]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - THijing/AliGenHijing.h
Changed histo binning for better merging; added a few control histos for MC checks.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / THijing / AliGenHijing.h
36b81802 1#ifndef ALIGENHIJING_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6/* $Id$ */
8// Generator using HIJING as an external generator
9// The main HIJING options are accessable for the user through this interface.
10// andreas.morsch@cern.ch
12#include "AliGenMC.h"
f2f240a9 13#include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h"
36b81802 14#include <TString.h>
36b81802 15
16class THijing;
36b81802 17class TParticle;
18class TClonesArray;
19class TGraph;
f2f240a9 20
36b81802 21
22class AliGenHijing : public AliGenMC
24 enum {kNoTrigger, kHardProcesses, kDirectPhotons};
26 public:
27 AliGenHijing();
28 AliGenHijing(Int_t npart);
36b81802 29 virtual ~AliGenHijing();
30 virtual void Generate();
31 virtual void Init();
32 // set centre of mass energy
33 virtual void SetEnergyCMS(Float_t energy=5500) {fEnergyCMS=energy;}
34 virtual void SetReferenceFrame(TString frame="CMS")
35 {fFrame=frame;}
0c85382f 36
36b81802 37 virtual void SetImpactParameterRange(Float_t bmin = 0, Float_t bmax = 15.)
38 {fMinImpactParam=bmin; fMaxImpactParam=bmax;}
39 virtual void KeepFullEvent();
40 virtual void SetJetQuenching(Int_t flag=1) {fQuench = flag;}
41 virtual void SetShadowing(Int_t flag=1) {fShadowing = flag;}
42 virtual void SetDecaysOff(Int_t flag=1) {fDecaysOff = flag;}
43 virtual void SetTrigger(Int_t flag=kNoTrigger) {fTrigger = flag;}
44 virtual void SetFlavor(Int_t flag=0) {fFlavor = flag;}
45 virtual void SetEvaluate(Int_t flag=0) {fEvaluate = flag;}
46 virtual void SetSelectAll(Int_t flag=0) {fSelectAll = flag;}
47 virtual void SetRadiation(Int_t flag=3) {fRadiation = flag;}
48 virtual void SetSpectators(Int_t spects=1) {fSpectators = spects;}
5bfd0cb7 49 virtual void SetPtHardMin(Float_t ptmin) {fPtHardMin = ptmin;}
50 virtual void SetPtHardMax(Float_t ptmax) {fPtHardMax = ptmax;}
36b81802 51 virtual void SetPtJet(Float_t ptmin) {fPtMinJet = ptmin;}
52 virtual void SetSimpleJets(Int_t flag=0) {fSimpleJet = flag;}
53 virtual void SetNoGammas(Int_t flag=0) {fNoGammas = flag;}
55 virtual void SetJetEtaRange(Float_t etamin = -20., Float_t etamax = 20.)
56 {fEtaMinJet = etamin; fEtaMaxJet = etamax;}
57 virtual void SetJetPhiRange(Float_t phimin = -180., Float_t phimax = 180.)
58 {fPhiMinJet = TMath::Pi()*phimin/180.; fPhiMaxJet = TMath::Pi()*phimax/180.;}
7dd84b41 59 virtual void SetBoostLHC(Int_t flag = 0) {fLHC = flag;}
60 virtual void SetRandomPz(Bool_t flag = 0) {fRandomPz = flag;}
f82795ff 61 virtual void SwitchOffHeavyQuarks(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) {fNoHeavyQuarks = flag;}
7dd84b41 62 virtual void SetSigmaNN(Float_t val) {fSigmaNN = val;}
63 virtual void SetNoElas(Bool_t b) {fNoElas = b; }
36b81802 65// Getters
14cae7e9 66 virtual TString GetReferenceFrame() const {return fFrame;}
14cae7e9 67 virtual void GetImpactParameterRange(Float_t& bmin, Float_t& bmax) const
36b81802 68 {bmin = fMinImpactParam; bmax = fMaxImpactParam;}
14cae7e9 69 virtual Int_t GetJetQuenching() const {return fQuench;}
70 virtual Int_t GetShadowing() const {return fShadowing;}
71 virtual Int_t GetTrigger() const {return fTrigger;}
72 virtual Int_t GetFlavor() const {return fFlavor;}
73 virtual Int_t GetRadiation() const {return fRadiation;}
74 virtual Int_t GetSpectators() const {return fSpectators;}
5bfd0cb7 75 virtual Float_t GetPtHardMin() const {return fPtHardMin;}
76 virtual Float_t GetPtHardMax() const {return fPtHardMax;}
14cae7e9 77 virtual Float_t GetPtJet() const {return fPtMinJet;}
78 virtual void GetJetEtaRange(Float_t& etamin, Float_t& etamax) const
36b81802 79 {etamin = fEtaMinJet; etamax = fEtaMaxJet;}
14cae7e9 80 virtual void GetJetPhiRange(Float_t& phimin, Float_t& phimax) const
36b81802 81 {phimin = fPhiMinJet*180./TMath::Pi(); phimax = fPhiMaxJet*180./TMath::Pi();}
cfccaf66 82 THijing *GetTHijing() const {return fHijing;}
7dd84b41 83 virtual Float_t GetSigmaNN() const {return fSigmaNN;}
36b81802 84
85// Physics Routines
14cae7e9 86 virtual Bool_t ProvidesCollisionGeometry() const {return kTRUE;}
87 virtual void EvaluateCrossSections();
36b81802 88 virtual TGraph* CrossSection() {return fDsigmaDb;}
89 virtual TGraph* BinaryCollisions() {return fDnDb;}
90 virtual Bool_t CheckTrigger();
36b81802 92 protected:
93 Bool_t SelectFlavor(Int_t pid);
94 void MakeHeader();
36b81802 95 protected:
14cae7e9 96 TString fFrame; // Reference frame
36b81802 97 Float_t fMinImpactParam; // minimum impact parameter
98 Float_t fMaxImpactParam; // maximum impact parameter
99 Int_t fKeep; // Flag to keep full event information
100 Int_t fQuench; // Flag to switch on jet quenching
101 Int_t fShadowing; // Flag to switch on nuclear effects on parton distribution function
102 Int_t fDecaysOff; // Flag to turn off decays of pi0, K_s, D, Lambda, sigma
103 Int_t fTrigger; // Trigger type
104 Int_t fEvaluate; // Evaluate total and partial cross-sections
105 Int_t fSelectAll; // Flag to write the full event
106 Int_t fFlavor; // Selected particle flavor 4: charm+beauty 5: beauty
36b81802 107 Float_t fKineBias; // Bias from kinematic selection
108 Int_t fTrials; // Number of trials
36b81802 109 Float_t fXsection; // Cross-section
b88f5cea 110 THijing *fHijing; //!Hijing
36b81802 111 Float_t fPtHardMin; // lower pT-hard cut
112 Float_t fPtHardMax; // higher pT-hard cut
113 Int_t fSpectators; // put spectators on stack
114 TGraph* fDsigmaDb; // dSigma/db for the system
115 TGraph* fDnDb; // dNBinaryCollisions/db
116 Float_t fPtMinJet; // Minimum Pt of triggered Jet
117 Float_t fEtaMinJet; // Minimum eta of triggered Jet
118 Float_t fEtaMaxJet; // Maximum eta of triggered Jet
119 Float_t fPhiMinJet; // At least one of triggered Jets must be in this
120 Float_t fPhiMaxJet; // phi range
121 Int_t fRadiation; // Flag to switch on/off initial and final state radiation
122 Int_t fSimpleJet; // Flag to produce simple tiggered jet topology
123 Int_t fNoGammas; // Don't write gammas if flag "on"
36b81802 124// ZDC proposal (by Chiara) to store num. of SPECTATORS protons and neutrons
f0c86dd6 125 Int_t fProjectileSpecn;// Num. of spectator neutrons from projectile nucleus
126 Int_t fProjectileSpecp;// Num. of spectator protons from projectile nucleus
127 Int_t fTargetSpecn; // Num. of spectator neutrons from target nucleus
128 Int_t fTargetSpecp; // Num. of spectator protons from target nucleus
36b81802 129 Int_t fLHC; // Assume LHC as lab frame
f82795ff 130 Bool_t fRandomPz; // Randomise sign of pz event by event
131 Bool_t fNoHeavyQuarks; // If true no heavy quarks are produced
f2f240a9 132 AliGenHijingEventHeader fHeader; // MC Header
7dd84b41 133 Float_t fSigmaNN; // If not -1 set sigmaNN (HIPR1)
134 Bool_t fNoElas; // If true switch off elastic scattering
36b81802 136 private:
93a2041b 137 AliGenHijing(const AliGenHijing &Hijing);
138 AliGenHijing & operator=(const AliGenHijing & rhs);
36b81802 140 // adjust the weight from kinematic cuts
141 void AdjustWeights();
142 // check seleted daughters
904a753d 143 Bool_t DaughtersSelection(const TParticle* iparticle);
36b81802 144 // check if stable
904a753d 145 Bool_t Stable(const TParticle* particle) const;
36b81802 146
7dd84b41 147 ClassDef(AliGenHijing, 9) // AliGenerator interface to Hijing
36b81802 148};