]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - THijing/Hcommon.h
Coverity bugs corrected.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / THijing / Hcommon.h
7dffa423 1#ifndef ROOT_HCommon
2#define ROOT_HCommon
6#include "cfortran.h"
10extern "C" {
13/* COMMON/HIPARNT/HIPR1(100),IHPR2(50),HINT1(100),IHNT2(50)*/
15typedef struct {
16 Float_t hipr1[100];
17 Int_t ihpr2[50];
18 Float_t hint1[100];
19 Int_t ihnt2[50];
20} HiparntCommon;
26/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
28/*COMMON/HIPARNT/HIPR1(100), IHPR2(50), HINT1(100), IHNT2(50) */
29/*Purpose: contains input parameters (HIPR1, IHPR2) for event options */
30/* and some extra information (HINT1, IHNT2) of current event. */
31/*HIPR1(1): (D=1.5 GeV/$c^2$) minimum value for the invariant mass of */
32/* the excited string system in a hadron-hadron interaction. */
33/*HIPR1(2): (D=0.35 GeV) width of the Gaussian $P_T$ distribution of */
34/* produced hadron in Lund string fragmentation */
35/* (PARJ(21) in JETSET 7.2). */
36/*HIPR1(3), HIPR1(4): (D=0.5, 0.9 GeV$^{-2}$) give the $a$ and $b$ */
37/* parameters of the symmetric Lund fragmentation function */
38/* (PARJ(41), PARJ(42) in JETSET 7.2). */
39/*HIPR1(5): (D=2.0 GeV/$c^2$) invariant mass cut-off for the dipole */
40/* radiation of a string system below which soft gluon */
41/* radiations are terminated. */
42/*HIPR1(6): (D=0.1) the depth of shadowing of structure functions */
43/* at $x=0$:$\alpha_A=\mbox{HIPR1(6)}\times(A^{1/3}-1)$. */
44/*HIPR1(7): not used */
45/*HIPR1(8): (D=2.0 GeV/$c$) minimum $P_T$ transfer in hard or */
46/* semihard scatterings. */
47/*HIPR1(9): (D=$-1.0$ GeV/$c$) maximum $P_T$ transfer in hard or */
48/* semihard scatterings. If negative, the limit is set */
49/* by the colliding energy. */
50/*HIPR1(10): (D=$-2.25$ GeV/$c$) specifies the value of $P_T$ for */
51/* each triggered hard scattering generated per event */
52/* (see Section \ref{sec:jet2}). If HIPR1(10) is negative, */
53/* its absolute value gives the low limit of the */
54/* $P_T$ of the triggered jets. */
55/*HIPR1(11): (D=2.0 GeV/$c$) minimum $P_T$ of a jet which will interact */
56/* with excited nuclear matter. When the $P_T$ of a jet */
57/* is smaller than HIPR1(11) it will stop interacting further. */
58/*HIPR1(12): (D=1.0 fm) transverse distance between a traversing jet */
59/* and an excited nucleon (string system) below which they */
60/* will interact and the jet will lose energy and momentum */
61/* to that string system. */
62/*HIPR1(13): (D=1.0 fm) the mean free path of a jet when it goes */
63/* through the excited nuclear matter. */
64/*HIPR1(14): (D=2.0 GeV/fm) the energy loss $dE/dz$ of a gluon */
65/* jet inside the excited nuclear matter. The energy loss */
66/* for a quark jet is half of the energy loss of a gluon. */
67/*HIPR1(15): (D=0.2 GeV/$c$) the scale $\Lambda$ in the */
68/* calculation of $\alpha_s$. */
69/*HIPR1(16): (D=2.0 GeV/$c$) the initial scale $Q_0$ for the */
70/* evolution of the structure functions. */
71/*HIPR1(17): (D=2.0) $K$ factor for the differential jet cross */
72/* sections in the lowest order pQCD calculation. */
73/*HIPR1(18): not used */
74/*HIPR1(19), HIPR1(20): (D=0.1, 1.4 GeV/$c$) parameters in the */
75/* distribution for the $P_T$ kick from soft interactions , */
76/* $1/[(\mbox{HIPR1(19)}^2+P_T^2)(\mbox{HIPR1(20)}^2+P_T^2)]$. */
77/*HIPR1(21): (D=1.6 GeV/$c$) the maximum $P_T$ for soft interactions, */
78/* beyond which a Gaussian distribution as specified by */
79/* HIPR1(2) will be used. */
80/*HIPR1(22): (D=2.0 GeV/$c$) the scale in the form factor to suppress */
81/* the $P_T$ transfer to diquarks in hard scatterings, */
82/*HIPR1(23)--HIPR1(28): not used. */
83/*HIPR1(29): (D=0.4 fm) the minimum distance between two nucleons */
84/* inside a nucleus when the coordinates of the nucleons */
85/* inside a nucleus are initialized. */
86/*HIPR1(30): (D=2$\times$HIPR1(31)=57.0 mb) the inclusive cross */
87/* section $\sigma_{soft}$ for soft interactions. The default */
88/* value $\sigma_{soft}=2\sigma_0$ is used to ensure the */
89/* geometrical scaling of $pp$ interaction cross sections */
90/* at low energies. */
91/*HIPR1(31): (D=28.5 mb) the cross section $\sigma_0$ which */
92/* characterizes the geometrical size of a nucleon */
93/* ($\pi b_0^2=\sigma_0$, see Eq.~\ref{eq:over2}). */
94/* The default value is only for high-energy */
95/* limit ($\sqrt{s}>200$ GeV). At lower energies, a slight */
96/* decrease which depends on energy is parametrized in the */
97/* program. The default values of the two parameters */
98/* HIPR1(30), HIPR1(31) are only for $NN$ type interactions. */
99/* For other kinds of projectile or target hadrons, users */
100/* should change these values so that correct inelastic */
101/* and total cross sections (HINT1(12), HINT1(13)) are */
102/* obtained by the program. */
103/*HIPR1(32): (D=3.90) parameter $\mu_0$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:over2} for */
104/* the scaled eikonal function. */
105/*HIPR1(33): fractional cross section of single-diffractive */
106/* interaction as parametrized in Ref.~\cite{goulianos}. */
107/*HIPR1(34): maximum radial coordinate for projectile nucleons */
108/* to be given by the initialization program HIJSET. */
109/*HIPR1(35): maximum radial coordinate for target nucleons */
110/* to be given by the initialization program HIJSET. */
111/*HIPR1(36)-HIPR1(39): not used. */
112/*HIPR1(40): (D=3.141592654) value of $\pi$. */
113/*HIPR1(41)--HIPR1(42): not used. */
114/*HIPR1(43): (D=0.01) fractional energy error relative to the */
115/* colliding energy permitted per nucleon-nucleon collision. */
116/*HIPR1(44), HIPR1(45), HIPR1(46): (D=1.5, 0.1 GeV, 0.25) parameters */
117/* $\alpha$, $c$ and $\beta$ in the valence quark */
118/* distributions for soft string excitation, */
119/* $(1-x)^{\alpha}/(x^2+c^2/s)^{\beta}$ for baryons, */
120/* $1/{(x^2+c^2/s)[(1-x)^2+c^2/s)]}^{\beta}$ for mesons. */
121/*HIPR1(47), HIPR1(48): (D=0.0, 0.5) parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$ */
122/* in valence quark distribution, */
123/* $(1-x)^{\alpha}/(x^2+c^2/s)^{\beta}$, for the */
124/* disassociated excitation in a single diffractive collision. */
125/*HIPR1(49)--HIPR1(100): not used. */
126/*IHPR2(1): (D=1) switch for dipole-approximated QCD radiation */
127/* of the string system in soft interactions. */
128/*IHPR2(2): (D=3) option for initial and final state radiation in */
129/* the hard scattering. */
130/* =0: both initial and final radiation are off. */
131/* =1: initial radiation on and final radiation off. */
132/* =2: initial radiation off and final radiation on. */
133/* =3: both initial and final radiation are on. */
134/*IHPR2(3): (D=0) switch for triggered hard scattering with specified */
135/* $P_T\geq$HIPR1(10). */
136/* =0: no triggered jet production. */
137/* =1: ordinary hard processes. */
138/* =2: only direct photon production. */
139/*IHPR2(4): (D=1) switch for jet quenching in the excited */
140/* nuclear matter. */
141/*IHPR2(5): (D=1) switch for the $P_T$ kick due to soft interactions. */
142/*IHPR2(6): (D=1) switch for the nuclear effect on the parton */
143/* distribution function such as shadowing. */
144/*IHPR2(7): (D=1) selection of Duke-Owens set (1 or 2) of parametrization */
145/* of nucleon structure functions. */
146/*IHPR2(8): (D=10) maximum number of hard scatterings per */
147/* nucleon-nucleon interaction. When IHPR2(8)=0, jet */
148/* production will be turned off. When IHPR2(8)$<0$, the */
149/* number of jet production will be fixed at its absolute */
150/* value for each NN collision. */
151/*IHPR2(9): (D=0) switch to guarantee at least one pair of minijets */
152/* production per event ($pp$, $pA$ or $AB$). */
153/*IHPR2(10): (D=0) option to print warning messages about errors that */
154/* might happen. When a fatal error happens the current event */
155/* will be abandoned and a new one is generated. */
156/*IHPR2(11): (D=1) choice of baryon production model. */
157/* =0: no baryon-antibaryon pair production, initial */
158/* diquark treated as a unit. */
159/* =1: diquark-antidiquark pair production allowed, */
160/* initial diquark treated as a unit. */
161/* =2: diquark-antidiquark pair production allowed, */
162/* with the possibility for diquark to split */
163/* according to the ``popcorn'' scheme (see the */
164/* documentation of JETSET 7.2). */
165/*IHPR2(12): (D=1) option to turn off the automatic decay of the */
166/* following particles: */
167/* $\pi^0$, $K^0_S$, $D^{\pm}$, $\Lambda$, $\Sigma^{\pm}$. */
168/*IHPR2(13): (D=1) option to turn on single diffractive reactions. */
169/*IHPR2(14): (D=1) option to turn on elastic scattering. */
170/*IHPR2(15)--IHPR2(18): not used. */
171/*IHPR2(19): (D=1) option to turn on initial state soft interaction. */
172/*IHPR2(20): (D=1) switch for the final fragmentation. */
173/*IHPR2(21): (D=0) option to keep the information of all particles */
174/* including those which have decayed and the decay history */
175/* in the common block HIMAIN2. The line number of the parent */
176/* particle is KATT(I,3). The status of a partcile, */
177/* whether it is a finally produced particle (KATT(I,4)=1) */
178/* or a decayed particle (KATT(I,4)=11) is also kept. */
179/*IHPR2(22)-IHPR2(50): not used. */
180/*HINT1(1): (GeV) colliding energy in the c.m. frame of nucleon-nucleon */
181/* collisions. */
182/*HINT1(2): Lorentz transformation variable $\beta$ from laboratory */
183/* to c.m. frame of nucleon nucleon collisions. */
184/*HINT1(3): rapidity $y_{cm}$ of the c.m. frame */
185/* $\beta=\tanh y_{cm}$. */
186/*HINT1(4): rapidity of projectile nucleons (hadron) $y_{proj}$. */
187/*HINT1(5): rapidity of target nucleons (hadron) $y_{targ}$. */
188/*HINT1(6): (GeV) energy of the projectile nucleons (hadron) in the */
189/* given frame. */
190/*HINT1(7): (GeV) energy of the target nucleons (hadron) in the */
191/* given frame. */
192/*HINT1(8): (GeV) the rest mass of projectile particles. */
193/*HINT1(9): (GeV) the rest mass of target particles. */
194/*HINT1(10): (mb) the averaged cross section for jet production */
195/* per nucleon-nucleon collisions, */
196/* $\int d^2b\{1-\exp[-\sigma_{jet}T_N(b)]\}$. */
197/*HINT1(11): (mb) the averaged inclusive cross section $\sigma_{jet}$ */
198/* for jet production per nucleon-nucleon collisions. */
199/*HINT1(12): (mb) the averaged inelastic cross section of */
200/* nucleon-nucleon collisions. */
201/*HINT1(13): (mb) the averaged total cross section of nucleon-nucleon */
202/* collisions. */
203/*HINT1(14): (mb) the jet production cross section without nuclear */
204/* shadowing effect $\sigma_{jet}^0$ (see Eq.~\ref{eq:sjetab}). */
205/*HINT1(15): (mb) the cross section $\sigma_{jet}^A$ to account for */
206/* the projectile shadowing correction term in the jet cross */
207/* section (see Eq.~\ref{eq:sjetab}). */
208/*HINT1(16): (mb) the cross section $\sigma_{jet}^B$ to account for */
209/* the target shadowing correction term in the jet cross */
210/* section (see Eq.~\ref{eq:sjetab}). */
211/*HINT1(17): (mb) the cross section $\sigma_{jet}^{AB}$ to account */
212/* for the cross term of shadowing correction in the jet */
213/* cross section. */
214/*HINT1(18): (mb) the effective cross section */
215/* $\sigma_{jet}^{eff}(r_A,r_B)$ for jet production */
216/* of the latest nucleon-nucleon collision which depends */
217/* on the transverse coordinates of the colliding */
218/* nucleons. */
219/*HINT1(19): (fm) the (absolute value of) impact parameter of the */
220/* latest event. */
221/*HINT1(20): (radians) the azimuthal angle $\phi$ of the impact */
222/* parameter vector in the transverse plane of the latest */
223/* event. */
224/*HINT1(21)--HINT1(25): the four momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
225/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of the first scattered parton */
226/* in the triggered hard scattering. This is before the final */
227/* state radiation but after the initial state radiation. */
228/*HINT1(26)--HINT1(30): not used. */
229/*HINT1(31)--HINT1(35): the four momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
230/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of the second scattered parton */
231/* in the triggered hard scattering. This is before the final */
232/* state radiation but after the initial state radiation. */
233/*HINT1(46)--HINT1(40): not used. */
234/*HINT1(41)--HINT1(45): the four momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
235/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of the first scattered parton */
236/* in the latest hard scattering of the latest event. */
237/*HINT1(46): $P_T$ (GeV/$c$) of the first scattered parton in the */
238/* latest hard scattering of the latest event. */
239/*HINT1(47)--HINT1(50): not used. */
240/*HINT1(51)--HINT1(55): the four momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
241/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of the second scattered parton */
242/* in the latest hard scattering of the latest event. */
243/*HINT1(56): $P_T$ (GeV/$c$) of the second scattered parton in the */
244/* latest hard scattering of the latest event. */
245/*HINT1(57)--HINT1(58): not used. */
246/*HINT1(59): (mb) the averaged cross section of the */
247/* triggered jet production (with $P_T$ specified by HIPR1(10) */
248/* and with switch by IHPR2(3)) per nucleon-nucleon */
249/* collision, */
250/* $\int d^2b\{1-\exp[-\sigma_{jet}^{trig}T_N(b)]\}$ */
251/*HINT1(60): (mb) the averaged inclusive cross section of the */
252/* triggered jet production $\sigma_{jet}^{trig}$ */
253/* (with $P_T$ specified by */
254/* HIPR1(10) and with switch by IHPR2(3)) per */
255/* nucleon-nucleon collision. */
256/*HINT1(61): (mb) the triggered jet production cross section without */
257/* nuclear shadowing effect (similar to HINT1(14)). */
258/*HINT1(62): (mb) the cross section to account for the projectile */
259/* shadowing correction term in the triggered jet cross */
260/* section (similar to HINT1(15)). */
261/*HINT1(63): (mb) the cross section to account for the target */
262/* shadowing correction term in the triggered jet cross */
263/* section (similar to HINT1(16)). */
264/*HINT1(64): (mb) the cross section to account for the cross */
265/* term of shadowing correction in the triggered jet */
266/* cross section (similar to HINT1(17). */
267/*HINT1(65): (mb) the inclusive cross section for latest triggered */
268/* jet production which depends on the transverse coordinates */
269/* of the colliding nucleons (similar to HINT1(18)). */
270/*HINT1(67)--HINT1(71): not used. */
271/*HINT1(72)--HINT1(75): three parameters for the Wood-Saxon */
272/* projectile nuclear distribution and the normalization */
273/* read from a table inside the program, */
274/* $\rho(r)=C[1+W(r/R_A)^2]/\{1+\exp[(r-R_A)/D]\}$, */
275/* $R_A$=HINT1(72), $D$=HINT1(73), $W$=HINT1(74), $C$=HINT1(75). */
276/*HINT1(76)--HINT1(79): three parameters for the Wood-Saxon */
277/* projectile nuclear distribution and the normalization */
278/* read from a table inside the program, */
279/* $\rho(r)=C[1+W(r/R_A)^2]/\{1+\exp[(r-R_A)/D]\}$, */
280/* $R_A$=HINT1(76), $D$=HINT1(77), $W$=HINT1(78), $C$=HINT1(79). */
281/*HINT1(80)--HINT1(100): the probability of $j=0-20$ number of hard */
282/* scatterings per nucleon-nucleon collisions. */
283/*IHNT2(1): the mass number of the projectile nucleus (1 for a hadron). */
284/*IHNT2(2): the charge number of the projectile nucleus. If the */
285/* projectile is a hadron, it gives the charge of the hadron. */
286/*IHNT2(3): the mass number of the target nucleus (1 for a hadron). */
287/*IHNT2(4): the charge number of the target nucleus. If the target */
288/* is a hadron, it gives the charge of the hadron. */
289/*IHNT2(5): the flavor code of the projectile hadron (0 for nucleus). */
290/*IHNT2(6): the flavor code of the target hadron (0 for nucleus). */
291/*IHNT2(7)--IHNT2(8): not used. */
292/*IHNT2(9): the flavor code of the first scattered parton in the */
293/* triggered hard scattering. */
294/*IHNT2(10): the flavor code of the second scattered parton in the */
295/* triggered hard scattering. */
296/*IHNT2(11): the sequence number of the projectile nucleon in the */
297/* latest nucleon-nucleon interaction of the latest event. */
298/*IHNT2(12): the sequence number of the target nucleon in the latest */
299/* nucleon-nucleon interaction of the latest event. */
300/*IHNT2(13): status of the latest soft string excitation. */
301/* =1: double diffractive. */
302/* =2: single diffractive. */
303/* =3: non-single diffractive. */
304/*IHNT2(14): the flavor code of the first scattered parton in the */
305/* latest hard scattering of the latest event. */
306/*IHNT2(15): the flavor code of the second scattered parton in the */
307/* latest hard scattering of the latest event. */
308/*IHNT2(16)--IHNT2(50): not used. */
314typedef struct {
315 Int_t natt;
316 Float_t eatt;
317 Int_t jatt;
318 Int_t nt;
319 Int_t np;
320 Int_t n0;
321 Int_t n01;
322 Int_t n10;
323 Int_t n11;
324 Float_t bb;
325 } Himain1Common;
327#define HIMAIN1 COMMON_BLOCK(HIMAIN1,himain1)
330/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
332/*COMMON/HIMAIN1/NATT, EATT, JATT, NT, NP, N0, N01, N10, N11 */
333/*Purpose: to give the overall information of the generated event. */
334/*NATT: total number of produced stable and undecayed particles of */
335/* the current event. */
336/*EATT: the total energy of the produced particles in c.m. frame */
337/* of the collision to check energy conservation. */
338/*JATT: the total number of hard scatterings in the current event. */
339/*NP, NT: the number of participant projectile and target nucleons */
340/* in the current event. */
341/*N0, N01, N10, N11: number of $N$-$N$, $N$-$N_{wounded}$, */
342/* $N_{wounded}$-$N$, and */
343/* $N_{wounded}$-$N_{wounded}$ collisions in */
344/* the current event ($N$, $N_{wounded}$ stand */
345/* for nucleon and wounded nucleon respectively). */
34c6d0b9 350/* COMMON/HIMAIN2/KATT(200000,4),PATT(200000,4),VATT(200000,4)*/
7dffa423 351/*--------------------------------------------------------*/
352typedef struct {
c5af11ff 353 Int_t katt[4][200000];
354 Float_t patt[4][200000];
c9080d26 355 Float_t vatt[4][200000];
7dffa423 356} Himain2Common;
358#define HIMAIN2 COMMON_BLOCK(HIMAIN2,himain2)
361/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
363/*Purpose: to give information of produced stable and undecayed */
364/* particles. Parent particles which decayed are not included */
365/* here. */
366/*KATT(I, 1): (I=1,$\cdots$,NATT) flavor codes (see appendix) of */
367/* the produced particles. */
368/*KATT(I, 2): (I=1,$\cdots$,NATT) status codes to identify the */
369/* sources from which the particles come. */
370/* =0: projectile nucleon (or hadron) which has */
371/* not interacted at all. */
372/* =1: projectile nucleon (or hadron) which */
373/* only suffers an elastic collision. */
374/* =2: from a diffractive projectile nucleon (or hadron) */
375/* in a single diffractive interaction. */
376/* =3: from the fragmentation of a projectile string */
377/* system (including gluon jets). */
378/* =10 target nucleon (or hadron) which has not */
379/* interacted at all. */
380/* =11: target nucleon (or hadron) which only */
381/* suffers an elastic collision. */
382/* =12: from a diffractive target nucleon (or hadron) */
383/* in a single diffractive interaction. */
384/* =13: from the fragmentation of a target string */
385/* system (including gluon jets). */
386/* =20: from scattered partons which form string */
387/* systems themselves. */
388/* =40: from direct production in the hard processes */
389/* ( currently, only direct photons are included). */
390/*KATT(I,3): (I=1,$\cdots$,NATT) line number of the parent particle. */
391/* For finally produced or directly produced (not from */
392/* the decay of another particle) particles, it is set */
393/* to 0 (The option to keep the information of all */
394/* particles including the decayed ones is IHPR2(21)=1). */
395/*KATT(I,4): (I=1,$\cdots$,NATT) status number of the particle. */
396/* =1: finally or directly produced particles. */
397/* =11: particles which has already decayed. */
398/*PATT(I, 1-4): (I=1,$\cdots$,NATT) four-momentum ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E$) */
399/* (GeV/$c$, GeV) of the produced particles. */
400/* */
404/* COMMON/HIJJET1/NPJ(300),KFPJ(300,500),PJPX(300,500),PJPY(300,500) */
405/* & ,PJPZ(300,500),PJPE(300,500),PJPM(300,500) */
406/* & ,NTJ(300),KFTJ(300,500),PJTX(300,500),PJTY(300,500) */
407/* & ,PJTZ(300,500),PJTE(300,500),PJTM(300,500) */
409typedef struct {
410 Int_t npj[300];
411 Int_t kfpj[500][300];
412 Float_t pjpx[500][300];
413 Float_t pjpy[500][300];
414 Float_t pjpz[500][300];
415 Float_t pjpe[500][300];
416 Float_t pjpm[500][300];
417 Int_t ntj[300];
418 Int_t kftj[500][300];
419 Float_t pjtx[500][300];
420 Float_t pjty[500][300];
421 Float_t pjtz[500][300];
422 Float_t pjte[500][300];
423 Float_t pjtm[500][300];
424} Hijjet1Common;
426#define HIJJET1 COMMON_BLOCK(HIJJET1,hijjet1)
429/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
431/*Purpose: contains information about produced partons which are */
432/* connected with the valence quarks and diquarks of */
433/* projectile or target nucleons (or hadron) to form */
434/* string systems for fragmentation. The momentum and */
435/* energy of all produced partons are calculated in */
436/* the c.m. frame of the collision. IAP, IAT are the */
437/* numbers of nucleons in projectile and target nucleus */
438/* respectively (IAP, IAT=1 for hadron projectile or target). */
439/*NPJ(I): (I=1,$\cdots$,IAP) number of partons associated with projectile*/
440/* nucleon I. */
441/*KFPJ(I, J): (I=1,$\cdots$,IAP, J=1,$\cdots$,NPJ(I)) parton */
442/* flavor code of the */
443/* parton J associated with projectile nucleon I. */
444/*PJPX(I, J), PJPY(I, J), PJPZ(I, J), PJPE(I, J), PJPM(I, J): the four */
445/* momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
446/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of parton J associated with */
447/* the projectile nucleon I. */
448/*NTJ(I): (I=1,$\cdots$,IAT) number of partons associated with */
449/* target nucleon I. */
450/*KFTJ(I, J): (I=1,$\cdots$,IAT, J=1,$\cdots$,NTJ(I)): parton */
451/* flavor code of the parton J associated with */
452/* target nucleon I. */
453/*PJTX(I, J), PJTY(I, J), PJTZ(I, J), PJTE(I, J), PJTM(I, J): the four */
454/* momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
455/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of parton J associated with */
456/* target nucleon I. */
457/* */
461/* COMMON/HIJJET2/NSG,NJSG(900),IASG(900,3),K1SG(900,100), */
462/* & K2SG(900,100),PXSG(900,100),PYSG(900,100), */
463/* & PZSG(900,100),PESG(900,100),PMSG(900,100) */
465typedef struct {
466 Int_t nsg;
467 Int_t njsg[900];
468 Int_t iasg[3][900];
469 Int_t k1sg[100][900];
470 Int_t k2sg[100][900];
471 Float_t pxsg[100][900];
472 Float_t pysg[100][900];
473 Float_t pzsg[100][900];
474 Float_t pesg[100][900];
475 Float_t pmsg[100][900];
476} Hijjet2Common;
478#define HIJJET2 COMMON_BLOCK(HIJJET2,hijjet2)
481/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
483/*Purpose: contains information about the produced partons which */
484/* will form string systems themselves without being */
485/* connected to valence quarks and diquarks. */
486/*NSG: the total number of such string systems. */
487/*NJSG(I): (I=1,$\cdots$,NSG) number of partons in the string system I. */
488/*IASG(I, 1), IASG(I, 2): to specify which projectile and target */
489/* nucleons produce string system I. */
490/*IASG(I, 3): to indicate whether the jets will be quenched (0) */
491/* or will not be quenched (1). */
492/*K1SG(I, J): (J=1,$\cdots$,NJSG(I)) color flow information of parton J */
493/* in string system I (see JETSET 7.2 for detailed */
494/* explanation). */
495/*K2SG(I, J): (J=1,$\cdots$,NJSG(I)) flavor code of parton J in string */
496/* system I. */
497/*PXSG(I, J), PYSG(I, J), PZSG(I, J), PESG(I, J), PMSG(I, J): four */
498/* momentum and mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
499/* ( GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of parton J in string system I. */
503/* COMMON/HISTRNG/NFP(300,15),PP(300,15),NFT(300,15),PT(300,15) */
505typedef struct {
506 Int_t nfp[15][300];
507 Float_t pp[15][300];
508 Int_t nft[15][300];
509 Float_t pt[15][300];
510} HistrngCommon;
65a17253 514
517/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
519/* The following common block is added to record the number of elastic*/
520/* (NELT, NELP) and inelastic (NINT, NINP) participants */
521/* */
524/* SAVE /HIJGLBR/ */
526typedef struct {
527 Int_t nelt;
528 Int_t nint;
529 Int_t nelp;
530 Int_t ninp;
531 Int_t npspecp;
532 Int_t nnspecp;
533 Int_t npspect;
534 Int_t nnspect;
535} HijglbrCommon;
7dffa423 541/*************************************************************************/
542/* D E S C R I P T I O N : */
544/*Purpose: contains information about the projectile and */
545/* target nucleons (hadron) and the corresponding constituent */
546/* quarks, diquarks. IAP, IAT are the numbers of nucleons in */
547/* projectile and target nucleus respectively (IAP, IAT=1 */
548/* for hadron projectile or target). */
549/*NFP(I, 1): (I=1,$\cdots$,IAP) flavor code of the valence quark in */
550/* projectile nucleon (hadron) I. */
551/*NFP(I, 2): flavor code of diquark in projectile nucleon (anti-quark */
552/* in projectile meson) I. */
553/*NFP(I, 3): present flavor code of the projectile nucleon (hadron) I */
554/* ( a nucleon or meson can be excited to its vector resonance). */
555/*NFP(I, 4): original flavor code of projectile nucleon (hadron) I. */
556/*NFP(I, 5): collision status of projectile nucleon (hadron) I. */
557/* =0: suffered no collision. */
558/* =1: suffered an elastic collision. */
559/* =2: being the diffractive one in a single-diffractive */
560/* collision. */
561/* =3: became an excited string after an inelastic */
562/* collision. */
563/*NFP(I, 6): the total number of hard scatterings associated with */
564/* projectile nucleon (hadron) I. If NFP(I,6)$<0$, it can not */
565/* produce jets any more due to energy conservation. */
566/*NFP(I, 10): to indicate whether the valence quarks or diquarks */
567/* (anti-quarks) in projectile nucleon (hadron) I */
568/* suffered a hard scattering, */
569/* =0: has not suffered a hard scattering. */
570/* =1: suffered one or more hard scatterings in */
571/* current binary nucleon-nucleon collision. */
572/* =-1: suffered one or more hard scatterings in */
573/* previous binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. */
574/*NFP(I, 11): total number of interactions projectile nucleon (hadron) */
575/* I has suffered so far. */
576/*PP(I, 1), PP(I, 2), PP(I, 3), PP(I, 4), PP(I, 5): four momentum and */
577/* the invariant mass ($p_x,p_y,p_z,E,M$) */
578/* (GeV/$c$, GeV, GeV/$c^2$) of projectile nucleon (hadron) I. */
579/*PP(I, 6), PP(I, 7): transverse momentum ($p_x,p_y$) (GeV/$c$) of the */
580/* valence quark in projectile nucleon (hadron) I. */
581/*PP(I, 8), PP(I, 9): transverse momentum ($p_x,p_y$) (GeV/$c$) of the */
582/* diquark (anti-quark) in projectile nucleon (hadron) I. */
583/*PP(I, 10), PP(I, 11), PP(I, 12): three momentum ($p_x,p_y,p_z$) */
584/* (GeV/$c$) transferred to the quark or diquark (anti-quark) */
585/* in projectile nucleon (hadron) I from the last hard */
586/* scattering. */
587/*PP(I, 14): mass (GeV/$c^2$) of the quark in projectile nucleon */
588/* (hadron) I. */
589/*PP(I, 15): mass of the diquark (anti-quark) in projectile */
590/* nucleon (hadron) I. */
591/*NFT(I, 1--15), PT(I,1--15): give the same */
592/* information for the target nucleons (hadron) and the */
593/* corresponding quarks and diquarks (anti-quarks) as for */
594/* the projectile nucleons. */
595/* */
c9080d26 597
598// COMMON/LUDAT1_HIJING/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200)
600 typedef struct {
601 Int_t mstu[200];
602 Float_t paru[200];
603 Int_t mstj[200];
604 Float_t parj[200];
605} Ludat1_HijingCommon;
607#define LUDAT1_HIJING COMMON_BLOCK(LUDAT1_HIJING,ludat1_hijing)
7dffa423 609}
65a17253 611
7dffa423 612#endif