]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - THbtp/AliGenHBTprocessor.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / THbtp / AliGenHBTprocessor.h
36b81802 1// Implementation of the interface for THBTprocessor
2// which is a wrapper itself to Fortran
3// program "HBT processor" written by Lanny Ray
4// Author: Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski <Piotr.Skowronski@cern.ch>
6/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
7 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
9/* $Id$ */
36b81802 14#include "AliGenerator.h"
88cb7938 15#include "TPDGCode.h"
36b81802 16
17class THBTprocessor;
18class TClonesArray;
88cb7938 19class TParticle;
36b81802 20
21enum {kHBTPMaxParticleTypes = 50};
23class AliGenHBTprocessor : public AliGenerator
25//Wrapper class for THBTProcessor
26//which is a wrapper itself to Fortran
27//program "HBT processor" written by Lanny Ray
31 public:
32 AliGenHBTprocessor();
36b81802 33 virtual ~AliGenHBTprocessor();
35 virtual void Init();
36 virtual void Generate();
37 virtual void GetParticles(TClonesArray * particles) const;
38 Int_t IdFromPDG(Int_t pdg) const;
39 Int_t PDGFromId(Int_t id) const;
41 Int_t GetHbtPStatusCode(Int_t part) const;
42 void SetHbtPStatusCode(Int_t hbtstatcode, Int_t part);
43/************* S E T T E R S ******************/
45 virtual void SetTrackRejectionFactor(Float_t trf = 1.0);
47 virtual void SetRefControl(Int_t rc =2);
48 virtual void SetPIDs(Int_t pid1 = kPiPlus,Int_t pid2 = kPiMinus); //PDG Codes of particles to be processed, default \\Pi^{+} and \\Pi^{-}
49 virtual void SetNPIDtypes(Int_t npidt = 2); //Number ofparticle types to be processed
50 virtual void SetDeltap(Float_t deltp = 0.1); //maximum range for random momentum shifts in GeV/c;
51 //px,py,pz independent; Default = 0.1 GeV/c.
52 virtual void SetMaxIterations(Int_t maxiter = 50);//
53 virtual void SetDelChi(Float_t dc = 0.1);
54 virtual void SetIRand(Int_t irnd = 76564) ;
56 virtual void SetLambda(Float_t lam = 0.6);
57 virtual void SetR1d(Float_t r = 7.0) ;
58 virtual void SetRSide(Float_t rs = 6.0);
59 virtual void SetROut(Float_t ro = 7.0) ;
60 virtual void SetRLong(Float_t rl = 4.0) ;
61 virtual void SetRPerp(Float_t rp = 6.0);
62 virtual void SetRParallel(Float_t rprl = 4.0);
63 virtual void SetR0(Float_t r0 = 4.0) ;
64 virtual void SetQ0(Float_t q0 = 9.0) ;
65 virtual void SetSwitch1D(Int_t s1d = 3);
66 virtual void SetSwitch3D(Int_t s3d = 0) ;
67 virtual void SetSwitchType(Int_t st = 3);
68 virtual void SetSwitchCoherence(Int_t sc = 0);
69 virtual void SetSwitchCoulomb(Int_t scol = 2);
70 virtual void SetSwitchFermiBose(Int_t sfb = 1);
371660fe 72 virtual void SetMomentumRange(Float_t pmin=0, Float_t pmax=0); //Dummy method
36b81802 73 virtual void SetPtRange(Float_t ptmin = 0.1, Float_t ptmax = 0.98);
74 virtual void SetPxRange(Float_t pxmin = -1.0, Float_t pxmax = 1.0);
75 virtual void SetPyRange(Float_t pymin = -1.0, Float_t pymax = 1.0);
76 virtual void SetPzRange(Float_t pzmin = -3.6, Float_t pzmax = 3.6);
88cb7938 78 virtual void SetPhiRange(Float_t phimin = -180.0, Float_t phimax = 180.0);//Phi angle
36b81802 79 virtual void SetEtaRange(Float_t etamin = -1.5, Float_t etamax = 1.5);//Pseudorapidity
80 void SetThetaRange(Float_t thetamin = 0, Float_t thetamax = 180); //Azimuthal angle, override AliGenerator method
81 //which uses this, core fortran HBTProcessor uses Eta (pseudorapidity)
82 //so these methods has to be synchronized
84 virtual void SetNPtBins(Int_t nptbin = 50);
85 virtual void SetNPhiBins(Int_t nphibin = 50);
86 virtual void SetNEtaBins(Int_t netabin = 50);
87 virtual void SetNPxBins(Int_t npxbin = 20);
88 virtual void SetNPyBins(Int_t npybin = 20);
89 virtual void SetNPzBins(Int_t npzbin = 70);
92 virtual void SetNBins1DFineMesh(Int_t n = 10);
93 virtual void SetBinSize1DFineMesh(Float_t x=0.01);
95 virtual void SetNBins1DCoarseMesh(Int_t n =2 );
96 virtual void SetBinSize1DCoarseMesh(Float_t x=0.05);
98 virtual void SetNBins3DFineMesh(Int_t n = 8);
99 virtual void SetBinSize3DFineMesh(Float_t x=0.01);
101 virtual void SetNBins3DCoarseMesh(Int_t n = 2);
102 virtual void SetBinSize3DCoarseMesh(Float_t x=0.08);
104 virtual void SetNBins3DFineProjectMesh(Int_t n =3 );
88cb7938 105
106 virtual void SetPrintFull(Int_t flag = 1);
108/************* E V E N T M E R G E ******************/
110 Int_t GetNumberOfEvents();
111 Int_t GetNumberOfTracks();
112 void SetActiveEventNumber(Int_t n);
113 TParticle* GetTrack(Int_t n);
114 void SetNEventsToMerge(Int_t nev);
b456eb2e 115
117 //conveerts Eta (pseudorapidity) to etha(azimuthal angle). Returns radians
118 static Double_t EtaToTheta(Double_t arg){return 2.*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-arg));}
119 //converts tetha(azimuthal angle) to Eta (pseudorapidity). Argument in radians
120 static Double_t ThetaToEta(Double_t arg);
121 //converts Degrees To Radians
122 static Double_t DegreesToRadians(Double_t arg){return arg*TMath::Pi()/180.;}
123 //converts Radians To Degrees
124 static Double_t RadiansToDegrees(Double_t arg){return arg*180./TMath::Pi();}
126 static Int_t GetDebug() {return fgDebug;}
127// static Int_t GetDebug() {return fgDebug;}
36b81802 129/***********************************************************************/
130/* * * * * * * P R O T E C T E D A R E A * * * * * * * * * * * */
132 protected:
134 THBTprocessor * fHBTprocessor; //pointer to generator (TGenerator)
135 Int_t **fHbtPStatCodes; //! hbtp status codes of particles
136 Int_t fNPDGCodes; //! Number of defined particles
137 Int_t fPDGCode[kHBTPMaxParticleTypes]; //! PDG codes (for conversion PDG<->Geant)
138 void DefineParticles(); //initiates array with PDG codes
139 void InitStatusCodes(); //Initiates status codes (allocates memory and sets everything to zero)
140 void CleanStatusCodes(); //deletes array with status codes
141 /********** P A R A M E T E R S OF THE GENERATOR****************/
143 Float_t fTrackRejectionFactor; //variates in range 0.0 <-> 1.0
144 //Describes the factor of particles rejected from the output.
145 //Used only in case of low muliplicity particles e.g. lambdas.
146 //Processor generates addisional particles and builds the
147 //correletions on such a statistics.
148 //At the end these particels are left in the event according
149 //to this factor: 1==all particles are left
150 // 0==all are removed
151 Int_t fReferenceControl; //switch wether read reference histograms from file =1
152 // compute from input events =2 - default
153 Int_t fPrintFull; // Full print out option - each event
154 Int_t fPrintSectorData; // Print sector overflow diagnostics
155 Int_t fNPidTypes; // # particle ID types to correlate
156 Int_t fPid[2]; // Geant particle ID #s, max of 2 types
157 Int_t fNevents ; // # events in input event text file
158 Int_t fSwitch1d; // Include 1D correlations
159 Int_t fSwitch3d; // Include 3D correlations
160 Int_t fSwitchType ; // For like, unlike or both PID pairs
161 Int_t fSwitchCoherence; // To include incoh/coher mixed source
162 Int_t fSwitchCoulomb; // Coulomb correction selection options
163 Int_t fSwitchFermiBose; // For fermions or bosons
165// Counters:
167 Int_t fEventLineCounter; // Input event text file line counter
168 Int_t fMaxit; // Max # iterations in track adjustment
169 Int_t fIrand; // Random # starting seed (Def=12345)
170// // line counter
172// Correlation Model Parameters:
174 Float_t fLambda; // Chaoticity parameter
175 Float_t fR1d; // Spherical source radius (fm)
176 Float_t fRside; // 3D Bertsch-Pratt source 'side' R (fm)
177 Float_t fRout; // 3D Bertsch-Pratt source 'out' R (fm)
178 Float_t fRlong; // 3D Bertsch-Pratt source 'long' R (fm)
179 Float_t fRperp; // 3D YKP source transverse radius (fm)
180 Float_t fRparallel; // 3D YKP source longitudinal radius(fm)
181 Float_t fR0; // 3D YKP source emission time durat(fm)
182 Float_t fQ0; // NA35 Coulomb parameter (GeV/c) or
183// // Coul radius for Pratt finite src (fm)
185// Search Control Parameters:
188 Float_t fDeltap; // Max limit for x,y,z momt shifts(GeV/c)
189 Float_t fDelchi; // Min% change in Chi-Sq to stop iterat.
192// Particle Masses:
195 /********** M E S H ****************/
198 Int_t fNPtBins; // # one-body pt bins
199 Int_t fNPhiBins; // # one-body phi bins
200 Int_t fNEtaBins; // # one-body eta bins
202 Int_t fN1dFine; // # bins for 1D, Fine Mesh
203 Int_t fN1dCoarse; // # bins for 1D, Coarse Mesh
204 Int_t fN1dTotal; // Total # bins for 1D
205 Int_t fN3dFine ; // # bins for 3D, Fine Mesh
206 Int_t fN3dCoarse; // # bins for 3D, Coarse Mesh
207 Int_t fN3dTotal; // Total # bins for 3D
208 Int_t fN3dFineProject; // # 3D fine mesh bins to sum over for
210// Momentum Space Sectors for Track Sorting:
212 Int_t fNPxBins; // # sector bins in px
213 Int_t fNPyBins; // # sector bins in py
214 Int_t fNPzBins; // # sector bins in pz
215 Int_t fNSectors; // Total # sectors in 3D momentum space
218 Float_t fPtBinSize ; // One-body pt bin size in (GeV/c)
221 Float_t fPhiBinSize; // One-body phi bin size in (degrees)
223 Float_t fEtaBinSize ; // One-body eta bin size
224 Float_t fEtaMin; // One-body eta min
225 Float_t fEtaMax; // One-body eta max
226// Two-Body Histograms and Correlation Mesh for 1D and 3D distributions:
227// // projections onto single axis.
229 Float_t fBinsize1dFine; // Bin Size - 1D, Fine Mesh in (GeV/c)
230 Float_t fBinsize1dCoarse; // Bin Size - 1D, Coarse Mesh in (GeV/c)
231 Float_t fQmid1d; // q (GeV/c) at fine-coarse mesh boundary
232 Float_t fQmax1d; // Max q (GeV/c) for 1D distributions
233 Float_t fBinsize3dFine; // Bin Size - 3D, Fine Mesh in (GeV/c)
234 Float_t fBinsize3dCoarse; // Bin Size - 3D, Coarse Mesh in (GeV/c)
235 Float_t fQmid3d; // q (GeV/c) at fine-coarse mesh boundary
236 Float_t fQmax3d; // Max q (GeV/c) for 3D distributions
238 Float_t fPxMin; // Sector range in px in GeV/c
239 Float_t fPxMax; //--//--
240 Float_t fDelpx; // Mom. space sector cell size - px(GeV/c)
242 Float_t fPyMin; // Sector range in py in GeV/c
243 Float_t fPyMax; // --//--
244 Float_t fDelpy; // Mom. space sector cell size - py(GeV/c)
246 Float_t fPzMin; // Sector range in pz in GeV/c min
247 Float_t fPzMax; // Sector range in pz in GeV/c max
248 Float_t fDelpz; // Mom. space sector cell size - pz(GeV/c)
88cb7938 251 Int_t fEventMerge; //number of events that are masked as an one event
b456eb2e 252 Int_t fActiveStack; //current active stack
254 static Int_t fgDebug; //debug level
36b81802 256 /******* P R O T E C T E D M E T H O D S *****/
88cb7938 257 void GetTrackEventIndex(Int_t n, Int_t &evno, Int_t &index) const; //returns event(stack) number and
b456eb2e 258
93a2041b 259 private:
260 AliGenHBTprocessor(const AliGenHBTprocessor& in);
261 AliGenHBTprocessor & operator=(const AliGenHBTprocessor& in);
36b81802 263 ClassDef(AliGenHBTprocessor,1) // Interface class for AliMevsim
36b81802 266#endif