=" << ntr << " pdg " << pdg << " parent=" << parent << " energy " << e-PAPROP.am[flukaid+6] << endl;
d15554e0 142
4aba9d66 143 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-1] = ntr;
144 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-2] = 0;
f827183d 145 } // end of lpairp, lphoel, lannfl, lannrs
4aba9d66 146
f827183d 147//* Compton: secondary is true only if charged (e+, e-)
148 else if ((EVTFLG.lcmptn == 1)) {
7dac99f1 149
4aba9d66 150 if (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] != 0) {
151 mech = kPCompton;
152 cppstack->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg,
153 px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof,
154 polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is);
155 if (debug) cout << endl << " !!! stupre (COMPTON) : ntr=" << ntr << " pdg " << pdg << " parent=" << parent << endl;
156 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-1] = ntr;
157 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-2] = 0;
158 }
f827183d 159 } // end of lcmptn
4aba9d66 160
f827183d 161//* Bremsstrahlung: true secondary only if charge = 0 (photon)
162 else if ((EVTFLG.lbrmsp == 1)) {
4aba9d66 163 if (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == 0) {
164 mech = kPBrem;
165 cppstack->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg,
166 px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof,
167 polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is);
168 if (debug) cout << endl << " !!! stupre (BREMS) : ntr=" << ntr << " pdg " << pdg << " parent=" << parent << endl;
169 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-1] = ntr;
170 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-2] = 0;
171 }
f827183d 172 } // end of lbrmsp
4aba9d66 173
f827183d 174//* Delta ray: If Bhabha, true secondary only if negative (electron)
175 else if ((EVTFLG.ldltry == 1)) {
4aba9d66 176 if (lbhabh == 1) {
177 if (EMFSTK.ichemf[kp] == -1) {
178 mech = kPDeltaRay;
179 cppstack->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg,
180 px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof,
181 polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is);
182 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-1] = ntr;
183 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-2] = 0;
184 if (debug) cout << endl << " !!! stupre (BHABA) : ntr=" << ntr << " pdg " << pdg << " parent=" << parent << endl;
185 } // end of Bhabha
186 } // lbhabh == 1
f827183d 188//* Delta ray: Otherwise Moller: true secondary is the electron with
189//* lower energy, which has been put higher in the stack
4aba9d66 190 else if (kp == EMFSTK.npemf-1) {
191 mech = kPDeltaRay;
192 cppstack->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg,
193 px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof,
194 polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is);
195 if (debug) cout << endl << " !!! stupre (Moller) : ntr=" << ntr << " pdg " << pdg << " parent=" << parent << endl;
196 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-1] = ntr;
197 EMFSTK.iespak[kp][mkbmx2-2] = 0;
198 } // end of Delta ray
f827183d 199 } // end of ldltry
4aba9d66 200
f827183d 201 } // end of loop
f827183d 202} // end of stupre
203} // end of extern "C"